The Power of Understanding | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power packed message from dr miles monroe provided by monroe global incorporated and we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message tonight i want to speak on the subject the most important person on earth part one can we do that the most important person on earth part one there's nothing in earth more important than understanding so please write down if you will the power of understanding the power of understanding in the book of matthew chapter 4 verse 17 jesus introduces himself to the world his comments didn't make much sense to those who were listening because what he talked about was really not what they expected this was his first public statement matthew chapter 4 verse 17. and it says from that time forward jesus began to preach repent for the kingdom of heaven has arrived that statement has its own difficulties now he was talking to of course a community that was not expecting that kind of message he was talking to a community that expected a religious message they expected him to come to solve their religious problems and he disappointed them now in the book of proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 there's a statement there about understanding it says this proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 wisdom is supreme so get wisdom and if it costs you all you have get what understanding understanding understanding has to do with what i call the big picture the big picture is understanding the intent or the intention of an action that's what understanding is and i discovered that god is the most misunderstood person on earth i misunderstood him and those who trade me misunderstood it and so i had to be interrupted in my life by him so he could reintroduce himself to me and when i met him from his perspective it was not the person that they told me he was he also showed me his big picture his picture was completely opposite to the one that i was taught and trained to believe this big picture what is god's big picture i am an artist and one of my degrees is in fine arts and i'm a painter i paint pictures sometimes and when i'm painting it's very important those are your artists you would know this that the picture is already finished in your head so painting on a canvas is beginning what's already finished this is why it's very important not to judge an artist while he's working because all you're seeing is the beginning of a process that's already finished so finish is always in your head it's in your mind it's your finished idea so when you see an artist working you'll misunderstand what he's doing if you can't see what he saw so the most important thing to do when you want to understand the handy works of an artist is to try and get into his head understanding is never in the hands it's always in the head this is why i am convinced that nothing on earth is more powerful than an idea because ideas exist in the head ideas deal with finnish pictures the shoe on your feet used to be an idea the clothing on your back used to be an idea in someone's head this chair that you sit on used to be an idea this building used to be an idea everything used to be even this meeting was an idea before we attended it everything begins with an idea when an idea is accepted by the mind it becomes what they call a precept please write that down precept precept is an original idea when a precept is conceived it becomes a concept please write the word concept down concept is a picture of an idea concepts when they are communicated become words so a word is an exposed thought a word is an idea container so when you want to communicate ideas you must use words when you want concepts to come from your mind to another person's mind you must use this medium called word communication therefore depends on this is very important agreement of definition of terms words for example i'm from another country and when i use certain words in my culture they will not be the same meaning to you in your country because words come out of culture because concepts are cultural so the key to communication is having the same meaning of concepts before we start to talk so if i want to communicate with you i have to first make sure that my definitions are the same as yours follow me please so the key to successful communication is when my concepts are the same concepts that are in your mind and the words they use to communicate the concepts are the same in both cultures when there is a breakdown in the communication of concepts it is called a misconception nothing could be more dangerous than a misconception because a misconception produces misunderstanding and misunderstanding can produce wrong ideology ideology and you can walk away with the wrong conclusion which produces a belief system that is contaminated what you believe and what i believe we believe but the question is is what you believe the truth because you believe something doesn't make it the truth this is why i am very skeptical in the areas of theology because theological ideas are products of culture so what i try to do and over my last 38 years of working closely with trying to find truth and i tried a lot of different avenues i try to get back as close as possible to the mind of the source of information in other words i want to learn the preset not the concept because if i can get the precept then the concept will be right therefore the belief system will be corrected and so i want to go back and crawl up in the mind of the person who originated everything that's why i am not interested in the hands of god like miracles you know gotcha i am more concerned about the mind of god david the great king of israel was the only person who god ever said this word to he said you are a man after my own heart the word heart there is the hebrew word mind everybody wants miracles everybody wants blessing he said but you david you want to know what's in my head i like you he says i will tell