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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] r r r r r any are i'm having some indian food what could possibly go wrong how are we doing today boys i said i wasn't going to sleep today i lied ever heard of a game called exxonmobil no no i have not people keep asking me this question albino have you heard about this game i know there exists a video game you know about it i don't i don't know what to say i i you know i if i had a more thoughtful reply i would think i would give it to you but i didn't know that game existed i'm sorry ah so that's all that's all i have to say on the matter anyways uh we're going to play some isix today as as per usual apparently we're gonna be pressing some more we're gonna be missing some tinted rocks and uh you know i feel like i'm getting a bit better at the game a little bit getting getting somewhere getting not you know perfect or anything but should i have the camera here or should i have the camera here i feel like it's here it's a bit away it's a bit in the way for the items here it's a little bit in the way of the stats like the devil room chances and so on i'm not i'm not like 100 where i should put it maybe like here with a bit lower right middle of the screen that's true that's true put it below map i'll uh i'll put it a little bit lower here just a little bit lower there so you can see more of the items that i get because like at some point in the in the beginning you'll see everything anyways but there comes a point in a playthrough where you have more and they will go like i guess like down here and that's where my camera used to be but now it's a bit lower hopefully hopefully you can see uh every item i get the alternative floors have been locked yes they have i think they got unlocked when i um what did i do i i beat uh hush three times yeah i beat hush for the third time yesterday with a with a knife i just went down and stabbed them a little bit the baby the baby tabino no fam boy i'm leaving goodbye this tomorrow is literally tomorrow can't ah this news new game so isaac has done like a ton of [ __ ] isaac is [ __ ] he you know why don't we do oh i can do judas system jack [ __ ] judas has done [ __ ] nothing judas is a good character so he's done he's done nothing the stupid thing about judas though is that he has one starting heart now it's not the end of the world but that means i can't just go into the first curse room i find put on fanboy outfit shut up oh we got accent let's cringe also yeah i don't want excel excel is just like mega cancer i don't want it i don't want it clogged anyways all right let's just get this [ __ ] over this makes them burst ah it is nice it's nice it's a it's a cool item it's a cool item but i keep mistaking the enemy projectile for my projectiles are you a pineapple or pizza guy or [ __ ] pineapple pizza guy choose correctly i like some pineapple on pizza sometimes i think people like blow it up a bit more than it should be it's not that big of a deal it's just a fruit on a pizza like you know who cares right i think it it adds like some little flavor to it some it makes it a bit more juicy and fresh it's just a meme i guess oh against like a swarm image like this the clog thing is pretty nice actually it's not that bad but i like it i like it i think it's i think it tastes nice but it depends it depends on the pizza you know you don't you don't have it in every type of pizza but some pizza it's good some pizza it's it's fine see i keep i have like this uh using this item where that makes them like spread bullets when i die that don't damage me but are red for some reason it it makes me it makes me like want to dodge it scares me at some point in this run if i use this it's going to make it so that i i will like try to dodge my own thing and dodge into an enemy thing and i will take damage where i could have just been standing still it's gonna happen i can guarantee you that but and i'm gonna get mad i'm gonna get upset they take two shots goddamn i don't like this guys what run are you trying to go for today i don't know i'll just do whatever i you know i i have so much left why did i use that here i just i don't like dealing with these guys you know what they're worse than the boss stupid die whatever you have to be a decent uh this guy we have pretty decent damage anyway so who cares you know i'm gonna die i need to take care of this poop i just realized because if i don't then i'm gonna get [ __ ] by the fly or something okay i don't know poop again you know it's not it's not you know it's not a little minor stream unless i die to the [ __ ] poop all right gamers this is actually pretty useful but i'm dead i can't yeah i can't do this i can't do that with your students you can't you just can't go into the room you just can't what's this yeah that's that's you know what you know what if i had a character that starts with a good you said i'm at the very least i want i want to not find the use item if that makes sense because i have one that's that's that's that's all right just give me a treasure man this you know aaron with judas is annoying stop me you know what this is going to suck dick yeah it's going to suck dick i'm going to step on some things that i won't step on it's gonna be very annoying that mushroom was was also very annoying i remember what is this slow effect you know that's actually pretty good not great but it's good i'll take it i'm not i'm going to be less i'm going to be less like picky with this [ __ ] because this is going to take forever because like the main i think the main reason i pick up i are so much on the regular run is that i want damage right you can't go wrong with damage if you have damage the first boss is gonna be faster it's not gonna take forever floors aren't gonna take forever things are just gonna be a bit more smooth and okay nice thank you i don't like these enemies but if you don't have damage it just gets a bit tedious but you does you just has 4.72 starting damage like it's you know you don't need it on this guy that's why that's what i like about him you keep sure you can't do the curse room well now i can with the hangman actually baby bender what feed the magic what does it mean that slow effect is very nice against enemies and i i i don't know i don't know listen i have one hell this might take this might take a little bit of time okay just give me that honestly your streams is the best stream i found in six years keep it up mate thank you fenders fan i appreciate that uh how much would someone have to pay you for you to put on the assault voters right now i actually what dude can i just like play video oh i got blind again i've got soyment oh my god i'm gonna do a soy milk run i don't [ __ ] care what anyone thinks i'm gonna do it i'm doing it we're doing a soy run it's fun it's fun imagine you know you never pick this thing up right so you don't know i don't know if if there's this has any good synergies because i never take it so i want to i want to see what happens i want to at least i want to give it a chance i want to give it a chance even though every streamer i've seen talk about this thing it's like this is ruins your game this will just ruin your game if you pick it up i don't care it's gonna be fun as long as it's fun but losing isn't particularly fun but it's different it's different there's something new you know the damage isn't that on judas on judas it's actually not half it's it's fine it's actually fine this is not the end of the world if you put some damage ups on this it's probably gonna be good you know now get quad although big that would be good that'll be good i'm sure yeah i'm sure there are some there are some synergies but i'm guessing brimstone with this for example would be piss like i'm not not expecting top tier results from that want piercing yeah i i want to i want to find a good comb i want to make this i want to make soy mix viable what about now it's not it's not bad what is spawning bombs though don't i don't want to die now i don't want to i want to keep this run for once i actually want to keep the run please don't don't let me die oh my god jesus this boss is evil what is that i only got a key for the door i guess let's try it out uh okay sure here we go downpour one see i don't want to have that one that's one was stupid what is the other thing what is 69 besides the funny sex number i don't know what it is nice nice nice nice nice nice poison tears kind of trash take it take it it's cancer dude oh no the [ __ ] the website for the items is it libra so it is a zodiac item this is uh cancer hp up that's three soul hearts well that's not bad i'll take that i guess i got cancer now cool soundtrack roar is pretty chill so far those guys just like spawn industry or something oh this guy spawns them got them these are like his bullets more worms this is a [ __ ] wait why oh there was a worm there set this is an enemy from the cathedral why is there a cathedral enemy here hello this is just throwing everything all the damn rocks all right what a sad song and of course they make maggots you know there's a lot of maggots in this game they kind of slide around like that's unusual usually i mean they go in a straight line for the most part but now they're just like sliding we did the alternate hard level with uh soy milk if i can do this i am a god okay where's the boss okay you know what we're gonna go open that door to the um to the you know the book the book the book room because there might be a good book oh there's cards look at that two of spades two have died oh the emperor double active well that's gonna just double the thing it doesn't actually do anything for me you can double my keys with that monitor monitor is actually very nice i don't know bringing any of these to the boss is not going to help me so i'm just i'll just bring that i guess oh i didn't need to go here oh you see the shadows that's kind of cool so you can see the reflections in the water oh and they're kind of hard to spot damn so this is this is new repentance content as far as i know i don't think this is like the the base game or like yeah this is new this is new yeah this is a drink of flies but it makes maggots and it's a lot more he's actually a lot worse than duke of flies god damn oh those are my gods got them oh my god chill they really did not yeah tears up wake up a hairball well i'm not gonna take that that's for sure i'm just not going in my pockets we're taking the item room i can't believe i got tears up again i got more tears up and just give me like if i get some damage it's going to be insane right isn't it my guts maybe some more rocks here i actually haven't been looking for those oh they're a little bit annoying and we got a key to run this and bad items tremendous i will buy this though i kind of want that and i'll bring the um well to be fair i am stupid i am actually dumb i should have used the two spades to get an extra key before i open the door but i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm running i'm gonna bring the diamonds with me i don't mean this one there's a much money yep stupid through through trooper any mark rocks not as i can see no no look i'm breaking poop though if you two space with no keys it gives you two keys does it i i don't think it does but i can try it i can try it hello what's back i didn't know that actually thank you it does make sense i mean why not use this right here right let's just this is my item it does give me two keys that's actually very nice thank you very cool it was a it was a really small map but i guess it's just the first stage so oh it's another one of these downpour two we don't go back to the yikes i'm gonna use this one get some damage going oh my lord you're just [ __ ] nothing on the screen holy [ __ ] there's so much bullets chill know with this thing is actually my damage is pretty nice what the hell is this it is locked there's a mirror uh there's probably a puzzle there it's probably a puzzle to this you need something one bit i'll try later i only have one bomb so i want to i want