First Church Truth of God Broadcast 1458-1459 January 3, 2021 Sunday Afternoon Service Live Stream.

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we're going to introduce on to our leader teacher guide the apostle your pastor gino jennings you may be seated brothers and sisters greetings brothers and sisters once again we are indebted to god for his goodness and his mercy to all of us we thank him for being the true sender and he is the true teacher of holy prophets and of holy apostles as always we bear witness that there is no god with the one he has been and shall always be god alone do you have no partners we associate none absolutely none with the one true living god we truly can say this afternoon that is good for us to be here we are indebted to him [Applause] for the provisions that he continue to make for the church and it certainly is god alone that makes provisions for the church and what the lord have blessed us to accomplish so far as a people it certainly have been a blessing to my viewers we are dedicating our lower auditorium here at our international campus on lindley avenue here in philadelphia pennsylvania and i just can't wait till the main auditorium is finished we got plenty more room in the main auditorium to run around and fight the devil in to all of our ministers that are present and to the ministers in so many foreign countries and throughout america and to all of our brothers and sisters that are here and to you that's in the gymnasium that's being used for overflow auditorium now we thank god for all of your years of labor and support to the work of god thank god to see uh brother williams here you know looking at you you know and the holy ghost dealing with you don't look like you have no type of sciatica at all i thought one time you was gonna roll that wheelchair out of there thank god to see my brother amen he was greatly missed god knows to all of our ministers and to all the churches of the lord jesus christ the world over that's containing earnestly for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints this program is dedicated to all of true believers you has worshippers and you have true worshipers you know the bible says the true worship was worshipped the father in spirit and in truth because the father seeketh such the wish of him [Music] right then they let us know we only got one to worship for god is a spirit and that's all god want is that one be worship he's too jealous to share that with anybody else he said he's a jealous god and you is bad enough to meet a jealous man or a jealous woman but to have a jealous god in other words he's letting you know he deserves all attention he's deserving of all honor he's deserving of all praise he's deserving of all respect this is why we must always thank him for everything and we credit him for everything so we are grateful to all of our viewers and all of you that are here let's get your recipe books open which is the bible you know i call it a recipe book because there's a lot of good ingredients in there nothing come out of there half cooked and this recipe book no artificial preservatives no artificial flavors and we only got one seasoning salt gloria take garden jesus said salt is good no sugar here you have too much of that as it is salt is good and if the salt loses savior wherewith shall it be caesar then the bible addresses us the church and says we are the salt of the earth are you ready i want to work on being seasoning today that's it amen now the church is a meat offering that's right i want you to follow me and hear me we want to dissect this with bible that's right the church is a meat off i beseech you therefore brethren listen at this in the book of romans chapter 12 and read verse one ah it's so good to have robin back [Applause] you know on social media they call you and now batman robin all right come on you cape crusader let's have it romans chapter 12 and read verse one yeah i beseech you therefore brethren i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god by god's mercy that you present your body that you present your body a living sacrifice what time holy wait a minute amen before your body can be properly offered what must it be holy right then it narrows down the type of sacrifice he accepts that's right presidential body of living sacrifice holy holy and acceptable unto god that means it must be offered in a manner that on guard terms he will accept it you have to offer yourself on god terms now now i want you to get this the times that you may have and god terms that's right may not agree that's right god says it this way my thoughts are not your thoughts neither is my way your way you may want to offer yourself to god with strings attached that's right but in order to offer yourself to god in the right manner you have to cut all ties and if there's anything you're still tied to you have to be working on that that's right to cut data loose that's right and if we are honest and i hope you are and examine yourself there are some strings still tied to us from the world that's right someone said how was that pastor janice if there's any love in you whatsoever for anything that's not of god there's a form of attachment still linked to your being that's right let me make it more plain and take it to the womb of your mother whenever a child is born it's covered with afterbirth that's right all the fluids from the sack and when they come from the womb the doctor's got to clean it up behold i was shaping in iniquity look at here and psalms 51 and verse 5. five behold i was shaking in iniquity and in sin and in sin did my mother conceive me now you will shape form fashion in darkness by the power of light so when you come from the womb you're covered with afterbirth doctor gotta clean you up the afterbirth is proof where you came from that's right after birth get all in your nostrils doctor's got to suction that stuff out so nothing don't hinder your breathing go ahead are you getting the old man go ahead go ahead after birth now is your sins that's right and even though you may be baptized in the name of jesus christ and actually do have the holy ghost speaking in tongues there's still some after birth on you and you have to come to the hospital of the lord jesus christ amen that the word of god may clean up your past that's right you see the afterbirth that's on the infant the afterbirth represents its past that's right where it came from the darkness of the womb that's right see many of us are not fully delivered free from our past well wait a minute pastor jennings i don't go to the club no more what part of you don't go [Applause] amen pastor jennings i don't listen to worldly music no more what part of you don't listen that's right rather generous i don't smoke no more what part that's right that's right physically you cannot involve or indulge yourself or take guarding anything that violate god's law but mentally for where your treasure is and emotionally the word of god says what matthew chapter 6 and verse 21 that's what for where your treasure is what your treasure is mean what you value that's right where your treasure is there fair will your heart be also so when you pray for god to deliver you most time we seek deliverance focusing on physical indulgence that's right you're more than a body that's right mine got to be delivered that's right because the holy ghost think of no evil that's right see the word of god attacks the entire structure of the man that's right and the entire structure of the woman that's why your body is called a temple in the natural temple you got a roof you got walls you got electrical wires you got windows that's right a lot of us have a leak in our roof this is the roof of your temple and if there's a leak that go on too long it caused water damage that's right that's why