Rescuing A $100 Warhammer Mystery Case

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[Music] what's up Hobby friends my name is Casey and welcome to another miniature rescue this week we opened an epic old school Warhammer case that I got off Facebook Marketplace for 100 [Music] bucks this video has been sponsored by uniformation but more on that in a little bit last week I saw a list on Facebook Marketplace that immediately caught my attention there was a listing for a couple of older Army cases with various books and models inside all I really know is that these older cases are kind of tough to find anymore and for a 100 bucks with models and books you bet that I messaged the seller immediately to go pick it up I got to the house and it looked like they were moving so they were trying to make sure everything was wrapped up and gone before they got in their cars to leave I met the seller at her door and she took me in to show me everything in the listing we talked for a few minutes and I came to find out that this collection had belonged to her son Jeff unfortunately about 10 years ago Jeff lost a battle to cancer which really broke my heart I felt for her and her family and I told her that I would do my absolute best to take care of the models for her that the mission I had was about capturing the things that we love about this Hobby and I presume that Jeff loved about it as well preserving It sharing it with other people who are into what we do the community we have as War gamer spans decades and decades and and the models we paint last beyond us and bring joy to everyone who has the chance to see them and I was going to make sure that these would be finished and continue to be used as intended so I took the cases back home and got to [Music] work there are several things in these boxes that I need to separate out and decide where they need to go although this standout piece is definitely the old wood elf book for Warhammer fantasy and of course there is a full starter set for that Army in this box there are also a couple of white dwarf magazines from 2013 2014 somewhere in there that have extensive articles and painting guides for Harin and the Box does contain a box of them that have gotten some paint looking a little closer here there is some really nice color that has gone down and the Fantastic freehand diamond pattern has been started on a few of the pieces Jeff was clear really getting a lot braver with his painting they look great so far but the rest will need to be done in due time of course right now I want to focus on the wood elf Army and see what we have the rest of the minis are going to get set aside for now and make a video about that some other time [Music] from the picture that was cut out of the start collecting box it looks like a variety of Hors Riders some Bowman and dryads after going through all of the bruise and separating out each unit it actually looks like everything is pretty much here I think we're just missing a single moment it's kind of funny when I started in this hobby I was told that it was much easier to Prime the models on the sprew and that's pretty much what we have here that does work for some people but I'm not the cleanest at assembly so I will need to take everything off of the sprew and clean it before assembling everything otherwise I'll just cut into the primer and leave marks all over and have to repaint those areas anyway they've also collected some dust and hair so they probably just need a quick cleaning before we actually get new paint on them before that though let's talk about the plan for this Army which is relying heavily on this week's sponsor uniformation is once again asked me to give some updated thoughts on my time with their gk2 resin printer now last week I talked about how much I still liked it and how easy it was to use and all of that is still true but I want to talk about the quality that this printer can produce and how I want to continue working on this Wood Elf Army using it I've been printing out minis non-stop for pretty much the last 3 weeks I've just been on a real kick and every time I take minis off the printer I'm just super impressed with how good they look mainly I've been going through onepage rules models and printing out the undead vampire Army so that's what I have currently that's done and printed the details are impressive the printer captures all the details and the prints come out cleaner than pretty much any other printer I've used like it's just nicer overall once it's dialed in especially the plan now is to start finding wood elf units that will complete this Army now I have a few in the cabinet that are official but I want to put these on new bases as well as add some units to play a game with the old world has been on my mind for a while now and it's looking like it's a game worth playing so I'm beyond excited to paint Jeff's wood elves with some new units and see what they can do on the table even if they are a legacy Army technically doesn't matter the gk2 has made this process really smooth and I plan on pretty much only using this printer to take care of all of the important stuff from now on if you are interested in picking one up check out my affiliate Link in the description and pin comment below using that link helps out the channel greatly and if you use my code Casey during checkout you can save $80 on your order thanks again uniformation for sponsoring this video now let's keep on keeping on with those wood elves okay so I'm going to keep printing things out and I will eventually start to build out the idea for the rest of the army and replace the proxies with real units in particular I am hoping to find good deals on war dancers because right now they're a little pricey like $20 a model but I've definitely seen them go for less and they would be great to have along with that the old treeman just because I want to try and make those look really cool on the table they're not the best looking models in general so you know in particular though I really want to pick up Orion the wood elf king there's really nothing quite like it and it's just an awesome older mini that would make this Army but again expensive so proxies for now and I will be sending notifications for Save searches until one falls into the price range that I'm looking for there's still a ton of work to do in order to even get what we have here ready to go so let's get started cleaning and assembling the rest of models being older Games Workshop minis the mold lines are pretty easy to get rid of the plastic is soft and even through the primer I can scrape away the mold lines on each mini and set the parts aside for assembly after everything has been cleaned up I did notice something after a while that I thought was pretty interesting a learning moment that Jeff must have run into at some point and it reminded me of a similar moment when I first started building models some of the models that were primed on the sprew that I have cut off have been gone over at least once in an attempt to remove mold lines you can see here that the paint has been scraped down and maybe lightly Reed the gray plastic is showing through just a little bit where the lines have been scraped so essentially they were primed on the Brew there was a realization moment that oh these mold lines need to come off and attempt to try and scrape them off and to lightly reime to kind of match that paint again and I have done the exact same thing before when I started in the hobby I learned that you need to Prime on the sprew because cuz that that's just the way they they did it I guess but I quickly realized that doing that was not allowing the models to get cleaned all the way and it led to several disappointments early on in my own hobby I see the attempt to remove mold lines and try and cover up those bits with paint but I imagine that after seeing this and looking