Fireball Tool Fixture Plate Part 1

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to the shop so I've got a new project right here in this box that I'm getting ready to get started on I want to go over it with you and tell you what my plans is tell you about it and let you know all the all the fine details so this is one of the cast iron fixture plates from fire ball tools all right right there that's that's one of the fixture plates this is just the raw casting that's not machines Jason Marburger over there at fire ball tool he was very generous enough to send me one of these to use as a project Harrell in the channel and make a fixture plate out of because what he does is that he sells these now and they're fully machined and they have a 5/8 holes drilled in it for using welding type clamps that standard welding clamps that you would find on fixture plates and things like that so let's pull this out of the box right there and show you by the way real nice package in there with the box and the foam falling out so that's the that's looking at the bottom right there I really like the way he's got his his logo casted in there we got the USA and what this is is 10 it's a 10 by 10 cast iron fixture plates and as I said he sells these already machines where it's got all of your 5/8 holes drilled on 2 inch centers I believe yeah 2 inch centers and I had I had asked Jason if he offered one of these with tapped holes instead of the drilled holes so that you can use it on milling machines and other machine tools and use standard half-inch hold down hardware on it and although he doesn't offer that he told me he says how about a sins you want and you go ahead and and modify it make it the way you want and then make a video out of it I'm like sounds good to me let's do it so that's what I'm gonna do is I want to make a fixture plate out of this guy right here to kind of use this was generally going to be used like on the shaper but it can definitely be used in a milling machine just the same so I had originally envisioned it being for the shaper but I'm telling you this can be for anything it doesn't matter what so Jason is now offering this raw iron a fixture plate on his website for sale so anybody can pick one of these things up and modify it any way you want so my plan is to drill and tap it for half 13 hold-down hardware and we're gonna make a shaper project out of this I'm gonna make well first thing what we need to do is we need a machine the bottom of it okay this needs to be nice and flat right here and we also need to do some drilling and tapping in this as well all right we want to make sure that all of our sides all of our sides are machined square and our top is machined parallel to the bottom so got to thinking about how we're going to hold this thing to be able to do that we can pretty easily set it in the vise and go ahead and get the bottom of it square but then we need to be able to flip it over and then hold it on the bottom side which you can see is going to be difficult if you're wanting to machine the sides also I'd like the bill to flip it over and it'd be held just like you see right there you know you got a gap there so you can get in here and you can cut the sides and make sure that all the sides are square and parallel to each other so my plan of attack is going to be to make a plate that's going to bolt to the bottom of this right here and that plate will be used in your Kurt vise or whatever vise to be able to hold it and I've got a I've got a piece here that I found now this isn't the one I'm going to use but this is going to give you an example so this this was almost what I was looking for right here but I want a seven inch by seven inch square plate and it's going to be bolted to the bottom of this and it's going to be it's gonna be machined square and I might even do some dowel pins also to help keep it aligned I'm not really sure yet I haven't decided if if that's gonna if that needs to be done or what but anyway if you have that plate bolted to the bottom of this then you can easily clamp it in your vise you know flip it over clamp it and build a machine all the sides and the top and then not only that once you're ready to use this either in the shape of ice or your milling machine vise or whatever you just clamp it right there on this plate my first idea I kind of got it off with Jason is he's got some one-inch bars I believe that he's bolted to this but my my idea was a solid plate so that as you're applying clamping pressure on this it's not trying to squeeze those bars in so I think just using a solid plate on there would work and then doesn't matter which way you clamp it it's going to be applying equal pressure to that solid plate so that is what we're gonna do I'm gonna have to pick me up some cap head bolts I didn't have the right size but this is what I'm going to be using as the hardware to hold the plate down so we'll have it drilled and tapped in these four corners for half thirteen and we'll have our cap hit bolt you know our plate countersunk that it's bolt down in there so for all you guys that loving the shape or footage rejoice because you're gonna have a whole lot more to watch for you guys that don't like to Shaffer I'm sorry to disappoint but this is going to be a shaper project for me I want to use a shaper to square up the plate that I'm gonna cut I've got a piece of 1 by 8 flat bar in there by the saw that I'm gonna I'm gonna cut me a piece off and then we're going to shape that to the right size and do our machining to get it bolted on there so let's go ahead and get started some of the techniques that you're gonna be seeing me do the stuff that I've gotten out of my old machine books that I've been reading on shape or use including the tools to use and the grinds and that kind of stuff so I'm putting the sandpaper on the edge is a tip that they had in the book for holding rough castings there I don't think this side is going to be necessary but I'm going to do it anyway and I say that because we're gonna use this brass rod in there the sides of this casting has draft on it and you just want to make sure that your fixed jaw is pulled up square and