the apostle advised us and said let this mind hold it the very first word let me without force let this mind give chapter and verse williams in philippians chapter two and read verse five that's what let this mind that mean willingly that's right not by force that's right you must volunteer and offer your mind to god you got to give your mind up in exchange for his that's right that's right are you kidding the old man that's right god want to exchange thoughts go ahead man go ahead go ahead god want to exchange thoughts that's right but he's not going to force his way in that's right no no no no no no no no wait god go and do it he gonna introduce you to his way of thinking that's right and the way he gonna introduce you to his way of thinking is through preaching that's right for the apostle paul said god make manifest his word through preaching preaching preaching the word of god is an introduction to the intelligence of god that makes you aware of the thinking of god that you may inherit the emotions of god that's right are you kidding me go ahead the thought of the mind dictate the emotions of the heart that's right so if you take on god's mind that's right you will feel better go ahead man that's right in the mind of god no evil lie in our mind evil lie that's right for the holy ghost faketh no evil no evil now no evil are you listening the mind of god is evil to you yes yes that's right and your mind is evil to him that's right that's right because god's thinking is against what we want that's right how we want it where we want it yes for my thoughts uh-oh do you hear this isaiah 55 and that verse eight god talking for my thoughts my thoughts are not your thoughts everybody might as well say amen amen that's right god says my thoughts are not your thoughts our thoughts is wicked yes our thoughts is wrong that's right holy ghost work of no ill to his neighbor that's right that's right but when you say that god put this in my mind is that mine a contradiction to the mind of god amen god put this in my heart what you feel is it contribute to the will of god well pastor jennings how was that if you marry a woman that's already married you can't say god gave you the house no that's a feeling that didn't come from god no if you love error because there's two spirits that's right john said hereby know with the spirit of truth and the spirit of error that's right that's right so if you love error we are of god listen first john chapter four not verse six you know he misreading we are we are of god of god he that knoweth god wait a minute amen wait a minute amen this explains all of you that fight the word of god and don't want to hear it that's right the bible tells us what you are and how you are that's right i don't care if they claim to be a preacher the bible's talking here we are of god we are of god he that knoweth god if you know god here is us amen you cannot know god beyond what's written that's right are you listening that's right you cannot know god beyond what's written that's right because it is the knowledge of god that comes from what's written that's right he says what he that knoweth god here is this there's no god here he that is not of god he that is not of god here is not us oh he won't hear he won't care he won't care what is written in the book of scriptures they will rebel they will fight and this is how the devil work on folk that's right the devil make them get scripture to fight scripture that's right that's right yeah that's right the devil make the preachers do it get in scripture to fight scripture that's right god don't fight against himself no what did he say he that know he that is not of god of god wait a minute truth is is a spirit that's right that's right are you listening that's right truth is a spirit amen and what else and the spirit of error error is the spirit that's right now that explains why there's more in error than in truth that's right because the spirit of era works in keeping with what you want amen you want to smoke spirit of error send you to a preacher there's ain't no wrongs it's a cigarette once in a while that's right you want to drink the spirit of ever send you to someone and say well i ain't no harm long you know long as you can go home drive safely amen want to live together not matter you'll meet someone that would encourage you yeah serving god when the bible says present your body a living sacrifice what kind holy no no no back up what kind of sacrifice a living sacrifice hold it right there living there were two type of sacrifices well there was more than that but there's two i'm about to point out you have in the new testament a living sacrifice but you had a sacrifice in the old testament that was a dead sacrifice that's right and the living sacrifice replaced the dead sacrifice that's right what do you mean the dead sacrifice was the lamb or the ox that was slain yeah and it wasn't offered until it was killed that's right cobra take off that's right that's right you had to kill it first then offer it god come along and say i i don't want that no more i i i'm tired of that i'm gonna make a change now i'm going to demand you to be offered while you're alive living sacrifice well why is that lord amen because when you're dead you can't feel what i'm going to put you through that's right glory to god when the ox the lamb was slain and it was set on fire afterwards lamb or ox didn't scream didn't squirm because they couldn't feel the knife and it couldn't fill the fire they shall teach jacob thy judgment listen at this in the book of deuteronomy 33 and verse 10. i want to take this apart they shall teach jacob thy judgment and israel by law they shall put incense before thee amen they shall put incense where before thee where before thee all right i got to break in since then go ahead are you getting this cap go ahead the incense give off fragrance that's right you light it sweet smell that's right and the form of smoke that's right goes out yeah that was the old old testament and now there's incense in a form of smoke that goes up as prayer in the book of revelation chapter 5 and verse 8 revelation 5 and 18 and when he had taken the book when he had taken the book the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the land and having every one of them hearts yeah and golden vials full of odors which are the prayers of saints they're what the prayers of saints now amen notice the offering don't go before the incident they shall put incense before thee i have to i have to atomize this that's right the offering is not in front of the incense that's right in other words you ain't offering yourself before prep that's right go ahead man because before god accept your offering he first gotta accept the smell yeah of your prayer that's right the smell of your incense cases stink that's right in his nostrils that's right so before you offer yourself he gonna make sure you're praying right go ahead go away when you're trying to pray to three you ain't ready to offer yourself that's right that's a stinking offer that's right making prayer that's right that prayer stinks that's right glory to god amen when you go praying to mary before you talk to jesus uh i have to stink in prayer that's right i mean he don't like that it just stinks real bad that's right when you tell jesus i don't want to talk to you that's what i see that's what i see as a william when he was a trinitarian amen i don't want to talk to you i just want to talk to your father and he is the father that's right that's a stinking prayer that's right heal us and you that are here let me ask you a question that you never thought of do your prayers stink my lord go ahead what kind of odor is coming from your prayer when is a sweet smelling savior then the prayers is pleasant and acceptable in the eyes of the prayer answerer