Finding Your Identity and Calling - Lisa Bevere

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who are you a lot of times we have a generation that is trying to figure out what they're called to do and they don't even know who they are you know it's interesting to me i've had the privilege of speaking in front of close to 200 000 millennials in the last three years and this is what i've discovered about millennials millennials are some of the most well-educated well-connected people on the face of the earth but they're also some of the most confused it's because they have so many options when i was getting married it was like do you want to marry the christian guy with a job or the christian guy without a job the correct answer is always the christian guy with the job it wasn't hard for me to lean into that but right now you've got 350 000 choices on instagram of women and men and the overwhelming amount of choices is paralyzing them they also know that they're called to do something significant i will often have them come up to me afterwards and say i know that god has his hand on my life for something significant but i have no idea what it is and i will take them by the shoulders and i will look them in the eyes and i will say to them what i'm going to say to you you don't know what you're called to do because you are called to do something that has never been done before and when there is a generation of young and old and men and women who are called to do something that has never been done before you will not discover that in the presence of people you will not discover that in social media you will only discover that in the presence of god and you find out what you are called to do when you find out who you are and you will never know who you are until you have a revelation of whose you are we have to have a revelation of who our father really is and when we have a revelation of who our father really is he tells us who we really are identity is such a key thing right now matthew 16 verses 13 through 19 i'm going to read it from the message it says when jesus arrived in the villages of caesarea philippi he asked his disciples what are people saying about who the son of man is they replied some think he is john the baptizer some say elijah some say jeremiah one of the other prophets he pressed them and said how about you who do you say i am simon peter said you're the christ the messiah the son of the living god jesus came back and said god bless you simon son of jonah you didn't get that answer out of books or from steven furtick's podcast my father in heaven god himself let you in on this secret of who i really am and now i'm going to tell you who you are really are see we all know who we've been but god is the one who will tell you who you are becoming he will call you by a name that is attached to your destiny rather than your history god has a new name he wants to whisper to you and god is saying in this gathering i'm going to release who you really are see we have an enemy that will attack you based on your history but he is actually not after your past he is after your destiny and you need to understand why he comes against you it's not about who you've been it's about who you are becoming and i have a sicilian attitude when i get attacked i get excited i'm like what is it about me that is so threatening to the enemy that he has launched a full-scale onslaught you know what you need to get excited because the bible says woe to you when all men speak well of you for so they did of the pharisees when god does a new thing it often gets fought by the old thing now come on if god does a new thing you got to expect it's going to be misunderstood it's going to be misrepresented it's going to be misjudged so was jesus what did we think was going to happen christianity is a battle not a dream and if you are going to be brave enough to dream you need to be brave enough to fight we are fighting to enforce this victory it said that jesus is going to be retained until all of his enemies are put under his feet we walk in the victory of jesus christ we take territory and this is not the time to draw back this is the time to remember who you are you are sons and daughters of the most high god and we serve a god who is holy and a god who is mighty and a god who is love and a god who is a consuming fire that is the god that we serve and we need to remember who we are jesus goes on he says you are peter a rock what was wrong with the name simon simon's a biblical name simon's one of the tribes well you know what simon means simon means read like it means to bend it also means to listen to and god is saying to this generation i can no longer have you bowed to what you hear you must remember who you really are you are peter you are a rock you are immovable you are invincible in me this is the rock on which i will put together my church a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out now when i read this next verse i always think about those late night commercials and if you call in the next five minutes because i think they got this from this and it says and that's not all you have complete and free access who has it who has complete and free access i'm sorry who you have complete and free access you have complete and free access you have an all-access path to the power of god you have an all-access pass to the promises of god you have an all-access pass to the presence of god you have complete and free access to god's kingdom keys to open any and every door no more barriers between heaven and earth earth and heaven a yes on earth is a yes in heaven and a no on earth is a no in heaven but if you don't know when you are and you don't know who you are you won't know what to ask see john and i believe in praying the kind of prayers that scare you i love how maryland's talking about going to pakistan knowing that she still needs thirty thousand dollars now i have a husband who has the gift of faith and it scares the beginning out of me sometimes i remember we were home one christmas and john had been out praying and he would come back with a moses face and i'd be like tell me what's going on with that face because i feel like that's going to be something scary and he'd be like i'm just pondering some stuff i said you don't ponder you debrief with your wife don't ponder he was like no no no i'm just going to wait till the council of four gets together and then i'm going to share what i'm i'm pondering well when the council of four which i'm not sure why we call it that because it's really just john who makes the decisions when the council of four got together john said it has come into my heart to give away 250 000 books i immediately threw up in my mouth i was like what in the world are you talking about how about we give away a hundred thousand books this is a downturn economy john and he made a fist lifted it slammed it down on the table and said my faith is attached to 250 000 books at that point my oldest son and i made eye contact we grabbed hands we stood up and then we prayed a prayer that scared what was scared inside of us now if you are not praying the kind of prayers that scare you when they come out then you are certainly not frightening the enemy we were like okay jesus we want to give away 250 000 books that was seven years ago now we've given away 20 million books and 107 languages and 97 countries but it began with a prayer that scared us i want you to pray the kind of prayers for our nation that astound you when they come out of your mouth that you step back and say could it be because see god is looking for a people who will open up their mouth and give him room to move god isn't interested in doing the possible you can do the possible god wants to partner with you to do the exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask hope pray or believe but he's got to have a place to start start the day right with god today enjoy some of the very best teaching from anointed speakers exclusive daily content and special access to an online community of believers we're celebrating the launch of god today with a limited seven-day free trial sign up today and enjoy this offer but hurry you won't last long start your day right in the presence of god
Channel: GOD TV
Views: 33,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: claiming your destiny, praying scary prayers, god channel video, god channel youtube, god tv video, god tv videos, lisa bevere 2020, praying for big things, praying in obedience, claiming your destiny in Christ, claim my destiny in christ, claim my destiny, claim my identity, find my identity in christ, called to do something new, facing opposition as a christian, complete access to the power of God, find my calling, find your calling, finding your identity, lisa bevere, god
Id: 6zCIhxObLSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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