First Church Truth of God Broadcast 1462-1463 Sunday January 10, 2021 Sunday Morning Service HQ

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indeed god willing at three o'clock we will be meeting over at the school in your committee room at three o'clock god willing next sunday to you to just tune then this is the program that gives you pain the truth of god again we're glad to come back and wrestle with you wrestle with your pastor wrestle with your bishop why you wrestle with your heart because when you've got a mind to obey god that's what you're going to wrestle with this is the message that god purposed to get everybody on the street path and give everybody an opportunity to straighten out their lives and leave everybody else life alone once you focus on you you you do pretty good now into all the saints that's uh listening the world over um our international youth conference will be activated back again this year someone said are you gonna wait to the virus to go away no i'm not that's right why i don't know how long i'm gonna be here and the virus is not going to hold us hostage you will learn how to adapt you go to the market doing the virus you go to the barber shop during the virus you wash clothes on the virus you look at williams doing the virus if you can do these things we're not going to shut down church we're not going to do it so the first weekend of april april 2nd 3rd and 4th is the international youth conference listen out further for the dates in july for the international holy convocation that'll take place in july now concerning conventions in europe and uh india and africa that depends on the laws of that country that's out of our control but uh once we get news then we will proceed further in the foreign countries because before this virus hit 2020 brother brother i was to be in dubai i was to be in the netherlands i was to be in holland i was going to be in the united arab i was going to be in england it was so many foreign countries where the truth of god followers are and was going there billing and billing and billing we were scheduled to be throughout the south pacific not that far from japan from the some in the mowing islands fiji islands crook islands we were going to be in the philippines but god certainly know how to interrupt things don't it so just like you know how to interrupt things i want god to lift the virus yes i want god to lift the virus now even though the vaccine is out but it's not going to get rid of the virus the virus is going if after everyone will agree to be vaccinated the virus still will be in the earth we're turning back every year and uh i'm told now in some areas like europe and africa it have uh a different strand is out it doesn't matter how many strands come out it won't stop man from sinning it won't it won't turn everybody to god but nevertheless 2020 was an explosive year and 2021 came in with an explosion amen all the you know in the bible you got hittites amorites mobile bites in america you got trumpites amen now i want you hard-headed stubborn folk to hear the old man now the scripture come to mind evil man and subdues let's work on that williams how you feeling today pray for me pastor i'm praying for you i want everybody to get this because you know paula white is trump's personal spiritual advisor so you don't know who she is you ain't missing nothing but she's the false prophetess i was all over social media saying that the lord said he's sending angels from africa sending angels from south america anglers from puerto rico angers from this and all of these false prophets and prophet said the lord told them that trump will win the election i'm not for trump i'm no more numb for bite i'm for god but what i am against is false prophecy and that lie that you fellas have told on god gone judging they're gonna face you in eternity because we only got one god that's doing any truth-telling god have ever made anybody prophesied when god does it it's guaranteed to come to pass just as sure is god is god because god declared about himself not one word that he spoke it doesn't fall to the ground and then he said it does not return unto him void but it shall accomplish to wherever he sent it and it's going to prosper so whenever you fellows men and women and there was another false prophet this morning he said he got to repent for saying trump was not going to win well you was right the first time god ain't the author of confusion why are you fellas so confused that's right because you spoke it presumptuously you brought these things by your own opinion by your own views i want to work on seducing spirits evil men and subdues us and also i want to get the fourth chapter first timothy if you will i want to travel this from old testament to new viewers do you have a seducer for a bishop what is a seducer a trickster a religious current artist someone that make a fool out of you that's right you follow them when you look at all these men and women and went down to the uh capitol building willing to fight the police five people dead because the god of the trumpites not the god of heaven now this is what i find interesting they claim they're christians the republican party claim they are the party of christ one republican emailed me and said that us conservative republicans are more in line with jesus teaching than the democrats no one parties of the devil and the other part is of satan that's right i don't say it pastor jesus said the same thing now you got it wonders of the devil and the others of satan how is it that a fool that posed as a president can tell you to storm a government building you know i'm from the hood and if you in the game the leader of the gang don't make a declaration he ain't there from the hood man when the gang go out and we mix it up and rumble everybody's out the gang leaders out he's mixing it up with the other gang leaders but your leader of this people have caused them to error that's right and now as a result of so many of you following a fool [Music] and fbi is after you that's right now remember if this thing would have came from god you wouldn't be in jail you wouldn't be charged with sedition that's right you wouldn't be charged with treason that's right you wouldn't be charged with being a terrorist that's right even some of them claimed they were preachers and many of them were evangelicals was waving flags with the name of jesus jesus and trump ain't got nothing in common nothing i said that's right how could someone trick you to be such a fool now i'm going to strike this out with bible that's right because whenever i talk about trump oh man it's many of his followers they'd be on our web our website on the message blowing it up calling me everything but a child of god that's all right i'm gonna get bible with this that's right all right williams are you ready amen all right come on let's go to work and cause some pain here in the book of second timothy chapter three we're at verse 12. follow me yea and all that will live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution now that don't apply to y'all no y'all what you did wasn't godly no trespassing is not godly that's right stealing things is not godly that's right and you claim you're christians none of you are christians having a form of god this is what you have in second timothy chapter three and verse five fake us having a form form of godliness but the nine years power thereof according there is no law in this country that says you know that congress can just throw somebody out from winning an election because you don't like it no and you believe they can be done that's right you are suckered that's right now you would say you see that pastor jenny we know who side you on i'm on the lord's side that's right and i'm simply speaking against wrong that's it you don't like it because you're guilty that's right listen at this but now in 2nd timothy chapter 3 and verse 13. oliver but evil men able men and seducers oh evil men evil men evil one thing i say about trump as i and my wife was talking i got to admit one thing he have never hide or tried to hide his true colors even before he got in the white house that's right when he was running for election chaos broke out in every city just as a prefix of what was about to come that's right and now how can it now don't be surprised viewers i'm not saying i'm prophesying i'm not saying that at all but don't be surprised when he get out of office give it time because he's surrounded by evangelical infidels but don't be surprised if they encourage him to start a church don't be surprised if you hear donald trump ministries and the religious slogan make america great again don't be surprised that's right because if you try to start a church now you're on my territory that's right amen we was in the barbershop talking yesterday and one barber shawn you said i said sean i'm gonna give a shout out to you he said i was in a barbecue he said gino you know what all them followers trump got he can start the church donald donald trump ministries wow everybody had to start laughing i said you know what that's something i mentioned to my wife some time ago don't be surprised donald trump ministries all you got to do is be a fool to join amen it'll never save you we're living in the last days god knows no doubt all right come on williams listen at this now but evil men amen and seducers and tricksters now when someone seduces you they manipulate you yeah con you oh yeah how could you blind men and women be so mentally warped that someone can trick you to invade property of the government that's right and then come back and turn