Final Cut Pro Tutorial: Complete Beginners Guide to Editing (2021)

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welcome to the complete guide to editing inside a final cut pro 10 for beginners so if you're brand new to this software then this is going to be the perfect video for you i'm going to walk you through everything that you need to know to get started so you can start making videos in final cut pro 10. this is definitely a video that i wish i had when i was starting out this would have saved me so much time if i could have watched a video like this in this video i share a lot of practical tips for editing not just do i show you how to edit but i actually share with you how to edit faster tips for improving your editing and i show you some really cool effects that you can do inside of final cut pro 10. so we all know this is a paid for software and i want to show you all the cool things that you can do in this as a beginner to really utilize this program i'm going to show you how to color grade your footage to make it look better as well as editing audio to make your audio sound as good as possible with that all being said let's get right into the master class you gotta just press record hey guys my name is noel noel with think media now make sure you like this video and save this video to a playlist so that you can always come back to this video if you need to i'm gonna cover a whole lot in this video and you're probably not gonna pick up every single thing the first time watching this video it's going to take practice and you may need to come back and refer to this video so save it to a playlist and we could just hang out again now in this first section of the video i'm going to show you how to open up final cut pro 10 how to actually start a project and get your footage inside the software i'm gonna give you a little virtual tour of final cut as well as some basics to start editing video so let's get into the first section where we cover all of the basics right now now before we even open up final cut pro we do want to get our footage whether that's on an sd card or your phone onto your computer so if you do have an sd card which looks like this you can plug that into your computer if your computer does not have an sd card slot you can get an adapter we'll have links for all these resources in the description down below if you have something like an iphone you can actually airdrop it straight onto your computer but you want to stay organized so we're going to create a folder on our desktop right here and i actually have an sd card so this is my sd card right here i'll go into dcim and right here i have some fuji footage over here and just on my computer in my movies folder i have think media videos and i'm going to create a brand new folder and we're going to title this final cut tutorial obviously for your name you can name it whatever you'd like that's easy to remember for the project that you are working on at this point we are going to select the footage from our sd card which is over here i'm going to hold down shift after selecting the top one and then select the bottom one i'm going to drag that over my final cut tutorial up here we get this loading bar it's going to take a few minutes to copy all our videos over onto our folder and then up next we are going to import that into final cut pro x the reason i like to do this is kind of as a backup so having the actual videos on your computer if something does go wrong and you happen to lose your footage somehow or you accidentally delete it then you still have those original files on the sd card and you can easily re-link those inside the software so that's why i like to always copy my footage onto my computer first or you can use something like a samsung t5 hard drive and you can edit straight off of that but to keep things simple we're just going to keep everything on the computer all right now that our videos are in our folder we can actually open up this folder make sure they're all in there and what we can do too is make a new folder and we can title this videos and that way maybe when we download some music and we want to add that into our project we can always come back to this folder we can make a new folder called music we can put all our music in here we can do the same for images maybe one for b-roll and a-roll if you want to separate your videos but this keeps everything organized and that's what i do for my projects is i have different folders for all my assets in the video so having those folders really keeps me organized if i ever go back to that project i don't have missing files so it's definitely something you want to get in the habit of doing now let's open up final cut pro 10 if you just downloaded it or installed it or if you want to you can get a 90 day free trial we'll have a link in the description when you first install it you're going to want to go down here and open up your launchpad on your launchpad you are going to see your app somewhere over here mine is on the second page right here and if you want to bring it down here you just can drag it and this will put it inside of this little dock so that way it's easy to access you can just go down here and hit final cut pro and double tap it and this is going to open up the software now this is what it looks like when you first open it up and the first step to do to import our footage is create a library on this left side over here we see that this is where a library would go but since we don't have one we're going to go to file we're gonna go to new and we're gonna select library for the name i just like to leave it as the same name as my project so i'll just do you know final cut tutorial it doesn't have to be the same it doesn't really matter but to keep organized we are gonna place it in the same folder so in movies and think media videos i'm going to add final cut tutorial and i'm just going to put it inside of this folder we'll hit save and now if i go back to that folder you are going to see that we have a library right here this library is going to hold everything so if you ever need to get back in there and edit you can actually go right in here you can double click this and it's going to open up that library with the videos that you have in there right here is where you have an event and this is where you're going to upload some of that footage we click on it once we can rename it and we are just going to call this fuji footage and that way i can upload all my fuji footage in here and it's really easy to know that this is where my fuji footage is with that selected we're going to hit import media and this is going to open up our media import tab i'm gonna find my footage by going to nolan molt then going to movies and then think media videos right here is my final cut tutorial and if i select that it's actually just going to import everything inside of this folder obviously the library can't be imported but i do have my video in there so i'm just going to select that and then over here we have a lot of options on this right hand side we can see right here that it's going to add to our existing event fuji footage which we just made and then as far as files go you want to leave files in place if you copy to the library your library is going to get very large and i actually just like to keep everything separate and in my own folders and so this is the way i do it to stay organized if you copy it to the library you can do that as well but things seem to be a bit less organized when i do that as far as keywords go we can leave both of those checked and then for analyze video i like to leave both of these unchecked for transcode under optimized media if you have some weird file sizes this is going to make it more compatible with final cut pro by making it a pro res file or you can create proxy medias which is what i like to use so if you have a slow computer you can create a proxy media and basically it's a low resolution file size and so it's a lot smaller files and they run a lot faster on your computer and then you can sub those out when you start editing and then when you go to export your final project you basically replace your hi-res whether it's 4k or just even 1080 and then your final edit is going to have those original files back in place but it makes the editing so much easier and so much faster especially if you have a slow computer so i'm going to select create proxy media and for my codec prores proxy is going to work fine h.264 will work as well but i like to use the prores proxies frame size i'm going to leave at 50 and after that we're just going to hit import all now we can see that we have footage inside of final cut pro and up here we have a loading bar so if we select this this is actually going to show us the background tasks that are happening right now there is transcoding and analysis that just means that it's creating the proxy files for us if we click this down it's transcoding making the proxy clips for each of these clips right now now as that runs in the background we can carry on now in order to start editing we need a project so events are kind of what carries your music your pictures your videos and your project is your edit it's where the videos and all the files will go into you'll mess around with them and that project is what you'll export and again the library is what holds everything to create a new project we'll go to file new and select project for our project name i'll just name it final cut tutorial it's going to be in the event fuji footage which is perfect for me and for video i'm going to leave it at 4k but if you shot in 1080 then hit 1080p hd but for me mine is in 4k and this is the correct resolution for frame rate i actually shot in 23.98 frames per second uh rendering codec all this stuff is fine color space is fine audio all that stuff you won't need to touch from there you'll hit ok and right up here you'll now see we have a project also down here we can now move this playhead because we have a project and this is our project timeline this is where we are going to edit everything back up here in the events where we have our videos you can see we can scrub through here and this is going to allow us to view this footage even before we add it to our project if you scrub over your video and hit the space bar this is actually going to play it for you so let's say all right this is the clip i want to use you can either select it once and drag it into your timeline or let me delete that now let's say you just want to use the second half of this clip you can actually drag this and just bring down that second half of the clip or what you could do is just bring the entire clip down and trim it down here while it's already in the timeline if you hold down shift you can select all your clips and just throw those in the timeline and edit it from there i do this a lot of the time i just throw them all in and then i start editing inside of my project with some videos on the timeline if you select one of these clips over here we have our effect so if this is not popping up yet you can click this button right here and that's going to bring up your effects if you want to add a transition you can actually click this one and this is going to be your transitions and it's as simple as dragging and dropping so let's say we want to use this cross dissolve i'll drag this over the second clip and right now it's going to say there's not enough extra media just hit create transition and this is going to transition a cross dissolve between the two clips and if you want to delete that you can just select your transition and hit delete and that's going to get rid of that transition back over here on effects you can do the same thing you can drag an effect right here and now you have a 50s tv effect and if you want to delete an effect you can select your clip up here in the right hand corner this is your properties right now at the top we see effects we can just select 50s tv and delete that so over here on the right hand side this is all your information about your clip or maybe your audio so you can see over here we can mess with our opacity we can change that uh transform is like the positioning and so you can move that around you can also scale your image by dragging the slider or you can select the scale and maybe you want to make it 200 you can do that as well now what i like to do what i think is a lot easier is right down here we have this little drop down menu you can do a transform tool and this is your scale right here you can move the positioning around you can scale it up or down you know do whatever you want to do with that to reset this all you got to do is go back up here and hit reset and that's going to put everything back to normal for your transform tool if we change this to crop this allows us to crop in on an image or crop out on an image and trim allows you to actually trim off an image so if you want to make it more of a square image add something else in there you know you can do that with trim another important thing to look at on this viewer window is this percentage right here so we have the 70 if we want to make that 50 this actually isn't changing the scale or anything like that it's just changing the size of it inside of our software so if i want to make this as big as possible for this window i would just hit fit and that is going to fit it in here so as i move these around if i want to make this bigger this is just automatically going to make it smaller for me or make it bigger if i make the window bigger so to recap down here is where we are going to edit our project up here is all of our videos so to actually get these onto your project you have to bring them down into the timeline but this is where they all are so if i delete some of these they are still going to be up here they're not on the project they're not on the final video but it's not like i'm deleting them out of the software if i want to put them back in i can by just dragging it back onto the timeline over here we have our event as well as our library and you can create new events if you want to maybe you have like a part two or day two and you want to separate the days uh you could do that by just naming it day two and then you have a brand new event so if you see no footage you might be on the wrong event you need to go to a different event where you have your project you have your other footage but this also allows you to organize things inside of final cut if that makes it easier for you typically i just keep everything inside of one event so i have nine clips in my events folder right here and i'm gonna drag all of these onto my timeline i'm holding on shift and select this last one i'm just gonna simply drag those and now i have all my videos inside of my project i'm gonna zoom in a little bit here so i can see what's going on to do that you can hit command plus button or if you hit command minus button this is going to zoom out now editing is as simple as removing clips and keeping the good stuff so that's what we're gonna do first we're gonna go through and start removing some of the pieces that we don't want in our final video so to hit play so far on my video i'll hit the space bar i'm just looking at the camera kind of getting ready to talk and if i zoom in on this clip right here you see these audio waveforms down here this is when i start talking and this is when i want the video to start when i actually start saying stuff also you might notice there's this black vignetting on these corners on this camera i'm going to show you how to fix that how to kind of crop in a little bit we'll do that next but first this is what you're going to use most of the time which is your blade tool to pull up your blade tool you can go over here and you can select the blade or you could hit b but this is kind of your tool so you have select you can trim position range selection but i just like to learn these shortcuts and so i will hit b and you can see right here now my cursor is a blade all you have to do is select where you want to make your cut and when you click on that you can see that there's now a splice right in between these videos so now we have one cut in the video kind of making it two videos so we can select this first part and if we hit delete now the beginning of this video starts when i start talking let's go to the end of this clip and do the same thing