Finally... WILL SMITH!

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He's jumping out of an helicopter. He- (sigh) On his- oh no, are you bummed out by this? Let me tell you something. I.... -you know..,-how did he agree to do this,-that's the thing he got dared I'm like, "WILL you are talking about JUMPING OUT OF AN AIRPLANE" "and I'm supposed to be OK with this???" come on, -you have a family- YEAH I'm like DUDE WHAT HAVE WE DONE that's Jada Pinkett Smith on Jimmy freakin' fallon telling him how she feels about her husband accepting our challenge to him not in a million years did we ever think that posting a video on YouTube challenging one of the biggest movie stars in the world would actually get his attention. So here's the full story of how this idea went from literally being a dream to finally meeting the "fresh prince" in person. Alright so.. on December 19th Will Smith launched his YouTube channel and we thought is was one of the best things that happened to the platform in awhile. Will was one of our biggest models and now, all of the sudden, he is a fellow creator on Youtube. After watching a bunch of his videos one night together Ammar woke up early the next day from a dream involving Will and proposed an idea. Through the stories that he started to share on his social media it sounded like Will is on a quest to complete his bucket list and overcome the things that scared him the most. "You fall out of an airplane and in 1 second you realize" "that it's the most blissful experience of your life." "Lesson for me was" "on the other side of your maximum fear are all the best things in life." So we saw that as a sign to take the bold route and challenge him. And eight days later over 25,000 of you guys left comments on his channel letting him know. And then... this happened. WILL!!!!!!!! BOY do you see me meditating?! YOU NEED TO CHECK THIS OUT!! What man? What the hell is Heli bungee??? We need to run a simulation. I think it can be done. At this point in time we honestly just didn't really know what to do with ourselves. None of is felt real. We met with his team a few weeks later to talk about the next steps, and while at the office... We did this. Dude... I just stole F***ing Will Smith's plaque. What? We're gonna take it hostage. Is this actually his? It's Will Smiths... I'm- I'm sure they're not gonna mind but... I mean we'll...We'll text him in the in the car I'll tell him, like, we took it and then... and then...but we'll return it later. Wait what the f***? What are we doing? You put your fingers on it. LOOK! It's all stained. Alright, so if you're wondering how the stunt never happened... this is why. He just stole the f***ing plaque. What are you doing? I just took the plaque. No way dude- YEAH!- We're not taking this. Yes!- (unintelligble) steal Will Smiths gold plaque! (laughter) We wanted an epic excuse to meet him in person... So we went all out. Will or should I call you... Fresh Prince We took something from you... That's right. Your gold play button. The one... you were so happy to receive. But i guess my godfather performance did not really grab his attention. Now we had planned to spend the summer in Europe making videos. So when his team told us Will would be shooting a movie in Budapest over the summer... We thought -OOOHHHH, that's a big AAAOOOHH- And after 3 weeks in Budapest... a meeting was finally scheduled. Although as you'll quickly see, our excitement was short lived. Alright looks like it's happening. How you feeling? I feel alright. I think its been such a- we've had 2 months to mentally prepare to the moments where we meet this man I don't know what I'll say probably like -mmhhmm- (laughter) But ahh -I loovee you- Probably... probably something like that (laughter) Ammar how you feeling? Good... it's finally happening's very surreal. It would be pretty sad if we walk up and then actually don't get to meet him after two months of trying to get to him. I will f***ing break into his hotel room there's no way that today isn't happing happening and I'm not meeting him. I will tackle his security. Sorry Will. Whats going on? How you doing? Good to see you -yeah- we met in the office. I got little bit... kind of bad news so it was cancelled, the flight... We're trying to make it happen but... just what's the best corner to roll up in and cry like a little ball. This corner actually right here that's the designated I'll see you guys in the cry corner we were supposed to meet him during the big events happening but it got canceled last minute and so was our meeting have you seen Will Smith anywhere no no looking for him a few days after that however we got notified that another meeting with will was scheduled to happen and luckily it was during our final weekend in Budapest we were given the time and place and then the craziest coincidence happened tomorrow we posted the first episode we've ever film together and tomorrow is also the day we meet Will Smith and hit 2 million subscribers that's a big day that's the convergence of a lot of class it blows all our minds it is. if you had told us when we were starting 3 years from now you're gonna be in f***ing Budapest like you're gonna have 2 millions subscribers and you're gonna meet will smith