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this video is sponsored by destination Canada who has just released an original series titled vacations of the brave on Amazon Prime video they're asking strangers in a very different way tell us to explain the odds of being alive are 1 in 10 followed by 2 million six hundred forty thousand zeros to put that into perspective it would be like having an entire city of 2 million people rolling a dice with one trillion signs and for everyone to land on the same number yet it's very easy to take life for granted the premise of the show vacations of the brave is to surprise hardworking Americans with epic trips to Canada and take them to locations that will challenge them physically emotionally and spiritually and after watching the show and inspired us to create a similar experience for a stranger who'd answered this simple yet extremely challenging question if you had 24 hours left to live what would you do our goal is to find a stranger who has a very specific and meaningful vision for what they want to do and then Surprise them by turning that into reality however since everyone's first answer almost always seems to be we told everyone for the purpose of this experiment they can assume that they already spent time with their families however instead of doing things the conventional way on mark came up with a different plan so let's see if we can find a stranger and enable them to live one of the most meaningful days of their lives I'm just really annoyed at this we made it just had the dimensions of this box so that we don't have a few things sticking out like no one cares I have so much respect for trevore's right I there's nothing [Music] [Music] the question I would apologize to keep who I was live and how much money like that don't everything I pop them kids that's what was sharks because I'm going to see the world invite everyone I know to like to a big beach parties I dive and she like after asking strangers on the street for over two hours there was no answer that stood out and so man and Amara had no other choice but to try again the following day but this time with reinforcements who's that you guys need Papa's help whose pop-up I'm Papa and I'm here I'm gonna go in stay - let's see first I think we got to do it the old-fashioned way we're just gonna go up straight to people what you want to do before you die huh dad tomorrow that's not how we're gonna do it the Trek idea wasn't the most practical thing in the world so we're going back out what has been the number one thing on your bucket list ship gyros with my family okay well I don't think that's the right strategy we'll go too broad yeah yeah 24 hours to live and you cannot leave California how will you spend them how many seconds are getting inside oh you can think about if I eat like all the fits that I don't eat right now great swap all these grilled cheese and then I would jump off a blast into the ocean do you guys want to come with me actually think of every single detail because we can make it happen guys are you sure yeah no I feel like I shouldn't actually gonna do it I'm not kidding I told my mom I want to like drive up a mountain I want the world to like come in so I can look at I can't believe we're doing that tomorrow we're living our best life look at I like you already what time do we live we've got to watch sunrise right alright we're pulling her out of her stands and we're going into the mystery van I guess favorite car like he's having a dream about this like turquoise Ferrari should compile this water that you love well I'm vegan okay but I create cheese we drink wine okay right wine we have to wake up watch the Sun Room is paint probably go slowly guys I feel like I'm actually die I thought you were just like I don't know you're like what do you want to do like well it'll go back to the house make a plan and I'll see you a little later sweet it's currently 5:00 a.m. we're headed to down Morgan makes me be joining us we're starting up with cliff jumping she's the only part that she knows about you no idea what it's your last day so I hope I know so here's the thing about this cliff jumping place it was infected by the malibu fire so we're 50/50 on that we can actually make it there but we're gonna do our best with a friend who knows the cliff that we spun who's coming with us to nobody cares about what I'm saying right yeah let's go to the beach we have to we have to [Music] [Music] have you watched the sunrise since you moved to LA wow this is your first sunrise in LA that's awesome though yes ready [Music] [Music] literally best way to start today I would say you have no idea what we're doing that's right I'm now anyhow today we will tell you when we get there [Music] all right I'm not gonna break down what we're actually about to do I think the reason we end up making you is because of your very specific vision about howling with wolves so we're going to a place called Wolf Mountain sanctuary and it's by Big Bear there's gonna be about a three-hour drive so we don't want to waste your 24 hours driving so we're gonna take a helicopter all the way literally rent to the health warning you think it's out there and then back to do that's like two days can't waste time guys I want to go meet my family you guys are so nice if you're doing that ever expected that like this is ten