over here so i'm talking and this is where i'm gonna end it now if you hit command b this is going to make a cut for you right where your playhead is and so this right here is the playhead so where your playhead is is where it's going to start playing your video so with over there hit command b and this is what happened i'll select the second half of the clip and i will delete that now that right there is a big piece of editing just kind of getting rid of the parts that you don't want and keeping all the good stuff another thing you can do here if you want to extend this clip or maybe shorten it is hover over the end of the clip and you're going to see this trim tool now if you hold down if you click and hold down you can drag this to the left to start cutting off more of this clip on the left if you want to extend it you can drag it to the right now if i want to do the same thing on the right clip i'm going to slightly move it to the right and now you see that bracket has flipped now this means i am trimming this right clip so i can extend it to the left but this red marker lets me know this is the beginning of the clip so i'm going to start cutting everything out that i don't want and i want it to start right there let's bring this clip back and that is allowing you to trim those so that you can extend them shorten them lengthen them do what you want with that i use that tool a whole lot as well now let's say i want this clip actually to go first before this very first clip all you have to do is select the clip you want to move you can drag it and we're going to drag that right in front and now everything kind of snaps into place now this clip is going to play first and this clip is now going to play second now let's say we want to add an effect over here we have our effects window and let's say we want to add the camcorder so i'm going to drag that onto this clip here and now you're going to see that we have this camcorder effect just by dragging that now if i select this clip over here in the inspector tool we can mess with the amount of this effects being added we'll leave that at 100. you can change the text to whatever you want to say let's say think the size all this stuff is adjustable so if you ever want to adjust something go over here into the effects tab make sure you have your effect selected and then you can mess with some of these effects now let's add a transition so i'm going to go over to my transitions by clicking this and we are going to let's say the circle one we are going to drag this right in between these two clips now let's play it through and see how it looks so it's pretty cool but let's say i want to speed it up and make it a faster transition all you need to do is trim and shorten up that transition so with a trim tool just like we were making a clip shorter we're going to use this to make our transition sorter so with the bracket facing the right way to the left we know that we are selecting this uh transition so we are going to bring that in and that brings in both sides for us now it's a quicker transition and if you want to make it extra long you can drag that out and this now has your transition being extra long now let's say you want to move the transition a little bit to the left or the right so it starts earlier or maybe it starts later if you hover over the middle you can actually move this transition let's say we want it to start sooner this is going to cut off what we were just having but let's say we wanted to cut off that anyways that's how you can move the transition within the clip to play earlier or later let's say we like it right here but we don't want all this dead space all you need to do is hit b to bring up your blade tool we are going to cut right there then we're going to delete this clip and now it's going to start when i start talking all right let's get rid of this vignette that i was telling you guys about the dark corners all you got to do is crop in so with your clip selected if you go right here we are going to change this from trim to crop now i can actually crop in on my clip so i'm going to make sure that this vignette is not showing by zooming in a bit and then we are going to reposition where we want it when we're done we're going to hit done now we've actually cropped in on the image so that we're not seeing the vignetting and you can crop in on any clip i use this a lot to kind of crop in on my face crop it back out so this is a great tool to use and to know how to use now if we want to mess with the audio and make the audio louder on this specific clip we can hover over this line right here and if we hover over this line we are going to see 0.0 db this is the standard the neutral place for your audio to be at so as you import any sort of audio as you import any sort of video it's going to start at 0 db you can then add plus 2 plus 12 db minus 12 db you can mess around and add or take away from the volume so we are going to increase the volume i am simply just going to drag up this line right here and this is going to actually boost up those waveforms you can see that now it says 5 db and if you don't have your audio waveforms right here all you got to do is select this and this is going to bring them up for you so now when i play my clip it's going to be louder than it was before and if i want to completely silence it i can bring that to zero you can see there's no audio happening right here and then i can bring the audio back up i'm like okay i want it right around 9 db perfect this is exactly where i want it and that's how you can adjust the volume now if we want to add text up here we have our test and generator so i'm going to select this we have titles and we have generators generators are kind of like backgrounds is how i would explain them so one i use a lot is just a custom which is a color and then from here we can change the color to whatever we want so let's say we want the color to be white i'll drag this like that now i have a white background and i can add text to this and so we'll go over to titles now these different titles have different effects we can see this one is dramatic and if i hover over from left to right we're going to see kind of the effect that it does and if you like one you can simply drag it onto your clip clearly it's a white text over white background so we can't see it so what we'll do is first let's change the face which is going to be the color and so we're going to hit show and we are going to change the color to let's change it to a blue now if you want to change your text you can just double click on title and this is going to highlight everything for you now we have this text bubble popped up so we'll change this to think media and now let's play this through to see how it looks now the one i typically use is just a custom and this is just your basic text so let's change this text to black and now up here we have this text so we can change this to think media we can change the font if we want you can move around by dragging this here you can also change the font size mess with any of the properties all under here under this properties tab back on the timeline if we just want to delete a clip i'm like okay i don't really want this in there you can select the whole thing you can delete this and then up here if you want to use it again you can bring it back you can see that there's an orange underlined this means i'm using the clip right now on my timeline this makes it really easy to see the clips that you haven't used yet and so i can hover over it and see if i want to bring that back in so if you delete something in your project it's still going to be there in your event and then from there you can just bring it back into your project if you'd like now if you aren't seeing these orange lines all you need to do is go to view go to browser and make sure that used media ranges is selected now in order to use some music let's import it into final cut pro first so we're going to right click right here and we're going to hit import media i have a song on my desktop so i'm going to select that song and then hit import selected from here i'm going to drag this entire song down here onto my timeline we can do the same thing with audio that we can with video so if we want to trim this then we can do that if we want to lower the audio then we can definitely do that by bringing that down i'll then drag this to the beginning of the project and then if i want to fade in the audio so it doesn't start abruptly there is a little ball right here and if you drag that to the right this is going to be a fade in for your music and you can also do this on videos by just dragging these to the right this is going to fade in your audio so that doesn't start abruptly but it just fades in you can also fade out your audio by doing the same thing on the other end congratulations you now have the basics to start editing videos but there is a whole lot more to learn stuff that's going to make your life easier stuff that's going to make your videos a lot better and one of those things is audio editing your audio to sound as good as possible as well as learning you know how loud your video should be are very simple things that i can teach you and i'm going to teach you right now with the basics of audio editing but first i want to remind you that i cover a whole lot in this video yes this is for beginners but there still is a lot to go over for example in this audio section that we're gonna go over i show you how to use the equalization to make your microphone sound as good as possible do you actually have to do this for your beginning videos no not really but this is something that you should do over time so once you're comfortable just starting to edit videos and get in that process these are things that i wish i knew when i was a beginner because these are things that are going to level up your audio your video all this stuff as quick as possible but with that being said let's jump right into audio editing now before we get into this tutorial it's definitely recommended to wear headphones when you are audio editing typically your headphones are going to be so much better to listen to audio than something like a built-in computer speaker or a monitor speaker most people don't have expensive speakers but they do have some headphones laying around so plug those in and that's going to be better off for you to start editing your audio so here in final cut pro 10 you can see that i do have some clips down here and we are going to be editing the audio of these video clips to make it sound as good as possible i'm going to walk you through everything that i do step by step so you guys can see exactly my process not saying that my process is the best process but if you are a beginner i promise you you are going to learn a few things here that are going to make your audio sound a lot better so stay to the end of this video so you do not miss out but the first thing that i like to do is actually the eq now this is something that i didn't do for a long time because i was just kind of overwhelmed with it and to be honest i'm not a professional when it comes to doing this so i'm going to show you what i do and i'm going to try and teach it in a basic way that a beginner could follow and understand and practice some of this stuff in your own video so let's get right into it first thing we want to do is to select a clip that we want to edit so i'm going to go ahead and select this first clip and if we hit play we can hear that the audio link to this audio right now then you are hearing me it sounds fine but it's a little bit low we are going to fix that next but i am going to adjust the eq first and then you'll see why i do that first later but what we do is we go up here and we are going to see this little sound mixer box this sound mixer box if we click this it's going to open up see equalization it's going to open up this window right here this is called the graphic equalizer right now it's set to flat and you can see that each point is set to zero decibels now if i raise this point which is 32 hertz this is going to be 12 decibels and that's going to raise that lower bassy frequency up higher so that it's louder or i could reduce that to negative 20 db and that is going to make it very very quiet so each of these decibels are related to a different uh hurts a different frequency dragging them up are going to emphasize that make them louder dragging them down are going to get rid of that now the reason i use this is to actually make my audio sound better so i adjust these up and down and it can actually make your microphone sound a lot cleaner a lot smoother and sometimes when recording on dslrs or mirrorless cameras it just doesn't sound full it doesn't sound super good and actually just messing with this a little bit can make your voice sound a lot cleaner and honestly can really make a cheap microphone sound expensive if you get this right like they can sound really really good if you mess with these settings correctly now what i like to do is actually set this first clip on a loop and it's really simple to do this you need to make sure that your loop playback is on all you got to do is hit command l and that is going to turn it on or if it's already on that would turn it off but command l to turn it back on and then instead of hitting the space bar for play like we always do we're going to hit this forward slash button hitting this button is going to play it and then put it on a loop so that it goes over and over again and as it's playing you're going to see me do a few things here you're going to see me moving this up and down seeing what sounds better now typically voices don't fall in this range or in this range it's usually in that middle range and so these i might be able to move around a little bit but i won't really notice much until i get into this range of the eq another thing i'm looking for here is the background ac unit there is a noise removal plug-in that i'm going to show you guys how to use but actually messing with this i might be able to find that maybe the ac is on a specific channel frequency and if i pull it down it's going to get rid of that so i'm looking to get rid of some of those unwanted noises by lowering the frequency and then i'm looking to kind of mess with the rest of them to get my voice sounding as clear and full as possible so we're gonna go ahead and loop this and then i am going to mess with the eq if you're listening to this audio right now then you are hearing me edit this audio to make it sound better if you're listening to this audio right now then you are hearing me edit this audio to make it sound better so right here you can see as i pulled this up it's actually increasing the ac unit in the background so i definitely don't want to do that and by the way you never want to boost any of these up to 20 decibels i usually boost them if i'm going to boost them around the six decibel mark um but you do not want to go that high but the reason i'm doing that now is so i can hear it better and i go okay this is where the ac unit is falling in and so these are the kind of things that i'm listening for while editing listening to this audio right now then you are hearing me edit this audio to make it sound better all right now in this channel i'm also really getting that ac unit as well i'm going to hit play so you guys can hear that now then you are hearing me edit this audio to make it sound better now instead of just reducing this all the way to get rid of that noise this ac unit sound is actually tied to some of the same frequencies as my voice so it's gonna sound a bit funny if i just pull this all the way down if you're listening to this audio right now it sounds pretty dead my voice kind of sounds like it's coming through a telephone or a walkie-talkie so this is where you really have to kind of play back and forth go through it a few times and see what's going to sound best because you want to take away some of those noises you don't want but you also want your voice sounding really nice audio to make it sound better if you're listening to this audio right now then you are hearing me edit this so in this channel i feel like as i pull it up i'm starting to get that walkie-talkie telephone effect again and it's making my voice just sound a lot less full and so bringing that up i definitely don't want to do i'm going to leave it at