The Solblades | Warhammer 40,000

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foreign [Music] for centuries mankind has willfully and persistently blinded themselves to the true scale of the tyranids with every victory has come complacency lessons are forgotten tactics are discarded and garrisons left perilously under strength the Imperium of man has fought three major conflicts against the high fleets and three times it has made the same mistakes fallen into the same traps and found itself closer to the brink of Destruction than any would care to admit but no longer in the era indomitus the enormous Gears of the imperium's war machine dormant and rusted are slowly beginning to turn such strength can only be marshaled through immense effort and at terrible cost it will require flesh bone and steel it will demand even more from those with nothing left to give but above all it will take time and time is the one resource that the Imperium of man does not have it must be taken this is the Grim work of the Soul blades [Music] Elite strike forces drawn from every institution within the Imperium the soul blades represent a bold New Vision for combating the tyranid race rather than merely awaiting the arrival of a high Fleet at some predetermined and fortified position such as had occurred on mccrag or Bal the soul blades would Advance rapidly to delay and harass the Swarm in any way they could diversionary strikes hit and run attacks and every other type of irregular warfare would be utilized by the soul blades aiming not to destroy an entire High Fleet or tendril but rather slow and confuse its progress by Imperial standards these formations are minuscule in size they avoid Warfare assets typically consisting of no more than three Starships that terrestrial forces are similarly limited though exact numbers will vary wildly depending on the nature of the units assigned to them though seemingly ill-prepared to face a foe so numerically Superior to which entire Space Marine chapters an Imperial Guard Army groups have been lost the small size of a soul blade is a deliberate choice and key to their success the tactics utilized by the soul blades are not new and have been tested against the tyranids many times before with mixed results but it is hoped that by limiting the size of these forces they can remain Nimble enough to evade the ponderous advance of a high Fleet and escape a situation in which a larger more unwieldy task force might be entangled and destroyed smaller forces likewise have a greatly reduced logistical footprint enabling a rapid redeployment without the need for a prolonged resupply or extensive support infrastructure but the greatest advantage of the Soul blades is their autonomy each Force possesses everything it needs to sustain a prolonged operation far from the imperium's oversight or support the shadow in the warp caused by the tyranid hive mind has long plagued any and all resistance rallied against it disrupting faster than light travel Communications and psychic abilities the soul blades are not designed to overcome this interference but instead to remain effective within it Soul Blaze present substantial differences in their composition depending on which branch of the Imperial military apparatus they have been drawn from astarty Soul blades are typically made up of a single strike Cruiser or frigate Squadron and are led by a carefully selected Captain Lieutenant librarian chaplain or in some unusual circumstances a dreadnought often these have been formed from those within a larger chapter with experience in hunting xenos or even tyranid specifically when possible consequently many Estates Soul blades are operated by the death watch their skills uniquely aligned to the challenges posed by the tyranid threat Soul blades contributed by the nightly houses are some of the smallest sometimes consisting of only a single Lance but the immense Firepower that the imperial Knights wield is enough to offset their limited numbers the adapter sororities by contrast have fielded far larger Soul blades though not by Design the orders militant have been as deliberate and selective as any other Imperial Force but their Elite battle sisters have been trailed by a tide of Fanatics and zealots you get to join in the struggle and who refuse to be dissuaded mechanicum Soul blades are the most mysterious taking advantage of the authority and isolation afforded to these formations to pursue their own agendas even the vaunted custodies have contributed Soul blades though their deployment so far from Terror has necessitated a flexible interpretation of the bonds and codes that dictate their deployment it is said that trajan valoris Chief custodian and the 17th Captain General is personally leading an imperial Soul blade himself even the Astra militarum whose mobilizations are famously slow and what the soul blades are intended to buy time for have nevertheless contributed forces from their own Elite regiments Stormtroopers from the tempesta Scions kazakins trained in the style of lost Cadia and a multitude of esoteric alien hunters from the katachan jungle fighters to the death core of Krieg all have been mustered and integrated into the diverse ranks of Soul blades the disparate nature of these unconventional forces amplifies their overall effectiveness and adaptability as each brings their own unique strengths and specialized training as a consequence the tyranid hive mind is faced with a multitude of differing strategies and tactics ensuring that what might be effective against one might prove ineffective against another Soul blades are a direct result of high Fleet Leviathan thought to be destroyed over Bal only to re-emerge in the western expanses of segmentum pacificus as the Imperium undertakes the greatest mobilization in its history regiments must be redeployed from distant War zones others must be mustered from scratch support convoys and Supply bases must be established and corridors through the warp discovered and reinforced against the Perpetual threat of piracy and Raiders until this can be done the tyranids must be delayed by every means departing from ceremonies of Pomp and Grandeur the first Soul blades to participate in the fourth tyrannic War have found themselves in a nightmarish Maelstrom of Carnage and Slaughter dozens of Imperial worlds are in the process of being consumed and special attention must be given to which ones would benefit the most from the support of a soul blade and which must be abandoned to serve the greater strategic objective yet already these forces have accomplished things that would have been Unthinkable in any previous campaign against the tyranids Soul blades have bolstered the defenses of isolated Imperial bastions turning what should have been easy conquest of the tyranids into protracted centers of resistance in some of these cases Soul blades have not fought directly but instead imparted their knowledge and Doctrine to the local Defenders and elevated the combat effectiveness of Imperial forces across an entire front they have recovered critical information and key relics at risk of being lost forever and delivered vital reconnaissance to the greater Imperium ensuring the defenses are formed to counter the specific movements of the high Fleet in several instances Soul blades have devastated entire tendrils of the Swarm through the most desperate of tactics and yet it may have all been in vain the soul blades were deployed to counter the two largest tendrils of high Fleet Leviathan only for a third far largest warm to remain completely undetected even now it lays Siege to the world of sanctum linchpin of the critical Bastille sub-sector and the headquarters for the entire Imperial defense in segmentum pacificus the soul blades are found remarkable success but their intervention may have come too late for while mankind blinded themselves to the true scale of the tyranids the hive mind has carefully observed every attempt made against it it is watched and it has learned The templin Institute investigates the Nations factions and organizations of alternate worlds if you've enjoyed this video and would like to join the temple Institute consider pledging to our patreon page along with increased security access you'll be able to vote in polls to determine future topics get custom wallpaper every week and receive some other exclusive Awards [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Templin Institute
Views: 121,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Templin, Institute
Id: lL_Ryq-nSwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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