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thinks this is like screwing up his day which it might be you know the truth is there's nothing going on in your house are you guys being serious okay we're going to South Coast Plaza Mall where Trisha is going to spend breaker 1-9 this is j-dog - coming down the room chris is gonna spend $100,000 in one afternoon can you just let me know why would you want I would not want close you're such a hard person yeah you don't want anything all right I'm hundred thousand dollars the tamale yeah sounds like a mystery sting what are you gonna buy maybe you buy Christmas presents and you buy stuff for myself but you can buy so you'd be spending this money anyway Yeah right I come too far I could be fine just had it on the way back what do you weigh he thinks this is like I'm screwing up his day Oh which it might be yeah don't no you're not at all I wanted to go really bad you know the truth is there's something going on in your mouth the truth is we're not spending a hundred thousand dollars today are you guys being serious dead as you say she said why are you saying that that's what I've been told to say actually you are being pranked you've been pranked by Trish and Jason curse did not like to lie I was like oh boy is there something bad you can have to be blindfolded dog Oh looks like watcher has become student yeah I feel I've been full I knew I was being fooled somehow you did yeah but I didn't know is that my house we were told to get you out but who by the powers that be were you yeah she said that that's that's what I've been told to do I have not screwed up anything yet really that's so stupid he was like believing in I could've actually spent hundred thousand dollars and you would still believe it oh yeah we're gonna really spend a hundred thousand oh my god you were willing to commit that much to the bit it seemed ridiculous no hey you're not spending $100,000 because we're trying to find a way to get hot said we'll just have you proposing to me and then I like wanna cop no it was so impressive as I was in the shower at it I'm like and I'm like they're playing it very cool for having to get me out of the house like if they are they're doing a really good job cuz I am the one texting them about coming right I was like I was like I'm so on board that I'm making this so easy for them if there's something going on there was no way that you'd it doesn't like so worrying now what's going on in my house dad I don't know David's face was like I've never seen a more actually surprise wait what I can't believe you were gonna actually spend a hundred thousand dollars I can't believe you would do that for a bit why would we why would we say that then why was it a proposal that you were just gonna fake lie to him because he'd be upset if we weren't really getting what's up don't forget and it's every something so stupid about if it's more goats and sheep I'm gonna kill you guys wait did we do the petting zoo yet yes we did but we should we should probably go into the mall and get something to eat let's go to cardio yeah it sounds good I said well there's a car you down there that'll like and I don't asleep won't buy some cuz I need my presence wow this is so interesting keeping being Frank I hate it I hate that I was like I might I want to be involved in this I hate it she wouldn't even lie to you I'm like you text him maybe you the other day you said I smiled right when he was even or didn't I didn't do something you did a total David they stopped genuine smile like this laugh like a David laughter yeah you did it was so bad give up my eyes closed and that happens Norma's Christmas tree in all of existence that's bit Panera I love Panera David any idea what your surprise is gonna be no I'm very excited I don't care you guys have a firing squad at my house I'm excited I'm gonna sit next to David and she says babe you just need to stop it look like trash you literally look like you it'll come out in the wash you're not supposed to wash Balenciaga Jason you're like once yeah boys you look like a bottle like the way David's sitting and while you're sitting you guys look at you want me to give it here - I know put the Balenciaga thing over his head the thing he's wearing now rank hey I put my underwear my underwear right there that's my bra let's watch this way then Matt a t-shirt Trisha that's you sure what is that can I use it that's a Balenciaga you're surprising me something we only have Balenciaga stuff David okay here we go okay I'm a literally I can't see don't look hey we're here he's blindfolded okay well we should be good you're sure are you excited almost great yeah I'm like so excited I'm like gonna cry okay that's enough tbonz over my life I blew it whoa don't look don't lucky look and it is not for your to look might put my palms are really sweaty you nervous yeah let's go we ready oh it's another break half fake surprise let me get your hand this is my hand are you ready yeah don't we're here we're here open my eyes yeah oh holy Sh you wrap my entire house did you wrap my entire house I didn't that's for sure yeah with that like out of here [ __ ] you bought me a new house are we getting you your own house Merry Christmas baby Jesus Christ wow thank you guys so much sick is everything inside wrap - this is this is what's - step here this is great thank you so much through here where is the surprise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I came here because there was I came here for the free food to be honest dreamy is wrapped [Applause] good job Scott no it's good though hello boys [Applause] inside the box wait what happened what was