to use the bomb very carefully you know gonna explode the maggots oh he's gonna slow into bullets god what a [ __ ] you go on this he shot this thing nice and there we go oh okay okay so this is like this is a level where you get like and i want that item that item is very nice you get two choices you either choose the item on the pedestal or you can like just you know rng that's it but this one is nice i like this one i like the title a lot free room clearing is pretty best like now it's just gonna not do enough damage to kill them that's just great these guys are mean this is not nice i don't like this i don't like this place oh see that that would have been aids but since i there we go oh thank you oh we didn't break the goddamn okay key thrower hard not good what's this funny-looking guy oh he's gonna shoot bullets it's raining around them does that hurt me i wonder my damage seems to be decent though i came killing him pretty fast wait what i gotta bomb this i gotta vomit twice goddamn let's go away just not okay i wanna see what happens i should have i gotta get a hold of a bomb somehow i'm stupid a bomb would actually be very nice now can i get one is that it is that i i have to go into the curse room i'm sorry i'm just gonna have to do it i want to see what's behind the door man i want to see it then i can also go in there if i yeah if i come here i can go in there no i can't take you damage [ __ ] please hearts oh beast oh my god thank you thank you thank you thank you oh run run run saved run safe run save let's [ __ ] go i still need that bomb though i need a bomb though now how am i gonna get that i need to touch this you need to touch the thing someone said what is this man that was divine intervention i dude that's one way to save my run god damn i you want some backseating no it's fine i'll go back to one heart and do the bathroom and probably in there i might have a chance to get a bomb if we get that that's gonna be epic that was not the sacred heart i don't think oh yeah sorry okay my god i'll find my gun what in the goddamn okay nice this guy is nasty he's shooting things at me very fast i don't like him no bomb it's over okay at least i think the rock there but i can't break it because i don't have bombs now i think that's as far as possible will go for this level i don't see any options here for me to go any further i'll pick them them hard though [Music] yeah no hearts here or bombs so we're um this is the difference this is the different fire all right okay chad spoiled it that's why i i i don't i don't it's fine what's all this then what you do the level again oh you're gonna clear wait you're gonna clear without taking damage oh no that's actually really cool i like that whatever that goes oh when you die oh [ __ ] okay damn that's kind of risky then okay but if you do that you can do the level twice and get more items that's really cool i like that damn i'm definitely going there again i want to beat that but if you don't you can you can't go back really oh yeah maybe you can go back i don't know curse the blind though let's let's go epic fears like a knockback knockback shot it makes them bigger yeah i would have good damage so whatever [Music] there we go it didn't give me like a huge tears up but i guess it's okay yeah it's all right uh hopefully of course you know hi and look the holy mantle for lost first did you have to like form greed mode for that i'm stupid i'm actually dumb i'm pretty sure you have to form a green mod for that which i could do but how much how much how much do you need to donate to get that on the lost like how bad is it oh my god okay i think my i think i had a little bit too much knock back seven so oh my god that's gonna take like seven runs i mean i could do it i could do it we could play some greed but i haven't done i haven't agreed with isaac so i can do that hmm i can get that auto item instantly nice no this yeah i remember that i don't think it gave me like health but i don't think it did more than that i i don't yeah i really don't think it did that that's good let's go start he's sad hello [ __ ] and oh that's like the technique thing isn't it that's like the funny yeah oh no it's not well i don't know okay anyways i keep making i want the item i want it i want to take it i wanna it's it's good i like it god [ __ ] damn it well we got damage anyways don't worry about it it's fine we got a tears up there and that's not bad got some bombs to break uh nothing with all right i guess we'll just get on with the fighting then huh worse oh [ __ ] we got the lucky poop instantly goddamn that means money yup sure does okay so the goal here is just to bring like 99 points to the end and then uh you just donate all of that that's like the point you just want to keep money like is there any other point in the game where you can donate money other than like the very end like you gotta fight us agreed and then that's that get back here oh [ __ ] there's a lot of this guys so i'm not reading chat i'm kind of getting bullied here oh speaking of there we you're doing go 200 hours to fill it to 99. well i guess we're just gonna have to be a little uh a little efficient about it right oh because it's gonna jam right you can jump in the machine [ __ ] that's not good user board spectral tears but there aren't many maps here there aren't many maps here where like the spectral tiers are actually going to be useful right they're very the same app and they're very open unless they unless the eyes are piercing i don't really care all right oh get away from me [ __ ] it poison stem too goddamn yep it does a lot of damage holy [ __ ] pretty good at killing i'd say we got this what we got here delirious and the bloodshed i don't think i will dog rolled on maggot swamp step one leave step two return you can not keep us shackled forever matt i'll talk to you earlier again who was that wait hello card thank you for ten dollars appreciate it tip for real by the way there are secret rooms half of the time in green mode oh [ __ ] well i guess i could try blowing up though but now that i have a this [ __ ] i should just love everything now boom boom time to die it hits them even though they're far down that's pretty nice oops i didn't hit the real machine let's [ __ ] go not that matters too much but money money night spiders i reckon it's pretty easy to hit yourself with this thing right right i need two more coins where'd i get that oh let's see here mom's locket you feel her love well let's play one of these that you know i think i want this because then poops will give me money and this game is a lot about money so you know money good money good i don't know what soy milk would do with this thing should i buy the you'll see for isaac is it worth yeah i think so it does a little it adds a really cool mechanic that i just tried now it was i like it i like it that's what i'd say i should have bought the key there because it wasn't discount i'm stupid speed up i can reroll that uh if that's a body that's like yeah it slows down people behind me i think but we got a key so it's fine and look at that strength emergency can't i lose strength for now i'll use the strength for devil leels if i get that i think people said this is good i'll take it all right let's open a thing that's [ __ ] spawn with me almost does the drone the butt fly do anything this is like there's a reskin of the cause there is a sci-fly it looks it seems like a risking of that it shoots like it it blocks projectiles i guess it's just like counter projectiles like the shielded ones that's nice yeah it does more there you are imagine this with blast protection that would be sick all right that's decent money how was the day's stream person of the very white skin color today's stream person of the very white skin color is doing well how about you peaches is good peaches is good definitely better than that i think i'll go real the spoon because i don't want that i don't need a spoon i think is that just infinite keys because i don't think that's gonna well better chest loot okay cool let's open his chest on hey that's good the higher fans little boy the pjs i think i think soul art is good no i think it's going to make the devil room appear and that gives you strength to abuse the double room i think the smartest way to [ __ ] thank you oh they swallowed me goddamn this sneaky [ __ ] was taken care of this guy i can use some minions i think to clear the small fry will be nice i guess i mean the explosion radius isn't that big so i can kind of melee arrange them but it's it's risky still big mangoes is dead who's that is that we got a double drum perfect okay bastard 21 coins i cannot reroll uh the the thing is not tremendous uh slimy if it's on sale will the next thing be on sale yes so buying it's not that bad also having something slow enemies behind me is not bad either because you know if that happens then i will be more more able to you know just i can just re-roll with my tears yet no it's a bomb this is a recharge thing no what it's annoying it's so annoying because i don't know what half of the [ __ ] items do in this game god [ __ ] damn it's recharged but in which way there's many resources in this game and gives you batteries well i don't need that go and explore okay now this wasn't certain you know i'll broke this rooms blop the walls a bit i think i only did that honestly but there could be something in the mushrooms so no reason to not blow them up you know because sometimes they hold rewards like a useless pill i don't think pills are generally worth it they're fun they're a bit chaotic but like a little bit too chaotic for me one secret perform by the way oh okay okay dark depths look up and some stuff got exactly what eight ball i think that's a reroll that's also real damn you got much help to open this i don't have a key anymore though i can do it it's expensive for key though but it doesn't actually cost the key it just gave me a key i'm stupid i didn't it didn't cost the key anyways poo poo and uh no omega no no not today what's that omegas there's more there's not more there was in fact not more that's the immortal one what okay what is the spawners off screen that's so annoying oh my god dude i'm actually going to lose my [ __ ] mind why does it do that okay well why not that's really [ __ ] annoying uh we got a look up we got i want a real but i can't i can't actually realize i have to buy something to reroll but i guess in that case i'll just save my money more shops to come look at that here we go oh wow it reached all the way there oh i don't like this boss not one bit that was it alright fine boston got one i want to get this guy yeah good i want to get those out of the way first die all right devil again damn i'm actually getting really unlucky with that oh that is i remember wow thank you satan uh flight flight and damage uh i i'm not like if it's not that great i'll just you know wait for angel room instead that doesn't seem like something i like really really really want so we're just not gonna yeah 50 coins boom time i think you don't even enter the double room you will have a guaranteed room if you don't even enter it oh okay cool piercing ipak i'm not sure about that this is nice though small some hearts too uh spikes are good what's this thing oh it's what is that [ __ ] jojo are you okay all right that yeah nice this place is good though it's good damage but do i need damage at this point i don't know i don't know what will make my build more broken at this point there is lockup and some keys yeah that's just damage the same money i think i will so there's just nothing here i really really want i took that didn't take that because i don't think piercing is gonna be like tremendous for this i don't think it will check the yeah probably dead okay well uh i guess we'll just go mistake leftover bits i'll hand to you what's your next sub goal if you're willing to share uh i don't know i haven't decided is my range too high my poop my thing is going too far my god damn [ __ ] thank you for the best oh i gotta get him all right all right that was that that