Firearms Expert Reacts To Battlefield 2042’s Guns PART 3

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this is Jonathan Ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal armories Museum in the UK which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and this week we're revisiting Battlefield 2042's weapons and checking out some of the firearms that have appeared since release right well it had to happen it's the future albeit by 20 years so we have an electromagnetic weapon let us know are the games or guns you'd like to see Jonathan break down in the comment section below and if you enjoy this kind of content let us know by liking the video right over to Jonathan it's our old friend the G36 specifically the C model this is well by configuration this is a G36C intriguingly it's actually marked g36k which I don't fully understand if anyone knows let me know now that might be a quirk of the fact that this is in fact as you might have noticed this is a semi-automatic carbine or short barrel rifle semi-automatic only and that is because it is a British police it's ex-british police Firearms unit but it's the same weapon as I'm seeing on the screen here but this is a little bit of an old-fashioned setup in terms of you you have a broom handle style gangster grip on the front maybe put your thumb forward so you can actuate the the switch on the light but it's not as sort of blended into the weapon or as high up on the barrel as you would want from a sort of mod more modern perspective this is relatively modern for a museum piece but nonetheless um and like is it accurate yes it looks pretty good to me and the graphics have reached the point now where the polymer looks well like polymer in fact it even looks worn or shinier at least um around the pistol grip where you funnily enough grip it where it would get shiny and Polished and the the magazine housing which is replaceable is I mean on ours it's basically the same shade of black plastic on here there's a difference which I think adds to the look of the of the 3D model and it's perfectly plausible if you've been swapping parts around on different guns and it is they're both the traditional HK panel release we have examples of the of the G36C that we've shown on the series before that are stanag or AR-15 pattern magazine Wells with a press button on the side so all looking looking good I can't see anything uh shatteringly wrong with this it's to the point where the screws on the carrying handle are coming in from the right side on Argon and the left side on the game model that's the level of nerdery I'm having to stoop to to find anything wrong with this thing so all looking pretty good in fact it's even the same it's so similar to ours that it has the um the built-in HK style front sight there it's nice when we have stuff in the collection that's a pretty good match for what's in the game albeit this won't fire an automatic and I bet we're going to see a lot of automatic fire just want to add actually I'm the right hand side here with different different lighting from the the in-game light source or the in gun viewer light source that's looking really nice the way the light's playing across the surface and it's textured like the real polymer there's a there's some weird wear pattern around the front of the magazine well I think that is rather than some sort of oil or something whatever it is it looks this looks like a a used quite heavily used weapon which is nice continuing in the best traditions of Battlefield with Future Weapons that then turn out not to be Future Weapons we have the um Beretta slash General Dynamics slash someone else who I've forgotten sorry guys who all went in together to produce this the rm277 or 277 which was the a rifle submission for the Next Generation Squad weapon program and not so long ago now this this failed basically This was um not selected and the US version of six out were successful with rifle and machine gun so and we've seen versions of those in other games or certainly the rifle and six eight is the metric designation for that cartridge So to avoid any issues over naming they have just gone with the metric designation rm68 back to the 1950s concept of a high power high pressure long range cartridge with a lot of striking power if I can put it that way but they did not adopt this platform which for me is a connoisseur of ballparks is a bit of a shame because it really looks very very Spacey and cool so it's kind of nice that it has a life an afterlife in this game I noticed with the the reload there that that's done with the right hand that's not correct as far as modern practice goes and and any drills I saw performed with this in limited trials footage or whatever promotional footage that I saw was all done right hand stays on the on the pistol grip so that you're in control at all times this is that's just standard now even the AK is run that way so to suddenly revert to the old 50s way of removing the mag replacing the mag and doing everything else with your firing hand is an odd choice I wonder if that's been done for some visual reason but I can't put my finger on the the backup iron sights here I suspect they're a bit redundant they're counted off to one side so they're not obscuring the field of view of the I think that's some sort of Russian optic but yeah they're kind of redundant um Optical sites these days are should be reliable enough that you don't really need permanently attached canted iron size but hey that's that's just that's just me and there's that rail again with the metallic contact on it um that are that is supposed to power things direct so instead of having to have a battery in the optic I don't think that actually factors into gameplay and it's a bit weird because every firearm manufacturer represented in the game if this was real would have had to mass manufacture new guns with that in there because for the most part these rails are forged in place or machined in place on the upper receiver and you can't just swap them out like in the old days you'd get an allen wrench out take off the rail slap on a different one of course you can't do that a because it's part of the same piece of metal and B because it has to be wired in to some sort of battery in that upper receiver somewhere to power those devices okay so in terms of the handling the The Recoil I haven't fired one of these I probably never fire one of these um I can't even remember what the promotional footage seem to depict but we know from the extensive footage released of the Sig offering that the 68 cartridge is significant in terms of recoil energy and I suspect automatic fire with this thing should be well I say it should be a little bit more visible in terms of recoil and a dispersion On Target but then again if