Lifeguarding with Casey Neistat and Kevin Hart

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<i> ( music playing )</i> Yeah! What up, world? Kevin Hart here shooting my show, "What the Fit." And what is "What the Fit"? I'll tell you "What the Fit" is. "What the Fit" is the show where I include myself and my celebrity friends, and we do a bunch of physical fit activities that they have no idea that we gonna do. And today, today, I got my guy Casey Niestat with me. - Casey, say hey. - Hey. There you go. Me and Casey, we're gonna learn how to be lifeguards today. We've both got lifeguard history. Granted, I got fired 'cause I let a kid drown. That's a long story. He didn't die. He did not die! He was-- it was-- it was like near death. The water p-- like, you know ( grunting ) He's okay. He's okay now. He's good. He's like 20-something now. - We've spoke about it. He got a little grudge. - Grown man. So ( bleep ) you man, it was a mistake. - Either way, we're going for a run first. - Let's go, let's go. - Let's go. Come on, Casey. - All right. - ( bleep ) camera, man. I told you. - Let's go. Here's the thing about me. - I-- I'm nearsighted, okay? - I understand. He was in the far distance, Casey. So when he technically was drowning, I didn't know. You know what, it sounds like it was more his fault than anything else. Whoo, come on, Kevin. Come on! - Come on, you got it. - Saying I do... I got little legs. How are you, sir? Good. How are you guys doing today? - I'm good, man. Captain Smith. - All right. Yes, sir. - What's your name? - How are you, man? I'm Kevin Hart. - Nice to meet you, man. - The. The Kevin Hart. - All right, nice to meet you. - That's who I am. - This is my guy, Casey Niestat. - Casey Niestat, what's up, brother? - I'm just one of many. It's good to meet you. - Nice to meet you. I've been a ocean lifeguard for 29 years. - 29 years. - Yep. - ( whistles ) - You guys up for the challenge? Oh, man, listen. That's why we're here. - Reporting to save. - Now I should tell you off the bat that I have a history in swimming, in general. - Okay. - And actually, you know what? Just if I'm-- I think what he's saying, Captain, you might learn something today from Kevin if you keep an open mind. - If you keep an open mind. - No, this isn't learning. - I can learn from anybody. - This is a participant trophy. All right. Now is this in the pool? Have you ever been in the ocean? You know what the ocean's all about? No, no, no. Definitely never been there. That's why I'm just showing you this stuff. - Okay, all right. - Oh, yeah, this was breaststroke. 1995. This was when I got the breaststroke champion award. - Nice. Here, check those out. Yeah, those are pretty cool. - Yeah. I'd like to get - a good look at these. - Check that out. - This is for my handstands. - Okay. Like, you know how you can do a handstand in the water? - Yeah, yeah. - Well, I did it for seven minutes. - Yeah, I was the longest person. - You held your breath - for seven minutes? - No, no, no. I kept getting up and going back down. - But it was seven minutes total. - Okay. Nice. I don't know if that's cool or not. You always keep those with you? I keep 'em in my bag just in case I run into somebody that-- - I understand. - You seem really motivated. - I am, man. I'm pumped up. - We could use somebody like you. - Okay, okay. - Yeah, so let's see what you got. - Let's see. - Are you up for the challenge? - Of course I'm up for the challenge. - How about you? - You up for the challenge? - Born ready, born ready. All right, I got a few interview questions for you guys. L.A. County Fire Department ocean lifeguards do a extensive background check. - Okay. - ( bleep ) Uh-oh. - You didn't tell me about that. - So everybody that applies, - we do this background check on. - Wait a minute. Is there anything in your past that we should be aware of? - ( imitates explosion ) - Uh... You-- you got anything? I mean... You got a machine that you running it in? - Or are we dealing with the honor system? - Yeah, is this hypothetical? Depends on how you define "conviction," like... And I was like, "I'm not gonna do that anymore." That-- that shouldn't count. - Uh-huh. - I gotta know. What's going on with that? There was that one time, but it was in high school, and I feel like they said if I made it to 18, they would wipe it from my record. - Okay, how old are you now? - 37. So your record's expunged? I've been expunged. <i> ( music playing )</i> - Ooh! - There you go. - Ooh. - There you go. Welcome to rookie school. Now let's see what you got. These shorts make us a real lifeguard. Hey! Get your asses out that water! Uh-huh. That lady got her breasts out on the beach! You better cover your breasts up! That's a g-- that's a guy. Yeah. - See the... - You're right. You're absolutely right. <i> ( music playing )</i> ( barking ) First step, pay attention. We're gonna test your speed, agility, and how to recognize a possible victim. So you're gonna be laying down, you gotta pop up and try to grab one of those hoses in the sand. - We call 'em beach flags. - Uh, it's only four hoses. Right, because one person's gonna get eliminated. So if you don't get one, you're out. This is a competition. You up for the challenge? ( chuckles ) It's not a challenge if you know you're gonna win. - Aah! - All right, let's