on you and say you that commit this violence you shall be punished you that done this you shall be wait a minute wait a minute he is the one that sent you that's right you are loyal to him but he ain't loyal to you that's right [Applause] them are the actions of a false prophet that's right they are the same way the false prophet is not loyal to you he's loyal to your money he's loyal to your wallet but your soul he don't care about that's right that's right are you listening to the old man but evil men evil men and seducers i wouldn't say well you shouldn't speak against the authorities the any every job the job of every godsend preacher they speak against all powers of the earth that's right that try to rival against god that's right and then try to hide behind the name of god to justify themselves yeah waving trump flags and waving jesus flags what is that going to prove what is that what is that nothing nothing evil men and seducers only an evil man evil man can get up and con and manipulate a mass crowd of people yeah and then i can't blame it all on him because it can't be dumb unless done unless you're weak enough to believe it talk not much with a fool what taught not much with a fool and here you got people out there saying we take him back to government we taking it back well where is it that's right you must didn't have it long that's right what did you do with it amen how can you take back what's not yours evil thank god they should have been charging running after god that's right pressing a gup against the word of god that's right you know when this happened it made me think of the 13th chapter of the book of revelation about the beast how his speech would be so influential yeah and how they would wish up the beast that's right man the bible talks about how they trump was not the beast but he do got the characteristics of a beast that's right and they worship the dragon they wish up the dragon and he is a servant of the dragon oh yeah he's one of the sons of the dragon that's right because he's vicious that's right and he's a carnivore amen because he consumed people's will to do right and they present wrong and pain it to be right that's right and you religious fakers that claim you're serving jesus how can you back a tyrant hmm amen five people are dead yeah because of your leader that's right that's right five people are dead yeah been killed out of time now facing judgment to come that's right because of your leader bible said if the blind lead the blind that don't just cover religion that cover everything that's right both shall follow if the blind the bleeds the blind both shall fall into the welsh both that's the teaching of christ both both shall fall into you shall fall into the ditch meaning both will be lost that's right that's right yeah man now let me get rocked i want to see you already wrong all right well if it's a word let me get raw er lord god that's right jeezy let let me get raw earth someone said you ruined that word that's all right but you got what i'm saying that's all right if that was a mass crowd of all people of color oh my [Applause] my goodness my lord if any of us would have managed to scale the wall oh my lord we would have been falling off like roaches that's right gunshots that's right trump would have been on there kill them all yeah that's right that's raw truth that's right where was the national guard yeah when they had all these protests in the summer black lives matter yeah the national guard was already there to welcome them when they arrived amen amen it was already there on the steps welcoming them when they was arrived oh yeah but this time you had some policemen taking selfies with rivals that's right this is a wicked nation a nation that professed that they know god but paul said and works they deny they deny him deny him that's right so when they hear us preaching like this they say oh you ain't nothing but an undercover democrat no i'm a open holiness preacher that's right i'm an open holiness preacher that's right and you so-called christians evangelical who was all mixed in the midst of that thousand talking about you were doing the will of god god will have never failed no never if this was the will of god that god's people would have won that's right why god would have backed them that's right god would have overturned everything that's right that's right failure is not god so shall my word be that goethe forth out of my mouth wait a minute amen do you hear this in the book of isaiah chapter 55 and verse 11 so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth so shall my word my word lord that god be that come out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void what it shall not return unto me void what are you going to do with him but it shall accomplish what happened that which i please all these flags with the name jesus on it what happened what happened ain't nothing wrong with the name that's right that's right that we're in the name that's right but you waving it what they got to do with it yeah oh yeah that was a bunch of people of color they would have been shot bodies laying everywhere that's true that's true we wouldn't even made it to the door no way what did trump do just to clear out a certain area last year got the national guard cleared people out tear gas bats and everything just to stand in front of a church that's right i want you to listen who's going to be deceived give chapter and verse again second timothy chapter three and verse 13 what is but evil means evil man and seduces and fix them shall whacks worse they'll get worse and worse and worse deceiving they're gonna be deceiving folk and and being deceived and they themselves gonna be a victim of deception that's right that's right not only are they going to deceive others and being deceived they themselves will be tricked also i marvel something what was that a 16 year old young lady that got killed 30 something young girl got shot yeah young girls out there on the front line think they're doing god's will that's right because they believed of someone with a seducing spirit in spirit fathers taking their little sons with a sense of pride true that's because someone with a seducing spirit has spoken this is why it is important to be sound that's right that's right if you are the people of god that's right you must know when god speak versus when man speak amen i want all of you watching to give this because it goes for your preacher i don't care if you call himself apostle or possum a rabbit a bishop whatever he called himself whatever when they came when they tell you the lord said this and the lord said that and the lord said the other and yet they cannot verify certify justify the speech of god from god's word and if thou say in thy heart hear this in the book hear this hear this now in the book of deuteronomy chapter 18 and verse two oh let the preacher get away and say well bishop this one said that i don't mean nothing no what did the bible say deuteronomy apostle so-and-so said is it in here that's it no i don't want it then that's right my job is to preach what's written in the scriptures until paul said be instant in season and out of season that's right the church our job is to go to what's written for all of our beliefs that's right am i right answer glory to god amen for everything we hallelujah everything blessed be god that we believe we have to go the scriptures that's right not only for what we preach but for what we do that's right we have to investigate our doing it doesn't matter if it looked wrong or strange in the eyes of someone else that never seen it the only thing that make it wrong is not if pastor jennings feels though is wrong the only thing that make it wrong is when god determined it to be wrong that's right that's right all right listening deuteronomy 18 and verse 21 follow me and get me and if thou say in thine heart you saying thy not how shall we know the word which the lord shall we know the word which the lord has not spoken the lord did not say when a prophet speaketh in the name of the lord and what if the things follow not if the thing don't happen nor come to pass what that is the thing which the lord has not spoken all of you that said that he's supposed to be the president and by and lost because the lord says because angels supposed to come from africa to help him anger's supposed to come from europe to help him uh uh uh amos angels from the bahamas bohemian angels for the supposed to come that's right uh asian angels for the supposed to come yeah what happened what happened that's right you know this is serious business because this is a worldwide act of religious blaspheme that's right and members of these evangelical fakers have fell victim to it because this is what the danger is when you're not taught scripture when you're not taught scripture you cannot rise to the occasion of knowing that's right because you hear what i said that's right when you're not taught scripture you cannot rise to the occasion of knowing so therefore you become a follower of foolishness and not an investigator that's right i'm a religious investigator that's right i want to know is this thing from god amen i don't care if you're getting the spirit and shaking [Laughter] glory to god i want to know from here what did he say what did he say you see a lot of you go through these churches they got these false prophets they're very dramatic like kenneth copeland you know they had this thing that was going all around america called laughing in the spirit that's right do you remember this that's right some of you never heard it these were mega churches