Ammo Shortage? Dry Practice: Shoot Better Without Firing a Shot - Gunsite Academy Firearms Training

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want to know how you can become a great hand gunner without ever firing a shot hi I'm Dave miles with the National Shooting Sports Foundation and with me is Charlie McNeese Rangemaster at gun site and Charlie today we're going to talk about dry practice and there's a couple of things that there's a mindset you have to have for dry practice there's some equipment and then once you have that you can practice a ton of shooting without ever firing a shot let's talk about that well what we want to make sure is we have a nice safe area at home we don't want to have any outside distractions no radios no TVs no phones nothing to distract us from what we're trying to accomplish and when we do things we do things with a purpose in mind not to just waste time so dry practice is very very important and very serious sure and so when you dry practice the first thing to do is to make sure your guns clear absolutely and and you've got some neat stuff here at gun sight that helps you ensure that that gun is clear and gives you a visual check let's take a look at that what we have at gun sight that we give to each one of our students when they come here is this yellow insert that fits in the 1911 and the Glocks and stuff like this that allows them to use this pistol or their pistol and do their dry fire without having to worry if they didn't make sure there was no live ammo around that one didn't get into the chamber because this will not accept around in the chamber yep it looks like a barrel but it's not it's just a solid piece of plastic that fits right in just like it was a realize it's a regular insert that fits in here just like a barrel does it extends out the front so that people out in front of you or beside you can tell it is a plastic barrel and also in the ejection port area it's yellow so it allows you to see that it is the safe barrel that we have in there that's pretty cool now we use dummy rounds some of them have a casing some of them are solid orange we use these here I do with the brass colored casing with the orange tip now if I happen to run this or if I got a live round into my weapon and I did run the slide this is exactly what's going to occur because there is no chamber inside of this yellow insert and a live round cannot fit into it it's gonna let you know right off the bat that something is not right exactly and that's a that's a neat safety mechanism absolutely and we can never be too safe when we're doing dry practice absolutely not you never want to have a bang when you're expecting oh they don't so well that's great now beyond that dry practice you can teach yourself all kinds of things what kind of things do you work on with your dry practice well what I I practice on my dry practice is first of all I always practice on the trigger reset and I can do trigger reset of course I have to have an empty magazine and an empty pistol to do this because if you don't it's going to lock your slide back but my piston I was set up so that when I come up and I press the trigger the hammer Falls I hold the trigger to the rear I then reach up on top and reset my system now I let my finger out till it clicks then I start my press back on the trigger till the hammer Falls holding that trigger to the rear reset my pistol come back up on the target let the trigger out it clicks I stop now I start my press the hammer Falls I can reset my system over and over and over again without flying around and if you're really focused and you're paying attention you can see if you pulled the trigger well or not because either that front sight stayed right on target or it moved and so that's your feedback rather than having a shot you look at that for feedback if it stays still you're squeezing the trigger just right a lot of people sometimes when they first start firing pistols the noise and the recoil causes them to lose all their focus on the front sight and their trigger press so they get the sights aligned perfectly and then their brain says now and they end up jerking that trigger they put 85 pounds of pressure on the trigger it only takes maybe five pound a pressure to set the trigger sure well that's great and what else can you do you practice your trigger control you can you can practice your presentation or your draw from the holster right and I come back and say I can also practice all of my reload I can practice my tack reloads simply coming up starting a magazine putting the old magazine away I can practice these over and over and over again without having to be it arranged without being somewhere where I might have a negligent discharge but I can do this over and over and over again but what is the main concern is doing it correctly every time if you make a mistake start all over again yeah I can do speed reloads speed read loose pistol comes out I bring out my new magazine the magazines passing air I go flat to flat I insert about an inch and a half I slam that magazine in and I'm back on target I just practiced a speed reload with no problems and and for many of us that they'd shoot a public ranges these are things that you might not be able to practice at that range there's times when you want to practice the speed reload but it's against the rules to be dropping your magazines on the ground dry practice is a great place to do that absolutely we we cannot put a value on dry practice it is it is extremely important and it is something that will help you beyond anything you could pay for excellent well there you have it get better at hand gunning without ever firing a shot and that's through dry practice now when your practice all your speed reloads and you're good and you're ready to go to the range you can focus on your shooting and if you're looking for a place to go shooting our websites got all the answers it's called where to shoot org and remember when you're on the range firearm safety depends on you you
Channel: National Shooting Sports Foundation | NSSF
Views: 99,822
Rating: 4.8172789 out of 5
Keywords: Tips, Firearm (Sports Equipment), firearm education, Dry Fire, gunsite, Shotgun, National Shooting Sports Foundation (Organization), instructional video, NSSF, shoot, shooting, Cooper, Ammunition, shooting tips, Ammo shortage, Shooting Sports, Guns, handgun, Gun, firearms training, tips & tricks, firearms, instruction, Dry Practice, #LetsGoShooting, MSR, Col. Jeff Cooper, Modern Sporting Rifle, Jeff Cooper, Jeff, how-to, #NSSF, Shooting Sport (Sport)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2013
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