7 Items That Ended Up Being Almost Completely Useless

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[Music] every new entry in the Final Fantasy series has always tried its best to innovate and stand apart from the games that came before it this has seen the franchise become synonymous with change as amongst other things almost every game features fresh new gameplay systems but even though change is constant there have been some core gameplay Staples that have endured from title to title designed to keep everything a bit grounded it's easy to point at things like chocobos summons airships and even Random Encounters to a degree but one of the most enduring common threads between the games often flies under the radar the inclusion of a time- tested roleplaying mechanic the item a broad term on purpose an item can be lots of things it could be a key to a door a potion that heals the party or even a tool to use in battle to cast powerful spells they are designed to be carried in the inventory and used in a variety of different situations as a way of giving the player a lot of flexibility with what they can do at any given time as such there have been a myriad of diverse and interesting items introduced as the franchise evolved but not all items were created equally though it makes sense for most items to be less useful as time passes as the party to gain access to better abilities there's a small array of items that almost never had utility at any point in the game in which they featured these were the items that formed The Rare Breed that sported redundant effects overly complicated applications or quite simply didn't really do what was intended and it's that exact kind of item that we're going to focus on in this video the items that despite their best efforts really ended up being almost completely useless in practice so with our usual caveat that we will only feature one item per entry in the series here are seven items that ended up being almost completely useless and what better place to start than with an item that has gained an iconic place in final fantasy's history the potion but we're going to focus specifically on the one that featured in Final Fantasy 13 just as Final Fantasy 12 had done so before Final Fantasy 13 changed a lot of perception surrounding what a Mainline Final Fantasy game should be Central to this was a new fast-paced and dynamic gameplay system dubbed command Synergy battle it reimagined the classic ATB system forcing players to switch up their strategies on the fly in order to exploit weaknesses indu staggers and then build huge burst damage combos this shift in Focus resulted in a much tankier and harder hitting bestiary than had previously been seen in the franchise to balance this out players only had to worry about their HP wining combat as they were fully healed between each fight and the MP system for spells was completely abandoned putting the focus solely on the Lightning Fast combat system as opposed to Resource Management despite this there were still some resources a player could collect and use such as items that were designed to give the party an advantage in combat or possibly letting them avoid encounters altogether traditional Curative items like Phoenix downs and antidotes made an appearance but their usefulness was dimin finished when compared two past titles in the series and after characters developed up to a certain point they often became Superfluous something that was compounded by their complete lack of utility outside of battle one item had even less utility than the others though and this was none other than the iconic potion healing a measly 150 HP to the whole party or up to 5% of a character's maximum HP if their Max was above 3,000 the potion was basically outclassed by any character with the medic Paradigm as soon as it became available whereas status healing items may have been useful in a pinch depending on the situation potions outside of the game's opening moments were quite redundant even when bolstered by the doctor's code accessory which doubled the effectiveness of potions you'd be hardpressed to find a time when using a potion made sense over simply Paradigm shifting to the medic role status effects are often some of the more annoying ways in enemy can damage the party sometimes turning the tide in battle almost instantly and transforming a standard fight into a nightmare scenario protecting oneself against these negative elements is therefore usually a solid idea whether it be actively such as using Curative items or spells in battle or passively such as with equipment or accessories that offer natural resistances in Final Fantasy 7 a combination of these methods could go a long way in warding off unwanted status VS in combat but when it came to a One-Stop combat solution few could live up to the effects of the vaccine item at least on paper technically the vaccine item granted its Target the resist status a status which granted immunity to all incoming status effects even including instant death but despite the amazing potential of this kind of status protection in practice the resist status was a double-edged sword and had the potential to be almost as annoying as it was useful first off in addition to stopping harmful status effects the resist status also prevented positive ones secondly if the vaccine's target was already Afflicted with the status effect applying the resist status would lock that status effect from being cured until the resist status subsided this notion was then exacerbated in the battle square instead of providing resistance against the random status Rees if the resist status was applied it would prevent the player from being able to remove them as it