Time to SEE If We've Been LIED To... Getting Our Pigs Outside for the 1st TIME

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good morning you hear those birds it is a nice 52° out this morning they're calling for a high of 72 today hoping to be getting a phone call shortly saying the tire for the tym tractor is repaired cuz it' be nice to get that back together and working for the project we're doing today if it's not it's not the end of the world but it' be nice to have it we need to get these piglets outside run area built today we planned on doing that the other day but the track broke down or got a flat tire so I kind of put a damper on that project cuz I had to take care of that so now we need to get these guys out zilia still isn't showing any signs of heat so all right we got to move the meat birds so far they've been doing really good on pasture they've been doing really good moving forward with the chicken tractors we only have lost one so far it was kind of a random bird we lost towards the beginning it was a bigger bird so I was surprised not sure what happened but other than that they're doing good meat birds are really loving being on pasture it's nice to see them eating a lot of the grass the Clover that means better meat for us guys patiently waiting for [Music] breakfast you giving your pig some coffee no milk raw milk raw milk you ready for your milk you ready for your cereal Brutus wants it I know you your you want the milk in there you guys want two BS you know they always want to eat out of the same one it's just how pigs work they want what the other one has we don't have names we settle on for these two feeder pigs so let us know what you think we' like to name them after kind of food related um but this one is Yukon and sweet potato and then when they have babies they can have tater Tops This is the area we had the pigs in last year they did really good over here I probably should have picked it up last year but I didn't we had a really wet fall so I didn't feel like coming back over here picking everything up we need our Pig panel so that way we can build our pigs a temporary run out behind the barn for now so we're going to take this whole thing down probably put the gate over there too and then we can have a little little gate on the side to get in and out to them so let's get this disassembled and then we can get the piglets outside and see what they think so normally we put our piglets outside on pasture right away in the hog panels and then we train them to electric fence the piglets this year we have them in the barn two of them Yukon and sweet potato they're going to be our breeder pigs in the future and we want to make sure they know us good and that they're good and friendly with us we want to make sure that they are good with Brutus and that Brutus is good with them and they Idaho pasture pigs so they are on the smaller side when you get them so it's nice to be able to have them inside for now and then we'll put an outside run so they can go in and out and then once they get bigger they'll be outside on pasture all the time a lot of you probably see that we're not using the porter coup right now but we are going to be using it we are going to put our layers our new layers in here when they're ready the other chickens love their CP up there and so we're going to use this for our new layers and then they'll be in there and we'll move them move them around like we do the meat birds our egg lay flock right now free ranging and it's been really nice because the areas that they've been free ranging in we haven't had any ticks anytime we go outside of that perimeter we usually get ticks on us but wherever the egg layers are we haven't gotten any so I've been enjoying them just free ranging for that reason I got some grass with it the Pig shirt can do a number on these panels we got quite a few of them that are bent up and bowed from the pigs running into them or pushing up to them and brushing themselves on them two are straight so far I think that's a good straight one that one's not too bad but these two are pretty well got some good bows and dents in them I can't get the toad out yet I'm GNA need the tractor over here with the forks because that's got dirt inside and I can't budge it and the tractor is not fixed yet we were going to start doing this project yesterday we had the big flat tire on the tractor so I wanted to have the tractor to pallet Fork everything around to get that out of here but since we still don't have it we still have to get started on the project so hopefully at some point today we get the phone call we can go pick up the tire [Music] I don't know how many years we've had this stuff I think we must have built these in like 2016 or 2017 and every year we just reuse them all right so normally we do an automatic feeder and let the pigs have free choice grain but with the Idaho pasture pigs they don't need as much grain they'll eat a lot more grass and hay that's why they're called pasture pigs so I don't know if I want to give them free choice grain I'll have to keep an eye on them and see how they're doing cuz you can give them free choice grain but I also