was that no it was not now we can reroll the shop immune to curse and uh yeah i like immune to curse i mean the curse is nice bob's spray i'm not gonna think bob i don't like it why would you real nails because i already have a good enough damage i don't need more damage than this what i want is some some sort of modification to the tears if anything i want a modification get the peeler why why would i get this what okay okay let's go get health i could buy some yeah i could buy that that's health of two isn't it and damage no this region health has a spade that's a free reroll like a five dollar right yeah you know i can't lucify the boss i'll just fight the bosses fine whatever is going on here that wasn't too bad something spawned i don't know what there is oh the meatball is doing a lot of damage i guess that's it okay all right oh it's mom the damn heart hmm oh i suck angel dude what the [ __ ] which one do i take i'll take this one i'll take that one that made my damage 56 instead of 40. that's a pretty big that's a pretty big upgrade that's a pretty big upgrade not gonna lie it's pretty good it's pretty good uh i'll take the money yes yes sacred heart is poop shoulda taken cuban meat that's true you know it's a it's a 50 50 i'd say you know sacred heart decent item decent this is really stunning chances against the kiwi meat though i don't know i'm just gonna go next i think i don't think there's any point in staying here they home that's nice that i don't have to do the work i don't have to aim them they will just go where i wanted to go that's something i needed they are going very high though god damn look at that wow well as long as they're home it's fine item room did i not do the item room oh yeah oh i didn't i didn't she would just make it piercing let's see how that works out if they're homing probably fine hello ml41 how are you how are you doing there we go it will still open impact wow every heart wow they still blow up it i don't think it matters that i picked up the [ __ ] uh piercing this did not do anything i think did they only get that hmm how could i not pick up a bag of some something uh i should have put it in the other room i'm stupid chat just just shut up tauros whack yeah i think it's bad probably tears up range up i don't really want that oh look at that a reroll i guess i'll take it oh bff let's get that now it's big big meat boy the k who's that guy following me there's like a little head following me like a skin head what would i think of you uh this is like you get smaller i think they had this poke he's actually pogging what's that but more bombs a reusable bomb body i don't think i will all right let's uh let's just get on with them look him up schmidt boy he's just going around kick around causing havoc god [ __ ] them he's just [ __ ] him up what is that hello what are you didn't really get to see but anyways he's so strong dude he's actually so [ __ ] strong what the hell he's just one-shotting them oh my god he's insane dude if i let this guy lose some greed he's not gonna stand a [ __ ] chance i can tell you that uh this is this is not tearsep so well whatever oh oh well that's all they're gonna kind of be there but whatever despite that thing there was a thing i kind of wanted yeah i want that here's up oh no uh we roll they pay for reroll now i'm not gonna pay for it that's stupid oh hello oh hello at least the next stage krampus hello and there's something else we got a chest with more money in it can we buy it like a can we buy a recharge no we can't that'll be sick imagine well i got more money that's for sure oh wait that wasn't even the last level that was i'm stupid why did i do that well i'm not gonna get the research from then i was but whatever didn't give me a full recharge so uh we got the i don't know what these are [ __ ] the purity is one thing wait i gotta i gotta look them up hold up hold up there's like an angel room item here that i haven't seen before i just i just want to see what it does a soul heart conversion for the pulpat and then give it a search for angel room there we have it right immaculate heart uh you should play your hearts around him what tears i don't want that because that's going to make oh it gives me 20 damage multiplayer oh [ __ ] uh and the other thing so the left one will make tears uh go like go around me and then the purity will period will boost one of my sex attacks depending on the color of the aura around him yeah so the purity is dog [ __ ] if anything the heart would be funny and then the pope hats would be dog [ __ ] so we're just gonna go with the with the funny heart oh there's a bomb boy there's a bomb going around me it's funny it's funny dude i know it's not the optimal play here okay but it's funny it's funny it's fun [Laughter] oh no this is oh no [ __ ] drone strike moments there we are the shop there's no item room though uh oh the the recharge batter that that is does that like make me research faster i think it does i think it does not that it matters because i'm gonna be recharged after whatever you know oh my god chill this tears give me an aneurysm stop oh my god okay it's forced me to pick it up wake up it doubles your active item on item use oh wait this wait wait that's stupid that's stupid why would i read them twice that's [ __ ] okay i'm dumb chat anyways shut up you real twice yeah whatever dude it's not the end of the world it's not the end of the world okay we got this chill this guy again the meat boy is just like tearing [ __ ] apart yep he sure is was that a battery goddamn maybe we have another one no give you give me that chariot listen we're gonna we're gonna see if i can get why can't i buy it dude if i could buy a battery this would be insane um that's a rune shard just pay for a rear i'll pay for a reward we get it no i'll pay for marvel is that dr fetus my god what else if you combine them do it synergy breaker no i want to i want to try to break the game for once oh there we go okay okay open more nickel that's nice oops oops no batteries i don't want to rear a nickel though what's this the sun i'll take that trolling me i've never done this before okay i've never i want to get past this oh [ __ ] okay now we buy one more i think i think i open little tests oh my god oh no more more oh yes d20 is great okay there's a small there's a small like yellow sister i want to open that was very good that's gonna make it back ticket that's big coin though all right that's the cursed [ __ ] that's fine take the bitcoin oh no we we there's a lot of the sloth all right just open a couple more chests this is what greed mode is all about fellas [ __ ] two of diamonds well i surely don't need more hearts or money right can i just buy a bunch of [ __ ] no wait uh yeah i want to buy that you don't want to buy that thank you what is that yeah yeah check that thanks yeah i'll take that too thank you yeah i'll take that i'll take that too yeah that's mine yeah that's mine too actually yeah i think i need that uh let's go real a bit all you need is a d20 man all you need we'll just take that actually extra active item god [ __ ] damn i got two diamonds again i'm done i got two diamonds again what did i just come back for the first time in my life i've actually broken the game for the first time in my life uh do we have uh yeah and the worst part is i think it's because i have the i have the key the the the mom's key i have mom's key uh and that that makes the chester worse better if i didn't have that it probably wouldn't work but there we go i got mother i got mother transformation big money so in a chest holy [ __ ] wait that was the lower [ __ ] i wanted to use the man it's fine just gonna open some chest metal worry about it we do a little opening we'll do a little test opening guppy use the black shard maggot where did my dice go yo where am i what am i [Music] what what am i hello a d-spot okay dude well i don't need more than this i think it's i think it's i think we're good i think i actually need uh more stuff so let's just go ahead and i found j-ro oh [Music] i'll just pop it let's pop the jarrah uh anyways oh my god what the [ __ ] dude i almost max money let's go buy some stuff all right i'm gonna buy this press control magnet you have dice i have died i have two slots i have two slots yeah i'm only [ __ ] them all right you know you know the drill you know the drill chat let's open the chest first oh my god all right there's a couple more there's a couple more chests we got open there's a there's a few more and now uh all right now we've opened some chests we opened we're just gonna go go ahead and open some boxes it's now a cs go stream okay oh what a boss oh i activated it set die bastard what is that anyways yes mushroom yes all that's up yeah i want that actually synthol damaged pill you broke it i'm just unlocking everything oh [ __ ] go [ __ ] down uh maybe the infinity aspect actually what's that i have the money wait let me just fix that i i you know we need some money we need some money gotta get some money really quick i'm just gonna go ahead and get some money there's a quarter but there's a boss okay there was a boss anyways thank you did i get the cursed eye did i pick the did i pick up the cursed eye oh did i just do that where's that oh no i'm not picking up that guy do we get oh do we get soy milk do we get soy milk dude i am getting soy milk oh no number one tears up yeah sorry what oh no oh no ah bruh that's wild what is that i have to move away to see what the [ __ ] thing is toxic look up twice hmm hmm [Music] my my um i don't know how long i'm gonna keep doing this but this is stupid this is done i declare this is stupid i got a medal a little heart yup his tail i'll give a run away from guppy we got evil phd what's this then we got diesel bulbs do a little habit get that too i think we're good i think we're good i think we're fine let's just get some money and oh i'm not going to pick up the tower [ __ ] the [ __ ] that i don't bring enough like uh items or like money to donate to the grid machine i guess let's just get all this stuff now the question oh we got the tick kill me but that was inevitable i guess what cards do they get what i have i have speed down right now might as well got some damage from it i was moving too damn fast i'll bring a two diamonds with me so i can just you know came from bueno state for autism this is this is i i i i don't even know what to do i don't even know what to think but now it's the boss oh right it's the we don't even get the shop anymore so whatever soy milk soy milk strong soy milk strong what god soy milk god this is [ __ ] chaotic i'm hating myself oh you have to die now friend you gotta die you gotta die you gotta die little chest oh no help oh okay don't blow that up mhm okay well uh you know nice wasted 15 money as if it wasn't gonna [ __ ] jam as if it wasn't gonna just [ __ ] jam i'm done looking math genius in chat huh wait what was the one percent on the on the left that was isaac right he would have agreed with isaac hey bothersome though that all of the other ones are like bloody but the greed one is just like a clear like a regular grid stupid [Music] i want to do the um cathedral with samson that's what i wanted to do and i did it okay i don't agree with i don't agree with i say so the greater for the bloody great i don't know how he gets agreed here i can do a regular oh is this greed this is great [ __ ] okay is it a hard read i don't know well the donut is full of mounts there's no way i think that machine it doesn't jump as fast as a regular shop but we do a little baiting true i'm going to switch better my my hoodie is like too hot it's like it's too too big too big man you unlock hard grid mode i've agreed your mode wants to donate 500 coins to the machine that you just jammed oh okay so you just got to play it a bunch i mean it's like what i'm going to do i think it is do like one time hard and then one time you read so like every other run it's going to be like either great or really hard and i don't think i mean obviously the chance of me getting another d20 is low plus the