The ONLY PERSON allowed to climb the GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA

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We are about to board the flight to go to Cairo Three years ago I became the first human to ever get a legal permission to climb the Great Pyramid of Giza this folder contains signed documents from the Egyptian ministers of tourism Antiquities Egyptian military homeland security and intelligence all giving me and my friend Oscar a written consent to go ahead and climb the pyramid you're probably thinking to Yourself if this guy actually made history and became the first human to climb the pyramid with legal permission Then you're probably known about it. Well. You're right I haven't climbed the pyramid Quite yet the story took so many turns, and I came closer to doing it than any other human has before Ladies and gentlemen we just came out of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, and we got the paper officially climbing the pyramids we got our signatures on in a dream an over climbing tomorrow, baby around two Stay tuned climbing the Great Pyramid of Giza was the first dream I have ever had I Visited the pyramid for the first time when I was four and I still distinctively remember Asking my dad if I could ever climb to the top He said absolutely not and for some reason that just stuck with me over the years until I decided to do something about it So in November of 2014 I was a sophomore at University in Canada and just one random night I showed up to my friend Oscars dorm room and I asked him if he wanted to come to Egypt with me over Christmas break And try and convince the government to let us climb the pyramid and the plan was to pitch the climb as a media stunt in Order to promote Egyptian tourism, which at the time was much neat it still is But we just thought we'd give it a try Oscar was in and we convinced the GoPro to give us a few cameras in order to capture the journey so jump forward to a month later Oscar and I arrived in Egypt and the million dollar question is Where the heck do I even start the concept of being legally permitted to climb the pyramid was just so outrageous And out of the norm that every government official that I've talked to would just get so mad at me for having such a request I was constantly made fun of and occasionally kicked out of offices it took 37 days of driving three hours nearly every single morning to some sort of a government office And I found that one person with the appropriate amount of authority To actually sign off on the idea and help us push. It forward the downside of that however is that Oscar and I only had four days left in Egypt before we had to fly back and start school and to be Honest at that point I had heard the phrase this will never happen so many times that I wasn't expecting anything anymore and on that Note I decided to take Oscar a road trip and head to an oasis in the middle of the desert And hopefully get to do something fun in our last days in Egypt And on the morning we arrived at the Oasis after driving through the night we got a very high profile phone call That phone call informed Oscar night that we've been granted every single legal permission We need from every single Entity involved to make this happen So we pretty much got the green light to go ahead and climb the pyramid and we were asked her turned to Cairo Immediately media was lining up to cover the event that date and time was set and we were just ready to go all right So this seems to all be going pretty smoothly where the things go wrong one of the high-ranking government officials who had rejected our request before Telling us that we will never be able to get any sort of permission to climb the pyramid was just so Fucking mad that we were able to pull it off so on the day of the climb when Oscar and I arrived at the gates To the Pyramid we were blocked off And we spent hours and hours arguing with the security there trying to show them that we had every single document necessary But still somehow his word was just against ours, and we just couldn't pull it off and that was honestly just like That's gotta be like the most demoralizing moment of my life, Oscar, and I had no other option But to just fly the next morning and head back to Canada I stayed in touch with the government and I told him about what happened at the gates and they were very apologetic and they promised that I can come back in the summer of 2015 and Actually, go ahead and climb the pyramid But a few months before summer the entire cabinet was replaced than every single Minister and government official that had been working with was just out of office and even though that was the single most demoralizing experience of my whole entire life It somehow gave me motivation to just continue pursuing my dreams and the most daring ways possible believe it or not this was actually the first story that I've ever shared with Thomas and Matt when we met in the summer of 2015 and Within a few days of knowing each other we had just bonded over the shared desire to live older lives and that marked the start Of yes theory I don't know when I'll get to climb the pyramid But there's just not a single doubt in my head that I'll get to make it happen one day I went into all of this with the best intentions to promote my country and its people in its history and I will always stand by that mission no matter what I have had the chance to do the climb illegally by bribing guards and Just doing it sneekly at night But I would just never go about it in a way that disrespects the value in the history of the pyramids Alright enough of that. Let's get to the fun part of the video a few weeks ago. We all went to Egypt I actually got to give the guys a very unique first experience of The last standing wonder of the ancient world the Great Pyramids of Giza enjoy I've been to the pyramid countless times, but I've actually never been inside three you guys in for the first time Right in the middle of the great curtain of Musa the center of the biggest This would have been full of treasures for bones all the king's belongings with a penny here, but it was looted and robbed history When I was where was the first time I visited here and I Just looked up. I was like I want to be up there one day, and I'm still hoping that one day it Will I'm just happy that to be bringing you here today? Because this is my absolute favorite spot in Egypt as cliche or history goes it may sound Just called my horse guy He's gonna have 10 horses ready for us. He lives just like basically the fence This house is just by the purpose. You're saying. There's so funny How you're just hooked up like you who has a horse guys don't worse guy. I have a horse guy I'm going to him right now. Got a camera guy Fella This is Abdullah. I met him a couple years ago and He was just like an accredited kind Dude that I met by the pyramids and he told me he has horses And ever since I've been riding with him every time I come to you Just give him a call get me horses out, and I'm go right at night, so I'm excited to take you guys along Let's read some horses nobody goes the hotbar shook it up top, but I love it. Where do I hold ready? Yeah, don't move now. We're not going yet What do you say no going back I'm gonna be riding horses as We see the pyramid on the side. It's gonna be ploys, but we're going through a secret path Into the desert into like the desert part around the pyramid because otherwise Foreigners wouldn't be allowed in so this is he's doing us a favor yeah It's feels very surreal seeing the pyramids for the first time in the dark like this
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 3,076,062
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Keywords: yes theory, great pyramid, great pyramid of giza, egypt, egypt tourism, cairo, ancient wonder of the world, climbing the great pyramid, ammar yes theory, yes theory snapchat, yes theory egypt, what to do in egypt, pyramid climb, traveling in the middle east, traveling in egypt, how cheap is egypt, traveling in africa, how cheap is africa, visiting the great pyramids, is egypt safe?, traveling to Egypt, Turkish Airlines
Id: dJZjgO67mFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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