zero i could even bring it down a little bit if i don't want that but for now i'm going to leave it at zero and move on to the next one if you're listening to this audio right now then you are hearing me edit this audio to make it sound better if you're listening to this audio right now then you are hearing me edit this audio to make it sound better if you're listening to this audio right now then you are hearing me edit this audio to make it sound better if you're listening to this audio right now then you are hearing me edit this audio to make it now once i've gone through i made some simple adjustments i'll put it on loop and i'll kind of click it on and off to see how it sounds if it's if it's starting to sound worse then i'm doing something wrong if it's starting to sound better i'm on the right track what i'll do is i'll go back through these again and i'll start to just tweak them little by little until i get something that i'm happy with you are hearing me edit this audio to make it sound better if you're listening to this audio right now then you are hearing so i definitely feel with it on i am getting less of that ac unit sound in the background and i feel like my voice is a little bit fuller there's a few things i can tweak here so i'm going to play it through a couple more times and just make some small tweaks to the eq if you're listening to this audio right now then you are hearing me edit this audio now it's just a subtle difference but i do definitely think this sounds a whole lot better and so i'm pretty happy with how this is sounding once i'm done all you got to do is hit that x and this is going to save everything so i'm going to hit x and now what i can do is i can see over here and turn off and on just from this tab right here if i do want to go back in and make some changes i can click on that sound board again and this is going to pull up the same window now one thing that i like to add here and there i don't use it all the time but i do really like using it and it's helped me a lot and that's the compressor now to find it if you go to the effects tab by clicking on this you are going to see that it's set to video but if you scroll down you are going to see audio and it says all we can click on that and from here we can search for compressor you can drag that onto your clip now watch what happens to the waveform when i let go it's going to boost stuff up now the compressor is really good for boosting up low ends where stuff is quiet and it's also good for not clipping those high ends it tries to keep everything together more level so here's a great example when i was shooting my how to vlog video with my wife we had one shotgun microphone right in between us but i just talked a little bit louder than her so her audio was a lot quieter and so when i threw the compressor on it brought her voice up so that we were at about the same audio level and that i wasn't much louder than her but we both had that same loudness now there's a whole lot that you can do with compressor if you open up the parameters you can mess with all these and see what's going to sound best for you typically what i do sometimes is just leave it how it is now this is the beginner's tutorial so i am not going to touch anything but you can see here even the audio form looks a lot uh like a lot more level it doesn't look like the low parts are as low so if i listen to this back things are going to sound a lot louder that work quieter and so you can hear what that sounds like if you're listening to this audio right now then you are hearing me edit this audio to make it sound better now again i don't always love using the compressor because what i found is sometimes when you are quiet and it boosts stuff up it can boost up that background noise like the ac or other things like that so definitely something to experiment with but it can be a lifesaver like it was for me on that video with my wife and ended up sounding really really good for this clip i'm actually going to remove that and my next step that i would do if i was editing this is to set my audio levels i like to do the compressor first because that kind of messes with that but setting the audio levels is really simple all you need to do is drag this up and down so you can see if i drag it up to 12 db that's going to make it as loud as possible or if i drag it down that is going to make it quieter now when setting your audio levels you want to make sure that nothing is clipping above this 0db audio levels right here so if i play it through i'm going to see where this is falling i want it to fall right around negative six uh even if it goes up above that that's fine as long as it doesn't pass over zero if you're listening to this audio right now then you are hearing me edit this audio to make it sound better so it sounds pretty good i honestly could increase that to uh you know seven or eight but if you notice something right here right right when i tried to pull that up it just jumped up to 12. well what you can do to do precise adjustments is hold down the command button and then when you do this i can go from six to seven to eight pretty easily because it slows everything down so i'm going to go ahead and move that to 7 and that is a nice little hack that you can do one other thing you can do is go up here and you can actually just change your db by typing this in if i want to go to 7.5 or something you can do that and you can also drag this as well i'm going to leave mine at 7 db i'll do one last check make sure it's not clipping in this beginning part where it's nice and loud and it looks perfect the next thing that i might add is a noise removal this can help get rid of that background noise and so if i go up here and i go to my audio analysis tab and i click show this is going to give us some more options and you can see right here it says noise removal if i click that it's automatically set to 50 and typically this is a bit too much i find that it kind of distorts the voice too much it just doesn't sound the best so we're gonna hit play and see how this sounds at fifty percent you're listening to this audio right now then you are it's actually taking away from the quality of the voice and so i am going to bring this down even though it did get rid of that background noise and it's just my voice you don't hear the ac at all it's not worth it because it just doesn't sound as good if you're listening to this audio right now then you are hearing me edit this audio to make it sound better now then you are hearing me edit this audio to make it sound so what i found is right at 30 for this clip uh specifically it gets rid of that background noise without messing with my voice a bunch and again i don't even use this all the time because it can mess with your voice so much and i actually have a video on how to record your audio with no background noise so definitely check that out by clicking the link in the description that's going to save your life because you do not want to be using this noise removal but if you get into an instance where you might need to this is always there to help save you if you need it so let's say that we like this audio and we want to copy and paste it to all the clips in the timeline what you can do is you can click your clip you can hit command c and then if you select both your other clips if you hit shift command v this is going to be paste attributes now the other clips already have a color wheels and a hue saturation on them i just want to copy over these audio attributes so i'm going to deselect everything on this side and from this i can copy and paste all this which looks great i'll hit paste and now all my clips are going to have the same audio everything that i just changed on that first clip is now on all my clips so i just dragged some music into my timeline and i have a few more tips for you guys that's going to help a lot with your videos and so first off one major mistake that i see a lot of people do is they add in their background music way too loud and so i like to start by bringing mine down all the way to about negative 32 decibels now really this is just by ear and hearing how it sounds with your video and obviously if like the chorus or the drop happens in this in the song that might need to come a little bit lower but you just want to listen to this and honestly i tell people you'd rather under do it than overdo it because i've clicked off videos before where the background music was just too loud and it's annoying so again you'd rather just bring that a little bit too low than a little bit too high if you're listening to this audio right now then you are hearing me edit this audio to make it sound better now i can't even hear that music so i'm going to actually bring that up what i've noticed is that usually the chorus or the loudest part of the song that is going to be around negative 32. sometimes these beginning parts in in the video can be anywhere at negative 16 negative 12 really just depends on the song but that's just something to listen for as you're editing the music if you're listening to this audio right now then you are hearing me edit this audio to make it sound better now like that sounds pretty good right at negative 20 db it's just in the background it's not overpowering but we can see here as it starts to get louder i'll show you guys how to actually make that quieter so let's say actually right at this part right here we want to boost this part of the song maybe there's going to be some b-roll or something cool is happening and there's no one talking so we just want to increase the audio of the music so that it kind of takes over the video now how you do this is you can hit r and this is going to bring up your range selector and once you select how much you want of this song to increase you can then drag it back up like this most people want to bring it to zero because that's how it just imports as zero decibels but that actually is going to be too loud because when i'm talking you know how we recorded stuff and it ends up being around negative six decibels well that's what i found is that you don't want your music really going over negative six decibels sometimes because it can just sound really really loud compared to your voice when you're talking you can see that i also have some keyframes here and you can totally move these around if you want it to fade in slower or if you want it to fade in really quickly you can move these closer together and you still can change the loudness right here by dragging it up and down better and a lot cleaner [Music] okay well i think that sounds pretty good again this stuff is all by ear so what i recommend is watching some videos that you like on youtube listening to it and hearing how their background music comes in is it really loud is it really quiet and try to match that in your editing so let's say this is the end of the video if you want to fade out the music right here we are going to can't see it right now with the playhead over it but right here we're going to see this little icon and if you drag this over this allows you to fade out the music so if i drag it over even more it's going to fade out even slower this would be a very quick fade out and so this is what that sounds like if you want to fade out the music now same at the beginning i usually like to fade in the beginning of my music just a little bit and you can do that at the beginning as well just by doing that you can do the same thing with a video clip so if i want to fade in the audio of this video clip you can drag this in as well you can do that on any clip audio video you can fade it in or fade it out now if you want to separate your audio if you click on a video you can right click and then you can detach the audio and this is going to allow you to extend this over and maybe fade it in and then i can do the same thing with this one as well and this is going to allow your clips to be smoother as they transition into each other especially if you're talking quick and your cuts are fast this is going to help from any sort of weird pops that might happen if you're like a frame off and it's cutting off the very beginning of your word if you detach your audio you can actually extend that so that your word or whatever you're saying is finishing and you can also use this in many ways so knowing how to detach the audio is a very useful thing just right click detach audio now i just found out about this trick this last year and it's been really really cool because i didn't even know you could do this but i've loved using that and that is soloing a track so let's say you added in your music maybe you have your sound effects you have everything in but you want to edit your audio you forgot to edit your audio and that's fine you don't have to edit your audio first when editing a video but let's say you have all the sound effects all this music and now it's time for you to do the eq adjust the levels well what you can do instead of playing this with music over it like this audio right now then you are hearing me you can either select your audio clip and hit v and that's going to disable this clip so if i play this again right now then you are hearing me now all you can hear is my voice i can click on the clip i can edit the eq i can do whatever i want to this clip but let's say there's a bunch of sound effects and maybe a whole bunch of other stuff happening another way you can do this let's go ahead and hit v on that again another way you can do this is click on the clip that you want to solo out and then you can hit these headphones and that is going to make everything else in this timeline grayed out because it's all muted and now all that you can hear is the clip you have selected and you can also select all the clips you want let's say you want all the talking head clips just to be selected you can select all of those you can then hit the headphone icon and that's going to work as well the shortcut for this is option s so let's say i want to select all my talking head because i want to go ahead and edit that audio i can hit option s and that's going to disable everything else so when i'm editing this audio all i hear is my voice up next we have our keyboard shortcuts now this is going to save you a whole lot of time now i go over a lot of keyboard shortcuts really quickly so you might want to have a pen and paper close by to write some of these down but even just picking up a few of these is gonna make your life so much easier and save you so much time so here are my favorite keyboard shortcuts for final cut pro x number one is to hit b which is going to bring up your blade tool and you can hover over your video and select wherever you'd like to make a cut to make this even quicker if you hit command b it is automatically going to cut for you wherever your playhead is using command b like this is going to make a cut on the layer you have selected but if you want to make a cut on all the layers on top of your playhead you can do shift command b and that is going to make cuts on every single layer where your playhead is at number two is to hit a which is going to bring up your selector tool and from there you can select the clips that you want to delete and you can go ahead and delete those number three is to hit l this is going to start your footage and when you hit it again it's going to play back your video even faster this makes it a lot easier to watch back your videos at a faster speed in order for you to save time when editing freeze frames can be really cool to add to your videos and it's really easy in final cut pro 10 all you have to do is hover over the spot where you want it to freeze you will select your clip and hit option f this is going to add in a freeze frame you can drag it to the left to make it shorter you can drag it to the right to make it longer and when you watch it back your freeze frame is going to happen and then the rest of the video is going to continue on once the freeze frame is over when making precise cuts in final cut pro 10 you want to zoom into your timeline so you can see everything going on usually what you do is you go over here you click this button and then you can zoom in like this but a much quicker way to do this is by hitting command plus and this is going to zoom into your timeline and then hitting command minus is going to zoom out of your timeline i use this tool all the time