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after a whirlwind few days we're putting our new Machinery to the test I'm a little nervous I'm not gonna lie there are some exciting events unfolding I'm glad that you like to bite off more than I can shoot and I'm hopeful this is the final chapter for my personal nightmare I am taking this very seriously because I'm in a lot of pain and nobody wants to be in pain any longer than they have to be come along and don't forget to subscribe you look like you're in a backdrop of a fake movie Set really it is so gorgeous I think it's real I love it so much it snows nine months because today we are finally sharing some big news say it out loud yay [Music] [Music] what's up guys and good morning we are waking up to a nice bright beautiful sunny day we've got some amazing machines here one of them is broken and it's getting replaced today but uh we've got some work ahead of us we really need to start painting and start continue mutting and finish mudding the inside of the garage but there's also some other things around here that need to happen we'll be able to start lifting up these bales of insulation and putting them through the window it is still a bunch of snow and a really muddy mess around the back it's hard enough just to walk back there without getting ankle deep in mud so I don't want to carry these Bales around the back and take them through the door and also I need to practice with the excavator I'm going to be very gingerly picking up these Bales with the excavator holding them up to the window and then Brandon will grab them and I will very gingerly let go of them and he will pull them through the window no issues that's the plan [Music] you better savor it buddy they're almost gone [Music] along with all the cool things that we're finding as the snow melts are some unexpected unforeseen issues when we had when we started building back in 2020 we hired out a couple things professionally we hired out concrete excavation and during all of the excavation there was a lot of just groundwater pooling up under like in the basement area of the house so we paid our excavator to put in a French drain system so that all the water in the groundwater under the house would drain out and not seep up into the house the pipe that he put in where all the water is supposed to flow out is right here [Music] foreign yeah so that pipe that's supposed to be bringing water from under our house all the way out here to the street is obviously not transporting any water there's no water that's come out of it there's no water coming out of it I don't know if water has ever come out of it but right now there should still be quite a bit of groundwater under the house and it should be coming out of that pipe I've actually in the three Summers or Springs that we've had here never seen any water come out of it and I think that French drain was like seven thousand dollars for him to put that in so kind of feels like we got ripped off you got a big stick Lika we're breaking it [Music] what does she got but now that I've done a little bit of diversion we'll let this stuff dry out for the day we're gonna send Brandon up into the Casita and we're gonna see how gingerly I can run the excavator and see if I destroy these bales of insulation or if I can just delicately pick them up and put them in the window honestly I don't care at all if you destroy the insulation I will care a lot if you destroy the windows you don't even like those windows but I don't want to buy new ones okay I hope I don't destroy the window either [Music] [Applause] oh it feels much better good convertible convertible there we go what do you think Lika I'm a little nervous I'm not gonna lie it's like that toy that game at the arcade that the claw you feel pretty confident pretty comfortable no no I don't feel confident or comfortable I feel ready to practice all right that's what this is this is practice this could be either really good or really bad we are about to find out all right guys doing some insulation nothing rather quickly [Applause] [Music] are you gonna be able to catch that he's gonna drop it scary we're gonna find out wow [Music] there you go cheese how's that it's all right could be better yeah there's a lot of those Bales down there I know it's gonna take a long time [Music] [Music] [Music] stand the ground [Music] without you I'm a lonely tree faith now what's an island [Music] in my mind very nice like I'm just putting this in the same place every time but I don't know how close I am to anything so I'm just looking to you to be my eyes it definitely looks like you're in the same spot every time you're doing really good what are you doing what do you think so far Brandon is this easier than if we were taking them around the back absolutely I mean we probably could have carried a three bundle two of us but that was quite a few bundles and then walking all the way around through the snow this is easier good okay cool he's doing good too precision I must say I am impressed I know Trent has done this has used this machine before but it's been like a year and he's picking up bales of insulation and he's trying not to like rip the bag so it takes finesse for sure and he's doing a really good job [Music] okay lift your bucket up ah yeah no because you were filming nice maneuver Flawless until you came up [Music] here last one wow [Music] so that was probably the most ridiculous waste of an expensive machine and fuel that most people have ever seen But honestly to me that is all about practicing with this machine so the main reason we have this machine is because we're gonna have to dig a really big hole and uh that hole is very close to our house and the last thing I want to do is jump in this machine that I know how to run an excavator but this machine's a little bit bigger than some of the mini X's that I've ran and I don't want to accidentally put a hole in the house or a window or anything like that so we did some practicing today being very delicate with the bales of insulation with the plastic and putting them up into the window where Brandon could grab them this was basically just like a little training course a little practice session for me and uh I feel a lot more confident now I did have the machine on the slowest Turtle speed of throttle and was trying to go as slow as possible so that's about as