Truth of God Broadcast 1300-1301 End of The Year Service Pastor Gino Jennings HD Raw Footage!

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as always to pray for them as we continue to labor word and doctrine across the country and across the world speaking about across the world we do have a brother here that's come a very very long way a very long way and we've heard in briefly before watches it patiently again hear a few words from him again before we introduce him I just want to remind you that let's not forget the exhortation that was given to us moments ago by a minister reveal is very very sound words of encouragement let us lay them to heart and not forget them is that right all right this I'm gonna present to you our brother from Queensland Australia Minister Mars [Applause] [Music] Britain's brothers and sisters in Christ I give honor to God true Living God was divine and perfect understanding for things I'm blessed to be here ivana tomorrow so John past and you know Jennings mention of God to preach the truth of God to the world in which it has caught my attention and also for the holy prophets and apostle's of Christ we have to teach him unto our time I'm so blessed to be here and also a witness and a watchman on God's behalf and what I'm about to share is divine and I have never come across and seen anything like that in my whole life I come from an organization called the South Pacific District Council which is under the umbrella of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the world and the bishop ta prize in San Jose California and which my father is the founder off we were commissioned into towns from Australia in 2010 to pasta and oversee the flock that is in Townsville and Keynes while we were there I was starting to lose a lot of weight rapidly I told to a stage where I went right down to sixty kilos in which we went through so many doctors and they had a lot of proof say there is nothing wrong with me but I know very well myself there is something wrong until everything got to the worst state of life at which they found out that I had a grave disease and grave disease is very rare never seen in the w-h-o in the whole world and grave disease in a reaction of thyroid hormone and it can cause a lot of trouble when you reach that stage so they found out what has happened and I went for a checkup and to see what's happening and the doctor said to me your thyroid have reacted and you only have a little windpipe left you're going to die my brother I said well I know I'm saving a living God but I wait and see what God has in store for me so I went home and told my wife about the situation they diagnosed me with lymphoma cancer they had an operation on my throat then they went inside to look further because of the reaction of the thyroid they couldn't see inside but when they found out what's inside the cancer spread right throughout the throat all white meaning I ain't gonna survive that but they said to me you're better from now and on was it's gonna be difficult doctor came to me and my wife and told us they'd given me 11 weeks to live so I said well let's see what Jesus said we prayed together I cried Lord if it's your will let it be I submit everything unto thee I got admitted into hospital to go through chemotherapy and when I was in hospital they told me it's gonna cost me a hundred and fifty thousand dollars for treatment so I looked to my wife we didn't have the money at the time then I have to look to Jesus who is the banker I said lord I don't have any finance so I need your help but thank God the time when I was admitted to hospital they had a w-h-o conference in Townsville then my case was brought up into notice in the world conference in which they wanted to study this rare reaction is the fraud cold grave disease so I went up to the person from here the state's big company and I said to him if you want to study it you got to pay for it praise the Lord I ain't giving it three so they paid a hundred and fifty thousand for my treatment and I looked at the bank I said thank you Jesus this is just one of those options that I've got to ask you forward I stayed in the hospital for one whole year free with the treatment I had eight hours operation in my throat they put in a Trekkie so I couldn't talk for one whole year the only speaking therapy I had is my blackboard and my pain so if you want to talk to me you talk to me I write back to you and you read what I'm saying you see sayings before I carry on I'll bring lemon tasting 3:22 it is of the loss of mercy they will not consume this because it's compassion they own knowledge and I believe God was doing this to me because he said to me son all your life you've been talking too much now it's time to shut you up and listen to what I have to say saints of God there is two ways God can apply mercy to us one we can accept it willingly or while he's gonna get your attention and I think that was my option because he was putting me into a corner innocent listen up it's time to talk to you say nothing so I carried on in that came out of the operation went into to see the oncology doctor he said you were going to go through a six cycle of chemotherapy I say they made every 14 days you won't get the first one two six the second and the third praise the Lord I was ready for it but the day came when we were applying to apply the chemotherapy I was sleeping on my bed and the curtain was closed I'm not an asthmatic person but somehow I started to lose all yeah and I was grasping for air so I said what's going on so I pushed the alarm to alarm the nurse to me the nurse is coming to my room because I can see the kitchen when somebody walks past it hits the kitchen until the entrance so I waited and waited for the nurse as soon as the curtain open now this air just hit me and I just went black it wasn't the nurse it was my other pal I realized when I woke up they were resuscitating me they said you had an asthma attack and you almost died and I thought to myself my lord what's going on here and the doctor said to me after my resuscitation that they found a lesion in my lungs that means I cannot take chemotherapy because of the radiation it will kill me because there will be no immune system so I said to them so what are we going to do about a doctor he said the only way is we have to puncture your lungs I say you're gonna put me under sedation she said no you had to stay awake and I said how am I supposed to breathe never even a punch of my lungs it said Mars this is up to you now he's gotta hold it for a few seconds so I said let's do this see I thank God for strength so I was watching the monitor they brought this long needle from the side and I can see the needle moving through my lungs and they said me in a few seconds your lungs will collapse and you gotta hold it until we get the lesion that's on the side of your lung so I said alright it is to live yes I'm doing it so I prayed the Doster and then all of a sudden my lungs collapse but I thought this Haven it now I realized what it feels like when somebody gives up the breath of life they've got the needle to the lesion try to take it in as soon as that process they could pull that out and and resuscitate me back again that's treatment number two sir they gave me a lumberjack lumberjack is to do with your spine in a sitting position they injected me your long thin needle into your spine and they have to hold it and wait for 10 drops of liquid for diagnostic make sure the cancer has not spread through the spine after that I came out of it they said to me you don't you get the worst headache of your life 10 of us went through it 9 passed away I I survived [Applause] it is at the Lord's mercy they will not consume it cost is compassion he'll not and I continued on with the street men's and I said Lord they had to put me on morphine because the the pain is so so severe to go through these things and I went through it and I said lord give me strength I continued in it then finally I got cleared to take chemotherapy I started my first my second my third the fourth the doctor said your body cannot take it and you're not going to make it Mars you're not gonna make it so they took me in the room I spoke to my wife about it there's a lot of contradiction that's going on but let's see what God says they said your time of living is getting shorter from 11 to is it brought closer because the body is really handling a lot of chemicals which I have to take 25 pills a day and they have to take blood out of my arms both lines they were both black even got to a stage there's no blood left and I was battling with it so much and a lot of prayer that a lot of fasting until it got to the last stage I was taking and said into ICU we cannot come and see you any more miles because there is something about you that when you breathe it's gonna cause a chemical reaction to people which is TB I said Lord you said cancer and this and then and now TB doctor came to see me my wife came to see me but this is the catch since my father caught my wife bed when I passed away we're gonna bury him behind my house my wife said no I'm taking it Oh where I come from so they were having family arguments the coffin was arranged and the funeral services was arranged praise the Lord the headstone wasn't planned they came up to the hospital that night they said my children dad this is the last time we're gonna see what can I say so they left home that night I cried out to God I said Lord this is it but I'm depending on you and this is when I saw God I woke up in the morning ready to be transferred through hot spice I thought I have died and I and I cried bitterly and said I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to my wife and my kids sins of God I woke up from my bed my body was like this in the air and the only thing that was holding me is my Trekkie - and my feeling - it was so tight I was pulling and I said I have died last night I didn't make it but I realized if I have died then there'll be no Jew and all of a sudden says of God there's bright light just hit through that door and not be all mine [Applause] not me over the main doctor has entered the house and in a car washes in Mars you gonna live make sure you live for me this time it is the Lord mercy his compassion will not [Applause] hallelujah God's mercy God's mercy God's mercy I put myself down with the hoses holding me men God were having a personal relationship I went up to the Froy said the God of Abraham god of Isaac the God of Jacob at your will I forget I went outside to see my wife my father was there a family was there the doctors were there to give the last result and my wife said to me we come to say goodbye and everything has been arranged and people from different islands where you going to land are waiting