Final Cut Pro X Tutorial for Beginners // Making your FIRST Video using Final Cut Pro X

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Final Cut Pro is an extremely useful video editing software perfect for beginning movie makers it's relatively easy to pick up and honestly intuitive enough to the point where it's even quick to master that being said if you don't what you're doing and you have never used the software before of course it can be a bit intimidating that's why in this video I'm gonna teach you how to make your first video using Final Cut Pro in fact as a concrete example the video I'm gonna teach you how to make is this exact clip you're watching right now so without further delay let's get into it Hello there my inspirations my name is InspirAspir and as you saw from the beginning today I'm gonna be teaching you how to make your first video and Final Cut Pro in addition I'll just be going through the software and explaining its interface you know what things do just generally everything you'll need to know to get off the ground to learn a bit more about this software to make your first videos that being said let's not waste any more time and let's get into it as you can see here in front of me I have Final Cut Pro opened up and this is what it should look like for you when you open it however maybe certain things like this screen right here won't look like this for you because you don't have anything saved of course in your libraries but other than that the general layout should look the same if it does not look like this go to this top right corner and make sure that all these buttons are activated these buttons determine if certain windows are open and visible so for the sake of this tutorial I'm gonna make sure that they're all open just so I can explain to you what everything does a little bit better next thing you're gonna want to do if you haven't already is create a library you can do this by going under file new and library now I believe the default directory for this is within the movies folder you can find this under under macintosh HD users your username and then movies you can name this library whatever you want so for example I'm just gonna name this tutorials for example and I'm gonna hit save and all this is a library is just a fancy it's a folder it's a way to store all of your projects all of your movies now under my tutorials library I'm going to create a new event now you could just do a new project and we'll get to that in a second but for the sake of being thorough and explaining what everything does I'm going to create a new event essentially what an event is it's just a subfolder in your libraries that can hold multiple projects and the project is your movie so I'm just gonna name to something like Final Cut Pro tutorials right now under this event what I can then do is I could add in multiple projects multiple different movies under this event so for example maybe I wanted to make a series right of Final Cut Pro tutorials I could then create multiple projects multiple movies for parts one through however many I do so now to create my video I'm going to add a new project I can do this by going file new project or to short the whole file new you can just right click and select new project I'm gonna name this one something like basics because that's what I'm teaching you today is basics or something like that name it whatever you want to name your video this is just for the sake of your organization great so now I made on my first project this is awesome I can left-click on this and on this right window over here I can actually see the specs of my video for example what resolution my movie will be at all right video whatever you want to call it the frames per second the audio settings and if you'd like you can change these by left clicking on this modified button over here where you can rename your project you can determine its starting point say for example I laid out some well some things in this project but then I wanted to change where the video officially started when I rendered it you can change the format you can change the resolution you can change the frames per second how it's rendered and then the audio settings whenever you have what you like you can click OK or if you want to abandon any changes you can just hit cancel of course great so now we have a skeleton just an empty framework for where we can add in our video I recorded the beginning segment the beginning 30 seconds or so of this video and I actually have that video stored on my computer so now what I'm going to do is import that so I can actually work with it so I can edit it I can do this one of two ways one way is to make sure I'm within this proper folder under my project and I can go to file import media and what importing media allows you to do is add in things such as video files audio files images just general media of that nature stuff that you can add into your project I'm going to navigate to my folder where my videos are and then I can import what I recorded so great I'm at the proper directory these are the two things that I recorded this is my physical video recording and this is my audio recording my microphone I want to select both of these by clicking this top one and holding shift and clicking the bottom one and then I'm going to import all so now you can see in this window this is where my video is and also right above it this is where my audio file is the two things that I imported now as I mentioned there were two ways to import media the other way is to simply open up a Finder window and actually navigate to the proper directory you find all the files that you want select all of them and click and drag them right here like this now of course I already have them added in so that didn't do anything but that's the way to do it I personally like this way better I think it's a bit quicker and I have a bit more control over navigating my directories and finding what I want a little bit better but to each their own so great I imported media what does that mean essentially it just means that you have your files at your disposal ready to work with it doesn't mean that you have any videos yet in fact if you were to render your project right now it would just be 0 seconds blank nothing so what I can now do is actually click and drag my media whatever I want into this blank area down here this is where I'll be doing all of my video editing this is where the magic happens so naturally the first thing I want to do is click and drag my movie my video recording onto