Kubota Hydraulic Cylinder Repair Part 1: Cylinder Tear-Down & Inspection

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to the shop so my stepdad fernando brought me four hydraulic cylinders off of one of his kubota tractors over the weekend he had called me and he was down there working on it and said hey i've got four cylinders that are leaking oil can i bring these down there are you able to reseal them for me i said absolutely bring them down you know we've done these before in the past for him fernando actually has several uh tractors and so there's been several cylinders that he has brought to me and and it's most of them has just been a simple resealed job so i believe that's what we're going to do today let me go ahead and show you the four cylinders in question here these are the four hydraulic cylinders off of his tractor they appear to be very similar there are a couple differences you see the thickness of the rod gland here and then see the thickness of the rod gland there so i think they're gonna be maybe the same i don't know i can't tell if they're the same diameter or not these might be smaller than these right here but anyway we're gonna get these in the shop get them all cleaned up we'll get the grease off of them and we will get these things apart and uh see about getting some seals ordered i think that's all it's going to be i can tell that the rod wipers are deteriorated and and i guarantee you it's going to be the the wiper the rod seal and the piston seal is probably deteriorated that's just something that happens with age these uh these hydraulics after a period of years you just got to go back into them repack them put new seals in them and they'll be good to go we'll get the bulk of this grease off the end of it we'll go down there to the crc smart washer and give the whole thing a bath and get all of the uh grease and oil off of them that's just been stuck on here for a while let's see if we see if the smart washer will clean that off that's hard cake grease i didn't i didn't expect it to be packed in there hard like that dried up may have to go use some of the industrial uh heavy duty degreaser to get this thick grease off here because it is thick and stuck and not wanting to come off very well some of these harder lumps of grease that i wasn't able to get off i'm just using the super degreaser right there and it's been cutting it off it's working pretty good so we got our cylinders clean we got a vice setup right here and a stand to support the tube this is where we will disassemble them right here also have a have a bucket down there you're always going to need a bucket when you do this because you're going to have a little bit of oil drain out of this tube whenever you pull this piston out so typically with all of your hydraulic cylinders you're going to have some type of rod gland which is this guy right here this is the this screws into the barrel so these two pieces are threaded this also holds your it holds an o-ring that seals the tube from leaking through the threads here and coming out there it also has the seal for the rod inside there the rod seal and the rod wiper okay and this really the seals inside here are what is wrong and what we need to replace so we need to get these out so you can see that there's a drilled hole there there's also a drilled hole on the other side so there's a few tools that you should have if you're going to be working on these and i'll show you so you have different spanner wrenches this is called a hook spanner it's got the hook on the end this is called a pin spanner got the round pin all right these are used on the od of your part like so okay and then you have a face spanner which is this guy right here adjustable face spanner so this is where this tool is actually goes into these holes here but you can see this is actually the wrong tool for this application for this size glen i'm saying so we're not going to be able to use this one here now they do make these in different sizes i forget what the part numbers are they're all pretty well universal and these are pretty inexpensive tools that you can buy this is williams all of mine are the williams brand but there's a if if i had to guess they're all probably made by one manufacturer and they stamp a different name on there but these are really handy tools to have you can find them used sometimes but really not that expensive to buy so they make them in different sizes different pin sizes for different cylinders so with saying that i don't have the proper adjustable face banner i'm probably going to use this pin spanner right here and we're going to go ahead and just drill us a very shallow hole i believe that's uh for 3 16. and we'll drill us a very shallow hole in this hopefully i won't cut into the the groove in there where the seals that have just enough that we can wrap this thing around it and unscrew it all right we're going to use a 3 16 drill bit and since i know i've got plenty of meat on this side of the gland we're going to put it right there we've got plenty of material between the od and that id groove of that uh wiper right there this is aluminum so it's real easy to drill and i don't want to make it too deep