you secrets david said these words in the book of psalm 119 he repeats it over 18 times he says teach me thy precepts show me thy precepts i want to learn your precepts then i will make my way justly in the world he says and i will have good success if i can learn your what precepts i want to know the idea before the concept god what was your original picture well that's what i did let me give you something that you won't be able to sleep after i tell you okay turn your bible if you have one to the book of john chapter one now this is a book where john who is deep thinker he's trying to introduce jesus from his perspective to the world and john uses words that are confusing for example john begins his book with these words in the beginning watch this now was the word now remember what words are words at what idea containers in the beginning was the word and the word was god and the word was with god and the same as in the beginning with god and then the next verse says all things are made by this word write the word word down the word word here is a hebrew word that's kind of difficult to translate with a word you actually got to use a sentence for it and when they translate it from the hebrew to the greek the greek word they use here for the hebrew word is the word logos l-o-g-o-s logos everybody say logos the word logos when you translate into english it doesn't make sense here's where it says in english it actually says expression of an idea i told you it doesn't make sense logos means expression of an idea so if you were to read that sentence transliterate that sentence it would read like this in the beginning was god's expression of an idea and god's expression idea was with god and god's expressed idea was god and god's expressed idea was god and by god expression of an idea he made everything and then you read down verse 12 13 14 and god's expression of the idea became flesh could you then grab your mind around it that jesus was god's idea on two legs if you want to know god's ideas what he thinks about everything just study jesus if you want to know what god is thinking listen to jesus and his first statement was repent the word repent means to change the way you think it has nothing to do with coming up in the front of a meeting it means repent means to change the way you've been trained to think why for the kingdom of heaven has arrived he says now when i use the word kingdom we got problems in this room because most of you were born in america and in america there is no kingdom concept america used to be under a kingdom briefly 1775. america was a colony even that concept is no longer in the culture so when i use the word that jesus will use she used the word thy kingdom come we got problems here in this room because you have no idea what was the idea of kingdom what is a kingdom what is the concept of a kingdom what what is he talking about and and we walk away with with contaminated concepts so we create a religion called christianity because there's no concept of kingdom in our culture stay with me a second now what was god's original idea the entire bible is about a king a kingdom and a royal family that's it the bible is about what a king a kingdom and a royal family if you read the bible you'll never find god calling himself a president or a mayor or even a senator he doesn't even call himself a prime minister or a premier he uses the word king david wrote this he says open up ye gates and let the king of glory come in who is the king of glory the lord of hosts he is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty he is the king of glory the lord mighty in battle he is the king i mean just king king king all again problem no king in your culture problem the idea of king does not exist in your culture your education has no trace of king in it and yet you read a bible about a king with a kingdom wonder there is great opportunity for misconception grave misunderstanding that produces wrong conclusions that become contaminated belief systems oh now listen to me before i leave you i want to speak from the experience of living in a kingdom and explain why this week is probably one of the most important weeks in your life because we are going to be reintroduced to the concepts that are in this book from the original ideas which i lived up until 1973. everybody say kingdom god was the first one to create a kingdom it is called the kingdom of heaven the bible says god created the heavens and he is the king of heaven the problem with heaven for us is it's invisible but it is real heaven is more real than earth heaven is more substance than the physical world the bible says that which is seen was made by that which is unseen and that which is seen is he his temporal but that which is unseen is eternal so the the physical universe of 500 million galaxies that we're still counting all of that is not as real as heaven and when we read the bible we read strange things like this in the book of psalm 115 you turn there right now psalm 115 verse 16 it says the lord created the heavens and invade the earth the highest heavens belong to the lord that's verse 16 and the earth he gave to the children of men oh please listen to me god is the king of heaven and decided to extend his kingdom to the physical realm so the invisible god wants to extend his invisible kingdom to the visible world so he made the visible universe and chose a spot somewhere in it with nine planets and on the third planet decided i'm gonna extend my rulership to the physical world i'm going to let my kids run the place let me quote it for you it's found in genesis chapter 1 i love it verse 26 verse 1 actually says god created the heavens plural and the earth verse 26 then god said let us make man in our own image and our likeness and let them have what dominion over the earth fish of the sea boys of the air cattle of the field and over all the earth and all that creeps upon the ground so god created the earth for a reason he wanted to extend his kingdom influence