I told her what arrangements are you talking about the arrangement we spoke to you yesterday the funeral service I said I ain't 9:00 tonight not today she said to me ma stop being stubborn the doctor Torah I say that's what the doctor told you that's not what Jesus told me [Applause] it is not the last bassy he's compacted tail [Applause] we argued we argued I said not today darling the doctor told you the wrong information the real doctor said I'm going to leave the doctor came to save us go to the hospitai said no I want you to take me to the blood oncology take some blood out of my hands and test it out and you said to me you don't have any more blood Mars I said try it again so they try it as skinny as I am as black as my arms with that blood discussed through that - and I said [Applause] and I said then you let me know what the blood says and they came back a few hours later they were talking to my father they were talking to my wife they all came to me and said what happened in there I told them it's got nothing to do with you it's between me and God Massey the lor special and pay or not that is not the lost Percy I ain't dying today I went home after few months of mountain terapy I have to eat and after the doctor confirmed that I would not speak again everything started to repair itself according to the creator that created me it put my immune system back it got rid of the whole mole reaction it got rid of all sorts of stuff that God was cleaning me up war and after that healing says I never turned back I went to our first conference and we had the presiding bishop from the PA of w there mr. Ellis if you a fear of it all the pastors together gathered and they prayed over pasta because of the healing miracles and then the presiding bishop prophesied he said pastor something big is coming I can feel it but I can't see it I can feel it something about you you are going to stir up a big thing here at the Pacific but I can't see it today I cut the confirmation that's why you can't see it because it was not made for you and since I saw the apostille Jana Jennings on YouTube for the first time when he came pointing at that screen and pointing and pointing I said to my wife this guy's talking to me and then she said what are you talking about that's I didn't know he's talking to me I realized now I compared the vision the presiding bishop had at the truth of God that I saw now I told it this is the very thing that God was telling me in my room he said Mars I'm gonna get you to leave and I'm gonna give you something that you have never seen before saves of God ever since I started to apply the truth of God there was a big stainless South Pacific so there was the prophecy fulfillment today as I stand here I have been persecuted big-time because people are getting saved in the Pacific from that day I gave God God gave me that miracle in my room before I closed emails has been sent to churches no contact with Pastor Mars be persecuted so be and through our families we have disconnected because of the truth of God but it doesn't matter really because your persecution have no effect on me at all see what I went through that person is it is nothing at all because God's mercy was more and he was preparing me was something that's coming God was preparing pasta Mars for the truth of God he said to me get out of that I'm giving you this and I'm so blessed to be here and I'm blessed submit your [Applause] can we all say Amen and we say men again certainly thankful to God for the testimony of pastor Mars from Queen's Australia certainly you heard a testimony of a miracle alright God certainly is good to hear is it not because the scripture says God is a healer is that right oh my god we're certainly grateful for him thank God time is far spent we're gonna go into NASA another brother to be very brief again he's a new brother that we have not heard before having met him before many for the first time and that's a minister Martinez from Orange County California greens brothers and sisters like reach in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ little short summary of my testimony what God has done for me I want to thank God first for the truth of God thank God for pastor Gino Jennings thank God for allowing me to be here and allowing my wife to be with me don't know where she's at or oh she's part of our new somewhere but I was here a little earlier than she was I grew up in the Pentecostal church women preachers and all the above and I'm sure you know the rest I grew up in gang territory in Santa Ana Orange County on fifth in Jackson I don't know if you guys know where that's at in Santa Ana but you know I've been to the jails I've been to the prisons I should be doing 25 to life right now but God had mercy a part of me I should be locked up in a Cell right now doing 25 to life I got two strikes on me and I did my time in prison and I was still running around like a knucklehead even when I got out of prison still running around with you know doing whatever I was doing and whatever I was doing I should I should have been back in prison plenty of times there's short summary in my apartment one day I was in my mess I went to the kitchen I put my hands on my countertop and I looked up to heaven and said I'm God I'm tired I'm tired of being tired I'm tired of living in sin I served the Lord for a very very very long time as I was young I grew up in foster homes group homes all that I grew up in around drugs I grew up around prostitution or grew up on alcohol my families were gang members my mother was an alcoholic my mother was in prostitution my mom was a heroin addict my uncle's my aunt's they used to fight who's gonna shoot up first I seen all of that I just wanted to encourage each and every one of you to stick to holiness the Bible says without holiness no man shall see God and I thank God for all the ministers here is such a blessing to be around such a man of God a man people who are real about serving God because each and every one of us we need that and I thank God for brother Williams such a man of God in for the brother who gave such a strong testimony I thank you for that is such a encouragement that should be encouragement for each and every one of us and this is your first time here and Philadelphia I've been here in the convocation if this is your first time here and your life is not right with God you need to get right because his coming is soon you might think why all this stuff is happening he's been people have been saying while he's he's not coming yet but he's keeps saying that he is or he's coming trust and believe he's coming and I encourage you you're not right with God get right tonight not tomorrow not next year not next week get right tonight because you never know none of us in here I promise tomorrow but I thank God for each and every one of you brothers and sisters god bless you all right thank God for Minister Martinez from California as always we're so grateful the ministers I mentioned being in prison and certainly this gospel will put you in prison and set you free at the same time I thank God for it this time go to our leader teacher and guide messenger of the Almighty God the apostle pastor do you know Jenny's [Applause] greatings brothers and sisters we bear witness this evening there is no god but one there is no God with him there is no God besides him there is no God equal to him there is no God greater than him God have no rivals God have no partners God have no equals he's God alone it is a blessing no you can leave them over there leave everything over there and you can set it up over there it's a blessing brothers and sisters for you to be here at this closing year convocation and to you that are watching upstairs we thank God for all of you someone sent me word and want to know that those that are upstairs if they want to come down and stand could they yes you can if you don't want to be upstairs and you want to come down and stand you can come and line yourself up against the wall if you are elderly brother then one of the young brothers will give up the seat if your sister well you automatically have a seat the brothers will surrender it to you I am grateful for all of our ministers from so many parts of the world and we must say that God have been good to us this year [Applause] we were scheduled to have a discussion tonight on the so-called trinity but he backed out which I'm not surprised because we had a good a very very good whipping later for him with the bangable even though he's not here to back up something that cannot be proved we're gonna autumn eyes this this evening and I want to work on the so-called Trinity and show us the religious propaganda that was used to promote the Trinitarian theory I must say I enjoyed the testimony that was given by the brothers I'm pretty sure all of us were greatly encouraged by the testimony given by our beloved brother from Australia pastor Morris at testimony have proven to any unbeliever that God still as the healer so maybe so about that God is a healer I believe the Lord said he's the same yesterday and today and forever more now I want to greet all of our viewers that are watching throughout Australia throughout New Zealand throughout the South Pacific all of you in Canada throughout America and Africa and to every country that is watching this morning this afternoon and tonight whatever time you see this program live in your area I want you to contact your pastor contact your members and I really want you to pay attention to this message tonight on the so called Trinity you have more Trinitarian believers than one God believers and I want the world to pay attention because we're gonna debunk this with the scriptures so you gotta coming down who don't want to be upstairs any sisters coming down you ushers just point them out so the brothers can get up and give them desi so they can be seated right away please now ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters and to all of my viewers I had my brother print these out and once it's time I'll line them up in the front but I had my brothers do this because I love to demonstrate what the world been saying and wonder thing about television and I can show you what the devil been talking about first of all viewers if you are in a religion in a church have a pastor minister whatever you call him and if he teach there's more than one God he's a heathen not only he's a heathen but he's a liar now let us understand something Satan was put out of heaven by God and as a result of being cast out he's been angry with the Lord ever since let us understand that this anger his objective is to get even with God pay God back I want to say to my two brothers that are seated in the front I'm actually brother - take your chairs and go to the side