get. - Burn. - Okay, you guys pay attention. I want you guys to get in this same exact position with your feet on that line. - The sand is hot. - It's okay, you'll be fine. - What if there's crabs in here? - There's no crabs. I don't know that. God. Ah! Aah! Hot sand. Okay, the commands are "competitors ready," - your head's up. - Okay. Then I say "head down." And then when I blow the whistle, you jump up and try to run for a flag. Head up, head down, jump up, get the flag, that flag is a dead person! Don't let that flag die, Kevin. Okay, competitor ready. Head down. - ( whistle blows ) - ( grunting ) Out of the way! ( grunts ) - I got a flag! - All right, good job, come on back. - Yes! - I had to let Kevin win. It's his show. - Casey didn't get a flag. - Okay, there's only two flags. I let Kevin get the flag. It's his show, I didn't want to embarrass him. He's a lot smaller than I am. Hey, Casey, how come you're not in it? ( laughs ) Casey: Thanks, Kevin. Let him think that it's his victory, you know? Cap, why's he that far back? Look at him. - He's just shorter than you are. - I'm shorter than you. - Is he really? - Yeah. - Yeah! - Whoo! Yeah! - His little ass. - Smith: Good eye. Good eyes. Head down! - ( whistle blows ) - Oh, shoot. I got a late start. ( grunts ) ( chuckles ) These guys are good off the start. Good job. We didn't stand a chance against these ( bleep ) guys. Oh, yeah. ( whistles ) <i> ( music playing )</i> Okay, you guys, the next step is we're gonna learn how to run out and make a rescue. There's some very important things you need to know. Is there a victim out there? Right now we're just practicing. How far out do we swim? You're gonna go out past the surf line. So whenever the waves stop coming in... - Okay. - ...that's where you're gonna stop and then you're gonna come back. - You ready? - Yeah. All right, you guys, pay close attention. Here we go. One, two, three. <i> ( music playing )</i> - Okay, she runs out. - Who does she see? She sees somebody. Smith: Puts the can around her neck. Now watch the high knee action. - Casey: Throws the can. - High knees, high knees, jumping. Okay, now there's the dolphin jumping. What is a dolphin sound? - ( imitates dolphin ) - That's close. ( imitates dolphin ) So as we come up... ( imitating dolphin ) Dolphin jumping. Dolphin jumping. Bam. Maybe without the... ( imitates dolphin ) Now she's gonna start swimming for her victim. - Kevin: Oh. - Okay, now that's the surf line. - You see that right there? - Yup. - She goes out. - Okay. - Past the surf line. - Casey: Got it. - Whoo! - Well, who's gonna die right there? That person shouldn't even be in the ocean. All right, you guys are next. That's a case of bad parenting if somebody dies right there. What's the protocol if I have to save Kevin? If you have to save Kevin, stay calm. - Okay. - Yup. - ( imitates dolphin ) - All right, Casey, here we go, on three, - one, two, three. - Kevin: You got it, Casey. Smith: Don't forget to wrap that can around your shoulder. I got it! Wrap the can! No, no! He's gonna trip. - He's gonna trip. He didn't pay attention. - High knees, high knees. - Look at that. - He didn't pay attention. - And boom. - Dolphin jump. Oh, he's got some skills. - Okay. And oh, no. - Keep going, keep going. Kevin: What just happened? No, oh, God, he's dead. He forgot his hat, make sure you don't bring your hat. Leave your hat here. What if my hat is part of my thing? - You don't need that, though. - Who says? Smith: You saw him fumbling with it? Good job! Lose the hat. All right, round three. I'm about to give you straight David Hasselhoff. Y'all don't have no sex appeal, that's y'all problem. Ain't nobody out here with sex appeal. It's one thing to be a lifeguard, it's another thing to be a lifeguard with sex appeal. - All right, let's see it. - Tell me when to go. One, two, three, go. <i> ( music playing )</i> Tell me again, I got a bad start. Just... let's go... - One. - Let's do it again. Wait, I gotta... If this is a movie scene, give me a second. - All right. - What's my motivation? - A dead body. - Your motivation's to save a life. And I gotta get the life. - All right. - Save a life. - It's go time. - Serve your community. - It is go time. - You ready? Hey! Is that a baby? - On three, one, two, three. - Who let that baby out there? - Go. - It's a baby! Where's my whistle? I don't have a whistle. Sex appeal, sex appeal. You got it, Kevin! <i> ( music playing )</i> <i> ( slow-motion imitating dolphin )</i> He's actually pretty good. Okay. Nice. All right. Whoo! All right, bring it back in! I got the baby! I got to give the baby mouth-to-mouth. Don't you die on me, baby. Don't you die on me. Don't you die on me! ( crying ) Ah! ( slow-motion crying ) I'm too late. I'm too late, man. Why? On my first day as a lifeguard, you selfish son of a ( bleep ). - You did everything you could. - How was that, Cap? Pretty good. 'Cause I didn't have an ending to the scene. - So I had to end the scene. - I like that. - All right? - Yeah. You did pretty good. So now we're gonna get in the truck and do some beach patrolling. - Oh, yes. - Hey, all right. <i> ( music playing )</i> Smith: I'm focusing on the driving and you guys are the lookouts. Does this car have like a loudspeaker, like a PA system? - Yeah, we have a PA. - Let me use the PA. So you press this button here, but you can't say anything inappropriate. - Okay, I got you. - You gotta be appropriate - at all times. Professional. - Okay, I got you. - 100% - Okay? All right, here we go. Kevin: ( over PA )<i> Check, check, check.