I Shouldn’t Have Challenged Liza Koshy.

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[Music] oh are you trying to well man pleasure I can't serve at all it doesn't matter right [Music] go first and I'm gonna make sure that I feel comfortable I put a young American icon my helmet on don't have me looking like jay-z out there that was a joke day that was you wear helmet or you don't I'm an action hero standing up got it controlling my power has been an issue since I was a child you know I'm much more powerful than I could ever imagine that's something I struggle with a lot of respect for the water Wow Wow Wow yeah [Music] back up try again break [Music] I want to stand stand up for himself but once he stands up okay day one learned a couple good thing learned a lot of good things out there champ took a couple shots couldn't forget couldn't really slip the jab you know my opponent today just his jab was really sharp and he just punch like a mule he punch like a knew the third round the first round I fell down so you know to keep the hand in the right place you got to keep the balance get the right foot up and then stand up into it at the right speed yeah it's very cool Don once you get up it's all heaven yeah when you get off it's like there's no water you're on the air you should definitely do it yeah I do I gotta get to my feet today if Liza gets to her feet you know we don't get to leave somebody should talk to her okay that's not a good idea look at that man look at that that is crazy look at that listen to it oh you write you read I got this I won't go stand up I'm just no good so go with you [Music] better not saying damn it she just stood up just stood up she just that's it I bring out here to have fun I think I put on a booth she ain't never been to Miami she stand up on the first run she didn't see me fall seven times 11 times 16 times 24 times oh now she gets a drone now they put the drone up because she stood up okay you know what oh this is bad can we end up wheel out of this is that in the old days young people respected elders now today with all this YouTube and all this Hugh Steuben and in idea TV and okay do you have no respect for the elders you can't teach him nothing okay cuz they know everything now we got somebody who can do it cuz I thought I was gonna blow it off but how FISA kiddo it's my muscle density it's my pecs pectorals my abdominal cultures the depth of my shoulder passages my five thick tivities it's terrible to see these young as make such mistakes [Music] [Music] whoo you're flying yeah [Music] sunrise tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Liza whoo Liza hoop and then she leave when she know imma get it you know a I know the games I know I invented them games [Music] [Music]
Channel: Will Smith
Views: 6,475,152
Rating: 4.9697123 out of 5
Keywords: #lizakoshy, #willsmith, comedy, entertainment, will smith, will, smith, smiths, willsmith, will smith youtube, youtube will smith, will smith channel, channel will smith, will youtube, youtube will, smith youtube, youtube smith, will smith vlogs, vlogs will smith, vlogs, vlog, will smith youtube channel, miami, liza koshy, surfing, hydrofoil, hydrofoil surfing
Id: cZ_7e3RXj3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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