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where are we going tonight I don't know all I know is that with my two favorite youtubers Liza's here yo guys what's up Jason Nash here shot well as you see this part of it is very dark and I love I love this light my modeling agent once told me your best in low-light it's been a crazy 72 hours was hanging out with Tricia I was shooting with David I got kicked off an airplane we all got kicked off an airplane and it was really just an intense kind of thing and we're doing the views tour today we're gonna do the live podcast I've been doing this tour it's really really putting stress on me and Trish's relationship I feel terrible about it I'm gone Fridays Saturdays and Sundays and and when I come back on Sunday I have to see my kids so yeah it's putting a lot of stress to our relationship and we haven't been seeing each other as much but we did get a chance to hang out and yeah we had a lot of fun together wait a minute are you flirting are you flirting with my girlfriend I saw - we'll be back later John we'll see you later girl bye what babe what what did I do protecting my woman oh come on that was a good [ __ ] Trish oh we're glad you're back we have a lot to talk about oh really yeah I just found out that water is made up of h2o what yeah the other fun facts - oh my god just find out that I'm German people are all from Germany and they live in other places as well ah Trisha what would you like tonight to be I will make it happen really yeah why do you always say purple is not a comedy I thought you'd say something like a bubble corned beef sandwich that's what she means after the proposal what a face on this man what a face on this man it's david dobrik face on this man maybe a baby yeah pick one of the other B it's a fun proposal you can get you're pregnant yeah get an ultrasound and although on the ultrasound the doctor would be like what is this on your baby and it's a ring would you be filming any of this yes what do you think we'd be playing the part of the doctor who says my kid's gonna have a baby penis well every baby has a baby penis thanks for picking me up no problem this is crazy like I was think David hates me and then like this would hate you around sometimes he ignores me for like a week once you found trash I were to government in some ways this past week you didn't even ask to hang out oh yeah keep my distance why I'm scared of you I'm really terrified right now I'd always be something kind of like it that David's a little afraid of you yeah I love it I love it be more scared of me the way you said that sounds like you're scared yeah [Music] - Mamma Mia - you would know what that's from yeah about either of us [Music] oh well you care about his money I've been doing toys about 15 years tell us a joke can you give me the footage mm yeah oh my god literally twelve that's a joke over the years there's guys just drove by and I'm like give us the best joke you know and he goes well the white horse fell in the mud that's the dirtiest joke I know bro Hollywood you have comedians on every corner I'm gonna see lots of funny jokes they're too easily impressed I'm asking people to tell me a joke you live in Hollywood come on it's okay give me something why picked off ma'am I'm asking my people jokes and you have a nice car which means you've made it in Hollywood tell me a joke you have no joke that you've heard fair enough bless you later should we race louver always point two miles okay but don't give up don't like don't lie to me and then I floor it and then you would you stay here we're going for it okay I can turn to hey that was pretty good messing around those that was fun Thanks that's okay about the joke I forgive you now he's in the car okay twenty dollars in cash and I'll go to the bank why do you have to go to think because I have a girl that he's always paying for parking not because I bought him a new house where did you point me anyway I bought on a first birthday you borrow my hat take your license or credit card I don't I know I got you gotta get jokes I gotta get you I don't know you took us here [Music] I'm from Studio City [Music] I'm from Studio City my friend is trying to collecting jokes from different people tonight do you have a joke like you don't tell me you love me enough what was the last time I told you I loved you I gotta go grab something for my house let me ride with you let's go do that what do you need at your house yeah pretty strong assumptions to make based on the factors didn't say I love you in LA hi guys what's poppin kids we don't know yet hi friend who says they like me out of Scotty and toddy and David back away from the vehicle you're going to get your toes right over maybe even cracking me up so much lately no you're just funny maybe tell David today what I'm a photographer always the best photographer ever I'm getting like really good at it David like there were some lemons behind her and I was like no wait let's move these lemons into this shot so you can have always stood up for you when people talk about your lack of photography skills because they know that you have a lot more to offer than people see thank you very much first thing you said doesn't mean as much yeah great man um I don't like that David's in your thumbnail for the past three videos Oh Trish you know the tides have turned mother oh really because I think there's only at 400,000 I don't think they go above that I think that's what I was getting for you at least you still get to sucker you you know you're my thumbnail baby that's the sweetest thing my last video got three million views I made twenty eight dollars and forty three cents shut up what can I say next level are you kidding I'm not kidding no that can't be no do you poet hasn't reported it hasn't reported in the police is it have money to afford a ring for me but he spends money on two assistants buying people new cars she goes so $300,000 ring David she deserves it thank you David because my treatment may be too poor for and