want to make sure that eat a lot of pasture and grass and not just grain cuz we want them to get the Omega 6 and the Omega-3s in their meat right and if you give them candy they're just going to go to that first right I don't mind feeding them grain at all but I don't want them just to pig out on grain I want them to do both right so I think we'll do what we're doing right now is feed them grain with milk on when we want to and then we'll have them on pasture and in the winter time we'll give them hay and stuff also you got it getting it there we go we could use some handles 2.0 handles on the sides I think these are 16 ft long but I need to double check yeah just over 16 ft so now we to go figure out our layout so we can put it here we have it so we can still open up our outside door all the way up against the barn well let's flip it around this door is 48 in so at least to this rib this door is going to come to an hit so if we go to there I'll have you hold this tape measure right there 12 16 is to here got 16 which will be roughly right here so this is all just temporarily we need to figure out what we want to do back here for winter housing I'm thinking we're probably going to end up pouring a slab and then we'll do another roof off the back and have another slant roof this way and probably go 10 ft to 12 ft wide then we can have a run in the winter time for the pigs when it's really cold and snowy and then we'll also have a covered Run for the chickens to have a winter off of the winter chicken Coupe so this is just something we're setting up for now to get the pigs outside and to train them on Electrical Fence [Applause] wow you better be careful your pants fall off they could you never know [Music] there you go okay next that'll be our gate that'll go this way and this way I'll have to put a TST here bam [Music] [Music] not moving rock where we need to be too that's a pain I mean you must have put it there must have can hear it it's right there that's why I like pouring concrete slabs and anchoring stuff to the concrete cuz that way we don't got to worry about rocks right there yeah there you go hopefully that's the only one that'll do it come here wow I don't think I've ever seen you have two tape measures out no I want to know what I need to cut this piece at got it we need to cut it at 12 just under 12T 142 in and then we'll connect it to that TST no news on the tire yet no news on the tire yet nope bummer we going have to go a couple of like an inch long ear than that we got to go 8 in short so we're going to go long oh yeah it [Applause] is so go like so so I should take that hump of gravel out right [Music] [Music] there no Rock no rocks so if you have a little trick for putting these little Clips on let me know I always struggle with them there a tool the tool that I got from Tractor Supply before that is for this broke the first like within the first few times of using it well let us know if you think that brood is screw overnight it seems like every time we see him every couple days he's grown a bunch I wonder how big he's going to get she trying to get the CLS yeah C oh it was in his mouth too so if you're interested in getting any of these panels and you've never done it before there is hog panel and cattle panel and is what else is there there's some for sheep and goats I think they call those livestock panel there's cattle panel which are usually the cheaper ones back in the day they used to be 20 bucks a panel and then these are hog panels if you're doing pigs you want hog panels because this very bottom spacing is small if you get cattle panel the bottom spacing is like this or bigger maybe this size and the piglets can go right through it ask me how I know I was going to say I trust this we know so just saying you want to do pig panel or hog panel whatever they call it and not do cow panel if you have small Piggies so the first time we did it the cattle panel was $1 19999 I remember if that was regular price or on sale the cattle panel which are like 4T High the hog panels which are shorter I think they're like 30 or 32 in high were like $ 39.99 so I'm like oh I'm going to save myself some money and just get cattle panel well yeah then we were chasing around baby piglets once we brought them home you need to come in here with me come on come on come inside with me there you go there you go yeah bruus that wouldn't keep you in would it not very [Music] long one [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you like the pig pen I think that should be a puppy pen ready get the piglets outside for the first time I'm ready ready Brutus I'm thinking they've probably been outside before just not here I don't know how fast they'll come out but I don't think it's going to be too fast come on Piggies hey Piggy Wiggies oh I don't know maybe they're going to come out come on Yukon come on girls what are you doing I think one comes they all come BR scare you oh moving too fast for you don't mind him you guys know Brutus Yukon is pushing one of them out what well they came up fast oh the little one came up first they're chewing on rocks oh is that okay what do you say Yukon well let's see what happens