take your chairs which it let's go to the side and get up the way because I need to utilize this whole front when it's time Satan objective is to get even with God now to get even with God he have a mission belittle him try to diminish his greatness to cause people not to believe that God is what he say he is the best way that Satan can do this is to start religions get people who say they love God get so-called preachers who profess to know God but it works deny him now to my viewers that are watching the doctrine of Trinitarian belief never at no time there any Bible prophet did any Bible apostle described God as three persons working together in unity let me say it again nowhere in the Bible were any messenger of God call God three persons working together in unity all of the prophets in the Old Testament recognized God as one Jesus who was the manifestation of God in flesh even their flesh recognized the spirit as one the apostles who was sent out after his resurrection recognized God has one none of them used the language to describe God the way religion do today the trinitarian theory that god is the first person Jesus is the second person in the Godhead and the Holy Ghost is the third person any Godhead did not come from Jerusalem where the church started it came from Rome Italy a monks those who was not divinely inspired of God so therefore when they were not inspired of God they had to seek for answers couldn't understand how God can be in heaven and be in the river of Jordan and then the Holy Ghost coming up bodily shape of a dove couldn't understand how Jesus can be on earth and say father they couldn't quite figure that out now you have the Jehovah Witnesses we don't know who your over is been peddling a to God religion for many many many many many years so over witnesses teach that Jehovah is a God and Jesus is a God two of them so all down through history Satan have sent men to try to diminish God greatness to try to belittle guard Authority tried to belittle God's power now I want to show you what kind of messengers viewers I want you to listen good and look at the church you're in and look at your posture your elder your bishop your prophet or pastor or evangelist and see is he a messenger of Bell or a messenger of God all satanic men will preach there's more than one God a true representative of God will never preach there's more than one God and a true messenger will never try to call or pray to more than one God first let's lay the foundation in the Book of Kings first in first Kings chapter 18 I want everybody to take I want to take my time and I want you to follow me all Trinitarians in the world I don't care what color you are all Trinitarians in the world you can bring me to Hebrew expression Elohim we're gonna deal with that let us begin the book of Kings Parliament first Kings chapter 18 and we're starting in verse in 19 now therefore sin and gather to me all Israel unto Mount Carmel and the prophets of bale 450 now the prophets of who profits of bale the prophets of Beryl is the promise of Satan a prophet is a messenger Satan have messengers God have messengers follow me give chapter numbers again we're at first Kings chapter 18 and that verse 19 now therefore sin and gather to me all Israel unto Mount Carmel the prophets of bale 450 yes and the prophets of the Groves 400 wait a minute that's a total of 850 that's right most people didn't see the promise of the Grove prophets of the groups the promise of imagery they always focus on the promise of bail right Bale prophets was having it 450 450 it was two sets two sets and the prophets of bail for two sets of unbelievers most just looked at bail prophets no they're not looking at those that wish up the Grove or the image or the idols and the prophets of the groves for ones of the grows was 400 which eat at Jezebel's table they ate at Jezebel's table so Ahab sent unto all the children of Israel and gathered the prophets together unto my karma yes and Elijah came unto all the people Elijah one man so rich ago one believer one representative they'll have 450 representatives the idler the idle had 400 representatives right but the ones that worship the idol was also Bill resurface because when you worship any other God other than the God of heaven you are baler wishes a total of 850 false prophets 850 representatives of Satan against one representative of God listen and and Elijah came unto all the people and said how long halt ye between two opinions listen Lilith Laurie to God how long hope you are you undecided between two opinion why can't you make up your mind what is it son if the Lord be God that's the doctrine of the truth of God right if the Lord be God follow him if the Lord be God follow him follow him him he's giving you a choice if the Lord be God follow him all right but if bail bail then follow him then follow him and the people answered him not a word now he gave them the opportunity to choose so barrel prophets come together and construct an altar and begin to call on bail that's right but Elijah addressed it them that's right listen in the book of first Kings 18 read verse 23 I love it let them therefore give us - bullocks let's give to Bob - bullocks let them choose one bullet for yourself and for them Sam and cut it in pieces cut it up and lay it on wood and put no fire on them and I will just the other Bullock and lay it on wood and put no fire under I want to show you the two one group versus one man I want you to pay attention they have the language of the Bible who the false prophets was told to call off that's right and who did the prophet of God say he will call on that's right listen good first Kings chapter 18 read verse 24 all right and call ye on the name of your gods Elisha talking to the servants of bel that's right call ye on the name on the name of your gods you see if you have God's view of you I want to bail follow us if your apprecia stitching you there's more than one God you have a representative of bel don't you see what I'm telling you if your preacher preached to God's three guards for God five guards it doesn't matter of the number if that number exceeds the number one if that number exceeds the number one then you have a messenger of bel so I'm by God's permission saying to the world like the Prophet said then and call you on the name of your God or the name of your gods and I and I will call on the name we'll call or the name of the Lord of the Lord the Lord and be God and the God that interest by fire service I let him let them let him let them let him let him be going god that's right now Lauretta god listen good fuels brothers line these up across the front I want to demonstrate this and show you their religious some of you brothers helper please bring that one to the far right I want to make sure you got them in the order that I want pay attention just just a minute just a minute put that on the end where brother Rick is Rick you put that right here leave that right there back it up bring the Dove come on rank that move that over Center it bring that over here slide this back and put that here right there let's set it right there move them in close move them in close right there good on the fallback sound all right follow on back ready go alright I'm sorry my brothers in the pulpit can't see this but I catch you on the rebound now virus propaganda the teaching of the Trinity started with the Catholic Church and they were so determined to sell this propaganda artwork was a major factor to converting the ignorant and to the belief of a lie according to the Catholic Church you see this old man with the beard that's supposed to be God you can go into any Cathedral of the Catholic Church paintings on the ceiling paintings on the wall paintings are inside of the glass Satan was so determined to sell this lie he put these image of pictures in your Bibles in it he put it in your Bibles to sell a Trinitarian lie this old man supposed to be the father God this little pudgy baby supposed to be the Son Jesus and that was it be married this bird this dove supposed to be the representation of the Holy Ghost and the reason why they use a dove because the Bible said the Holy Ghost came in a bodily shape of a dove dealing with Jonathan River Jordan and lighting upon him so brother L don't sit down but the Lamar don't sit down get out the our brother don't sit in the out at all now this propaganda and people will actually look at it and say this is God this is Jesus and this is the Holy Ghost now here is a picture that's supposed to be the Trinity all together this supposed to be God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost and they say these three or what are you listening this is all your stained windows many have this in their home you have it on your job religious propaganda is not something that's only preached but to sell this foolishness for years artwork played a major role because most people believe what they see why did the Trinitarian teacher become so successful when alive been told for years years years you have a tendency to believe it's the truth a lie is more effective when you're talking to the masses of ignorant folk are you listening to what I'm telling where the people are not scripturally educated when the people have no knowledge of Scripture they will look at pictures and images kisum do the sign of the Cross to them when they in trouble they turn to the picture father help me now God said in Exodus Exodus chapter 20 and we're starting at verse 1 listen and God spoke all these words God I am the Lord speak now this is not God I want you to hear yeah I'm so glad to be able to demonstrate this because this campus used to be the campus of a Catholic Church and we've taught out all the idols and we had a good time doing it it was turn of idols stolen and trash thrown amend dumpsters here we are the Bible says and God spent all Dawn's worries this is not God so then if this is not God who is it who is that fellow because the Bible don't describe God to look like this who is this little baby nigut because the battle described Jesus looking like this the Bible never said the Holy Ghost is a dove did you hear what I said I said the Bible never said the Holy Ghost is although no the Bible told us what happened down there in Jordan in the book of Matthew that's what three and at one time Matthew 3 and at verse 30 says what then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John yeah a lot of him but John forbade him saying I have need to be baptized and I need to be baptized of thee cometh out to me what happened and Jesus when he was baptized when he went that time went up straightway out of the water then what and lo the heavens were opened again open and he saw the Spirit of God he saw the Spirit of God descending descending like a