two three four five six seven ten thousand people all falling out on the floor all laying on the chairs supposed to be laughing non-stop for hours supposed to be under the inspiration of god laughing amen all on the floor tomorrow you're laughing in the spirit no no you're dysfunctional that's right i don't need the holy ghost to laugh no no no when you don't know scripture there's a blame game that's played you blame events and things on god then you make god appear to be like a man or fool that's right that's right and god is not the author of confusion if all these prophets and prophetess who saying they represent god all got the same prophecy all got the same voice and yet none of it come to pass when a prophet speaketh in the name of the lord do you hear this now in deuteronomy 18 and verse 22. when the prophets speak in the lord's name if the thing follow not if the thing don't happen nor come to pass no come to pass that is the thing which the lord has not spoken the lord did not say but the prophet had spoken presumptuously see god is not to offer confusion no and this is why i said before and i say again all of you that put that lie out that trump was going yeah you got to come back and repent that's right did it openly you got to repent openly or go to hell for your blasphemy that's right all of you church goers that went through these churches and you supported the lie you got to repent because you took pleasure in the fake prophecy that took place that's right not only he that does the wrong but he that have pleasure in them that do it that do it that's right evil men evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse give chapter and mercy again i want to take my time in soaking back in second timothy chapter 3 and verse 13. evil men and seducers and subdue shall wax worse and worse worse and worse don't expect things to get better no no the madness that's here in america and america it would always brag to other countries how religious they are we are the we we have a standard of godliness yeah viewers that are watching around the world america is a sick country oh yeah there's a hypocritic nation that's a critical nation it's a hypocritical nation in the book of isaiah chapter 10 and at verse 6. let's get bible forward william isaiah chapter 10 and at verse 6. all right i will send him glory to god i will send him against an hypocritical nation amen i will send him i will say give chapter and verse again isaiah chapter 10 and at verse 6. i will send him against again and hypocritically you know when god sent a man he don't send that man to run hand-in-hand with that hypocritical nation no no and now in order for you to know that god is against that nation god send men to speak against the conduct of that nation the laws of that nation the beliefs of that nation the religion of that nation when all these things constitute god that's right amen that's right hallelujah glory to god god sent a man i will send him men against an hypocritical nation against a nation of fakers and against the people of my race what and against the people of my race or is a god against the people of my right will i give him a charge what i call hallelujah amen but i give him a charge to take the spoil take the spoils and to take the prey take the prayer and to tread them down like the mire of the streets run them over run them over yeah that's right take the word of god and run them all shut them down like the mire of the streets come on you trumpites wake up that's right you evangelicals that have misrepresented god a true witness you've got sinners all over social media mocking you fools make a market sin what what what what what is that now in the book of proverbs 14 and verse 9. what is it fools make a mock at sin and that's what they're doing amen that's right they're walking around no remember walking around saying god said this and their conscience is not moved that's right you lie that's right all of you men and women that said the lord said when the lord said nothing you lie now if there's any honesty in you it will convict your heart yes it will if but your heart is like ice that's right when it's 50 below zero that's right don't you expect the drip to take place from that icicle that's right uh fools make a market make a mockery of sin but among the righteous but among them that are right there is favor as what there is favor we look at sin for what it is that's right i mean even if we're guilty of it that's right amen because if we didn't look at sin for what it is you won't find us running to repentance no huh no no what make a person run to repentance scared of hell that's right that's right hey man what knock out that pride and stubbornness scared of hell that's right what make you not repent your arrogance amen you know pride is the downfall of a person that's right all right now in proverbs 14 and verse 25 yes a true witness uh oh amen you know i love how the scriptures just reign that's right a true witness witness deliberate souls amen that's what the truth of god is over the air for viewers that's right truth of god is a true true witness for what reason deliberate soul to deliver your soul but a deceitful witness but a trickster spirit is a deceiver but a deceitful witness yeah speaketh lies amen deceitful all of you that it is plain oh yes all of you that was told that trump was going to win by false prophets and prophetess yes what are they a deceitful witness speak what speaketh lies deceitful witness because if god says trump was going to win amen ain't no need to storm the building that's right no all that ain't me need it no god you've got to make it happen that's right the god ain't got to force nothing to happen that's right god wants something he makes it happen that's right that's right amen all right let's go back to the book of timothy now let's back in 2nd timothy chapter 3 and verse 12. i want to take my time and soak you a little yeah you know that will live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution yes but evil men evil men and seducers and tricksters shall wax worse and worse how bad they gonna get williams deceiving deceiving and being deceived you better hear this message viewers that's right this is glory to god this is hallelujah go ahead god this is 20 21. yes and you haven't waked up yet many of you never trust our enemy in the book of ecclesiastes 12 and verse 10. so good to have robin back [Applause] i started taking nothing from him already no i'm not taking that in front of me no amen but i'm glad to have my side kicked back that's right listen at this in the book of ecclesiastes 12 and verse 10. book of ecclesiasticus from the book of savage chapter 12 verse 10 verse beginning at verse nine where at verse nine listen in the prosperity of a man and the prosperity of a man enemies will be grieved enemies will be what will be grieved will be greed what makes them grieve jealousy yeah but in his adversity and his problems even a friend will depart yes never trust our enemy never trust our enemy now wait a minute now come on away never trust down into them play around with the book that's right you can trust them a little bit never trust our enemies once in a while never trust our enemy at least every sunday never trust our enemy never gloria take god that's right the holy ghost said never trust our enemies never trust dynamics for like it's iron rusted like iron rusted so is his wickedness amen now amen why is the rust of an iron compared to the wickedness of your enemy yes the rest of the iron shows it takes away the beauty of the iron that's right and the rust of the iron shows that well it started to corrode that's it it's starting to deteriorate something is eating that that's right and what's ever affecting the iron is changing the beauty of the iron that's right tell your enemy that's right change but you didn't know was your envy at first because there was beautiful like iron yes but that feeling that's in him and in her yeah come to the surface that's right it's on the inside that's right but it begin to show outwardly like rust that's right and it alters the beauty of that so-called brother or that so-called sister and then you see him or her for what they really are that's right you trumpites go ahead man you evangelical frauds amen if this don't make you see what this rusty president is that's right that's right am i right amen amen if you can't see what this rusty president is amen by now right now you ought to go to hell that's right that's right so don't be surprised once you get out of office don't be surprised i'm not making a prophecy but don't marvel not marvel nuts if you hear of donald trump ministries my lord we are blessed to have that's right oh yes we are blasted to hell that's right listen never trust our enemy don't trust your enemy for like his iron rusteth so is his wickedness so is what his wickedness so is what his wickedness now now the rust is compared to his wickedness right what do rust and wickets have in common spreading that's right ah that's right because that rust that farm is on the iron if you go untreated it starts spreading yeah it starts going and then until the whole rail looked horrible that's right thank god man what happened here in america was just horrible yeah that rust just spread it spread it spread it that's right read it like it's iron rusted like iron wrap so is his wickedness always his awakening though he humbled himself so he humbled himself and go crouching and yet go crouching yet take good heed and beware of him amen he humble himself and go crouching go crouching meaning it's a fault it's an image to