and hopefully that may be enough to catch this guy let's go a little bit deeper than that maybe that'll be enough right there that looks pretty good now let's see if i can crack it loose by hand look at that see usually i have been getting pretty lucky with these cylinders that fernando brings and they're not hard to to get apart that's all you got to do just be real careful if you put your hole in there remember there's going to be grooves underneath there so you can't just go crazy and drill a big old deep hole in that thing without knowing where it's at just go ahead and unscrew it all the way i got the bucket underneath there in case we have any oil come out of there it should be loose i'll show you what i mean right here we got our we got our bucket all right not bad at all a little bit of oil there all right got one of the ptfe piston seals on that side very very similar to what we've done i think they're pretty well the same so there's a there's a better look at your rod gland this is the o-ring that i was talking about that seals your barrel this o-ring just seals moisture from getting down inside there you know especially a lot of cylinders are made of ductal iron or cast iron on this end so if you don't seal the water from getting down in there you actually start getting corrosion problems and these threads won't lock up and that's what that's when it's in aggravation trying to get these things apart so let's go ahead and we'll just let's get all four of them apart then we'll start getting the pistons off there so that we can get the the gland so we'll have to slide it all the way down just like that [Music] [Music] [Music] so we moved on to our next two cylinders these are different size these are slightly larger so you can see the again the holes for the adjustable face spanner i'm going to go ahead and buy the right tools so that i have this one i have what i need here but this one is too big this takes a these are for a 5 16 hole or eight millimeter and these are drilled for quarter inch now i have gone in there before just opened these up so that you could use this but these holes are drilled so close to the od of this that i don't i'm worried that if i try to drill the hole that it's going to be cutting in probably will still work but i'm going to go ahead and just add another hole here to the od just like i did so that we can just use our od pin spanner to unscrew this hopefully we'll give that a try and see if that works there's plenty of metal there to put a 3 16 hole um remember that bucket i told you you put down there for that right there so um now let's see if we can get the pistons off here i'm going to try the dewalt impact that sucker those those are tight nope it ain't going to do it all right i'll get my we'll have to get a breaker bar out here and uh bust those things loose because they are on there tight all right let's see if i can get it with a little mechanical leverage here you use the armstrong they're tight all right now we should be able to zip them off there with the impact now ear plug all the way in hurts my ears there we go oh yeah use the red loctite that's why i couldn't get them loose right there so you can use some heat on this and it'll it'll burn that loctite but if you can break it loose like i did i'd rather do that than trying to get everything hot all right there's your piston and here is the gland definitely some bad seals and bad wiper just deteriorating in there oh yeah that rod seal is just completely flattened out and i can see it breaking apart inside there o-ring still seems to be fine but we'll go ahead and replace everything all right one down three more to go same thing deteriorated wiper and rod seal so something i've observed as we've gotten these apart we've have we have two of these rods here that have some bad spots in the chrome plating so i'm planning on getting the rod stock there this is inch and a quarter chrome plated rod i'm going to go ahead and whenever i order the seals i'm going to order the rod stock as well and we'll go ahead and replace these two rods right here you can see here in the chrome plating you have some pits this one right here will just destroy a seal in no time that'll cut your seal and you're going to start having bypass underneath your rod seal there so this is a no-go right there if you are in a pinch in a hurry or maybe you know you couldn't get your hand on stock you know right away you can certainly put a new seal on this and go to town i'm sure there's people out there in them you know out in the country that it might take a while to build to get a piece of rod stock and machine one or have a shop machine and you're trying to just fix something in a hurry not saying you can't run this but this will damage a seal pretty quickly okay so we're gonna go ahead and replace that one this one the same way there's a bad spot right here and there's also a couple spots right in here this is where the chrome plating has actually just flaked off there okay and uh that one's the same way so two new rods and what we'll do is we will just cut the rod eyes off right there probably about flush with that flat we'll just cut the rod eyes off i'll probably drill and tap