motor ski but i don't think i want to do that again because that was kind of like cheesy it it like i clearly broke the game it's it's not in front of that point kind of maybe the limit is 99 so you can't choose with two diamonds would you call it cheesing i i wouldn't call it cheesy i think that i think that the jamming mechanism is stupid but that's just me i really don't like it uh yeah let me change better [Music] good luck with little just remember the tears don't work with the character yeah that's the guy that's the character jamming is annoying but but it's there to stop autists like you from breaking the game i think the game should reward people who play well that's all i'll say about that anyways uh so we can't shoot tears well we are we can get buddies though hitting bff on this character is probably going to be sick though or book of revelation so that you can ensure like uh meat boys yeah i can use that for this room there's so many [ __ ] enemies [Music] this i mean i'm guessing the box of friends stuff is like one room similar to the other ones like you don't yeah they will be broken if you just get more and more imagine getting seraphim or like the the swarm protector or whatever the the the baby with the homing shots that hit really hard it's gonna be a great desk on this character backpack and i only have one again [ __ ] stupid playing sketches weird beard go on then free key well actually no i gotta kill me it does decent damage that it does there we go and there we go it's i think i would say it's like it's definitely above average damage if you have this on like it's pretty good no problems with it and there we go and there we go anyways oh [ __ ] you know we can go into the special [ __ ] yeah let's do that let's do that what could possibly go wrong i like the light flashing it's annoying there's tank as [ __ ] though got them oh they don't care about ground today [ __ ] these guys are annoying as [ __ ] though they are yep no no no no no too bad dude the blood dominion the blood dominion there's a minion there's a minion though there's a minion though i'll take that and you can pay for that oh there's a ghost okay bastard oh there's like lot i like those spiders they're cute there we go i don't really care about the getting the item shop and all that oh [ __ ] they're like bouncing well they're like little okay they're basically just hazards like environmental hazards essentially nice good job nice i just line up perfectly for those don't i they double it doubles my buddies oh god that's pretty sick somewhere whatever you have it will be doubled with this item that's insane i thought it just summoned one more of those but it actually doubles all of them that's crazy so you finally if you're finding a good body on the first stage and your run is almost set like you can double them holy [ __ ] we get a little dog [ __ ] mother is watching you i'm gonna try the mirror i'm gonna throw the mirror into life i can get it i swear to god if it's even is it like a chance to spawn maybe hello ranging maquette i haven't seen the mirror yet oh that's a very bad idea isn't it because now right what if i wait wait hmm but it doesn't do [ __ ] right always kiss my [ __ ] guy [ __ ] oh chat chat chat listen listen listen listen listen that's pretty sick good trade trade offer trade offer accepted i took a chance i took a chance and it paid off okay the ball also that's working out though you know sometimes you just got to take the chat of course the [ __ ] off man i don't appreciate that why do they aim so well what if i was moving you piece of [ __ ] bastard i better die though alright what's this pretty fly i have one health you can't suck your starting body right you can you can it's 100 possible well that's the fire you gotta step on look at that we got two of them and i'm dead i'm alive what the [ __ ] how thought was that for sure we are alive wow oh [ __ ] bastards all right [Music] oh so hard hello i didn't see that [Music] a big juicy massive enormous artist only need what no no way did he break beethoven during his broken run yeah i did i did easy clap he got he got [ __ ] carpet bombed by my tremendous my tremendous soy milk strat now did it would it be better or worse without or you know with without soy milk that remains to be uh you know seen but uh as far as i could tell so it makes it pretty good so much pretty good i don't like this guy at all having piercing shot against him is nice though no that works too not bad what is this again the mines we're going into the mines boys uh what i think i'll do though is uh export level because i can i could also do the thing with the last should i do the last thing i think it would be funny do not throw poop at me oh there was a fly there i didn't see it [ __ ] stupid there's the mirror no maggots ah get off me that's really painful when you don't have like regular tears okay boys left the right shot left or right [Music] r for right well look at that eternal life wow i got an extra life god not [ __ ] dead well if you have two lives if you have a life to spare would it really hurt to just go into the [ __ ] mirror i don't think it would um anyways where my [ __ ] scythe baby go am i shooting them now i'm shooting them with them knife piece one they'll lose my minion or what so i really gotta not [ __ ] this up right oh [ __ ] that's mean got him okay uh alright gamer thanks for the stream i gotta go eat all right whole team take care man wait i i revive this blue baby did i wait this wish character i switched character what no i didn't want to do i didn't want to what but i wanted to play lilith that's annoying do i just r yeah i want arden because i don't wanna play as [ __ ] bluebaby i was gonna play live money worth i had the coolest [ __ ] uh baby too got them but now we know that uh that side actually works on a baby for some reason does this tears upgrades work on this little guy because if they do then i've been live too [ __ ] okay listen i you know what i i'm not gonna slaw she's kind of annoying to play really dude okay okay two get out of here oh does that work also they do work on it they do work then this is actually a good character like she's not just purely a challenge character then it's a place of incubus so that's you know in that case that's good the incubus is a really good item then want to blow up these two i'll blow up this wall okay that's just that's enough okay item free item pog so when i use this item i duplicate the implement impedance like duplicating my damage as well that's what's really good actually can like double your damage like that that's really good that is very good i mean it hangs after you a little bit so it's not like it's a bit a little bit awkward to use but that's that's about it what's that bottle how the [ __ ] is little though what i've been healthy please die thank you one more twenty two animation as far as psychedel is a really good item what the [ __ ] no tinted rocks oh wait he detaches earlier what the [ __ ] that's just rude stop pushing it into me please i beg you there we go little steven oh i got a friend look at that that's lucky as [ __ ] all right now we're pretty well off and the battery related item from the shops is potentially broken for a little oh yeah yeah because you can just make many many many friends that's pretty good that's pretty good release the dogs this level is hard but it's not like it's not like super hard it's it's it's difficult but yeah it's fine the mines are probably going to biscuit though oh we can't actually we need a key for this yeah we use the kid to get in here so there's that having a homing body is always nice i think two that's better what the [ __ ] i don't like this yellow flies they're annoying they're very annoying what the [ __ ] jeez this is mean can i have a key please hello spider no money i guess no key then pretty good damage actually yeah that's nice and the any item that would like help my recharge rate will be sick there we go spoon in the devil room well you know there it is again it's a very good item i i'll take it i just like it so much i just like it so shooting two sides that's pretty good [Music] we don't get keys though that's stupid i i have no keys but are there any tinted rocks can't enter the shop can't like do anything like i have pretty good stats but there's a free item in there dude between shop and item room if there is a secret there then we can actually like if this is it no yeah so that that that's unfortunate can't go in here either if i just had keys now everything would be so [ __ ] free like a book room to just pick up books and get them like librarian shot or whatever maybe secret room right under the bomb get right for free oh yeah that's actually not that's true yeah but like it was free [Music] it's not next to the bathroom it could be my next guess would be either down here or to the right if it's right here then i can go into the book room which could be this is mother or repentance this is repentance i don't play with moths either here or over there no i guess please ah kill me that's gotta be over here then whatever i'll i'll uh i will just go sad here's the mirror yes eyes are nice i like him the game is taunting me give him a keys now at least i can open the item nothing else these rocks are annoying as [ __ ] boom boom wow there's that fire uh invincibility i'll take it up oh i can't put it down again i'm stupid i just wanted to read the book goddammit it's a very good item but i just wanted to read the book i'm stupid [Music] but that's going to be very good for the lost thing so i'll use the that's there i think okay that's terrible so this room here next to the shop is i gotta use the book i think oh we can do that holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this okay he just spawned on me i'm done i'm done oh my god maybe i shouldn't be doing this with like a new character that i never played since you have one heart you can pick up what pills i don't want pills no thank you feels bad i mean it makes them piercing at least i'll try it oh hello you want to die thank you what's this then bad nice you can shoot the argument now i mean you can with with the item for it but i can't nice what it's okay damage it's fine i guess it's all right the baby's true it's kind of weird though they should like diagonally sometimes i don't i don't control it though i think it's random all right i thought it was a friend i thought i was a friendly guy what the hell why did i do that i thought it was about my buddy the hell yeah okay keys keys keys keys there's the key at last what's this done what's up oh shrinking tears that's not i'll take this thing d7 what it do what i got island there's nothing interesting [Music] there we go there we go we get two mid cubes of here is the thing there's a lot of skulls dude what the hell is this room i just killed a guy thank you oh cool oh he gets stronger he gets like a next face if it is is it always this guy's this guy always the first boss like it seems very consistent probably this rng though arigato a buddy nice uh okay let's just uh check the last room i guess cursor in the middle of the screen again classic classic albino stream it's not a [ __ ] tinted rock in my game i think it is i think it is arigato [Music] probably shouldn't use the bomb i need i need two bobs to get to the mines i do need that but anyways i'm never gonna beat this level i can i can promise you that it's not going to happen if an item called rk don't use it it will recently run because you will keep items anyways darkness nice oh that's a lot of [ __ ] guys i'm gonna how do you avoid this can someone explain to me how the [ __ ] you're how do you avoid oh you killed him with a button you killed him with a [ __ ] button i'm done off the [ __ ] course a friend bastard tossing dude hey [ __ ] off stop it i need more bombs though oh is this guy this guy's really pretty easy though he's not the bad i think this is the easiest boss in this level because lords of flies anyways oh there's enemies goddamn hey and now fellas we're gonna risk it all by uh going to