First Church Truth of God Broadcast 1401-1402 September 13, 2020 Sunday Morning Service HQ

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the name of the lord jesus the one god of all prophets that are holy and the one god of all holy apostles whom we thank and praise for his divine guidance as perfect and infallible wisdom and understanding of all things we thank him for the way of holiness most of all we thank him for the way of truth that's clearly outlined in scriptures for our learning god only have one church god only have one people god only has one standard it is important that everybody understand this and realize this that if god had one church you better find out what church you're in and make sure it's the church that jesus started on the day of pentecost at jerusalem where the word of god was preached if you have more than one god you better find out who them fellows are otherwise in that except the god that we represent and christ is he if you have more than one way to get to god please let me know what those ways are because this way that we've been following is very straight [Music] very narrow and it has no curves there's not the slightest bend in this way that we've been traveling on so if you found another way that's more easier than this and it does get you to god please write me the directions let me know what route did and if i can get the god i'm pretty sure i can get quite a bit to join on that way with me because brother this way of holiness is some tough stuff but it's needful in a day like today it is necessary because as we see america and the rest of the world is certainly in the last days of chaos california again is burning down and up towards portland oregon or rather oregon and the state of washington everything is on fire i've been telling the people for years nobody owned anything and what else does god have to do to prove to you you don't own nothing i was watching the news and the man said i'm 57 years old and it's the first time i've been homeless there in california you can see the cars have melted melted from the heat and you bear in mind that heat is not even similar in the smallest way to the fire of hell i was watching one broadcast of one journalist he was standing in front of a tree and man my son was watching the news and i never saw nothing like it the the tree the heat the fire was so intense it split the tree open the outside of the tree was like charcoal but the inside of the tree was still burning red like lava that's how hot it was but it still was not the heat of hell so viewers as you see what's taking place around the world you ought to consider the message of holiness to be your way for escape not only to escape the wrath that has taken place but the judgment that god is bringing upon the entire universe and in the midst of your unbelief you bear in mind the judgment of god is still coming now let me just make these announcements to all of our viewers to all of you that was in the meeting of fort worth texas last saturday i believe it was to my viewers that haven't heard i believe it was about 103 if i'm not mistaken was baptizing water in the name of jesus christ then fort worth texas now uh to all of you that are watching in texas that's around there i believe it's called wimberley wimberley texas which is located between austin and san antonio texas and also you that's in the corpus christi area uh there will be holing baptism the area is blue hole regional park community pavilion blue hole regional park community pavilion saturday october 10th from nine in the morning to one pm now if you come straggling in after 1pm then that's all right they know not to empty the pool they still get you but all of you that's in the wimberly texas and uh that's between saint austin and san antonio texas also you that's in the corpus christi area and all around there saturday october 10th beginning at 9 00 am to 1 pm and it will be extended if necessary you come on the blue hole regional park community pavilion repent of your sins repent now we're making uh provisions for you to get your sins washed away before god take you out this life the truth of god is making provisions for you i said over the air to my brothers that are carpenters there in texas i want them to build a fleet [Music] of uh pools i want to flee that every temple have one that we can mount on the back of the trailers and they can go throughout their stakes and nearby [Applause] and baptize you we can pull up to the front of your house you can come right out in your pajamas amen so i send word out to my carpenters i want a fleet of pools we're going to make them larger than what we did there in fort worth texas i told the minister went just let me know that the the dimensions that they're doing let me know the cost so we can have the money sent and have our carpenters make one for each church location in the country and the entire country amen if that location don't have a trailer we'll buy the trailer we are also by the trailer if need be and put the pool on that way if someone is handicapped and can't make it to the place then we'll give you uh door service and man we have our own our own service right to you amen bring our holy uber company to you amen and uh you can come right out brother come right out in your pajamas we are baptized in water in the name of jesus christ and then you can go right back in your house shower up change and come out and walk forever with the truth of god message amen so that's what that's what we have and the works now we want to build a fleet of them baptismal polls per church amen if i didn't love the soul of people we wouldn't try to make it so convenient amen god is dealing with the truth of god to rob you of every excuse won't have no excuse none amen i thank god for my brother minister santana in california minister santana been he been having a portable pool it's not as big as the one that the brothers have built in texas but we'll soon change that one thing i say about santana he go all over california and have drove to the state of nevada with their pool baptizing loads of people in nevada then from nevada he load that portable pole up get that trailer put it on the back of his truck and go all down through arizona baptizing all of them just making his way from place to place well i want all the truth of god churches of the lord jesus christ to get ready now get ready because we're going to make a fleet of pools want to give them door to door of service amen we got a good product on the market here it's called repentance and it's free you can get baptized you can repent of your sins and get baptized in the name of jesus christ free of charge free of charge and if you want to hear some preaching the uh minister won't pull off right away yeah give you a brief message amen here man give you a brief message right there that way you and your family you and your second wife can come right out the front door and go down in the water in the name of jesus christ then afterward hey man she can pack up bags and go back to where she originally from amen glory to god so you remember this now october the 10th from 9 00 am to 1 pm and that time will be extend extended and wimberley texas it's a you that's in austin that's between austin and san antonio texas corpus crispy also in all areas in fact even if you're in another state because last week they even came from louisiana to texas it wasn't just souls in texas they got baptized they came from louisiana to texas and went down in water in the name of jesus christ so you all other locations are welcome you're welcome to come and come and give your life right with god also orlando and orlando florida the second sunday of the month at 11 a.m 49 25 clarinet oc road orlando florida uh there will be some services there uh october 11th october 8th december 13th these are the dates that's set up for orlando florida so you get a chance to come on down to 49-25 clarifying ocean road orlando florida at 11 a.m that's the uh second sunday of the month october 11th november 8th december 13th those are the dates that set aside tallahassee florida saturday october 3rd at 12 p.m terrier state park 2576 northwest terrier park road bristol florida you got your chance to come down there for outdoor service and be baptized in the name of jesus christ now all of you that's uh repenting of your sins and being baptized in water in the name of jesus christ you don't be baptized to go back in the false church you came from that's like taking a good bath i mean a good bath not a commercial bath where you just rub soap on your negative flesh that's not a good bash yes just fooling around with soap and water a good bath you get a rag when i came up we didn't call it the washcloth we call it rag [Laughter] and you know many folks just said uh i need a washcloth you need a rag [Applause] wash that old dirty flesh of yours and them commercial showers that just advertise the soap that rub it on you you ain't clean your stinking thing you need a good old rag to rub up against the flesh amen amen get all the uh dead dry cells off of you get the dirt off of you that's why i got a tough gospel to rub up against your wickedness to get all the wickedness out of you so you that repent of your sins and go down in water in the name of jesus christ as i said you don't get baptized to remain in falsehood after you repent of your sins and you go down in the name of jesus christ you gotta strive to walk in a new life that don't mean you won't make mistakes that don't mean you're gonna be up to everything that god commands you to do no but striving is implemented don't you don't you come out that water you better not step foot in a man-made religion again walk with the truth of god walk with holiness from that day forward until jesus comes who everybody now i want to show you in the bible the penalty for not walking with the truth the penalty for that for not loving the truth the penalty for not believing the truth you got to believe it walk with it follow it and love it you know there's a penalty if you don't do these things and that penalty won't come from the devil that penalty will come from god all right let's go to work god will give you a strong delusion is what comes to mind in the book of second thessalonians chapter two oh he's already ready amen that's always good all right second thessalonians chapter two and we'll start reading at the tenth verse follow me and with all deceivableness look at that verse nine william nine yes ii thessalonians chapter two and verse nine all right even him whose coming is after the working of satan yes it's all power and signs and lying wonders now one thing i say about the devil he's out he's out bold and strong and the devil have a lot of representatives working for him until jesus said many false prophets will come and shall deceive many and i can say of the truth they're here oh yes you can turn your radio on you can turn uh every form of media social media radio television satellite radio shortwave if they still got it you'll find false messengers frauds who claim they represent god and they only represent the devil who represent their own interests that's right they care nothing about your soul viewer they care nothing about your eternal life because if they cared about your eternal life then they will give you the right information that prepare you for eternal life with the lord now let us understand something everybody shall inherit eternal life let's just make that clear everybody shall inherit eternal life but everybody shall not inherit eternal life with god there are two places where you're going no third place two the catholics invented the third option purgatory amen i must admit even i wish it was true not too good for heaven not too bad for hell so i'm just all right god don't send me to hell and he don't want me in heaven so he put me on a cloud in a lounge chair just drink iced lemonade throughout eternity and played spirit basketball and play spirit tennis that's a lie out of hell that ain't gonna happen mark chapter 16 and verse 16. this is what it is viewers there is no purgatory none that's right this is what it is mark 16 and verse 16. he that believeth and how plain it is he that believes and is baptized shall be saved then you'll be saved but he that believeth not if they don't believe it what happened to him william shall be damned you know what that damn is you're going to hell that's right i don't mean you're going to florida that'll mean you're going to the fire in california no be damned mean loss that's right all right let's go back to where we were and i want everybody to get this i want to atomize this and build