it put some kind of threaded stud in there and then when we machine the new rods i'll drill and tap the end of the rods we'll machine a bevel on there for weld and then we'll have it to where they'll screw together and then we'll just simply weld it up and that'll work just fine right there all right so now i got to start on i'm going to get all these things cleaned up we're going to get the rod wipers and the seals out of there and i've got to start sizing this stuff up so i can get an order placed and get this stuff coming just nothing left of it it's going to fall apart if i can't get one of those wipers out i'll just have to measure this groove there to see what what uh style and size of rod wiper it is but that's what age does to all of these types of hydraulic seals it's just disintegrating just falling apart this is a loaded seal because it's got an o-ring in there there's your seal and your wiper all right we're on our last rod gland here and it's pretty evident what the what the main problem is these seals are just completely deteriorated this is your rod wiper that i'm getting out here all right that down inside there that's your actual rod seal the green material that's your rod seal and it's just completely deteriorated the o-ring goes that's the type of seal that's a loaded seal it's got that o-ring in there just trying to scrape what's left of it out because it's completely grown to the wall in there so i got to do some cleaning on these things to get rid of all of this crud that's still inside the glands here wow all right just down to the piston seal right here these would still be good i can i can tell they're good but there's no point going this far into it and not replacing every seal that's uh in this hydraulic so we're just going to go ahead and remove them this will damage them getting them off it's a one-shot deal once you put them on there you're not going to get them off without kind of cutting into them like i said ain't no big deal because we're going to be replacing them anyway see if i can get underneath it all right that's your seal there and then you have a rubber expander underneath it just another it's just an o-ring so that is your piston seal right there the o-ring goes on first and then the the yellow part goes out on top of it and it compresses the o-ring keeps it compressed outward so that it's always it's always compressing against the the cylinder bore inside the tube there here's another way you can do this you already know that you're going to replace them and i'm going to size them up by measuring the groove i'm not going to try to measure the uh the actual seal itself but you can just cut it and it's a lot easier just to get off there that way [Music] okay i've got all of the seals now sized up and i just placed the order with crc cylinder repair components they're over in robertsdale alabama and they they supply anything you need to to manufacture or repair hydraulic cylinders so all of your soft parts all of your raw raw stock so aluminum they stock chrome plated rod that honed id tubing pretty much anything for cylinders they have it so i just used my old hercules hydraulics book here but the hercules part numbers and the crc part numbers are the same the books are literally the same thing but they told me you can actually go online now crc distribution and everything's online so you can get on there and order seals rod stock anything you need right on the website so i just i go through here and i find the type of seal that i'm looking for and i go to the page and then i size it up but i always go through here every time i use a groove mic this is my mitchitoya groove mic right here and of course some calipers i use some id mics in there so i measure the groove diameter and the groove width write that stuff down and then that gives me the dimensions that i need to need to know when i come in here into the book and i find the seal i'm looking for then they have it specked out by size and that's what i do once i find the one i need i write the part number down and bam that's it right there so i don't remember i don't remember now if i mentioned this or not but i'm going to be replacing two of these rods so this one right here has a lot of flaking on it and some rust and you can feel it feels really rough so this rod needs to be replaced and i think it was this one yep this one here it's got a bad spot right there and a bad spot right there inch and a quarter chrome plated rod stock so i got two pieces of that cut that's going to be coming here as well so it should be here in one or two days and once it gets in i'll start we'll go ahead and start on the rods and get those built it'll be pretty simple job getting it back together [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 104,912
Rating: 4.9390512 out of 5
Keywords: hydraulics, hydraulic cylinder, Kubota, Kubota hydraulic cylinder, tractor, tractor cylinder, hydraulic repair, hydraulic seals, CRC, CRC Smartwasher, Wilton vise, Hydraulic tear-down, hydraulic service, spanner wrench, hydraulic gland, rod seal, wiper, piston seal
Id: xf4greJbPqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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