the mirror there it is there it is all right the boss is right next to it though so it's not it's not like a long trip or anything it's like right next yeah it should be fine [ __ ] baby wait i went the wrong way it's over here [ __ ] oh the [ __ ] passing of that baby all right so now we're just gonna go in here press this bye what'd i get this looks like it's rage dude i'm getting i'm being scammed i'm being scammed i'm being scammed legit i'm going to go through it and pick up the key piece because i guess that's what you're here for hey a key time to die my gods oh we got bombs epic we got the lemon key [Music] where the shop is open the [ __ ] this is weird man mouse is on the screen this is a quality quality stream i i provide only the highest quality of entertainment for you guys all right don't forget that don't do it man and we're back tremendous i won't eat one shot anymore uh it's so dark in here dude i can't see you only need one more non-evil familiar to get conjoined oh cool that's probably good i'm just going to look for some rocks we're in the rush rush here we we take a little bit of time we take a little bit of time no okay let's just go to the mines but here's the thing though they're i'm gonna spend one key i'm gonna spend one key to the shop over here so maybe they they sell so hard and having a soul art would would probably be good they don't sell hearts but they sell this thing so i can go over gaps which could be which could be the the edge the edge we need for this run yeah i think i think i get that thank you yeah it was on sale i wouldn't buy it full price but it was on sale so you know let me use this over here boop these aren't tinted right now so way back in the oh oh oh oh oh oh oh god [ __ ] damn and it tinted and it tinted no why is there an imposter on the bottom left of the screen oh my god dude they said actually it's a [ __ ] amalgas there's a [ __ ] amuse in the i'm done it's over stream is done see you tomorrow i didn't realize i didn't realize oh it's burning now so it was wet and now it's it's fire fire stage what the knife do oh oh oh oh battle room i just but i'm gonna save that key though because i know that i probably will need it lava that is very bad well i like getting introduced enemies in the controlled environment you almost [ __ ] you ain't making a piece of [ __ ] a rock spider what what the [ __ ] what nice where's the railroad that's so stupid oh we got some bandages here we got some rags we got someone's rags i know what those are but what's the effect it gives isaac an extra life on death exactly the same as lustrous respawn effect when you die with a sense of response same the anamic item lesser is two you get lesser is two that's stupid i don't want that okay that's that's fine i'll take that i don't want i don't want to i don't want to make that mistake again i got i got the anchor once and it was done this is the this uh oh dude this level is like the grave of minecraft youtubers another rockhead what'd it do though god he shoots bombs well thank you i appreciate that you [ __ ] stop he's tanky wait is this is this xl oh it's [ __ ] excel gone [ __ ] time i gotta get the key hey lilith open the [ __ ] [ __ ] open poop open poop now oh okay that's okay they're still doing it what is that there's like a thing in the middle there but i don't touch it uh where do i get the key for the item room whoa rock [ __ ] oh my god what the [ __ ] these guys are no joke come on [ __ ] damn holy [ __ ] that's rough that is rough okay nice fruitcake what is that way i don't what okay oh cool cool uh fruitcake is good i've had very good experiences with fruitcake because it applies pretty cool effects i'll take it it's really strong i like i i've had it so many times now and it's just been carrying my runs a lot is steven applying it does not work with laser wait oh my god here's that i don't think it's working it doesn't work with heck oh my god great oh metal wheels what the [ __ ] oh i guess if you click that and they stop huh how was wait how was i supposed to do that if i don't have ladder if i didn't tell the ladder i would be able not to be able to escape this room what the [ __ ] god this place is rough man oh my god stop i'm just going to slam the wall right yeah i hate the stack and i got hit by the [ __ ] maggot spider christ a range up again that's tremendous exactly what i need thank you game we have to break them up with that that's that's actually really cool of course okay okay dude oh they they they blow so fast the blobs are [ __ ] fast i it caught me off i'm gonna do another character because this is too hard with lilith i'll do something i'll do it like a good character like eve i'll do it with eve like she starts with yeah yeah i'll do it we'll do some sort of glass candy and that should be that should be fine this is the character i'm like the most comfortable with so i'm gonna try that either this or isaac would be good because of the oh i got [ __ ] blind you know that's our either this or isaac i think maybe i think it's better because yeah on the hp he uh he's got the d6 oh that's a very good item yes yes yes yes it is very good sure well that was a misplay actually i should have gone down and health and then just take it taking it afterwards or whatever this is like a carry item i'm done [Music] i get the best item in the game and i just start playing like [ __ ] we got a key though but that's very good uh soul heart thing all right i can't really afford anything i usually don't even check out the chop on the first level just for this reason i can't afford anything there we go appreciate it uh i kind of want to roll this up you get like a coin i don't have a bomb what am i talking about oh no i just don't like this boss i just don't like it it's annoying but i haven't gotten hit yet so i probably won't yeah now we're good i think shouldn't shoot them when they're charging but i do it anyways plus damage plus 150 damage oh wow i got lucky with that jesus let's go let's go almost all up yeah that was very good wow a bomb oh my god dude but it goes to the devil room but to be honest the devil room wouldn't literally if i found one i wouldn't even open it because i'm so lucky today oh i won't throw the leeches that's very nice i don't like that i had to sack two bombs to get to the next level though that's kind of annoying well actually yeah i guess if i get a surplus i can whatever oh i'm gonna wait this one out i'm waiting this one out how long does this last 30 seconds okay i'll just wait that in the meantime i'm gonna wait i'm gonna pause and just take a piss real quick apple juice or oranges um orange one herbs and orange orange with like unsweetened oranges fresh or fresh pressed orange juice with pulp 100 apple juice is bad it's always like super sugary like it's it always just tastes like diabetes it does it's not good orange juice tastes like an orange it's nice my so so [Music] do [Music] [Music] um so [Music] how long is this pill dude i uh maybe i shouldn't have paused the game it's a long-ass pill thank you joe bandon appreciate it i hate this one it's not like an item i think duns gives that effect permanently and i got that once and i had like the one combo that that duns is like actually decent the one combo in the game which is like the the the one where you like to control want here and you can control like one tier and like track enemies with it two bombs nice we have it we got it very nice one shotting deletions they're annoying but with this damage oh white key the lament key oh i gotta be careful uh i think i look for the item first and then the boss so now i know i know about that button now i know about it so i'm clearly i'm not gonna fall flashed it again i got really confused the first time when the entire room was just like filled to the brim with those i'm guessing it's best to kill this flies first and then kill the guy that way i can just not deal with her [ __ ] another bomb okay so wrong with two first we got a sword from a poop holy [ __ ] that's very good because then we can go down to low health get the [ __ ] of babylon and then just pick up the soul heart and i will have like high damage yeah that's probably gonna help me in the mirror too doing the oh but we're not going to the mirror yeah this is the first one right yeah okay we don't have to worry about the mirror because like i don't have curse of the loss when i did the [ __ ] mirror that would be stupid oh [ __ ] this is rigged this is rigged this this run here you're saying it's rigged it's rigged so let's find uh some way to damage myself is there a cursor maybe because in that case i could just do the curse room i could use that but there should be a cursor in every floor no i am very fast for some reason is our cursed rooms not guaranteed axe wall thank you for the seven what's up with the mirror anyway uh it's like a thing where you're turning to the last it's pretty cringe it's cool i know it's actually not strange it's actually very cool it's difficult and it's killing me twice not nor floor okay there will always have to be killers or take damage with the uh the the doormat thingy just step on this there got money for it we got four more damage which is very good and we can pick up the soul heart over here i think there are now we are pretty well off i think good damage good good everything i'm super [ __ ] i'm insanely fast i got 2.0 speed i don't know exactly how i achieved that but i did we got three bombs i can actually open this thing it gets a chest but the heartbeat i don't want and it's probably it's a risk but i'll take it turn out to be a good risk now i have one more bomb this could have easily not paid off so let's go again so flow's so good so flush is so [ __ ] good uh health in the long run it's gonna be good is this region or is it look if it's a region i don't want it it's region oh i could take the health and then give it away to satan should i do that let's do that we get the ujo board and we get the contract we trigger it again and respectful tears not super worth it but so that way we got the ujo dude i played that i played fast and phobia with pyro and his editor and i kept saying you joe board and they were like they were just they just lost their [ __ ] i know i know it's like ouija war right it's the luigi board you see luigi board but i just don't okay let's just become a meme see look at that oh my oh very good now this is a good run so far but oh they're in this and of course there's that [ __ ] oh yeah because the the the item i picked up doubles room items sometimes or like if there are items that dropped it will double it so that's nice you like shooting this [ __ ] so far up in the air dude i don't like it but the amount of keys i'm getting this item is nice when it does if you get lucky with this item with the contracts thing it's super it's so nice dude got them these rooms weren't that bad actually oh we got this [ __ ] going okay nice sure there's the mirror we gotta find the flame well i should probably do the boss first but whatever oh this [ __ ] he just spawns on me like what are you supposed to how do you counter that holy [ __ ] damage again oh there's a devil room but i'm not going to be able to see what the items are but there could be hearts there could be hearts no there's some hearts i'm not going to do deals if i don't know what they are so cringe can i ask the question yes you you may you may you have my permission keep moving yeah yeah i guess you just keep moving against the past i took so hard but that's that's fine not the end of the world and the the item room is right next to the [ __ ] uh wow it's right next i only have to do this room basically oh clearly obviously i'm not going to the boss i'll be suicidal with this i was gonna get the key piece and [ __ ] off because i know that's like the essential thing so i'm not going to risk the rest i have six bombs i should blow this up because they might give me the thing i need which is so hard but oh well oh well we got 16 coins and five keys i'm gonna go in here and buy a thing on sale oh based base base waste