Dustin Lance Black talks Tom Daley

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glances double my age which is quite a weird situation to be in because he's like all similar eh to my mum which when you think about a lot that is a bit like hmm bit weird but I mean you can't help who you fall in love with and that was him I met him within a year of him winning bronze at the London Olympics I could see he had the blues which I got because there's also something called the post Oskar Blues we were in similar places in so many ways when we met I just lost my big brother my mom was very sick he had just lost his father and these were the people we know you've got some joy out of impressing let's be honest I'll never be able to fill his father's shoes he'll never be able to fill my mother or my brother's shoes but we can be there for each other in other ways now it's like it's really amazing to be in love with somebody who you also admire and and can be dazzled by and it's true and it's a you know and I it makes me want to be a better person I mean I just I feel like the luckiest guy so I woke up on Valentine's Day and um the boyfriend had made me a little heart-shaped fried egg it's very cute and so I was already in like a very lovely happy mood and I was out in London in our lives and in the past few years Tom and I have experienced a lot of loss in our families but I think one of the reasons that we connect and that we love each other is that we like to take something that is lost and make good out of it and that's why it's important for us to raise money for these charities that are really close to our heart don't underestimate Tom Daley it's just somebody goes around smiling he is a complicated emotional man he had one dive that was not going well for him he just had a mental thing about it Tom is facing a form of divers block and it could sink his dreams of gold in Rio he said you know I think I'm gonna try and learn a new died I was like okay he's falling in love like he's falling in love with his sport again well I I my slate was full yesterday so I had to I had that he was competing in the national championships and so that was way cooler for me um and so I had to watch him bring home the gold instead of other people in Hollywood bring it home um but I know you know no it's a the Oscars are so [ __ ] stressful man so how hypocritical would it be if I said well let's all talk about our stories and let's all come out but don't don't look at mine you know it doesn't work like that it's not always comfortable but part of it are the things part of what I signed up for have you found that you've kind of adapted your mentality to it as times gone on and become more comfortable with it um it depends on the situation it does usually yeah I you know I don't have anything to hide and so but every now and then I'll just want to go have dinner with the boyfriend and and and I sort of forget that there'll be a eyes on us but you know what they also like in those areas sports I grew up there I know what we were doing every Saturday and Sunday we were either watching football or NASCAR right and it's like when some of these sports folks come out in those areas it really just it makes people in the places like my family in these places stop and think boy I guess they're right it really is everyone gay and lesbian people can do anything I didn't quite know that they're not those things I hear about and those sort of stereotypes I hear about you know they can they can throw up football and drive a race car as good as anybody and then like Chad said they are out there I know I know a bunch of them and I encourage them to take this moment and to follow the lead of Jason Collins and to start to come out because when you do that it is life saved I think there were fears that and the girls would lose interest in him well I'll tell you right now you try walking through a shopping center or through London with Tom Daley and you can hear it coming the screams of the girls coming toward him he could do no wrong daily is good what's different before he came out young men wouldn't come up to it was only girls now young men come up to him too cuz now I think the young men aren't afraid he's gonna steal their girlfriend when it comes to bold and real I know Tom can win the gold his coach knows he can win gold there's no question Tom can win gold and Rio the question is does Tom believe it and I'll tell you there are days he does and there are days I'm not sure he does yet I do think at this point it's what's going on in here and here that's gonna make the difference there it is desert occasionally is important I'm sorry what is your favorite okay it's what's my favorite gold leaf engine now my favorite cheese cake is the one that Tom made for me the other day which was out of a cookbook I got him for Christmas which is the Nutella the Nutella cookbook yeah which is like well they have a coke boat they have a cookbook and so I got him that he made the Nutella cheesecake and it's my favorite swell place that's a good gift actually you know so yeah we we all feel a little pressure to be a certain something sometimes and sometimes you know when I'm feeling a little pressure to get to the gym that might be good for me but if I'm gonna act if my pressure is to look like my partner well that's probably not gonna happen that's you know a writer is gonna look a little different than than a diver and and that's okay you know we can be we can be diverse in so many different but it take for you to get on splash the TV show oh I I do think as long as I could do the British version cuz the host is much cuter is that true yeah
Channel: Moira Barton
Views: 470,026
Rating: 4.9656248 out of 5
Keywords: dustin lance black, tom daley, tustin, british, american, lgbt
Id: m975ue3RlNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2016
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