go ahead in other words god is a prayer inspector go ahead man are you listening go ahead god is a prayer inspector isaiah chapter one and that verse fifteen listen at this and when you spread forth your hands when is when you spread off your head i will hide mine eyes i will hide my eyes from you yay when you make many prayers when you make many prayers i will not hear i want him that's right that's right so what kind of holder am i praying am i begging god to forgive me for something but yet i refuse to forgive somebody else that's right that's right let's let's touch that quickly now old testament and new amen that's right now if you are in need of forgiveness but yet you refuse to forgive someone else yes god won't answer your prayer if you ask that's right for forgiveness in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 28. we're gonna get old testament and then we want to shift guests to the new amen come on williams in ecclesiasticus chapter 28 we have the book of ecclesiasticus or the book of say rich the book of ecclesiastes chapter 28 chapter 28 and we'll start at verse one i want you to listen at this well he that revengence shall find vengeance from the lord and and he will surely keep his sins in remembrance that's right you better read that again for the hearing impaired he that revenges he that take matters in his own hands shall find vengeance from the lord you're gonna be paid back and he will surely keep his sins in remembrance and he gonna remember what you've done that's right forgive thy neighbor do what forgive thy neighbor forgive forgive thy neighbor thy neighbor the hurt that he hath done unto them that he done to you so shall thy sins also be forgotten shall die sins be forgiven be forgiven when thou prayers amen that's one of them hard scriptures oh yes before you bring your incense amen lord say god amen and strike your match go ahead the moment you open your mouth you're striking a match that's right thank god that's right and the smoke begin to go up yeah if god don't accept your smoke it will evaporate that's right if he accept your smoke he gonna take time and enjoy the smell of it that's right in other words that's what i want to hear from you oh yeah oh yes you praying right now oh yeah oh you're praying with the right mind you're praying in the right mode that's right you're praying in with the right heart why prayer is the utterance of words that's right so the apostle paul said this by god permission pray with the spirit spirit that's it and pray witness understanding let's go over to corinthians in the book of first corinthians chapter 14. i want everybody to follow me and get this because this is good you know oh yes all right follow me first corinthians chapter 14 we're at verse 15. listen what is it then what is it then i will pray with the spirit hold it amen see they quoted that scripture wrong for years yeah prick has been saying i will pray in the spirit right but that particular scripture didn't say pray in the spirit i will pray with the spirit all right wait a minute you're doing something with someone then there's something already in motion that's right that's right i'm going to pray with the spirit now hold it jesus says this the words that i speak unto you they are spirit and they are life so that means my words that's coming out of my mouth for it to be with the spirit they have to coincide with the letter that's right if i pray with the spirit what come out of my mouth is not in contradiction with the letter because the words that i speak unto you they are spirit and they are life whatever i ask whatever i say is not condemned by what is written that's right that's right pray with with the spirit in other words what i ask have to be in agreeance that's right with the letter that's right whatever i ask that's right must be in agreeance that's right with the letter that's right if not the letter becomes a stumbling stone yeah turn against me a rock of offense that's right what is that i will pray with the spirit i will agree with scripture that's what that means that's right when i pray my words will agree with scripture i will pray with the spirit i will pray with the spirit and and i will pray with the understanding also before i ask god anything oh yeah before i make any requests amen in all my getting yeah i better understand what i'm saying that's right if you ask god for something that's right be sure you understand what you're asking he may give it to you and then after you get it you may go to hell amen i won't say god won't give you nothing that'll send you to hell it depends on how you handle it that's right you may not be able to handle the blessing that's right that's right are you listening amen some men asked god for a wife god blessed him with a wife and then after they got her they beat her up yeah misused her that's right took advantage of her yeah are you listening amen the lord she come along and ask god for her husband somebody come and she get married then all of a sudden he have he go baby making but she never get pregnant that's true that's true are you getting what i'm telling you that's right so be careful what you asked for amen this is what is what i often teach god's people have a desire to be saved and right with god so strong until whatever you ask god for tell him if my requests will cause me to be lost don't give it to me that's right another word at all costs i want to get into the kingdom of god amen some brothers was doing good before they had a car there were some brothers doing good faith for the church out there in the cold faithful waiting for public transportation that's right had the peace on the ears hearing the word of god all on the corner just moving [Applause] after they got a car roll right by church so everybody cannot handle a lot it's true that's right for simon just sent him to hell to destroy them that's right that's why god won't make everybody rich amen some folk get high minded with five dollars god help them if they get 50. that's right they may turn to a nazi if they get 500. amen and they may think the angelic if they get 5 000. amen that's right so everybody cannot hand handle materialism right when we start out in the basement we didn't change no you didn't it went to briar road didn't change that's right went to frankfurt avenue didn't change that's right god brought us here didn't change that's right and he's taking us further we won't change amen why when you accept the scriptural fact you came in this world and naked you shall return and conduct yourself by that biblical code amen you will realize there's nothing in the sun worth getting uplifted over that's right why the earth is the lord's earth is not yours that's right it's the lord the lord's lord hallelujah thank god in the fullness thereof that's right that's right let's go back and finish that praying for forgiveness and i i i have to get finish that incense and yeah meat off and i got so much to get come on williams back in the book of ecclesiastes 28 now at verse 2. yes forgive thy neighbor the hurt that he hath done unto thee amen amen you know you got a majoring god to do this yes no one can tell me otherwise brother folks have done all kinds of things to me amen but it's not a human that have done me wrong they have tried to destroy the church yeah they have tried to destroy my name using social media yes that plan lies all around hoping that the church would dissolve that's right i wasn't phased that's right i forgave them why pastor janice amen forget that refuse to let anyone be so important that you gonna dictate my emotions well i just keep got these feelings about you yeah and you gonna dictate my mind where i'm gonna keep wasting my thoughts about you that's right that's right so i might as well truly forgive you and call it a day amen now