base space good item i've got nine i'll buy this key and a coin all right kind of value kind of value the charge is not great but if i do if i do find the uh if i find uh uh what's this called again the hierophant hero fans then i'm gonna be very well off because it will double it and that's insane good luck in the run mr miner thank you joe abandon not doing degree run uh not now i mean i'm gonna com like what i said i was i'm gonna complete one run of this and then i'm gonna and then i'm gonna complete one grit so i'm gonna like do them one by one kinda like that uh no curse that's very nice good thing i got to kill him before he actually started being a piece of [ __ ] very good oh so hard thank you that's super nice oh this is such a stupid enemy this is such a dumb [ __ ] enemy i'm done why two keys or two bombs it's not the worst traders you could get three red chests that could be very nice what jesus christ there's room modifiers that's kind of scary what did it do even i can't tell the marked rocks as far as i can tell these guys are scary man uh magnets what is that they're attracted to my tears that's bad okay oh my god oh the rainbow is fine rainbow's fine i like that actually i don't see any more crocs i can do some tear stuff tear soap is what i need now i think nice excuse me what what oh my god took damage it's over oh my god i'm so stupid that was like the worst [ __ ] play imaginable this is like an actual r moment but you know what i got the streamer look so it's fine it's fine i got streamer don't worry about it okay he will do that this room is just mean man i have so much movement speed it gets like difficult sometimes two chests pog this jesus christ okay that's a lot of self damage oh my god [ __ ] spiders okay i gotta learn what the bosses actually do justice i gotta learn about that boss actually if i can do pulling or makes you walk slower thank you maybe this will make them work slower oh tears up great i need a little bit more range too it'll be nice i don't find it i did the item room okay so i should just check the chop shop then because i don't tell them i have a lot of money that i can spend i should also bomb the mushroom things i think for the shopkeepers at least well there was an attempt range up okay [ __ ] not picking up that by the way i'm all for chaos but okay not gonna bother with that no okay well we got some we got some hearts back we got some hearts back so there's that could there be a no there was an attempt what is that big bomb is it like a charm bomb sexy bomb okay the marine tiers could work possibly work it's the one reasonable one that clears the current floor is this is boomerang it's not like a use item all right the ring is passive is it it's an active item it's an active boomerang tears is a mirror i'll clear the next floor because this level is [ __ ] hard do i get the rewards if i do it do i get no rewards one time you said that when used will explode all objects rocks poop in the room and they'll turn the damage to all of them is in the current room as well as every other room for the remainder of the floor also opens the boston after mom's foot use it in mirror but i've only done a mirror but uh does it if i will i get the room clear rewards yes okay then i lose ariel at least in the mirror then that's genius i'll go in the mirror and use it that's actually really good [ __ ] maggots [Music] thank you fly broken run yeah i just i just want that much health that's the thing that's really all oh i got it though i got health oh my god but that's gonna [ __ ] my it's gonna [ __ ] my transformation but that's fine i need some health i just gotta survive at this point i just gotta live my damage is fine my damage is fine i'm not super i'm not super like worried about my damage [Music] doesn't health matter when you don't get but everything yeah yeah they don't go away i'm done because i gotta find the mirror thank you what is what are these two coin cork and that thing is it like a random buddy but for seven coins god damn it where is it i'm looking at the wiki wouldn't nickel when used has a personal chance to drop one run type of coin pen in the dime oh you can get your second money generator but that's that's familiar i'll take that is that shovel knight it has it's like a reference like a reference [ __ ] where the mirror at anyways anyways wait so you gotta go over here or what do i do press alt oh it press all the buttons okay okay i get it what's looking like now you get more okay i need one more button done one more button i was wondering what those [ __ ] buttons were a what i'm set back to base that's i have nothing the [ __ ] is this what oh you pick up the other key piece and then oh no huh uh what okay all right my heart i think i lost a lot of hearts but holy [ __ ] i forgot i had tears i thought i could only use the knife for some reason i thought that i don't i was expecting a mirror not that whatever that was jesus it starts crying i'm done brimstone bombs friends till the end we're going in boys we're going in boys i still don't know my [ __ ] tear count i should probably do this wait i have a goat following me or like a puppy there's a dog that shadow is immortal and there's full heart damage god [ __ ] damn well i have to have 12 keys so there's no reason not to open this indeed jesus christ stop oh wow that's brutal these enemies are very bad oh jesus this this is not this is this is this is dangerous this is very hard we do get a knife though [ __ ] off oh [ __ ] off i'm so lucky i'm so full dude the streamer look the streamer oh use the bomb yeah let's just start that's such a good bomb dude that's bomb is insane oh my god we get hurts let's go look out here good run good run brap they live though i'm guessing there's no item room here then i haven't been on the way never mind extend a stat effect time well that's gonna go well with the chariot isn't it uh yeah probably i'm sure i'll leave the cherries for whatever's gonna happen next oh lord goodbye biker well i like this item this item is good this item is a good item thank you a chili pepper the hooker bomb is nice is the chili pepper good it's good okay let's not take it xd there's no reason to not check these rooms then because like yeah pills i've gotten so many good pills now that i'm not gonna take anymore they they're probably gonna be bad pepper waste that's here every time it fires what [Laughter] anyways he's gone he's gone all right who could the boss possibly be huh the siren mad i think she's mad uh the chariot or the sun boys the chariot or the sun double child or double sun wait really chariot okay please no curse thank you we got decent hearts [ __ ] him up oh cool huh movement i'm just not appreciating that movement at all third of a third three fourth of judge said sun rip anyways super grid no the battery everything is cheap oh i didn't mean to take that yeah you can have more charges you got two chariots in the bomb i'll donate the rest should i peel them off yeah i know i get huge myths i don't i don't know man i don't know you're eve you're oh my god i'm stupid let's [ __ ] go yeah that's genius that's [ __ ] genius i'm eve oh my god i'm eve it's just free damage though what's up with this guy oh he loses his brain oh [ __ ] off oh i got the hardback whatever holy holy moly that's bad anyways let's go mom well oh god he did the opposite way than i thought uh the polaroid is better how'd it get in there do i bomb it on knife can i take should i take the polaroid with me take polaroid and go oh here isn't here okay do i i guess i go in here then the top one down top hole top rotten heart corpse oh my god oh we lost the knife bottom is void yeah it looks like voice i was like i've been there i wanna do it again jesus christ poop spinner's such shoot at you well i have the sci-fly so anyways all right goodbye oh small oh i'm super tiny now let's [ __ ] go good build good game streamer lock is real today oh my god what's up what do you think chad what do you think about my run dude this is so rigged god tanking maggots spike balls [ __ ] the game kid uh goodbye oh sorry rip uh i'll give some to this guy i guess oh the fly give it bastard [Music] pre-recorded but uh so there could be a sharp this is lost machine for more pretty flies try that yeah he can get one too but tears up let's go stonks i have two luck so it's like it should be somewhat reliable also a heart has a chance to be blue so [Music] probably a bad pill i'm not gonna take that i wanna you know what i'll i'll see i'll check the rest of the level and see what's up gotta be careful this place seems dangerous not small enough for that unfortunately lump of dog [ __ ] i'll keep the note because the notes is like unique i got it from like a cool thing so definitely going for it with that for now this run is so [ __ ] good dude this would lilit would be like impossible almost so i'm very glad i did this with eve which is like okay that's disgusting that's that's actually disgusting it doesn't damage me fortunately so use head i sure probably should yeah there's still something here oh those guys okay so i feel like carry what i'm guessing that gas hurts me so i'm just gonna try to stay out of it what does sci-fly even do sci-fly is like one of the most broken item in the game it will like whenever there's a bullet approaching me it will like turn it into a homing bullet of that's mine and it will like it can it can it just makes it really hard to hit me with anything like mom's heart just got [ __ ] by her own bullets when i was sweating her because every bullet she threw at me would just like go back to her and i could just stand still not worry about anything we do a little waiting without the farts thank god i had to have like ice tears man but if you shoot him once you leave a trail that's kind of scary damn do a little little rigging rigging today there's the boss all right do we uh do we go yeah i think we do camaro oh [ __ ] that was out of nowhere okay uh is that smart that that is going to uh i should have brought the participator it's hp up yeah not smart it's one hp but it's gonna lose my damage so much like it's gonna allow me to take one hit but i think the damage i get from being strong is gonna save me much more health than that thing so i'm not gonna take it shots a bit on hp so fly will keep you alive yeah i think i think uh having the damage is a better defense than having that legit your chariot yeah i should be fine oh [ __ ] oh axe well thank you for the five subs dude holy [ __ ] oh let's go damage up 14 damage now it's very good that's very good oh it's turned to ice nice the emperors i don't want that emperor's not i don't need it i already have it active you forgot your chair yeah i'll bomb him i don't need that this just does not worth the risk even the game is handing you this one literally literally i'm i'm i'm very lucky this is a boss or something holy [ __ ] this is rough as [ __ ] the enemy heroes is like a literal [ __ ] boss all right the fact that i got scifly like like on top of all this [ __ ] like if i didn't have sci-fi i probably would have been dead already it's so good another chariot i found like four of them okay all right all right prepare for the next boss i i don't know i don't know what the boss is gonna be i do not know all right the look he gets here compared to noise is sad but this it's not anyways yeah next boss is mom well thank you what's this area called it's called the corpse it's where like inside a dead body instead of the womb we're just like instead of the dead version i mean i did read the achievements that's one of the thing is to kill mother so i would look for tinted rocks real quick i don't see any no we don't know about it really oh there is oh they're really hard to spot god damn anyways anyways yeah we get a little more healing that's that's fine oh [ __ ] well it was that hard i forgot which enemies there were so it's gonna be to the left i guess maybe up and left no probably not honestly wouldn't doubt i should just use krampus oh bottom right it could be bottom right yeah sorry i didn't see i'm blind i'm