make it look like he submitted that's right someone said what they got to do with trump i'm about to show you yet take good heed and beware of him that's what trump did yes he did he got up there and uh you know he in in a hypocritical way criticized his followers for the violence and then you know said that uh buying is going to be inaugurated and all that stuff and yeah but crouching trouble appeared to be humble that's right just to get the media and critics off his back that's right that's right that's right you know another scripture addressed the church and said it this way having a form yes of godliness godliness but denying the power there let's deny the reality of it how shall we deal with folks like that from such turn away no hang with them turn away run with him turn away eat with him turn away turn away shall the bible itemize all this that's right we'll take god what did the holy ghost have having a form of godliness having a form of god but denying the power there all right let's go back to where we were i got so much to build so much we were back come on william in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 12 now at verse 11. yes though he humbled himself and go crouching though he humble himself and go crouch yet take good heed and beware of him pay attention in other words don't let the humble appearance yeah take the the the soft timid sound speech that's right that's right i'm i god really worked it today that's right oh god god really done i'm i'm i'm so beside myself oh come on what would i do yeah all that passive hypocrisy that's right because even the devil know they're gonna sucker somebody yes it will it's gonna trick somebody oh yeah you see a lot of you folks think standing up for god you've got this little passive weak watered-down timid voice and someone preached with ballet shoes on that's right that's why they say i preach they say that genesis he preached like he's mad with everybody he ain't never happy i am [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's right if you've been used to sugar yeah it is hard for you to adjust oh yeah to good wholesome food yeah if all you've been getting is cotton candy and bubble gum and all of that stuff and now you got to eat some good collard greens turnip greens and good chicken you know i often make the apparable but you take a child that mother give it i'm gonna start feeding it from the jar and give it that fruit man that child love it but i always love to see a baby face when they have its first exposure yeah the green vegetables man you see something me and my wife got seven kids we don't live through it constantly they look like the spirit came on my oldest daughter was a baby and you might get that fruit cup and whatnot and give it a fruit and whatnot i was like daddy what are you gonna give the vegetables you say oh i am and i remember i think the first jar was green peas green peas hey man and uh daddy put a little bit on the spoon first she gave her the fruit a little bit of the fruit cup first setting her up oh man brett was so happy eyes looking around kicking daddy got those green peas put that in britney mouth britney looking just said huh as a child she knew it to her it was like the presence of evil so what mothers got to do they mix it yeah with the fruit cup they get it in them viewers these men today are sent to you from the devil that's right for one purpose rob you of your opportunity to go back with god that's right listen at what i'm about to tell you if the preacher you have is truly of god you should never have to find yourself fighting with him to believe something that's in the scripture that's right that's right any time you got a fight with the man about something in the scripture that we got to do right then that's a sign he's a false prophet that's right helen said well how can you say that pastor jennifer jesus said my sheep yes will him hold it he didn't say right away my sheep will understand no he didn't say that no he said my sheep will hear my voice it didn't say you would understand it first no because you got to hear it before you can consider it he wants you to hear it first then consider what it said then he said i'll give you the understanding in all things you see how god have it that's right so you that got to argue with bishops and fake apostles you got to argue with ernie and bert and big bird and oscar in that garbage can that he called a check that's right that's right about something in the bible amen and you say god sent you amen we as ministers of god must say amen amen to whatever god says that's right we can't back off of it because we ain't up to it that's our problem that's right we just gotta come up to it because god said it that's it that's it that's right god listen god don't make me preach something because i'm up to it no no that's true did you you didn't know that that's right god said to the apostle preach the word preach the word he didn't say wait till you up toward them preach it now preach the word someone said you mean to tell me men in the bible preach things and it wasn't up to it paul preached the word of god back god permission then said o wrested man that i am that i am who shall be able to deliver me from this body of death god don't care you ain't up to it he said preach it preach and if you want to draw back the spirit of god will come over you and force you to preach that's right that's right holy men of god spanked as there was one move there was one move oh hallelujah that's why man got to have the holy ghost because his flesh might make him draw back and the holy ghost said oh no that's right that's right father deviate that subject because he's condemned yeah but the holy ghost in him will push that word of god out that's right guess got to come hallelujah that's right got to come out that's right that's how the will of god works that's right holy men of god speaker they was moved by the holy ghost why because the holy ghost may want to lay him out yeah holy ghost i'll go right to a scripture and slap him right in the face that's right remember that commercial that talk about heartburn and say if your food attack you that food be smacking you that's the way the word of god is that's right and what if god smacks the preacher amen any preacher get up and act like he's so far up there with god and say well ain't nothing in the bible bother me he's a child of hell amen amen that's right what did his ass back in ecclesiasticus 12 still in verse 11. though he humbled himself and go crouching yes yet take good heed and beware of him and thou shalt be unto him as if thou hast wiped a looking glass yeah and thou shalt know that his rust has not been all together wiped away all right let's go back to where we were give me the fire get one more i got one more screw oh my god he's on a reading spring 12 and verse 16. that's why an enemy is speaking sweetly with his lips enemy enemy sounds good speak it sweetly with his lips yes but in his heart and his heart he imagines how to throw thee into a pit amen is that the truth amen amen you you you you trump bikes that's right oh you he he he got up there and just tell you to fight fight fight fight fight what she did yo you have to go down there and start the capital that's right amen and you like a full win for a while he will abide with thee for a while amen for a while for a while he'll bite with you for a while he was up at the podium he was out there talking all that talk that's for a while for a while he will abide with thee then what but if thou begin to fall if you begin to fall he will not tarry amen amen i told you it's all bible bible that's right give chapter and verse william in the book in the book of ecclesiastes chapters so beautifully out loud amen in the book of ecclesiastes 12 and verse 15. so trump had to rally and talking all that talk go fight go fight go fight go fight go fight go fight just just twist again go fight take back the government take it back that's right that's right what happened for a while he will abide with oh wow amen he hung with you but if thou begin to fall and believe me they start falling he will not tarry you couldn't find him that's right that's right sent you out there on the front line and the fbi is hunting you down like bloodhounds that's right what did you gain nothing but embarrassment for following a fool that's right that's the danger for following a fool amen whether he's a religious fool or a political fool that's right fourth chapter first timothy if you will now in the book of first timothy chapter four and that verse one all right son now the spirit speaker's expression ah glory be to the god of moses now the spirit speaketh expressly else talks that in the latter times and the last days some shall depart from the faith some will leave the faith apart from the belief of god what are they going to do giving heed to seducing spirits seducers amen tricksters con artists that's right and and doctrines of devils there's a doctrine that comes with trekking oh yeah oh yes the devil doctrine is just lies that's right a person can have a doctrine in the political arena yeah from the devil that's right and then try to integrate it with scripture that's right and this is what so many out here doing now yeah and america's not gonna get no better viewers viewers viewers uh you better go back to the scripture about a hypocritical nation i gotta finish that up then we go back to timothy why it comes to mind so much coming to my mind and uh i have to gather the fragments that nothing be lost that's right america is a hypocritical nation and here you are viewers here you are someone