with scripture on this back in second thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 9. listen even him who's coming is after the working of satan yes with all power and signs and lying wonders yes and with all deceivableness with all deceivableness of unrighteousness that which is not right in them that perish and them that's perish in them that's lost because they receive ignorance they receive not the love of the truth have you ever loved something i mean love it you know most people love to eat that's true they love to eat some things they know they ain't got no business eating because they don't agree with them but it tastes so good and looks so good they grab that thing and just look at it and smile at it and say lord have mercy and they down it anyway and they know that after effects with some some gonna see spots some are gonna get light-headed but they love that thing so much they are light-headed while they eating it just spinning and still eating it that's right because in their mind it takes so good it's worth the trip that's right it's worth the journey the book says because and with all the in them that perish and them that are lost because they receive not the love of the teachers receive not the love of the truth that they might be seeing wait a minute you love the truth so what will happen to you that they might be saved you love the truth so what can happen to you that they might be saved all right and for this cause for this reason god god shall send them strong you that don't love to shoot you that constantly fight the truth year in year out jiren hear out don't love it speak against it blaspheme against it speak ill love it god come along and say all right all right all right i had enough of you and for this this is what i'm going to do to you now um this is one thing that god is not going to allow the devil to do that's right hear this now i want you to understand it that's right this is one thing that god is not going to give the devil permission to do this is the time that god himself is going to step up and do this thing to you himself and for this cause all this golf god shall send them stronger god shall do what shall send them strong send them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie so you can believe the lie that you shout about go to church over saying over preach about that they all might be damned wait a minute he gonna give you a strong of illusion so you can believe your lies so what could happen to you that they all might be damned so you can go to hell who believe not the truth who won't accept the truth but had pleasure it cost you're too busy having fun in unrighteousness and what's not right that's right that's something isn't it that's right viewers that's the penalty that god is bringing that's right have brought bringing right now and will bring in the future that's right to all of them that don't love the truth listen this truth is hurting me brother it's hurting me it hurts but i love it that's right yeah oh yes that's right listen it ain't no way i'm gonna be coming back here every single week preaching a heart gospel yeah that's when i came up you know we used to get we get ready for church getting ready to go to our false church when we were kids and i actually listened at the you know the radio gospel station and every sunday morning a song said come along this is saying uh there is a long dusty road ahead of me and brother hey it is it's a hard road the reason why i love this truth because my intelligence tells me god knows what's best for me than i know you understand viewers because you don't see god and you see us and you hear my big explosive god-given mouth you get upset with me as if i wrote the bible as i keep saying if god ever glory to god left it up the passages to write the bible there would be no bible for me to write not at all because the flesh don't want to do this all right listen i don't care if they got so much holy ghost until they glow every time the spirit come on them they just get bright as the sun for about five minutes and then they light get dim that don't matter nobody's flesh want the old be something that give them pain for i know that in me that is in my flesh will you hear this in romans 7 and verse 18 listen that god moved on the apostle paul now here this man was an apostle that's right and if he felt like this and you're not an apostle i know you feel like this that's right and listen at this now romans 7 and verse 18. for i know that in me that is in i know that in me i know in my flesh and my body and this earthly tabernacle dwelleth no good thing no good thing for to will this present with me to do wrong that present is right there but how to perform that which is good how to perform that which is good i find not i find out for the good that i would the good that i would i do not i i i don't do but the evil which i would not evil amen the evil but the evil which i would not that i do not that i do amen you see that and this was an apostle that's right now the will of god is evil evil to the flesh that's right did you hear me the will of god is evil to the flesh the will of the flesh is evil to god that's right you know i used to hear people testify i thank the lord for delivering me from a miserable life of sin but i haven't met no one who was miserable cynic amen i mean when you was out there sinning were you happy happy very happy he was out there partying weren't you happy wasn't you smiling and hey man happy and shaking and hey man that girl was shaking she wasn't worried about her hairstyle she shook her head and the curls fell out a mouth all balled up eyes all stretched and hands everywhere popping and some that didn't know how to dance just stood in the corner with a liquor doing something corrected god now viewers and the human family i want you to hear this god is asking you to love the truth his truth here here god god he's not asking you to love pastor jennings truth no no no no he certainly ain't asking you to love william's truth no way no no no not at all if you love me uh-oh do you hear this in the book of saint john chapter 14 and verse 15. jesus said if ye love me know if you love us if you love me them me they me we only got one to love here that's right jesus said if you love me if you love me keep my commandments keep my commandments keep my commandments keep my commandments be that lovely that's right keep my commandments that's right what else you have saint john 14 and verse 21 he that hath my commandments he that have my commandment and keepeth them and keep them here it is that loveth me uh-oh amen here it is that loveth me that love me now viewers bear in mind god is asking you i want to take my time and hit your heart that's right god is asking you to love his truth well pastor jennings how much all of it you can't love selective truths no no you know people have selective scriptures that they love and the scriptures they love don't hurt them like the lord is my shepherd i shall not want that don't hurt nobody selective truth daniel and the uh lions then that don't hurt nobody me shack shadowrack a bendigo all the preacher he will preach that with his hands over his ears oh he'll experience that all day why that don't hurt him that's right but the moment uh god says and love the truth love the truth what is there what did he say sir and with all the deceivableness of unrighteousness all the stableness of unrighteousness in them that perish and them that's going to hell because they receive not the love of the truth all right hold it right there i want to build on what is true truth what thy word that's right it's true so now let me just point out some things that you have to love hey man y'all want first timothy chapter 2 and verse 12. amen i want to point out just different things that you got the love you got to love it i said you got to love it i want deuteronomy 6 and 4 after that yes and then i want isaiah 44 6 and isaiah 44 8. then i want isaiah 44 24. then i want revelation 1 8. these are truth i want first peter chapter three begin at verse one i want first peter chapter four begin at verse one i want romans chapter six i'm gonna rain rainbow make it that's rain make it rain what the truth of the gospel amen we're dealing with loving the truth loving the truth amen and i'm just gonna get williams to read uh different scriptures that are true that are true and you got to love it oh yes you got to love it and if you don't love it you know where you're going that's right oh yes all right you better first begin first timothy chapter 2 timothy chapter 2 and at verse 12. here's one of the truths you got to love but i suffered not a woman to teach what but i suffered not a woman to teach that's true that's right they got to love that amen i suffered not a woman to teach know the use of authority over the man but learn how but to be inside so all women preachers got to pack up your briefcase take your pocketbook and your hymnbook and get out the pulpit or god don't give you a strong delusion and god gonna let you believe that he called you and that he sends you he gonna give you permission to believe that lie so you can go to hell that's right ah that's right he told you what he gonna do to you because they've received nothing see not the love of the truth that they might be saved so they can be saved and for this cause for this reason god shall send them strong delusions now if that woman preacher hear the word of god that suffer not a woman to teach know the use of authority over the man you keep fighting it you keep fighting it you keep fighting it you keep fighting it god's gonna get to a point he's gonna turn you over and let you live and wallow and get in the pulpit because of your unbelief and your hate for the truth you see if you don't have the love for a thing you have hate for that thing that's right and as a result of your long time hate this truth called haunt you that's right and it says what and for this cause for that reason god shall send them strong delusions god is gonna make that woman bishop believe that she is sent he gonna let you believe it he gonna let that woman preacher believe all right you're an apostle yeah he gonna let that woman preacher believe that he sent him you'll be going around saying i know what god said to me god spoke to me god said this to me god said that and god no he ain't said nothing that contradict his word first he gonna warn you amen in fact that's one reason why he had me here as a warner thank god and have given williams an ability to handle his divine scroll hallelujah hallelujah that we may point you to the book of truth hallelujah thank god and hold it right in your face and tell you you got to love it you got to love it that's right you got to love it now if you refuse to love it and you love your prancing around the pulpit and your cheap artificial license is more than you love the truth this is what god's going to do to you woman apostle woman bishop woman evangelist woman elder dkness this is what god can do to you and for this cause god shall send them strong give you a strong delusion that they should believe a lot your delusion is gonna make you think you're right that's right that you should believe what that they should believe allah when you up there saying you a woman preaching god and after god warned you you don't accept that long-term warning god's going to be like all right i'm going to give you a delusion i'mma let you go ahead and believe that a lie that you so dedicated to but there's a penalty for believing it that they all might be damned i'ma let you believe it because i got to fill hell up that's right i got to have somebody to go to hell that's right because a fire is killed in my anger and hell got to come about and it ain't going to come about in vain because i got to send somebody there so because of your unbelief and your hate for truth he'll give you a strong delusion that they should believe a lie so you can believe your life that they all might be damned then you are go to hell for what reason who believe not the truth who won't believe the truth but had pleasure and unrighteousness and when a woman getting a pulpit that's an unrighteous act that she's happy about that's right so that truth that he read in first timothy chapter 2 and verse 12. but i suffered not a woman but not a woman to teach nor the use of authority over the man with the being's talent with all subjection that's right forever for adam the first form then eve and adam was not deceived and it was not the same but the woman being the woman being deceived was in the transition question well that's one truth right there that's right you got to