what is true forgiveness true forgiveness because i forgive you yeah that doesn't mean i'm obligated to trust you that's right [Applause] i can forgive you but still don't trust you that's right but if i don't trust you i have to make sure that i don't violate scripture with that feeling by holding your path over your head that's right [Applause] you see they got to be a balance that's right that's right if i forgive you i got if you change i've got to accept the fact you change that's right oh this is good it's good amen this is a soul-searching message oh yes oh yes there are many that forgive but when you truly forgive if william's done me a terrible injustice i mean terrible yeah and i truly forgave him yes if i truly forgave him see if i haven't truly forgiven and now he's in a wheelchair [Applause] that's right amen that's right you'll get what i'm talking that's right when you truly forgave a person you can be around them yeah and when you just think of what they've done to you in the past yes it doesn't have the effect on you that it used to have that's right why because your mind have overcome and thought what they've done and your heart have overcame an emotion what they done in the book of saint matthew chapter 18 and verse 21. listen then came peter to him and said lord lord how oft shall my brother sin against me how often how often shall my brother sin against me shall my brother amen sin against me do me wrong and i forgive him and i gotta forgive him kill seven times just do it seven times jesus saith unto him i say not unto thee i let you know peter has something in mind that's right that's right and then jesus got something in mind jesus said it's unto him what i say not unto thee until seven times i say not unto thee until seven times but until 70 times what do you mean that's right that's right so if you want to be forgiven moreover moreover let's go back to forgiveness now back in ecclesiasticus 28 and verse 2 then you're gonna have to forgive thy neighbor you're gonna have to forgive your neighbor the hurt that he and all of us in here undoubtedly have been hurt yeah by somebody that's right am i right that's right that's right i don't mean go by what somebody said no don't get second-hand information that's right what of god said forgive thy neighbor forgive thy neighbor the hurt that he has done unto them so shall thy sins also be forgiven and your sins should be forgiven when thou prayers when you're praying one man beareth hatred against another one man bear hatred against another and doeth he seek pardon from the lord and now he won't pardon from god he showeth no mercy to a man he don't show no mercy to a man which is like himself which is just like him and that's right that's you right mercy from god but yet you won't show no mercy which make you just like the man amen amen wonderful yeah no better than the one that hurt you that's right you know better than the one that done you wrong amen do you hear how god itemized this you know god got us back up in a corner that's right that's right god got you backed up in a corner you see that's why it's so difficult to make the first resurrection yes because this is spots and this is wrinkles that's right that's right listen he showeth no mercy to a man which is like himself and and does he ask forgiveness of his own sins he asks forgiveness for his own sins if he that is but flesh nourish hatred what who will entreat for pardon of his sins when you narrate nourish nourish hatred defeat it that's right that's right that's an old saying misery love company yeah so when you nourish hatred you feed it that's right you feed it that's why there are some people that just deliberately do things they get your attention and the bet they want to respond out of you yeah and the best way to deal with people like that is not to give them what they want that's right but pray for them that's right when you're willing to act like a fool just to get attention you're desperate yeah and when you get a desperate person their heart is wicked oh yes but the heart is the most deceitful thing and desperately wicked desperately all right if he that is but flesh nourish hatred yes who will entreat for pardon of his sins remember thine end wait a minute amen amen got this stuff in you that's right you're holding against somebody amen holy ghost remember thy end you better remember your end and let enmity cease amen that's what the holy ghost brought here today amen someone said what kind of dedication message is that the kind that you better dedicate your life to trying to do that's right what have god said remember thy end god wants you to remember where you're headed that's right and let enmity cease he wants your enmity your conduct to quit remember corruption and death remember look at him remember he wants you to think of it that's right remember corruption and and i want you to think of death and abide in the commandments stay in the commandments remember the commandments when you stay in the commandments and they give you life that's right remember the commandments remember them remember and what and bear no malice to thy neighbor that's right never mind speaking in tongue and jumping and shouting that's right remember the commandments [Applause] remember the commandments amen god you got some work to do here that's right what of god said remember remember the commandments the commandments and bear no malice to thy name have no malice to your neighbor remember the covenant of the highest remember the oath the promise the pact the agreement that god made and wink at ignorance he did what and went at ignorance give chapter verse now in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 28 and verse seven man let's see that the apostle agree with ecclesiastica agree with that that's right seventeen chapter i wanted you to focus on the term wink wink at ignorance remember the covenant of the highest remember the covenant of the highest and win and wink at ignorance as ignorance and what did the apostle paul say now in acts 17 and then verse 30. that's what i mean by harmonizing the bible that's right what is it and the times of this ignorance amen weak act ignorance and now in the time of this ignorance what did god do god winked at my lord but here's ecclesiasticus is talking to us remember the covenant of the highest and what should we do and wink at ignorance and why should we do it go to acts and the times of this ignorance god winked god wants you to be like him that's right he wants you to respond to others the way he respond to you that's right go ahead man yeah go ahead and the terms of this ignorance the god can let the prophet put that in there yeah and the book of ecclesiastes ecclesiastes because god done it already that's right that's right what do you mean wink wink let's explain that go ahead so you don't take it literally go ahead let's go ahead because the bible in another place speak against the one that winketh with eyes with eyes and yet god winked that's right when the bible talks about winking that's talking about be merciful that's right that's what that means that's right and the time of this ignorance god winked up god that means god showed mercy that's it he showed compassion that's right wonderful wonderful now he's advising us and the book of ecclesiastes remember the commandments be merciful and bear no malice to thy name don't bear no malice to your neighbor remember the covenant of the heart of the covenant of god and wink at ignorance and be merciful at a fool go ahead man go ahead that's right when you're right up on a fool show mercy awake at ignorance wonderful when i came up as a child he used to be an old bishop who passed on who came from he came up under bishop lawson him and bishop johnson and all of them came up together his name was bishop mckinley