a fresh start... // Stardew Valley Expanded Let's Play #1

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hello everyone welcome back today we are starting a brand new series we are going to be playing stardew i am so unbelievably excited this is like literally my favorite game at the moment and i'm excited to be playing it on youtube i also play a lot of stardew over on my twitch but today we are going to be playing with this dodgy valley expanded mod and i'm so freaking excited so let's get straight into it okay let's start by making our character our main focus of this playthrough is to romance sofia and have a massive vineyard on our farm that is my ultimate goal so sophia if you haven't seen any stardew valley expanded content this is sophia she's absolutely stunning i love her i want to wife her and she owns a vineyard in the game called blue moon vineyard or something like that and i kind of want to have a vineyard with her and grow all together and have babies and cats and it'll be really really cute so that is the ultimate goal of this game i also do want to explore all of the stage valley expanded stuff in the game and i still want to complete the community center and have like a full playthrough but the main focus is sophia obviously so my name will obviously be lil i don't know about farm name i mean her farm is called blue moon we could call it orange sun would that be stupid i'm gonna do it orange sun hopefully she doesn't think i'm making fun of her or anything my favorite thing is gonna be cats obviously and since we're going for the orange sun farm name i feel like we should go for the orange cat i mean that's pretty fitting right i'm gonna make me i'm just gonna add some long hair these ones are kind of cute they look little plaits this is the one i usually go for let's go for this one i can never make like blonde hair in this game just never goes blonde is that a blonde or is that just like kind of green this is why i always just go with like a bright purple or something because i can never make my own hair color does that look like me i guess so that'll do that'll do the shirt this is hard part i'm gonna go for the same outfit that i do with every single playthrough oh but i look kind of cute though does that match i genuinely can't tell i think i've been looking at it too long do i like the green yeah it'll be fine let's skip the intro oh yeah it has replaced so this would be the standard farm in like a normal playthrough but it's replaced with grandpa's farm modestly sized farmland with tillable grass different landmark locations shortcuts to surrounding areas which is cool and secrets to discover i'm excited by that let's let's choose grandpa's farm since we're doing quite a study valley expanded focus play-through orange sun farm okay let's begin and we're in oh my goodness look at a little house let's first thing we do is light the fire let's get our parsnips thank you thank you for the nips um we need to introduce ourselves to 31 people oh my gosh it's usually hard enough with like how many 27 or something but 31 now and we've got to make a parsnip we can do that we can definitely do that the farm looks different oh my gosh this is exciting we need to plant our parsnips today and then explore the farm a little bit i think that'll be a little frog what a baby we've got a little pond here oh oh my gosh this looks so nice okay so there's like a little pathway here where does this go to where are we going it's a little like stream running through i wonder if this functions as like a river oh we have a waterfall oh my goodness that's amazing i love that also there's an area over here that looks kind of intriguing and we have the cave up here too much stuff in the way i don't know how we're gonna clear this whole farm it's gonna take me oh the stairs up here i'm so excited by everything truly wait can we get to this whole middle area too okay we can't get past here oh okay our farm totem is up here is that convenient it's really far from our house also our little cat gets a kennel which i guess is not really what the cats would usually go into but it looks cute oh my gosh we need to plant our parsnips maybe we should do that first before i continue exploring but it looks so cool i love the changes but now we'll just plant them right outside our house so that we can easily water them each day three four five we also have three mixed seeds that we need to plant two and then should we go and meet sophia i actually have no idea what sofia is liking game if she's actually a nice let's go say sim she's not a sim to start off with but is she a nice sim you know right let's water all of these that's a cauliflower we've got another two parsnips that's pretty handy don't we need five gold parsnips for the community center i think i'm still gonna try and focus on the community center but i'm gonna buy a lot more things like if they're traveling merchant has things that we need for community center i'll probably just go for that option instead of trying to get it all myself okay let's get through to go meet sophia we also should be breaking some wood because we're gonna need it for chests i officially don't know where we are on our map like how do i get around the farm because here's another little area i'm genuinely confused i don't know what this area is oh wait there's a bridge up here i'm getting so distracted somehow fiber is growing on the bridge here's our greenhouse nice there's so much to explore on this farm my energy is already so low so here's marnie's it looks so much cuter look at it oh my gosh marnie hello oh no one's home let's go meet jazz hello hi okay we need to meet everyone oh hi haley oh you're that new farmer girl or whatever aren't you i am look at her taking photos she's a cutie this is so pretty this whole area blue moon vineyard is this way okay let's go to blue moon vineyard it's here she's got a whole little sign for it and all oh my god i love it oh it's so big oh my god it's our first meeting i'm