Can I FIX this UGLY Forge World Dreadnought?

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do you know what this is this is the daredeo  Dreadnought often considered one of the fugliest   dreadnoughts Games Workshop has ever made I  mean it's got nothing on the fury bundes but   nobody even counts that one anyway whenever I  get into conversations about dreadnoughts the   daredeo often receives a lot of negativity and  sometimes from me too because I kind of agree   it's sort of an ugly model it's got some wonk  in the bunk let's just say but I want one I am   a Dreadnought connoisseur and I want a daredeo in  the collection so I am going to put this together   and my daredeo is going to be unquestionably cool  objectively cool and the way I'm gonna do that   is through kid bashing [Music] now I know four Jewels a rip-off the resin is half  the quality of Games Workshop plastic for twice   the price but it has been a hot second since I've  unboxed affordable item and I'm kind of excited   foreign there is something to Forge World or  maybe there used to be back in the Disney like   a decade ago it was a badge of honor to have one  fancy forgual unit sitting in the center of your   completed four to five thousand Point Army it  was dessert it was a special treat because you   are the Dark Eldar guy you are the Space Marine  guy nowadays though things are just different   especially here in the USA years ago you had a  special order forgeville from the UK and wait   for it to cross the ocean nowadays though it just  ships from the U.S Warehouse in Memphis Tennessee   and we paid 20 extra for the privilege having  lived through all these parts I can say that it's   for the most part fine which is kind of terrible  for the price I paid for this thing I would hope   it would be Immaculate I bought a ton of resin  from other companies and it's usually tens out   of tens for less money where every single one of  these pieces is probably a seven or eight out of   ten in terms of casting quality the only big  problems I ran into was these barrels have a   pretty good lean to them one of these little Shin  armors is missing a rivet and there's a big old   bubble where that rivet should be and I really  hope that they retired the mold after they cast   my gun belt ammo feed things because there's  a big chunk of silicone in there and if they   use this mold again the next person's little chain  is gonna be really messed up all in all it's fine   time to get to work Step One is washing all the  parts because they have an oily mold release   chemical on them that will stop the primer from  sticking properly I threw all the parts into my   Ultrasonic Cleaner I had to cut off the excess  resin so it could all fit into my incredibly   cheap tiny cleaner then I poured in one Parts  La totally awesome to three parts water don't   use alcohol for this it can soften the resin  now the real work begins games or shot Plastics   are basically perfect right off the sprue but on  these four drilled resin pieces I have to do a lot   of cleaning up carving away excess resin sanding I  think this is part of why there's still a Mystique   to Forge World it's actually impressive to see  someone get one of these things built the gun   barrels still need to be drilled the old-fashioned  way and speaking of barrels forgerle connected   these with a strip of resin probably a good  idea for casting but it was a pain in the butt   to get rid of I cleaned up the weapon options  that come in this kit and it made me wonder   heavy Bolter or heavy flamer it's the heavy  flamer is so so cool and a very powerful weapon   but it's close range I really don't see this  daredeo ever getting charged or needing a weapon   like the heavy flamer the heavy Bolter is not that  good but at least it can actually reach out to the   sort of ranges that I'm going to be typically  shooting with the daredeo I could magnetize   it and have both options but really I feel like I  don't need to this heavy flamer is probably never   gonna get used so I'm gonna take these bits and  put them in my bit spins and I'm going to start   gluing things together the hilariously big missile  launchers actually can freely swivel if you glue   them down just right unlike the normal dreads  the smokestacks are horizontal to make room   for the Top Gun some actual engineering went into  this tread very unusual for the 40K Universe the   guns went together nicely I really like that the  daredeo actually has ammo boxes that look like   they can hold more than five bullets and of course  his little Noggin this Dreadnought has a tiny body   there must be nothing left of the original pilot  to actually fit in there the Dara Deo or Dorito   Dreadnought is constructed and comparing it to  a classic box dread it is very different it's   quite a bit taller and it's also decently well  proportioned to a human frame imagine actually is   what sets it apart from the normal dreadnoughts  because Normal dreadnoughts are coffins on legs   they are weird