to a physical place you came out of god you are a spirit but in order for you to rule the earth he had to put you in an earth suit so your body is made in genesis chapter 2 verse 7 when god carved you from the dust of the ground blew you on the inside and the spirit now has a dirt suit that's why you are here legally and the only creature god gave authority and the earth to is a human he says let them have dominion a human is a strange combination a human is a spirit in a dirt suit and that's the only creature god gave official dominion over the earth to so any spirit here without a body is illegal all right that is why when you die you leave why when you lose your body you gotta go you did not see your grandmother last night you saw a demon acting like your grandmammer [Applause] the bible calls them familiar spirits they became familiar with your grammy's behavior oh yeah so all the ghost stories on tv they're making money man don't worry about it now he gave the millionaire to you over the earth the word dominion right away dominion down dominion this word in the hebrew language chapter 126 is the word r a h r a d a h radar sometimes it's spelled r a w d a w depending on the hebrew translator the word rao dao r a d a w do you know what it means it simply means kingdom let them have radao kingdom first thing god gave humans over earth is kingdom problem doesn't exist in your culture what is a kingdom i define it for you please buy the cd a kingdom is the governing influence of a king over a territory impacting it with his will his purpose is intent producing a citizenship of people who reflect his culture and nature and who developed his established kingdom in that territory in other words a kingdom is literally a government impacting a territory a kingdom is completely opposite to a republic it is completely opposite to a democracy and so the book in your hand you call the bible is being read by someone trained in democracy and a republic and therefore the bible is in danger every morning in america because you are about to superimpose your concepts on a book that doesn't even relate to what you know and what you've been trained in please stay with me for a minute i'm gonna help you okay so he said let them have kingdom let them have sovereign rulership authority over the earth impacting it with my will my intent until the earth takes on my culture my values my morals my nature and the word for weight is glory so the reason why god put us his kids on the earth is to extend his kingdom here his rulership here the father never wanted to live here did you believe that he wanted to stay in heaven and let you rule the earth on his behalf and that was the plan big idea so he made your forefather adam and god did this in a strange way you know uh god never begins until he's finished remember that uh he's like an artist he finishes first then he starts to paint so when god made the first human he was finished with everybody some of y'all still don't get that all right uh come here a second son i gotta demonstrate this please stand right here in front of me turn around face to people all right do you know that there's six billion people on earth right now and god only made one from the soil he never went back women didn't come from the soil ladies let me say it again there's 6.7 billion god only made one from the sword he never went back to the soil to make another one why because god took everybody put him in one body took to one body put it in the garden so we got one body with everybody so god got this one body with everybody or whatever he says to the one body saying to everybody so in genesis chapter 2 verse 15 god said to one bite everybody work cultivate protect god and don't touch the tree he was talking to one body with everybody so whatever the one body did it's simple he's finished when the instructions were finished in chapter 2 verse 15 and 16 then in verse 18 god says not good for this man to be alone write the word alone now please quick quick a l add another l add another l first that's the meaning of it you finally got it the hebrew word means all in one see i told you everybody's in one body he says it's not good for this man to be all in one now why because i've given him all the instructions then god put the one body with everybody to sleep when inside the one body and pulled out another body and it was a man then he did a little adjustment and made it a man with a womb and he called it a wound man [Music] oh come on y'all stay with me for a second so we got a man and a womb man the purpose for the wound man is to get the other man out of the man she's an incubator [Music] some of y'all are slow huh that's why he and i can't get them out because they ain't got no room come on talk to me [Applause] that's kingdom stuff there it's logic then god said to the man and the womb man multiply bring them out in other words god was finished but everybody when he made the first body that's why god don't make people anymore they just keep on coming out and some of you all doing god a favor bringing them out real fast even illegally all getting them out in the back seat in the hotel room behind the bar somewhere just bringing them out what's your problem so what he did was he created a covenant in which they supposed to come out it's called marriage in order to protect the dignity of the products and to preserve the intimacy of the social and emotional needs of that product and the spiritual needs that's why he made this beautiful covenant called marriage and then god said have dominion over the earth have kingdom over the earth thank you sir you did a good job by the way he's married and his wife had two kids already so he's doing good working on the third one in the name of jesus [Laughter] some of you in this room are actually oops but there's no one here who's a mistake come on give god a big hand clap you are a pre-determined child you're not a mistake now follow me carefully here watch this so he created this wonderful planet put