nervous does she like daffodils you're sweet thanks eek a stranger i mean that would be my response too to be fair well wait aren't you lil the new farmer i am so sorry i get a little nervous around people i haven't met before my name is sophia i'm the owner of blue moon vineyard she's so cool the thing is would she want to give up all of this to come in and move with me i don't know if she would like i don't think i'd want to give up a vineyard to move into my dusty crusty old farmhouse like i need to make it look proper special before i ask her to move in well i'll see you around i guess is she nice i wonder if she's nice i hope she's nice because i've set up a whole life with her in my head okay which which way are we going now let's look at the signs i never use the signs on the usual map but for the sake of how big this is i think i'm gonna need to oh okay so we've got the forest that way and the beach wait we can get to the beach through here that's so cool oh my god i love that cause that's kind of a quicker route loads of clams right now grab these this is all good for like starting money new journal entry we can give it to the museum we can start our museum already i wasn't planning to do that on the first day we've actually had a very productive first day hi elliot ah the new farmer we've all been expecting and whose arrival has sparked many a conversation i'm ellia i live in the little cabin by the beach it's a pleasure to meet you what's this little area is it's just a community garden or something what's down here oh i think we're too late for the museum heck what is this whole area can i smash this no this garden space hasn't been used in a long time okay do you want me to set up a little community garden for everyone i'll do that oh my gosh i'm officially lost where where am i where am i it's so big there's so many trees like i'm never going to struggle for wood i want to get those bubbles so bad but we don't even have a fishing rod yet this is really cool oh my gosh and there's a mushroom down here i can't unfortunately pick anything up because my truthful i hate having small inventory this has been a very cool first day just exploring and everything shall we go to the saloon quickly and try and meet as many people as we can that's a new house whose house is this oh my gosh this is massive oh there's someone in there can't go in olivia oh my gosh look how big that bath is that's like a whole swimming pool what the heck this is a real nice house kind of want to build this in sims this would take me years hello for you victor oh hey there you're the new owner of orange sun farm i am regretting the name of the farm such a stupid name i'm victor it's a pleasure to meet you lil is it kitchen is well nice victor okay let's quickly run to saloon the little dog is here can i pet him start your advice start your valley expanded is everything i love this you give dusty many pets i'm gonna do that daily i'm definitely not going to do that daily i'm going to forget hi clint oh hi i'm clint hi shane i don't know you why are you talking to me bye shane if you didn't realize i do have quite a few mountains stored in the game i probably should have said this at the beginning but i do have a couple mods i will link them down in the description box if you want to check out my mod list and yeah you can check them out most of them are just aesthetic i do have the ui information suite mod which is very handy hey kid the name's pam hi pam let's talk to gus i actually love gus he's a real cutie well hello there i'm gus chef and owner of the star drop saloon hi emily i can read it on your face you're gonna love it here in pelican town if you're ever looking for something to do in the evening stop by the saloon that's where i work so how many people have we met now let's have a little looksies we've met only 12. there's so many people to meet now we didn't get to visit gunther either so maybe we'll do that tomorrow hello andy oh who are you he looks like a better version of clint would you look at that it's the new farmer everyone has been talking about finally moved into the valley i see i've been working fairhaven farm here for many years it ain't much but it's honest work okay so here's another farmer is he our competition you're lucky you got that free property off your grandpa he looks really angry then okay i think we should head home and get an early night maybe sell some of these things i think i need to keep a clam right for the community center i think i need a daffodil and a clam but we could sell the others i also kind of want to get enough wood to make a chest so let's chop some of this wood whilst we're on the farm i'm sorry it's like literally pitch black you can't see anything just chopping in the dark it's not an advisable thing to be honest we need 50 is it 50 to get a chest i think it is oh no our energy is so low will we get enough to get a chest we need one more piece please don't make us sluggish okay we have eight energy let's quickly make a chest early game is so hard because you just don't have energy for anything and we'll put everything in the chest that we don't need actually should we sell some of those clams i don't think we need all of them right i'll sell some of these daffodils as well so at least we make some money today and obviously not going to be a lot but it's something let's go to sleep that was our first day on the farm we made 210 simoleons not a thought but we could buy some seeds with that to be fair i think seeds is a good investment is morris's birthday okay we don't care about morris definitely not gonna celebrate morris's birthday willie's back okay we can go and get a fishing rod and do some early game fishing always handy let's water these parsnips firstly so i need to figure out what sofia's loves are i don't know if i should just use the wiki to find that out maybe i should because otherwise i'm never going to know it right i'm also going to take the glass shards to gunther and i'm going to plant these seeds