Final Fantasy 9 Remake & Kingdom Hearts 4 Just Got GREAT News

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Final Fantasy 9 remake and Kingdom Hearts 4 were both part of the Nvidia leak from 2 years ago and while Final Fantasy 9 remake has yet to be confirmed outright Kingdom Hearts 4 is announced but missing an action with both Final Fantasy 16 and Final Fantasy 7 rebirth already out these two become the next most anticipated games to come from Square enex alongside Dragon Quest 12 and today we have some brand new information to share on them so please go ahead and hit that subscribe button as we push toward 98k as we aim to reach 100K by the end of the year and yes I have lost my voice so I am going to sound a little bit rough today today's information comes from extremely reliable leaker Midori who has a near Flawless track record with her sharing consistently reliable information if you aren't into Atlas or Sega games you may not be immediately familiar with Midori but Midori has almost a 100% track record she's generally considered to to be one of the most reliable leakers in the entire industry right now so much so that no other people even dare leak Persona information because she'll shut down misinformation right away and more recently she's began reporting on Nintendo and even squareenix news though however reliable her information usually turns out to be she is not officially part of sorinex and as a result I have to hit you with the rumor warning everything in this video should be taken with a grain of salt until officially confirmed by square bar inex this is reported purely for the fun of speculation everything in this video should be taken as a fun lie until officially confirmed by The Source this being said Midori has confirmed that Final Fantasy 9 remake is in fact in development however there was also a rumor that Final Fantasy 10 remake was also in development this was a rumor started by fed leaker I'm a Hero 2 now I'm a Hero 2 has had some credible information before in the past however their track record is nowhere near as good as midori's and they have fumbled more than one time with fake information previously that fake information included a potential Final Fantasy 10 remake this all started with a post from Midori saying quote team asano is doing research development on an XR title for square enex for those unfamiliar XR refers to Extended reality which is an umbrella term for augmented reality virtual reality and mixed reality on this thread someone asked if there are any other REM from square enx and The Works Midori then took the time to clarify and said yes but there is not a Final Fantasy 10 remake title in development this being a direct response to I'm a hero 2's rumor about there being an ff10 remake someone then asked but is the Final Fantasy 9 remake real then Midori then replied this is correct information this yet again confirms from yet another reliable source that Final Fantasy 9 remake is in fact real I know a lot of people are getting worried about the existence of this title as it has been rumored for so long however it has yet again been confirmed by another reliable source ff9 remake is indeed coming and so is the ff9 anime which has been officially announced though its release date or even when we're expected to get a look at it is currently unknown however guys this is confirmation that more ff9 is indeed coming so ff9 fans can Rejoice however for anyone hoping for that Final Fantasy 10 remake I am very sorry to report that ff1 remake is not happening this might be unfortunate for some but I think the desire to remake Final Fantasy 10 is still a long ways off for me the HD remaster minus some things like the characters updated facial models is still good enough Final Fantasy 10 still looks and plays great especially if you throw on some HD mods it's still a Timeless classic one of my favorite video games of all time and one that I recommend even now however today is not all about Final Fantasy we also got some incredible Kingdom Hearts news squarex has just confirmed that the entire Kingdom Hearts Collection is finally coming to steam this is incredibly exciting news especially for steam deck owners this also apparently includes steam deck compatibility and this also includes some more information on Kingdom Hearts 4 starting out with James from RPG site saying saying this quote a few months back I had heard some Rumblings from a source that squareenix brought on a team to improve steam deck compatibility for these ports they weren't 100% sure about the validity at the time but they did mention that June SL July being the potential release date so I believe it this means that where the Nintendo switch did not deliver the steam deck yet again will as this will be the first place you can officially play The Kingdom Hearts games the entire series portable Midori then chimed in saying I heard something similar a few months ago but I didn't believe the information at the time in February someone sent me a message about missing link kh4 and the steam ports but I did not know the source at the time but it is looking like their information is correct but I was not familiar with the KH series when asked to further elaborate on the information Midori said this they said the steam ports were in development since last summer a company named bit Grove is working on missing link and the next beta test would be in April kh4 has some small online features and looks very different from the first trailer the coat name is Quattro the quot name being Quattro makes a ton of sense this is Kingdom Hearts 4 and it revolves around a hubtown called quadratum what the online features could be are very interesting however these are noted as small online features so I would imagine that it's some type of leaderboard or something else this is definitely not looking to be multiplayer or anything like that what's also curious however is the line looks very different from the first trailer this is to be expected I mean looking back at Kingdom Hearts 3's first trailer even the first few trailers really the final game looks quite a bit different as they were in the process of figuring out the kingdom Shader in the brand new look of Kingdom Hearts in the HD era whenever I look at Kingdom Hearts 4's first trailer in a similar fashion I see a game that's visual identity isn't quite complete yet to me that simply did not look representative of what they were going to do for the final product I expected it to evolve even further and have a more refined style when we finally look at it of course it seeing some visual changes only make sense it started development as an Unreal Engine four title and was confirmed being ported to Unreal Engine 5 as a result I imagine they're going to be pushing the visuals even further this is only good news I believe and I imagine that the title is going to look even better it did have a sort of final fantasy-esque look to it more so than even Kingdom Hearts as a KH title so I am kind of wondering if the final game is going to lean even further into that more final fantasy-esque look or I imagine that more practically it'll look a little bit more like the CGI used in Kingdom Hearts 3's verum Rex scenes Midori Then followed up saying and the entire series N kh4 might be coming to the next Nintendo Hardware this means that kh4 might be coming to switch 2 as well as the entire cage series finally finally getting native non-cloud ports this is exciting news for everyone who's wanted to play cage games on Nintendo hardware and even more exciting news for kh4 that is going to give it a tremendous leg up in terms of sales especially in Japan where PS5 is doing nowhere near as well as the Nintendo switch and the switch 2 is likely to repeat the same hopefully this means that future Final Fantasy titles will also be developed with switch 2 in mind as I believe that the best way to bring those games to even more people especially in Japan perhaps even more shocking is that they are planning to do more collaborations for the Kingdom Hearts IP Midori saying and more outside IP collaboration is planned for Kingdom Hearts Series in the future Midori also followed up by saying I heard fortnite was part of this initiative but I didn't have any other information on collaboration or date for the collaboration that's right there is a very high chance that Sora is coming to fortnite which is absolutely insane but it's also good to hear that Disney is finally lightening the grip on Kingdom Hearts they've had a notorious iron grip on it before not allowing it to have any fun even getting Kingdom Hearts into Smash Bros was an absolute nightmare for Sakurai and took a ton of work for us to finally get SORA there the other exciting possibility is that we can finally have a Kingdom Hearts collaboration in Final Fantasy 14 maybe if they're willing to allow cage to be in fortnite I can only imagine that ff14 would finally come next and this would be hugely beneficial to square enx as I cannot think of a better collaboration to promote Final Fantasy 14 Dawn tril to their existing audience than to finally do a collaboration with Kingdom Hearts of course that's just my speculation because I want to see my warrior of light in aqua Glam until then let me know your thoughts on the Final Fantasy 9 remake and Kingdom Hearts updates that I've shared today and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: The Night Sky Prince
Views: 72,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy 9, final fantasy ix, final fantasy 9 remake, final fantasy ix remake, final fantasy xi, final fantasy xi remake, verum rex, kingdom hearts 4, kingdom hearts iv, square enix, tetsuya nomura
Id: 5Nv_CZnYjbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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