this timeline if you have nothing in your timeline so before this I had nothing in there the first thing I dragged into it'll give me this prompt asking me hey what settings do you want to render this video at and I'll say for example I want 1080p HD at 60fps just as an example and the audio is fine and I'm gonna click OK so then if we were to go back up left click on our project those settings were saved if I were to have changed them than they would be updated so great now I have my video editing in my timeline this is the very very basics of video editing if I were to render my video right now I have 7 minutes of me recording which I mean kind of defeats the purpose since I already had that video file so now comes the time where we actually edit that's the whole magic that's the point of doing this first thing I actually want to do is I recorded my audio separately from my video let's take a listen to this audio cool sound and kid now that audio is fine but I did also record it separately with my mic which I think improves the audio quality at least a little bit so what I'm gonna do is left-click and drag my audio file onto the timeline as well I dragged below this video clip you can drag it above however Final Cut Pro will default all audio to go below the videos just as an interesting little side bit next thing I want to do is line up this audio cuz it's not quite lined up right so now I need to figure out how to line this up it looks like I started my recording right here so I'm gonna actually click and drag my audio file over here and you'll notice that it snaps right to where my orange bar is this orange bar moves to ever I left click on my timeline so if I want something to go right here I can click and drag and I'll snap right to there now if it isn't snapping for you that means you're snapping isn't toggled this option isn't set for you you can do this by going over here and clicking this button or by pressing the N key on your keyboard toggling snapping like I said allows clips to snap to that orange bar or also to previous cuts as I'll demonstrate later if I have this option toggled off I can have more precise options however I can't snap to this grid which can be super useful at times when you know exactly where you want something to be so now I want to line up my audio recording with my video recording I want to make it so that my lips are synced up with my voice now this might be a bit tough to do right now how we're looking at it so I kind of want to zoom in you can zoom in by pressing command + and you can also use command minus to zoom out or in my case I'm using a laptop and I Kings my trackpad to zoom in as you would normally zoom in on any other thing so now we're zoomed in on a timeline and I can scroll through this with my mouse or by clicking down here you can scroll through your timeline and you'll see that the audio waveform on this video these peaks and valleys is not quite synced up with the audio file over here so now what I'm gonna want to do is line those up so that way my voice is lined up with my video so now if I were to hit play and you can play your video by pressing the spacebar as a shortcut Final Cut Pro is an extremely useful video editing software perfect for beginning movie makers that's good but now I don't really want my audio from my video in fact I just want this audio file one way to detach audio from a video containing sound is to right-click on that video and select detach audio at this point you can highlight this audio file and press delete that removes it from the timeline and of course this can be done for any other file if you highlight it and press Delete it will be gone Final Cut Pro is an extremely useful video editing software perfect for beginning movie makers great I think that sounds good but now I have 50 seconds or so of just fluff of stuff I don't really want to use this was just me rehearsing so how do I get rid of this in order to get rid of this I want to do some slicing I want to chop up my video to do this I'm gonna go up where there's this cursor icon click it and I want to select the blade the blade allows me to add slices and chop my videos into two different parts to the left of where I selected them to the right from here I can then click on this video and hit delete notice now that this is significantly shorter so say for example I want to make it so that right when I start talking is the very beginning of the video what I can then do is I can select my blade tool by default this is bound to be on your keyboard and add a slicer right here and then I also kind of want to slice right where my audio file is now notice it's hard to make an exact cut so I want to toggle snapping again by pressing the N key and notice that this snaps right to where this cut is so when I make this cut they're exactly lined up so now I'm just gonna select this clip and hit delete and as you can imagine all I will do is simply repeat this process to make all the cuts that I want for example you'll notice that there's a lot of just sounds right here as I'm trying to you know mentally prepare and memorize what I'm saying next Final Cut Pro is a oops now is clearly a mistake I didn't really want that in my video obviously so what I can then do is just select my blade tool again make some cuts here make some cuts at the very end of here and just basically surround this area that I don't want right and then select delete all I did was make two cuts well I guess four but two areas of cutting and then I deleted what I didn't want so now what I'm left with beginning movie makers Final Cut Pro so I just made my first jump cut that's pretty cool so then as you can imagine for now what I want to do is just make a bunch of cuts and line up everything that I want to do now as I'm doing my edits right here I'm noticing that sometimes I'm making cuts but I don't really want to make small cuts like this since that just kind of a pain in the butt so for example I'm gonna play this movie makers there's a small small little break right here that I don't necessarily like it's a bit I don't know clunky now I don't really want to make a cut right here and then I cut right here and then hit delete that just takes too much time so one thing I can then do is shorten the beginning of my clip by bring over the left side right here you see this line hovering over this and see how my cursor changed to this arrow notice how the brackets pointing to the right that means I'm selecting this clip whereas if I were to move my mouse slightly to the left the bracket moves to