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our final concrete pour was almost ruined yesterday there was a huge Monsoon and these storms seem to be following us the hurricane that just rolled in has been insane everything is speeding up tomorrow we're getting Lumber but we have an important trip planned we're at the beach and not even Monsoon rains can stop us we're gonna make the most of today [Music] laughs [Music] you're not wasting any time huh we're not or they're not they're not yesterday there was a huge Monsoon things were muddy and soaking wet and it rained throughout the rest of the day into the evening overnight it was super wet and muddy this morning um but amazing news we got all the concrete we needed for I don't know almost forever which is very exciting and today the concrete crew is back and they are taking the forms off and we're about to see what these walls look like foreign [Music] thank you got milk got milk hey we are really excited to have Joel here today Joel came back for a few more days before he goes back to school and uh it rained all night so we've got a lot of mud and uh not a lot of work to do I vote we send Joel up onto the ridge cap and do the rest of the roof yeah you like that plan like I was riding a horse all day yeah my hips are sore really [Music] thank you [Music] it's a slow morning over here and everyone is just enjoying a little bit of the mountain the nature the sounds of the birds waiting for the mud to dry because there's just not that much there's a lot that we need to do but pretty much all of it right now requires um moving some stuff around and it's so muddy that that would not be a great idea so in the meantime we're planning we're scheming we're talking through ideas and just spending the morning together thank you [Music] we could probably get started Grayson's out here doing the slip test [Music] at least the good news is we know that this is all pretty compacted Rusty didn't slip off the side yeah you can tell where the water is running down it's creating a ravine yeah you know just a little bit more compaction over here we could probably throw some road base and some gravel on it and Park everything we kind of have to retain this or else it's just going to wash away the time so we've got a lot of rocks basically the roof is almost done there's like a little bit more that needs to happen on the roof and then that's that's it and really now that concrete is done and we're waiting for it to dry so that we can backfill we have the time to do a little bit more Landscaping um a cup build a couple retaining walls move a couple rocks around we just need this mud to dry first [Music] these guys are so loaded down and that mud is so soft we're just sliding right through it that's impressive I thought these guys were leaving but they're actually just re-positioning so they can stack more forms on the back of this truck I am just so grateful that we have a skid steer because our driveway is an absolute disaster and it's basically totally fine as soon as it dries out Trent can re-grade it and he can do that as often as necessary probably need more gravel probably we always need more gravel yeah [Music] [Music] well the sun is out and things are starting to heat up and dry out a little bit the concrete crew is taking down the forms Brandon and Grayson are Up on the Roof it's dry enough for them to be up there safely they just have to finish the ridge cap so it shouldn't take very long and hopefully they can get that done before it gets even hotter and in the meantime Trent and Joel are just kind of helping out wherever they can and trying to figure out if there's anything else that they can do making sure everybody has everything that they need it's going smooth [Applause] very small after a while I'm [Music] what are you doing up there is not working oh no I'm sensing a smile it's pretty crazy when you think about it how long it took for these guys to build the forms versus how long it's taken them to remove them all it's it was almost like three weeks two and a half weeks to build them and it hasn't even been one full day and I think they're gonna get it fully removed and taken down today in the meantime Brandon and Grayson are at a standstill because the rivet gun has stopped working which could be really bad because we definitely need that in order to finish the roof it's just the ridge cap it's just the last little part it's a very bad timing for our rivet gun to stop working so hopefully Trent is in surgery right now seeing if he can dissect and disassemble and then repair the rivet gun how's it looking going okay oh boy could be worse okay have that tool and now it comes with it a planned for this yeah you're gonna be able to take it apart when it breaks there was just a bunch of rivet ends like caked in there jammed in there and it was on the making of the device couldn't pull on future rivets huh yes I know my hair is a mess does it work let me see look at that see how this works better hey it is a little bit of a gloomy day out here and while Ally is running to go and get us some lunch I wanted to take a minute out of today's video and let you know today's video is actually sponsored by surf shark for those of you guys that haven't heard me talk about surf shark surfshark is the most amazing VPN on the internet a VPN is a virtual private Network it's something that actually encrypts your incoming and outgoing information on devices like your cell phone your tablet your laptop when you're on an unsecured Network anybody else that's on that Network actually has access to your device and they can get anything that's on that device whether it be passwords or it'd be bank account