with Brutus Brutus they're in your dog kennel come over this way there's grass sweet potato found another piece look at them they love it I don't know if you can hear them but they're Mo down on that grass that one just went over and pulled the weed out I can't wait till we can get them out on pasture want to get them bigger a little bit bigger and get them trained good to electric fence and then I want to get them up there and see how they do they're supposed to be really good grazers so far I mean it seems like it yeah and watching them doing what they're doing so far really excites me look at that so one of the characteristics of an Idaho p pig that you look for to make it so they really can't root and dig is you want their bottom lip to meet their snout and that makes it so they don't dig all four of these have that characteristic they're pretty noisy chewers for we've had pigs out on pasture we've had pigs eating grass but usually when they're eating grass they're rooting it all up like would put their nose under it and they eat the whole thing they usually start at the roots eat the roots and then eat the grass it is wild to see these guys grazing like a cow wood and eating the grass they are loving that and that's why we got this breed is this is what we want we want them to go around eat the grass eat the pasture and just graze it so we can rotationally graze them around and then it's going to make amazing delicious nutritious meat neat for eating this is super encouraging they have been super friendly they eat everything so far that we've given them so I do need to get electric fence out here to train them to electric fence but I want to get them used to this area make sure that they're used to being out and then we'll put the electric fence in as a perimeter so that they'll know like at that point like this is where we can go to but then once we put the electric fence up they'll know like that hey we can't touch that cuz we got to back up so we'll let them get used to this for a couple of days and then we'll line it with some electric fence probably going to do electric fence two strands and then I'll also put some poultry netting in here in a spot so that way they have been trained to both of them so if we want to use netting or just two strains of wire that way they'll already know which each one is Brutus these it going to be your guys to watch over not only are they going to eat the grass and get all the nutrition from that so that we end up getting it and our meats and stuff but it's also helps keep care of our pastures and all the things so it's just so many different things things that they can do it's really it's really awesome so we're just so excited to have this breed and we can't wait to see what how they turn out I'm just making a brine to do some fermented carrots okay I'm going to put my brine on my carrots perfect put my top on the ferment is all set now I'm just going to let it sit here for a couple days check it a couple more days probably check it could be 7 to 10 days could be whenever so just I'm going to keep checking it and see then once I get to where I like it I'll go ahead and stick it in the refrigerator it's encouraging to see how much the pigs like it outside and how much they like eating grass I can't wait to see what they'll like once we get our trained the fence and get them out in the pasture and we also want to get them in the woods this year and see how they do one of the things we want to start doing is we want to start fermenting more foods and eating more ferments and I can't wait to try the carrot ferment if you guys have any recipes that you really like that are fermented foods if they're like simple or if they're more in-depth with a lot of ingredients leave them down below you really want to get into fermenting more foods and expand our pallets I've never grew up eating ferments so it's something I really want to get into for gut health so let me know what your favorite ferments are cuz I am looking for some good ones this year so thanks for coming along on our homesteading journey you guys are a huge blessing to us in our Homestead or if you're wondering no I never got the phone call about my tire being ready hopefully it'll be ready tomorrow cuz we need this 2m back up and running it was my fault I know I got the flat tire but I need it back so we can get to work with it so thanks for coming along on our homesteading journey you guys are a huge blessing to us in our Homestead we'll see you right back here in the next video bye
Channel: Lumnah Acres
Views: 70,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, DIY, Animals, self-sufficiency, modern homesteading, New England, Homestead Vlog, Farm Vlog, off grid, husband and wife build, farming, build, building off grid, self-built, off grid living, do it yourself, highland cattle, small farm, lumnah acres, pigs, piglets, feeding pigs, idaho pasture pigs, meat birds, pasture, livestock guardian dogs, outdoor pig run, breeder pigs, porta coop, free range, grass fed pigs, pasture raised, fermented foods, farm dog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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