to zoom in and refine my cuts and zooming in really just makes it a whole lot easier right here we can see that our audio is pretty quiet but if you want to make your audio louder at a certain point or quieter at a certain point all you need to do is hit r and this is going to pull up the range selector this is going to work on an audio or video clip you just need to select a piece that you want to be quieter or louder and from here once that's selected all you got to do is drag up on that audio making it louder or you can make it softer you can then drag these keyframes out a bit longer for a smoother transition to the louder part of the song next up is shortcuts for copy cut and paste i use these all the time so knowing the shortcuts really comes in handy to copy you just need to hit command c if you want to cut you can hit command x to paste the clip you can hit command v or if you want to paste the attributes like the effects the color grade you can hit command option v and that is going to add everything from your clip to this next clip but let's say you want to add everything but the crop what you can do is hit shift command v and this is going to paste your attributes from here you can select what you want to copy over to the next clip or not so i want to add in all these effects my entire color grade but i don't want to add in my crop i'll select that so it is not selected anymore i'll go ahead i'll hit paste now my color grade has copied over to this clip without adding a crop now let's say you've copied and pasted all your effects onto all your clips in your video but now you're going through and you want to change something instead of going through clip by clip and deleting something like an eq what you can do is select all the clips and now you're going to hit shift command x and now you can remove attributes and so i'm going to select the eq get rid of that i'm going to hit remove and now that clip does not have the eq added onto it these tools definitely work best in bulk when you are selecting multiple clips and adding and subtracting attributes from them now for this next one i use this every single time i edit a youtube video when i'm ready to start editing the audio i go up here and before i actually start messing with the eq i put the clip that i want to edit on a loop all you have to do is hit the forward slash and if your playback is set to loop which you can change that in your settings then it is going to loop once it reaches the end of the clip every time you color grid you really should be looking at your scope so hitting command 7 is going to pull that up and then hitting command 7 again is going to get rid of it when trimming a clip you could hit b and then hit a again select the clip you want to delete and that is going to trim it off but there's actually a faster way to do it if you know this is the end of your clip and you want the rest of it to be gone you can hit option close bracket and that is going to automatically delete the rest of the clip for you holding down option and hitting open bracket is going to do the same thing on the other end trimming the beginning of the clip if you temporarily want to disable something on your edit you can hit v and that will remove it without deleting it you can do the same thing with an audio file so you can watch it back without the audio without deleting your audio and then hitting v again is going to bring those assets right back if you want to just listen to an audio track instead of disabling all the sound effects and audio in the video what you can do is select the video or audio track that you want to listen to and hit option s on your keyboard and option s to bring it back and you can do this with multiple clips so if we want to select both of these clips and hit option s that is going to disable everything else and solo out just these tracks so we can listen to these only have you ever done something you did not want to do and you wanted to go back like delete your entire project well you just have to hit command z and that is going to bring it right back now if you want to redo what you did instead of undoing you can hit shift command z and that is going to redo what you just did now since we're on the track of saving time i actually have a few more tips for you guys that are not keyboard shortcuts but these are going to help you save so much time because getting started when video editing when it takes a long time and it's a slow process it's just not as fun we want to be able to do it quickly and get our videos out as quick as possible so here are some ways to save some time editing tip number one is to use proxies nolan what is a proxy good question a proxy is a lower quality version of your actual video so you can edit with this lower quality version your computer runs a whole lot faster you're not going to run into drop frame rates or loading times anything like that because it's it's lower quality and then at the very end of editing you switch out the lower quality with your good quality and it does all the magic and it replaces all those files and then when you export it it looks beautiful it looks high quality and it's gorgeous and you save time because you're editing with the lower quality stuff making your computer run faster this is how you do inside of final cut pro 10. you can see right here i have my library set up i got my event and project ready to go i'm solid all i need to do is import some footage i'm gonna right click i'm gonna hit import media and at this point let me go to the correct folder right here in my hide likes and comments folder is an upcoming video i'm going to edit for think media to the right you are going to see this transcode section this is where you can actually create the proxies and i'll show you how this is stored and all that kind of good stuff but there are basically two different things you need to know here you got optimized media and you have proxy media optimized media basically says that it's going to take your sony or canon files whatever you're shooting with it's going to turn it into a progress file and that is going to run smoother inside of final cut pro 10. now a lot of you guys probably already had that turned on but your files are still running so because it's 4k and you know your computer probably is not that good well proxy is going to be better for you if your computer is older or if your videos are running slow in your editing software now under our proxy media we have prores proxy and we have h.264 honestly you could use either of these i've tried both of them out and they both run great on my computer but i like to use prores proxies because final cut pro likes to use prores because it's apple and anyways doesn't matter but i like to use prores proxy and here you can choose a frame size now i shoot all my stuff in 4k 50 is going to turn that in to 1080 hd and it actually doesn't even look too bad i mean of course it is lower quality but it honestly really doesn't look that bad i definitely recommend trying that out and seeing how your computer runs now if it's still running a little bit slow you can set it to a lower resolution like 25 or 12.5 percent 25 for me i've used it before and it definitely works great 50 works for me too but 25 is a lower quality and it's just going to give you faster files to work with when editing down here you could also set it to you know 1080 hd which is the same as 50 but you have those options down here for me i'm just going to leave mine at 50 percent you don't need to have optimized media selected because we are going to be using proxies the whole time so from here all you have to do is hit import selected and because i have the folder selected that is going to make proxy files for everything in the folder nice and easy i'm going to hit import selected boom so we are importing and you're going to see something right up here if you click on this circle you are going to get this window and this is going to tell you what is happening and it tells you that it's transcoding an analysis remember we are transcoding some of our footage right now so if i bring this down you can see there's three clips that it is turning into proxy files so we're gonna give this a few minutes we're gonna take a sip of water and uh come back to it when it's ready to go am i the only one who uses a gigantic water bottle 99 100. okay sweet so we're all done and we can exit out of this our proxy files are now made before i show you how to actually use these in final cut pro x let me show you where they are stored so inside the folder where i actually uploaded all that footage it was two video files and one audio file we have an optimized media and proxy media now this kind of confuses me because i didn't select optimize media but in here we have the it looks like it is the audio but for some reason it's a mov but it's the audio file anyway so there's that but then in our proxy which is what we're going to be using we have our video files i couldn't get that word out so right here if i open this up we can see that it doesn't even look that bad honestly but this is our proxy file and then we have our screen share and you can see this definitely does look a bit lower quality than what it actually was okay this is how you use them now in final cut pro x for people wondering where they're stored that is exactly where they're stored nice and easy okay moving on so let's go ahead and just throw my entire video down into this timeline so i can show you guys how to use this so we got our video right here and basically all you need to do is go to this upper right hand corner where it says view and change this from optimized original to proxy now proxy only or proxy preferred here's the difference proxy only will only show you proxies so if you have something in there that was not proxied if i add in a new video that maybe i didn't make into a proxy file it's not going to show that's why i like to use proxy preferred because then it can mix in the two and it's using proxies if it has it so i'm just going to select proxy preferred and now this video in my timeline is the proxy now before going out to actually share and export the video you want to make sure you change this back to optimized original it's okay if you forget because uh final cut pro will actually let you know we'll say hey do you want to export your proxies and you're going to say no and then you're going to go back you're going to change it and then re-export it so don't worry about that but that's how you do it and that is going to speed up your workflow a ton especially if you have an older laptop an older computer definitely start using proxies i hate the the spinning wheel of death the drop frames all that stuff it slows you down we're trying to save time number two i'm going to call speedy rough cut okay we are going to speed through and fly through this 11 minute and 24 second clip and trim it down by this little editing workflow thing that i do let me show you so i filmed the video in one long clip and i need to trim it down into all the good parts and i'm going to show you exactly how i do this for every single video and i swear it saves me so much time now if you are going through and you're starting at the beginning and you're just hitting play and you're watching this like this is boring you don't want to watch this we can skip through all of this and save a bunch of time the main thing that you want to look for here is the audio waveforms we are going to be editing while looking at the audio waveforms and that is these little waveforms down here we are going to be using these right here you can see there are no waveforms which means it's silent which means i'm not talking and therefore we can go ahead and just cut that out to start with okay so that's that that's kind of the idea but we're going to get deeper and i'm going to show you how you can really start to save time by using these waveforms now because i shot this video i already know that this beginning part really is nothing because i kind of mess with the background and then i come back over and i start right around this point so i'm going to go ahead and just chop all this off and i'm going to show you how to do this right now so officially right here is when i start the video and i start trying to talk to it now instead of hitting play and listening to my entire take what i do is i hit play i listen to the first like three four five words and then i move to the next audio waveform and then i move to the next one and the next one because what happens when i shoot videos like this is i often mess up and then i'll redo what i was trying to say and when i move on to my next sentence i know that my last take was my best take and so that's how i get my rough cut let me actually just show you exactly how i do this now in order to disable now in order to turn off now in order to turn off your in order to hide your now in order to hide your dislikes and your likes and to hide your dislikes and you're like what i like to do okay i moved on because what i was saying is in order to disable in order to turn off whatever right right here it was uh the last time that i said that when i jumped forward to this next waveform i was talking about something different so i know for sure that this is at least probably my last take i know that this was the same thing but i'm going to go ahead and delete all of that and now i'm going to listen to this again it looks like there might be some pauses right in this area maybe in this area i can't tell if i just talked slower there or if that's an actual pause but i'm going to go ahead and listen to that right now now in order to hide your dis videos first thing you want you want to make sure once you have done studio okay so i know that's all good because i kept talking i never stopped and so i'm going to go ahead and hit b on my keyboard and select right there because i know that's the end of the clip and i'm going to do the same thing again so you can see here that i'm really trying to figure out what i want to say this is probably the hook in the video and so i'm going to fast forward because look all of this is just nothing i'm kind of probably writing something out i'm thinking about what i'm going to say i'm going to do it again right here all right here we go now i'm going to show you now i'm going to show you right now i'm going to show you how to do this on a video you can also do this all right so this right here this is it i'm going to delete all of this and keep going i'm going to show you how this when you are uploading this that way you never every time you can just do let's say you want us and you can also you can all you can also do this on now if you wanted to do this on all your videos you also do this on multiple videos so i'm actually saying the same thing here so i know that i redid it i just changed the wording a little bit and also here's another thing i can see that i talked for a long time right here which makes me think that this is probably my best take so i'm gonna go ahead and delete that because i already know that i redid it and uh but let me hear it because i might have redone it i don't remember but that's why you just listened to the first little bit you don't have to listen to all of it you can do that in the next step so that's basically how i go through the first cut on every single think media video i look at the waveforms i listen to the first couple words and then i figure out which was my last take which was my best take and i move on from there so now that i have a rough cut in order to just go ahead and watch it through maybe i want to cut some pieces out instead of playing it back at a hundred percent and just watching it at a hundred percent what i'm going to do is i'm hit the space bar and then i'm going to hit the letter l now this is going to work on any editing software and this is going to speed up your playback so that you can listen and watch it at a faster time than 100 which is awesome because you don't need to watch the whole thing back at 100 especially when it's just a rough cut and you're editing it uh to trim down the fat and all that kind of stuff so i'm going to hit the space button then i'm going to hit l to speed it up now in order to hide your disc on youtube as well as turn off the comments on your videos first you want to do is log into your youtube account now i use this all the