us on it and told us to have kingdom on it i want to explain to you before we leave how kingdoms expand all kingdoms expand all kingdoms expand because a kingdom's glory is in its territory that's why all kingdoms expand when a kingdom expands it is called colonization when a kingdom takes a territory and puts its kingdom influence on it it is called a colony i was born in a colony in 1954 when i was born uh the islands of the bahamas was not a country i wasn't born in a country i was born in what they called a colony of a kingdom that was over 259 years old i was born worshiping a king and a queen so i understand when i read the bible i understand all these words because they make sense to me i woke up every morning i remember every morning at nine o'clock we had to get up and sing to the king who we never saw we have to actually sing worship to the queen that we never saw because in kingdoms that's what you do you always wake up and worship and why do we sing to them we sing to them because everything we possess in the colony is their property and we are using it that's slow let me try it again the reason why you worship a king every morning is because everything that you are eating drinking breathing using and living belongs to the sovereign so you wake up every morning saying thank you thank you you are wonderful you are glorious that's why the bible says i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continue to be my mouth why for the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof and the world and they that dwell therein and you get up and don't say nothing lift your hand right now and put your pride in your pocket just tell them thanks go ahead thank you for breathing his breath this oxygen how about that thank you for giving you the strength to come out here tonight and even give you money to buy a car to drive here stop being proud and clap your hands for five seconds and thank him for something so every morning we in the colony we had to sing and do you know in the colony do you know how the colonies work this is where this week is all about that's what this week is all about when the british kingdom took over the islands of the bahamas and they made us a colony and the french took haiti and made it a colony and the portuguese took brazil and made it a colony and the spanish took cuba and dominica and made it a colony and when the when the british took the islands every kingdom started expanding and everywhere they landed they made a colony how do you make a colony here's the secret the first thing that the king of england did when they took over the bahamas is the king chose from his inner courts in england a white englishman right from his inner courts and he shipped him out to the bahamas to live among us and his job was to make us british one man they sent him to an island called nassau that's where i happened to live and they built a pink house for him tomorrow i will show you the pink house i'll show it to you tomorrow morning it's a beautiful house the british built this house and in every colony the kingdom built a house and that house was built only for the governor and he was sent to the colony the french did it the portuguese did it the spanish did it and the british did it they all did it they always expanded their kingdoms by sending a governor now why was he called a governor he was calling governor because he was the government present now you see in your culture the word governor is a different meaning in your country you vote governors in in a kingdom the governor is appointed by the king no vote in your country the governor rules the state in a kingdom the governor rules the entire colony and that one man in that one pink house came into our lives as the kingdom took over those islands and he destroyed everything we were the first thing he took away was our language 99 of the people in my country look like me so we spoke african languages but when the governor landed in that colony he made it illegal to speak your native language and he gave us what we call the king's english interesting because the first thing you must take control of is the communication component in order to bring unity so the first thing the governor will always take is your tongue and give you his town second thing he took away from us was our clothing you know we used to wear nothing and this one man made it mandatory for us to wear listen carefully now long socks short pants a tie shirt and coat in 95 degree weather do you know why because back in the kingdom it's 30 degrees 9 months out of the year so wearing a suit and tie and long socks is appropriate for the kingdom but in the colony they made us wear the same thing because his job no matter what the weather is is to make us just like the kingdom so when you want to live in the kingdom you can't wear what you feel like anymore some of y'all are going to get it after i'm gone doesn't matter what you feel about it no i don't like it it's hot no no you're in the kingdom third thing they took away from us very important was our history that white man for 258 years destroyed our african history that's what kingdoms do and he he made it illegal for us to study our history he gave us the kingdom history at six years old i could name every wife of henry viii at nine years old i was able to quote shakespeare line by line by the time i was 15 i was able to quote every single program of long fellow of england i knew every single king of england every queen i knew when they were reigned the years the dates when they died i knew the entire history they gave me the history the kingdom that took away my history see when the governor comes into a colony he destroys your history and you're glad come on just be glad he destroys your history see you were born in sin shaping iniquity in sydney you conceive but when the governor comes into your life he just cancels your history and gives you his history his history is grace and joy and love and peace and long suffering and victory