dove like a dove it didn't say it was a dove like a dove he descended like adults and lightning upon him like a dove like the Holy Ghost descended like a dove door bible didn't say the Holy Ghost is adult right why did not the Bible said the Holy Ghost is a doubt because a dove is a creature in the Bible saying God made every teacher after its own time and a dog is created but the Holy Ghost is not created because the Holy Ghost is gone that's right are you listening religious propaganda all right you Trinitarians you said these three are one you said this is God the Father and this is God the Son and you call this bird [Applause] God number three now alright let's put them back over there come on just put them back over there it's time to do some biblical surgery I want to take my time and soak your little let's put them over there in the corner just be alright just put them in the corner all right now there is nowhere in the Bible where God is addressed as Trinity whenever God want us to know who he is he told us plainly he said I am and when he talked Abraham I am the all-mighty God walk before me and be thou perfect he talks to Moses Moses asked who shall I say send me I am Zac I am NOT even God addressed himself as being a person that's right God is a spirit now I first wanted to bunk the label that you put on God has been a person because when you read the scripture a person always point to human God is a spirit get you out the verse in st. John shop and then let's get Hebrews chapter 1 right and verse 3 now I want to take my time and just you know old country folk will sit on a porch and get that stick and start out thick well he'll whittle it down we want to break the Scriptures down that's right I want Hebrews 1:3 then I want Matthew 28:19 right then I want fifth chapter of First Epistle of John mm-hmm these are the scriptures that the Trinitarians use and then I want Genesis 1:26 that's right I want you to follow me first and say John chapter 4 Ned verse 24 alright God is a spirit no God is a person God is a spirit somebody's lying it it ain't God right God is a spirit and they that worship Him they didn't wait wait wait wait wait now Phyllis that--as Trinitarians if the three persons in the Godhead which one should we wish out that's right that's right which one should we wish up he worship you know none would do you hear what Jesus said in Saint John chapter four and at verse 22 you worship us not what you don't know what you're doing we know what we worship we know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews why but the hour cometh and now II when what when the true worship why should the true worshipers do shall worship the fault shall worship who the father shall worship who default now in spirit and in truth who wants it for the father seeketh such to worship Him what is God God is a spirit how do he want to be Russia and they that worship Him wish of them him them him how must worship in us wish of singular him him in spirit in spirit and in truth that's right [Applause] mas they said muscles must now before you get to other scriptures Jesus was on the mountain of Transfiguration right he saw that man would try to recognize three glory to God the Lord knew that men would try to recognize in honor three that's right so he left a perfect example here in the book of Saint Matthew chapter 17 I want you that we shopping and looking at three persons three persons now I wanna show you in the Bible where your spirit is how the Holy Ghost correct those who wanna recognize three that's right listen in the book of Saint Matthew chapter 17 he was started verse 1 alright and after six days Jesus taketh Peter James and John his brother yes and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart and was transfigured before them yeah and it's figured of power of God put him in the spirit that's right and and his face did shine as the Sun thank God mana did of the eternal Holy Ghost got ahold of Jesus and Jesus was put in the spirit by the power of the Spirit and he illuminated he was shining and his face did shine as the Sun face was shining like the Sun and his raiment was white his raiment was bright as the light Laura take God as the light and the whole bear appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him wait Moses and he lies and he lies talking with him hold it right there Moses was already dead and the Lord buried a Prophet Elias was already translated that he should not see death Jesus had not died yet Moses Eli's was Jesus now Moses and Elijah that appeared was the spirit of the person the person Moses wasn't there and the person Elijah wasn't there but the spirit of the person was there the only person that was there was Jesus who was in the spirit are you listening let me say it again Moses was already dead and the Lord buried them Elijah was already translated so the physical body was in there because Moses was dead but the spirit of Moses and the spirit of Elijah was there and the only person of flesh that was there was the Messiah Christ Jesus the Son of the Living God are you listening listen and behold there appeared unto them Moses and he lies talking with him yeah then answered Peter oh then annsofi had said unto Jesus Lord it is good for us to be here we're glad to be here Lord if thou will if it be your will let us make here three Tabernacles hallelujah let us make how many three Tabernacles let us recognize three three even at one point the apostle's wanted to recognize three oh three oh you can give this if thou will what was it ready for our learning God allowed this to happen so he can correct man and redirect man's thinking you want to redirect man's thinking that's right so here you have your postures wanna recognize or if they knew Moses was great they knew Eliezer was great and they knew they'd teach her that master teacher he was the greatest of them all listen let us make here three Tabernacles once again one for you and one for Moses one for Moses and one for Elias and one for Elijah while he yet spake behold a bright cloud overshadowed wow he was putting this out that's right Katinka a bright cloud overshadowed this thought overshadowed them and behold a voice out of the cloud spoke from the cloud which said this says is my beloved son this is the one this is my beloved son this is the one in whom I am well pleased I want you to look at this one hear ye him hear ye tell hear ye him hear ye damned bury him here he him and when the disciples heard it when the disciples heard they fell on their faces and was so afraid and they were so afraid and Jesus came and touched them and said arise and be not afraid only be afraid and when they had lifted up their eyes what did they see they saw no man they saw no man save Jesus only we should only Risha the Christ our lone but that's right that's right only what Jesus only so even the Holy Ghost everlasting God got rid of that Colonel concept right he's announced it that's right he spoke against it this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased God spoke from heaven that's right the manifestation of Elohim was made that's right Elohim spoke Elohim was standing up and that body and Elohim illuminated the body of the Son of Man that's right listening that's right and pulling it everything Jesus only to Jesus Jesus only this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased why shall we do hear ye him know when they looked up they saw no man say Jesus only he's just only Jesus only a man as that's what we are with Jesus only that's right Jesus home ok now Matthew 28:19 mm-hmm and then First Epistle of John chapter 5 that's right viewers again I said when I was in Johannesburg South Africa last month God gave us a mighty victory in two days we baptized off 192 souls and the name of Jesus Christ so many men and women came to me and said they believed in three gods all day life until they saw the truth of God message now they know that it's one than Jesus Christ is he Villas you've been told they're three persons in the Godhead you can lie to Adam I'll just I must show you why you've been lied to that's right all right Matthew chapter 28 and at verse 19 listen dirty therefore and teach all nations yes baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost you said that's the Trinity and you said that's three persons look how you lie listen to what the Bible said go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father in the name of the Father let's find out who is the father give me Malachi Malachi chapter 2 and add verse in I want to take it section by section that's right piece by piece yeah Malachi chapter 2 and verse 10 have we not all one father having at all three persons that make up one father has we not all one father has we not all three persons that make up one father has we not all one father if I was talking here have we let up the prophets are testifying here and you bear in mind that testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy that's right having at all one father hath not one God what has not one God created us wait a minute how many made us one God created us now you Trinitarians you quote Genesis 1:26 let us make man in our image after our likeness and you said God was talking to his son Jesus and talked to the third person the Holy Ghost and all three collaborated together to make Adam that's right that's right because being spiritually ill literate you thought us would mean more than one God that's right but he just read how many made us have we not all one father that include Adam that's right oh one better tell me Adam had more than one father I was talking to a fella out of Chicago who's supposed to came to Milwaukee Wisconsin they called me up and say he want to bait me hey Jesus Christ being God I said don't do it I said don't do it watch the telly I said wants to tell the cast some more he said but I know the Bible I said I'm very happy for you but don't come don't come and do it I told him don't do this to yourself he wouldn't as far as telling me there's two fathers good he said God is a father Jesus is a father I said how many figures we got he said we got two seizures Jesus is our Savior and God is a savior I said all right then who was Christ he said Christ is the last name of Jesus this is what happened when you get bad revelation bad revelation accompanied with bad teaching the Bible speaks plain have we not all one father one has not watered one one or take got away I and these last days we got to make this one strong even David got one stone one they may have gathered more than one but to do the job he got one one smooth stone loaded in his sleep why would the stone smooth because the one stone represents one God being a smooth stone meaning the stone had no flaws shows you that the one God it's