information your social security number you can have your identity stolen a problem of having a password stolen or your bank account information seems like a modern day problem but it can have really really bad consequences and you can protect yourself for just a couple dollars a month and right now surf shark is doing a great deal where you actually click the link in our description and you'll actually get 83 off and your first three months free of charge this is an amazing deal and you guys should definitely take advantage of it I wanted to say thanks again to surfshark for sponsoring today's video and uh looks like it might be starting to sprinkle here again so I'm gonna go inside until Ali gets back with lunch foreign I went and picked up a little bit of Five Guys Fridays even though it's not Friday it's always a reason to celebrate and we wanted to get something extra special for Jose the lead of our concrete crew who has been an absolute Miracle Worker this past couple weeks how you doing good how are you good goodies for everybody all right Mr hamburgers yeah we'll need that slab sooner later and we gotta do this here so okay thank you so much I cannot express how grateful I am not just for everybody that does work around here but those concrete guys they put in the work like when they were doing the footings they ended up having a bucket concrete back and forth and like put like Concrete where we couldn't get it with the pump truck and when they were pouring the walls it started Monsoon dumping and it was absolutely crazy and they put in the extra work to make sure everything was done and it was correct so that we didn't have any problems a lot of Crews if I was out there I would have been like the heck with this I'm out of here you know it's like really grateful for those guys they busted butt but now that ali uh brought back some Five Guys I think we're gonna take a little break have some lunch [Music] [Music] yeah nice I can't believe the rivet gun survived that last fall I should have seen it it launched fell off the ridge slid down hit the bottom roof picked up some more speed and then hit the arm on the bobcat and flew over by the bed Gary it's pretty gnarly the first time didn't work let's try it again [Laughter] the rain has ruined our plans once again completely said absolutely amazing we are not going to be doing any excavation today because it's just going to get muddy and it's going to be a big old mess and it's just not worth it so I think we're gonna call it a day are you excited are you doing a little dance because you're so excited it's kind of funny uh when Ellie and I used to go places we used to be able to just pack everything into a bag and then you basically add a tiny person and all of a sudden we've got like one two three four we have a lot of bags now and we have a stroller and we have a car seat and basically we have to take like five trips out to the car so better get started [Music] yeah are you excited are you excited for the trip yeah [Music] okay good we're excited [Music] tonight there's no way back [Applause] [Music] all right have we forgotten anything important didn't go right now we'll remember later once we can't get it [Music] [Applause] till the morning morning [Music] [Music] thank you thank you so much we made it um A1 is gonna be your departure okay you guys are set that's the beb ticket as well perfect but A1 you are golden you guys thank you so much come on if you couldn't tell we were at the airport I'm very excited we got here really early we never run early anymore and I'm glad we did because the security line is super super long we just dropped off all of our bags we're heading to security heading to the gate from there hopefully at some point we can stop and grab some coffee thanks for that thing she said we're on gate A1 yeah which is like the first gate okay so it looks like a25 is actually the closest gate we were A1 so we were like all right perfect we're gonna be able to just run right to the gate A1 is actually the furthest gate it's 25 Gates away of course that's what we get for assuming take care of science quickly and safely if you're having trouble finding a place for your back spice heads are available on the aisle [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] shaking shaking shaking every time [Music] [Music] they say you're a lot more emotionally available on an airplane but I cried the whole way through Encanto and I've seen it before it's an emotional movie anyways it's one of those ones that really it jerks your tears but we made it to Philadelphia and we've got a couple stops before our final destination of the evening [Music] all right we made it to the rental car place and we've settled on an amazing vehicle this is Trent's idea not mine I just hate trying to get stuff in and out of cars and in and out of SUVs and the minivan like I know the minivan is just geared towards having like a bunch of kids and a bunch of bags and all kinds of stuff lay everything flat everything fits it's a comfortable ride we're never getting a minivan because we'll never have enough people in our family to necessitate a minivan but for today it's really going to hit the spot this is it's even got leather seats yes luckily this was like a four minute drive to a hotel that we're actually staying at tonight and we've made it there it was right around the corner from the airport we're gonna unload get out of this minivan as fast as possible before Trent decides he loves it and needs a minivan in his life and I think we're all starving so we're gonna go in and grab some food [Music] fair enough I guess I didn't wanna see well we had a pretty nice night last night we got in here