the left meaning I'm selecting this clip what I can then do is when my cursor is selected on the right clip that I want I can left-click and drag left or right this either shortens or prolongs the clip and either brings in whatever was before brings back what I had or I can then reduce it like so to kind of shorten the length of this so that way when I play this now to makers compared to makers is that short short jump right there okay I edited the beginning of this video it's all laid out it's all ready to go as you can see I made one two three four five six different jump cuts and the jump cuts are just a matter of making cuts wherever I didn't want audio or video for example so now I have this all laid out and honestly this is the very very basics of editing a video you know I could export this in it's probably just fine but for the sake of this tutorial I'm going to teach you how to make this be a little bit more advanced one thing I can do is left-click on any video and go over here in the top right corner this shows you the info of this video all this metadata and that's fine and all but for the sake of moreso editing what you can do is click on this right here this little film icon and you can change some settings here from here you can adjust the opacity so how transparent or solid your clip is so for example 100% means it's a solid video or 0% means you can't see it at all and anything in between is transparent you can adjust the position of your clip in pixels where the X direction of course changes its direction horizontally positive going right negative going left and then the Y going vertically positive going up negative going down you can left-click and drag up and down to adjust these values or you can left-click once and then type in any value want followed by Enter you also have rotation where the same system applies you can left-click to type in a number or left click and drag the rotation adjusts how it is of course rotated going up to 360 of course you can go beyond but anything beyond that is just the same thing as 0 360 that's how rotation another thing you can do is adjust the scaling this is how big your clip is your video where 100% is the default normal value anything below is smaller and anything larger is zoomed in you can adjust the scale also it adjusts accordingly and it maintains the same exact proportions or you can adjust just the individual scale X and scale Y values another thing you can do is adjust the crop meaning you can cut off certain portions of your video cutting off the left side for example will make it so that I bring a bar over here and just kind of shoot cut off my video from here say for example I don't want my TV in this screen I can adjust this left crop to here at which point I could probably soom in and move accordingly so that way the video fits the screen and then the right top and bottom as well distortion allows you to move where each of these corners of your videos are bottom left adjust this bottom left corner and you can move where it is in terms of X and y coordinates relative to its normal default value this is good for say for example I wanted to take the time to put on a fake thing on this TV for example I could add in a new clip and then adjust its distortion has following in fact let's explain how to add in multiple video clips let's say I had a different video clip for the sake of this I'm just gonna use the same clip as before but pretend this is a different thing I can click and drag this onto the timeline on top of the video I already made if I were to hit play it only shows this video and that's because this video is overriding this video down here for now I'm gonna detach this audio cuz I don't want this I don't really want the sound at the moment also for the sake of me talking over this tutorial I'm gonna explain that you can deactivate clips by hovering over them and pressing the V key on your keyboard this activates and deactivates clips so for example if I were to deactivate this clip this is no longer seen if I were to deactivate both of these clips that means nothing is playing right now so I can press V again to reactivate it let's go back to distorting this clip is over top of this previous clip if I were to adjust this clips distortion and maybe things such as like its scale its position I could attempt to distort it such that I could override my TV screen but adjust its distortion such that the bottom left corner is say down here bottom right corner is down here or something I could of Justice sit at the top right of course and the top left could be up here somewhere so now if I were to hit play it looks like that's on my TV screen of course I only put about 10 seconds of effort into this whereas if you were to spend more time into it you could probably make it look a bit more seamless and a bit more natural obviously I'm over going over top of my mic here and this isn't probably lined up but it was just demonstrating the purpose of distorting see how that kind of can be used make sense more or less that was pretty much just the basics of how you can manipulate a video another thing you can do is click on this sitting up here to adjust its color this is called color correction there's 3 different tabs here that are important one being color this can adjust the main color of your video one being saturation which affects the saturation and the other being exposure of course another thing you may want to do is add in transitions into your clips so say for example going from this clip to this clip I wanted to do fade or something like that you can do that by going to this bottom right corner and clicking on this button right here if you don't see this window that's probably because none of these clips you can click on them to toggle them on or off this is your transition window you can sort through different settings of transitions for now I'm just gonna go under at all and you can see that there's one called a cross dissolve for example pick any transition that you like left click on it and drag it in between whatever Clips you want to be transitioned between so for example these what this does is this will seamlessly transition from this clip to this clip meaning moviemakers pick up you can add transitions to the beginning of Clips not necessarily in between clips Final Cut Pro and at the end as well let's get into it transitions can be deleted just like any other clip and of course feel free to look through the different types of transitions to get one that you like makers also another thing that you may