easy as it are going to be and uh I didn't hit the house and I only poked a giant hole in maybe like a quarter of the bales of insulation so pretty successful day uh now that that's out of the way we're waiting for the skid steer to get switched out later today that's probably not going to happen until like three or four and it's 11 15 so I think we're gonna head in the garage we're gonna start painting we're going to start mudding and hopefully we can make some good progress today before the skid steer guys show up who I was with the excavator you were pretty good what is that foreign [Music] entire panel it's a possibility all right the paint is ready shall I pour for you sure madam sir whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] in case you've ever wondered about whether you should put in a lift and start doing some work on a car in your garage before your garage is fully built out my advice to you would be to wait great advice thank you I learned it myself working on it what a mess [Music] [Music] birthday [Music] we're having a little change of rolls here Ali is uh working hard over here and she's painting and I'm just hanging out filming which actually filming is very intense it takes a lot of brain power you have to set up different shots you have to try and set up a story something that you can actually tell instead of just random clips that you try to piece together later so I know a lot of times it looks like Ali's not working or Ali's just hanging out with the camera but honestly she is usually working just as hard if not harder than we are and she's also got her thumb in all different types of things you know she's helping take care of Leo and she's you know running our businesses on the side and she's answering emails and doing all these different things so a lot of people try to give Ali a hard time because they think Brandon and I do all of the work but in reality Brandon and I just do most of the construction Ali actually does most of the work [Music] foreign [Music] taping and mudding on the ceiling is going great everything is wrapping up quickly actually quicker than expected and we just got a call from our New Holland rep who is coming to exchange our new Skid Steer so in the last video we got a brand new Skid Steer and after we got it up to our house we realized it was a huge hydraulic leak coming out of somewhere we're not exactly sure where so we said it's a brand new machine that definitely shouldn't be happening this is probably a lemon give us a different machine so they're bringing us a brand new machine and I've got to put the bucket back on this machine so that when they show up we can exchange them and hopefully that should be happening in like the next five or ten [Music] oh [Music] darling no more time for loving you and just like that same same but different totally exact same machine but switched out for one that doesn't leak and hasn't uh had any issues they said they put it under a couple stress tests they ran it for a while they did a huge quality check on it made sure there weren't any issues I don't necessarily think that New Holland is a bad brand or at least I don't yet because I've owned two within a week and uh hopefully this one doesn't have any leaks or any problems and it can kind of like reinstill my faith in uh New Holland the salesman basically told me that there's a total service bulletin or a TSB which is like basically something where they like know there's an issue that there was a bunch of hoses that got made by a manufacturer and some of the ends didn't get crimped properly and then they got thrown in the machines and then they're not finding out about it until they're like in operation so they didn't find out about ours until we drove it halfway up the mountain but we got a new machine hopefully luck is on our side now yeah the guys have been super accommodating and flexible helping us get a machine that works and I know Trent now is very excited to start using it we've had the other machine for like 48 hours and he wasn't able to use it because it was leaking and now I know we have work to do we have taping and mudding and painting but he wants to drive this machine yeah let's go get that snow out of here that's awesome we should put up a backsplash definitely need something over there some tile a little rubber mat for your feet I don't know about some scented soaps maybe a candle a candle not a camel it's looking great you want a camel you guys it is we're not even Plumbing there's no glue but I can tell you Trent is acting like Nickelback is about to show up in a city near you camels are a desert moose yeah dropping knowledge thank you they are the same mouth same type base the pumps we joked about doing this in the house but we should actually do it here anytime there's like a seam or an imperfection on the wall or just put up a picture of Brandon I love 100 pictures of Brandon just all over them and bikinis oh [Music] thank you [Music] oh my goodness I don't know if you guys ever feel this way if there's one room in your house that just becomes like the shove it space where you put everything and it accumulates pretty quickly and every day you're like oh I gotta clean that up oh I got to clean that up and you don't today is that day this has become our shove it space it's always been the shove it space but I need to like at least minimally organize and like clean out all of the recycling in the trash and just like couple little things it's driving me crazy it's the junk drawer room of our house I cannot get over that you look like you're in a backdrop of a fake movie Set really really it is so gorgeous it's real crazy I love it so much it snows nine months um Ellie's gonna stay in here and do some cleaning I'm gonna go start prepping the garage we have Tyrell showing up he's actually gonna tint the windows in some of the heavy machinery that we have today so that will be really exciting also we're gonna do our best to finish taping and mudding the ceiling in the garage we painted like two walls yesterday one fully one like halfway hopefully we'll be able to get more paint finish taping and mudding get the windows tinted got a lot on our plate today but it's nice and early so we got all day today's the day I feel it we're very close and that garage is almost done [Music] it's not perfect but it's much cleaner than it was yesterday Trent