at the rest of the models that were still on the Brew it was probably the thing that led to them being put back and left for another time just set them aside work on another project for now at that point there's not much else you can do but remove the pieces from the spru and try and Salvage what you can I ended up scraping down all the mold lines gluing the models together and getting them put on their bases the good news is that the primer layer on most of the models while being a little dirty and in some places dried with bubbles was easy enough to scrape off just with a knife so I feel like there really isn't a need to try and get everything down to Bare plastic in order to still look good which is a massive timesaver it's good because there are still a ton of models here and they need to be assembled so light cleaning and removing mold lines and I can start priming the minis after quite a lot of work I mean I spent a couple of days getting these prepped like like three three days yeah I finally got them all onto the table and ready to go of course a lot of that was also getting the 3D prints out and cured as well so that time may have been cut down by a few hours overall my point is it was a lot of work still they look epic and I am super excited to get primer on everything and just see what everything looks like Al together [Music] [Music] [Music] so now I've got the main Force put together I left at the dryads because I have a bunch laying around and there's nothing really they're not really put together so it doesn't really matter right now plus it's taking me a really long time to get these put together to at least a pretty good level I still have to Prime them and then we're going to see what happens but I printed out a whole bunch of extra stuff for a Wood Elf Army these are compatible with the old world and onepage rules and that's mainly what I plan on using them for uh for the most part I want to keep everything on Square bases because we already have a bunch and while I am going to be putting some of these on rounds I'm going to use movement trays with rounds cut out to actually do that because I don't have any more Square bases and I don't really want to print out a ton more so we're going to put together some pretty awesome extra models here got some really cool like tree Lord dudes uh some Heroes that didn't come in this starter box and we're just going to add on to what's here and that way we have this really cool wood elf farmy kind of ready to go whenever [Music] now that everything has been primed it's time to start painting now I won't be able to paint everything not right now and I don't necessarily want to right away but I do want to get at least one done pretty quickly to establish the overall theme and colors for the Army I really feel like the classic green and beige look with brown armor is going to look really good I mean does in all the books and seeing as I want to fill the rest of my Army out with classic models that seems like a good place to start I do want to start by getting a zenithal lir on the entire Army and that way they'll be ready to grab and paint whenever I have a spare moment to work on this particular Army I really like doing this for projects it's a huge hot tip if you haven't heard it you know every model's cleaned and primed and it has a zenithal primer on top of it so you put models in the cabinets knowing that it's just a matter of getting out some paints and sitting down to get some work done and a massive pile of unbuilt models that have almost no hope of being completed in a couple of hours of hobby time is basically ready to go whenever you need it if you get the hard stuff done up front and get the models ready to go then playing games is possible because realistically nobody's going to care that some of your models aren't painted and you can take your time painting an army at whatever Pace you want it's just really nice having everything prepped and you just pick up the model and go it's the Army looks a million times nicer now you can see what I mean with all of the zenithal over the top everything just pops and you can see all the details and it's just going to be a lot easier to be inspired and grab something and start painting and I like that the first color that will go down is Forest Green [Music] the painting guide in the book says dark Angel's green so I'm going to treat this the same way that I would a dark Angel's Army get that cloak nice and opaque and begin to layer it up with lighter and lighter greens next up will be the Khaki for the cloth not a ton which is nice but it breaks up the body of the model and makes the green cloak really stand out light brown to start the leather and some darker brown for the wood bits IED use khaki for the bow as well knowing that a sepia shade will tint that color more towards that old white wood look that bows generally [Music] have but to finish off the bows I decided to go with a nice reddish orange bronze metallic paint the contrast is nice with the green and having a little bit of metal makes the bow stand out even more and finally a p pink flesh tone for the face and skin I don't want to take this too far just yet because I don't know what other the types of Flesh tones that I want to use so keeping this one simple for now makes more sense everything gets a wash of army painter strong tone watered down just a tad not to tint everything Brown too much and then I can layer over that once it's dry to bring back some of the color and highlight each piece [Music] yellow green over the cloak khaki to brighten up the bow and the other cloth and some orangey Brown over the leather will bring that back as well overall pretty straightforward but still excellent color scheme and something that should be pretty easy across this entire Army now that I have a test model I know what I want to do and that's always a good place to be in more often than not when I buy a model or an army off of eBay I don't get that full story and that's not always for lack of trying I do ask what pretty much every purchase where a model came from but I don't always get an answer in this case these were Jeff's models and he had every intention of painting all of these obviously it sucks that we live in a world where things like cancer exists and I'm sure that most people watching have experienced what it's like to see someone go through that or that you may even have gone through that yourself in the least I know that as a community of hobbyists and Painters it's important that we are there for each other and help as much as we can in those times in those situations there are other hobbyists going through things that can be helped by just reaching out for a game or even a painting hangout these models that I have now carry a story that I won't soon forget and I will continue to try and keep them going on the table and share that story with people that I play games with so thank you again for joining me on another miniature rescue if you like something about this video please consider hitting that like button sharing this video with your hobby friends and subscribing for more miniature rescues once again I'm Casey and I will see you in the next video thanks again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: eBay Miniature Rescues
Views: 80,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Age of Sigmar, Warhammer40k, AOS, WHFB, Painting Miniatures, Ebay Rescue, ebay miniature rescue, emr, mini painting, airbrushing, 40k painting, Beginner mini painting, beginner warhammer, start painting, cheap airbrush, rescue mini, miniature, model, figure painting, restoration, miniature restoration, scale modeling, painting models, fixing models, Wood Elves, Wood elf, the old world, legacy army, oldhammer, elf army
Id: CN0kgxGAMpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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