we went to bed uh since we're on the East Coast it's two hours ahead and so we went to bed at what would be probably like 6 30 p.m our time I think it was like 8 30 or 9 here and uh we got Leo down he fell asleep Allie and I went to sleep and I think I slept for like 11 and a half hours which is something I don't think I've done since I was a teenager so that felt really really nice I'm fully rejuvenated we went down and had a little bit of breakfast here at the hotel and now we're ready to load everybody up into that minivan we're going to the beach we're heading to the beach are we gonna go see Nana yay [Music] if you guys have been watching for a couple years you know that the Jersey Shore holds a very special place in my heart my family has been going to the Jersey Shore Sea Isle City it's the it's my happy place my family has been going there for almost 40 years and over the past couple years we haven't gone every single year because we've gotten older we've moved away people have had babies like things have happened and normally we go with my family my parents my brother and I and another family that we've been going with for honestly what feels like a hundred years but I think it's only been 40 years this is the first time in I think eight years that all of us have made it a priority to come to the beach to meet to be together it's going to be amazing there have been marriages there have been births we have so many more people now because the families have just grown I'm so excited to see everybody and I think we'll be there in about half an hour [Music] [Music] life [Music] is in a stream [Music] the ocean call for you [Music] it's amazing to me every time I come back to Seattle how little things have changed I mean there's bigger houses and like there's been some construction but overall it's basically the exact same as it has always been and I have the best memories of my life coming here um and this year is going to just be really special because we haven't all of us been together it for so many years um so everyone is arriving today at different points we happen to be driving into town first we're going to stop and pick up keys to the rental house make our way there right now and uh get everything set up for everybody else to arrive [Music] D you don't want to go out with a bad candy you can't get back in just check out and check instructions inspection checklists all that fun stuff awesome enjoy thank you [Music] if there's anything in life that reminds you by like a smell or a taste of a certain part of your life this is what Sea Isle City does for me I'm immediately transported back to my childhood it smells exactly the way it's supposed to ah and we're just on vacation all the stress Falls away and I cannot believe I just keep saying it but I can't believe we're all going to be here together our the other family that we go with has been like our best friends we call them The French Connection because they're actually French well French American and they're all coming from different parts of the country today because they've been on a couple three week long Vacations so far in the states so I think the first people to arrive are Laurent and his girlfriend Karen and they should be arriving in just a couple of minutes I see him [Music] together [Music] [Music] hello hello about an hour away still okay perfect Laura and Karen just got here and we're just unpacking so bad it's been so long [Music] [Music] you're right Joanna's here hello hello [Music] your heart your eyes look who's here hello [Music] [Applause] I'll do his room [Music] it's been such an amazing time here at the beach my family is all here our friends are all here I think there's like 20 of US 19 in total it's insane we just had an amazing dinner and uh have been treated to a crazy lightning show the like hurricane that just rolled in has been insane enlightening lightning every like 30 seconds for the past two hours it's been wild we're just getting ready for bed wrapping things up for the night and uh really really enjoying some quality time together [Music] okay no I'm not ready [Music] the absolute best part of this week is that we have an everybody birthday party which basically means because we're not all together throughout the year we don't all get to celebrate each other's birthdays in person and so when we do get together we've always had every single year an everybody birthday party we get a birthday cake we get birthday gifts for everybody this year we did it kind of secret Santa Style so that there wasn't a thousand gifts because there's actually like 19 people all together so it's gotten big over the years which is amazing and it's just so full of love we got these amazing t-shirts so cheesy and I am a hundred percent on board um just anything to commemorate how special this year is because we haven't been able to all get together in so many years and honestly we don't exactly know the next time we're all going to be able to make it next year it sounds great but it's expensive there's a lot of logistics there's a lot of people um for the first like 20 years of my life we went every single year and it's just become something that we Savor because we can't exactly count on next year ever being confirmed I gotta say one of the most special things so far is that Joanna my one of my she's like my sister basically and I have kind of taken up the mantle to help coordinate and organize and plan and cook we're basically becoming the adults which I guess we are but our role has always been the kids and it's actually been a lot of fun to just like kind of take care of our parents and give them a break and a vacation and cook for everybody cook together in