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it's map so right now it's not mapping anybody right so what you want to do is just keep it right there and if something if a stick figure shows know what there's something literally sitting on the bed what's up guys I hope you're doing well Jason Nash here welcome to my channel Jason Nash comedy I am owner and proprietor I hope you're doing great before I begin I want to tell you about my new line of march it's called rest when I'm dead here is the hoodie oh my god there's also the crewneck right there and it's available at fan Joko backslash jason nash go to the link in the description right now and pick up submerge it will be super cool last night that's very sturdy last night we met up with Amy Bruni and Adam Barry host of the TV show kindred spirits and these guys basically hunt ghosts they'll come to your house and tell you if there's any paranormal activity going on I hooked up with them and I brought them over to David's house where natalie has been seeing some weird things that was like really really long and drawn-out so weird things what is this there's some ghost hunting material oh just an iPad holder take a selfie oh it's a big selfies basically use video game technology to map each Kinect technology to map you know instead of mapping you for a video game it Maps the space and so it'll show a figure if it picks it up on here I think this is how I would trick my little brother are you sure yeah you connected it can plug an Xbox I even do it somebody designed it yeah and instead of mapping you it'll map a ghost come on let's focus we're here with Amy and Adam you guys are the ghost hunters let's start with the obvious question are ghosts real [Laughter] 100% and some of them are nice some of them are kind of a more jerks yeah I'll be honest I have seen some ghosts in here here yes you have you have the most concern tell Amy and Adam what you're scared of I'll sorry I'm like so first story I went on vacation for like a couple like a week or something and I came back I don't know told us like properly sure um I came back and when I came back to my room I had this photo of my parents aren't together anymore and I had this photo that for like 22 years it's my whole life and it's like a little photo booth like strip and I cut it out until I can shake my heart and I put into this little heart frame I've had it for years I came back and everything the maid had calm everything was like tidy and clean was the only thing that was like that step was this photo and the photo frame was here and went the phone back and it kept it in was over here and like the photo was just completely gone it wasn't in the trash wasn't anywhere and like no one I've been in my room we were gone and then so that happened and then also I used to have a chair in the corner of my room and the same like occurrence the chair was like pulled out to the middle of my room and then I might ride back and I saw the photo and I was like what who was in my room and no one was that was like really bizarre when they Natalie Natalie was first in the house before I even moved in cuz she interior decorated it with a friend and the day we put the speakers in the day we install the speaker's her and my friend were sleeping in my room because I was still at my apartment and in the middle of the night they woke up to the speakers blasting music and the music it was playing was you know that son that goes I'm so lonely really creepy song and they never had it like queued up or anything that was like the one thing I was like okay that's weird and then my and then my mom came to visit once and I was like I was I've already been hit I've already been like hearing things I've been hearing things like in the house but I just like didn't wanna admit it to myself that there was something here but um my mom was here and then on the last day I was like do you think there's like a ghost in here and she goes I I wanted to tell you that I like I feel something here but I just didn't want to scare you but I'm glad that you know too so she like also felt something but nothing has like attacked us or nothing's been like yeah oh yeah and we both had the same pain like a headache pain like in the bottom of her head and it was a really weird but it was it was paired with something else drinking I think I think the ghost in here is Tito's okay let's start ghost hunting we have questions though have you heard of anything like anything tragic happening in this house before you bought it just the amount I have to pay for it no nothing no nothing you know how old it is when was it built it's pretty old I think it's for like the 40s okay do you know how many owners its head what do you know about the house that you paid millions of dollars for [Laughter] nothing okay I did I did like a search like you know online you can like put in like your address and tells you how many people have died none okay no debts up this house that I know of well then I guess the questions for you is when did the when did the photo happen what do you know what we haven't had anything happen in like a month probably why did your mom think it was haunted Jesus had a feeling you like you you like hear things like in the ceiling a lot of times it's just squirrels because we've gone out there they're just a bunch of poop yes so it is squirrels for the most part but but you can just hear like banging on the walls can you kill the squirrels but you're already investigating yeah so literally you're like people sometimes there I hear people walking in the roof but there's no roof but really you've you've debunked that you like as squirrels right yeah every time you hear something up there you should assume it's Ann Ann yes right so let's move past that let's move I guess do you want to go there I think we should just go where the most activity is which is your let's go [Laughter] [Laughter] okay well what are you guys feeling we're in the room we could we should make it darker sure yeah you can turn that off you don't have vision you guys come in here smell and you're hearing it Titan where's that picture she does say put it down stop touching Jace look at the device it's an iPad hooked up to a Kinect sensor so it's mapping so it's matching let me see it's map so right now it's not mapping anybody right so what you want to do is just keep it right there and if something shows up you can let us know me like whoa so that's this is what you're really looking what is that yes and if something if a stick figure shows Natalie there's an elephant right wait who is it is it oh no no no guys I'm gonna start crying yeah okay false alarm yeah this isn't over great how are you gonna summon the ghost we just talk to it like a normal person do G words work no are they joke and they both communities a fisher-price makes them yeah okay but this is an xbox sensor so you don't have the picture right do you have anything of your parents do you have a you have a picture of your parents at all that's okay cuz I was gonna use this this is like a proximity sensor so we just attach it to the what though yeah right and so if if somebody was familiar with the item and they were to touch it then this would have arm by God if you have anything belonging to your mother at all like a jewelry like