believe that's right all right now let's get to the next truth in deuteronomy in deuteronomy chapter 6 and that verse 4. all right hero is real hero is real wait a minute wayne that that first statement here here here that let you know god wants you to listen to something that's right and if nothing is not being said why would you advise me to hear that's right god is talking viewers that's right god is talking he is not not god's g.o.d.s no no no no one god is talking hear oh israel this is a this is another truth here that's right and i want to show you what's going to happen to you if you don't believe this truth that's right everything that we get that's truth i have to go right back to the penalty that god said he gonna do to you if you don't accept this truth yes all right here oh israel here is the lord our god the lord our god is one lord wait a minute amen his heaven is one lord all right if they don't accept that israel's god amen the god of holy prophets and the god of holy apostles yes the god of the truth of god and that i may add pastor jennings god i know that just made you so mad i knew it did but yes i can include myself next god of pastor genesis you got to bow to pastor jennings god that's right i know you don't like that i know you're angry i know it touched the nerve but my god is the only true living god of the world that's right hallelujah oh you take off hallelujah be the name of god yeah oh israel hallelujah i want the world to hear this thank you i want the standard and you know god gave me a mouth of thundering with you he always said the lord our god the lord our god is our god our god our god hallelujah [Applause] our god is one lord is one one lord now if you don't believe that if you don't believe that scripture what the apostle paul said and for this question back in second thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 11. every truth every truth that williams ring everything i'm gonna go right back to thessalonians that's right that will show you the penalty yes of not accepting and believing and loving you know when you love a thing you will embrace it you will accept it that's right you don't embrace this truth that's right that you got to love it you got to embrace it you got to accept it even if it contradict what your daddy told you that's right even if you contradict and break up your marriage amen even if you lose your job over it even if you got to walk out the pool pit and sell your church and give up your congregation hallelujah hallelujah you're gonna come back to this loving truth that's right all right what you have back in second thessalonians chapter two and verse 11. now if you don't accept the truth about this one god what is it and for this cause god shall send them strong delusions he gonna get listen any other god apart from one you're delusional that's true that's true am i right oh yes you are listen that now williams can bear witness oh yes i keep referring to my brother uh the scribe williams described because he was delusional uh three-dimensional delusional that's right yeah and when you got more than one god not in the mormons the so-called church of jesus christ of latter-day saints they are more delusional than williams was my lord williams had three the mormons have five my lord india is more delusional than practically any place india have over one million gods my lord more than one million gods now viewers i want you to hear the old troublemaker because many of you got statues in your house that you pray to and then you got others of you say well i'm relying on the spirit of my ancestors your ancestors is dead that's right did you hear me that's right i want this to be good for all you black folk amen and pan-africans and uh you that are defining yourself as the conscious ones and amen how i am said that the spirit of my ancestor is leading me listen there's only two spirits leading you give me an epistle i want to tell the world what spirit to know there's only two spirits that's right yeah hear now i say i said according to the word of god and you got to know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error first john chapter four and at verse six all right we are of god what we are of god we are of god he that knoweth god hears us he that hear god heareth us he that do what he that knoweth god he that know god hear us hear us he that is not of god he that is not of god it's not us he won't hear this truth hereby hereby are we the spirit of truth knowing the spirit of truth and and what's the second one the spirit of error the spirit of error amen the spirit of truth of the spirit of god the spirit of error is the spirit of the devil out of hell that's right so no i'm not waiting to be led by the spirit of my ancestors not at all no thus my ancestors are dead some in a grave die with christ some in a grave died without christ but uh i don't need the spirit of my ancestor because the word of god tell me they that that's right that's right and i'm waiting on god's spirit lord thank god that's what's driving me lest it be the name of god that's what's pushing me that's the spirit of my uncle spirit of my heart the spirit of my grandfather and great grandfather was many spirit of the slaves that died no for as many as are led them that are alive by the spirit of god by the spirit of god they are they are the sons of of them that should god god hello the sons of god of god hallelujah hallelujah come on and say well patrick why don't you rely on the ancestors of africa what i got to rely on them for some of them believe in witch doctors that's right some of them believe in trinkets that's right battling the statues i don't want that spirit oh hallelujah i need the spirit that was in the prophets that's right that was in the apostles and that spirit that's it glory to god that is in the church now that's it so now the bible speaks that plain led for as many as are led by the spirit of god glory to god amen that are led by the spirit of god by the spirit of god they are they are the sons of god i rather be one of the sons of gods that's it they get caught up in my hands i thank god for my ancestors but many of them is on their way to hell like anybody else that's right that's right and there are some of them that repented of their sins they were baptized in the name of jesus christ and was blessed to receive the holy ghost i thank god for them but there are many of my ancestors lost yes amen so i'm not following amen my hands settle down waiting for the spirit of my ancestors that's the devil out of hell that's right that's right amen amen all right so if you don't believe in this one god in this one god give me isaiah 44 6 if i'm correct and isaiah 44 8 amen amen i want to keep bringing true truth and uh and if you don't agree not with pastor genius with this truth that's it agree with this truth that williams is reading from the scroll of truth that's right then uh it goes back to the punishment that the god of heaven gonna do to you that's right all right isaiah 44 and that verse six all right thus saith the lord the king of israel wait amen thus saith the lord thus said the lord the king of israel israel's king and his redeemer the lord of hosts has redeemed the lord of hosts i am the first we are i am the first the lord of hosts is israel king that's right someone said but wait a minute pathogenics don't overlook what williams read he read and his redeemer and his redeemer are you that dumb you think i was talking about another god amen because let me show you what you if you say that's another god look at the mess you make read that again williams thus says the lord the king of israel all right hold it thus saith the lord he's the one talking that's right and he's israel's king that's right and his redeemer the lord of hosts now that's another one it says and his redeemer so now you're going to tell me god got a redeemer did you did you see that fool they didn't see that pastor god got a redeemer no israel king is the same one he is the redeemer that's right because when god redeemed you he brings you back to himself that's right amen that balance out with what israel done they basically and he redeemed them he brought them back to him overtake god by sending the prophets to warn them and that's what god wanted to do to you viewer god wants to redeem you oh yes god wants to bring you back thus saith the lord bring him back to him that's right thus that the lord the king of israel king of israel and his redeemer the lord is the name of the lord of hosts being the lord of all i am the first lord to god amen i am alpha and i am the last that's the same thing that's right i am the first and i am the last that's what jesus said that's right i am alpha and omega and there's only one alpha and there's only one omega so there's only one first and there's only one last what you mean i'm the first that means before him there was nothing the true definition of first is god amen i'm the first of everything that's right and i'm the only thing that was not created all creation come from the first that's right i am the first i am the original one and i am the last alright god and i'm the last one and beside me this has us beside me them me they me we me this is truthy's reading viewers that's right this is true that's right not besides three persons any guard here beside me emphasize jesus being the second person in the godhead and the holy ghost being the third person to godhead not that lie that you've been jumping around about because you got that trash from europe and beside me besides me there is no god what and beside me there is no god that would have happened to those that don't believe that truth and for this cause god shall send them strong delusions you don't believe besides him there is no god god gonna let you continue in your delusion that there's three persons in a god head and there's jesus is a little god next to a big god and the holy ghost is the gentleman god amen he's a gentleman spirit that walks around a tuxedo in the derby speaking with a british accent and says may god bless you everyone that's right that's the devil out of hell and for this cause for this cause god shall send them strong delusions you don't believe as one god gonna give you a strong delusion that they should believe a lie that you should believe a lie that they all might be dead so you can go to hell who believe not the truth that don't believe the truth that god brought but had pleasure and unrighteousness but you want to remain in your man-made religion your man-made wish up your man-made order well pastor genesis i don't believe jesus christ is god all right give me titus 2 13 13 amen and after you read titus 2 13 give me fifth chapter of first epistle of john and verse 20 next subject is jesus christ is god that's right now let's see is it anywhere anywhere anywhere in the book of truth because if you don't have it according to this word it is because there's no light in you that's you got to read that for the benefit of them that are blind i said that's right if you don't have it according to this word amen it is because there is no light no life isaiah chapter 8 and verse 20. isaiah 8 20 says to the law to the law and to the testimony and to the testimony if they speak not if they don't speak according to this word according to this word it is because there is no light in them amen did you hear that viewers amen if your bishop your apostle your elder your evangelist your mama your daddy your husband your wife your son your daughter your employer i don't care who you are that goes with the pope of rome donald trump or joseph biden everybody if they speak not okay what position authority you have every king every prince every president that is and shall be if they speak enough if you don't speak according to this word not this word it is because there is no light in there there is no light in them meaning the knowledge of god the wisdom of god the function of god is not in you that's right all right let's go back to the subject now titus jesus christ being god amen let's see that the truth says that all right titus chapter 2 and verse 13. okay chapter 1 verse again titus chapter 2 we're at verse 13. all right looking for that blessed hope all right first title looking for the blessed hope first title he's called blessed hope blessed and the glorious appearing of the great god second title he's called not just god is called great god great god blessed hope and great god and our savior now third title the apostle mentioned his savior he's called blessed hopes the great god and our savior and read the truth who the bible says he was jesus christ amen what looking for that blessed