the kitchen we've had so much fun every single night just playing music and relaxing and making good food um hanging out with our kids and our parents it's been a really special week so far [Music] oh man we have been out here on the Jersey Shore in Sea Isle City for about five days and uh we've been on vacation we've been spending a lot of time with Ali's family and Ali's you know other family from France who's not really a family but it's basically family because they all grew up together and it's amazing like the Nostalgia that these guys all have from being here now I didn't grow up going to the beach with my family in fact I had never even went to the beach until I was like in my mid to late 20s so being with all these guys and getting to like kind of relive all of their memories and talk about all the fun stories that they have from growing up it's been extremely special and fun for me even though I wasn't there for the Memories we're making memories now for Leo we're gonna start doing Traditions like this with our family we're at the beach I don't know if you guys can believe it this is our last day of the bee here an entire week and have done a terrible job of filming and an amazing job of disconnecting and we have had the best week you could possibly imagine spending time with family being in the water hanging out eating so much eating and just relaxing it's been great Leo has consistently gotten more and more comfortable with the water he was super skeptical at the beginning of the week and he's finally like he doesn't want to go in but he wants to stomp around in it which is perfect and so cute and the water feels like it's about 33 degrees the water is absolutely freezing so we're gonna make the most of today oh we're probably going to be getting in the water and uh I'm gonna have to wait till I warm up just a little bit more [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yay [Music] yay Leo [Music] foreign 's going for it I don't want to but everybody else is going in and uh it's gonna be like my cold plunge for the morning to drop the body temperature get my heart going it's invigorating and then when I come back out here it's gonna feel nice and warm right go for it run okay go [Music] dada do you want to go get them should we go in the water okay let's go [Music] you scrape the bottom what happened to your stomach when I was body surfing in I was flat as a board and I went until the water was like this deep and I like you know we have boogie boards yeah in a little while I'm a little cold right now good morning [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] the worst part of the week it is okay he'll sing the entire rest of the song If I don't stop him we'll see you in a couple hours okay [Music] it's been an emotional week um part of the reason that we haven't done very much filming is because we needed the break but also because it's been hard to film there's been a lot going on behind the scenes and everyone has been spending time together in a really intentional and focused way we'll share more about everything in the future but for right now it's just been a reminder this whole week that things can change quickly life is precious um you should not take your family or your friends or yourself for granted we're feeling very grateful and very lucky to have all been together a lot of core memories made this week [Music] well I do have one thing to say and that's that we have been traveling all day we just finally made it home I don't like flying in the afternoon or in the evening I don't like flying at all yeah but I prefer to fly in the morning and the flight that we took back to Salt Lake was like at 5 or 6 p.m or something and we flew all the way here we got the truck we drove home we got the dogs everything and now it's late and we're tired and the house is a mess but I'm glad to be home we had such a good trip it was really important to see everybody and we have some exciting news to share tomorrow we're getting Lumber and we are just hitting the ground running we have a lot to build before it snows yeah hopefully everything goes according to plan and we can get this thing framed in before it starts snowing because I feel like fall is upon us I know we came back to some red leaves like the leaves are starting to turn which is a little scary very unfortunate yeah so but it was a good trip we had a great time it was really nice to see Ali's family it was nice to go to the beach kind of cut loose for a little bit but now it's back to the Grind so I think this is probably where we're gonna let you guys go if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you show us by giving us a big thumbs up on today's video consider subscribing to our Channel if you haven't already thanks again to Surf shark for sponsoring today's video click the link in our description to check them out and we'll see you guys on the next one adios thank you [Music] just like fine no denying
Channel: Trent & Allie
Views: 202,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, vanlife, trent and allie, eamon and bec, trent and allie van, homesteading, tiny house, off grid, wild wonderful off grid, tiny house tour, do it yourself, diy, life uncontained, good simple living, fabrats, medical mystery, let the building begin, building, excavator, excavating, excavator stuck, jake and nicole, BUILDING OUR OWN HOME, building a house, pouring concrete, we're bringing in a professional, bringing in a pro, concrete, MONSOON RAIN CAN'T STOP US!!, monsoon
Id: ULVpqJZdUd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 42sec (2202 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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