blocked Asuna and many healing items if absolutely necessary though resist could be removed with the use of d spell or the enemy skill white wind due to its temperamental nature it means the vaccine items utility was Often eclipsed by preventive accessories like the ribbon or by a quick cast of his soona and When taking into consideration that it was also quite a rare item to find and was unable to be purchased anywhere in game it should be no surpris that despite its genuinely incredible effect the vaccine just wasn't a very practical item and featured an extremely limited use case now as Final Fantasy worlds are often large sometimes it's quite useful to have a map to hand to make sure you're confidently navigating towards your next key objective in more recent entries this is much easier due to combination of detailed maps quest markers and built-in fast travel but in the earlier days of the franchise knowing where to go could sometimes prove to be a rather frustrating Affair in Final Fantasy 4 for example if the player wanted to view the world map to get their bearings they would have to use either the sight spell which cost MP or the Nish spread which was a usable item that had exactly the same effect as casting sight as discussed in our seven spells that were almost completely useless commentary Edition Final Fantasy 4's rendition of the sight spell was not useless because of its effect but because the effect itself had little Point du to the game's rather linear nature essentially it was almost never necessary to check where you needed to go go as there were very few opportunities to truly break from the intended critical path and therefore both the sight spell and the Nish bread item had very limited practical use to its credit Nish bread did save the party some valuable MP a fact which maybe gave the leg up oversight but seeing as future releases and remasters of Final Fantasy 4 opted instead for the inclusion of a built-in world map the Nish spread would end up becoming even more useless than it was before it's often the case that most problems encountered in Final Fantasy games can be solved through combat however there are occasionally times when the best strategy is a hasty Retreat across the series making use of the Run command a teleportation spell or manually fleeing has often been enough to bring combat to an end but regardless of the method if the party's Escape still failed items like Final Fantasy 6's smoke bomb could then be used to allow the party to flee unharmed if it was a distraction that was needed however abilities like provoke could draw enemy focus and allow the rest of the party to utilize the opportunity to either heal up or unleash their strongest attacks in Final Fantasy 15 escaping unwanted combat scenarios or avoiding the focus of enemy attacks was not quite as simple as due to the open world nature of the game foes could simply Chase noctis and his friends as they tried to turn tail and run to help with this the game featured an item called the Mughal plushy a tool that could be acquired from Iris amastia in the stum during chapter 8 this item when used in battle distracted enemies and Drew their attention allowing the party to either press their advantage or run away altogether while an item such as this seemed like it would be applicable to a variety of combat scenarios in practice it unfortunately wasn't quite as useful as it appeared this was because though the Mughal plushy did draw enemy attacks it didn't work on every enemy and once it suffered enough damage it would break and its effect would end once broken it would then needed to be repaired by Iris which meant continued use necessitated constant trips back to lalum this made the Mughal plushy a rather frustrating item to get the most out of especially when taking into account that it was most useful against mobs of weaker enemies who rarely required a distraction strategy to deal with anyway it's also worth noting that it could be used as a catalyst for elements but it only provided a single point of power almost as if to underline its limited usefulness in many ways Final Fantasy 8 was the first Mainline Final Fantasy game to feature a comprehensive crafting system this manifested through the use of magic and item refining systems but also through the weapon upgrade system which represented a fundamental shift in terms of how new weapons could be acquired compared to previous games it meant that instead of purchasing weapons in shops or finding them in the field they would need to be crafted from materials and those materials would need to be obtained through a variety of sources including drops from battles or being refined from other items such as triple Triad cards to help the player with this process various issues of magazines called weapons monthly could be found scattered throughout the world these items when examined in the menu detailed the crafting requirements needed to make each weapon as well as providing a little background and adding the weapons details to the world's Junction shop menus knowing which item was needed in order to craft better oraments was a handy feature but what many may have missed was that the weapons monthly magazines weren't actually needed for the crafting process as long as the correct ingredients were in the players's inventory when visiting the junk shop they would be able to craft the corresponding weapon regardless of whether they knew the weapons existed via the magazines or not this meant that resourceful players could simply look up which items were needed for any given weapon and often through the use of triple Triad playing collect and refine the necessary materials through this method it's possible to