scary so we're shooting inside where's the flamethrower these guys it was in the bar no like how is gonna realize her even gone fear [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] lyza not really good job degree crazy hey Todd Scott how was it on your end [Music] guys had a nice moment we were sharing a moment at a home sharing the home together like we used to love to hear that well you two will always be friends how's the Dismas going doing well you're coming tomorrow you don't need me for this is she gonna do it I didn't ask how much it was again yeah did you work on the wrapping you guys did such a good job wrapping it it's really cook you run the roof you know extra manly that wasn't here setting up everything super didn't really do much now was it was hard right I bad how many people were helping all of us that were here like 20 yeah it was like it looked like we were like so even with 20 people it was like too much like this the entire floors all the chairs the lights every little object let me see what you got there verano i want to live through through you cuz we just ate I can't eat again okay tell me what you got what's that you don't know oh wow no no I'm good you always offer food you're so sweet he's so sweet he always offers he's always like oh you got and you and you got with bones we got Josh Peck here to celebrate the 10 milli all the stars come out tonight's star-studded event just a motion on this way [Laughter] if you don't mind we're doing thoughts on David's own what should I wish him a happy 10 know hi David it's your best friend Josh bang and congratulations 10 million followers and only to ruining most your friends live but you know what somehow it's worked out because you ruined our lives not we're all indebted to you and need you so good job guy Jonah oh yeah yeah thank you for putting us through so much fun times not picked not pain fun times Josh was saying pain and like suffering and like all this other stuff yeah you did you thought you got knocked up but it was just then we thought like your life was gonna change one thing one thing you don't know is there there I knew right now the person company and they're probably gonna call me any second did you steal something from the audition I did everybody hear about Josh a car huh by Joshua car yeah both night billionaire a car he likes cars he likes guys reload Ian's really really just no grow up so leave my on that sense baby oh my god I was so tired you guys I was so tired I went to the Courtney Cox Park I know but that was like four hours five hours I was so tired that night it was really freaking fun can we do Wayne Brady the night before yeah oh my god all right is there for that yeah that's a good part oh well I was well you know this is gonna be a diss on me I mean I said in the car already but David like you've changed our lives so much mine of my family oh that's nice he's literally she's our life like I feel like we're never gonna beat us like what were like I feel like I like all of you guys like especially like you and David like you guys and I just feel like I don't I feel like you guys are family it's only part on right now it's sure they're like no it's very nice you know I like that every everything that you guys do for us like how you guys go above and beyond to like make us happy I see a smile on our face I feel like and it's like so selfless and you guys like care about the people around you you know like I feel like that stay with us is that he never thinks about us and he's always think about somebody else he always thinks about others before me ever thinks about himself yeah he's gay but I feel like for me I feel like that's the best thing about him and that's what I love the Traxxas I love you too Brandon you have anything nice to say to David okay they really check this place out huh did you two work out this no I drove him out there and kept him out of town why were you guys look at how early where'd you go just got stuck in traffic all right come on and get sentimental now are the wing subscribers were so proud Wow been a long day my brother he gave me bucks just to be nice because I figured nobody else was how much food is you taking back there Mike there's something nice - David prisoners say something nice - he'll say something nice to you like for this video or for the bar mitzvah like what are we talking about here congratulations you were destined to be a success in whatever you did YouTube worked out so oh well said thanks for thanks for considering me a friend I don't know if you could send me a friend but just thanks for being cool with me and you're the man I wish you nothing but success I love you and here's 20 million bucks and I love Jason - thanks for cheering - gallain Alex you want to say something nice is David in the camera something nice - David in the campaign yeah it's good [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] Wow what about you can't lift them up [Applause]
Channel: Jason Nash
Views: 972,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jason nash, vine, jason nash vine, best vines, funny vines, compilation, vine compilation, David Dobrik, Zane Hijazi, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Scotty Sire, Carly and Erin, Josh Peck, Matt King, Heath Hussar, Durte Dom, Alex Ernst, Caught, First Time, Trisa Paytas, vlog squad, dare, surprise, prank, glitter bomb, glitter bomb prank, ten million subscriber david dobrik, davids vlog, old navy, christmas gifts, christmas surprise, planters, fantastic beasts, deadpool christmas
Id: uKloxS7YRqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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