as well let's go to gunther quickly i don't know if we should buy some seeds maybe we should okay we need to go down to the beach i think we'll buy some seeds i think that's a good investment with our little tiny funds that we do have right now oh you need an amethyst i don't think i'm gonna get an amethyst in time for you gus he wants to rub it on his tooth okay interesting let's check the bins always a good tip to check the bins even though it's a bad luck day got a cutscene with willy hello willy give us our rod please oh hi there miss heard there was a newcomer in town good to finally meet you i was gonna voice act but um i don't think that's a good idea i'm still trying to unwind from a month out on the salty seas it was a big haul i sold a lot of good fish finally saved enough to buy me a new rod here i want you to have my old fishing rod it's important to me that the art of fishing stays alive and hey maybe you'll buy something from the shop once in a while we definitely will willy i love your trout suit especially since we're going to be at level one again and i hate fishing at level one okay we've got the fishing rod we secured the rod that is good let's try fishing so oh that's not a good start okay we've got this i mean obviously this one's gonna be the easy one but please give me something good something that's usually hard to catch probably won't will it and we got a sardine great i reckon this is another sardine it's behaving the same it's the same pattern it's okay we can sell one oh it was a herring right let's go to the museum and we'll also forage on the beach if there's anything to collect there is a muscle we need to get 300 what is it for this bridge maybe you should work on that soon there's so much to work on truth this is the part i love like i love early game i love the whole game don't get me wrong but i do love the grind in early game because everything feels like an achievement will hoe these worms oh we've got a prehistoric rib okay we can also give that to gunther abysmal not a single piece in the entire collection what's this you found something let me see it i'd love to study this in greater detail but it is yours would you consider donating any new artifacts or minerals that you find i wish you knew more about gunther like we never know about his backstory all he is is just the museum guy you know hi penny right let's donate these two things that we have i will put this one here okay i'm gonna try and lay them out nicely we do get some money for it right yeah we get a lot of money we have almost a grand already that's really good let's go and buy seeds and spend all our money on seeds yay evelyn why hello and welcome to our little community dear you can call me granny if you like i would be honored i love her so much robin hello have you met everyone in town yet that sounds exhausting it is oh there's people to meet through here let's go and meet everyone jody oh you aren't exactly how i imagined but that's okay i'm jody okay jody i don't know what that means but okay walk faster please and you are olivia olivia looks amazing oh my aren't you a cutie welcome to the valley dear i am kind of smitten by olivia and caroline hello you must be low the new farmer i'm caroline i like caroline she gives me tea what do we need i think we need some beans we definitely need some cauliflowers we also need some potatoes we need a bean i think they reproduce those beans that's good we could get some kale i think they're quite good for like making money that's a good selection of seeds to start off with oh we could sell our daffodil we spent all our money we have zero okay it's fine we're gonna make the money back it's okay it's like long-term strategy right here let's plant all of these in the ground we should have also gone to willie's and sold these fish although do we need any of those in the community center like at the start of the game i'm always scared to sell anything so i'm like do we need it for the community center this is gonna get quite a big plot to keep watering did we have the perfect amount of spots no we heard one too many and then i think i might spend the rest of the day just clearing the area a little bit or maybe i should go and see sofia what could i give her as a gift i need to know what she likes we'll take her another daffodil but we'll just work on clearing the arm for a little bit first oh we got another mixed seed let me plant that don't worry about how it looks right now it doesn't matter we're just trying to make some quick monies we've cleared a lot of this area i think i'm just going to clear this whole square i kind of want to keep as many trees as i can to see if they turn into mushroom trees because i do like having a mushroom tree on my farm getting quite some coal which is handy but our energy is really low already okay our energy is so bad already we've only got 16 energy so i think i'm gonna go and see sophia getting so much fiber which is really good let me try and figure out where sofia lives again is it this way hang on sophia i'm gonna get so lost i'm feel so bad to leah it's like i've just completely forgotten her her house looks cute in this mod though i can't lie oh i love leah as well but sofia has my heart in this play from amsterdam i don't want to get lost down here though i'm a bit scared of the unknown areas going into her house for the first time she does sewing and she plays like board games here hi sophia what do you want oh saying hello um hi oh she's so nervous what is our friendship are we still just we're still just nothing nothing to her who do we need to meet still we've met quite a lot of people today to be fair still got me george alex still quite a few people and there's some new people i've never seen them before or this person so exciting we're gonna need to go meet more people what does this room need to wine cellar she's so freaking cool i want to move into her house i should probably place torches around my farm as well whose farm is this this looks pretty