williams he used to be the bishop of refuge churches of our lord jesus christ at 52nd and race here in philadelphia bishop mckinley williams had a quote he said god have mercy on fools and babies amen god have mercy on fools and babies you're not gonna jump over this scripture and get into the kingdom no you won't remember the covenant of the house this scripture is going to keep a lot of folk out of the kingdom of god yeah why because the unwillingness to submit and when you're unwilling to submit you're not ready for your incense to be lit that's right if you want your smoke to go up you got to be ready that's right to wink wink yes you got to start winking that's right let's balance this out what he said remember the commandments and bear no malice to thy neighbors in your name remember the covenant of the house lord said god remember the covenant of the highest and wink at ignorance abstain from strife abstain from strife and thou shalt diminish our sins if you abstain from strife how will it pay off thou shalt diminish thy sins well pastor jennings how if i abstain from strife my sins will diminish if you have you know when you get involved with strife things build up right so what god is telling you if you stay away from strife you will start decreasing in your wrong behavior that's right because strife triggers physical disorder yeah mental thinking wrong that's right heart feeling wrong right spirit now you can't act right and get right in church that's right because you're too busy thinking about what someone done to you that's right so you're not here when you should be here amen are you kidding what i'm telling you amen so the holy ghost gave us advice abstain from strife abstain abstain from strife from strife someone said well the way i deal with it i just stay away from people you can't run away from everybody no you can't no you can't well pathogens what is it i didn't do nothing but it seemed like it comes to me what did jesus do yeah but crucifixion came to him didn't it yes it did yes it did now when you're colonel-minded this is the way we think we say to everything there's a cause and an effect that is not the truth that's an opinion that's an opinion that everything is not a cause and an effect that's right someone said what no because jesus said they hate you without cause russian they hate you don't even have no reason they don't even know you but this comes to pass now before you say he or she hate me know what you're talking that's right don't go by the way they look that's right that's right you go by the way i look on television you think i'm the meanest man living and as many of you here felt as though before you waked up that i was a mean rascal that's right and if you felt i was mean and unloving unloving and just wanted to put everybody in hell that's great i'm a pretty nice guy amen are you getting what i'm telling you amen so you can't judge a person from the outward perspective we speak that we do know uh-oh in saint john chapter three and verse 11. now i gotta strip that to pieces i gotta stretch through the pieces before someone jerk off in the tongue that's right huh that's right before your tongue get in position hold it now hold it hold it verily verily i say unto you truly i want to tell you we speak that we do know we speak what we know and testify that we have seen hold it everything you see ain't what you're looking at that's right sometimes what you see is not what you're looking at that's right what do you mean you can see a married brother standing talking to a sister yeah and then you label them yeah oh man they flirting they bout to hook up they can be his cousin that's true i often think of my sister cookie my second oldest sister i come from a very comical and affectionate family we have a ball when we get together when we get together we like kids again and one day in church my sister cookie and you that have known she got a very high pitched voice i was at the pulpit one day and cookie came to me gino come here baby and cookie threw her arms round my neck and rock me back and forth so why i hugged her i opened one eye and you can see some of them i right that's right them that never met her didn't know who she was amen and this is the danger that's right we indict we accuse that's right based upon what appear and you're judging something before time that's right that's right and those actions that's hurt a lot of innocent people in godhouse are you listening that's right so speak what you know don't it ain't wise even speak what you heard you may repeat a lot that's right that's right because what was told to you it's possible the person didn't do it yeah give me the 28th chapter book ecclesiastes yes never get on board with an indictment or an accusation don't do that sometimes you may have people say well wait a minute i thought we was close but if i didn't witness it i can't agree with you well you my brother i love you but i wasn't there i didn't see it all i can do is go about what you told me and because i'm your brother you ain't got the right to fill us though i supposed to take sides with you my response towards the matter must be right in god eyes i believe in the 28th chapter book of ecclesiastes try about verse 17. let me let me see is that it ecclesiastes 28 and verse 17. the stroke of the whip maketh marks in the flesh yes but the stroke of the tongue break at the bones the stroke of the whip does what the stroke of the whip make its marks in the flesh but the stroke of the tongue that mouth break at the bones what you mean break the bones the mouth can destroy a individual breaking of the bone is the dismantling of a person that's right we're in the physical whip damage the flesh flesh but the bone is under the flesh that's right and that mouth can go past the flesh go right to the bones and just dismantle them that's right that's right listen the stroke of the whip might make its marks in the flesh yes but the stroke of the tongue break at the bone yeah many have fallen by the edge of the sword many fell by the edge of the sword but not so many as have fallen by the tongue what do you mean the tongue out beat the sword that's right i believe brother james talk about that tongue of the small member but it caused a mighty big fire that's right listen many have fallen by the edge of the sword yes but not so many as has have fallen by the tone well is he that is defended from it yeah and has not passed through the venom thereof i i i i my timing's getting away i want you to go back to the old testament let's finish giving the incense amen back in the book of giving teach jacob uh thing law before the jacob 37 something had to come after the incense deuteronomy 33 and verse 10 all right they shall teach jacob judgment jacob thy judgment they shall put incense before they're going to put incense before thee and and whole burns how much of the sacrifice whole burnt sacrifice whole bank sacrifice where upon thine altar you know in the old testament when they offered the whole burn sacrifice and the objective was that the whole thing be consumed that's right couldn't burn part of it that's right couldn't burn just the head and leave the feet amen all of it got to be burned till there's nothing left but ashes that's right ashes mean that's a complete death amen now here we are that you present your bodies your body a living sacrifice so now back then it was dead god wants you alive and now he want to consume you that's right he's still using fire yeah but not the fire that started of men that's right god told jeremiah i would make thine words fire and the people would would take god and shall devour them so here come the word of god now done got you a blazing that's right blazing that's why some of you mad amen amen see a fire naturally do two things that make you comfortable