time sometimes i have 20 minute long tutorials on here that i'm watching back and just by hitting that l button to watch it back i'm saving myself like five minutes okay every time i watch it all the way through and that really adds up over time as you are editing your project inside your editing software tip number four is to copy and paste attributes most of us know that you can hit command c and then command v to copy and paste a clip to another clip but what happens is that this pastes everything onto the next clip that includes any audio effects any cropping any sort of luts that you put on is going to paste everything well in order just to copy and paste a few things that you want to move on whether it's just some audio effects or maybe a color grade or maybe a crop you can do that all you need to do is select your clip we are going to hit command c and there are a few things different on this clip than the rest of the clips but let's say i want to paste that the color grade only i don't want to paste the crop you can see i have a crop here crops back out i just want to paste the color grade what you want to do is hit shift command v and this is going to pull up your paste attributes now this is really cool because you can select and deselect things that you do not want to paste over so like i said i do not want my crop so i'm going to go ahead and just unselect that and i change the volume i do not want to adjust the volume on this next clip and now all i'm pasting over is this custom lut so i'll hit paste and you can see it has not affected the audio it has not affected the crop it's just sent over my lut i use this all the time especially for audio because usually i have a grade done and then i'll do my audio editing last and i copy just the audio maybe the volume and some eq and stuff like that i'll copy it and paste it to all the clips and it's not going to affect any of my crop ins crop outs or handheld shakes or anything that i do like that it's only going to paste over my audio effects same with luts and different effects like that if you are adding on effects whether it be a crop or a lut onto every single clip that you want that's gonna be a waste of time select all of them and just do paste attributes select what you want it to be it saved me a whole lot of time so now you know tip number five is to create presets this saves you so much time because instead of eq'ing the same mic over and over again you can actually create say an eq like this for this usb mic and then i can use that every single time i use this mic it's a preset it's built out i can click one button and it's going to do the rest for me this works with video effects this works with color grading you can actually save a lot maybe with some tweaks that you've made to it and then save this as a preset that way when you add in the lut it's also going to add in those little tweaks that you've made to kind of make it your own and fit your camera best here's how you do it first let's start with an audio preset so you can see here that i've made some adjustments to the eq on this microphone i can exit out of this you can see that is the only thing i've done here let's say i want the db to be zero okay perfect now to save this as a preset all you have to do is go down here hit save effects preset from here you can select what you want to save so i'm just going to call this samsung q2u because that is the microphone that i am using you're also going to see other options if you add in some sort of like reverb or noise reduction you're going to have those options here you can select them but for me all i've done is some eq and volume which is fine and i and you definitely want to make sure that stretch to fit is selected that way it takes whatever clip and it stretches it out to the full thing so that your effect is saved to your entire clip from here all you got to do is hit save now what you can do is go over to your effects you can scroll down to audio and you can see that you have custom and here are some of my custom ones so i'm going to use the samsung qtu that i just made and i'm going to drag it over this clip right here now you can see that it has added in my eq to be exactly like the other one this is great if you use the same mic for your youtube videos you definitely want to be saving presets because instead of eq'ing the same mic in the same room every time you don't need to do that just create a preset and drag and drop and you're gonna be set to go you can do the same thing with video so you can see i have a lut here and then i have some color wheels where i just change some like contrast stuff like that but if i want to save this as a preset both of these together i can go to save effects preset now here i do want my custom lot my color wheels but i do not want my crop and stretch to fit is fine i can go ahead and rename this to the a7s3 which is the camera that i'm using for this shot now something here and this is the same with audio but the audio one was correct here it's set to the category 360. i actually don't want to save it to 360. i'll save it to a new category and we can call it custom you can really call it whatever you want but i'll just go ahead and call it custom as well you'll hit create and from there it's going to save to a brand new category called custom so now over here in the effects if we go to custom you are going to see my a7 s3 preset we can scroll over something that has no color on it and boom drag and drop and you're good to go so now you know the basics of editing your videos and you know how to speed up that workflow so you can be more of a professional editor but let's get into some of the fun stuff that you can do inside of the software because there is a whole lot you can do inside of final cut and there's a lot of cool effects that you can do inside of final cut pro so these are going to be 10 effects that a lot of youtubers use in their videos that you can do in yours too and this is for beginners i'm going to walk you through step by step exactly how to do this so check out these 10 effects now number one is to use text pop-ups this is really popular when it comes to youtubers and it's pretty simple inside of final cut pro 10. let me show you exactly what i'm talking about and then i will show you how to do it now let's get right into this video because we have a lot to talk about yeah cheesy jokes welcome to the youtube channel so as you saw here this text was popping up now i'm going to delete this and start from scratch to show you guys exactly how to do this first things first you want to go into your text and i'm just going to go ahead and use a custom one right here i'm going to drag this over i'm kind of going to resize this so that you know it's as long as what i am saying because i'm going to have them pop up right as i say the word it's going to pop up and it's going to end right about there so now that that's all set i'm going to go ahead and put in my text now that i have my text on the screen it's pretty simple what i like to do first is actually get in here and just cut them up to the words now this doesn't have to be perfect because it's actually really easy to retime these so that it pops up at exactly when you want to but what i like to do is just really quickly go through and cut these up into the different words okay that's not perfect but you know somewhere around here now you can see that i've cut up the titles what i'm going to do now is start over here on number one and i am going to go to crop and then change this to trim so if it's on crop you don't want that you want to change this to trim from here all you have to do is take this right side of the box and start to drag it over trimming off every single word except for your first word now what we could do is go over click this again go to trim and go ahead and do the exact same thing we just did leaving our second word and our first word visible now now we could just do this for every single text but to speed up your workflow a little bit you could do a copy and paste all you got to do is select one that you've already trimmed you're going to hit command c go to your next one and then you're going to hit command option v from there it's going to chop off most of the words and you just have to drag it to your next word so i'm gonna go ahead and do this with the rest of them and it really doesn't take that long and you get yourself a really cool effect by the end of it obviously on your last one here you want to leave all the words visible and now we can go through we can watch it and see if we need to kind of retime any of the words so i can maybe move this second to last word latte talk about we have a lot to talk about now that's looking pretty good and it's as easy as that just using the trim tool you also could use the mask tool but i found for stuff like this using the trim tool has found to be easier for me next up i'm going to show you guys how to blur out a piece of the image whether you want to censor it or hide it you can definitely do that inside of final cut pro x i've done this before for clients where they needed to actually blur out a brand or something in the background like an address and so i've had to use this before but i'm gonna show you how to do that right now so first off we have our clip right here and for this case i'm just gonna blur out my coffee cup because it's moving and i'll show you guys how to kind of move that around as well so the first step you actually want to do is to copy and paste the clip that you are going to blur and put one on top of the other so i'm going to go ahead and move this right on top there now we have two different clips now the top one is going to be our blur and we're going to use a mask to control what we want to blur so let's start with our effects and actually going to pick out a blur there's two that i like to use one is just kind of your classic out of focus blur and the second one is more of a pixelated blur so i'll show you where both of those are if you go over here to blur you can see right here that if i throw this on top everything is out of focus it's a pretty nice blur this is kind of something that you would see on tv however i'd like to use the pixelate blur because it's just kind of fun and funny and so i like to use that sometimes if we click on all and we go to search for pixel we'll see a pixelate right here and if we throw that on top you are going to see that it does this whole pixelating effect and you can really choose how much you want to do that let's get the coffee up here and maybe we want to make it even more blurry now that we have done our blur what we want to do next is pick our mask so i'm going to search for mask make sure you're dragging this on the top layer of your video and from here you can start to draw a mask around exactly what you want to blur out and we'll just go ahead and blur out this entire coffee cup now from here it doesn't look too good but you can start to mess around so that it fits around whatever it is that you're blowing out a bit better and then we want to use the feather tool this is going to make it look a whole lot smoother you can even drag this past 100 if you would like and so you know this is looking fine for me as far as a blur goes i think it looks great now you can see the issue here is that the coffee cup kind of comes into the blower and it also goes out of the blur so what i'm going to show you how to do is how to move this blur effect over neat overnight over top of a moving object so i'm going to move it to the first frame that it comes into which is right here and i'm just going to drag this entire masking tool with the blur effect over that mug so that's right there i'm going to go ahead and start my keyframes underneath your mask you want to open up your transforms and then you're going to click this keyframe button right here on position and i like to go about three or four frames and move the mask if i'm moving it really fast maybe i would do less every frame or every other frame but for something like this you can really get away with three four frames so i'm gonna start here and i'm just going to move forward three frames now that i move forward three frames i'm going to move my mask back up move forward three frames again continue to move my mask and i'm gonna do this for the entire clip now that i'm done you can see that the mask is actually starting on the clip and i don't want it to start on the clip so to go to my first keyframe i'm going to hit this button right here and then i'm going to go back a few frames and move this all the way out so as we go forward now it's going to come up with the mug which is perfect so let's hit play and see what this looks like awesome so the blur is moving around with the mug and it looks great and blurred and the nice thing about this is now that we've done a mask that's moving we can actually replace this effect with anything so if we wanted to change this to our other blur it's really easy as just dragging this on top of the clip and deleting the pixelate button now we want to move this back up top right where the pixelate was and from here you can mess with the amount of blur you can make it more blurry less blurry and you're gonna see that the same effect happens all the movement have been kept the same but now it's just a different type of blur next up i'm gonna show you guys a little stop motion effect i use this on my wife's channel where her name pops up and i kind of made this stop motion effect with her name and i did that all manually inside of final cut pro 10 so i'm gonna show you exactly how i did that so right here i did a little text that says hello everybody and i'm gonna show you kind of what this effect looks like just kind of bounces back and forth kind of like a stop motion vibe so it's really easy to do this what i'm going to do is actually delete all of this but keep one of my text so first of all you want to start with what it could be a picture it could be text it really could be whatever you want it to be to kind of do this effect and so all of it is going to be the same whether it's text a picture graphic whatever so the trick here is to make your text three frames long and then we're gonna go from there so let's start by doing that one two three i'm gonna go ahead hit b which is the blade tool i'm going to chop that off now i have this text that is three frames long and what you want to do is hit command c command v and you're going to paste it this next one what you want to do is go to your transform tool and you want to adjust it just a little bit you don't want to do it a lot but you just want to change it slightly you're then going to copy and paste that one right after it and you're going to do the same thing you're just going to adjust the rotation a little bit maybe even the positioning a little bit command c command v and do the same thing again make sure that it's not too crazy all over the place or it might be a bit too much but you guys will get the hang of this and then once you have about six to 10 of these you're just going to command copy all of them and paste those over and over again so i'll just do a couple more here adjusting it just slightly so that they look a little bit different giving that stop motion effect all right now that i have done seven of them i'm gonna go ahead and hit play and see how it looks i think it looks pretty good and once you're happy with how it looks all you have to do is copy and paste that over and over again to make it as long as you want so i hit command c to copy i'll hit command v and then command v again again again as long as i want it to last and once you have it as long as you want you have a really cool stop-motion effect to your youtube videos next up i'm going to show you guys how to add overlays to make your shot a bit more interesting so when i first started using this i was actually adding some muzzle flashes to some guns for these little action films that i was shooting with my friends but really this works for anything if you want to do light leaks or any sort of glitches stuff like that this works really well it basically just takes the black in a background image or a video and it makes it transparent so when you overlay that onto your video it's going to be transparent and the black will go away and everything else is going to be on top of your image so right here you can