flawless and the mr. film being flawless at one God has the power to bring down the head of everything are you listening now you said the father is the first person in the Godhead and this is your scripture that you use Hebrews 1 in 3 Hebrews chapter 1 and at verse 3 follow me I want to suck your little we want to take our time educate you three-person folk that's right uh-huh he was a person for you you you preach it you sang it holy holy holy Lord God Almighty God in three persons Blessed Trinity you know when the choir was singing last night and it sounds good and then when they got to that part of holy holy holy Lord God Almighty or they change the words totally they got they had to throw that layout I remember my son came to me they said we got to change that I said well when you change it I don't even want it to sound like the word Trinity yeah and when it when they change it it came out all right all right let you know that God as I will see you right yeah all right I want you sanitary and fakers they get this yes I'm talking to your pastor I'm talking to your priest I'm talking to your Pope I'm talking to all of you that been sold on the Trinity rely that's right listen hebrews chapter 1 and at verse 3 solomon who being the brightness of his glory now get that verse 1 at verse 1 garden sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past forefathers God and sundry times and in divers manners many manners many ways in what spake in time past unto the father's by the prophets and hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son now spoken to us by his son spoken to us by Jesus Christ whom he has to appoint an heir of all things now he appointed Jesus to be heir of all things holy he inherited God's name he inherited God's Authority in Heretic God's power until the Son of Man declared all things the Father half or mine he inherited God's name he obtained a more excellent name than the Angels the Bible said all power is given unto me in heaven and on earth in Chania handheld he inherited his powers we lay hands on you ice come open didn't hurt his power he walked on water he inherited his power the eyes of the blind came open don't you hear what he said whom he hath appointed heir of all hell upon an era of everything by whom also he made the world by whom also he made the world who being the brightness of his glory still talking about the Son of Man the Son of man was the brightness of his glory of God's glory he was the clear manifestation of God he was the Express image of God listen who being the brightness of his glory this of his glory and the Express image of Express image of his person now you out of ignorance said that meant God was the person it was not the Son of God was the Express image and mr. wersal overlooked his his person his person now the question is who is God's person who is God's person that's a huge person is there's a person that's been old here person means the person belong to God Kenny Shawn st. John chapter 3 16 that He gave His only begotten Son his left his only begotten son his son was his persons person this person was his sacrifice his sacrifice was his son his son was his offering his offering was the mediator the mediator was that body that body was done of God God that everlasting father was in two person God came in the person of Christ Jesus betrayal God was not the person the son of God was the person God was in the person and the Holy Ghost feels the person hallelujah the Bible says Jesus of Nazareth was filled with the Holy Ghost that you Trinitarians says that the Holy Ghost is the third person laia go back in Matthew 28:19 back to Matthew chapter 28 19 go into 28:19 says go ye therefore and teach all nations on issue that ties them baptizing them in the name of the Father name of the Father and of the son another Son and of the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost Father Son Holy Ghost you stayed last three persons what you fail to realize father and Holy Ghost are the same let's look at the compound word Holy Ghost a compound word two words holy is the characteristics of God ghost which the Spirit is the nature of God so if Jesus of Nazareth was filled with the Holy Ghost you gonna tell me he was filled with the person the Bible says in the second chapter of Acts and the way of Pentecost when the air finish off the story come to us all with one Accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound randomly they came a sound nor they came a person from him they came a sound from him No person from my sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven loins like his like a high fire and it's set up on each other there was all feel of the person and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost it was all filled with the holy person and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost all filled with the holy person they were all filled with the holy go there is nowhere in the history of the Bible where the Holy Ghost is called a person it was the Holy Ghost that move upon the face of the deep not a person the prophets was filled and was dealt with and moved upon by the Holy Ghost not moved by a person that's right are you listening so father son Holy Ghost yes three titles but only one out of the three titles is a person the one that's the person is Sun the Sun is called man shall the Sun have a mother the Sun comes to 42 generations the sand is the offspring of David the Sun come out the tribe of Judah the Sun comes from the generations of Shem the son was the only begotten of the Father for the son was not big ducted by another person hey listen you added three persons the bad boy never said three persons in the Godhead you added that live First Epistle John First Epistle of John chapter five chapter five and we're at verse 7 verse seven for there are three that bear record in heaven know there are three persons in heaven there are three that bear record in heaven we're going stripped us apart sings by sentence precept upon precept each sentence is aligned so we've got a strip it line upon line line upon line here a little and there a little that's right all right listen for there are three that bear record in heaven all right three the turn record means something's recorded the term record there's a record in headway there's something recorded in heaven listen for there are three that bear record in heaven and in say there's three persons that three that there was there's three that bear record there's a record there's something caught it recorded it is a three person irrigated something recorded us bear Rock that's right what is it the Father God the Father is God what else the word halite the word that's gone let's deal with the word Saint John chapter one was starting at verse 1 listen now you says well you see the word you said that's talking about the flesh hey what is it let's talk about flesh and blood the word is the action of God the word is the speech of God for jesus said the words last pic unto you they are spirit and they are life God make everything come to being by the spoken power of his word he speaks that which did not exist into existence there's in Saint John chapter 1 where at verse 1 but as in the beginning was the word in the beginning was God that's right that's right and the beginning began with the speech of God that's right are you listening God use words to introduce time God use words to introduce light God use words to separate separate light from darkness God use words to make the Sun make the moon make the Stars make man make the fowls of the air the beasts of the field the fish in the water and the hosts of heaven that's right he used words that's right all right in the beginning was the word in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God where it was with God it doesn't mean there's a little God with the big God none where it was with God if y'all and the Word was God he's telling you is not Widom if the Word was with God and the same thing that was with them is him didn't say it was another one with him now let's balance out the word was with them with who debunked somebody else being with in Deuteronomy chapter 32 in ours I would notice on the link of the Bible every chest move that the tree of terror is proud of me I'm gonna check make sure that it's ready ah that's right I'm going check make sure that's right hey man we got all Kings on the board that's right go at it God got all keys on the ball that's right all right Deuteronomy chapter 32 and verse 39 you - say the word was with god me there was another God with him use a lie out of hell amen you remember when you explained Scripture you can't have scripture contradict Scripture or overlapping scripted you got to have scripture harmonizing with Scripture that's right and Deuteronomy chapter 32 and verse 39 let's see now that I got talking see now that I even I am he and there is no God with me but the words with them and the Word was with God but was with them and there was no God with me but the word is with and the Word was with God but what's with them and there is no God with me so that can't mean that there was a little god with a big dog no no there is no God with me there is no God with me what do this one God do in Deuteronomy I kill I kill and I make alive if you want to live luckily I whoa I you want pain I I can do that to you and I hear you want to live this from Japan that I put on you I can do that you neither is there any that can deliver out of my hair everything Punk's are singular that's right three that bear record in heaven father that's God God is the father father is the originator of all things the word word that's God now because God brained things that did not exist into being by the spoken power of his word and then at the appointed time the word was made flesh let's explain that well let's explain that term yes in st. John 1:14 say John 14 was made flesh and the word was made flesh now the Bible already established is the word but God is not made that's right God always was but yet the Bible said the word was was made less less that don't mean God was made flesh that means flesh was made by the creating power of his spoken word that's right when did God use word to make flesh he put his word in the prophets his spoken word came from heaven and God in the mouths of the prophets and they spoke about the coming of the flesh that God will manifest himself in that's right on us child his bone son is given government shall be upon his shoulder name shall be called wonderful counsellor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end the scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet until shiloh come and unto him not unto them but unto Him shall the gathering of the people be binding his foal to the vine and his ass's coat