hope and the glorious looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearance of the greatness of the great god and i was saying and i will say jesus christ you don't believe that jesus christ is the blessed hope if you don't believe that jesus christ is a great god if you don't believe that jesus christ is our savior amen if you don't believe that and for this cause if you don't believe that amen if you don't believe that truth that he read amen what happened and for this cause god shall send them strong delusions god's gonna let you continue to be delusional to think jesus is the second person in a godhead god gonna let you stay delusional that jesus was a little god and god is the bigger god god gonna let you be delusional you said jesus was simply the mighty god and god is the almighty like it's like his two mighties that's right that's right if you don't believe that jesus christ is god like he read in titus 2 13 looking for and looking for that blessed hope look at the titles that the bible give him looking for that blessed hope calling the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great god wait a minute the glorious appearing appearing of the great god and the bible plan it says the lord himself shall descend that's right from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel that's right and the dead in christ that's right and who is that lord looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great god the glorious appearing of who of the great god the glorious appearing of who of the great god and what else is it and our savior what's his name jesus christ what's his name jesus christ what's his name jesus christ what's his name jesus christ hallelujah now if there is any religion any preacher any apostle any prophet any evangelist any pastor any bishop any elder any deacon even any flat footed or pigeon toad or bowlegged reverend that don't believe that and for this cause god shall send them strong delusion that's why god gone send them what strong delusions oh strong someone said father is it any bible where god ever done that yeah he's done that before was even written well pastor jennings what you think pharaoh had the rest of god when god hardened over thank god the heart of pharaoh because pharaoh was polytheistic he was an idolatrous and he would not accept moses god was god so god hardened his heart thank god which linked pharaoh's heart to his idolatry amen give him a strong delusion so he can believe those lies that his god was god that way moses by the hand of god can demonstrate the purpose of god and get his will over thank god down there in egypt and for this cause for this call god shall send them strong delusions god don't send it to your bishop amen that's why your bishop keep fighting jesus christ as god when he hear the truth of god god gave him a delusion that's why your bishop keeps upholding women preachers he's a delusional apostle he's a delusional elder and that delusion didn't come from the devil no god took matters in his own hands and for this cause for this call god shall send them strong god don't tell me god won't fight for the church that scripture showed me god is fighting for us jesus that's right god shall send them delusion that the illusion gonna come from out of heaven look how good that god do it and there's another scripture praise be unto god that come to mind where god did that in the old testament there was a prophet named chao and there was a king by the name of ahab and another king named jehoshaphat thank god and he had wanted to go take some territory called ramos gilead and they called about 400 false prophets together to impress jehoshaphat and he said shall i go up and take ramos gilead or shout out for bear and all the false prophets thank god he said in one voice that he had gone up and prospered the lord had given it to you god gave all them false prophets a strong delusion but thank god ahab didn't know he had no clue while all why all those prophets was telling him to go up but my god beca was put in the spirit amen and began to give a testimony and the lord said listen at this in the book of first kings chapter 22 we're at verse 20. and the lord said who shall persuade ahab look at michaela now give chapter verse again son first kings chapter 22 what started verse 19. i'm working on god tricking you i'm working on god deceiving you go ahead i'm working on god duking yeah that's right i'm working on god giving you permission to believe a lie leave a lie first he'll warn you till you can come out that lie and then he turned you over to your own belief because of your stubbornness and your lack of love for the truth in the days of michael yes his false prophets or the false prophets of ahab agree what they have go take rhema off gilead but he didn't know why they was agreeing with him that's right but mccain was put in the spirit first kings chapter 22 and verse 19. he was put in the spirit and look at what he said and he said hear thou therefore the word of the lord hear the word of the lord ahab i saw the lord sitting on his throne look at him he was in the spirit he said i saw the lord sitting on his throne i said that's give me the man that see the lord that's right i saw what i saw the lord sitting on his throne and he didn't see nobody else with him either that's right yeah that's right amen he didn't see anybody else with him no i saw the lord sitting on his throne and what and all the hosts of heaven standing by him oh wait a minute all the hosts of heaven here's a man that saw all of heaven's hosts all the hosts of heaven's heavenly viewers amen mccain i saw everything up there that's right all the hosts of heaven standing by him all the hosts of heaven all the hosts of heaven but when it came to the lord's how many see i saw the lord sitting on his throne you got to accept that truth that's right you got to accept that truth that's right and how much of heaven did he see and all the hosts of him he saw the all the host of heaven he didn't see a second god a third god or fourth god or a fifth god and he didn't see the spirit of your old dead ancestors i saw the lord. you're talking about the hand sentence where are they in the grave that's where they are you don't believe me go dig them up go dig up the bones of your ancestors you don't find none of them in the grave down there socializing talking about the past or crocheting or knitting or having a conversation at all that's right that's right come on son here they are there for the word of the lord that's what i want you to hear i saw hear god word that's right god word outweigh the words of your ancestors that's right god word outweigh the word of black people god word outweigh the words of white people that's right god word outweigh the words of everybody you think because you white your word is right and you think because you black your words make me step back not at all then for the world come to pray the word of the lord i don't have a white message that's too weak that's right i don't have a black message that's too weak that's right thank god i have the message of god himself that's right that makes heaven move amen thank god hallelujah that makes the earth bow hurry god glory to god head out there for the world therefore the word of the lord of the lord i saw the lord sitting on his eye hallelujah eyes i saw the lord the lord sitting on his throne sitting on his throne and all the hosts of heaven standing by oh the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand wait a minute i saw i saw what was on the right side and on his left and none of them were gods that's right host of heaven i saw the host of heaven standing on the on his right on his right hand and on his left where were the other two guards amen you gotta accept this truth that's right you can't even see to the third floor hey you in the basement that's right and you up there with two and three guards your blind glass wearing food amen all right and the lord said who shall persuade ahab the lord said who shall persuade ahab who shall persuade ahab that he may go up and fall into this pastor who was the lord talking to who was the lord talking to pastor janice don't don't don't get in the area he's going to read who the lord was talking to that's right all right and the lord said who shall persuade ahab we're going to go persuade they have that he may go up and fall at he can go on up and die at rhema of gilead and one said on this matter one said on this manner and another said on that man see the one that said on this manner and the other said on that manner was a conversation among the hosts of heaven and none of the hosts of heaven were gods that's right they were spirit spirits and there came forth a spirit uh-oh amen they came for what there came forth a spirit one of the hosts and stood before the lord they came forth a spirit one of the hosts that's right that's the only thing up there spirits that's right so one of the spirits one of the hosts heavenly hosts and they came forth the spirit they came from the spirit and stood before the lord and stood before the lord and said i will persuade him lord being that you want ahab to fall amen i volunteer my services i will persuade him all right spirit you volunteer to persuade ahab but just tell me how you gonna do it and the lord said unto him and the lord said to the spirit wherewith how are you gonna do it and he said i will go and the spirit said i will go forth we'll go forth this is listen lord this is what i volunteer to be i will go forth i will go forth and i will be a lying spirit i will be a lying spirit in the mountains hold it right there i gotta dissect back and rip at the shreds someone said well pastor jennings i thought the lord put the devil out and then no more there ain't no liars up there it ain't for the spirits say here be a lion's spirit right right but the spirit that said it was not a liar i will be a lion speaker he volunteered what kind of spirit he's willing to be to fulfill god's word that's right what you mean i'm going to bring ahab a delusion a delusion that's right and the delusion is imma make him believe his prophets but in order for his problems to be on one accord i'm gonna be a lion spirit in all his prophecy that way he'll believe all of them and he will accept the delusion to be truth that's right i will go forward see how sweet it is amen he didn't know someone said well the spirit was a liar no the spirit was not a liar no the spirit volunteered to be a liar only in the mouths of of uh a half prophets that's right that's all that's right and god said what and he said i will go forth and i will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all hispanics and he said thou shalt persuade him wait a minute the law says what thou shalt persuade him go ahead i agree to it and prevail also and you prevail go forth and do so what go forth and do so go ahead and host that god amen you go forth and do so you see how god even gave bet the prophets of ahab a strong delusion even a camp prophets believe what they were saying now therefore now therefore behold the lord hold on it the lord wait wait wait who done it behold the lord not the devil the lord the lord hath put a lying spirit the lord put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets it ain't said the lord is a liar the the lord has put a lying spirit you see the lord wanted ahab to die that's right and there was a discussion in heaven among spirits that's right it is written one said on this map and another said on that and another said on that matter and discussion was among the spirits that's right so then one step up to the plate and volunteered his services to god that's right oh god and he said i will go forth and i will be a lying spirit i'd be a lying spirit in the mountains why would you be that because you know they have love lives anyway amen so it won't be hard to trick him so god agreed for the spirit to be the spirit of delusion go forth and do so and then god command that spirit you go do it and do so and do it now therefore behold behold the lord the lord for the lions put a lion spirit in the mouth of them of all his prophets isn't that wonderful wonderful see how you just can't get around that to save your life amen all right let's go back to where you were son amen let's go back to where you were isaiah 44 6. and then isaiah 44 8 i believe let's finish that up in isaiah 44 8. isaiah 44 and that verse eight yes fear ye not neither be afraid fear you're not no be afraid then and after you finish that i need uh first epistle john 5 20 that come to mind yes all right fear you not neither be afraid to be afraid i'm not i told you from