blind wait where's that yeah there it is here we go okay mother scifi just engaged with everything oh [ __ ] she died she dead get [ __ ] hey we did it oh my god that was how tough to fight to fight to fight you know that's how it is oh good fight decide this life like carried me this i flick i don't know what to say what are you drawing isaac let me see it oh it's so low give it to me this is what you think of me this is what i am to you a monster axel thanks for the five stars man he has a voice done for you this is how you view me you think i'm a monster isaac i'll show you a monster you are just like you're fun i can't even look at you into the shed such oh satan hello all right oh my god a song what the [ __ ] that was a really cool that was a really good boss though that was repentance yeah i think that was that i think that's what repented that repentance added that was like the most of the content i got like basically the first try though that was sick but the game handed it to me the game handed it to me i gotta say like i got we got some challenges a strange door has appeared in the depths there's still one more ending that i know of okay because a new door just opened so there's more new floors rip rip mother she would have been really she would have been really hard if if i didn't get carried by aren't she sitting double isaac's awakening scat man why is it called dude [Music] i'm done oh my gosh [Music] i wanna try the awakening joker is [ __ ] sport oh it's zelda because like you you you i'm guessing that this the blade you shoot is not gonna be a thing if you um aren't full health right oh my god i wonder what the shield does though is it block bullets oh wow okay it's pretty strong wait the goal is mother the goal is mother oh god that gonna need some good luck for that i guess you get one item though okay is it gonna be hard as [ __ ] it's a strong it's a strong item but in like boss fights i can only imagine this being difficult as well it doesn't block okay doesn't block merely the shield the shield may be projected i guess did it block it maybe just like a small hitbox or something maybe not sure with a space for our item you can just lift rocks and ship without bombs yeah it's nice like if i see it into rock i can always just like pull it up uh but i don't see any right i i did it with the first one like i i i don't know what you're telling me when i literally just used for 10 truck but i am aware it is pretty crazy though this is pretty [ __ ] crazy damage i'll give it that damage up that's good we don't have any keys i could go i could go to the cursor cursion is possibility i'm just going to double check for for like tinted rocks because i can i guess there could be things in the these two yeah money look at that i should that should definitely break all these arms even though there's a spider chance i'm gonna do it it's in the crosstalk trophy on the left meaning you can won't get in achievements no it means that i won't get in the treasure rooms i think i think i can afford [ __ ] let's just double check this oh what is this well we got that might be useful later i guess did he say did he sell a key because if he sells the key i want to go to the library he did yeah i want to get that yeah yeah we get those we we got like the we got the game winner we got the [ __ ] game winner just like that we got the [ __ ] game on here we got the game winner well of course i can use the range of this since i have soul hearts that's actually pretty good that's actually pretty nice it's pretty good most of the stuff it has is unlockable yeah so like the trophy means i guess you can't uh you don't get achievements but i think isn't there one that do i get item rooms i'm not sure actually because i think the item instrument is different isn't it wait what what hit me there was another one maybe i don't know why i'm getting so many swords but like the game i don't know why the game is rigged so hard maybe maybe this these levels have like a higher chance of getting like solar drops perhaps because i'm getting a lot i'm getting way one of them any like right of getting you know all right so this is good i think the drugs are always good why not uh sin and that thing is good too that's gonna give me more damage i'm enough to just damaging evil up this is also damage up since they are booker revelations you can see in the water reflection yeah yeah this is also this is already a very good run like my sword is going like a [ __ ] truck right now if i use the buttons on my controller records i can slice much faster i'm darkling i actually have dark link in like it's there's like a reflection too it's great of course we get an issue great i'm stupid depending on muted music in this game it's very good i really like the music and the music for the final level that the corpse was actually really fitting like it was very like atmospheric in like a very good way it's very simple it's very simple music but it just works you know all right uh boss but here we can do the we can just do the boss i guess these are really annoying they're pretty good range now okay so if i get to yourself i will shoot those more often i guess yeah i gotta go get the knife this is this is like the hard part i gotta go with the knife without taking damage i mean of course the lost but it means that there's gotta be one item room i gotta find the item here first so i know like the best route for it doing this without the mantle is stupid honestly but i guess we don't really have any choice at this point yeah there has to be an item room the body is kind of trash i'll get this what's this again i don't really know oh i don't i'm not edge anymore i'm not touching chance to get shield all your pills are now good okay there's the there's the yeah now i think the door was already opened i think it was already open so yeah they have to be because if not you get soft locked so i'm gonna have to just i'm gonna bomb this get that back we're gonna find the fire there it is but the mirror is yeah the mirror is right next to the it's right there i'm so lucky i i the game is rigged oh oh i'm so dumb i forgot i was [ __ ] unaware holy [ __ ] i was close we got the key piece now we can leave i also like the music for this stage it's nice there are some songs i don't like uh like there's the the spider version of the first stage i don't like the music there that's like the one song i don't like in this game maybe because i restart so often i'm here to all the [ __ ] time but yeah i just don't like it it was open good yep i could get that but it would cost me a bomb so do you have the holy mantle with him no i don't have the whole map i don't doing this without that is kind of stupid oh my god dude since i'm at full health now right and i have the battery i can i can like store up charges and i get two hearts if i want to this this run oh my god yeah it just keeps charging that's so good i i like the best use item in the game almost i i would say it's the best user in the game uh it's better now from the get-go from an item i got in the first stage along with that item the first stage had a charge battery and the book of revelations like i i tried this challenge for the first time and i get the most rigged rigged seed the most rigged seed your sword grabs does it oh it does they will put oh it pushes them away it pushes them away isn't the nail better no i think this is better because it just it just gives you heals the nail is good don't get me wrong but i think this is better i should have saved that that's kind of stupid but oh [ __ ] okay okay so a sci-fly dude if i get a sci-fi this run could you imagine oh my god you can go to sacrifice i can yeah actually i most definitely can i probably should i probably should i probably should since it's essentially free at this point open it oh okay i guess that is a bomb what's this this is gonna be used this is gonna be useful later definitely in one of the rooms i'll use it those are two variants apparently okay see look at her brain if i get flying now i'm gonna be set the thing is that like since i amelie uh area denial on the ground is gonna be very detrimental to me if i get flying somehow like that's gonna be very very good for me i think the rock is in the dark room okay but i i i mean i have one bomb i want to just like see what the rest of the level has and then take it from there kind of oh [ __ ] we don't get yeah we don't get pressure rooms so i might as well use the key for this or should i i'll i'll explore a bit more goodbye there's the boss okay i'll just use the key the element there we go fly in a jar i don't know what that is there's a battery recharge but i don't need hearts right now what knight mods do you use uh dynamite only mostly tinted in the dark room yep what is this bottle thing the coomb jar i i don't know what this uh if i search for fly jar flies get smaller it's an activist it's an active item i don't want that in that case i'll buy a cheap key and that's it yeah let's do boss it's not good it's like it sounds like a scuffed copy yeah this is strong do i want to fly front these are technically free at this point because i have a lot of ways to get health back i think i do i think i want both because one of them i'll get both it's risky but if i have a chance to get guppy i'll take it and i'm going to use this bounce to get the tinted rock just just just for the guppy just for to get the chance like if i can get if i can get more like two more items and i get to get with this that's good and then that there there's my flying you know there it is two oh my god dude i'm it's just it's just rigged it's just rigged i don't know what to say it's just rigged and to maximize my hearts just to make sure that i can because i can store a lot of hearts right i can store a lot of them so basically what i'm gonna be doing also we're gonna check for a free secret room here and what do you know and what do you know and what do you know so we're gonna go down here and buy the recharge actually there's a room here that i haven't done okay nice pre-recorded stream by the way we're gonna go here and we're gonna buy a recharge because we can afford it use that buy use that now we have more hearts uh i could buy the car too but the emperor is always all nice i said yes uh i don't really need that i'm gonna save the money in case i get something better in the later shop because we still have a couple of we have a lot of levels to go this is number one so we do go down to mines two am i gonna beat this [ __ ] [ __ ] in the first try like the amount of rigged the amount of like rigging taking place here is actually just insane oh we got blind curse that's great oh nice all right so we've got a key there we got a chest i'm gonna check the chest i have eight bombs so you know what that's fine tinted rock previous room top left thank you appreciate it oh why not where devil chance good i'll just get the emperor card before i forget it it's nice to have i want to join the disco server but how uh you can use channel points channel points is totally fine my sword is huge god damn oh i killed him oh the [ __ ] oh my my buddy hits super hard because i have so much damage to jesus there's the the courtroom it's just that i look at this show see here it's there's a button there and it shows you exactly what they do so you know the other buttons are do the same thing that's just a nice little little touch of game design there [ __ ] out of here dude you just thought you did so much insane damage in this run and it's been in this like challenge with the right setup which i have like holy [ __ ] bomb flies holy [ __ ] no grip please okay uh seven or fifteen what's this nice okay i'll have to get two more coins let's bomb this guy no i'll buy a stream all night no i think i will wanna do it when the new stuff comes when the the dlc thingy you know and that's out sure of course that's stupid what was it gonna do uh do i do the boss first or does it matter i don't think it matters but let's just get the key first let's get that out of the way take pills you have a good pills to make