a metal tray okay so that's something Natalie's mom has given her for attaching this to see if someone interacts with it but it's me so when you come close right oh wow so when you when something comes close to it it'll start beeping okay so this is a ghost sensor okay let's stay away now what do we do we wait seven hours [Laughter] this is a recorder it's actually though but it's really old it's like from the 90s but for some reason it picks up voices really well oh yeah so good go ask the ghost I ask the ghost questions listen there's no there's no wrong way to fan like kind of here so I can get both dad was not us nope Nelly went right here no no she walked right here what rock back again no not her okay okay okay okay everyone calm down okay now they asked a question are you a happy ghost are you are you here to hurt us so ask question sighs okay why did you shut your gun yeah are you here to hurt Natalie do you know who Natalie is is this your house do you like whoa wait what happened this is not this is all we have is our integrity in reputation this is 100% yeah 100% because we're nothing without me no Natalie who do you like the best I literally heard that already but I know that's like me other time like four guys yeah oh my god what's crazy though you've established two things someone's saying get out and that's not a negative thing that's literally could you somebody may like there's too many seasons yeah stop talking like it whispers now who's your favorite and it's like Natalie but that makes sense because you said there was activity happening in this space so there's something that somebody or something that likes you you asked us to get out are you upset about something what happened with the picture why was the picture in the bathroom are you related to Natalie somehow or do you know her do you know her parents are you here to hurt us are you are you watching over Natalie are you her guardian angel [Music] that sound like me question my that sound like me you know what so if we don't have I mean you don't have a lot of time right so your and I don't you you're not leaving now I mean maybe you should take the time and address whoever you think it is cuz we've got three answers one let's get out but we don't think it was like- right right let's leave and have Natalie asking questions by herself okay I'm gonna be like dead okay go we're gonna leave don't make a single sound okay this is what I would say like just focus on talking to it and make letting them know this is your space and that you would like them to not be in your space when you're in here you don't saying just have what kind of a heart to heart because it seems like they're protecting you I don't like you but first still get to know it cuz I want to see like what's up know Nataly nice knowing you Natalie are you a friend of mine do I know you how long have you been in this house for are we your friends do you want to continue to live in this house do you like me why are you here how did you die have I met you are you in this room right now are you a boy how old were you when you passed away are you a relative are you a mean spirit all right we're good listen to this [Applause] [Music] whoa I'm a sound like I have to I don't know it's not it sounds like it said Natalie first whispered Natalie said who do you like the best what's the craziest thing you've seen probably at Waverly Hills in Kentucky we were just there you catch it no I'm like if you could catch them on camera so easy like especially nowadays everywhere yeah right cameras pointed right okay that's yeah that's my biggest concern about ghosts is like if ghosts are real then why the hell do we not see tweets about it every single day about someone catching something on campus I see I mean yeah we get sent we have things since this we can't back then we weren't there like you got there - no I mean I have an experience once where I was talking to a lady who didn't exist and she looked as real as you did and I was having a conversation with her but she was dressed in these red sweatpants olds Nike shorts she was had a diet coke bottle in her hand but like from the 80s it was spit all in it rose and she was like talking to me and like wanting to know what I was doing and nobody no one else saw her but me but she looked as real as you so what's to say that you haven't seen a ghost walking down the street because it looked as just as real as anyone else oh don't you be scared to be in here right like for us for us think of the positives do you have somebody who likes you the best right so they're obviously don't wanna do me harm they can't or they would have said so it's not anything crazy yeah like we see way more happening like okay final verdict is this place haunted possibly possibly but nothing too serious yeah I think the next step for you specifically you is to get all the deeds from this house find out who lived here find out if anything happened here if anything happened nearby like do your own research about the property and the land and what was here before was here we we did and I even asked my real estate guy and he couldn't find anything yeah in this apartment complex in Echo Park he's a friend of all of ours and Brandon and and there was a murder there in the 20s there was a child that was murdered there and hmm everyone in the apartment complex would see an old woman walking down the hallway and in at multiple 20 people saw that the the only part that's creepy about this house does this entire hallway is a regular hallway but when you get to here it's the only hollow part it's like there's something buried underneath I mean I don't care I'll put a hole in it if we have to do it I mean you should I would probably just first get like a FLIR camera like a camera go start people that won't go to the afterlife have you ever heard that - this actually we totally believe every time we find it goes like if we can figure out who they are there's usually a reason there's like I'm actual unfinished business and you work with people who clear houses - or usually the only way we do is when we figure out why they're here and we fix it right and so it's a lot of work usually we can fix it she was right one more time before you leave just Group one cuz maybe it's like oh I wish they'd ask me one more time because now I'm ready we have to go now is there anything you want to tell us before we leave okay I'll see you later that's it thanks nothing we're good no one finished business it's probably not you anymore know what there's a way to fix all this Natalie it's literally just [Applause] [Music] we'll be all right
Channel: Jason Nash
Views: 1,616,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: david, 3am challenge, lizzza, davids vlogs, vlogsquad, toddy smithy, todd smith, scott sire, scottysire, hussar, evil, spirits, 3:00, paranormal, paranormal activity, ghost detector, scary stories, vlogging, youtube guava juice, queen mary b340, haunted room, halloween 2018, guava juice, guava juice youtube, roi, ghost app, challenges, guava, juice, creepy, scary video, the gabbie show, best of vine, ghost hunting on a haunted ship, mass suicide, kindred spirits tlc, tlc show
Id: 5Wo5YuGTZLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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