said pastor jennings would you say if any of them was in first church of the lord jesus christ and would have ran in there they would have went to jail yes oh yeah back out you should call me so i can cuff him no i cuff you cuff him that's right grab you by the seat of your pants and throw you in a paddy wagon myself amen the bible says the law is made for the lawless knowing this listen at this point now in first timothy chapter one and verse nine knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous man no i made for them that do right but for the lawless but for them that's lawless and disobedient it was just a lawless mind guarding rowdy and like mad animals that's true that's right mad animals that's right that's right it's a disgrace it's sad yes it is i pray for the families that lost loved ones and i pray that you turn to god and hear the word of god and repent of your sins that's it be baptized in water in the name of jesus christ to receive the baptism of the holy ghost that's why the truth of god is just so outstanding because we deal with all the subjects because the world and the manifestation of the world is writing that book that's right we can go to the book and find the deeds of humanity that's right all right let's see what kind of nation this is williams back in isaiah chapter 10 and at verse 6. what is it i will send him against an hypocritical nation hypocritical nation and against the people of my rest and you know what we're against america again that's right we're not against everything america do we just against what america does that's against god amen and then you got the nerve to try to do it and say the lord is pleased how in the let me show you how this seducing spirit in trump is so strong you can go back in the archives of every election in america you won't find no period where a bunch of so-called preachers churches a prophecy spell that's right about no man whether he's democrat or republican to get in the white house that's right never in the history of america have a mass crowd of so-called christians got under a spell to put a man in the white house that's right and so willing to lie to say god said amen it had never happened in america no why did god let this happen to manifest the darkness that pose as light that's right [Applause] because god warned us about false prophets that come in my name yeah you better give me the 23rd chapter book of jeremiah and say i have dreams that's right i have a dream ahead god ain't told you nothing so god allowed these men and women to prophesy by the moving of hell amen amen and then allow it not to come to pass that's right to manifest their hypocrisy jeremiah chapter 27. listen at this jeremiah 23 and verse 25. all right i have heard what the prophet said i've heard what the prophecy that prophesied lies in my name and did it in my name and you can hear all over social media in the name of jesus christ the lord said that one false prophet i will listen to it briefly this morning until i had to laugh to me it was the comedy hour he said this big light came in back of his head my lord my lord probably was the police bout to pull them over big light came in the back of his head lord then he said it he felt though it felt like it was a scene from batman what why don't you just stop being a joker that's right that's right they come with the most dramatic following yes it's like a hat that's right that's what ahab did that's right you got all them 400 liars and uh they tell they have gone up in prosperity the lord gave it to you going up and prospered he had lust for the wonder of some territory called raymond gilead and he got all these false prophets together to him to impress jehoshaphat then the king of israel gathered the prophets notice this in the book of kings real quick and then i want to go right back to where we were back in first kings 22 at verse 6 yes then the king of israel gathered the prophets together and about 400 men about 400 lives i said unto them shall i go against raymond's guilt against rainbow of gilead to battle or shall i forbid what happened and they said go up for the lord shall deliver it into the hand of the king how many was it 400 400 men all in america never in the history of this country have anybody ran for office and then the spirit of the devil yes swept through america and all these evangelical fakers pentecostal fakers some baptist fakers some apostolic fakers yeah was anointed by satan that's right i have heard what the prophet said was anointed by satan amen and they all say it with one voice trump will win trump will win just like a had liar said that's right go up and profit because for the lord shall deliver it into the hand of the king but there was somebody that had a rep that's right in the kingdom that's right his name was makia and and and your host of fat heard all them fellas yelling said to ahab what is there not here a prophet of the lord besides now wait a minute if all them fellas was of god he wouldn't ask that no he wouldn't he wouldn't ask that is there not here a prophet of the lord besides what that we might inquire of him and what the ahab said and the king of israel said unto jehoshaphat there is yet one man well that let you know ahab knew the lord wasn't in those 400. that's right if it was why didn't he just turn around and say well look we got 400 lords men right yeah we got 400 of the lord's men right here that's right but jehoshaphat inquired of a man of god there is yet one man we only found one man michael the son of emblem by whom we may inquire of the lord how did ahab feel about him but i hate him why for he does not prophesy good concerning me but evil that's the way you feel about the truth of god you hate it that's right because we tell you the truth about what's going on in this wicked hypocritical nation that's right never in the history of it and i want you to think of these viewers think of this you don't believe me go back to the archives go google google it that's right look at where kennedy ran yeah look at uh whimper rock ran that's right look at when roosevelt ran hoover lincoln nixon that's right carter the peanut president amen never amen in american history where all of these so-called christian leaders had this spell come over them yeah that a particular politician whether democrat or republican saying with one voice that's right the lord said lord says the lord said yeah that's what i want you to pay attention to with one voice countless of religious leaders that claim to be christians said with one voice trump was going to win that's right and not one of them that said it was a man of god that's right not one of them that said it was a woman of god that's right they were equal to those false prophets among the 400 in the days of ahab that's right take note of that that's right they said what ahab wanted to hear and they said go up for the lord these leaders said what trump wanted to hear that's right until a group of them got together and trump was sitting in the chair and they all lay hands on them i'll go with my lord satan had his hand on him lucifer had his hand on him have a dog had his hand on him bowser pub had his hand on him that's right that's right thank viewers first time in history in america that you saw satan who's called the prince of the air yes why is he called prince of the air because the air go in various directions like spirit yeah and he got them all together all together all together in america and even out of america my lord the devil wanted them moved on them to put up his man that's right and it wasn't god will no and god let this happen that shows the religious community a lesson that if god don't say it that's right it ain't gonna happen that's right that's right god will this to happen yeah let's show you amen i don't care how great a man or woman think they are and how large their following is who is he that's safe oh oh this sounds like the book of lamentations in the book of lamentations chapter three and verse 37 who is that who is he that saved oh it take god that said and it cometh to pass and it happened when the lord commanded us to remember the lord didn't command it amen amen when the voting was being counted paula white was walking around saying oh the lord can overturn it we command it we command it we command it for the lord to overturn it we command it we command it my lord what do you think god is that's right go ahead brother a toy go ahead god is not knocked no and god is not pleased with america and the rest of the world that's right you have turned your back on god you have served other gods you love money more than god that's right you have let politicians take the place of god that's right you're more loyal to trump than you are to scripture amen amen we are loyal to god that's right and our loyalty brings hallelujah about a commitment according to the scripture that's right that's right already god let's itemize this what did he say who is he that saith and it cometh to pass when the lord commandeth it not all right let's go back to the first timothy chapter four quickly back in first timothy chapter four and verse one god willing we are almost out your way this is a good message i hope you can get this now the spirit speaketh express i want everybody that are watching and listening and you that are mad and got your thumbs down feet down head down nose down everything down down just down that's right that's right god will this my lord because all down to the bible god shows us warns us that's right what happens that's right when he don't speak yes and man speak that's right and some of y'all that are