where you willing to sit there yeah and then uh make you run and you're willing to get away from that that's right that's the way the word of god is yeah sometimes they make you so happy my god you feel like running around the chest then sometimes a scripted comment doesn't hit you so hard you so angry you can't even unfold your arms that's true you just sit there and rock back and forth yeah that's right yeah that's right already take god but you gotta take the salt yes if you want to be seasoned right you got to take the sauce you are the salt of the earth listen at this you are the son of the earth but if the son have lost his savior what you mean lost his savior lost his power now let's get an understanding you can take real salt and not use it for a long period of time yeah it loses strength that's right it don't quicken the collard greens that's right everybody can take salt so what they do they get hypocrites up that's right that's right it's called salt substitute hey man that salt substitute ain't got the same power as the real thing that's right hey man they don't resurrect them greens from the dead like the real thing yeah and then you have those that take real salt but they can't take a lot of it amen i got a salty gospel oh yeah some folk just can't take a lot of it that's right amen so they go to a false church so the preacher can sprinkle them with hypocrites off that's right yeah that's right it'll make the sin taste better ye are the salt of the earth look at here brothers and sisters amen you ye are the same baptized in the name of jesus christ i have the holy ghost speaking in tongue all around the world that's right thus following the teachings of the apostles ye are the salt of the earth the seasoning in the earth you don't want by god by you obeying god's word you bring flavor among the human family that's right wonderful wonderful why what do you mean pastor genesis because sin is a form of bitterness yeah but you come along and bring flavor go ahead man lord thank god because you've got the season of god hallelujah go ahead the season of god down in your sanctified soul you are the soul of the earth ye are the son of the earth thank god the son of the earth but if the son of lost his savior the son if you the church have lost his you the people lose your savior you lose your strength and that's what happened to some of you watching amen since this covet virus yeah you have stayed home so long yeah lost the savior you have stayed home so long that's right you're not you're losing your flavor that's right amen that's right amen you see signs of losing your flavor hey man not praying that much no more that's right not fasting that much no more yeah you say well i don't want to go to church because you know folks too close but yeah they go anywhere else that's right i just go to the supermarket yeah you go to work yeah you go out with your boyfriend go ahead you don't think about the virus when your tongue is in his mouth go ahead [Applause] go ahead brother [Applause] go ahead man go ahead go ahead man you don't think about the virus when your tongue is in her mouth amen you don't care nothing about no virus that's right that's right that's right but when they come to church i i don't want them breathing on me even yet you're sending a boyfriend breathing all on your neck all in your face talking falling that's right that's breathing [Applause] you ain't worrying about covert 19 covet 20 kobe 21 or kobe 22. that's right what happened you lost the same you're losing your savior amen you're losing your power that's right that's right wonderful you are the salt of the earth here in the midst of pandemic amen we haven't missed church we've been preaching the word of god doing the entire pandemic that's right hey man that's right don't forget aren't you scared no i fear god amen that's who i feel amen mass of no mass i'm going to i'm going to trust god wonderful you can go in the supermarket you can go to church that's right if you can go out to dinner you can go to church that's right amen that's right you can fornicate you can go to church and repent for your fornication amen amen you don't think of covert when you under the sheets that's right that's right amen amen when they come down the church covet covers i remember i was in a supermarket uh a few months ago and i had to laugh there was a young woman she had three boys and she had them you know sitting in the shopping cart and them three boys were sneezing and there was a man seemed like every owl he went down that woman was right behind him that man went past me i don't know how many times and when he went by about the fourth time he said it's me again he said i can't get away from them they just keep sneezing he went past me again and that one more boys was right behind me glory to god amen listen ye are the salt of the earth church ye are the soul of the earth god gave you seasoning amen and the seasoning that's in your meat is the holy ghost that's right that's right the holy ghost gave you flavor wonderful in other words now he gave you sweetness by giving you a sweet spirit that's right removing out the bitterness of satan amen the holy ghost sweetens your flesh that's right what do you mean it gives you better behavior a better perspective yes better thinking that's right that's right but if you keep salt in a damp place too long but if the sword have lost his savior if the salt lost the savior if the person lost their strength if the person lost their godliness wherewith shall it be salted how are you going to get back amen amen how you going to get back that's right now salt resurrect greens yeah yes the weakness of the greens gets strength from salt that's right bible say let the strong bear the infirmities of the week wonderful if i lose my savior amen how can i help one that's weak when i'm like them wherewith shall it be salted wherewith where will it shall it be salted you ain't gonna be no good for nobody it is then forth good for nothing but i come to check it is thenceforth good for nothing and when you start losing your savior amen false teaching is more acceptable to you that's right false prophet can get up in the pulpit and say anything yeah and you agree and smile and get the shaking right with it that's right and when you start agreeing with it the more you agree with it the more of your savior you lose amen until you have no strength it is then forth good for nothing good for nothing you can't help nobody no and you can't even help yourself if you're good for nothing you can't help nobody that's right don't worry that god in you can't even help yourself it is this forth good for nothing but to be cast out that's why the people in the churches many of them don't feel nothing when bishop yeah when bishop lucifer get up and elder devil that's right that's right that's right that's a salt shaker but artificial salt amen so they got to do everything to try to drum the people up let the folks say yes let the folks say yes that the folks say hallelujah let the folks say hallelujah let the folks do it oh shut the cheering squad up amen amen let's dive into the bible and tell me what's in there that's it go into the gold mine and show me the treasures of god go ahead go ahead salt shaker go ahead but no salt no salt good for nothing good for what good for nothing and if it's good for nothing amen you can't even be saved under that stuff look at that no way your life become the pride of seasoning when greens is seasoned just right yeah thank god man they melt in your mouth that's right when meat is seasoned just right when you cut it pleasant words in the book of proverbs chapter 16. that meat is just right before you even finish cutting it you see it leaning over that's right that's right that's right am i right like that amen you shouldn't need a