that time and have declared that what you are even my witnesses yeah my witness is there a god beside me hear us hey viewers are you delusional amen are you delusional god is asking a question here is there a god beside me i give you time i give you time to email me go ahead that's right i give you time to put your thumbs down while you're watching this webcast and make your comments go ahead that's right amen [Music] is there a god beside me no passage in and out amen that's right that's right no passages out is there a god beside me is there a god besides us beside me they're me they me we me is there a god besides me yeah there is no god now wait a minute ain't nobody more intelligent than god that's right and god often know he's that he asks the question and now he's asking for himself yes there god besides me yeah there is no way there is no god what do god know williams i no not any you know more than one you know planet that's right but god says i know not in it you know more than one you know plenty you know many but god says i know not anything at any time you're gonna offer me more than one god and your little dumb ignorant hellish colonel lack of divine educated mind because you got some phd and some dd some dumb dog degree that's right and you blind religious fools gonna tell me there's three up there amen and god acts a plain question here is there a god beside me captain verse william isaiah 44 and that verse eight i want the bible scholar them that love to have they knows in the bible all the time that's right snorken the ink of the pages that's right what is that is there a god beside me would you answer that you that's so mad and got thumbs down on this truth now yeah answer the question is there and here asking the question hey mr apostle mr bishop mr elder evangelist false prophet half pink deacon missionary answer the question amen just answer it let's come on back to the bible that's right come on back to the bible come on back to the book of truth here that's right the bible says i will show thee that which is noted in the scriptures of truth that's right and and the bible says that we'll give that later let me decide is there a god beside me god is asking a question amen is there a god besides me would you please williams williams would you please if you don't mind tell all of society what god says yea there is no god i know not anything wait a minute williams and they're very dignified they're very proper let us tell society let us tell this educated society that's on their way to hell yeah there is no god i know not in it hey hey hey you out there did you hear william read it really for society would you please yes yes there is no god there is no god i know not i know not any corrective in other words it doesn't matter whether you sound proper or whether you're sound or ghetto that's right there is no other god that's right [Applause] i don't care how proper you are that's right you're listen when the flames hit your proper hide i guarantee you won't be hollering like you're a member of society that's right thank god you're gonna be screaming and hollering because of your fighting and rejecting this trip this is a beautiful outline here oh yeah what the god asks the question now is there a god beside me come on now viewers you that fight me for preaching there's one god and always talking about patriotism monotheism you can call me any type of ism you want that's right i hold one god i preach one god all i need is one god and i take your other gods and beat them back to hell that's right from where they come from that's right i ain't like that you'll bring your other gods so we take god we like david now we got the word in our sling and we got it wind up go ahead and we come to the in world name of the lord what did he have is there a god beside me god talking is there a god beside me thanks be unto god is there god besides me yeah there is no god there is no god i know not in it you know many amen here that we're going to believe viewers viewers i want you to hear the old troublemaker yeah anytime you got an apostle or bishop or elder any vanguard's a pastor a prophet whatever they call themselves a woman preaching your husband your daddy comes to study theology and they tell you there's more than one god when the one god made a clear question here is there a god besides big captain versus william isaiah chapter 44 and that verse eight i got in the viewers i'm not trying to convince you there's more than one god you just shoot them with isaiah 44 8 do a drive-by and throw eyes there 44-8 on them that's all you got to do that's right what is that is there a god besides is there a god besides me yet yeah there is no god there is no god i know not anything if god said he don't know any that's the gender is going to say he don't know anything god said he don't know anything william's going to say he don't know anything god said he don't know anything damn the mass states he ain't going to say he don't know anything if god said he don't know in it all the minister's going to say they don't know anything god's saying he don't know anything the world got the bowel and said we don't know in it there's one god that's right we don't know in it [Applause] foreign [Applause] that's right now if you don't believe that if you don't believe that truth he just read and for this cause all this call back in second thessalonians two and we're right back at this again and for this country don't believe what he read as isaiah 44 if you don't believe it now this is where you gonna happen to you and for this cause for this reason god shall send them strong delusions god's going to give them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie and they should believe a lie that they all might be dead and they all might be destroyed send them to hell who believe not the truth he's going to send you to hell because you don't believe the truth of his word but had pleasure and unrighteousness pleasure you love bowing down with all these statues and images and moving bees around hail mary mother of god and all that trash that come out of hell that's right all right give me a first episode of john 5 20. first of all i want to go back to the subject the scripture of jesus christ being god because there's many dominican hellions us all over the internet and saying pastor general is wrong for preaching jesus christ is god and they said there's no way in the bible that says he's god well i want you to follow me i want you to follow me brother and sister hellion and i want you to follow me now first instructor let's give chaplain versus first john chapter 5 and at verse 20. yes and we know that the son of god is coming we know the son of god is god and has given us an understanding that we may know him that is true that we may know them him them him them him do you hear the bible talking that we may know him that is true god wants you to know him that is true that is true and we are in him we are in him that is true that is true even in his son jesus christ who the bible says this is the true god no he ain't this is the true god oh no ain't he the second one this is the true god oh no he's the second one this is the true god and what else is it and eternal life but the lord you don't believe that amen you don't believe oh you don't and for this you don't believe jesus christ is god or you don't amen what's going to happen williams and for this cause god shall send them strong delusions brother john and brother emmanuel bring that brown container right there real quick brother that big brown container right there move read wheels and for this case you don't want to end lift it up and bring it right here in the middle right there in the front amen all right come on and for this cause god shall send them strong delusions right there that they should believe a love all right that they all might be damned who believe not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness all right you don't believe that jesus christ is god you don't amen and god gone daniel all right let's work on the doctrine of baptism romans chapter six wretched god amen let's work on the doctrine of baptism that's right now you out there that are catholics they move my little bowl out the middle well this is what the catholics have the sprinkling bowl yes now you believe to bring your baby up here yeah and there's a little container down in here that they lost because i really want to show you this and the mother and father hold the baby dig their hand in the water and say in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost yes this is what this is the lie you believe this is the catholic container that's right this is the baptismal container for the catholics yes for the presbyterians for the lutherans and for the episcopalians and for the protestants amen this is their container do you have it come on real quick brother come on hey man i want to show you this come on down the back come on now come on my god he's at the first he's at the second he got the third finally now [Applause] let's see what y'all have who in here got a little baby who in here got a little child i want to demonstrate this anybody here got a little child that you can carry anybody raise your hands if not come on the brain you bring your child up if you don't mind if you don't mind brain bring your child on up bring your little child on up come on sister bring your child on up and praise our god i i i i'm thank god for television all right now hey man you can just come on right through there be careful be careful now hold a child in your arms like you cradling her yes just like that and standing right here i want to demonstrate now viewers this is the way they baptize in the catholic church the priest to preach to the priest he dip his hand in their heart in the name of the father even she don't want it [Applause] even she don't want it he go the second time in the name of the son in the name of the holy ghost that's right get it off of you girl now this is the way that the catholics the protestants the episcopalian the lutherans all baptized yes they baptized this is their container and they have their mother and father and relatives all happy and most time the baby have on all white and all that and they say they're baptized many of you watching right now you've been baptized or should i say you've been wet yes like what i just demonstrated yes all right you can be seated sister now watch a set let's demonstrate this with bible bible and see are we to be sprinkled or another way in romans chapter six in that verse one parliament what shall we say then all right viewers what shall we say then shall we shall we continue christ god forbid god forbid how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein why is it know ye not that so many of us as we're baptized don't you know jesus christ that's so many of us as we're baptized into jesus christ answered jesus christ we're baptized into his death how must the baptism be performed therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death we are what we are buried with him by baptism in today what we are buried with him by baptism into death how can you be buried in heaven buried buried buried with him catholics protestant lutheran episcopalian amen how can you be buried in here matthew chapter 3 will start at verse 13. the bible says then cometh jesus from galilee to jordan then came jesus to an upright bold then cometh jesus from galilee to john no then came jesus to galilee to an upright bowl then cometh jesus every catholic amen every religion yes they have this for baptism amen throw it out that's right or put some plants in it amen amen oh my god you look at some openings put some plants in it that's right that's right this little this bowl clean it amen i'll buy you a box of captain crunch that's right awesome fruity pebbles that's right awesome lucky charms amen they are magically delicious that's right what did he say then cometh jesus from galilee to join come jesus to galilee to jordan unto john under john to be baptized you'll be baptized of him but john forbade him saying i have need to be baptized be baptized of thee and come as though you come to me and jesus answering said unto him suffer it to be so nice to be so now doesn't become us to fulfill our righteousness and jesus when he was baptized when jesus was baptized went up straightway out of the water wait a minute for you to come straight way out you got to go in that's right that's right for you for jesus to come straight way out you have to go in that's right nobody amen nobody amen in the history of the bible what sprinkled acts chapter 8 and that verse 38 nobody