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it's crazy all right we all make it black onyx no don't not only run it down for the audience run it down for me we are we're in a map makers house his name is logical and we're here no no this looks like the real estate property [Laughter] [Music] but this is looking architecture you're saying maybe maybe Texas dude is this your place welcome to my pad everyone this is officially the GTA crib I think this place is really great except I I don't know if I can get down with the stylistic choice of boards in the window it's a moderate to modern might be this is how you like state are can you type in the NFL your rape oh there's a mocked what wait where is this wall bye there's a mod 12 wall by right here oh my god please help me Friday was a beauty pot help excuse me wait didn't you take a break didn't he die do not come back the baby Oh your power alright the lights are on now the computer should be working now me JC we're watching the Super Bowl and JC literally goes dude I'm pretty sure they canceled the commercial for the nut like you know how they tweet up a net that I'm pretty sure they canceled the commercial for it I kid you not literally three minutes later we see the commercial of the peanut Knights for Kobe Bryant it was like oh yeah oh yeah that makes sense that's kind of respectful of them literally three minutes later wait guys we can call the youtuber logical there is a huge there is a big Easter egg on this map on the keyboard or square okay we need to press F on the keyboard okay see you guys in the next one did Cece kill zombies there's so many bodies on me I can't do anything hey me I look like I look cute I'll get that welling you're on this wall but I'm not I get this though you're on this wall but I'm not I might not even Kim stared as zombies got any more I don't you literally made a video saying I don't want to be a zombies guy anymore you said those exact words in that exact order I have a laser rifle also I'm pretty sure we need to go to unlock his office upstairs I think that's the keyboard he wants us to press face client logo behind the box what's the deal someone's talking wait open the box again I swear it came from the box I didn't hear it I think the phone is talking again but no bro it was the B we can call them again okay here we go my car parts sure me you know in the backyard if you haven't opened that door already [Music] okay okay so we need to get a bat make and that maker Furby here he tells you how to do the hop off dude having waited you're right it's really loud extremely loud actually Oh God want to buy my wager one is gaming set up guys pack-a-punch what I think it referenced that before no way actually is package know what does the guy here dude there's a tire on his bed dangers he's watching The Witcher great show is I haven't seen it break on his wall dude he's got a real pictures and here at everything this is sick this is actually a really cool really cool mouth there's also Kate I don't like Kanye but these two these three out these four albums were really good he's a jab new Kanye and I don't know about that I feel like we're really invading this guy's privacy we need to throw the car parts oh here here come here we can throw this we can throw it off the balcony me I'm throwing it fire silkies it's got a little bit of a jig I'm just gonna say this stuff this mad neighbors got a six admin he's got he's got a nice spot it just it's a sick panel is oh we can call me in here we go oh whoops you picked up of Maddox oh oh I treated my good gun I got the cat's okay there's water is bathroom pixelated minecraft baby yo to do this is the optimal combination Julie feed the cat he's a kid Joey what do I like less hey Lex Oh destruction where's the sad Oh what's it do what I can't put this I can't put this up on YouTube what's your deep oh my god how much ammo do you how that's actually super toxic could kill baby I don't like that wait did we all work where's the cat did we find the cat Joey oh you old bugger did someone already beat it sorry hon Oh where's that the bolt oh the cat oh I guess wait sorry that was kind of personal dude that was weird I'm gonna I'm gonna try to call him again hold on can someone help me hold on I'm printing my Maddox shut up dude oh honey no Jay hold on I've lost all my perks and now I'm sad okay right behind get the resolute partner ya thirsty I was trying to call them okay let's go Kota okay now [Music] okay we're on Google okay spawning in your house nothing more terrified where we had that conversation about Lex being just just pop anywhere was just let on a big party laughs okay do we need a gray he said to grant oh there's jug Ranger I didn't think you wait so I'm calm where's the racks to give to the Wendy's chili man we need to find his wallet and then we need to find the well while it's guaranteed in the living room Gary bank dude dapper this guy's wallet is do you see dude that is baller this is a fallen wallet that's a wallet this guy ain't man this ain't got some big bands absolutely going to the racks okay oh I'll get it press F to get a nice cold beer oh let's get it wet clothes oh there's someone at the door I'll give the windi's chilly Oh honestly pretty good delivery time thank you very very good thank you leave okay she would calm I can't we I place the Wendy's down oh no we have chili everyone come eat Wendy's chili I pleaded go to the plane then he consumed Wendy's chili please talking we gotta go delete his browser history I'm on it wasn't his browser Suri's YouTube channel wait oh wait she's still talking still thinking okay he's that alright yeah we have to delete his browser history apparently up in his room or hold ass be a real one oh my god it's actually connected what is going on spoke to us voices this is what I coolest thing this is great I love this art let's come back what does savage just checks bug lien tell him I can't make it to the bar I think we did it okay all right okay we're through we did it all right that was it okay no is it my Weed Man for me please Texas weed man trap phone is this crap phones downstairs places a wingman his trap phone is down hat down death they say wingman or Weed Man weed man wait there's trap phones downstairs I need again turning out to be one of the wildest oh wait I get another nice cold beer Thank You crate that's crazy map right now talking through a door but that's the plug on the door you pick it up being calm again yeah I think I think we've secured the bag boys at this point all right where's the it's probably in his room and for my music yet I'm gonna die these are these are not good weapons Bader savers yes why dude there's another song playing outside shake Oh watch when you teleport back again wait you you new features wait what is holding you maybe it's a lot of death this is EFT your Sabre no I use your Sabre no that's a terrible idea I'm coming with a