watching never experienced it no so god allowed to happen on a global scale that's true to manifest his will that's right so even the sinner can look at fake christians and say y'all are liars that's right you are a liar amen and it makes the senator tell the truth god don't lie i don't lie he got a bottle of look in his head that's true god don't lie that's right he's smoking that's right i don't know about y'all but god don't lie man amen even the sinner got to say amen yeah god willed it amen better than mine never in the history of america have this took place that's something where preachers and fake religious leaders on a broad scale banned together by the spirit of the devil and said the lord said so lord said so i'm glad it happened yes because it reinforced the reality of god that's right all right come on son back in first timothy chapter four thought of it this way no amen but i i uh bible say what separate things are written a fourth time it's written for our lives i'm learning all right now the spirit speaketh expressly bless it be the name of god hallelujah that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith and the last time some shall leave the belief of god giving he to seducing spirits they would be tricked by the power of the devil they would give heed to it they would give themselves over toward and and doctrines of devils kings of the devil speaking lies and hypocrites lies and faking having their conscience seared with a hot eye and it won't faze them that's right for bidding to marry bidding the marry and commanding to abstain from meat yes which god has created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth right is it for every creature of god is good and nothing all right all right no i i asked enough for that that's enough of that let's go back the evil menace of deuces shall wax worse and worse back in second timothy chapter three and that's a mess god willing we will be out your way in a few uh this is so on point yes amen somebody i remember commenting said when i when i turn this on when i watch your program i i watched it they hear the word preach i don't want to hear trump okay throw the bible weight in that's right what do you mean through the bible way when i talk about trump i'm doing like the prophets in the apocalypse the prophets what do you mean paul talked about king agrippa yeah jesus talked about caesar that's right the bible talk about manasses yeah bible talk about josiah yes the bible talk about nebuchadnezzar that's right that's right already god i'm in line with god's word that's right you just don't like it amen amen you just don't like it i don't like it why don't you talk about biting it ain't time yet i get to him that's right waiting for him to get there i don't care if you're democrat or republican or rooster party when it comes to the word of god we don't care who you are that's right the true church from the lord jesus christ revolve about around god amen amen god is the center of the church god is the center of his people and as he's stationary our lives must rotate around him that's right when that happened we don't take sides with nobody but god oh yes until the prophet moses said you that is on the lord's side come unto me lord say god come to me that's it what did he say back in 2nd timothy chapter 3 and verse 13. all right but evil men and seducers what kind of evil men and seducers evil evil and trips that's a bad combination yes it is for you to be evil and a seductive that lets you know alone you really got to have the spirit of the devil because that's the evil spirit that's right and the devil's more subtle than anything out there that's right evil men are subdues shall wax worse and worse they're not gonna get no better viewers they're gonna be worse and worse deceiving they're gonna trick you and being deceived we have seen a great manifestation of this amen right here in america in america that's true usually we see this in foreign countries that's right right that's right you saw it in germany yeah in the 1930s and 40s with hitler oh yeah you saw in italy in the 1930s and 40s with mussolini that's right you saw it in japan in the 1930s and 40s with toe jokes yeah you saw it in libya with omar gaddafi yes you saw in other areas of the middle east saddam yeah that's true saddam hussein you saw it yeah but never in the history of america have satan rose up so strong that's right in a politician that's true that's true he rose up strong in religion yeah and he rose up strong and false prophets right but for the first time in the history of america have satan rose up so strong in a politician that's right that's right who hid behind the name jesus yes he did holding the bible yes he was for pretense make long prayers that's right that's right and then satan wanted everybody to know that trump was his that's right how i'll move on religious leaders and put trump name in their mouth and i would make them save the lord's sake one false prophet said the lord spoke to me and said trump the man from new york is my servant and he shall he shall serve this second time hallelujah you forgot a tongue forgot that that's right [Applause] worse and worse you've been calm amen amen yet they claim that oh you know what these so-called republican party oh we are the calm party we are the party that point you to christ you all are just as violent yeah many of you are nothing but pure thoroughbred bigots that's right pure homegrown racists that's right who use the scriptures as nothing but a front you carry a book you can't even understand amen a book that you don't in respect you are liars [Applause] that's right that's right think of the viewers that's something this is the first time in american history that satan got so deeply involved that all this prop prophetic all this prophecy is supposed to come about one person amen and all of it fails all of a sudden this is what god wants you to see you may not like me for saying it but god wants to open your eyes so you can see his will and what is not his will face the fact god did not say it yeah i didn't say it didn't say it kenneth copeland paula white pat robinson all you other wall false prophets amen whether you mega or storefront that's right i don't care what you are no god god did not say it no no let me show you how you would know a prophet give me the 12th chapter if i'm correct of the book of numbers let's see how god will manifest himself in that prophet that's right numbers come to mind chapter 12. you know maryam and aaron was moses brother and sister yeah and they rose up and speak against moses because he married an ethiopian woman they got so upset they say have not the lord spoken by us not only spoken by moses did he not speak by us the bible said the lord heard it all right follow me now in numbers chapter 12 and at verse 6. already god and he said hear now my words there it is that's what that's what gives me such joy amen when you can hear god's word that's right god personalize it that's right here now my word my word if there be a prophet among you if there be a prophet among you i the lord will make myself known to him in the vision will make myself known to him in a vision and will speak unto him in a dream speak to him in a dream my servant moses is not so was faithful in all mine house yes with him will i speak mouth to mouth even apparently if something come to you in a vision yeah and something comes to you in the dream and yet you say it's the lord and yet it contradicts the book and it don't come to pass yeah i don't care if you dream dream dream you better go back to the 23rd chapter of jeremiah back in jeremiah chapter 23. i'm about to knock off hey man you got to knock off because early then she's about to get out of here back in jeremiah 23. i have heard what the prophet says that prophesy lies in my name that prophesy lies in my name saying i have dreams i have dream i have dreams all right viewers amen what he's reading about some of you it's your pastor yeah what did he say i have heard what the prophet said got false prophets all over social media eyes closed tight that's right thus saith the lord thus saith the lord the lord said it shaken your hands the lord said it the lord said it our son on a solid side that's right i don't care if you close your eyes so tight when you open you see white dots amen i have prayed here i've heard what the prophet said god will for this to happen in the earth my lord lord thank god so the truth of god can come by god permission and god use it to open your eyes so you can differentiate what is god what is not that's right that's right you can get mad at the program all you want bless it all your eyes before they see that's right you get mad at all you want but you see it don't you that's right come on william i have heard what the prophet says i've heard what the prophecy that prophesy lies in my name yes saying i have dreams i have dreams i have dreams i have dreams how long shall this happen in the heart of the prophet shall this be in the heart of the prophet that prophesies prophesy lie yeah they are prophets of the prophets of the deceased of their own their own heart which think to cause my pain think that calls my people to forget my name by their dreams sophia the devil sent these men and women and put trump name in their mouth so strong yeah you forgot all about the lord that's true that's true you forgot all about it that's right walk around with trump flags for what amen a flag with trump name ain't no better than toilet paper amen that's right you hear the old man that's right a flag with trump name have no value than toilet