Gunsite's Combat Triad: Mindset | Gunsite Academy Firearms Training

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you may have gone to the range and become a pretty good shot or even taking a self-defense course but are you really ready to shoot hi I'm Mark Thomas with the National Shooting Sports Foundation and I'm here at the world famous gunsight training academy in range and with me is my good friend and certified instructor Charlie mcneese now Charlie just because we've mastered the mechanics of a firearm doesn't really mean that we're ready to shoot does it no it doesn't we here at gun sight we have what we call a combat triad and in that combat triad you have marksmanship gun handling and the mindset the all three of these are extremely important but the mindset is one of the things that we really try to get people to understand in the mindset we have a color code white yellow orange and red white I don't know today whether that really exists anymore that's a position of unaware unassuming uncaring and feel extremely protected like there's no problem and our world has changed enough that that isn't there and it doesn't really matter where you live does it know it doesn't it's changing every day in with you so we have people say let's move up to yellow let's move to the yellow line and that is aware of your surroundings aware of what's going on around you being prepared to make decisions understanding what's going on in front of you give us an example of maybe what that could be in a real world well we see people and if you go to the malls and Christmas especially we see people walking out of the malls holding large packages with their head down and walking directly to their vehicles easy target easy targets these are the people and the victims that they look for if you're in yellow you're going to spot this problem and you you think oh maybe they're not bad maybe it's not me they're looking at but why don't I change aisles and just go another way you move over to another aisle and these perpetrators move over in the aisle in front of you and they continue to look at you and walk towards you now you have a real specific alert and they have your undivided attention and that's a real good morning so that's a good warning sign why not just turn right go back into the mall see one of the security people there and say hey would you mind taking me out to my car there's some people out there that kind of seem a little bit dangerous to me or are they looking at me weird would you mind just going with me to the car they'll help you and so maybe you're out of the car and you don't have help that's going into the orange isn't it that's going into the origin and this will help you try to avoid getting into lethal confrontations or any kind of a confrontation whether it's lethal or verbal or just a minor confrontation you can stay out of them what are some of the practices or how can we get into that mindset and some of the things we need to remember I would like I we have people here come to the classes and I tell them try to go into places and find people you know before they see you look around and see what's going on watch people what's the people and see what they're doing watch how they look look how they're dressed what's just watch what's going on around you I said it's interesting to see what you will find if you simply start looking around and paying attention to what's going on around you and no matter where you are just really be aware right be aware understand that you do not have to become a victim we fight with our brain our hands in our weapons are only an extension of our will great charlie thank you very much remember a cool head can save you a lot later on you want to know more about firearm safety log on to our website at NSSF dot org and remember safety depends on you you
Channel: National Shooting Sports Foundation | NSSF
Views: 13,711
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: instructional video, Combat Triad, #LetsGoShooting, shooting, shoot, Col. Jeff Cooper, tips & tricks, Guns, how-to, Gun, Jeff, outdoors, Shooting Sportscast, #NSSF, Shooting Sports, shooting tips, Tips, Stance, NSSF, Jeff Cooper, instruction, firearm education, firearms, Accuracy, sighting, firearms training, Cooper, precision sports
Id: nRLjbG-9zvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2011
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