saw to cut that meat if you need a saw and then all the blades just tore up yeah i remember when my mother she was trying to teach her sister years ago how to make homemade biscuits from scratch them old mothers they don't need a lot of them don't get cooked books and all that stuff they got all the ingredients in them they know how much of everything they get that's right i used to be in the kitchen look at my mother get that sifter get that flour and you know sift that stuff and then she would always set aside some dough for me my hands wasn't that clean i used to wonder why my business come out darker than everybody else i know why now and mama did it so slick you know she said now nikki you make your biscuits and i'm gonna set yours over here my biscuits they have fellowship with nobody else biscuit i said all right i was proud about my dirty biscuit and i ate my dirty biscuit too was a good tasting dirty biscuit i had she was trying to teach this one sister how to make biscuits from scratch and uh they looked good when they came out the oven but the whole tree was alive so you know my brother rick is very comical and she gave one biscuit to my brother rick and she said rick try this rick sunk his teeth into it but the biscuit wouldn't give hey man the biscuit wouldn't surrender it wouldn't break nothing fighting back rick said what did you do she said stop playing bite her rick he wasn't playing so rick took it i never forget and he threw it and he hit the framework of the door and it was so hard to chip the paint right off my lord you know you can take your time with some people and teach them and they still don't get it that's right that's right let the soul of the word sprinkle your soul and don't deprive yourself from being seasoned right that's right allow yourself to submit yes to the seasoning of god's word real quick so i can get out your way everybody all right come on son you are the salt of the earth the other side of the earth but if the sword of lost his savior wherewith shall it be salted do you find your salt changing that's right from strong to weak amen because the virus has caused many people to lay out a church and it changed that's all yeah oh yes oh yeah many changed that's right now you're starting to go places that you didn't go yeah sitting on that computer so long now you're talking to strangers amen amen amen amen talking to that strange woman in that little bunny costume that's right that's right hey man that's right amen that's right bible said you just saw that another song you're a bunny rabbit up there that's right that's right they're out of church so long you changed amen you changed oh yeah stay away from the word of god something got to happen to you and it won't be good that's right take a person who stay out the training camp of boxing or martial arts or wrestling you put it down you get rusty oh yeah you lose your conditioning that's right i don't care how much muscles you built up if you put the weights down and stop training it shows on your body that's right you got to lift scripture you got the lip scripture to develop build up your mind build up your heart build up your spirit build up your soul but if you stay out of the weight room yeah stay out of class that's right you lose conditioning but you beloved building up yourselves yeah do you hear this in the book of jude 1 and at verse 20. ye beloved but you beloved building up yourselves how we gonna do it on your most holy faith what kind of faith we got to have holy faith that's right got to be repetitious with it yeah that's right amen amen everything don't come by praying only someone said what that's bible jesus point out specific things after the apostles stated what they had to say he said disguise this kind this kind come by fasting and praying for some things praying in enough and when he was come into the house yeah a lot of folk overlooked that's what we look at that's right i want to sprinkle your meat in the book of saint mark chapter nine we'll start at verse 27. i'm on williams but jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up and he arose and when he was coming to the house his disciples asked them privately and said what why could not we cast them out why could we not cast out the devil and he said unto them what this kind can come wait wait wait amen this kind if you want to perform this kind of stuff this kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting wait a minute amen so prayer alone for some things is not enough that's right hallelujah to god that's right when he said this kind and come and let you know there's other things you got to do that's right that's right the language of the bible is so clear this kind can come forth by nothing this guy this kind can't come forth by nothing by nothing but by prayer and fasting that's plain yes it is oh yes so have the virus cause yourself to get weak you gotta watch it examine yourself don't ask me do i think your flavor changed that's right have you changed that's right what are you looking at on a computer when you should be in church amen you said at home so much you got lazy with it yeah until you say well ain't no need for me to go to church because i can just have church at home all day every day praise the lord praise the lord i can feel the spirit he called myself potato salad that's right all right all right talk to your foolish talk in hebrews chapter 10 and verse 25 there's a there's a doctrine that says what not forsaking not taking the assembling of ourselves together yes some of yourself together as the manner of some is as the man have some has done but exhorting one another encourage one another and so much the more and do it more as you see the day approaching because jesus is coming that's right amen amen [Applause] as you see the day approaching amen hallelujah [Music] you lay out a church so much yeah other things entering that's right talk the word and you become unfiltered amen [Applause] amen next thing you know you're not watching the truth of god bunch of trash on facebook yeah [Applause] amen amen facetime each other skype each other that's right that's a bunch of trash that's right why saw it losing his savior lost to savior amen now playing the lottery yeah oh yes put on that mass and run to 7-eleven i won't put on that mask and come to chat amen amen lose your savior hallelujah lost the savior amen are you getting me you are the salt of the earth or the virus done two things it gave many folk more faith and they gave others less faith that's right it made some get closer to god and it made others get weak in god that's right that's right what's your level of saltiness amen glory to god it goes for you to preachers preachers preachers that's right did you meet a new strange girl on your website amen amen did you meet a 20 20 bomb on your website and he's still talking to you 2021 yeah sending you pictures of his anatomy amen amen amen amen hey amen amen yeah mighty weak amen if the salt lost the savior loss it's power that's right where is shall it be salted shall it be salted it is then forth good for nothing you ain't good for nothing but to be cast out know what that mean go to hell my lord cast out means god will reject you because you lost your seasoning when you receive the holy ghost you receive the seasoning of god that's right you receive the seasoning of god when you receive the holy ghost now you can take regular salt don't use it because let it that's right that's right you got to be working for god to keep your seasoning up that's why you need to be around the world you got to come to the restaurant that's right amen that's right so your shaker can get shook amen amen amen holy ghost shake it up sometimes yes he will yes he will what did he say there you are the salt of the earth you're the son of the enemy but if