60ft Chisel Plow at Max Depth - Steiger 715 Quadtrac | Part 3

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[Music] [Applause] h [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well Sun just set beautiful sunset got  the lights all lit up um I think we those lights   are on I need to tip them down a little bit  this tractor only has like 50 hours on it I   think is what it said and I've noticed uh with  a lot of these new machines when they come out   you got to adjust the lights they don't come set  just right so so I got to go around and grab all   these lights and tip them down a little bit I  think they're kind of pointed out do that soon   but it's just you know they put them on in the  factory they're not out in the field with your   toolbar all set up and everything right to know  exactly where to point the light so that's kind   of up to you to do but it's lighting up pretty  good I don't think I'm going to run late tonight   though getting a little low on the diesel  think I'm going to have to bring the truck   in the morning top it off or I could just drive  it over there where the fuel tank is but then I   have to wing it up so let's just bring a truck out  we'll put some gallons in her keep her going still   currently using. 3 gallons an acre so far I've  used 185 gallons of fuel in this operation and   used in work 164 which means somehow we burnt 21  gallons almost 22 gallons of fuel not seating so   that's like filling the air drill roding it down  the road I don't know somewhere it went actually   let's see here there we go now the light's  coming down on the ground let's do this one   too there that's a little better what else we  got here let's take this one turn it that way   a little bit a little bit like that this one  that way a little bit tip it down tip it down down well good morning let's go it's uh 29°  out Fahrenheit this morning so it's going   to be a little cold let's fire it up see what  it sounds like when it starts up a little bit   cold and I think I'll Wing It Up take it to  the shop put some diesel in it and head back   out to the field and we're going to finish  winter wheat today about 600 acres I think   we're putting in so nothing over the top  but enough to get our feet wet enough to   get some seed in the ground hopefully a winter  week crop for next year but also not enough to   have a complete wreck if it doesn't rain  anymore the rest of this year so let's go well obviously we need it colder than  that I'm sure negative 30 we'll try then   if we Happ to now this tra R is3 which isn't  going to happen but I'm sure it'll s a little [Music] bit [Music] [Music] I'm on the last pass last pass of winner for  crop 2024 let's take a look at my monitor   let's go to ISO what do we got for acreage so  far 786 Acres we've seated it of winter wheat   so far and there's probably 10 15 Acres left on  this strip so we'll be just shy of 800 acres so   that's that's a decent amount we were saying  around 1,000 originally we were saying maybe   500 then we were saying 2,000 and then the  forecast dropped back down again and wasn't   show much rain some we said 500 again and well  we're at about just under 800 so there hopefully   we get some rain on it for this fall there's  enough moisture to get it going like we said   earlier but it really needs a good soak before  the year ends and then it'll be a good start   for next year but this could be our best crop  next year we don't know could absolutely be we   didn't put any fertilizer down cuz well we  decided not to gamble on this we can put it   on in the spring if we need to but we'll just  see how the winter goes so let's keep rolling   through let's get this done then we's unhook  the air cart get it cleaned out get the weed   out of it park it unhook the batteries and then  hook on to our 60ft Flex coil sweep we like to   call it a plow but we get we get we get scolded  we're calling a plow I guess it's not a plow so   it's a sweep so we'll hook on to the sweep and  we're going to go till in some manure that was   put on our land so that'll be good we'll see  the horsepower use in that application all right and there we go turn the seat off seat off   the corner of the headl there  pull the toolbar out of the ground all right that's enough just keep on  going right there let the fan run a little   bit we'll just let it blow out the system cuz  there's no more seed going through this till   well next spring we'll see if we still have this  C then we'll know for sure tonight this winter but   we let it just kind of blow a little bit here  get everything cleaned out all right fan off   there it goes you see it's running down running  around that 3700 RPM or so so it's kicking back   let's bumper up some gears let's cruise back down  the field all the way to our green bin side over   there we've got the other equipment and we'll get  this drill cleaned up I don't like going too fast   in field mode cuz I noticed the casters they  hit a bump just right they'll just oscillate   really bad so I you know that 12 mph is about  right cruising down the field so we'll just do that we're going to go ahead and grab the  batco conveyor cuz it's a little bit tricky   to get the onboard conveyor on the 3555 cart on  that back Hopper it can be done it just takes   a little bit of jockeying around but this  is here and this going be a lot easier to   maneuver so we're going to take all the seats  left in that cart put in that truck and then   eventually that truck's going to go back in  that bin and we got plans for that truck for   something else so let's get this fired up warm  up drive it over there I love fuel injection so nice [Music] all right here it be Flex coil with sweeps 60t  it was a 50 some foot and we bumped it up to 60   ft with our amazing addition here and it's got  a 60t coil Packer on the