tot this is crate this thing I'm saying [Music] [Music] just arrived [Music] hello how are you guys how do you train a wolf to be comfortable around people [Music] my papa so I know them they know me I'm part of them they're part of me and together we are one dude looking a wolf in the eye seeing those canines this is a total table turnt situation where the guest we brought along is not scared and amar is scared for his life that is my one fear always a sling what are your fear of it's like I'm not usually afraid of like the heights of all these things wild animals is my biggest fear do it [Music] that gave me goosebumps and health mission accomplished also every single wolf here has been rescued by her it was being here or it was being put down so she's been taking care of all these wolves for several years now well fly back to LA and continue today and Wow Wow holy Sh what the hell I will be driving out to downtown right now to pick her up surprise me with this take her an epic ride in Pacific Coast Highway one of the most scenic drives in the world and then we're gonna be surprising her with wine and cheese at this epic spot in Malibu that time was discover a few months ago I'm Morgan what do you think we're doing right now we scared Morgan you give us like a list of a lot of things possibly wanted to do yesterday so you can go right here and then you can open your eyes nice dad is too funny it's not real it's ours how do you do that it was so you know I'm like I don't even know any scientist I've never even seen in my dream she's not even like processing I can't process I know that this was to irony we thought it was oh no this is like it was so high that I was going to take it off because I was like I don't want you to feel pressured to do it [Music] you're driving yes I'm driving this I need to make sure I know where that we're breaking what do you mean lower the break yes I said they trying to brave it because oh no we can't have that yeah let's just look at the road all right we made it to the location and the cars good walking down the most epic lookout spot but I know uh so far in Los Angeles you have eight boyfriend's for the day you wonder wine and cheese right that's two boxes okay it really does feel like a date now so Morgan is a vegan and doesn't eat cheese but for her last 24 hours she will this is goat cheese oh it's so oh my god that so as a part of your last 24 hours you wanted something to give back yes I want to give my crystal healing energy to random people that we say let's do it it's called aquamarine and a little bit about crystal marine I'll take it I get a hug - yeah thank you good acts of kindness efficiently leave it and you know what we're doing now we're gonna have an epic vegan dinner let us go I know well it's after living through this experiment alongside Morgan it pushed all of us to think about how we spend our time what are the things that matter most to us were the people we want to be surrounded by and what do we do in our daily lives to seek those things out I was like if I actually did die tomorrow that would be fine because today was so surreal like I literally feel so full like my heart is so fun this is actually insane to me I walk into this house and what would you strangers like now as 2018 comes to an end we want to challenge you to identify one thing that you'd actually want to do if you have to 24 hours left to live and go find a way to make it happen and to spread the love make a list of the people who you'd want to surround yourself with and tell them how much they mean to you on that note we'll be doing exactly that this is the last video of 2018 as we'll be taking the next three weeks off to reflect and spend time with loved ones Happy Holidays solid yes fam members out there was so grateful for this community and we can't wait to show you what we've planned for 2019 we'll be posting exclusive videos on our Instagram while we're off YouTube so follow us on there and we also highly encourage you to click the link in the description and check out vacations of the brave which is available on Amazon Prime video right now if you want to continue being inspired and maybe get some ideas for things you want to experience yourself click the link in the description and enjoy the show so thanks again to destination Canada for sponsoring this video we love you all I'll see you in 2019
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 4,294,277
Rating: 4.949553 out of 5
Keywords: yes theory, social experiment, seek discomfort, living last 24 hours, bucket list, living your last day, living your last day experiment, yes theory strangers, asking strangers, adventure with strangers, living my last 24 hours, 24 hours challenge, what do you want to do before you die, living without regrets, how to achieve my dream, ferrari, i didn't eat anything for 5 days, yes theory will smith, fun, canada, things to do in canada, places to visit in canada, visit canada
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
Reddit Comments

If I had 24hrs left to live... I would want to want to fly in a fighter jet  (as a passenger) over a stadium for the national anthem. Big dream, but it is only a dream until I make it a reality. Merry Christmas to you all

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2018 🗫︎ replies
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