create ultimate weapons much earlier than you'd expect and the most prominent example here is that squall's Lion Heart Is obtainable before the end of dis one basically outside of those looking for every issue for the sake of being a completionist there wasn't a need to find all or even any of the weapons monthly magazines in order to make the best weapons and as such it rendered the magazines nothing more than a handy reference when scouring the world for materials summons have earned their place as an integral part of the final fantasy series ever since their introduction in Final Fantasy 3 on the famicom though some entries in the franchise such as Final Fantasy 7 and 8 allowed any character to use summoning magic this skill was frequently locked to those who were denoted as Summoners or had the summoner job but regardless of who was able to cast these powerful spells one thing was sure they were Lu going to need a lot of MP to spare as summoning was usually a high cost activity albeit one with a very good return on investment it goes without saying then that an item that could allow summons to be called forth without spending any MP or even being a Summoner would be a huge advantage in combat and when it came to Final Fantasy 5's magic lamb this was the perfect description until it wasn't located in history falls in the merged world the magic lamp was an item that when used in battle cus forth a powerful summon to Aid Bart and his party on initial use it would summon Bahamut the most powerful summon in the game which on first impression made it seem like an incredible asset with each successive use however the summon called forth would decrease in power until after 13 uses it will proceed to summon Chocobo over and over again until it reached a total of 32 uses at this point the magic lab was supposed to summon Eggman to use its ability egg chop but as this summon had no Sprite and didn't do any damage instead the player was met with text informing them that the enemy was too far away the magic lamp would then stay in this state indefinitely essentially drained of its power it was possible to recharge the magic lamp and start this cycle all over again but doing so required the player to either return to istory Falls where they found it or venture to the spring in the great sea trench sadly the magic lamp while on paper a very powerful damage in item was simply too conditional to get consistent benefit from in addition once it began to lose power it was hard to count on it to deal meaningful damage when needed making it more of a novelty than a clever way to circumvent summon costs now many of the items discussed so far have been almost completely useless due to either underwhelming mechanics or limited use cases but none so far except perhaps the Nish bread in the modern day have been completely useless less that's why for our final item we thought we'd shed some light on one that was completely useless and that item was the Mughal from Final Fantasy Adventure on the original game boy this game which was known as saon densetsu Final Fantasy giden in Japan would go on to serve as the first game in the Mana franchise and its gameplay style was akin to The Legend of Zelda albeit fused with Final Fantasy elements like The Legend of Zelda this meant Final Fantasy Adventure was home to a host of items meant to help the player on their Quest such as powerups offensive items and the usual selection of curatives but the Mughal item had no use whatsoever the mughals intended use was as a quick Curative for the Mughal status should the player be afflicted with the status they will be transformed into a Mughal having their defense stat dropped to zero and being restricted from using all their actions except movement this made the status quite horrible so having a cure was rather necessary however when in the Mughal State the player was unable to use items which meant that they were unable to actually use the mugal item to cure the status it was intended to cure and due to this the Mughal item was useless it literally couldn't be used in the one instance it was created for and at its worst it cost the player 120 GP to purchase a charitable interpretation of its inclusion is that it was a representation of the mischievous nature of Mughal but that might be giving this oversight a little too much credit it just goes to show however that not all items are created equal and it's why we've been rather excited to share with you this list of seven items that ended up being almost completely useless were there any other useless items that you've come across on your travels though that you feel we missed let us know in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video feel free to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel for more content all right everyone with that this is is Daryl signing out as always I'd like to give a big thank you to all of our patreon and YouTube members supporters especially Benjamin snow the live stream Gregory justtin dent and Suk and TDK who are super special onion I supporters and of course a big thank you to everyone for watching this video I'll see you all again soon for more Final Fantasy [Music] goodness [Music]
Channel: Final Fantasy Union
Views: 88,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy, final fantasy items, final fantasy xiii items, final fantasy vii items, final fantasy 7 items, final fantasy 4 items, final fantasy 15 moogle, final fantasy xv moogle, final fantasy 8 weapons monthly locations, final fantasy v magic lamp, final fantasy adventure moogle, final fantasy moogle
Id: hpvezJjkidg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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