and Leo had a beautiful time playing together in the skid steer kind of getting familiar with it Trent cleared all the snow from up on our I don't know what this is called the upper section of our driveway enough that we could park a car up here which is huge I'm excited we have some big plans about Landscaping um and we really want to plant some big trees and do a lot more like wildflowers but we know there's going to be a lot more regrading and retaining walls that need to be put in place especially with what we've learned after the water runoff and the snow melt from this year so we're not going to plant any big trees yet because we have so much of that work still to do but it is cool to start to see the vision and part of that vision is to have this be another parking spot but also like another hangout spot it's gonna be really cool when it's done we're talking about that you when you were up here last we like to just barely dried in the house long long time a little different now are we tinting that one yeah this one and that one sick murdered out five percent everywhere so nobody can see up in your windows no I've got to be able to work in it good where's the little guy he's in the house [Music] thanks for coming up today oh I'm glad that you like to buy it off more than I could shoot so for those of you guys that don't recognize or remember Tyrell he owns Envision Automotive personalized Everything Automotive personal yes so they do basically everything they tint they soup up they wrap they do everything with like the coolest cars you've ever seen in your life and they're also gonna and now many accidents yeah have you done these tractors oh that would be fun challenge accepted we're gonna do it aren't we Anthony I think this one will be really easy this one will be trinky that one just has something trickier you just have to take those grates off the windows yeah we'll get it though and you can lift the bucket up and yeah I didn't realize the garage was this type of size it's a monster it's gargantic yeah upstairs or is that just Skyline oh that's a full apartment in case this takes you too long you have somewhere to sleep it's like a whole mother-in-law suite and is it finished no okay could you weld all this together yeah yeah so cool because you're a man of every challenge aren't you I obviously can't tint windows [Music] for a while let me feel alive wow that already looks so clean my time just enjoy the ride all right we're all gonna get to work in a minute but first we're gonna give Tyrell a quick tour of the house this is amazing thank you I can't believe how much you guys have done just watch dang oh this is our dirty room this is called the mud room yeah don't look at this room oh yeah it did Leo please I was in the dark against it all there he is over there I'm right here oh can you go pound it yeah good job oh thank you well we just gave Tyrell a little tour of the house I think the last time that Tyrell was here we probably didn't even have windows in the house it was like I mean it still is a construction site but it was like legitimate construction site with only Terry on the property so a little uh cool experience for him to come and see like the finished product as far as the house goes and then the construction project that we have here that's a garage but I think these guys are gonna start busting out the tints now and we're gonna head into the shop and probably start taping and mudding because hopefully we can get that done today we're gonna finish taping and money we're gonna finish saving the mudding [Music] thank you I just really want this to be easy and it's just so contrived because of all the stuff that's in the way but I think we're going to roll the scaffolding over and we're going to be able to finish the corner seam along the back wall uh the corner seam along this duck Chase and then we're just going to kind of Shuffle around and hopefully be able to finish mudding all of these seams by the end of the day [Music] thank you [Music] thank you Anthony and Tyrell I've been working oh you were just way too nice thank you so much is that a supreme pizza and I think it's a stuffed crust but it's probably hot so be careful be careful more manly together good dad Vibe hard look at these windows send it out sick so pretty that's gonna make it so nice on a sunny day working in there keep out about 50 of the heat with this film cool this is a full ceramic grade window tint it's the highest end film that you can get on the market right now they have AC so it's like yeah yeah gotta protect that Ginger skin you know these guys are getting busy switching things up moving on to the skid steer the excavator looks amazing I know it will make a huge difference to everyone's skin for us to have a little bit of tint on these windows but in the meantime I actually have to hit the road [Music] [Music] thank you okay well we are it's been a month my eye is pretty much the same um I don't think I've done a great job of explaining everything that I've been doing in order to fix my eye and I want to kind of clear that all up I've been to three different Specialists actually the only people I've gone to are surgical ophthalmologists which are medical doctors who specialize in eye issues as well as a nurse practitioner who is like a family practitioner in a completely separate practice so I've been to two separate practices already I've seen these doctors and nobody has really been able to either diagnose or effectively treat whatever is going on with my eye so my eyeball is not affected my eyesight my eye pressures not affected it's the eyelid the lower lid and it's um I don't know maybe a little bit less but it's still like pretty swollen red and mostly just in pain I've been on oral antibiotics I've been on eye ointment I've been on eye drops I never took eye drops previously so a lot of you have been sending us articles about the recent issues with contaminated or poisonous eye drops not something that I've ever come into contact with a lot of you have mentioned shingles cellulitis septal cellulitis uveitis there's so many different things you guys have been sending me as suggestions to look up and I appreciate all of them believe me I have gone down every single Rabbit Hole to try to figure out what the heck is going on with my eye I don't want this to be continuing any more than you do I'm sick