back and I've mentioned   this in the past Flex coil eventually became  Ki so all the kih New Holland air drills and   tillage Equipment well not all tillage a lot of  the tillage equipment was originally Flex coil   which is originally frad and frig dad is over  there I got a frad plow there and an old frad   plow there so pretty cool up in uh Canada where  these were made but still it's a good tool bars   just it's got some Acres on it our dilemma is  the draw bar is too high and our Jack doesn't   go high enough but we' got that so we're going  to we're going to use that to lift this up to   back that in to put that in there when it's  there and then hook all those up to there   and then go that way I originally made this  hook to lift my trusses onto my house but I   think it'll be strong enough to lift this  up we'll find out here in a [Music] second oh yeah there's some weight  on that kettle bell like a   kettle bell I got to get back  in the gym there It [Applause] [Music] Go [Applause] [Music] all right into the field got the flex whe  hooked up let's wing it out let's see uh this [Music] one [Music] wow that's not supposed to be there  that's supposed to be over there what did   you do uh the tractor it's too much for it  already too much power it already ripped it   apart power we need to get a bolt just  need a bolt the bolt we can put it back on going to miss that thing last time running  it for now we'll see someday you never know you   never know but we got to set the depth a little  deeper we're just not quite digging as deep as we   want last time we had it set we were just scraping  the surface so we'll put it a little deeper pull a   little more dirt up on top of that manure make  a little more efficient all right let's start   with this thing in the ground see all the way  down like that one thing I like about this 75   is is starting off doesn't just kill it oh yeah  that's set a deeper like I just let the clutch   out I didn't rev it up at all normally the other  ones it seemed like they'd stall out and beep at   you and you had to give it a little gas this  time it's is not that bad let's look for up   a couple switches here what go to six that's 5  mph 1600 RPM we're definitely going deeper here   yeah it's digging now what do we got oh there we  go 60 60% engine load and our fuel useage just   doubled I didn't start a new acre or new uh oh  yeah we did okay cool we'll see what that looks   like after a while H there we go we're working  now but even at this I mean I give it some gas   12% 98% per second there but I mean it doesn't  even hesitate I can bring it back to an idol so we're idling right now with that in the ground   850 RPM doesn't even hesitate just  just mosing right along throttle up just right almost instant  just watch this throttle up that's amazing oh that's pretty impressive [Music] [Music] oh there it was did you see it ah I was just about  to say I've been wondering if that slip indicator   is broken cuz I haven't seen it see anything other  than zero but twice now there it is again I saw it   said one maybe we'll catch it here see if it does  I've been watching that thing all day have not see   anything other than zero until just this little  bit here there's one see it okay see this tractor   does slip need out another 100 lb get that key B  at zero or I can just top off the fuel and death   that'd probably do it I don't know if you can see  it man they got this guidance locked in that is   one of the straightest lines I've seen with was  on our farm just straight as an arrow very nice   overall pulling this rig is running right around  that 35 to 40% engine load and hover around that   10 to 11 gallons an hour so it's definitely more  than seating but it's not significantly more if I   pull the toolbar out of the ground you can see the  RPM jumps about 20 to 30 RPM and then drops back   down again but the speed almost stays constant  I looked at it it's out of the ground increase 2   back in the ground see that RPM drops from 1650  so it's out of the ground back to, 1650 1670 in   the ground 1620 all right so I've got the plow  excuse me sweep cultivator buried into the field   let's hit the neutral button come to complete stop  all right we're still running same RPM 1630 now   it's going to put us in second we'll put it up and  drive not touching anything hands off and there we go and we're still on the ground no problems there  all right let's take this off real quick neutral   again let's bump this up to six real quick just  to try it all right we're in six we'll see if   it'll do it okay cultivator in the ground Drive  wow didn't kick out or anything just kept going   all right I don't know um if they' recommend  you doing that all the time something someone   who's familiar with transmission powertrain of  this tractor could confirm but that's pretty   impressive that uh for being a power shift like  that and not having the same torque converter   that like say our big bud has to be able to  just go from nothing to full speed like that   I'm sure there's a clutch in there taking the  use but cool all right well experiment done   all right we're on the last pass last pass  let's get her done mark this thing it's been [Music] [Music] fun [Music] [Music] [Music] dropped the goods off we are implements  let's take her home full speed though of course woohoo this thing scoots oh we're not high  one more there we go there we go there's our 26 and2 one last wide angle look to the cab and that's it thanks for watching guys it's been   fun hope you enjoyed it take care  God bless we'll see you [Music] again [Music]
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 469,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: -0M8OlFo2NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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