the rate of fire is correct on this it's quite a slow rate of fire so it might it might be able to you might be able to chug along and hold it On Target like an old-fashioned bar or something um so my knowledge and experience on this is limited normally a cartridge at this power level would produce more recoil and certainly in a game where that tends to be if anything exaggerated the ubiquitous Desert Eagle sails my eyes once more that's fine I quite like does it equals and on one level not a practical level but on a cool level this looks like the modern version of The Mark 90 mark 19 is the correct designation which is interesting they haven't changed that they have changed the company name it's on the grips it's on the side United arms Incorporated made in USA should of course be Magnum Research but licensing it looks like the lightweight version of the mark 19 which I believe has a shorter Barrel it certainly has cut outs and a compensator it's a modern variant of the the mark 19 does it Eagle they rattled through the marks very quickly on the Desert Eagle as we've mentioned before the only thing that's making my brain itch slightly is the the shape of the trigger guard that whole area there looks a bit off and I can't quite put my finger on it without bringing one out to compare we've waved enough deagles around on this series for the time being yeah overall looks like a race sort of very satisfying Magnum pistol to use tactical reload or emergency reload it's very clunky very satisfying sound and look to them it's got to be up there with the with the deagles generally I think this one this is a new one on me uh at least I don't remember reading or hearing about this I have therefore looked it up so this this is a German well I looked up the fact that it was German basically and the name is correct so I'm guessing this is a licensed real world gun I dare say sufficiently lesser known that you might not realize it was a real world gun unless you looked it up I hope so because I have to Ballpark configuration obviously I'm just saying saying what I see on that I did pick up on the on the reload something that is a Trope of video game guns and it's going away because of motion capture of people who are skilled in the operation of firearms but nonetheless and it's the it's not not even so much the inserting a magazine and then slapping it I know that's done in some some places and by different people but it's what we see here which is the magazine gets sort of weakly slotted in and then slapped into place which is an incredibly bad idea so some people will say don't slap magazines in in the first place uh notably in the British army I'm I'm reliably informed and more importantly if you only like put the magazine in Loosely and then take your hand away at all it's gonna fall out or has a very high chance of falling out and new magazine falling after the weapon is a really bad idea given the military context of this game or like paramilitary I think with the 2042 depending on which faction it seems a bit unlikely and it's something that we are I think moving away from so I'm not sure how Germany is the Germans are going to feel about a very American Gun the Kel-Tec p50 being attributed to them because this says on the side Gunter Firearms pistol 5.7 by 28 millimeters which is correct for the type made in Germany I think they might yeah don't I don't think they'll be wild about that that's not to disparage Caltech they're a very Innovative interesting company who do some really unusual stuff and this is one of those things so if you don't know this and I've been waiting for this to appear in a video game ever since I saw it emerge you split the whole gun in Half it pivots at the front and the magazine is a P90 magazine upside down and it's feeding up into the breach and the barrel is in that upper part of the gun it has that trademark rectangular texturing on the grip that's on basically all the caltex that I can think of and a very sci-fi blocky shape to it it's worth pointing out and I'd be surprised if Caltech didn't have an experimental automatic version of the of the p50 the p50 that's actually available for sale is a semi-automatic pistol it's not actually marketed for military or law enforcement use it's a civilian pistol with a with a relatively large capacity an unusual mechanism and an unusual relatively unusual cartridge yeah I don't know if how well a select 5 version would function and the market for it is probably nil but um I'd like to see it if one does exist and of course in the game they couldn't resist making it automatic now another gun that I had to look up there are a number of modernized 37 millimeter less lethal Launches on the market if they're modernized they've usually got rails on them so you can attach at least an optical site some sort of grit that kind of thing so I didn't know what this one was apparently it's the ex d37 extreme Duty and it's I'm sure it's a very good less lethal launcher what it can't do is shoot two rounds before reloading because it's a single barreled single shot launcher so I'm I'm perplexed at the game insisting that a a visibly single round out of a single barrel can fire twice you have to imagine that's some sort of balance issue in in testing they discovered that it was people absolutely hated it and they needed to up the round count by one and either didn't have time or inclination to come up with a multi-shots launcher of course the problem there is there probably isn't two shot launch show all the ones I can think of are single shot or they are three rounds in a tube maybe or they are rotary with six rounds so tear gas or baton rounds or something they obviously like the look of this they wanted a limited capacity grenade launcher so they're calling it an explosive launcher it isn't I'm not aware of any 37 millimeter loads that are lethal intended to be lethal that's kind of the whole point is that it shouldn't be interchangeable with 40 millimeter launches which are primarily lethal really weird fudge a single shot launcher that's that's designed to only fire one shot and be less than lethal and not be capable of deliberate killing people and then the game has turned into an explosive launcher that also fires Two Shots magically somehow and it's unusual for this game to make such an obvious I won't say a mistake because it's clearly been done deliberately for some reason thank you now this looks quite a bit like the xm25 which was a a thing in Battlefield games before and a thing in real life briefly until it was sort of binned I could be wrong but this does not appear to be an xm25 it has a different designation xm370a and the design I haven't had a profile view of this but the design appears to be significantly different the rail covers on the side