</i> <i> Just making sure everybody on the beach is okay.</i> <i>Hello to everybody to my right.</i> Just want to let everybody know about the rules on the beach. No smoking, no drinking. <i> Also, if you have strings on your swim trunks</i> <i> keep them tied at all times.</i> We're gonna start fining. - That's not correct. - Well, that's a rule. - I just made up a rule. - No, no, that's not cool. - What's the fine, $20? - There's no fine. $20 fine. <i> When they see you, Cap, do people get pretty pumped up?</i> Smith:<i> Yeah, they do.</i> What's this group of misfits doing? Probably got all types of drugs and Molly in their bag. You want to shake their bags down? Not shake them down, we let the PD do that stuff. Okay. My main mission is saving lives, nothing else. - I see something going down way out there. - Where? Way out there off the end of the pier. Kevin: Is that people going, like...? That's something going on. Help! So we're in route. - I should've ate. - ( sirens wailing ) Smith:<i> I need you guys to jump off the pier...</i> - Kevin:<i> Got you. </i> -<i> ...and go rescue those two victims.</i> - Great, let's go. - Kevin: Casey, where's my guy? You got it, go, go, go. - Let's go, we got to go. - I'ma "Baywatch" run it. - Yeah. - "Baywatch." <i> ( music playing )</i> All right, let's get down over here, set it up properly. - How do we know which one we save? - Get it on. - Do I call one? - What's that? How do we know which one we save? Just whoever can gets in first, get the first victim. Well, I don't want the heavy guy. You go for the guy and you go for the girl. - I don't want the guy! - ( clamoring ) They're drowning out there, let's go. - They're drowning, let's go. - Come on, Kevin. Well, they're clearly not drowning yet, we got time. No, they're going down. - Casey, you take the guy. - There's no time. ( slow-motion ) Kevin! No time, get out there. Casey, get the guy, I don't want to get the guy! Casey, go ahead, get the guy, he's taking too long. Yeah, why do I have to get the guy? - I don't want to get the guy! - We need you out here! Why? I don't need to take my time... Let's go, let's go, this is training. You don't have to rush me, Casey! And if they were drowning for real, we wouldn't be doing this anyway! All right! Casey, here I go! - Come on, Kevin! - Casey! <i> ( music playing )</i> ( slow-motion ) Aah! - Don't lose your sunglasses, lady. - I got her. I got her, Casey. - Oh, thank you. - Grab the buoy. Wow, Kevin! - ( cheering ) - Kevin: I saved her. Tight. Ready? You guys ready? ( cheering ) <i> ( music playing )</i> Okay, right here, Kevin, bring her in! - ( whistling ) - All right, buddy. Atta boy, Kevin. Another amazing episode of "What the Fit." Did you have a good time today? Yeah, yeah. Do you feel like we're lifeguards? I feel like we matter. - You feel like we matter. - We matter today. Once I got out there, I had purpose. - You had purpose. - I felt like I had purpose. You had purpose and you had your shoes on. Damn it! I forgot to take my shoes off, Casey! ( bleep )! God, I don't have another pair of shoes! - I got you. - All right, well, guys, it doesn't get better than this. Healthy lifestyles, health is wealth. Casey. Oh, my God. Hey, major shoutout to the county lifeguards too. This wouldn't have been possible without you guys letting us come into your world. We truly, truly thank you guys. - Let's get back to work. - Yeah, let's go. Hey, what's going on? This is Kevin Hart. And it's been proven that if you watch "What the Fit," you will not get eaten by a shark, so what I need you to do is click the link, watch the video, subscribe to my channel.
Channel: LOL Network
Views: 7,641,366
Rating: 4.8819408 out of 5
Keywords: What the Fit S2, What the Fit Deason 2, What the Fit S1, Kevin Hart, WTF S2, YouTube Originals, YouTube Originals Series, Series, WTF, Fitness, Fun, Funny, Comedy, Laugh, Rebel Wilson, Pete Davidson, Liza Koshy, Casey Neistat, Damon Wayans Jr., Damon Waynes Jr., James Van Der Beek, James Vanderbeek, Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Gardner, Kourtney Kardashian, Anna Kendrick, Jason Sudeikis, Dodgers, Medieval Times, lol network, lifeguarding with casey, cold as balls, lifeguard
Id: OLx8YfIUO7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
Reddit Comments

2 minutes of Kevin Hart was 2 minutes more than I could handle.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Right_All_The_Time 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/zha4fh 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Thought it was pretty good, even thought its now uncool to think Kevin Hart is funny.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AarunFast 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Keven Hart is like aids but less funny

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/GeneralDirtbag 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm not going to watch this

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/zagbag 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
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