see that the video is pretty bland so i'm going to add some overlays just to spice things up a little bit right here i have this glitch overlay which i think i just got off of youtube but it kind of has these numbers kind of techy uh computer things going on and so to get rid of the black so that it shows through all you have to do is select the video come up here to blend mode and you're going to change that to screen once you've done that you see that you get these textures coming through and there is no more black screen everything is transparent and it kind of adds to this cool computer shot going on so i'm gonna do the same exact thing with this glitch effect right here which we actually got off of story blocks and so i'm gonna go to blend mode change that again to screen and this is gonna add a cool little transition to my next shot and so let me show you what this looks like now i think it's really cool it adds a lot to the shot and again you can get creative with this and add tons of stuff to your footage to make it look cooler again those light leaks i've used a lot of times different glitch effects stuff like that you can add on top of your video by using the screen blend mode i'm gonna show you guys how to do this effect where it shows you the before and after so if you're redoing a room or if you're doing like a color grade like i am doing here you can actually do a sliding effect to show the before versus the after now right here i have an adjustment layer and a clip and this adjustment layer is just adding in my color to my shot so you can see this is what it looks like completely flat and then you have your adjustment layer now with this effect you actually can't use an adjustment layer and i'll show you why later so what i want to do is i want to copy this i'm going to delete my adjustment layer and i'm just going to paste that onto my actual video now in order for this effect to work you do need two clips so i'm going to copy this exact clip and paste this now this would work exactly if it was your before shot and your after shot but for me i'm going to do before my color grade and after my color grade so the top one is going to be the after shot and the before is going to be the bottom so what i'm going to do is delete everything on this bottom clip to make it flat again and you can see here if i mute this video feed on top our bottom layer is the before our top layer is the after from here you're gonna go into the transitions and you're gonna go to the search and look up wipe and then you are going to drag the wipe transition onto the top layer you can actually delete this end one and then you want to extend this to make it a lot longer and i'll show you guys what this looks like now so right now you can't even see the top layer you just see the before shot which is down here and then as it plays through you are going to see this wipe effect where it shows you the color grade that i've done you can adjust the duration of the white by dragging it left and right to make it longer or shorter you can also click on this transition and if you go up here you're going to see that you have a few different options so if you want to go from left to right you can also do that so now it is dragging from the left side to the right side you can also change the edge treatment i usually like to leave this on feather where it just kind of blends in the two videos but you also could do like a solid color like this and make it white or black and you can make the border color a lot smaller and then that way it's kind of showing you the before after using a line of color to distinguish the two now i don't know about you but have you ever accidentally gotten like a shotgun microphone in your shot or a light in your shot like you can see up here i have this light up there it was not supposed to be in my shot but it was but luckily in final cut pro there is a fix that you can do for this what you want to do is copy and paste the clip that you are going to cover and so we are going to cover up this light right here so what i'm going to do here is take this color right around here because it's going to be you know about the same color i'm just going to drag that over the light and then feather it out so that no one can tell in our effects we're gonna be looking for the mask tool and we can just draw a simple mask i'm gonna drag that on top now from here i just wanna take this color you know about the same size of the light and then close that off so now that we've done that we are going to take the feather option and put that to a hundred and then on our transform or you can go to this right here we are going to drag this up above now if i completely remove the bottom layer you're going to see what's happening here i'm taking this color that i just got with the mask and then i'm actually going to feather this out a bit more so that it's much smoother and all you have to do is make sure that it's completely covering up that light or the microphone whatever it is you want to hide in the shot you can do this simply by adding in a mask and dragging something over top of it and then by adding in some feathering you're really going to smooth out this shot so it looks nice and clean and now it looks like there was no light ever there so i can click this on and off you can see that's before and this is after another really cool easy trick that i use for our think media videos is ken burns so you can see here that we have a few different b-roll shots and they're just pretty simple right they're not too exciting they're pretty boring there's not a lot of camera movement happening so what i'm going to do here is let me trim this one first but what i'm going to do here is add in some ken burns and this is going to emulate a camera movement so all you got to do is click this arrow right here we're going to go to crop and down here you're going to hit ken burns now here you have a start option and the n option so you can see it starts completely wide and then it zooms in ending a bit closer i'll show you what this looks like now it looks like there is a zoom happening and so we're going to do the same thing with this next shot but i'm going to show you a few more things that you can do with this so here we can see that now it's doing a zoom out where it's starting in tight and then it is coming and zooming out showing us the entire shot but if you want to switch that around so it's also zooming in all you have to do is hit these little arrows right here and that is going to swap these for you so it's also going to do another zoom in for you and if we actually want to just switch that back it's as simple as moving that now if you want to make it really drastic and zoom in a bunch you can move these around as much as you want i don't like to make it super obvious i like to do kind of a subtle zoom in or zoom out effect but whatever floats your boat you can definitely do and mess around with these as well after adding in those ken burns you can see that this movement to the shot really just adds a lot to these b-roll clips and gives it a bit more spice and i definitely think it's something worth messing with because it can really take your shot to the next level just adding that little bit of camera movement really can make a big difference for this next effect we use this all the time at think media this is when our text swooshes in and swooshes out and we add in the sound effects i'm gonna show you how we do that so right here you see that i have my name i have my instagram handle all you got to do is go to your transitions and look for slide this is the transition that i use you can drag this right over your image or your text and then you want to click on this transition and come up here and this is where you mess with the settings so we have slide in which is exactly what i want and then at the end it's going to slide out and the direction i want to go is right so that's perfect that's kind of the preset that it's set to but you'll see here when it goes to the other clip that's not what i want happening so something wrong is here so i'm going to click on this transition and we are going to go back up here we can see that it's set to slide in i don't want it to slide in i want it to slide out and for the direction i want it to slide to the left so it goes back that way now if we watch again slides in slides out that's perfect now from here all we have to do to make the null multex do the same exact thing is hit copy and paste onto this one now it's not going to paste both transitions you need to go back up here you need to hit command c click down here hit command v now it has perfectly copy and pasted every transition onto both of them so when we hit play they both come in at the same exact time they both go out at the same exact time if you want to make these quicker or longer you can drag this to the left to make it quicker you can also drag it to the right to make it last longer be a longer slide and then you would just match these up so that they match and this is just going to come in a bit slower the next effect i want to show you guys is the handheld effect so we're going to search for a handheld and drag this over our clip and this is going to give our static tripod shot a handheld look so once we hit play we're going to see that it looks like someone is holding the camera they're a little bit shaky but we can mess with those settings by clicking on our video and up here and effects we can mess with the shakiness and the distance if we want to make it more shaky we can drag it to the right if we want to make it less shaky we can drag to the left i like to keep my shakiness around 15 to 10 and then my distance i like to bring back down about to 10 to 15 as well and we can see what this looks like now with those settings it's definitely a lot less shaky this is a bit more of my taste and i like to throw this in on videos to just spice things up and get people on their toes because when they're seeing the same shot over and over again they can start to tune it out so cropping in cropping out adding in these handheld effects this is great for resetting the viewer's attention to get them to watch longer little stuff like this does wonders and i think it's a really cool effect that you can add to your videos i know i got a lot of questions on that in a previous video so for those of you asking that is exactly how i do it now i've actually had a lot of people ask me about this effect that i'm gonna show you guys as well and this is when the camera tracks on my face so as i move my face around the camera tracks with me let me show you exactly how i do it and i use keyframes to do it but there's a trick here that makes it a whole lot easier so i'm going to drag this custom text onto my video and then i'm just going to add in the letter x it really could be anything it could be a dot let's just do a dot and i'm going to drag this right into the middle of my eyes now this looks really weird at the moment but i promise you guys it's going to be a really cool effect so on this clip right now we have scaled the image so that it is a bit closer and you can see that as i hit play i move my head around like this and i'm just going to do a little camera track on my face now the reason i put the dot right there is because for these keyframes i want to make sure that my middle of my face stays in the center of the frame the entire time that is what's going to make this look really interesting look really cool and the camera kind of move with my head as i move it around so now that i have the video selected i'm going to add a keyframe and i'm just going to go frame by frame moving this image around to stay on track with this little dot in the center of the screen for something like this i'll go forward every two frames or if there's a lot of movement i'll just do it frame by frame but for something like this i could probably get away by jumping forward two frames adding a keyframe jump forward two frames again and adding a new keyframe and for those of you asking if you're brand new once you move something around it automatically adds in a keyframe for you so all you got to do is start your keyframes once and then we can jump forward two frames once you move it like this you can see that this has a check mark if i jump forward two more frames you can see that it is not selected yet there is no keyframe but as i move this around it adds in a keyframe for me jump for two frames and just do this throughout the entire thing all right now before we watch this we want to get rid of this dot so i'll delete that and then i'm going to hit the play button alright so that's pretty cool so you can see as you're talking you know it crops in and it does this funny little tracking on the face effect again people ask me about that one that's exactly how i do it moving on to color grading no matter what camera you have color grading can really level up your camera make it look nicer by adding some saturation or contrast to your shot i'm going to share what you need to know about color correction and color grading for the beginner so without further ado here it is now there is a difference between color grading and color correction most people just call it color grading which is totally fine but we're going to cover both of those in this video and show you how to do that to your footage color grading basically is adding a stylistic look to your footage to make it look cinematic or vibrant something like that whereas color correction is kind of fixing the white balance fixing the exposure the contrast stuff like that so we're going to cover both of those things in this video so let's get right into it now the very first thing you want to do inside a final cut pro x is make sure that your proxies are not on if you go to this view tab right here we can see that if we had proxy preferred or proxy only then we would want to change that to optimized original so make sure you just hit optimized original and that is going to bring up your original files which is going to be best for color grading you don't want to color grade or color correct your proxy files you want to make sure you have those original files to color grade with that selected i like to go to the next step and i like to open up my scopes kind of get everything ready for color grading and i'll show you what those scopes are if you go up to the view tab you are going to see video scopes right here you can also hit command 7 to bring those up and if we click that we're going to see these uh colors the red the green the blue and we're going to change all this but these things are going to make it a lot easier for us to color grade and i'll show you how to use this but instead of doing this i actually like to change up my workspace just a little bit so that these are as big as possible and the easiest way to do this is if you go up here to window you will see workspaces and right here there's color and effects if you pull this up you are going to see this entire left side just go away and this is going to make everything nice and big for you perfect for color grading and color correcting so this is a very nice workspace that you can use if you are color grading and if you want to change that back maybe you're ready to go back to the edit what you can do is go up to window hover over workspaces and you can go back to default and this is going to put it back just how you had it so going back to my workspaces going to color and effects i actually don't need all four of these so what i like to do is go up here to view and then i'm going to change this just to two one on top one on bottom now this is looking great and if you want to use it like this which is how i use it you can go back up to window you can go to workspaces you can actually save this workspace we'll just call it color grading which i already have mine saved as color grading but if you hit save this is going to save this workspace for you so that you don't have to go in and mess with this every time you just go to window workspace now when you hit color grading it is going to pull this up how you like it now if you're a beginner and you're just learning how to color grade the odds are you don't really have a flat log image which would look something like this right here this is a flat image or what they would call a log image the odds are you are shooting some videos on