viewers you hard-headed stubborn european loyalists that's right nobody that's right we're gonna take god in the history of the bible amen was sprinkled at no time amen that's why this message is different from anything else oh yeah what you have son acts chapter eight and at verse 38 that's what and he commanded the chariot to stand still they command the chariot stand still and they went down that's what i'm commanding your chair to stand still stop your lincoln that's right stop the cadillac do it again that's right stop your ferrari stop your business stop your rules rose stop your jag stop your chevy stop everything and he commented that's right that's right i'm commanding the world and he commanded the chariot to stand still and what and they went down both into the water no they both went into a bowl and they went down both high in the world can they clam cram into a bowl both who both philip both philip and the eunuch and the unit and he baptized every priest every so you know one scripture says the priest was obedient to the faith to the faith the word of god says the priest was obedient to the faith every priest out there that's right everyone that was baptized by a bow and the word of god increased listen at this acts chapter six and at verse seven the what of god increased and the number of the disciples of the followers multiplied jerusalem greatly and what and a great company of the priests great company of the priests where obedience was obedient to the thing to the faith i told yourself that's right and none of the priests that's right baptize anybody amen by a bold amen you say that peter is your first pope that's what you said you said that peter is the first pope of the catholic church and nowhere in the bible where your so-called pope no took anybody no to a bowl and sprinkled over them and said in the name of the father in the name of the son and the name of the holy ghost no so you parents that's getting your baby now you out somewhere at uh burlington coat factory amen amen amen are you somewhere at wawa or or should i say walmart walmart and then some of you are at target and some of you that have probably said target amen i don't care what you call it amen and buying your little white dress and little white three-piece suit little white shoes little white shirt little white bow tie for your little son or daughter to take them to a fake church to get an artificial baptism right you might as well listen if you go and get that child dressed up in white amen wait till the child have an understanding of the word of god because god demands god demands in acts of 38 yeah then peter said unto them repent then peter said unto them that's what the lord and savior said to them repent no join the church or do you believe you can join the church you believe you can join the church and be saved amen you believe you're going to bow your head and raise your hand to be saved you believe that i my sister-in-law husband called me the other day he heard me preach about how williams uh i was going around telling folk when he was in foxhole to accept christ as your president savior repeated sentence prayer how with me and williams was at uh years ago before i started pastoring he was outside of mcdonald's and there was a gentleman that stopped us and gave us a flyer and one and i wanted to know that we know christ and i didn't act like i know him because i knew where he was going and i wanted him to just drive a little and the gentleman's uh i said well uh tell me who is this christ he's the man told me in williams you're gonna be saved right here i said that's right that's right right here mcdonald's that's right he said remember that wheel he said right here under these golden arches that's right that's what he's saying remember that amen amen he said right here now listen this was almost 40 years ago in fact it was over 40 years ago that make you sound old uh i said right here under these golden arches he said right here right here you you two seem like two sincere men right here under these golden arches y'all can be saved so william said well tell me how how can we accept the salvation you know williams was a new convert he just been delivered from the force that was standing in front of us that's right he was just delivered from it and the guy took out a pamphlet so he took out a pamphlet so help me god and said repeat after me so me and we are looking at each other and we repeat it lord jesus is coming to my heart blah blah blah blah blah and then he said you're saying williams and i look at each other william said i don't feel nothing i said i don't feel nothing neither and i said are you sure sure it's not more than that he said brother you're saved i said can i borrow your bible i gave it to williams he's i said what about this scripture mama williamsburg then peter said they didn't repent he took that bible back and walked away that's right and we was following him down broad street what about repentance hallelujah that's what jesus said shall be preached that's right jesus said that repentance and remission of sin a remission of sin among all nations and he said preaching among all nations beginning at jerusalem so in acts 2 38 the bible says repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ of jesus christ for what for the remission of sin and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost oh you don't believe that truth amen you don't believe that truth fear but you don't you don't hey if yeah if there's any apostle out there and you're baptized father son of holy ghost you're not an apostle of jesus christ no you are an apostle of the devil that's right because all of god's true holy apostles believe in what the apostle peter said who preached this message on the day of pentecost in jerusalem with the holy ghost sent down from heaven when he advised everybody to repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ you don't believe that all of you that are baptized father son the holy ghost you're not baptized amen you're not baptized you're just wet you're still a sinner that's right you don't believe that that's right you don't and for this cause you don't amen chapter verse 2 thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 11. and for this cause for this reason god shall send them strong delusions i will give them a strong to do that illusion that they should believe a lie that they will believe a lie that they all might be dead i'm warning you now so you don't believe that lie you keep fighting and keep rejecting it then god don't give you a strong delusion he gonna let you live in the lie that you're so loyal to and so dedicated to that i'm leaving trying to get you out of before you turn your mind over that's right he gonna let you stay there if you keep fighting for what reason and for this cause god shall send them strong delusions that they should believe a lie that you may believe a lot that they all might be dead you all might go to hell who believe not the truth who don't believe the truth but had pleasure and unrighteousness i have pleasure and that which is not like the bible all right my time is getting away from it give me the seventh chapter of the book of romans amen look at that verse one all right i want this to be and also mark first give me mark chapter 10 looking at verse one i want this uh i want to work on the truth about divorce and remarry real quick amen man i want to see if they're going to believe this truth here because there's many of you watching got your second wife third wife and second husband and third husband and i know there's many of you write me say well pastor jenny my husband my first husband beat me back bill beat me up and beat me back now i got fred and fred is a good man pastor janice he's a good man fred he's ready for it amen fred is a good man pastor dennis he gave me a bank account i got my own car i got a bigger house i i i i can do everything that i can dream of doing with fred that i couldn't do with bill that's right i know amen but fred is dead when it's touching the scripture here that's right now i want to see are you justified having a second husband or a second wife while your first husband and first wife is alive never mind what your pastor told you just turn your back on your pastor i don't care if your pastor himself is the second husband and he come to you and tell you peanut butter sandwiches [Applause] just the john the lord told me to tell you that i am your husband and i don't even say the job and say oh praise the lord praise the lord the lord know my heart the lord know my heart the lord know my heart all right your heart amen you better bring your heart right back to the bible that's right all right now let's see what the book of truth says saint mark about marriage and divorce amen all right saint mark chapter 10 we started verse one real quick and he arose from thence and cometh into the coast of judea by the father side of jordan yes and the people resort unto him again and as he was one he taught them again and the pharisees came to him and asked him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife is it lawful for what is it lawful for a man to put away his wife before a man to get rid of his wife tempting him tempting jesus and he answered and said unto them what did moses commit what did moses command and they said moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement and to put her away yes and jesus answered and said unto them for the hardness of your heart jesus uh moses listen after they threw moses at jesus face and jesus began to itemize the reason to the people that moses let you do it it was because of the hardness of your heart most were dealing with the carnal fleshy people and because they wanted flesh mold just let you have it that's right they didn't say god let your habit no moses let you happen that's right for the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept yes but from the beginning of the creation of the creation god made them male and female god what you mean it was not so that's right from the beginning of creation god made male and female for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and cleave to his wife leave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh then what so then they are no more twain but one flesh but what what therefore god has joined together let not man put a sunday yes and in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter all right and he said unto them whosoever shall put away his wife okay jesus who swept shall put away his wife and marry another and mary wait a minute whoever get rid of his wife and marry another and get another one committed adultery adultery against her and if a woman shall put away her husband if a woman put away her husband and be married to another and got another man she committed adultery you don't believe that amen hey viewer viewer did you you don't believe what he just read give chapter verse again uh back in mark chapter 10 verses 11 and 12. we read right at the point and he saith unto them whosoever shall preach the verse is that that's verse 11 verse 11 says whosoever shall put away his wife hey viewer hey hey christian you're a christian aren't you you say you're a christian aren't you why don't you turn your bible to this mark chapter 10 and verse 11. don't you turn your bible to this you just slammed your bible clothes didn't you you just slammed your bible clothes and you're stopping around the house now waving your hands i don't believe that pastor jennifer i don't listen pastor jennifer didn't write it no call book chapter and verse mark chapter 10. what's the name of the book saint mark no saint geno saint mark saint geno jennings saint mark don't get mad at me because you living in adultery that's right don't get mad at me your first wife is living your first husband living why you get upset because i preach against it that's right wait a minute what did you ask me what oh why your bishop don't do it because he's a child of hell that's right that's why you're preaching on preach against it he's a servant of hell amen all preachers that condone divorce are servants of hell of hell i didn't stutter did you hear me including you including you preacher hey preacher you you that got your cape on like you're batman amen that got your robe on like you one of the flying nuns i don't care what you got on that's right you justify divorce in this period of time you are child of hell amen if there's any preacher up in the pulpit with a second wife and your first wife is still living get out the pulpit get out the pulpit now i know you say i'm not gonna give her up that's all right if you don't