cool it's like an old house huh whose house is this oh it's him and he notices you but isn't saying anything his house is kind of messy and he uses loads of jojo's stuff he must get seeds from jojo mark then jojo boxes everywhere he said that his farm wasn't like doing great right he was like oh i'm managing but not the best oh should we do a little bit of nighttime fishing let's fish here oh i have no energy i forgot about that start to feel exhausted okay maybe we won't fish here where does this go i definitely shouldn't be exploring at night i know that oh here's the hat mouse we need to come back here in the daytime so we can properly see let's head home because i'm scared i'm getting lost out here not being able to find my way home i think i might need to put torches everywhere so that i don't get lost and i can see the pathways little cows are sleeping let's head off to bed now it's raining so we don't even have to water that's good we'll try and maybe meet everyone we haven't explored up here yet actually look at the signpost the mountain okay yeah this is the way to the mountain little horseradish here yes we can do some foraging oh there's even worms up here maybe this area hasn't changed too much because linus is still here a stranger hello don't mind me i just live out here alone and maybe we should go into robin's and see who we can meet in there no we gotta wait till nine let's do some more foraging actually rainy days are always good for fishing right i hate waiting i'm so impatient like we haven't met sebastian or maru or anything yet god i hate fishing early game we got the chest at least we did it oh we got a bullhead and we got a chest which was full of copper and coal and now our inventories fall great okay we can go into robins now there's demetrius mary's in her room can i not go in no sebastian's probably down here right yeah he's in bed still oh this looks new is that usually a little bridge here oh what's this that's definitely new how do i get there jojo mart is in the way what is it behind here pelican town ah okay so it's like a little statue who else do we have to meet george and alex we can meet now and then sam and what's the kid's name vincent we can meet them now as well bread alex and george irritating to meet all these new people huh now buzz off okay george bye always the charmer right oh i kind of want to pick that up so i can give it to sam i don't know maybe i should run home quickly and dump these things this is the problem having no inventory space suck run home dump these things and then come back for that jojo can i know that sam likes that so we can make friends with him quickly everything takes so long when your inventory is so small whoa we've got loads of stuff up here i suppose because the map's bigger maybe we'll get more affordables and stuff there it is we'll go and meet sam oh sam's in his room heck i don't think we can go in there can we i wanted to give you a georgia cola when does he leave i don't think he goes to saloon until friday right friday will be a good day to meet everyone who we haven't met yet this is just like a little vegetable patch that's cute whoa we got the massive cauliflower look at it and here is the wizard's house oh we can't go inside we can hear someone though i guess we'll just forage more all we do at the beginning is just forage and fish whoa it's so foggy oh my god that's kind of scary oh my gosh we're in a whole new area this is really cool there's more forageables yes we can make some good money with this and we might even get our foraging skill up this is really fun to explore this mod i know that i'm definitely gonna get lost in this forest as well how far does it go on for ah there's a whole house out here it's so pretty oh my goodness it looks so cute i wanna live here please in like a hidden forest i am really scared about getting lost in here i don't know my way to get out and i don't have stream chat to help me but there's so much wood down here i will never run out of wood and i should definitely have come here on a day that it wasn't pouring of rain and foggy because i can barely see my way around let's head home maybe it's getting kind of late and i'm scared okay i think it was just right the whole time we came in from the right right i'm genuinely lost wait did we go out this way is that the way oh somehow i figured that out i think i'm going to be lost on this save for at least the first half of the year at least right i need to keep one of each of these vorables and then sell the rest so we got a lot to sell hopefully we'll make a ton of money from this i'm so excited for this playthrough genuinely okay it's getting kind of late we've cleared a bit more of the farm let's head off to bed our parsnips are almost ready actually we leveled up and foraging and we've got the wild seeds recipe so that's really good we can start planting those and just making continuous money they've been mining as well i think that's from destroying so much rock and we got the cherry bomb recipe which is handy and how much do we make drumroll please that's um not that much i thought it'd be more so that is where we're gonna wrap up thank you all so much for watching i hope you enjoyed that part i had so much fun exploring the area and getting to know the surroundings with the new expanded mod i think in the next part we will have a lot of fun unlocking the mines in the community center hopefully let me know what you thought about it in the comments below and if you'd like to see more thank you all so much for watching and i will see you in the next one bye everyone
Channel: Lillulah
Views: 102,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: study with me, relaxing, cosy, cozy, stardew, stardew valley, stardew valley expanded, sophia, let's play, modded, expanded, aesthetic, cottagecore, exploration, community centre, farming, sve, study, background
Id: e0lEgDYgXaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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