want to do is add in an effect on your video this is the tab over next to the transition so this one right here there are two different main sections here one being video and one being audio effects video obviously can only be placed on a video clip and this can affect certain things on your video say for example a different color maybe you can distort it or maybe add some sort of I'll pattern her eyes something like that say for example you can look under these different tabs and I don't know I really like this glow effect drag it onto here and you can see apparently makes everything a bit brighter what I can then do is say that's a bit too much for me as they can left click on the clip that this is on go under the video editing tab right here and I can change the amount of the glow or if I don't like it at all I can select it and just delete it and then the same can be applied for audio as well audio effects you can add things here such as an EQ which changes the different frequency ranges levels of course adjust the volume things such as reverb say for example I wanted to add in a voiceover enhancement onto my audio recording I can drag that onto here and play the result is extremely useful you can toggle between on and off by clicking on your clip that's being affected and checking this box blue checkmark means it's activated and black means it is deactivated Final Cut Pro is an extremely useful video editing software perfect for beginning movie makers so obviously this particular effect gives a bit of a smoother jazzy kind of voice-over effect and I'm going to delete this because I don't necessarily want it at the moment so you can look through all these effects to kind of add things to your liking kind of just give your video a little more pizzazz other things you can add in are up here on the top left this leftmost window shows your library so all of your folders all of your projects this one shows all of your photos that are on your computer this is mostly synced up with like iTunes and iPhoto for example and over here on the right is where you can add in things such as text and generators which are sort of funky moving things such as for example this glimmer one I like you can add it in and it's just kind of like a simulated preset for generators you can left-click and you'll have this typical tab to adjust you know your scale and things is normal but to the left of that is your actual generator settings tab where each generator has specific settings that you can toggle so for example in this particular one I can adjust the number of particles I guessed or how fast they move their color how big they are yada yada yada another thing you may want to do is add in text on to your video you can do that under the titles library or title browser I guess and searching through the different types of text that they have available of course you can search under different tabs and let's say I really like I don't know this just the plain custom text you know the very basics of text added onto your clip see that I just dragged it on top of my video clip I can change the length of this as I would any other video clip I can also change the size and what-have-you as we did before but then one thing you can do is over here you can click this and this changes your actual text this is where I would type in what I want to say how to make a video or something I could just add that in right another thing I can do is change the font style up here to my liking and you can also change different styles as we'll see later and save them as presets you can change the font the font size how its aligned and all these other fun things you can add things such as a 3d effects what color the text is if it has an outline if it glows if it has a shadow behind it another thing you can do is change these parameters over here on this leftmost tab which basically adjusts how it the text fades in and how long it stays on for and what-have-you another thing you can do is of course on text you can add in transitions just as you would for any other video clip Final Cut Pro isn't extremely useful and of course what you can do is delete transitions as before and move this around maybe add a transition here just kind of do more editing as we did before that's just for the sake of this tutorial I don't think I necessarily want that but hey let's save that's pretty much all I wanted to do that's just the very very very basics that's my good first video what I can then do is highlight everything I want to do I can select file share and then I can choose however I want to export my video for now I would recommend is just doing a master file all this is saying is I'm exporting this as video file that's all that that simply says you can do things such as change the name here add in some tags that's just metadata you can also adjust the settings how you want it to be encoded let's say for example I want it to have better quality than just being faster you can change the resolution and then once you're ready you can select next this is where you can choose where you want to save your file and can select save at this point Final Cut Pro will render your video as you can see here in this top left this circle if you want you can click this in this shows what Final Cut Pro is actively doing sometimes it'll be doing stuff in the background such as pre-rendering other times when you do this it'll actively be taking up all of its memory Orwell CPU to export your video at this point you wait for it to reach 100% and your video is finished and there you have it that's pretty much it that's how to make your first video in Final Cut Pro that's just the basics nothing too too crazy however it does kind of get you off the ground if you've never used the software before I hope that helped also I'm curious if you have any other suggestions on what tutorials you'd like to see me make feel free to put that in the comments as well I'm always up for video ideas I want to know what you guys are interested in learning how to make anyways thanks for watching I hope I helped I'll see you all later
Channel: InspirAspir
Views: 92,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Pro X, Final Cut, Tutorial, How To, How to use Final Cut Pro, How to Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Pro for Beginners, 2018, Video editing, How to edit videos, how to make videos, YouTube, how to make videos for youtube, how to use final cut, Final Cut Pro Tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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