virgo oh do you oh okay wait is that a thing well i can afford the item now let's check it out wait can i have both of these now what is the fanny pack dude not bad you gotta pick up when you get hit okay not bad i confused it for the backpack all right so i gotta note the late the game the layout of the [ __ ] oh look at this jesus this part is spooky man there's gonna be a bomb section here you have to like bomb the thing i'm gonna put this out just because i can just gonna be a bomb section here bomb section bomb section okay maybe some poop here bomb section to begin with i'm gonna take this out what i can oh she did it immediately goddamn so okay you're just kind of kiter like that she's not the tortoise honestly oh god [ __ ] this place man [ __ ] poop i can move [ __ ] isaac done oh i got him okay got him mad we have a sword and a knife what more could we possibly need uh there could be a secret from here and if there is then i'm very lucky no that would be a free precursor that's why i wanted to check where'd you get stats from that from the oh you got a bomb or something oh they explode [ __ ] this is the boss rush hp shot cleared up what's this oh i don't know what they are they could be could they could i get the determinant to light them here is is are there like devil room items that will just [ __ ] you up he said not i'll just take them both guppy we got another guppy we're run away we're run away we run away from guppy we are one away from guppy let's [ __ ] go hello linuk you're a check mark nice congrats got a heart back mausoleum we got a chest room i'll check it out okay i need some keys i need some keys that's a lot of [ __ ] chests dude there's monkey i'll hoard them mom's tonight that's nice nor is it i don't know we got a lot of uh chests to pick up basically nice i don't think i want that heart i think i'd spend some of the case there's no enemies you can get trolled by the foot yeah yeah i think it's because like if they're yeah if you if it's like the same as the the the high amp no the empress card or i forgot which one of this oh my god thank you game thank you game thank you again what is the match to i'll drop it for now high priestess high priestess all right oh [ __ ] they shoot they attack far but doing these rooms is like a good way to farm uh what are they called uh charges so that's fine i'm gonna do all the rooms i can just to get charges because this place isn't that hard okay wow oh i forgot [ __ ] no there's still they're still shops well don't mind if i do nice more case isn't that does it oh does it do that okay well if it does slide in this fine i just didn't know what it did so i was like oh should 60. oh no he's sad if i find any keys in this they'll be epic but oh well i haven't actually checked out this room there could be things spawning in here sometimes i found like a soul art in there once so i just it's a useless room for the most part but i do check them out golden key would yeah that would do the golden key now would be insane that would be the only thing missing for this [ __ ] rigged brick garden run shut up holy [ __ ] my damage did oh my god hang man i really need that no because i believe this room it might go away right it might go away i could here's the thing i lost the i lost the key i lost the emperor but hear me out chad hear me out hear me out there was a chest over here that i couldn't access before but now i can access it with the hangman and that could give me a key potentially a golden key it's not over yet it's not over yet it's not over till i say it's over okay now we can get this okay it's just money but point still stands it could have been good it could have been good you could have dropped i okay i i keep forgetting that you can actually drop things okay i i'm stupid i'm stupid that's it is there anything in the shop worth uh a card that i could no well it could one shot one boss i guess it's worth checking some cards are very very good and i really wish i had more case if i had holy [ __ ] if i had if i had more keys there's probably an item in one of those like a pedestal also it was kind of weird that the the mod the final mother boss didn't have a health bar it was kind of unsettling should i even get that no i shouldn't i shouldn't no no no no that's dumb but that's done hear me out okay you can you can use red hearts for things and if you if you do a devil deal i guess they are more valuable i could take it if i wanted to get cheaper double deals if i want to spend less resources on devil did but if you have an item like uh the polaroid or the negative then the negative activates when you have like this doesn't it the polaroid after taking damage if you have half red heart or less the polaroid will give you an instability shield for five seconds so if you get the polaroid and i somehow get to well i have one heart now i guess it doesn't matter as long as i can find like a way to re to get my health mower but if i have one heart use devil beggar once yeah because then i don't have to sit around with you can use blood machine yeah but if i have if i have two red hearts and i have to drain one heart plus a half heart then i suddenly i'm sitting at one less hit than i would otherwise no and i i'm wondering it's not going to get the polaroid so it's like a i don't know otherwise i could just do devil deals i i have like i have a fully charged revelation book and i'm doing pretty well i don't think i think taking this is gonna really help me uh honestly i think taking this would be dumb the only the only reason is to get a cheaper devil a little but i just got the devil dylan we are in masoline one muslim two is next there's a couple more floors like here the devil room i'm gonna flip a coin i'm gonna flip a coin because a devil will cost way less regular hearts than spirit hearts take it don't take it we take it all right i'm going to take polaroid 100 i'm just debating with a lot i should take a heart my damage is insane jesus christ the sword is good what a weird layout i did i need a guppy i think i need a guppy almost nice chest gup is gonna be very nice for like floor air floor stuff i could go in there i don't think it takes two damage yet do you revealed the map there's a red secret but we can't get that yet now we can leave without taking a half an hour i'll get my health back though slain yeah the real secrets room i i think i need like a special item to get there key memes oh lord what nice thank you i get that there's a sharp part and uh recharge that recharge could be worth it right what does that do it drops batteries no but i don't really need that right now like it's not i can buy the pill because pills are always good probably good drop three batteries yeah what wait what why did i open that i can pick up items from execute i don't even know i don't even know man i can i can interact with the shield that's that's kind of wild i guess if i can afford the uh i'm just gonna farm some charges if i can afford a battery i'll buy it because i don't think there's gonna be shops after this level we're done here there's a couple more rooms the schwarz level legend of zelda properties yeah it will shoot the laser thing as long as i have uh full red hearts and if you have seen red hearts you you're gonna be shooting it all the time which is why this revelations book build is pretty insane especially with the battery i think this is a one run i'm pretty sure there's i mean i could possibly [ __ ] it up but i i kind of doubt it at this point okay nice it's like i'm not even looking for tinted rocks at this point because i i just i don't need them i just don't i'm gonna check the chest up here what's the real chest yeah thank you i can't really get over there can i no there we go here's a shot speed i guess we'll go in here i'll just use it we're gonna take some damage there that's fine all right into the pooper we go faith up what is this gives higher chances of eternal hearts consciousness belief that the bible track doesn't allow engine room step here after paying for a wheel okay uh i think it is the missing page because i would rather have uh massively damage no i do want hearts they want hearts whatever this book is so [ __ ] broken dude [ __ ] i'll do it it's good for farming to charge us i'm doing it we've got like half a heart from that doing the exercise challenge my first item is scifly the side flies just broken it's just broken nice we got a heart now we can store charges we're in good shape now i yeah uh the emperor we're losing corpse too i'm just going to the boss i think i mean this level isn't really that hard right now like i'm kind of just i'm kind of just sitting on everything like i'm having an easier time now than i had last time and last time was busted cursing's cost twice the health now so i'm not going to do that okay yeah i was like struggling to kill those worms last time i'm doing so much more damage now it's actually crazy insane damage i'll check at this room though what we got here does the polaroid work even though i have like so much health all right the boss time does virgo oh the virgo okay cool looks pretty good then yeah oh he's not done okay what the [ __ ] okay okay that was a bit weird pantry we're good money there's no more shops so no i think i'll try to i could i could try to recharge the thing a bit more just so i have some spare health but it's a very risky play though like i almost got hit there i would also get to one heart and then i'm gonna use the emperor two more rooms do you have any idea do you have any idea how lucky i am you guys have any clue how lucky i am you have any idea now polaroid will let will will activate every time i have two less health yes but polaroid will activate every time do you have polaroid yes i do no i don't have polaroids you know i don't have it [ __ ] okay let's just heal up then i'm stupid i'm just dumb i'm just i thought i had a polaroid because you always do at this point but whatever i'll just pick up the health kill me i thought i was smart but i'm really not i really am not man there we go knock into the boss the portal will be so good though it doesn't drop from mausoleum mom it does it does it did last time we're doing a challenge though we're doing the uh we're doing the uh isaac's awakening challenge that's why it's it's it's we don't have it am i doing touch damage this is actually the fight i'm done okay here it comes [ __ ] i'm getting pushed into it [ __ ] this is like it's awful i got her oh oh my god i got her holy [ __ ] first try first try though first try though first first try though easy clap easy clap oh my god that was a that was holy [ __ ] that's why the challenge since the mother yeah that was are you using mods no no mods this is vanilla oh we got the spirit sword oh that item is insane that item is like a game when it's like probably i don't know dude crazy good now we got it today has been like the most rigorous i did i mean the book of revelations helped me out but i think honestly the the sword is just so strong that it yeah for the final fight at least i didn't need it but it did help me just sustain max health for the final boss i think it would have end i would think it would enter the fight with like six or five less hearts if i if i didn't have it so this is you know it's get my next no it's it's midnight and i wasn't supposed to stream today so i'm gonna i'm gonna call it today called tonight and on a high note because that was busted but yeah i i did uh sometimes you do get carried by rng it's just how it is good uh good uh made a lot of progress today i'll say that two rigged runs that's pretty good good night folks thanks for watching uh tomorrow i'm gonna do a drunk stream so uh if you wanna stick around for that that'll be cool anyways good night i'll see you tomorrow at the usual time take care of her voice [Music] good night
Channel: Albino Archive
Views: 2,991
Rating: 4.8125 out of 5
Id: 2tCzMQX1hf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 245min 34sec (14734 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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