Greece and Hawaii I'm buying your ticket to Chicago money so I can spend more time with you so I know but I miss the tour the tour has been eating up all my time I've been gone fried inside and then I come back to eat money they think we gonna go in for a while you're coming back out that's why she gets paid baby it's possible it's just impossible it's so hard and then they start growing and then you have to really take care of them I want a baby [Laughter] in my belly okay yeah second cent no you said okay if you want a baby you're gonna have to wait with me how long cuz I don't have much time you young you're 30 years old 35 is when they tell you it goes starts going down and your iris should we table this we're not gonna we're not gonna settle this tonight she really wants to move in David that's what we talked about when you wait inside what should we do my honest opinion yeah not real honest truth Tricia is a blood sucking vampire notice how you've never seen her during the day today mm-hmm you see lovely no you see an exoskeleton that Patricia Oh see the real Tricia the one that wants to marry the actual and crazy one who fell at a nighttime because she's a vampire hole up a mere in her face she won't show up our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name maybe I'm wrong maybe she's just crazy where we going I don't know where we're going where are you trying to I want to try that place that my on my guy told me to go to what place is that it no vacancy [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks like we just taught ourselves are in this what you want to put on pants no we both want to put on pants I'm not gonna fit into your waist let's run with the doctor Tricia's like we're going in no I don't mind but DS not gonna fit your pants gonna be a tight fit not only fit for oh but you look like a stud so Friday morning we woke up and we went to the airport together Tricia was going somewhere else and I was going to Houston I don't think it's supposed to do that guys I'm wearing david dobrik jeans couldn't get into this club without wearing these jeans so david may be pretty pretty toy and guys guess what you're I said to Trish david dobrik secretly as a big ass look at the giant ass that david dobrik has you're hearing it here first on drama alert well we're getting to the airport right now boozed and why is that that's the theme song you should know you listen to the show every week and then find little things that I said it oh I think it's hilarious I actually talked to you during the show we had happened my podcast I talked to Trish Suhr in this jail I'll say something and you know like David a laugh and I think it's funny and then I'll go oh wait I don't know I don't know if she's gonna like that one guys I was here yesterday helping Trisha with her videos her swimsuit videos her lingerie videos touches how she gets paid so she makes these videos for companies to go watch your videos but you should know and I am an expert photographer in these videos and I'm becoming very inspired with the camera I'm not your father I would think stop thinking that isn't it better if you don't have to feel like you have to be in my blog that's mine I wish I had known there was a Starbucks there I wish I had gone to bed at 10 woken up in 6 worked out at the gym gone to the Starbucks had now been here that's just not the life thank you gotta jaws oh that's my favorite Chinese food restaurant guys jaws Asian tapas myself phenoms like its most at me I can't meet with myself I think it's like so sad we walk to eat alone some people love it see the mukbang another talk that's good at least got something done I drove all the way over to see my kids and it was like I literally saw them for like 20 minutes and I was like I just I just stood in the driveway and like it gave it play basketball Wyatt knows it I know you came back fast actually because by the time you call me I was still out anyway Adam any video I was like okay I'll be ready I thought you were gonna be gone for a while I wanted a pack and I wanted to see you should come to Houston with me if you ask me the sooner I would have sent you to come on the tour you're always invited all the dates it's fine if I gotta do this much to come you said you don't want to like no I'm not going anywhere near that door sometimes you use very strong language I did not exam anywhere near that door I would did not say it like that no there's been moments where you're just like you're not having you're not pleased with the tour so I get frustrated right I feel like a fan because I took some merch and I have a picture of us I feel like you lose all your money why because right because you live you live a certain way well I would say I got you but don't all that's true well here's the truth did you ever do go broke I got you that but you don't want to live with me if I went broke and I call anybody say it no we'd have we'd have to live by my rules money doesn't make you happy it doesn't that's why when you're still like I need money to make money I'm like okay you're going to be more minutes one serving you more money I just want to be able to Semak is about those two things could probably work together out with a 30 million video 39 news but I think we're gonna get on our wedding video Oh we'd be lucky to get that you know I don't physically put the thumbs up button on your video when I'm done you don't you only like it when you're in it but then I feel guilty and then sometimes I'll go like after a weekend like all your videos like oh you know I that's not because in my head where I'm thinking this is how I'm working on my vindictiveness it's like attrition that Trish on each shoulder because I am like here's the thing oh my god this is the thing I like want to be to you because like sometimes I feel like you're so sometimes and I really want you so like when you were left and there's something I didn't like at the podcast like you have to please can't give you a little weight like nope you got to get down