to the choice vine he wash his garment and wine and his clothes in the blood of grapes Bible always talking about why are you listening and the Word was made flesh and what did I do and dwelt among us that flesh that the word made to wealth among the human family and the flesh that the word may was the son of God Christ Jesus and God the power out the word was in that flesh right that's why Paul said without controversy in other words stop arguing ain't no use talking God was manifested when a snake is manifested seen heard you can hit the sound of it God was manifested in the flesh meaning he worked in it the flesh was avail and that's what the Bible secretary his flesh was avail Hebrews chapter 10 says what and at verse 20 alright by a new and living way by a new he had a new way for man to live they want a man to get rid of the old man so he by a new and living way which he has consequentialist consecrated for us for us through the veil through the veil that is to say his flesh his veil is what his flesh you had an avail I say you hide under a veil Isaiah chapter 40 5 1945 $0.15 barely fair lower to God that one a God that harnessed I say hi O God of Israel the Savior he hid himself a trial in a veil available in flesh in a body in the Sun in the main in the son of David he himself that's where you couldn't see God don't say wait a minute pastor Janus but you mean you couldn't see God jesus said if you see me you see the father father [Applause] [Music] one preacher said when you quote the scripture when you see me you see the father they say will you looked at Jesus and shows you the way to father look no I don't know Philip saith unto Him Lord Lord oh Jesus was a Jew the father is of no nationality Jesus had a bloodline the spirit have no relatives Jesus had a certain height the father said I'm higher than heaven deeper than hell rather than the sea and longer than the earth Jesus of Nazareth that sacrifice had to grow from a baby to a man the nature that was God with the spirit in that body and God don't grow there are three that bear record for there are three that bear record in heaven the father that's God the word that's God and the Holy Ghost that's God and these three are one wait a minute these three are three persons that work in one and these three are one now let's look at their different operations right these three three three operations Pawel word Holy Ghost father-creator word speech Holy Ghost comforter keeper protector right now the Apostle Paul itemized the operation of God that's right in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 I want you to follow me this is the expression of the Hebrew term Elohim Elohim talks about God but Elohim means plural and every Trinitarian always run under the two the word Aloise means low yellowy hello he means plural that's right that's right Elohim does mean plural but now I have to go to the Bible and show us how God is plural and how he function in the plurality monitor and yet still is one that's true Parliament in the book of Philemon sins follow me follow me 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and read receipts first one and work on the operations of God right listen 1st Corinthians 12 and we're at verse 6 alright and there are diversities of operations there are diversities of operation many functions many operations but but it is the same God no it's not it is the same gun no rich not it is the same gun no it no it's three person it is the same God it's three persons working together it is the same God which worth any operation but is the same God with work how much work you do it's workers all here we work hard at all you know many operations adversities hello--hi many functions many ways of doing things that's right he's a healer he's a keeper he's a redeemer he's a provider he's a teacher right he's a preacher he is the anointing he is the comforter that's right diversity diversity of operation of operations diversity of functions now Trinitarians if you would have said Father Son and Holy Ghost are three functions you would have been raped if you were saying father son the Holy Ghost are three operations you would have been right right if you were the same father son Holy Ghost all three titles you would have been right but because the devil stood up in your sorbolene total bold-faced lie let's see if Father Son the Holy Ghost is three persons yeah you lie your brain alive and there are diversities of operations diversity diversity of operation but it is the same God here it is the same God we have have it raining in one place same time snowing and another place same time a whirlwind in another place same time earthquake in another place same time peace in another place all these operations it is the same God same God which work is same Gaussian saves God wonderful manifest themselves in the body of Christ Jesus the Son of God and still in heaven and talk from heaven operating operations then you know there is no limitations to God diversity zuv operation adversities diversity zuv up around bursted many many funny different functions different functions but bahu but it is the same God Sanji ODS same G OD Elias your life saying G OD way Mon which worketh all in all he were well all in all he went well but which worketh all in all he said I'm the same yesterday same what were you yesterday Lord I turn Aaron rod made it bud turn into a serpent to eat all the other service by day I got into cloud the lead Israel by night pillar fire man I stood up in Moses Moses was like a god unto family that's right all type of diverse things that's right hey man I separated the water for my people you know yeah that's right Crescent ease of operation diversity of operations just for job as a whirlwind it not question him where were you we're not lead the foundations of the world that's right under I spread abroad the north over empty place I lay the chambers in the water and gave the see her decree address many operations these prophets saw me I was walking on the weeds of the wind for him and I spread the pursuits of heaven diverse tabs of operation that are too young operation of operation it is the same God who is the same God or is that the same God same God who is the donate to heaven same God who isn't a major earth same God willing to make the moon same go is it that made Adam same go is it that stood in the Son of God same God that's not the church's heavy-haul same God same God same going God which worketh all in all who is it that said I suffer not a woman to teach nor did not to teach nor to usurp authority over the man with being silent same God wizard that say it's Luke Peter repent be baptized [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] he is all-powerful all-knowing yeah he don't need no help in fact the Bible said when I looked there was none to help when I wondered there was none of home but with my hold on I brought salvation same God not another who you same God who yeah there God of Abraham saying God Jesus said before him was I am I am he don't know this I am that I am that I am who was the same God who did God oh yeah are you listening and there are diversities of operations many Huia many apparitions so Elohim plural yes but God singular that's right diverse works when he works by same God now another function of Elohim where's plural eyes is his shape that's right his form that's right this fashion in the book of Hosea the book of Hosea chapter 12 focus closely on the language of the Bible Hosea chapter 12 and read verse 10 Hosea 12 and 10 I have also spoken by the prophets I also spoken by the prophets and I have multiplied vision holy i multiplier didn't give you one vision no I have to give you a whole lot for me to show you about me that's right and and you some millet you'd sell it si mi li t UD es some millet UD's wait a minute similar to similitudes there similitudes plural and they're similar to singular that's right let me show you similar to singular v chapter book aromas I want to show the difference between each word one is plural eyes and one is not v chapter book aromas nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned if chapter verse in Romans chapter 5 and read verse 14 alright nevertheless horotec doctor less death reigned from Adam to Moses yes reign from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned what after the similitude spelling si mi Li tu de one image one image one fall after the similitude of Adam's transgression who is the figure of him that Jacek of him that was to come so Adam was made in the image or in the similar to of the son of man that would count that's right but now here you got God showing shapes for right fashions go back to Hosea son back in heart you're getting this back in Hosea chapter 12 and verse 10 alright I've also spoken by the Prophet God say also spoken by the Prophet and I have multiplied visions multiplied visions I showed you a lot of things and use some militant are used shapes by forms fashioned how did I bring it to pass by the Ministry of the Prophet look at him showing himself to Moses as a burning bush hey that's right hey man that's a burning bush look at him describing himself when Jesus the Son of Man was walking here on earth preaching about the Spirit call him the husband man one prophet saw him and said my little finger shall be thicker than my father Lawrence you said I saw a piece of cloud coming up that's a man's hand some of the tools appear as a man handwriting on the wall and Daniel staged shapes that's right pause that's right fashion show the image of the son of God standing down there along the three Hebrew boys and the son of God wouldn't even begun yet that's right similar to a man under easy - as a beast with four faces on each side is thinking I saw a world when coming out of the north and the fire and folding itself then I saw four beasts one had the face of a man one had the face of an OPS one had the face of a lion one had the face of an eagle shapes forms similar to the case of a man but show you how that body would have favor with God and man face of a I'll show you how he would be a sacrifice face of a lion show you the power that was in that body the true face thank God over eagle the Bible said the eyes of the Lord run to and fro and all I've also spoken by the Prophet I spoken by the Prophet sighs I promise I come to manure and his wife and first they said it was a man then they said it was an angel then it concluded it was God that's right similar to I've also spotted about here thank God the day that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord in his train filled the temple substitutes that's right in the days of Moses and Aaron and advocate named dad and the sons of Aaron and the seventy nobles said I saw the Lord sitting on the throne with