give her up fine if you don't give her up what's going to happen and he says unto them what's going to happen if you don't give her up back in second thessalonians 2 and verse 11. that's what and for this cause god shall send them strong delusions all right god will give you a delusion god will make you believe that he gave you that second woman that first wife is living that's right god will give you a delusion and make you believe he gave you that second husband and you know your husband is still living god will give you the illusion he you become delusional looking at all that stuff he gave you you don't even come to your mind you're so happy and so gay and that's so really oh yeah and here's the holiday season coming around too that's right the holidays strengthens the delusion amen because right now i guarantee that you and your second wife and you and your second husband you got your children the children that y'all already had from your previous marriage and the children that y'all have together in this fake marriage and you all getting together now going to walmart to buy little halloween costumes that dress up the children like devils and demons while she go by amen getting ready for thanksgiving and while she go by and he go by in advance the presents for the pagan day christmas you're getting ready now you're getting ready now i hear the christmas carol already in your bosom if you're walking around now i'm just looking looking for the christmas turkey you're out there smelling the melons tears out there shopping for fruitcakes that's right you're a children of satan if you don't accept the truth that he read you are on your way to hell if you build a church put a bed in the church move a kitchen a kitchen in the church live in the steeple of the church and die there that's right you're gonna be dropped in hell and for this cause all this god god shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie who go and do it and god shall send them strong delusions that they should believe a lie they don't believe in what jesus said about if you got a second hug or got another husband and another wife while your first one living you don't believe that all right hey hey bill hey that's right you don't believe that that's right you sitting up in bed now in your pajamas go ahead she got on her nightgown and you got on your old draws you don't believe it don't believe me you know oh you blowing smoke at the television you are oh she just yelled at you why you keep listening to that old crazy man i don't believe that oh you don't amen and for this cause god shall send them strong delusions take that scripture and hang it on creation amen nobody gonna get around it too wide not gonna go under it it's too deep yeah you're not going over it because it's too high that's right lord that god you gotta come right at it and accept it do you hear this and for this cause god shall send them strong delusions any truth amen that jesus instituted for the new testament church to follow amen i want to close out with first corinthians yes 12 28. god don't give them what strong delusion that what that they should believe allah that you believe the lie that they all might be dead that you will go to hell who believe not the truth who won't believe this truth but had pleasure and unrighteousness pleasure and unrighteousness have pleasure in your sins have pleasure in your falsehood first corinthians chapter 12 and verse 28. now and this is how the church is set up these are the offices in the church jesus who was god manifested in the flesh the flesh was not god the flesh was the son of god and god was in that flesh for the bible says to which god was in christ jesus reconciling the world unto himself and the purpose of god manifests himself in the flesh is to leave a pattern of good works an example so anyone that come after him amen know what they're doing how to do it and why that's right now he set offices in the church that's right christ is the head of the church that's right now look at what he did first corinthians chapter 12 and verse 28 here's another scripture book from the book of truth tell me do you believe this amen tell me do you believe this this viewer all right and god has set some in the church god hath spelled half h-a-t-h god has said they'll have hath h-a-t-h know what that means when god has done it the apostle is confirming what god done that's right he's confirming that's right god hath said some in the church settlement and church what first apostles you don't believe there's more apostles now you don't you don't what else secrets secondary prophets oh you don't believe in prophets now prophets you don't amen i have certainly teachers no more teachers everybody dumb what else after that miracle oh you don't believe in miracles today you don't then gifts of healings if you don't believe in divine healing today you don't helps you don't believe in helps today don't preach they believe in the help because they help themselves to your wallet every week that's right governments governments diversities of tones irish tongues are all about now are all prophets now are all teachers no are all workers and miracles no have all the gifts of healing no you all speak with tongues speaking in tongues for believers because jesus said these signs shall follow them that believe they shall speak in tongues so therefore if you're not a believer you won't speak in a new tongue because you won't do what it takes to seek this speaking in tongue which is the holy ghost at the spirit of god give others if you don't believe those officers right it's in the church that's right if you don't believe it and for this cause then this is for you back in second thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 11 and for this cause god shall send them strong delusions this message everybody got to obey everybody amen anybody don't anybody under the sun that don't believe it if you don't believe it i don't care how long you've been saved i don't care nothing about your position how big you are how popular or how rich that's right hey rich man i don't care not about your riches you wasn't born rich and you ain't dying rich that's right if you're so white until you're blending with a cloud you're like a cloud with eyes if you're so black someone think that the street is wearing pants i don't care that's right too brother that's black someone said man the street got up and walked that's black that's black and for this cause for this reason god shall send them strong delusions there's any truth that's in that book amen that you don't believe after god warns you over and over and over that's right for this call god shall send them strong delusion god is going to give you a delusion that they should believe a lie he's going to allow you to believe the lies that you've been trying to fight for and stand for and die for like a fool god gonna let you believe them that they all might be damned just so you can be in hell with other unbelievers who believe not the truth who refused to believe this truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness but instead of accepting the truth you'd rather remain that's right unrighteous unrighteous ungodly and wicked amen down viewers amen you're right me no matter where you're from leave your churches all of you leave your churches don't your husbands don't you take your wife to that fake church and mother and father don't you take your church into that fake church no more amen make the truth of god your church that's right it's the best thing you will ever run up on any form of media that's right if you look at these other prices they only want one thing your money amen i want your soul i want your soul i want your soul so i can turn it over to god and beat the wickedness down that is within you so you can accept the word of god anybody here now [Applause] want to be baptized in water in the name of jesus christ today i understand eight went down so far anybody else want to be baptized stand on your feet amen that want to be baptized stand on your feet if not thank you for listening brothers and sisters [Music] remember what the word of god says unfortunately verse back in second thessalonians 2 verses 10 11 and 12. what is it and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that what that they might be saved and for this cause god shall send them strong delusions for this cause god amen so give them not just a delusion strong strong delusion strong one amen that second wife you oh ain't no i don't care what nobody said that's my wife what is it strong delusion that's it janice why you mother so and so and you set up call me whatever you want amen call me what do you want miss foul thing yeah what do i hear coming out of you strong delusion well pastor didn't i went to seminary school i have a phd or dd i know calculus i know chemistry i know geometry and uh as far as i'm concerned your words that you you want to be baptized what's that let me explain to you what the right hand of fellowship mean brother ryan's fellowship is not for everybody no let me explain from the bible what it means amen to my viewers the brother stood up and want the right hand to fellowship this has become accustomed in the churches and preachers do this so you can as they quote become a member of the church yeah uh the bible says in first corinthians first chapter 12 what puts you in the church amen and then in the second chapter of the book of galatia it's going to itemize who gave the right hand the fellowship and who received the right hand the fellowship because i'm pretty sure you like even i was taught coming up in the many apostolic churches that the right hand that you got to be fellowshipped into the church right but you taught that also brother and that is not the truth let me itemize this with bible first give you a better understanding from the book of truth all right first let's establish what put us in the church first corinthians chapter 12 and that verse 13. get me for by one spirit by one spirit are we all baptized we all baptized into one body that's the thing that put us in the body that's right you have the holy ghost speaking in tongue brother you baptize the name of jesus christ you're already in the body you're already in the church anybody can shake your hand but you ain't never spoken tongue you're not in the body nobody's in the body until they put in the body by god and that is something i can't put you in and no preacher can put you in it takes the holy ghost to put you in the church now let me explain the right hands of fellowship galatians shall we gave it who received it right now these preachers have error and said the right hand the fellowship is for everybody in fact this is what the apostolics teach you must have been up your sins be baptized in the name of jesus christ that's true you must receive the holy ghost speaking in tongues that's true and then they add and say everybody must be fellowshipped into the church it ain't a half a scripture that even says that no that one no now let me itemize this and break it down and put it together because the light is now brighter than it ever was that's right and because believe me brother i used to do the same thing until god opened up my understanding amen or over 33 years ago he opened my understanding to this now i want you to listen closely and i want all of my viewers to listen closely all right galatians chapter two we'll start at verse one bottom end then fourteen years after i went up again to jerusalem maya had the apostle paul born in tarsus in the city of celestia set under the feet of a guy million who was a doctor of the law who also was a pharisee meaning a believer in the spirit world and a believer in the resurrection paul was taught according to the perfect manner of the law but he received his divine revelation from god he was taught according to the perfect manner of the law from god milia who was a doctor of the law but when it came to revelation paul said i did not receive to the man neither was i taught it of man but by the revelation so paul was an apostle god stopped this apostle after 14 years of preaching that's right because there were apostles out there before him and god was not going to have his brothers his church separate even though peter james and john who seem to be pillars meaning they were steadfast uh in the truth and had this before paul when they heard that paul waked up the apostles would not accept them it was barnabas that accept them first and then barnabas begin to convey to the other apostles that uh saul of tarsus uh he's praying now after 14 years now here you have god stopping brother paul amen listen