your standard picture profile on your camera now that's totally fine you can still mess with these colors and i'm gonna show you how to do that that's why i have some footage here where it's a bit colored already this is just the standard picture profile on the sony zv1 and i have some different clips here that we're going to look at this one right here with my face in it show you how to kind of color when there are some skin tones in there as well as just some random shots here with a lot of different greens and blues different colors to mess around with now something you want to get familiar with is your color inspector what you can do is hit the color board right here and if you drag this onto your clip in this inspector right here you are going to see a color board and you can open that up and from here you can make some adjustments but i actually do not like to use the color board now instead of doing that this is actually a shortcut as well you can just click on this little color inspector triangle right here and this is going to pull up the same thing for you but this is actually called the color wheels now odds are if you click on that it's going to pull up your color board to change that just go into final cut pro go to preferences and right here under general we can see color correction and it's going to be set onto color board just naturally but we want to set this to color wheels with that selected we can exit out of that now you can see when you click on this triangle it's just going to pull up your color wheels right here let's start by taking a look at these four wheels and what they do and how they can affect your image this top wheel right here is our master wheel so this is going to affect everything we have shadows mid-tones and highlights but the master is going to affect all of those all three shadow midtones and highlights now the left side of the wheel is our saturation you can see it's a bit more blue up here and it's a bit more faded out down here that lets you know that it is the saturation so as we go up this is going to make things a lot more saturated you can see how much more vibrant this image is and if i bring it all the way down you can see that it's going to turn to black and white there is no saturation to these colors now each wheel kind of has the same layout on the left side you are going to have that saturation so let's go to shadows and if i pull those all the way down you're gonna see that the shadows are now black and white but we still have some mid-tones and highlights a lot of these blues still have some color now back up here on master the right side of the wheel is going to be our exposure you can see up here it's a bit brighter down here it's darker so as we increase the master it's going to make everything much brighter starting to blow out some of our image doesn't look the best but as we darken it this is going to darken our entire image make everything a lot darker now right here in the center we can actually move this little point around and this is going to add color into our entire shot so if i drag this up into the magenta it's going to make everything a bit more magenta i can do the same if i want to pull that into the green or i want to make it warmer make it a bit orange you can do that by dragging these around in each of these wheels now real quick i'm just going to throw these all around i'm going to show you how to reset these if you ever need to so let's say you want to reset all of it all you have to do is click on this little reset button and that is going to bring everything back to normal for this one wheel but let's say you don't want to bring everything back you just want to bring back maybe this piece right here if you double click that is going to bring back just that property i can do the same with the saturation by double clicking it's going to bring it back double clicking gonna bring it back so that's how you can kind of reset some of these values as you are going through your color grade like i mentioned these are gonna work the same as the master however this is only going to affect your shadows this is only going to affect your highlights this is only going to affect your mid tones and so you can mess with each of these by only affecting you know a specific part of your shot after i show you what all of these do i'm gonna walk you through exactly how i color correct and color grade a shot so stick with me we're almost there these are the things that you need to know before you start color correcting down here we have temperature tint and hue now this was shot on auto white balance on the sony zv1 but if you mess up your white balance this is where you could fix some of those issues by sliding these around so this temperature if you drag it to the right this number is going to increase and that is going to increase the warmth of your shot and the tint is going to increase in magenta as you pull it to the right and as you pull it to the left it is going to add green to your shot if you pull the temperature left it's going to be cooler and adding that blue tone to your shot messing with the hue is going to adjust all of your colors and kind of swing them around on your colors wheel uh making it look a bit funky this is not something that i ever use but maybe if you're shooting a music video or you know there might be an instance where you would use this this is where you can mess with the hue down here under mix i usually just leave at 1 but if you want to dial it back so that it's not at 100 strength it's kind of like the opacity of this effect you can drag this to the left and zero you can see that there is nothing happening and to the right you can see this is with everything applied i usually leave this at one and i just dial everything in exactly how i want it but that is there if you ever want to dial it back and forth you can do that if you also want to see kind of the before and after what you can do is uncheck this box and this is going to disable it and then if you check it again it's going to bring it back now that you know what these wheels do let's actually color correct and color grade this image to look a bit better a bit more vibrant maybe a bit more summery but first we want to take a look at these scopes over here now these might be a bit intimidating but i promise you it's really easy if you just take the time and understand what these are it's going to help you so much right now we're just going to ignore this vector scope which is this circle up here and we are gonna kind of save that for our part two of this video which is gonna be a bit more advanced where i'm gonna cover stuff like luts you know film simulations adjustment layers grading log images getting correct skin tones stuff like that is gonna be an advanced tutorial where i will use the spectroscope once that part 2 advanced tutorial comes out make sure you check that out because you're going to learn so much more but you definitely need to watch this video first because this is going to lay down the foundations of color correcting and color grading so that you're not completely lost when it comes to the advanced tutorial but for now we're just going to focus on this waveform down here which is our luma waveform now if you ever want to change these you can click on this right here and change this from luma sometimes i use the rgb overlay now this waveform right here is actually showing us the values in this shot so as i move this around you're gonna see this also moves because this is showing us exactly what is on screen and it's showing us the brightness of the shot now on this waveform we have some numbers the main thing that you want to look at is this 100 number if you go above this line you are gonna start losing information in your shot so for example if we go to our highlights and we boost these highlights you can see that the entire graph is now moving up because it's showing us the brightness of the shot so as i move these highlights above 100 you are going to see that the sky is starting to lose a lot of its color it just is white now because it is over this 100 line so you want to try and keep things that you want to have color things that you want to be in the shot below that 100 line this is the same with the shadows as i start to decrease the shadows we are going below this zero line and that means that we are losing color and details in the shadows it's starting to take colors and just make them black so typically you want most your colors to be above zero and below 100. as i move these mid-tones you are going to see that the waveform kind of scrunches upwards or if i move it down it's starting to scrunch downwards and i really use mid-tones for adding contrast so let's go to this shot right here and i'm going to color correct and color gray this a bit exactly how i would do this for my own video first things first you want to make sure you have that clip selected and then we can start making our adjustments now when looking at the shot one of the things i want to fix is how dark it is around my face because it's a bit too contrasty for me and so first thing that i would do is go over to my mid-tones and on this right side we have that exposure and i'm just going to increase this to bring some of that life back into those mid-tones so we can see what's going on in the shadows now when i did that you can see that i actually lifted this entire thing up so even though i was just messing with the mid-tones the shadows were a bit affected as well and i still want contrast in this shot so what i'll do is i will take my shadows and i'm going to bring those down just to the bottom of this graph to see how this looks so far that's looking pretty good i'm going to mess with my highlights see if i want to bring those down or up but honestly where they're at is pretty good you know everything's at the top of this 100 and so far i'm happy with how this looks if i click this on and off you can see how much we really brought back into the face how much we brought back into the shot just by adjusting those mid-tones up and then bringing the shadows back down to keep the contrast but also bring life to those shadows when it comes to adding saturation i like to use the master wheel so it affects the entire shot so i'm just going to increase it just a hair now that i'm liking how this looks i kind of want to give this a warm summer vibe and so we're going to mess with some of the colors add a bit of warmth into this shot first i'm going to start with the temperature and just kind of increase this and see what this looks like and you can see as i increase the warmth it gets a bit green as well so i'm going to grab the tint and i'm going to bring it this way to add some magenta back into this shot now the highlights i'm just going to add some warmth to this by dragging it towards these oranges and now my skin is getting a bit too orange and so what i'll do is i'll go to my mid tones i'm going to pull it in the opposite direction adding a bit of blue to the midtones i'm also going to add a little bit of blue into the shadows and maybe increase my highlights even more i'm also going to bring my highlights down just the hair now this is definitely more of a stylized shot everything is a bit warmer it looks very summery very warm and so if i click this on and off you can see the before and after is pretty crazy right look how dark this is it looks really cool it looks natural but when i click this on everything is much warmer the shadows have been lifted and i like the warmth that we're getting in the sky and those greens i think it looks really awesome when it comes to color grading there's no correct way to do it it definitely is just finessing in the colors messing with it it takes a while to figure out you know where you want your colors in the shadows the mid tones the highlights and so practice just start messing with shots there is no wrong way to do this just start messing around with it see how it looks and you'll get better over time now i'm going to show you a really cool trick that you can do here in final cut but first let's copy over these effects command c we're going to paste them onto this by hitting option command v now we can see that it copied everything over but it's not looking too good so i'm going to go back into my color wheels and make a few adjustments to the exposure i think it looks a little bit flat so we're going to add a little more contrast to the shot that's looking a bit better i kind of like having the highlights a bit lower i think it looks really cool for this shot okay now that i like how this is looking looks very warm very cinematic what i'm going to do is actually add in a new thing by clicking up this down arrow right here we're going to add in our hue saturation curves now in this video we're just going to take a look at these top three the huber's tube the hueversat and the hubris luma i'm going to show you what these do and how they can really affect your image if we click this eyedropper right here on hue vs hue i can select any color i want and it is going to show me what color it is right here and as i drag this up and down it's actually going to mess with that color specifically so it's not going to mess with the hue on all the colors like that one little hue wheel did this is going to mess with just that one color so if i want to make that blue water a bit more blue i can drag it down like this and it's going to add in some more blues and just change the hue of what the pool originally was i'm also going to do this with the green so if i click on this little green right here there's some different colors in this tree so like this is going to be a little bit different than say this green back here you can see the screen has a lot more blue in it but i want to mess with these colors right here so as i drag these down they can get really bizarre really blue and you can mess with these and kind of fine tune exactly the look that you're going for let's say i'm really liking this shot but i think the blue in the pool is just a bit too saturated i like the color i just want it less saturated this is what the huever sat is for so if you click the eyedropper and then select the pool color from here if you drag it down you can desaturate the pool and if you drag it up it is just going to increase the saturation so i'm going to keep it right about there and i'm going to do the same thing with these trees because the green is a really cool green i just do not like how saturated it is okay now this is looking really cool so if i turn this off you can see what this looks like before and then i turn it on this is what it looks like after so this is where you can get really creative and really stylize a look and color grade using this hue saturation curves is a really fun tool just to mess around with the colors and make something that is really unique now that i really like this look i'm going to copy and paste this image onto a new video so so far it looks pretty good but i'm going to show you guys actually the main reason why i use the hue saturation curves and it's typically with skin tones and kind of decreasing maybe some of the redness in the skin or if the skin is just too saturated bringing that saturation down just a little bit and i basically use this in almost every single think media video and what i do is i go into the huber saturation use the eyedropper i select the skin and then this allows me to really refine that saturation in the skin tones if i want to bring it down just a hair i can and usually the redness you know on my cheeks or my nose sometimes can just get a little bit too red when i add in saturation and so i can click on my cheeks or my nose and maybe bring you know this area down a little bit you can see that the lips now have no color and so i just bring it back up until i think it has a good enough saturation but not too much this is before any of the hue saturation curves and this is after the hue saturation curves this is before the entire image and this is after now in this next section someone asked me and they said how can i edit my videos better and i made a video on five and a half tips to edit videos better now the first tip i actually already went over earlier in this video so you are to see the four and a half tips that are really going to level up your videos these are things that really can just take your video to the