of this I just want this to go away I am taking this very seriously because I'm in a lot of pain and nobody wants to be in pain any longer than they have to be so today I'm at the Morin Eye Institute another separate practice to see another ophthalmologist this doctor actually specializes in issues of the eye and eye inflammation not just um the eyeball and eyesight but like other issues of inflammation and infection around the eye so I'm hoping that both with a separate opinion as well as a separate area of expertise we can start to hone in on what might be going on I don't think it's viral at this point it hasn't spread to my other eye I don't think it's bacterial because the antibiotics didn't do anything um I'm starting to think there's something embedded in my eye a fiber of insulation an eyelash a piece of debris so I'm going to try really hard to get them to look a little closer inside my eyelid today um and we'll see if we can get some answers it's been a really frustrating process and I've been trying really hard to stay positive because I don't think anybody benefits from me kind of dwelling in the negative and being cynical and pessimistic about the outcomes here um but I am just at a point where I really just like to get this resolved you know I've been doing tons of herbal supplements I've tried it all I promise and um so far nothing is working so my instinct is telling me there's something in my eye and it's deep enough that I can't see it Trent can't see it we've all looked everybody has looked um maybe they can find it today we're about to find out [Music] okay I'm already feeling a little bit better a little bit more relieved the tech just came in and got me all situated we did an eye exam we checked pressure it's kind of just like a baseline surface exam uh Shining Light in my eye and making sure that my story matches up with the notes that he took down already more thorough and more comprehensive just because I think I am more educated now on what I what information I need to give to the providers in order for them to accurately assess and diagnose Me Maybe I just haven't been as clear as I needed to be so I gave him a very thorough very chronological rundown of everything that's been going on um and hopefully hopefully we can get this figured out today like he was just telling me third time's a charm we're gonna see what we can do [Music] wow oh my gosh I feel like I have a decent pain tolerance but there is nothing quite like getting injected into your eye it hurts so badly and I felt so bad because she was like okay hold still here we go and like you cannot hold still when you feel a needle go into like your eyelid or your eyeball like you just have a instinctual reflex like you can like I could not hold still oh I'm glad that's over it was interesting they did a full exam and they were really really nice um very comprehensive and they think it's uh collazion which is basically just an oil duct your eyelid is rimmed with oil ducts all over that got clogged super simple if that's the case um and because it hasn't resolved on its own after almost a month she injected me with a tiny bit of steroid right into the spot where it's clogged and she's hoping that that will help resolve it in the next three or four days which is a simple explanation I don't know how right it is um but if if that's what it is then that's great I just want this to be done so badly she said to continue with the hot compresses um both like to help with pain relief and also to help with uh like you know swelling and draining and all of that good stuff um and if it's not better in a week to go back which is what every doctor has said so hopefully I don't have to go back to her in another week and this is the end of this story we'll find out in the next couple days but wow my recommendation would be to avoid getting injections in your eyes she did look pretty thoroughly she couldn't find any little like microfibers in my eye or like any bits of insulation or anything we talked about I have Reynolds could this be an autoimmune issue like nothing like that I've never had this before so it's probably not a chronic thing it's just a random one time incidents maybe it was from the construction maybe it was from stress maybe it was from something else nobody knows how it developed um but hopefully we have an actual diagnosis and it just is one of those things that takes some time and is a little bit painful in the meantime so I'm going to continue my whole regimen of stuff I've been doing on the side and uh we'll see if these steroids have any impact over the next couple days wait what we passed yeah heck yeah that's really exciting I know I almost got the drywall done it's been a crazy long day I am so over it with my eye guys I cannot even tell you but the silver lining permits to build an addition on the back of our house it's the first time we can say it out loud yay yay no we already bought the machines to do the Edition uh we hadn't been approved yet so now the county has approved us to actually build an addition so that we can have room for Leo and more more what anyway we are very excited to be able to finally share this news with you guys and it kind of means that our our building focus is going to shift from the garage to the addition which is really irresponsible but we're trying to make Leo a bedroom so give us a break that's for you yeah we're talking about you dude anyway if you guys enjoyed coming along on today's adventure make sure you show us by giving us a big thumbs up on today's video consider subscribing to our Channel if you haven't already thank you guys we love you and we'll see you guys on the next one adios [Music] know I'll be
Channel: Trent & Allie
Views: 294,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, vanlife, trent and allie, eamon and bec, trent and allie van, homesteading, tiny house, off grid, wild wonderful off grid, tiny house tour, do it yourself, diy, life uncontained, building our own home, good simple living, fabrats, snow recoveries, flooding, state of emergency, drywall, medical mystery, eye pain, theres something seriously wrong with my eye, eye problem, problem, pain, getting worse, medical, mystery, finally sharing our big surprise, surprise, delivery day
Id: Pc61bDUNgRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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