closely at this then 14 years after i went up again to jerusalem with barnabas i want you to pay attention amen who went up with paul i want everybody to pay attention who went up to jerusalem with paul then 14 years after i went up against jerusalem with barnabas wait a minute i had barnabas with me and took titus with me also titus was a greek titus was a bishop which is an elder so the one that went up with paul was only two of them barnabas an apostle titus titus who was a bishop all right read on and i went up by revelation it was revealed to paul to go up and communicated unto them that gospel which i preached wait wait wait wait it was revealed to him to do what and communicated unto them that gospel which i preached the preacher's error they said the revelation came to paul to go up and give the right hands of fellowship the bible didn't say that the bible was clear and i went up by revelation and communicated he said it went up by revelation meaning it was revealed to him to do what and communicate to communicate he didn't go he didn't go up to get his hands shook there's nowhere they even indicated he knew he was going to get his hands shook the revelation that came to him was you got to go talk that's right you got to go talk to them that's in reputation because they had it before you did amen they walked with me in the flesh and you walking with me in the spirit but now i can't have you all separate you i got one for jews i got one for gentiles and i only got one nation one people and i gotta bring you together to be one that's right all right and i went up by revelation and communicated unto them that gospel which i preached among the gentiles the gospel to preach among the gentiles but privately but probably to them which were of reputation now when it came time for his gospel to be evaluated for his gospel to be examined how was it done privately peter james john john barnabas titus five apostles one bishop that's right peter james john barnabas paul that's right one bishop titus listen to follow me but privately to them which were of reputation all right that's by any means i should run or have run in vain he will not obey that revelation the running that he had done would have been in vain the running he was doing would have been in vain the running he was going to do would have been in vain but neither titus who was with me being a greek was compelled to be circumcised titus who was with me who was the greek meaning he was a gentile he was a gentile he wasn't compelled to be circumcised and that because of false brethren unawares brought in yes who came in privately despite our liberty which we have in christ jesus all right but they might bring us into bondage listen good to whom we gave place by subjection no not for an hour yeah that the truth of the gospel might continue with you but of these who seem to be somewhat whatsoever they were and maketh no matter to me god accepteth no man's personality what is it but they who seem to be somewhat income how did we talk in conference how did we talk in conference what happened added nothing to me all right the contrary was when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision listen closely when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision that let you know what they communicated about the gospel that's right that's the gospel of the uncertainty when they saw the message i had to gentiles was committed unto me it was given to me as the gospel of the circumstances as the gospel that was given that peter brought to the jew was unto peter for he that brought affectionately into the same spirit that worked in peter to the apostleship of the circumstances he made him an apostle to the jews the same was matthew's same with the mighty god to the gentiles and when james uh-oh now i want you to listen good because this debunks what these men been saying that's right right-handed fellowship is for everybody let us remember barnabas and titus went up with paul remember that barnabas and titus went up with paul all that was in the conference was peter james john barnabas paul and titus five apostles one bishop all right and when james cephas and john what who seem to be pillars perceive the grace that was given unto me they gave to me and barnabas the right hands of fellowship but who went up with paul barnabas and took titus with me also who received the right hand to fellowship they gave to me and barnabas the right hands of fellowship who went up with paul and with barnabas and took titus with me also who received around the fellowship they gave to me and barnabas the right hands of fellowship the only one who received it was paul and barnabas right if it was for everybody why didn't titus give it that's right right-handed fellowship is not for everybody that's right amen there is no bible where the apostles took regular members they didn't even take deacons no and said this is the way they done and you came from apostolic church this is the way they do in many apostles churches there's several ways they do it preacher said anybody want to be fellowshipping to the church different ones come up let me make this example come on up douglas come on up maretti we're ready and doug this is what they do two of you brothers move this please i don't need this no more move this fraud out the way two brothers move this amen remembers watering don't you try to slip and sprinkle yourself either come on come on brother nice to you brother just these two thank you come on doug this is the way they do in many of the so-called apostolic church the eggs who want the right hand who want to be fellowshipping to the church so here's a brother come up you stand behind him brother douglas and the bishop may ask anybody when the right-handed fellowship brother come up and he asked why are you going to be philosophy in the church and they say well you got the truth i want to make the first resurrection i'm very sincere i want to be right blah blah blah the bishop said as the power invested in me i give you the right hand to fellowship that you'll be faithful and uh that you'll be loyal that when the lord come uh you'll be accepted with him now after he say something like that he'll either do two things one he may say all right brothers uh kev and these three brothers here y'all stand up real quick come on brother you too now put your bibles down all of you come shake this brother hand real quick now stop moving so slow shake his hand and go back to your seat after you do it now you can sit down no wait i ain't done with you yet we're going back now that's one way they do it this is another way the apostolic church do it dad said y'all brother stand back up again stand back up and give me that line of sisters right there on this whole line of stuff is like a low missionary board all of y'all stand this is another way to do it come on all y'all shut this come on come on come on y'all shake his hand too shake his hand shake his hand and go back to your seat welcome this is the way they do it y'all i know i don't need y'all numbers now this is the way they do it on both now they either do it that way you can sit down mark or they do it another way another brother come up with right-handed fellowship uh extending you to the right hand their fellowship by their power invested in me in the name of the lord jesus christ you almost think they're about to get married uh that should be faithful that you'll be beautiful when the lord come for his church blase blasey yakini smackdown all right now if he don't call all the brothers by themselves or the brothers and the sisters this is what some of the others do you have all the preachers uh come on williams john and uh frank shea uh reds come on y'all come on and shake dug your hands this is the next thing come on pocket all the bishop's supposed to be shaking the brother hand either the preachers you can be seated now now them are the three ways they do it they either get all the pulpit or they just get the brothers by themselves or they get the brothers and the sisters now they didn't pay attention to bible right look who gave the right hands of fellowship in the bible and look who accepted pay attention look who gave it and look who accepted it read it again galatians chapter two and that verse nine and when james cephas and james cepheus is peter james apostle peter apostle and john john apostle perceived to be who seemed to be pillars yes receive the grace that was given unto me what they gave to me wait a minute they gave to me they gave to paul an apostle and barnabas an apostle amen the right hands of fellowship you don't read with nobody in the bible outside of the apostleship receive the right hands of fellowship because it was given to show that they were in full agreeance with paul it wasn't false to fellowship paul in the church for how could paul be a true apostle if he wasn't in the church that's right you can't be a true apostle that's right unless you're in the church amen the day you got in the church was the day you spoke in tongues that's right what's your name brother brother dupree oh brother dude pray glad to have you that's the day you got in the church that day god came in you shaking the hands of no preacher can put you in holy ghost got to put you in that's right so when they said paul was fellowshipped into the church that contradict the 12th chapter first corinthians they're baptized by one spirit into one body paul was already in it how you think he was so successful over 14 years that's right preaching the word of god just tearing down places that he took over almost all asia knocked out the great goddess diana until demetrius and the silversmith craftsmen cried out and said sirs don't you know that by this craft we have our wealth moreover you see it here they're not alone in ephesus but almost what all age of this paul had persuaded and turned away much people saying there'd be no gods so all you apostolics that are watching that says you got to receive the ryan the fellowship to be in the church it ain't never never never been the teaching of the apostles that you gotta get your hands shook to get in the church the apostles taught you baptized by one's spirit into one body and the only ones that gave it was apostles and the only ones that received it was the apostles imagine that women giving the right hands of fellowship deacons giving the right hands of fellowship amen elders giving the right to fellowship there ain't no bible come on back to the bible that's right come on back oh you don't believe that you don't you don't you don't believe that ii thessalonians 2 and verse 11 2 thessalonians 2 11. and for this cause god shall send them strong delusions i don't i don't i don't care what bishop do it i'm coming back the bible that's right that's why i'm pleading with you begging your comeback to bible you don't want to come back to the bible and forget bishop bishop bishop you said you're going to be the way you are you are then get ready to have a strong strong delusion a strong delusion and for this cause god shall send them stronger that they should believe a lie that you're a believer lies that they all might be damned who believe not the truth if the rinds of fellowship put you in the church think of this look how many churches you go to and get your hands shook what you do got in the church eight times you go to that church in the church you find out they're preaching their life gone go to that church they got the truth they got a lot go to another church how many times can you get in the church that's right you're baptized by one spirit one one spirit into one body into one body yeah that's right everybody got to come during the bible way that's right well stay home amen stop burning out your shoe leather don't even get your shoes resoled just let them wear out and die and go to hell may god keep you conan again live again at five o'clock don't you go to your church ever again let us all stand [Applause] brother dupree you're already welcome brother welcome to be here whenever you like thank god for you unto him that is able to keep you from falling and present you false before the presence of the glory with exceeding joy only wise god our lord and savior jesus christ to him glory and power both now and forever brothers and sisters amen
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 192,260
Rating: 4.7693415 out of 5
Keywords: First Church, TOG, Truth of God, Gino Jennings, Pastor Jennings, Holy, Holiness, Religion
Id: ScJPV29yl6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 50sec (7250 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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