paper no value in fact i believe taller people have more value that's that devil out of hell amen which thing to cause my people to forget my name yes by their dreams by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor and all and that's what they did they went over social media with this that's right and all of you people that's following these international liars yeah you forgot all about scripture yeah or you probably didn't even know the scriptures he was too busy following some fool man or some blind woman who tricked you that's right and through the name jesus walked around dramatic the lord said the lord said he's gonna do this he's to do this he's going to do it that's right [Applause] go off into town sing it and speak it that's right amen i make mockery of the heat make mockery villas that's right you may not like it i don't care yeah face to face yes all of you that got a false prophet or false prophetess man or woman that got up with that prophecy it was from the devil that's right so you're following a false prophet of false prophetess who are servants of the devil who are liars that's right that's right god they never said something in it don't and it fall to the ground amen god said he's gonna bring israel out of egypt we're gonna take god they came out and everything that faced them they conquered it that's right that's true red sea had to separate yes nothing could block it no no no no nothing could block it pharaoh's army behind them water in front of them that's right bo just what we gonna do wonderful stand still that's right hallelujah and seeks the salvation of god that's right [Applause] count hallelujah glory to god red sea opens up amen what do you mean nothing stands in the way of god's true prophecy no way nothing nothing amen will that thing come from god yes nothing hallelujah hallelujah that's right nothing that's right that god stands in the way that's right of true prophecy yes hallelujah nothing do it nothing i'm a witness nothing do it that's right wonderful nothing wonderful wonderful god thing will be so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth do you hear back in isaiah 55 and verse 11 thou shalt my word be that goes forth out of my mouth that come out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void it won't return god talking that's right it won't return unto me void but it shall accomplish no maybe it shall accomplish a little a little glitch here and there but it shall accomplish that which i please that prophecy is of god i should not have to come back and say wait a minute i i misunderstood the prophet i was misinformed i mean what was it the frequency wasn't clear was it static in the voice that's right that's right why don't you men and women stop playing with god amen you said the lord said something yeah that he didn't say didn't say you got to repent come out of your pulpits because god willed this to the public so the public can see who he's using and who he's not that's right what is that so shall my word be the goethe forth out of my mouth yes it shall not return unto me foreign never turn unto me boy but it shall accomplish what he said is going to accomplish what that which i please amen that which i believe and it shall prosper it shall prosper in the thing where to end it they will run to i i sent it senate amen not with paula white senate no she was trying to send it from africa that's right from south america and from puerto rico that's right amen god wasn't sending it from there no not from where kenneth copeland was trying to send it no amen you people follow anything because of the color of some people's skin it's true that's the problem with many of you man ain't of god because he's white and a man is not of the devil because he's black amen amen that thing got to please god when god says what there but it shall accomplish shall accomplish that which i that which i please and it shall prosper and the shell is gonna prosper in the same way i sent that's it isn't it oh yes remember the message viewers but evil men and seducers amen amen and seduce i pray that this is a lesson to all you so-called religious people who get head over heels by some politician listen not even black folk got that crazy about uh barack that's true that's true that's true you know many folks people of color and many wives was crying and happy yeah because they received the first black prayer oh he was happy oh yeah all the news all of a sudden change their tone look at him standing up there standing up there in the city that was built by slaves you ain't no you haven't even heard that before that's right that's right this is a sick society think of it viewers politicians must get on board with god that's right the people of god that's right should never get on board with the politician if he's against god amen amen someone said what is your political views pastor jennings my political views is holy holy holiness that's right govern my political decision holiness govern my political involvement amen amen that's right do you vote holiness govern my vote to the degree i didn't do it [Applause] i didn't i didn't do it i said what no i didn't you voted for buying i thought i thought you voted for buying no no but miss harris is the first black vice president i ain't voting for your color i got black fruits that's good that's good i care about your color your color don't mean nothing to me that's right you're born of a woman you'll die yes you will worms are feast upon thee that's right black don't make you right white don't make you wrong white don't make you righteous that's right bam black don't make you a satanist satanist that's right you've got to be holy amen that's what you got to be built you men and women was holy you wouldn't try to invade the capital no out there with bombs and guns and molly cocktails and all these weaponry don't you know the holy says the weapon of our warfare is not carnal not carnal you see even though the constitution what is that the fifth amendment that allow you to carry weapons bear arms well sir the second amendment second amendment beg your pardon the second amendment allow you to bear arms well our amendment says the weapon of our warfare has not come not carnal not causing the word of god you see what i mean that's right holding this preaching against us carrying weapons for the weapons of our world second corinthians chapter 10 and verse 4. you lied to my u.s christians some of y'all down there with guns and bombs what was you going to do bomb the capital to make the politicians accept you yeah are you that big of a fool i'm surprised at the fool that's right that's right come on back the bible amen i want to say well wait a minute what about the scripture that says in the book of ecclesiastes third chapter there's a time to kill that's right yeah that's right it is a time to kill but i gotta balance it out give me crazy chapter three i was about to quit i was about to quit give me the third chapter ecclesiastes give me the new testament the weapon of our warfare right and let's make this harmonized in the book of ecclesiastes chapter three we'll start at verse one yeah to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heavens all right and then why it comes to my mind once you finish that before you give me the new testament over there you better give me i believe matthew mark luke and john where the commandments was given that what thou should not do right this is after what they would have permitted to do right all right to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose being congested with bible to everything to every single time and a season that's right a time to be born time to be born and a time to die time to die a time to plant time to plant the time to pluck up that was planned a time to kill time to kill and the time to what about that pastor janice if you're against the second amendment what about that i agree there's a time to kill now i've got to break that down because there's a natural form of killing blessed be the great god of heaven and there's a spiritual kind of killing old testament says at the time it killed and here come the boss coming on the scene which is jesus who was god manifested in the flesh and began to preach what moses declared by god's permission thou shall not not kill killed but wait a minute pastor jesus that's the contradiction it says time to kill that's right but jesus said thou shalt not kill y'all know it's the commandment now listen listen listen listen listen listen listen now in the book of satan mark chapter 10 and that verse 19. why come to mind i want to show them how long are we killed right how many days how long that's right is our death taking place that's right [Laughter] you see i got to break this stuff to pieces here all right you murderers you get this saint mark chapter 10 we're at verse 19. walk around here with 38 45 german lugers guns with scopes talking about my second amendment rights and you claim you represent christ you represent the devil hear the old troublemaker now you represent the devil yes all right my uh mark chapter 10 and verse 19. mark uh mark chapter 10 and verse 19. yeah get it out mark chapter 10 and verse 19. i don't want someone to think someone got a gun on you about to shoot you got a throat kind of froze up on you there that goes for anybody here that got guns at home yeah hey man got you at 38 and 45. i had to laugh years ago on frankfort avenue there was an old man who passed on we called him brother matt i was preaching against carrying weapons he threw his hand up he said pastor i asked you a question i said yes he said