then like as soon as you're like okay I'm doing it I was like instantly my heart hurt so bad I was like that's so why would you say that trash like you like drink it through the mud on your videos like thank God you let me go on no and I was in the airport I was like on the phone with the guys from cadence they're like okay what from where to where and then I'm like sitting there like listening to each second I'm like okay and it was in an ad it was wrapped around a vitamin water ad which was the big spa but yeah when you said that you liked it wasn't an hour like wait forgive me the ad money I'll take that money thank you see babe marry you don't worry about this stuff because I couldn't take money from you because I did with our money so but then you know what I do I do go on like all your videos and I'm like alright I'll go like them because then I feel bad I don't know it's like a weird thing I bet he just told me that it's so funny yeah bad about it another another vlog squad member over here you like to say how much you love me just start the show with like by the way just want to say I love it your show okay I'm not there for you mom yes they are yeah who is this pick anything from this column I'll see you [Music] believe that Sunday see Mamma Mia - yeah I think I'm Matt and I'll take anything they don't allow the your son at the bar yeah let me tell me show you how it works in you - yeah we just ask people if you want to collab hey you want collab please down he shook his head no you think Todd would do it well collab Todd hey yo y'all want Todd people don't get as excited when I turn my camera on is when David does David when you turn your camera down people get really excited when I turn mine on look this is what I get standing around you want to hear you want to collab I dare you to tell this family that they have a lovely family I dare you man I dare you to tell this guy hey have a nice day that's sick so we're getting ready to get on the flight and David wants me to put on a prison costume there's got another costume for me to put on we had more in a costume the week before when we went to New York David told me like let's do a prison costume I was like well I was like oh man I don't know that's that's like a little weird okay I'm doing it place my other options were a hazmat suit and a penis costume so I was like I let's do the prison costume the water flows end up on my body for the entire weekend and then we talked to the people at the gate and they were like oh what you guys doing right go we're youtubers and they were totally fine with the fact that I was in a prison costume I got on the plane and I had handcuffs from the prison costume and I couldn't get them off and I was like David give me the key and so he gave the key to Todd and he told Todd to swallow it and I saw Todd swallow the key and Todd goes ooh but I'm like a few rows back you know I really thought Todd swallowed the key but he didn't and so did sane and so Zane got really concerns amy was like worried for Todd's well-being and he asked the flight attendant if there was a doctor on the flight and I was like Dana like don't don't say that he's like who's saying what I'm worried about Todd like what if we go up in the air and there's something goes wrong and I was like no no no no don't ask that and then from there I'm not sure why we just they were just done with us they were just like they kicked us off okay guys we just got kicked off the airplane I'm not gonna say what airline it is they were very nice Chris we should start with the fact that prison and then that was it and then we were all kicked off and then poor Joe is back in economy just enjoying all these game game I was a quarter of the way we would have been landed already like they already came back from Houston I mean they were excited to go to Houston still and yeah it's like no big deal guys it's no big deal just to hang out in the airport all day and talk everyone's in a great mood Todd yeah he saw its last week in the airport we're back again this time delay overs are falling all right guys we didn't make it on the first-class flight we're gonna take economy now we're flying economy because they could kick this off the first one but yeah we're gonna be sitting where Joseph Joe can you show us about economy I've blown it in so long I remember what it's like it's dangerous it's unbelievable what a summer this is my second Friday all day in the airport yeah second in a row people are on the beach with your kids where am I tomorrow reward adventure now Joe who thought it would be a good idea for Rolling Stone to get in the food business makes no sense I just don't think food when I think rock and roll journalism did you guys drink a lot no how many drinks did you have we've been here a long time on account one drink like heard of or what is per double mean when you order a look at tequila soda I've been here probably 16 drinks bro I just remembered we're at LAX ijen I actually forgot yeah we can read that no we're I like some like halfway Airport me too we're in LA get the costume ready which one my hazmat the costume for this flight I knew it's a good idea to costumes and I mean honestly we were in the wrong and it was completely me and David's fault and I'm never I will never do anything like that at the airport again well I do want to send my kids to college so you never know stepping down won't you love I'm taking off yeah winter
Channel: Jason Nash
Views: 898,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jason nash, vine, jason nash vine, best vines, funny vines, compilation, vine compilation, jason nash vine compilation, David Dobrik, Zane Hijazi, Scotty Sire, Carly and Erin, Josh Peck, Matt King, Heath Hussar, Durte Dom, Alex Ernst, Caught, First Time, Trisa Paytas, vlog squad, dare, surprise, prank, airport, trisha paytas, united, thrown off united flight, united employee, first class
Id: V4BtuvNm9UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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