next level whether that's on youtube or wherever it is that you are posting your videos these are things that are going to help keep the audience engaged when they are watching your videos tip number two is to cover your edits if your video feels choppy maybe how to stop a lot when talking to the camera and edit in all these little pieces piece by piece one thing you can do is cover your edit to make it look like you are just talking to the camera forever and never really stopping let me show you what i'm talking about and what not to do now when a video is choppy just like this you can tell when i stop talking and when i start talking again so let me show you how to fix this and how to hide these cuts and the first one is to crop in by cropping in it resets the viewer's attention and it looks like you just kept talking but in reality all you did was crop the image in and then you crop the image back out and it looks like you just kept talking even though there was a few cuts within this take another thing you can do to hide your cuts is to insert b-roll footage adding some video to overlay on your footage is a great way to hide those cuts so no one really knows when you stop talking and start talking again it just sounds like a fluent conversation tip number three this one is really really important and it's to cut it out trim the fat keep the meat keep the good stuff get rid of everything else you want your video to be as long as it needs to be but as short as possible now if you're a new editor you're probably asking well how do i know what to cut out i feel like i need all of this stuff in there when in reality i promise you you can cut things out the first mindset shift is to watch it as a viewer watch it as if you're watching someone else's video now a really cool hack you can do here is actually bring someone else into the room to watch your edit now you're gonna watch it with them and what you'll notice is when they're watching it you're gonna be a lot more critical of your own work and you're gonna know when they're getting tired and bored of watching your video and you're gonna be like yeah that's not the best i can cut that out tip number four is to use sound effects adding some sound effects to your videos for transitions or when stuff pops up on the screen or when text comes on the screen just like this is a great way to level up your production value this also helps keep the viewers engaged helping them watch longer and in return helping the youtube algorithm pick up your video so you get more views this fit tip is really the most important tip and it's the one thing that i would tell anyone if they said give me one tip on editing to level up i would tell them this but before we get to that like this video and then comment down below what other questions do you have about youtube content creation that i can help you with let me know down below okay now the fifth tip is pacing is everything once someone clicks on your video the most important thing that you can do is keep them there you want to keep the audience retention and one of the main things to do this is by your pacing if your video starts off very slow odds are people are going to click out and bounce on to the next video starting off with the right pacing is great but you want to keep that going throughout the video so people keep watching to the very end so let me give you one practical way on how you can do this change up the music changing the music in the middle of a video is a great way for the viewer to know whatever just happened is over and we're on to something new there's a sad moment in your video where things aren't going right and just everything's sad you know using that sad music can really bring the viewer in to what you're feeling and this is great for pacing and then change the music because i'm not sad anymore the video is moving on and people are now engaged in what's next changing your music needs to happen at the right moment so if there's something new happening this is a great time to change the music if there is drama or something exciting these are all great chances to change the music and start new now i actually have another half tip because it totally goes with pacing so here is tip five and a half it's to stop the music this can be really powerful in your videos if you're saying something important stopping the music can let the viewer know what i'm saying is important and you need to be listening to me this is definitely great for certain moments you can pick that music back up again but when you stop it it's like an exclamation mark on what you're saying i was watching last chance basketball in episode one and they used this technique brilliantly during the game number 42 kept getting these calls against him that weren't really right and he gets angry in storms off the court the music is building and building and he heads for the locker room so check this out yeah that was intense but what they did here with the editing was totally amazing the music is building and building and then he goes into the locker room he smacks the locker and the music stops he lets out this big yell and you can just tell that this is an intense moment as soon as he hit that locker the music stops because you know something shifted you know that he snapped and i think if they would have added music to this moment where he yells and he throws the chair i think it could have been a little bit cheesy so stopping the music really was powerful and it brought me into the screen wondering what was going to happen next and this editing technique that they use on last chance u you can also do on your youtube videos once you've finished your edit inside the software you have all your videos you have your music files you have everything ready to go now you need to export this into one single video so i'm going to share with you the best export settings specifically for youtube so if you're going to upload this to youtube these are going to be the best settings that you can do following google and youtube's guidelines to get to your export settings make sure you have your project selected go to file and then you can go to share master file or what you can do is you can come over here to the share button and then you can also go to master file by clicking on that right there so now we have this window and this is where we're going to get into all the information i'm going to show you exactly what you need to do to upload to youtube specifically to youtube so right now on info we can see a few things we can see that our project is 4k which is great that's what i wanted at we can see it's at 23.98 frames per second great that's what i want it as and right here is the file size so we can see it's a mov we can see that it's 161 megabytes now sometimes when you first get into here what you'll notice is right now i've set to h.264 but usually it's at like an apple pro does and this is going look it's like twice the file size this is going to give you huge file sizes and it's not even recommended to do this for youtube it's really not necessary so what i've been doing for the longest time is changing my video codec to an h.264 a lot of people do this it still works it still goes to youtube it's fine but this leaves you with a mov well turns out youtube actually wants a mp4 so i'm going to show you how to do that in final cut pro right now what you need to do is go to your format and instead of video and audio what it's just normally set to you want to go to computer this is going to change it to a mp4 and this is also still an h.264 file but we're going to go to better quality because we want the best quality possible now you can't really mess with this and and change the quality but better quality is going to give you the best quality possible our resolution that's fine our color space audio format all this stuff is fine that's all you have to change is format to computer make sure you're on better quality and this is going to give you even a smaller file and i think why they want a dot mp4 than a mov is because i believe mov runs more natively on like apple devices where mp4 is more of a global standard and all the devices that are android pc windows all that kind of stuff are going to run mp4 files even faster so i believe that your mp4 files once you upload that to youtube is actually going to run faster upload faster on all devices and so that's great and that's what you want to do especially when youtube is recommending that now let me show you how to save this as a preset so you don't have to go through all those steps every single time you can just do it in one click what you want to do is go back up here to the share button and we are actually going to add a destination because right now when i click on master file even though i just change it to an mp4 i go back into my settings and it's changed back to an h.264 mov file so we don't want that we're going to cancel this we are going to add a new destination and from here all you really got to do is drag in export file drag it right there it's fine if you want at the very top that's great as well when you click on it this is where you can actually change the preset so format again we're going to change this to computer we're going to change this to better quality and then resolution i like to leave mine at 4k but you can always change that if you edit in hd what you can also do here which is cool is change the name so we can change this to dot mp4 if we want to do that and then once you hit the close button everything's saved you don't have to click save you go back up here you're going to see our mp4 at the very top we're going to click that we go to our settings and look everything is saved and we can hit next and you can see this actually updated the resolution to match what my timeline is at so it's going to do that automatically which is perfect then we're going to go to next we can save it to our desktop or save it to wherever we'd like and then that is going to export for you now this next section is so important it's going to save you from buying a bunch of hard drives for all these videos it's also going to save you from wasting your time and all this frustration on it we all know videos can take up a lot of space on our computers and so you want to dump it onto a hard drive when you're completely done with it well the issue with final cut pro 10 is that it holds onto these render files that makes your library super large so i'm going to show you how to reduce that library size and this is without deleting any videos without deleting any assets simply by deleting render files and this is going to save you a whole lot of space so when you dump it onto a hard drive you don't have like 300 gigabytes on the hard drive you only have like 50. so this is definitely something that you need to do on every single project so let me show you how to save a bunch of space on these library files once you start editing i haven't really started this edit yet but once you do start editing you're going to see that library just skyrocket and the gigabytes and the file size is going to be huge but i'm going to show you right now how to do that but let me open up a different library first so in this project called film yourself in 10 easy steps this was a video that i did for think media and in here you can see that i have my library and it is 377 gigabytes it's absolutely ridiculous how big it is but i'm going to show you how to shrink that number down so let's open up this library so if we select on the library and we look over here we can see again it's 377.76 gigabytes and so before we send this to the external hard drive we want to shrink that number that's going to save us a lot of space save us a lot of money and so that is step number five which is delete the render files now after doing a little bit of research i found that this number is so big because it's storing all of the render files and basically what this means is when you're editing a video and let's say you oh right here we can see there are these dots above the timeline this is what needs to be rendered right now so you can see all the stuff needs to be rendered and as that is rendered it's basically creating more space in that library so as you can see this is starting to render but it's actually going to increase our library space as that happens and it makes everything easier to play back but we don't need that when we're done editing the project and you can see now the number is going up because it is starting to render and we're not editing this project so let's go ahead and delete our render files how we do that is we select the library and then we go up to file and we want to go to delete generated library files right here you're going to have some options to delete render files and now there's two options one is to delete the unused only so any footage that you were editing that is not now in that final project it's going to delete those render files and it can keep all the render files from the project that you've already edited however i'm probably never going to touch this project again and i want to save more space and so what i can do is select all and this is going to delete all the render files and that's okay it's not going to delete any video it's not going to delete any of the assets it's just deleting kind of like the mock-ups that final cut makes in order to run faster and to play back your video quicker one other thing to note is that you can still edit this project so let's say we delete all our render files we throw onto our hard drive but then we bring it back and we want to make some more edits it's totally okay it just needs to re-render now of course that is going to then take up more space but when you're completely done with the project there's so many projects that i edit that i just don't ever touch again and so this is my new method is i just delete all the render files because if i ever do need to go back i definitely can and i can re-render everything so i'm gonna hit okay and we're gonna see this 378.9 gigabyte file drop but first we need to go to our event so it can refresh and then we are going to hit the library again and look at this it is less than a gigabyte it is 532.7 megabytes so i'm gonna go ahead and close out final cut pro because i have auto render on after about five seconds of not moving the mouse around it's going to start rendering again and that's going to add more file size and you can actually turn that off and mess with the settings but i'm gonna go ahead and just close down final cut pro now that i've closed down final cut pro we can see here in the film yourself folder that this library is less than one gigabyte which is amazing so from here we have step number six which is to copy the entire folder onto your external hard drive so i'm just gonna go ahead and grab this folder and drag it over my external hard drive and this is going to start to copy and the entire project in its entirety is going to be 76 gigabytes rather than you know 400 plus gigabytes so just doing that you know saved us over 300 gigabytes which is amazing and then why you see the 76 gigabytes is from the original raw video that is inside of that folder under video coming up in the future we are going to make more advanced final cut pro 10 tutorials so let me know down in the comments what do you want to learn what do you want to see me cover in the meantime click on the screen to learn how some of your favorite youtubers edit their youtube videos and how you can do the same as well you're going to learn a whole lot inside of that video so click on the screen and i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Think Media
Views: 184,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final cut pro tutorial, final cut pro x tutorial, final cut pro x tutorial beginner, final cut pro x, how to use final cut pro, learn final cut pro x, fcpx tutorial, final cut pro tutorial for beginners, final cut pro tutorial for beginners 2021, how to use final cut pro x, full final cut pro tutorial, final cut pro tutorial advanced, how to edit in final cut pro x, fcpx for beginners, final cut pro for beginners, how to edit youtube videos, nolan molt, think media
Id: MotoguQBDHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 49sec (7009 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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