the sword of lost is savior the salt loses power wherewith shall it be salted wherever shall it be softened it is dense forth good for nothing but to be cast out cashed out and to be trodden under the foot of me trotting under the foot of men it'll just be thrown away no good that's right when you lose your seasoning yeah you lose your flavor that's right did somebody take your flavor somebody take it amen amen you know when you're real salty you can feel hallelujah you can feel the presence of god that's right real salty that's right when your flavors start to changing and your level of seasoning change you don't feel god like you used to that's right you don't even have the mind of god like you're used to that's right you don't even have the desire to walk with god like they used to why your seasoning is changed yes you better hear the old man now amen amen when you had the holy ghost that's your meat tenderizer that's right the worthy god that's right why because without the holy ghost you're tough you're stubborn you rebellious but when you receive the holy ghost it tenderizes just like when that meat is tender and it cut the moment it starts being cutting before it's fully cut it's starting to bow that's right that's right so you get me amen you got the holy ghost wonderful and you're you've been tenderized by you know sometimes my wife said get that hammer looking thing like i got spikes on and i could hear a beating that meat that's right tenderizing it yeah that's why folk don't like my preaching i got permission we got a hammer that tenderizer that's right you love the false churches all they do is he's too strict he too rough he'd do this i ain't do nothing i can't be tougher than the bible no like i said when that meat is tender when you begin to cut it that that that slice just started to fall over amen you humble and you seasoned just right when we take the word of god begin to cut you before the world is done with you you'll find yourself falling over submit that's right calling towards the blade amen you cut that meat the meat fall towards the blade that's right when you get cut towards the world you fall towards the word meaning i surrender amen hallelujah i surrender give up you give over that's it you give in that's right i don't have time to finish this but let me knock off give me acts 2 38. then peter said unto them repent what's that then peter say unto them repent ah glory to god amen you better get right with god and do it now that's right don't let 2021 just be another year that come and go and you haven't obeyed god at all no thanks be unto god it's time to make a change now that's right stay around the word of god and get seasoned that's right amen sometimes folk coming to church and when more people start to come they get up and leave you better take this salt and keep it keep it stay right where you are and get seasoned that's right well i got a condition god can kill you out at home yes yes that's right that's right put god first hallelujah put them first then peter said to them repent and be baptized every one of you how in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sin and what did he say and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost repent of your sins repent get yourself right that's right anybody want to be baptized in water in the name of jesus christ today and get bible right stand on your feet stand on your feet wonderful all of you that are standing all of you that are standing you come on with it that brother that sister is you come on where they are hallelujah all of you that are standing glory to god i believe one scripture says i suppose this is good hallelujah for the present distress remember you want god to forgive you that's right you better get busy get busy on yourself that's right and forgive others it doesn't matter if the individual don't think you forgive you just do what you're supposed to do that's right well pastor jennifer suppose i forgive them and apologize and they don't accept my apology that's their business you do your part yes sir and let them do whatever else they want to do you do your part so you are freed up from the judgment of god that's right all right come on back prayer began god willing at 5 30. you come on you don't want to be baptized you come on y'all don't block the owl up down you let you got people coming up to be baptized let them come on amen and then any ministers get ready yet emmanuel well y'all fellas don't wait do you all right that's good we got plenty of water oh yes amen you you go back there with them you know because it'd be the first time he going in that pool that pull brothers use a jackhammer we dug that ourselves six and a half feet deep 22 feet long and 12 feet wide the brothers was rotating just jackings so todd's deep angles you you you gone you gone over there you know because folks ain't six feet tall and you have to know how to bring them down to a certain step and stop at a certain point and then take them down amen amen i know some folk wanted me to baptize them for their dedication service but uh we left them baptized and i send towers i don't want to be fishing nobody out the water that's why i'm sitting in charge back then that's right okay man i don't want nobody to be fishing out the water amen so tell him he ain't got a body slamming him because there's plenty of water all you got to do is take him down so the salt can stay seasoned that's right i don't want the salt get washed up in here all right let us all stand and brother minister gary will close us out in prayer eternal god and father jesus christ we thank you for your goodness and we praise you for your mercies thank you for allowing us lord god to see this day thank you for bringing us together lord god lord for this dedication lord god we thank you for the many blessings that you have bestowed upon us we thank you for where you brought us from lord god and will you have us know we thank you for the one whom you have sent among us we thank you for the visions that you have given him we thank you for keeping him faithful lord god to the vigion we thank you for keeping him humble lord god we thank you for this day thank you lord god for the many blessings that you have given on to lord and while you bless us lord god help us to remain humble lord god because there are places that you will continue to take us father god strengthen us in areas of weakness oh god give us the word moreover and help us lord god to be obedient and strive to do your will we thank you for the one whom you have put in our midst lord god keep him in your right hand hallelujah that he might reflect thy light to lead the people out of darkness father god strengthen us let us take the word lord god even when we are fought against lord god help us to have a forgiving heart hallelujah help us to follow your word let us not be moved lord by the circumstances but let us keep looking at your word we thank you for the many souls that continue to come in lord jesus continue to keep them and bless them with an holy spirit that we might walk right lord god keep us as ministers that work in the vineyard help us to be humble help us to be faithful help us to follow leadership lord jesus lord god and to help the leader lord god to lead the people in the way of righteousness always looking at ourselves so we also can save our souls strengthen and guide the things that we fail to ask of thee we pray oh god that you're grant unto us in your name jesus christ we pray we say amen you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 165,927
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Id: vcfYhn7SuFk
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Length: 93min 30sec (5610 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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