at the front would would immediately mark this out as at the very least an improved or different variant of the xm25 it has a flat top with a rail system on it which the xm25 never had as far as I remember it had a sort of integrated Electro Optical site that sat on top it's critical to how it works with the sensor fused Munitions functionality of of the said centrifuge Munitions is there no more so than in Prior incarnations where you just you aim where you want it to air burst and then you fire and I seem to remember I quite enjoyed the original xm25 in Battlefield this looks a bit frustrating because multiple explosions going off around the enemy here and just taking like three to four rounds to kill them now it's not hitting dead on a lot of the time but that's kind of the point of a grenade launcher is that the fragmentation is supposed to do the job so it doesn't look as powerful as I would expect it to be however the xm25 I don't believe was as powerful as they expected it to be partly why it disappeared rather than being refined and improved and fixed those very small diameter grenades seem to not pack enough fragmentation and blast to actually do the job of a 40 millimeter round now another very uncommon certainly outside of Russia firearm here very briefly familiar with this having discovered that it existed only recently so this is what's called in the real world the rpl-20 look at the trigger frame on this you should see it's the same grip integrated trigger guard well it looks like a magazine release catch but is actually a release catch for the trap in the base of the pistol grip that's from the current iteration of the ak-12 this is a new Russian light machine gun design that I believe is still experimental it looks quite different it almost has the look of a more Western weapon with a lot of I guess aluminum forgings extrusions machinings not sure which a sort of Monolithic receiver there and still if this is accurate I have no reason to disbelieve that still firing the 762 by 54 rimmed round and still using non-disintegrating links because you have to with that round because it has a rim you can't have a mechanism that drives the round through the belt and has the belt this integrates you have to stick with the old-fashioned non-disintegrating belt so you could see this as a potential replacement for the the PKM and the passion egg it does appear to be quite a radically different design and I need to learn more about it doing what I do not a not a remarkable in-game like machine gun except for the fact that we have cartridge cases spitting out the left side long time viewers will know is a recurring subject in this series it has a whole history going back to Counter-Strike and how that the view was mirrored and then certain games making the aesthetic choice to have because the gun is on the right side of the screen to have the cases coming across the field of view in this case and this might be the only time it's ever happened the rpl-20 actually does feed from the right and eject from the left you can see the big dust cover over the ejection ports and in the preview you could see this the big metal steel starter tab on the end of the belt on the left side meaning that you're pulling the belt across into the action from the right to the left and when you fire it karcher's cases are flying out of that port on the left so it couldn't be a better light machine gun for Battlefield it's a brand new design that no one's using yet well not that I have seen and ejects cases from the left so it's Battlefield all over and if we were still maintaining the classic East versus West team setup than it would be perfect for that as well that's not quite the case in in 2042 but nonetheless right well it had to happen it's the future albeit by 20 years so we have an electromagnetic weapon it's written on the side Sabo rail which is on the magazine so clearly indicating the type of ammunition the fictional name nordvik and a design that looks a little bit like a cross between a Bullpup and a power drill sorry to the designer it is a really cool design it just makes my brain think power drill with that big power supply hanging off the bottom of the gun we can't say much practically about rail or coil guns I assume this is a rail gun rather than a coil gun I'm not sure that we're going to get to find out but we'll see coil guns are just a series of electromagnetic coils accelerating the projectile through them a rail gun is two parallel rails they do much the same thing in a different configuration and the idea that by 2042 we will have handheld rail or coil guns is absurd that's just not gonna happen so I have to say cool design if a bit Deus Ex human Revolution for a Battlefield game kind of disappointing in how it actually functions because it really just seems to be glorified I guess well low capacity relatively high damage assault rifle seems to be how it's how it's done or well no more of a DMR so 20 round capacity you know reasonably powerful semi-automatic function but with the ability to go automatic uh quite controllably interestingly no reciprocating mass and just the projectile going down range we might expect reduced recoil uh depending on the mass of the projectile of course the big old battery pack on the bottom doesn't get swapped out power doesn't seem to be a concern personally I'd like to see let's say high accuracy high damage ability to shoot through multiple enemies with the downside of low projectile counts and having to swap out the battery every now and again as well to me that would make that would justify better having this supposedly primitive portable railgun in the game or a massive backpack power supply and something that looks a bit more prototypical than this which really does look like it's from 100 years in the future or more not 20. and the scope's really weird as well I don't quite understand what's going on with the scope those were the guns of well should I say more guns of Battlefield 2042 I've still yet to play this game maybe it's time to actually have a go thank you for watching as always we appreciate it both at Gamespot and here at the Royal armories where I'm sitting now come and visit us if you can if you can't check out our various social media platforms and we also have our own YouTube channel as well thanks guys see you next time
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 96,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: battlefield 2042, battlefield 2042 expert reacts, battlefield 2042 guns, battlefield 2042 weapons, weapons breakdown, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, jonathan ferguson reacts, loadout
Id: _bOp9MKHx8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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