the lacking of a pain sapphire stone under his feet using Stemler - that's right I have all changed spoken by the prophet saww fashion that's right by the Ministry of the prophets of the prophets and I have multiplied vision and use similitude by the ministry and forms by the service of the Prophet that was rendered by the prophets that's right but it was the same law same God same or same so you that says three persons you lie that's a lie that's a lie three functions yes three operations yes and you can narrow whom down to three operations no diversity no you can't do that there's many functions oh yeah you're the one true holy God that's right you get that deadly that's right what did the Holy Ghost said back in 1st Corinthians to everybody all right listen I can 1st Corinthians 12 and verse 6 all of you that being taught the Trinity lie that there are three persons there is no Bible that said at any time that there are three persons in heaven no there is no Bible at no time the time never Dayton says three you notice all the witnesses lied when they said it was - that's right if you believe in more than one got your bail surface that's right let's go back to the Book of Kings everybody rise go back to Kings back in first Kings chapter 18 brother Elijah was dealing with 850 prophets right 450 surface of bale and 400 of those that wish up the Grove that's my image isn't handmade idols 850 minutes that's right up against one man that's right and first case show you how strong God is that's right all right first Kings 18 and read verse 21 now hold that mm-hmm you that says Jehovah Witness that is two gods 7 chapter that's right that's right get that verse 50 sighs amen amen because the to God teaching was here before I was born yeah before I was born it was I got brothers here 70 years old 80 years old it was here before they were born it's not a new teaching it's an old recycled life that's right hey man the devil set that stuff I don't the curves and the devil picked it up and recycle this that's right yeah that's right and that's what the devil is doing now and recycling and declaring there's two guards no it's not no it's not the Bible plan it says here in fact Jesus their one man responses users well master thou have said the truth there is but one God that's right and none other but he do you hear this now in the book of st. mark chapter 12 Solomon will start at verse 29 Parliament mark chapter 12 and at verse 29 Holloman and jesus answered him jesus answered him the first of all the commandments is hear o Israel of F's first and then I want corrected let us see who is one God toward that's right because I believe to us it's one God to us hallelujah take card all right Saint Mark chapter 12 verse 29 solomon and jesus answered him the first of all the units on internet giving a dumb a thumbs down it don't move us there's still one god there's still the one god listen when you get wait listen let me give you some knowledge when you give a thumbs down God is down there too father said if I lay my bed in hell God is there so will you push a dump will you put your thumb down I agree with you got it down there too that's right if you go that way God is right there - that's rough you go that way God is there - yeah overtake God can't get away from it that's right what did he say mark chapter 12 and at verse 29 alright i'm jesus answered him jesus answered the first of all the commandments is hear o israel is your Lord our God is one Lord our God is two Lord the Lord our God is one Lord - Lord one Lord - Lord one Lord we sang it one Lord one faith one baptism that's right tell it everywhere we go no matter where to tell it everywhere everywhere and and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul yes and with all thy mind and with all thy strength yeah this is the first command and the second is like namely this thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself yeah there's none other commandment greater than these and I described said unto him what did describe say well master hallelujah well master thou has said the truth anything opposite from this you know us in life for there is one God wait a minute there is one God and there is none other but he what is that statement call and the scribe said I did that statement call now has said the truth what is that state may call has said the truth and what was the statement area for there is one God and there is none other but he and what does that state make all the truth and what what is that statement well there is one God and there is none other but he and what did that state make all the truth and what is that statement well there is one God and there is none other but he the truth is that the truth church to me [Applause] how many healers do we have one and we need give you the Holy Ghost how many we pray to how many was saying about how many churches did he stop how many gods in heaven how many traitors how many alphas how many omegas whose the beginning whose the ending who's the first who's the last who's the God of Abraham the god of Isaac then column Jacob the God of Israel one God the God that made the world that's God and creation one God one God let the world hear let the world hear let the world hear it oh yeah one guys know where to go one god one long one good one faith one baptism one [Applause] one day the Bible said well master daya said the truth well mass ha now I said the truth you're told to shoot for there is one God there is one God one God and there is none other there's none other but he no no none other give me the seventh chapter acts hallelujah hallelujah tick caught on hi Acts chapter 7 chapter 7 beginning at verse 55 Acts chapter 7 and verse 55 questions where did your hova witnesses go - mm-hmm they justify - gulps that's right that's right yes n except X 7 and verse 55 Parliament but he being full of the Holy Ghost now where you had the Holy Ghost you won't see too all the girls will never show you anything that contradict what he said that's right I believe it was John talks about having your eyes are north of it I say that's right once the ice as the dropping of the Spirit get in your eyes you're all that three a clear up and you will see one all the time that's right what is that but he being full of the Holy Ghost sold out the Holy Ghost looked up steadfastly into heaven here you Liars can't even see the next room right you can't even look you can't even see the next room and you see two or three that's right here's a man in the spirit look steadfastly into heaven into heaven and and saw the glory of God and saw God's glory and Jesus standing on the right hand of God listen that that meant when your kernel and use logic right away you were safe you see what Ryan is right I don't need no revelation to understand that that's right the brothers on my right hand he's one mm-hmm I'm - yeah logic logic now you're gonna make the Bible harmonize because now you said Jesus is a God standing with a god right and the one God says there is no God with with me with so I'm gonna believe what he said right because you also know who's with him that's right and he also know who's not with him that's right that's right hand standing on the right hand of God did not mean and it never meant that Jesus was standing on the right hand of enough of another that's right how can Jesus stand on the right hand of another if there's only one God and if Jesus is he so what do right hand me in Exodus chapter 15 Exodus chapter 15 verse 6 thy right hand Ola hedeman corty go you got elohim working again that's right function of God that's right data right hand oh God my right hand Oh Lord has become glorious and powers become glorious and power die right hand Oh Lord my right hand Olaf dashed in pieces the enemy have dashed to pieces they enter the enemy right can mean power lower right hand mean majesty right hand mean Authority that's right yeah but he being full of Laura take god full of the Holy Ghost and saw the glory of God and saw the glory of Jesus standing on the right hand of God and said behold I see the heavens open I see the heavens open and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God did you see that an old fool set you got the Son of man standing right next to God right that's a blind bat that's right and yes that's Bell prophets not at no time that Stephen said he saw more than one God no no no no we gonna keep reading and prove it that's right listen I said behold I see the heavens open and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God then why then they cried out with a loud voice and stuff their ears and ran upon him with one Accord yes and cast him out of the city and stoned and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet on a name of soul and they stormed Stephen forget chapter verse now in Acts chapter seven I'm at verse 59 they said after the Holy Ghost made Stephen or Stefan says I saw the Jesus standing on the right hand of God that's when a know Holy Ghost winnin worked in Stephen and open it up and made a planes in the world that will come after this scriptures written so they can know Stephen was looking at all the time Hayek's chapter 7 and verse 59 says what and they stole Stephen they stole Stephen calling upon God calling a fangio DF holding upon G OD calling upon G OD if Jesus was standing next to God like you think this means right why will you call Jesus and they stoned Stephen calling upon God I did why would he just call Jesus right you know until Jesus like Williams said I don't want to talk to you I want to talk to your father that's right well used to be a plural god man that's right yeah that's right hey even my cameraman John he used to be a plural god man he was a Catholic that's right he can identify with them pictures they bring back memories oh [Laughter] yeah let's say God what he say so and they stoned Stephen calling upon God they stoned Stephen calling upon God and What did he say and saying Lord Jesus did he call on Lord calling upon God he called Oh Who holding upon God by what name oh Jesus are calling upon God by one name Lord Jesus Waterloo calling upon go by what name Lord Jesus had many total call upon God g.od but wait a minute God Jesus was on the right hand behind me he called on calling upon God g.od I said why and saying Lord Jesus amen amen hallelujah call on Jesus you're calling on God calling on God you're calling him by name that's right Lord Jesus you've called him Lord Jesus because that's telling you God is above all other God your name got the saving power that's right that's right that's right calling upon God and a member bheyl prophets a larger said called upon upon your gods that's in this now in 1st Kings 18 and verse 24 to you they got to all to you they got three four five I'm saying like my brother