Fireball Tool Fixture Plate Part 6: Inspection

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[Music] all right we got you back here on the granite plate and I've I've already cleaned this thing off I cleaned it off with my cleaner and got all the dust everything off of it and the first check that I want to make here is I want to see how parallel the top and the bottom base plate are with each other you know because I cut one bolted it to it and then we tapped it down onto our parallels and the vise and so we're we're hoping that where it's at down in the parallels is going to make the top parallel to the to the bottom there so I've got my stand there set and we're gonna run it across this way so that you can see it and you'll be able to see the little cut marks there so a lot of people were interested in you know how flat the the tool marks are for each each cut there so what I'm reading is 3/10 high and low I was actually surprised that it was that much I thought it was going to be much less than that but we got three thousandths so I didn't have my tool honed exactly parallel to the to the workpiece alright so as we move across to the other side you can see as far as parallel it's not it's not bad at all we're well within a thousand so I believe that was about a half now so let's just call that zero in that area so we're dropping down a little bit there few tents and then we come back up okay so we're gonna be maybe about a half a cow a couple tents over that possibly all right let me see if I can move this around we'll go we'll go from this side over now definitely low there and now now keep in mind I don't forgot to mention this this is a tense indicator so each number you see is one thousand sand then there's ten lines in between there so we drop off at thou there's it down and a half so it looks like we've got about thousands and a half there the 2000 sets on it depends on where I'm at because I'm moving this thing and it may be up on one of the toolmarks higher low looks to me about a thousandth in half that it drops off from that corner there let's check this side here so it's looking to me like I as far as where it was sitting in the vise itself we had a high side and a low side so I wasn't exactly parallel there and there's things that can induce that error as well and we'll talk about that in a minute we'll go back down and look you know because we've got we've got parallels that you got to deal with and then you've got a universal table and if it's not trimmed in perfectly flat then it's going to do this on you and you can see our tool marks making that needle wiggle there but that's pretty cool if you if you ask me you know we were we were traversing the tool across just like this you know making our cut so if you start on one side and you just imagine you know working from one side to the other you see where the indicator is at it's not quite 1000 and we move across so you got what maybe about a half a thousands drop there disregarding the the toolmarks let's come off that we got one more side to check right here let's check this one all right we're about nineteen so about a thousands there so that's in the direction of the stroke and like I said that could be the that could be the parallels there could be the table is not tram din perfectly there we checked I did a video a while back where I actually was indicating the table to see what kind of movement we got on the RAM as it went out and we were getting a half a thousand so you're always going to have at least a half a thousand s drop in in that machine alright well there gives you an indication on exactly how parallel the the part is you know top and bottom so what I want to do now is go ahead and I'm going to take these let me move this out of the way so you see I got the camera in there pretty tight these one two three blocks right here these are precision ground one two three box from a toolmaker and I've mic them and they're exactly the same height 2 inches and three tenths both of them so what I want to do is I'm going to set these they're going to be just like that we're gonna flip this this fixture plate over and set it on top of this and so this will be our reference surface there and then we'll go and we'll sweep the surface here you know underneath it with the indicator and see what kind of readings were get there all right I got you in there's about the best I can with what I got here and we're gonna if we can get that adjusted there a little bit closer to zero we can use this to sweep it looks like we got a low zero so we're going to be running across to our tool marks by the way so that's the flickering that you're seeing look at that it's still touching the zero so we're on the plus side of the zero on that end right there and we slide it across to this side and we're on the on the negative side so I don't know if I had to call it a number about a half a thousands difference right there alright so what we'll do is we'll come on around and let's check another side all right let's check this one there so we're about on zero there this is going to be going along along our cut so there's a half so almost a thousands there ok yep so we got about a thousand so go back the other way I'm not staying consistent there it's kind of floating in and out a little bit so I need to double check that I'm still seeing about a half a thousands right there so not bad not bad at all we're talking about a shaper which is a precision machine but you know we're not talking about super tight tolerances like on a grinder so I'm happy to see that it's moving you know half a thousand across there we're gonna flip you around we'll do this side here all right starting off on the right around plus one sliding across to our tool marks right out of half a cow maybe just two let's go show her depends on where you're at on the toolmarks there I'm still calling that a half a cow all right all right we got one more side to check and then move this stuff around all right we're at about a half between half and one there we go just start somewhere alright so we got about a thousandth there on this side came off so we're looking about a thousand stare on this side there I don't know what you guys think y'all y'all be the judge I'm just doing this because I know a lot of people were interested in seeing that and you know of course I was too but what it's telling me is that this machine is cutting within a thousandth of you know being flat and parallel and consistent all the way across the cut so real happy about that if you need it any closer go to a grinder or possibly even a good milling machine might do it better than that but this is this is excellent for an old you know 70 year old shaper so like I said I wanted to talk about this a little bit too and you you have to kind of keep these things in consideration I have to keep it in consideration as far as what we're trying to do inspect to see how parallel and flat this machine is cutting so I'm confident that the machine itself you know with the RAM is cutting within about a half a thousandth and that's across the length to this table right here that's what I can measure already already showed that before but when you're doing things like this you know and holding something in a vise you got your stack up and you got these parallels here that we use so you know you got to make sure that you're using parallels that are perfectly ground parallel with each other they're not different heights I've got these nice parallels in here that always use and these are excellent parallels and I always make sure that everything is clean you go in there rags and you you know you wipe everything out make sure that there's no chips in there in between your setups but you know I haven't I haven't miked these things in a long time so I don't remember what these parallels are but these are high-quality parallels and they should be very close within a couple of tenths I would I would guess that mic and that okay so you got this that you got to deal with your parallels make sure there's no flaws underneath them but then on this machine you've also got to worry about your tilt and your rotate there so I always do the best I can to try to make sure that this table is not rotated one way or the other or this tilting part of the table is not as well so I've got it about as close as I can get it it's very fidgety when you're trying to Travis thing in and I I call it where it needs to be but it still could be out a few tents across the entire stroke there you know so that's something that can hinder you too so for what we're doing it's a fixture plate and it's I'm gonna call it within a thousandth of being flat and parallel so I'm really happy with it and I'm I'm just really happy with the way it turned out and it was a fun project to do on this machine right here [Music] [Music]
Channel: Abom79
Views: 71,656
Rating: 4.9476686 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, machine shop, machinist, granite surface plate, inspection, dial indicator, surface plate, test indicator, fixture plate, cast iron fixture plate, fireball tool, fireball tool fixture plate, shaper, metal shaper, ge shaper, precision inspection
Id: PnkIRL10OAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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