someone asked you where you come from you tell him i came down from hell who's your father jehovah jairo [Applause] he took away our history and all we knew was what they knew that one man changed everything he made us drink tea four times a day with chocolates and so we drink tea you know got it a little chat come on fella you know that's that's what we dream we drink pray why that's the culture of the kingdom in other words the last thing he took away from us was our culture they made us drive on the left-hand side of the street why that's the way the kingdom drives so when you come to visit the bahamas remember you got to drive on the left which is right for us when a kingdom impacts a colony it makes the colony just like the king and the person responsible for it is the governor and so the most important person in economy is the governor earth was created by god to be a colony of heaven he sent one governor from the unicorns and he lives in the earth and he lives in a house that was built by the government [Music] oh dear have mercy he said i don't dwell in temples made by man's hands why i made my own house in genesis 2 7. i carved it out of the dirt your body is the house of the governor that's why the bible says your body is the temple of the holy spirit and that's why when you're sick you can tell the governor heal your own house oh come on clap your hands and receive it right now this is his house he provided healing for himself lord have mercy so every time i feel a little sickness coming on my first prayer is this is not good for you come on clap your hands it ain't good for him hallelujah he he heals me for his sake because he needs my body for him to be legal on earth also come on somebody because he's a spirit and he needs a dirt house that's why your body is the temple of the governor and so he's really here listen carefully please when adam declared independence from the kingdom of heaven just like the bahamas declared independence from the kingdom of great britain 1973 we became our own government do you know that the moment the paper was signed for independence [Music] the governor was illegal the next morning he was on a plane headed back to england why because when you declare independence the governor is recalled you become a territory without government therefore you got to rule yourself and create your own laws your own logic your own philosophies and therefore you create your own life and that's why the first act of man after the governor left was a brother killing his own brother we haven't improved since look at us i mean you and i are why is there racism [Music] putting me in you in a box after we die dig us up in 10 months can't tell the difference just a lump of dirt [Music] what have we done that's why god put your descent first he put himself in you then he put you in the sand because he wants the kingdom to come in the senate let me tell you something voting is just a setup god chooses he puts men up he puts them down he puts women up he puts them down so you are there to serve the purpose of the governor who lives inside of you yes your grandmama's prayer book was okay but tonight you are full of the governor [Music] and the prayer of jesus was a simple prayer our father who is in heaven the original kingdom holy is your name he says now come on pray for it thy kingdom come thy will be done where on earth now just like it is in heaven he don't want you to come to heaven he wants heaven to come to earth clap your hands and let the earth be filled with the glory of god hallelujah in the next couple of days i am going to open your eyes for you to understand the amount of power you have that you never use the governor is not some mist he's not some some some nebulous feeling he's not some thrill that you fall on the ground the governor is a dignified leader from heaven he came to do kingdom business and he came to train and transform the earth into heaven's culture therefore he didn't come to start a religion he came to establish a country in the colony may god give us the grace first to submit to the governor [Music] secondly to obey him because he wants to bring his culture in every area of life [Music] he wants the business world to be filled with the kingdom culture he wants the world of sports to be filled with kingdom culture he wants the world of investments to be filled with kingdom culture he wants the world of politics to be filled with kingdom culture he wants the world of medicine to be filled with kingdom culture he wants the world of education every classroom to be filled with kingdom culture that's why he needs you to submit to him this is not about religion it's about cultural transformation god blessed you with influence for his government's sake everybody in here therefore and i close with this is considered by this document it's found in this is our constitution you know our country uh in section corinthians subsection 5 article 20. it says these words it says for you are ambassadors [Music] of christ and his kingdom an ambassador doesn't work for himself and doesn't represent himself or herself an ambassador only speaks for his country she only represents her government therefore this week we're going to study our constitution and learn about our ambassadorial responsibilities and we're going to focus on how the governor works through the house [Music] because you will never change the city with religion only the kingdom could change the city that's why we pray thy kingdom come in jesus name amen let's give the lord a big praise tonight [Applause] thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes monroe global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the world
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 159,420
Rating: 4.8558865 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer, success
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 26sec (3146 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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