you just use a rod on the backside there so that it can it can conform to the shape of that side of the workpiece there and tighten up on it that parallel is already tight and so is that I don't need to bump down on it just leave it just like it is just make sure that my vise is good and tight we're not gonna be taking any heavy touch we're just cleaning it up I worked out good that's the tool that we're gonna use to rough it out this is just gonna be for roughing this is more of like a shovelnose style tool i've already reground it and rehomed it got a beautiful honed edge around the corner it's just it's razor sharp so we'll use this to rough it and then we're going to use a square nose tool to finish it and I've got another technique to get a nice square nose on the workpiece but we're going to get to that later on once we get to that level [Music] my starve of 15,000 Delmond out and see what we can do [Music] well the 20000 stuff over just going to adjust it from there I want to try to clean that up the rough cut the first pass across there if I can and I'm not even feeding near what I supposed to be on the slow it down because I'm that's not used to it meet up there so I need to take some more [Music] [Music] all right so we're not we're sort of tapering off right here and we're not cutting it so we need to come back over and try another DEATH we'll probably go and I want 115 so if I go another 15 and see if that cleans it up it's best to try to get under the rough scale or your tool rather than cut through it [Music] without doing a 50,000 stuff over I just do it a good job [Music] [Music] showing you the toolmarks from the cut see over there we started at 20,000 step-over picked it up 50 we've got a little bill in this corner right here so I'd say another $15 you'd actually clean this box [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've switched to my square nose tool that was actually a tool I ground to do a groove with but we're gonna try it for this so I'm gonna practice a finishing cut across this here I've manually kind of squared up the tool by loosening the lantern here and squaring it up on the workpiece and snugging it up so what we're going to do is a technique where I'm hopefully going to hone it square right where it sits the paper is actually supposed to be to prevent oil because you're going to use an all stone and it gets keeps the oil from getting down onto your work so what we want to do is kick it out about three degrees bring it down until it just touches okay I can see it I can see it honed underneath there and it's all the way across so I think we're gonna try it right there I'm gonna hit it just a lick more it seems to be doing a pretty good job all right let's give it a shot I'm going to start off with mm step two cut and I'm feeding over a hundred thousands this this technique on cast iron I recommend a very light very high feed and stepovers it's just like what you see on the table right here that device is sitting on you can see the lines going through there [Music] [Music] I've eaten a little bit too odd for the part is getting pick the parts chatter [Music] I'm gonna slow it down and see if it'll help [Music] we made it I'm having a dry net so that it's not so wide that's why we're practicing now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're gonna try it again I narrowed the tool to a quarter inch wide Reed honed it did everything a touched off and I've moved down to thousands on the compound so I'm gonna slow the feed down I'm sorry slow the speed down and see if it helps now I know a lot of guys are probably saying hey meat bees in spring tool or why why not use a spring tool you know all those kind of comments I don't have a spring tool for this machine that's why I'm having to use what I got right here so I got to make this work it's like it's working that time feeding 130,000 salsa it's pretty cool yeah I think it's that's exactly what it's supposed to look like I'm looking down here at this table and this pattern looks just like that's on that table right there I'm get you a better shot with this camera here you see the feed lines up and look down here at that see the edge of the table there the pattern that's what I'm learning in my books is how they suggested in his cast-iron in shape what you guys think about that this the finish is nice and smooth you've got a really good fielder to touch and I really like that pattern man that that's the first time I've actually made that kind of pattern and cast iron on the shaper before and it makes me feel happy that I can look down here and see how they did it and I'm kind of mocking the same finish there so the books have really been a help and I keep reading through those pages that goes into this kind of work right here and it's really helping me out so we got this side finished now and from here we're going to be going to will go over to the do all mill so that we can put our tapped holes in there and then after that we'll get started on the the mounting plate that's going to bolt through this hey real quick I don't remember if I had mentioned this earlier in the video but Jason is now selling these raw cast iron fixture plates on his website over fireball tools calm just for this for anybody that wants to machine it to make it their own you can go over there you can pick one up that's not finished and do do the machining on it but whatever kind of holes in it you want so I've got the link for that in got the link to his website in the video description so if you're interested go check that out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 128,088
Rating: 4.9512811 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, fireball tools, fireball tool, fireaball tool fixture plate., welding, welding fixture plate, cast iron welding plate, cast iron welding table, fixture plate, shaper, metal shaper, ge shaper, g&e shaper, manual machining, man8ual machinist, job shop, machine shop, machining cast iron, cast iron, welding table, planing cast iron, planer, finishing cast iron
Id: tBypGFFHHyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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