A New Season of Strength | Lisa Bevere

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now i have a confession there are people that play computer games i am one of them but i don't play candy crush that's a waste of my time i go to the merriam-webster dictionary i don't know if you know this but they have a game on the merriam-webster dictionary it's how fast you connect a word to its definition and so if i'm procrastinating i will play that game and so i went into merriam-webster and i found out that the word unique means soul representative of do you know there has never been anyone created to represent god the way you were created to represent god the way he loves you and the way he loves through you you are the only representative which brings me to the second definition prototype you are the beginning and the end of you you are not scheduled for mass production but the third one was my favorite without rival unique means without rival there is nobody who can take your place at the table there is nobody who can displace you in the heart of god you are a son and a daughter without rival which would stand to reason since we serve a god who is without rival that his children would be without rival so why are we allowing competition and comparison to rob the body of christ on what has been woven inside of you i need you to throw aside the rivalries and the competition and be who you were uniquely created to be i'm telling you something i found my journal about two years ago of the things that i wrote as a 26 year old girl the things that i dreamed about and do you know what they've happened now that i'm 58. there are things that god has woven in my 20s that i have walked into my 50s so you know what i need to do i need to write again and some of you are in a new season where god is saying i need you to write again i need you to write a new pathway i need you to write a new dream because everything that you have been through is to prepare you for what you are now going to you have to understand that we were created for this season we were not created for a season of ease we were created for a season of strength and every struggle that you go through actually makes you stronger struggle is strengthening if you decide that you want it to be but you're going to have to write it down habakkuk 2 1 says i will stand at my watch post and station myself on the tower and look out to see what he will say and to what answer what and what i will answer concerning my complaint see everybody just starts with right the vision but i want you to understand the posture of a backup he actually understood that he had a watchtower that he had a post in the spirit that he could actually ascend and get an aerial view in the presence of god and he said i'm going to watch to see what he will say too many people are listening to hear what god is saying and god is saying to our nation open your eyes and see what i am saying what is god saying well i walked your streets this morning and i saw homeless people all over portland all over portland you know what if you see them if you see your brother in need don't shut up your heart of compassion and then ask god oh give me a new word hey god doesn't give new words until you do the last word when god's already said something he's waiting to see if you will do the last thing that he said to you go ahead and do it write some pathways maybe there's things that you pulled back from and god is saying i need you to go back to take that territory but some of you are thinking of drawing back and god is saying no this is the season of harvest for you don't you dare draw back stand your ground and get ready to take more write it down habakkuk had a complaint and i'm telling you right now i look at what's going on in our nation i'm like i i'm getting my italian citizenship what the heck is going on in america it's like everybody has gone crazy but you know what god planted me in this soil for a reason and if i'm in the soil i'm going to have to prophesy rather than complain i'm going to have to get the answer from god and then i'm going to echo the answer rather than murmur about the problem i'm going to write the vision and make it plain on tablets so he may run who reads it every time god gives you something write it down i have an ipad here i sleep with my ipad every single night because i have found that the holy spirit will speak to me in the night watches sometimes as i'm falling asleep sometimes as i'm waking up god will whisper something so beautiful and profound and in the past i used to think oh there's no way i would forget that but i wake up and the next morning i'm like wait i feel like i feel like god said something i feel like it was really important but i only remember that he spoke i don't remember what he said write it down when you write something down that god has whispered to you you honor him you give it weight and every time you develop the discipline of honoring what god has spoken his voice becomes clearer to you i remember when i was 26 is when i gave birth to my first child and i found myself very frustrated because i was in the like brand new like christian realm and everything was word of faith which was very confusing time period you had to be like in the natural and everything you're like in the natural i'm having a bad marriage like where else would you have it but anyway you would have these unusual conversations now the thing i love about my word of faith roots is that i believed that the word of god was true i loved that the word of god was that cornerstone i was building my life on i loved that i understood that truth is not a river truth is a rock and that truth does not change with our cultures ebbs and flows but that truth is eternal i love that i learned that i'm glad that that's my foundation but i also wanted god to speak to me so i said god i don't i don't care even if you wake me up in the middle of the night which as a breastfeeding mother that was the biggest offering i could give was sleep i said god i will get up in the middle of the night only don't be silent to me do you know that god wants to speak to you more than you want to hear from him and do you know that god wants to speak through you more than you want him to speak through you but i love how marilyn said you got to practice you got to practice you don't start on the pulpit you start in private and the battles that you win and the territory you take in private becomes a placement for public too many of us want public and we have not won things in private and so as we win things in secret god positions us to have open victories start the day right with god today enjoy some of the very best teaching from anointed speakers exclusive daily content and special access to an online community of believers we're celebrating the launch of god today with a limited seven day free trial sign up today and enjoy this offer but hurry you won't last long start your day right in the presence of god
Channel: GOD TV
Views: 3,868
Rating: 4.9515152 out of 5
Keywords: god channel video, god channel youtube, god tv video, god tv videos, lisa bevere sermons, lisa bevere 2020, lisa bevere, lisa bevere a god given name, receiving a word from god, how to receive a word from god, the importance of writing down what god speaks to you, god speaks to us, god speaks to me, a new season of strength, time for a new dream, how to know it time for a new dream, how to know its time for a new dream, god speaks to us in different ways, god is speaking, god
Id: 6ThgoSOi59M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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