How To Instantly Be Better At Stardew Valley

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here are 10 tips that will instantly make you better at the game enjoy let's start it off with a simple one energy is important your entire early game is governed and controlled by how much energy you have so you should always spend your energy wisely however there are scenarios where you might go to sleep with a ton of energy like just after a festival for example what do you do well don't you dare sleep with a lot of energy use it on anything even if you are just chopping down trees on your farm or just cleaning up some debris on your farm use most if not all of your energy in the early game it will seriously make a huge difference if you often see yourself low on resources crop enhancers are great but they have their own quirks especially with regrowing crops speed growth will cause your crops to grow faster this is great for crops like star fruit but it is important to know that for regrowing crops like Asian fruit the speed will only affect the crop until it has fully matured after that the speed girl will not reduce the time it takes to regrow the fruit now for fertilizers fertilizers will increase the likelihood that a crop is of a higher quality this is also pretty good for single grow crops like sweet Jam berries however for growing crops it will only impact the first crop for crops that produce multiple crops for example if you use fertilizer on cranberries only the first cranberry will be affected luckily for us ancient fruit will always only produce a single fruit so fertilizers work pretty well on Ancient fruit if you are not planning to process them into wine or jelly our inventory is incredibly Limited in the early game often we are faced with difficult decisions which fish do you throw away what item do you discard in the mines yeah it's pretty rough luckily we can simply purchase a backpack upgrade for 2000 gold at our favorite scammer Pierre however I would advise against buying it until you have reached the annual egg hunt festival and it's pretty simple 2 000 gold can get you 20 strawberry seeds that is insanely valuable for both gold and farmy experience rather wait suffer and manage your inventory carefully and spend all of your money on strawberry seeds it is what I usually tend to do okay I'm going to show you the strangest inventory tip out there if you are in the mines and have absolutely no inventory space left just drop a couple of items on the first floor of the mines yes just right here on the floor then continue on with your Mining Adventure your inventory will probably still be full by the time you are completed with your Deep dive so just leave your items on the floor and go to bed when you come back to the mines those items will still be there but this will only work if you do not quit the game so remember to collect your stuff and save before you quit the game okay so you already know that the quality of your crops has absolutely no effect on the final price of the processing for example gold Quality Engine food will still produce regular quality wine so it's usually best to process your regular quality crops first and maybe even sell the higher quality as is if you have a good supply of crops however the same is not true for costs if you place a higher quality wine or cheese into a cask it will continue to age The Artisan product from the quality that it was placed in as more specifically placing large milk into a cheese maker will always produce gold Quality Cheese if you then place the gold Quality Cheese into a cask it will continue aging from gold quality on its way to iridium quality abuses for tons of profit iridium Artisan Goods always sell for more especially goat's cheese I love of the forest Farm it has tons of forageables open space to plant crops and so much hardwood that we will never know what to do with this stuff it's great but look at this little gift over here there is a hint off right over here that will allow you to access your hardwood easier what can I say the forest Farm just keeps on giving but it isn't the only farm with a secret pulse that's right the beach Farm down here by the tiny bit of Ross there is a hidden path that will give you access to the ocean you can catch fish here but more importantly you can get an awesome fishing present a painting of a boat getting a medium ore is so easy just duplicate a bunch of dates with your sheds full of crystallariums trade those in for staircases at the desert Trader on Sundays spam your staircases in the skull Cavern until you reach for 200 and there we go tons of iridium ore will be there just waiting for you to collapse Can you spot the problem with the statement what if you do not have tons of crystallariums well in that case just be really good at the game and reached floor 200 with your Pro Gamer skills and get iridium that way but that isn't really any better fine I got you I tried this really odd method and it surprisingly worked first wait for the best possible luck day and then use any luck enhancers that you have then enter the skull Cavern if you see iridium ore on the first floor get it otherwise immediately leave the skull Cavern and re-enter it now I will be honest that it is really rare for William or to spawn on the first floor however if you time this perfectly like I am absolutely no time will pass while you are doing this so you could with some practice enter and leave the first floor in the skull Caverns hundreds of times within a single in-game day even though it rarely spawns iridium this method will still get you a decent amount of iridium you won't get a ton but you will get enough to create your first few crystallariums here is the weird one put up a brand new playthrough grab some wood and run over to Robin's carpentary store and build a cabin it only costs 100 gold then bring out your controller and add another player in split screen then use the second character to collect the parsnips and drop all of the tools and the parsnip seeds into a chest and then log off now you will have double the parsnip seeds on the first day in a playthrough but you will also have extra tools to use when Clint is upgrading your tools now you do not need to worry about timing your tool upgrades and whatnot spare tools go a long way Additionally you could do this four times to start the game with 60 parts of seeds this is absolutely Overkill but it may be worth it in the long term do you ever play stardew Valley with random people or play with your friends when you know they are absolute trolls yeah I do it all the time when I play with you guys but there is something small that you can do to protect your loot just grab a chest and place it up against a wall like this leave a gap between the chest and the wall then Place something right next to the chest like a TV or a fireplace and this is the most important step place a bookcase in front of the chest wow would you look at that your chest is mostly hidden and you can still freely access it I don't know how useful this is I just thought it was cool as you know ancient fruit are crucial for a long profitable playthrough but what if you manage to get an ancient fruit seed on the first day in a brand new playthrough well check out this video if you want to see how thanks for watching but for now I will see you in the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: ezlilyy
Views: 280,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew, stardew valley, ezlily, ez lily, stardew ezlily, stardew valley ezlily
Id: 89xfJxGNQOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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