silly looking things where the  daredeo is actually a lot more humanoid and looks   pretty darn good until I attach the hilariously  huge guns now I do love how ridonculously big   these guns are but it does really really highlight  how tiny those legs are and I think that the legs   are going to be how I am going to fix or  alter this Dreadnought to be extra awesome   and the way I'm gonna do that is with the Sentinel  kits this is the new Sentinel from Games Workshop   and what I need of this box is the legs I think  just the Sentinel legs would actually look pretty   good on their own but I think I can modify the  dreadnoughts legs into this and those legs and get   the best of both worlds and use as much expensive  wardrobe resin as possible now from all the way   over here I can hear you all wondering Jay did  you buy a 45 Sentinel just to Kit bash part of   its foot into the Dreadnought and uh yeah I'm  gonna try to use as much of the Sentinel as I   possibly can but um yeah it feels a little sillier  now than it did when I was ordering the parts   first I cut away the peg that helps you pose The  Sentinel then I had to cut away almost all of the   ankles that I could slide the resin joint onto it  this was really hard to do but working slowly and   carefully I made it happen I cut away the old leg  joint this felt wrong destroying that much cordial   detail but I had to do it I drilled some holes  for the Sentinels Hydraulics and shocks then I   stuck the new leg into place I put green stuff  into the leg to make it taller because now the   leg sits at a weird angle from the foot because  of the chicken stance of the Walker and I had to   glue the neon upside down because of the new leg  I glued the new legs onto his butt then threw on   the Torso and it looks really different now the  daredeo now has some funky fresh legs putting it   alongside the classic box dread it now Towers  over it and it's so interesting those new legs   are a good Counterpoint and counterbalance  to the humongous guns those legs look like   they can actually withstand the crazy recoil of  the auto cannons as opposed to the all kind of   Stumpy legs that uh look like it might fall  over if it fired just a little bit too fast   now I gotta fill up that base with stuff and it's  an 80 millimeter base so there's lots and lots of   room to play around with I went back to the  original Sentinel sprue I used up the legs so   now it's time to do something with that head and  of course old Games Workshop put a stop to my fun   so I was hoping that I could use up the rest of  this Sentinel to have it dead on the ground with a   bunch of Auto Cannon holes in it but it turns out  the new Sentinel kit is probably about 25 bigger   than the old Sentinel it is huge it's way too big  to put on the space so I'm gonna have to figure   out something else to do with you and I'm gonna  have to figure out something for this base I went   back to my tried and true black Templar bass trick  pine bark nuggets I hot glued these Downs into   spots that wouldn't interfere with the big feet of  this dread and a big feat you know what that means   big Auto cannons and I put some milliped to  soften the transition from the woods of the base I   covered the ground in wood glue and then sprinkled  on some sand and Pebbles it's not the most amazing   base that I had in my head but it's still good  and it'll match the rest of my Army nicely now   it was time for assembly I had to soften up the  gun so they would fit properly onto the body I   used hot water for this this is pretty tricky to  do for anybody else out there building the daredeo   Dreadnought with the anvilus auto cannons uh  definitely glue the belts on last or else you have   to do a lot of tinkering this big boy was ready it  is finally time to paint this sucker up and I am a   little bit nervous because I am bad at painting  Vehicles when I look at my old dreadnoughts   they're fine but they're kind of just gray boxes  I think the thing that really saves them is all   the fancy little decorations where the armor is  pretty drab but on the daredeo there's like no   decorations it's all armor so I really gotta get  the armor singing and so what I think I'm gonna   try to do is I'm going to use the recipe for my  black Templar Troopers and try that on the vehicle   I primed this sucker black because then I thought  it white then I base coated the metal I made up a   gray metal by mixing gray with silver paint this  will let me push my contrast as much as I want   while still getting a little bit of the metallic  glitter then it was time for my patented black   Templar Armor recipe I used Leviathan blue black  Templar and lamian median you can see how I use   this in a PDF paint guide over on our patreon  and that's not all you'll find over there we   have a brand new train set every month this month  we have the Starship Bridge a modular Grim dark   spaceship interior complete with stained glass  windows this set is available for the month of   March and is all