the Prophet that's right you call upon your gods and call you on the name of your God on the name of your God and ah and I'll call on the name of the Lord I believe that if chapter book Corinthians in the fourth chapter the book of Revelation hey man hey man you got to move because I'm ready to quit and first trying to quit but thank God the thing is just moves [Music] chapter 8 and at verse 6 all right but to us to us there is but one God but to us God's people that's right to us to God's people there is but one God else to us so don't be amazed when someone preach 2 3 4 & 5 i'ma show you why they do that but yeah I'm going to show you why do you do that that's right - there is one God the Father the father of whom are all things all things and we in him we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ and a here and lady and one Lord Jesus Christ one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things by whom are all things and we by him we buy him hold it by the Spirit we in him and what else did he said and we by him and by the Son of Man we by him right now let's break that down by the spirit we in him while you're baptized by one spirit into one body that's right by the Sun you buy him of course when you offered up that body and shed blood you have to get that blood and water through baptism you're baptized by his name that's right that's right we're in him in him we're by him by him we're from him that's right we're through him well of him that's right but to us there is but one go on God default default is everything and we in here we rainy and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom our old friend day - tubby Jesus is the second person in the Godhead I make you find it find it I make your finding I dare you to tell me that where Jesus is a God right I make you find out where the Bible address them as a god I make it licked at a guard up God knows that's right what he said but to us there is but one God as it the father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him what's the condition of the people howbeit there is howbeit there is not ever not in every man that knowledge whatever Bible say how beard there is not in every man that knowledge that's not in everybody not in every man that knowledge if the Bible said that knowledge is not in every man that everybody can see that's right Jesus said blessed are all they say they see Jesus said many kings many problems then another place he said many righteous men to desire to seed those things that you now see me and haven't seen them haven't seen them desire to hear those things that you now hear and have not heard haven't heard it well unto us but unto us there is but one God one God Revelation quickly revelation chapter 4 we're starting at verse 1 yes after this I looked and behold a door was opened in heaven that main God manifested that's right a door was open in heaven means Jesus manifests himself that's right because jesus said I am the door and when you open the door you want something to be seen on the other side that's right yeah that's alright and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me yeah which said come up come up hither and I was so be filled with much either hang that must be here at and immediately what happened I was in the spirit and immediately you got to be in a spirit that's right yeah that's right when you're in the spirit like Steve and you'll see one of the prophets saw one that's right and immediately I was in the spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven and one one that on the throne it is two up there what they're doing sharing the throne amen one says Jesus sitting on the lap of God my lord how long Jesus is gonna stand next to God as you're getting tired that's right that's right that's right just so foolish and held deserving hey man what it is and immediately I was in the spirit what and the whole a throne was set in heaven eight dollars in heaven and one sat on the throne set on the throne and he that said hey that's that he that said we that said he that said he that said was to look upon like a Jasper and a sardine stem there was a rainbow round about the throne then what in sight like unto an emerald and about the throne before and 20 seats around about the throne was fallen 20 seats and upon the seats I saw four and 20 elders sitting clothed in white raiment and they had on their heads crowns of gold hold it 12 plus 12 is what the 24 elders represent the Old Testament and the New Testament yeah 12 tribes of Israel you had twelve apostels there was a raid in white road and they had on their heads crowns of gold and letting you know that the prophets and the apostles was anointed by the self same spirit until Paul said I told you no other thing but what Moses in the Prophet said should come so the 24 elders around the throne represent the Old Testament and the New Testament how the prophets and the apostles was expired by God himself and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne seven lamps of fire of the seven spirits of God now H are the seven spirits of God yeah and before the throne there was a sea of glass like under crystal and white and in the midst of the throne and round about the throne before beats our four beats our four beasts I saw the attributes of God full of eyes full of eyes before and behind wait a minute the eyes are before and behind you have foresight and insight that's right that's what got to be in a preacher that's right you got to have full sight and insight and and the first beast was like a lion like a lion a yield Bible said Judith our he whom your brother and going praise thine hand should be in the neck of that enemy that father's children shall bow down before thee Judah is a lion's whelp from the prey my son you're going up your student as a lion as an old lion to rise among the scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come under him shall they gathered that people be he looked at Jude and said your couch as a lion and as a whole who shall rise above so the face of a lion show you the power of God or the authority of God and the second be second be like a calf like a cat showing you sacrifice and the third be Hermes had a face as a main face of a man that you know that he gonna leave examines an example a pattern of good works and the fourth being a puppy was like a flying like a flying eagle he's high he's a highly exalted God that's right he's a highly exalted go that's right alright and the four beasts had each of them six wings they bound about them and they were full of eyes eyes you think I'm a rest not day and night saying holy holy holy holy holy holy Lord God Almighty what which was no no no no no no you wait oh you miss up yeah I did yes I did what's missing most of me so much miss muslimah suck me what's the matter with you some Sun some something must be wrong well I was wrong something went wrong do you read that again get chapped in back Revelation chapter 4 with verse 8 as well and the four beasts had each of them six wings about him yea they were full of eyes within and they rest not day and night and weapon is saying holy holy holy Lord God Almighty God in three persons Blessed Trinity holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come no no no no amen holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come no holy holy holy Lord God Almighty bless the Trinity holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come amen you're lying blood all of you that says they're three persons and then you lie like you were tricked you were conned yeah all those pictures yes show them pictures that I'm talking about for me John all those pictures our lives that's right that old fellow with gray hair and a white beard right that's not God no that little pudgy ugly baby then Jesus that's right and that birth that ain't the Holy Ghost we ought not to think that the Godhead give chapter best in the book of Acts chapter 17 read verse 29 listen and follow me for as much then as we are the offspring of God we are the offspring of God we are not to think that the Godhead we are not to think that the Godhead after God is like unto gold like under gold or silver or silver or stone or stone graven by art li what graven by art graven by art and man's device and man divine and the times of this ignorance of time where you was that stupid that ignorant that dumb God winked that he had mercy on you but now so ridiculous but now commandeth all men he can man all men everywhere to do what to repent then Peter said unto them hallelujah repent and be baptized and be baptized every one of you every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ all right for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost got this to do that's right all of you have been taught there's three persons leave your church that's right your preachers that preach it leave them that's right if they teach there's more than one God I don't care who they are leave that church that's it walk out walk out leave it leave them leave your position yeah save yourself save yourself anybody want to obey the Word of God tonight and be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ stand on your feet yeah if you want to be baptized under the bar nothing oh yeah all of you that are standing all of you that are standing go to the back all of you that are standing you see where they stand in back there go to the back the numbers are still climbing double D come on back tomorrow morning let me get early if you want to see they jam-packed upstairs they jammed packed down here yeah Phyllis all of you that was told there three persons leave your church leave your pastor your pastors lying tell you man they can get over internet in the Harlem buses they want yeah when you're done still one go one God come on back tomorrow so we can celebrate and rejoice yeah about our one God let's all stand [Applause] their chef Ellis Mississippi will close us out in France dear Heavenly Father in the all powerful name of Jesus Christ Lord God of heaven and earth we want to thank you for being so good merciful and kin and to us we want to thank you Lord Jesus for the wonderful missions that went forth throughout the world we thank you for the soul that's going down in water in the name of Jesus Christ and we give you all the glory and praises in Jesus Christ great and holy name thank you Lord amen brothers remember our meeting tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 284,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Jennings, Gino Jennings, Holy, Holiness, TOG, First Church, Religion
Id: qsbpNT0yerw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 37sec (8077 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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