loss I'm shooting I'm trying to govern you pull when you switch to the same room via the Sabres trash by the way it only has guns on me at a time whereas the swordfish no JC's the song still playing cool down it is I I turned it off I'm listening to do all the faith's right obviously just a cz I'm gonna die and stand on each side of the doorway come on [Music] [Music] I'm out of ammo now then actually I never ever Rebecca's about to go [Music] swing oh wait there's talk - we need to talk to him again actually a few more things there's a couple more steps from my last three it's not the lifestream and someone goes stop the street but do ensued what has like we have no chance of survival we leave the meat grinder we're actually dead push to the other find you so hard wait no can you cover your okay where is the where is the livestream where is the live sheep are not live is it on the computer computer than this place I think it's the one down here okay no it's not right this infinite name for the name he's literally happiest look for like a log on stage yes wait it's wait maybe like throw something through some grenades repay us what do you say shut down the license dude wait for tonight have been had nothing on this from you can double pack the lightsabers yeah change colors no I'm still Vader's but alright likes to destroy this man I'm sorry turn off the street chat how do we turn off the street tell me how does one turn off straight Oh God what does the block do the one you can block it the meat grinder grinding boys I don't think it's a lot of stuff this is the biggest adrenaline rush of any game of ever play it's not the Wendy's chili laptop how do we turn it off did you know that should I look up the steps die but I run the mix it and my [ __ ] I think we're mixing music is ramping up on my does anyone see what we're supposed to do hair dye ingredients okay all right here right here makes them here not gonna die your purse cue first go go oh if you press are they do a little light saber touch okay okay we're good we're good fireworks all formation one shotting anymore I'm gonna stop at once all right back comes back against back together let him get it let him get in let him get in black sit outside started someone told me to shoot the face on the shelf what does that know what what starting up the outlast dream dude this is terrifying why but I'm waiting why does this sound like Soulja Boy oh shut up wait that's completely why does it sound like Soulja Boy I'm just sorted out for you this is about Lou this is almost done and now that we've now that we've entered Satan my gun is called 1 million subs place mix die yo it's over the toilet please yo only it is it's much smaller as well oh the lights are back up nice terrify we probably need to call him now right yeah you'll hit one everybody you're cracked I'm good come here ok [Applause] release his map we gotta go release the map all right yeah where is it that's fair that's fair right wait for it wait for it release where's the release button waiting it's on the windows chile locked it might be on the chilly top who takes off their Apple watch and then like puts it back together like I mean why don't you just unwrap it hooked yeah the most lackadaisical Easter whoa-ohh gonna perks baby oh my oh wow Oh one of the Bible endings over here oh here's the house keys pick up house keys right here okay the door I think take it to the door okay yeah it's to leave that's pretty easy that's 24 should we should we just set up a grinder and protect one who is the most points right now who has 18 cash do you have a good point gun should we set up a meet okay here I got point gun so here y'all want to just stand back and protect me y'all can be like the detail I can probably get there quick okay all right the security detail just laid out in front yeah perfect you know what don't even worry about I got your biggest like pile of zombies I think I got res this is so sad some thug can you can you'll meet grind please I lost my life oh very cool bang ammo it only got 750 frame oh oh there's a zombie blood some wants to go get their two lightsaber upgraded again new portals gone my lightsabers the lightsabers are fully gone no oh they actually might be in the box remember when they decided to make a fortnight cannon for Star Wars Episode nine that's a good idea if you wanted to hear the Emperor's actual message you have to point for tonight keep crawling keep crawling isn't it crazy that for tonight is an Avengers end game and this true true I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sort of famous pose Matt x24 I straight up just have a wedding not even on this map start out with that gun do we check him anything else is unlocked like a point sharing or anything because because you guys could just drop the racks to me we could win nothing whenever this round in let's do a quick run around I like Bible endings that everyone in the group can contribute to yeah so just one individual having to get all the kills it's not as epic it's not as epic gamer yeah I need an ally my main problems I keep having to buy ammo Oh double points nice here here let me go ham it up the grinder get it get to the grinder just use your regular knife yeah that'll work you guys are not in the right room at all grab that max go in brother there you go I got you I got you another max here wait wait a second on that max yo who knew playing zombies in some guy's house would be so much fun actually a great map dude this is the AUSA has the great mom wait like I prefer those kind of like just for fun like weird Easter eggs over just play you have to activate the teleporter and get that little puppet just boring ones that are very tired he doesn't want you in there that's kind of rudeness you don't even live here I'm almost there actually I did it over there all right journey to the door go downstairs go okay boys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Zak's a lot of fun I enjoy that profusely how do I only have 300 kills how do you only have 300 kills I don't know I have a gun that's called 1 million subs hotter than I'm getting the killer's next time turn tokyo's stupid voice lines down he's like in the background like yeah so you're gonna need to like you know text you're gonna need a text bubbly and then takis like I will die with [Laughter]
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 2,622,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gorod krovi, black ops 3 zombies, Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, custom map zombies, custom zombies smallest map, black ops 3 zombies smallest map, world's smallest map, zombies boss fight, shadows of evil, christmas zombies, zetsubou no shima, revelations, spongebob zombies
Id: tATkBXkJ8l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 40sec (2380 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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