Finding Undertale Sans in Minecraft..

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uh undertale not just any oh undertale this is undertale sans now sons is probably like one of the most favorited characters in undertale then again might be wrong with that who knows uh you might have a different character that you specifically favor in undertale and if you do leave it in the comment section below let me know who your favorite undertale character is uh it is said that you can find sons on this world so we're gonna sleep we're gonna see how validated that is if we find anything spot anything if you guys spot something that i did not see you can post all the time stamp but be sure to subscribe and it will host the schedule bringing the bell icon things go notify you every single feature upload make sure you're notified um of each time a new video hits the channel because we are constant with it uh somewhat uh we usually upload one pm est that's pretty much like the daily like you know you kind of guarantee a video spot there so um if you don't get that notification which sometimes rarely youtube will not send out the notifications which is always a big what dick but um either way um you can always come back to the channel to see it so we have a wooden axe here thank you thank you oh we got a wooden axe now it looks like a bit of an island almost like survival islands because there's a lot of islands that we're a part of here no no no no never mind this might this might connect to what isn't an island it might just spawn off into a massive terrain area but i don't know i want to go check and that's what's important we're checking so fly across over here superpowers are the best all right so yeah it said you can find sense now i don't know if sense is going to be evil if he's going to be like corrupted send nightmare sends or anything like that like i don't know if he's going to try to come out and like kill you instantly how strong he's going to be what his uh power level is but uh we'll have to wait and see like i'm kind of hesitant about this one i mean with a lot of times with these worlds like we are looking at the world we're seeing what the world's all about seeing if there's anything good near spawn oh my god across well that's awkward that's a bit weird to catch all right so that is uh usually a sign of something creepy uh usually you know that's what the community has kind of came to the conclusion of over the course of time you know the minecraft community have kind of it's kind of been like a concluded thing that if you found a cross in your world it might be a sign that the world is haunted to some degree potentially uh now over the time though it seems pretty validated because there's usually some creepy stuff that happens on the world whenever after you find one of those things so that is concerning whoa that goes far down whoa the slime filled too did you see that all right let's fly on across here i'm not gonna battle this water here and fight this water for no reason so see what's at the bottom of this terrain or ravine no diamond i always like to give a quick peek on these extremely deep ravines because sometimes you can just find diamond floating oh here's a flower look at that guys nice little flower there okay oh is that a uh church oh my god there's another one let's go down the bottom of this one give it a quick look a little looksy oh see what did i tell you guys look at that some diamond right here looks like it was perfectly placed for us look at that let me uh go to my settings here and turn on coordinates for you guys here's the coordinates for these diamonds and this ravine and we're about to give you the coordinates for the village too so you could be 100 informed over here sorry guys i'm concerned if my video is capturing correctly okay i think we're good i think we're good did the video get like super glitchy for you guys if it did it probably is not even going to record so like this whole video might not get it might not make it guys i don't know i'm still trying to find songs though okay so let's go see what this uh village is see if there's any signs or traces or anything that could be of interest here i i swear to you guys i think my recording software just messed up but oh well it is what it is okay oh my god that's creepy cave sounds going on there let's keep going okay so this isn't a deserted village i don't know if you guys have realized but we've been finding so many deserted villages that it is concerning extremely concerning so this looks like a normal village there's a church uh many trades perhaps going on here's the little bishop or whatever priest um okay okay okay just kind of continue walking around here normal nothing out of the ordinary pretty well developed it's even got the iron golem here so it's pretty safe maybe this is just a good seat to play on what's that oh oh that's uh a portal hold up let's go there's all usual wait was there a blacksmith in there i like chicken blacksmiths for the loot too let's go over here and um see what we can find whoa this is a you unusual and usually i don't see them like hanging from like built like that like usually all that area is destroyed wow this one's actually more intact than a lot of the ones i've seen silk touch unbreaking thorns and unbreaking four pieces of obsidian which would that finish the portal one two three no no maybe yeah it might actually finish the portal and you could go to the nether no no no it wouldn't it wouldn't but also i always like to see if you can right away but look at this whoa i feel fancy i love how there's always gold in those gold tools and stuff and you get so excited but the thing is like the gold stuff just depletes and gets destroyed so quickly so it's like you get this amazing gold tool or whatever and you're so hyped up about it but then it just breaks on you my garden thank you um yeah i don't know i never used a golden home so i figured i would have been fun with it let's see nothing going on out here oh another village okay that's good that's good yeah i i kept many meaning to keep the coordinates on for these world videos so you guys can kind of see where and what uh we're looking at for yourself too if you decide to play oh yeah this is i don't know if i showed exactly how to spell it if you want to play on the seated world undertale sounds like that um so far i don't really this is cool because it has like in the middle of the village the water plank area thingy whatever you call it dock um what the heck is what are these villagers looking at they were all staring off in to the distance do you guys have a blacksmith here blacksmith sir is there a blacksmith around here somewhere [Music] they're not very talkative unless they're talking to each other no no blacksmith in these village though kind of want to take a boat and just swim out through the water man let's do it where would suns be though like should we go underground i mean it's an idea as a theory i don't know um i wanted to call you guys in on this one like if there's a way to find sons on this world let me know and if you have spotted or seen him like also let me know in the comments section because it could help out in terms of like if this is a possibility if it's something we need to kind of look at or look into um because i personally love undertow and like being able to find an undertale character or something in reference or possibly connected to undertale in a minecraft world would be crazy so like finding undertale sons in a minecraft world would be like dude you couldn't top it it'd be so cool but i don't know if it's gonna be possible uh a lot of times we're not able to find what we're looking for sadly and it ends up hitting a dead end and sometimes a lot of the videos that i record don't even get uploaded due to these dead ends just because you know like what are you gonna do right so uh let's continue going to the boat looks like we got a nice biome here we got some dolphins kind of swimming around just trying to guide us towards places we don't really care to go right now uh because we are looking at the world and not treasure although treasure would be nice to find i love treasure hunting actually whenever i find a treasure map i always have to find the treasure usually it takes me forever though okay um swamp yeah guys this world's like what is that oh it's a dessert it's a deserted village this is a structure i've not seen often though this is church what is this place what is this like a wizard tower i've never seen one of these structures before i've seen a lot of villages but never seen one of these i thought it was like a church at first or something well guys concluding this one today thank you guys for watching if you made it to the end of the video comment below saying i made it and uh we're gonna keep pumping out content all through 2021 doing the best we can to grow to expand and uh yeah hopefully make the content even better too [Music] you
Channel: O1G
Views: 8,903
Rating: 4.892704 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Undertale, Undertale Sans, Sans, Minecraft Sans, Sans Minecraft, Minecraft Undertale, Undertale Minecraft, Minecraft Undertale Sans, Undertale Sans Minecraft, Finding Undertale Sans in Minecraft, Undertale Sans in Minecraft, Scary, Creepy, Minecraft Videos, Videos Minecraft, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: G52vSm_4ofA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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