anything wrong with hunting i said no you can hunt nimrod was a mighty hunter for the lord he said how about can i hunt with a 38 i i told him i've never heard the one hunting with a 38 and i thought about just make sure that you hunting to eat that's right you know you know you got people that are like uh predators and they hunt you for sport i mean kill human life for sport that's right this is how sick society is that's right all right that's uh mark chapter 10 and verse 19. all right come on will you thou know it's the commandments don't you hey viewers do you know the commandment do not commit adultery commit adultery do not kill don't kill do not steal don't kill do not kill don't kill do not steal and don't kill that's right working on killing and yeah what the solomon said ecclesiastes chapter three and verse three a time two kills and what did jesus say do not kill and what the solomon said a time two cares and what the jesus said do not kill who you gonna obey now that's right that's right amen you claim you're a christian who are you going to obey amen amen well which one is right both wonderful both are right that's right why because all scriptures are given by the inspiration of god solomon was inspired to say at times a time to kill and jesus come along and said thou shall not do not kill amen so now god got to come and send someone between the prophets and between the apostles and make the prophets and the apostles harmonized that's right all right now when solomon said there's a time to kill in the old testament you'll see many battles took place yeah many wars took place until the bible said there shall be wars and rumors of wars now that's the physical war where you go out there take up arms and whatnot but god's people don't take up arm to take another person's life that's why it says thou shall not kill you all right now when it says there's a time to kill now there is a time that god justify you in killing that's right but the one that must be killed is yourself that's right and the one that will kill you is the scripture now in the book of romans i want to show you how long does this death take romans chapter 8 and that verse 36 all right as it is written it's written for thy we are killed all the day long wait a minute what happened we are killed all the day long so there's a time to kill a time to kill amen so that's why you're watching this program this is the killing program that's right the killing program amen we come along and kill you and we got weapons we do we got a sword yes we get the word of god and we got an axe that's an axe and when you get a real stubborn it turns to a hammer that's right to god and break the rocks in pieces that's right when you try to get away it ignites you and set you on fire amen they consume everything in you that's not like god that's right if you really think you get away it floods you out like water that's right all the day long so a time to kill amen in the old testament they was justified and gone out then war and all that but here come the law of god being laid down the days of moses why you think whenever israel broke out the fight there was no warriors taken out of the tribe of levi that's right the levitical priesthood stayed out of war yeah stayed out of battle that's right why their job was to give attendance glory to god to the altar that's right that's right that's that ain't here we are the church the bible calls us a royal priesthood our job is to give attendance to our self being a sacrifice at the altar that's right not to give her natural weapons to take another person life but to get the spiritual weapons so you can take a person's life what do you mean take away their sinful life which change their life swap lies that's right my unholy life to a holy land that's right kill the holy life go ahead like in the old testament with a man loud with his own kind he wants to be stoned he's doomed you kill him yeah well i can't kill you now physically by getting a natural stone that's right so now i gotta kill you with the word of god that's right when you lie with a man i gotta come along and stone you with scripture that's right yeah that's right we come along and stone you amen we're scripture and how long does the killing take we are killed all the day long how long all the day long evil men and seducers what the heck shall wax worse and worse what gonna happen to them william deceiving and being deceived and what should true believers do but continue thou with the things which thou has learned and and has been assured of knowing of whom thou has learned them you continue in the things of god that's right so you don't be subdued that's right tricked amen become spiritually unhinged yeah oh yeah and then someone in power manipulates you i'm telling you what happened on that wednesday maybe think of the 13th chapter of revelation because they haven't been fulfilled yet that's right because when the beasts come the whole earth that don't serve god yeah it's going to go after him that's right trump had a b spirit yeah he had a seducing spirit spirit he bewitched it yeah and i have to say about you so-called christians about and let's close out third chapter book of galatia let's talk to the church yes the bible says oh foolish galatians galatians who has been which you who be witches that ye should not obey the truth you're a christian why did you go down there and start that government building who told you who motivated you other than that devil when you're serving trump that's right foolish foolish old foolish american who has to be with you oh foolish republican that's right old foolish man and foolish woman foolish boy foolish girl who has parents you jeopardize the safety of your own wives and your own sons and daughters that's true that's true and look at look at the control that uh trump have over the followers yeah the moment he got over and said go home that's right that's right they start disbanding like robots amen go home that's really something that's something you never thought of this did you viewers you bewitched all foolish galatians will i be with you that you should not obey the truth before god allowed this to happen manifest his word in the earth oh yeah the devil used all these men and women to prophesy something that god ain't never said that's right and he did that to open the eyes of the believer so the believer can see that god's word is true amen and to enlighten the unbeliever yeah to teach you how god don't behave that's right acts 2 38 says then peter said unto them repent all right it's time now it's time now right now right now glory to god and i mean right now that's right they get on god's side that's right be sorry hallelujah hallelujah blessed be god be sorry about your sins give up give up give over get right that's right repent and be baptized do what and be baptized oh every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins all right you that are here to have an obey this you might as well stop being a fool that's right that's right yourself right with god anybody want to be right and be baptized in water in the name of jesus christ stand on your feet today if you want it stand up stand up if you want it wonderful all right you that are standing come to the front come to the front come right over there where they are to my right that are standing come right up there to my right such as a lead you up glory to god amen this is a soul-searching message oh yes human family check yourself out now come on back yes next webcast will be at five o'clock god willing let me say this to all of you that are here then we'll go back to our regular time of service uh we won't have the 11 o'clock session we'll go back to the regular time starting this sunday coming it won't be three service we'll go back to the two amen we'll go back to the two so that way you come on now yo you're here for the one o'clock session anyway that's right you might as well just get ready now amen yes come on if you want to if you want to come on early still you can the doors will be open the doors will be open early in the morning you can come right down and get on your knees and pray amen amen the doors will still be open early as if it was going to be 11 o'clock session brothers know when you come here doors open early the moment you come wonderful i don't care if it's 8 o'clock in the morning open them up amen and you come on in here and pray now get in here and play music get on your knees and pray seek the lord for the holy ghost that you may make the resurrection when the lord comes may god keep you may god preserve you let us all stand minister dan thompson will close us out in prayer heavenly father of god in the name of jesus christ of god we thank you again for your kindnesses and your attend the mercies of god that you've shown towards us we thank you for this day and for all your blessings of god we have to continue to bless the viewers and the saints of god everywhere that they'll take heed and good heed to thy word i know god repent of their sins and be baptized in your name before it's eternally too late oh god remember the sick and the afflicted everywhere and bless your word as it goes forth in the future these things we ask in the name of the lord jesus amen you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 197,709
Rating: 4.7616372 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Jennings, Gino Jennings, First Church, TOG, Truth of God
Id: xx8nU2Q5mvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 58sec (6178 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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