hosted through Comics Games and  Things on our patreon you can also watch extra   episodes of EOB join live Discord Hangouts and  get your name on a Space Marine I apply this mix   all over the armor I used a huge brush for this  because Games Workshop contrast dries really fast   I want to make sure I get every part covered  while still wet otherwise I would be coffee   staining you would see the edge where the last  layer of paint already dried I used a few extra   coats of paint here and there to darken some of  the armor and then I mixed up a matching gray   paint using the Leviathan blue and white paint and  I used this to highlight and clean up some of the   patchiness of the contrast paint I did lots and  lots of highlighting and some Edge highlighting   with a light gray I think it looks really nice  although some might disagree that is some black   armor and I know what you're all thinking it's  blue and it's it is blue it's objectively blue   but I don't really care because black armor is  impossible if I just left it primed black it   would be black but it wouldn't have any contrast  and contrast is what gives a model pop it's what   gives it energy what's what makes it jump out on  the gaming table so I am willing to leave a little   bit of that behind and introduce a little bit of  color and value and contrast to make my Miniatures   a little bit more interesting and speaking of  contrast it's time to add that to the metal I   make some silver into the white paint to make a  highlight for the metal of this Dreadnought and I   use it to highlight exactly like I did the armor  but it didn't do as good a job and that was on   purpose I didn't need to because after this step  I applied a black wash right over top and it won't   matter that you can see right where the highlights  start and stop because the black wash will blend   all together almost everything is done now but  I want to do something crazy the belly of this   daredeo is my favorite thing on this model I love  it I love how the paint turned out on it and now   I want to paint a checkerboard on it this might  lead to disaster or it might look really cool   probably disaster though I better be careful  I have painted a lot of Checkers in my day   mostly on Orcs you land flat surfaces and for Orcs  they don't have to be perfect but here it does I   went really really slowly with very thin paint  sketching out my squares and then filling them   in I want yellow Checkers maybe if I get a second  one I'll do red they would look great as a pair   once I had the squares blocked in pun intended  I filled them in using an orange around the   edges where the paint should be darker and a white  yellow around the head where it should be lighter   the checkers are done it took about  two hours to do just the checkers   does look pretty snazzy though gonna have to  do something to really black Templars it up   and I'm thinking decals I love decals the New  Black Templar decal sheet comes with a variety   of shapes and sizes I put a little one right on  his Dome that way he matches my intercessors I   put some bigger symbols on the legs some little  Shield symbols on the guns and some big honking   Templar symbols on the two missile pods now  the rest of the model is very painterly and   the decals are very perfect so I used some tan  paint and black paint to blend them into the   model better then came the eyes I filled them with  the red fires of sigismon's Fury meaning evil Sun   Scarlet for the base I airbrushed on some Vallejo  Earth then dry brush with Vallejo Stonewall gray   a few Little Squirts of burnt umber a Sapia wash  and a little more dry brushing to finish it off   now you're probably wondering what makes this  Dreadnought different from the classic box dread   and contemptor dreadnoughts that are the more  typical Stompy Androids you see on the tabletop   well it has four extra wounds 12 instead of eight  a file up and vulnerable save and it foregoes any   close combat weapon slot to max out on shooting  potential and is shooting out 18 decent shots a   turn mostly damage too at 36 inch range and  it can reach out to 48 with most of its guns   it's not completely unique in that stat line but  it probably is the funkiest unit with that kind of   a weapon Loadout and that's really the point  sure I could take a gladiator Lancer tank or   a predator Annihilator and probably throw  similar dice but I want the Double Take I   want my opponents absolutely confused when this  lanky weirdo with guns bigger than he is marches   onto the board I finally have a Doritos Locos  Dreadnought for the collection thanks for watching
Channel: EonsOfBattle
Views: 164,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eonsofbattle, eons, of, battle, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 4000, 40k, video, game, play, fun, paint, learn, tutorial, diorama, painting, design, base, basing
Id: VHkBLTih34A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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