and film with him it is literally exactly what he says in those interviews that he hates the word realistic we've almost followed that to the dot and holy f*** it's actually worked because he says yes he proved it to us so he proved it to all these people watching us I love that of of his visit interviews he's like just decide what it is you're gonna be and how you're gonna be it just decide then the universe just gets out of your way it's like wow that's it it's just the focus like what did we want to be what did we want to represent and it just led us here it's F***ing awesome I'm hype baby I'm f***ing hyped gotta look fresh for The Fresh Prince. should i get a hair cut? oh I'm doing it watch your step you might fall trying to ok boys we're going have you got the goods this is the moment we've been waiting waiting for for three months and it's finally happening such mixes like emotions right now I'm like trying to channel anxiety into excitement and Ammar I've never seen ammar this quiet that's how he channels his energy he's like preserving it for the moment walking up to the hotel room we're gonna meet him right now you gives feel? describe to me extremely nervous and excited it's more gratitude than any other feeling My hearts racing!!! on last time Jeff Thank you. yeah of course man. pleasure guys YYYYOOOOOOOOO whats up man whats up man? whats going on boy oh im good oh im good Finally! welcome to Budapest thanks for making it happen I'm ready I'm ready Oh we got stuff..oh you got stuff you got stuff...stuff is always important these are all the stuff that is specifically made for you i love that. Do you recognize this? AHHHahahaha thats my logo...hold up get the close up of the logo. thats like a cool logo seek discomfort. OOOoooo thats hot what ch'all know about seeking seeking discomfort we have a friend who his name is Michael and he painted these shoes specifically for you I made him listen to the clip that basically inspired this whole jump oh that is great...and it has god has places the best things in life on the other side of fear thats geniuses i love that thank you man I think we gonna be friends he first-ever two pieces created fir our clothing line seek discomfort oooooo seek discomfort that's real thats real and we were gonna put this on Ebay ok yeah yeah...i was like we might as well they stole my play button but I was working on a movie so I didn't have a chance to respond so today three years ago we had just met each other for about a week and we posted our first video the same day 3 years ago it's the craziest thing to be just standing from you right now a few years later...naw i just love what you guys are doing and i want to support that as much as possible I think that messaging is really spectacular specifically for this this next generation this next generation is more connected than human beings have ever been EVER! so I'm really enjoying you're pushing the messaging of harmony and pounding the messaging of living life fully you know you're like the dad that social media was missing. I know right!! somebody put up a meme that was really funny they said Will Smith is like man's Beyonce i was like alright alright i can see it yeah yeah its a good compliment thank you for being who we though you are yeah i could of walked in like "yeah lets shoot this sh*t, lets get this sh*t done man" i got to work i gotta work so are we doing this? so heres the...hold on which one which one? make sure which one of the cameras is actually rolling alright so cause you know I'm in Budapest cuz I'm working on my film and I'm now down to the last three weeks but I'm here with my yes theory squad as y'all know they challenged me to bungee jump out of a helicopter so on September 25th which is my birthday on September 25th we have just gotten the official okay cause you can't just bungee jump over the Grand Canyon it's like Navajo territory so we just got official clearance three days ago and we'll be bungee jumping on my birthday over the grand canyon what this is a big one it's the big five-o so we're going for we got our big yes theory big will it's on
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 3,373,401
Rating: 4.9707198 out of 5
Keywords: vlogs will smith, will smith, channel will smith, will smith youtube, yes theory, will smith yes theory, yes theory bungee, heli bungee, will smith heli bungee, helicopter bungee jumping, grand canyon, will smith movie, will smith slaps reporter, will smith new song, yes theory stunt, yes theory instagram, will smith instagram, will smith interviews, will smith inspiration, meeting will smith, will smith challenge, will smith they challenged me, yes theory dating
Id: 1hYCv24Ed3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 08 2018
Reddit Comments

Celebrity worship at its finest. Regardless, It's a fun thing to watch.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/EmbarrassedMousse 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

awesome that he got some merch. i wonder if he'll wear it on the red carpet or something

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TIFUbyredditting 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2018 🗫︎ replies
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