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[Music] hello and welcome back to the penultimate episode of daily diaries this time next week it'll all be over my olympic diving experience of tokyo 2020 will all be done so i have actually got out of the village for a few days to be able to unwind after the synchro because that was just absolutely crazy and nuts i still can't believe that we're olympic champions but i'm currently in a hotel in japan literally just got here and look at this little view there's a there's like a whole theme park there that i wish i could go in but we're not allowed outside of the hotel because you know we're in covert times so i'm just literally going to be here for five days i'm going to be doing my own gym sessions i've got a diving pool that i'm training out a couple of them actually one with a ten meter one with a five meter it's just very much about resetting resting and then getting back into the village and getting ready to go again i'm just overwhelmed with all the love and support after that gold medal with matty and i still it's still not sunk in if i'm honest and i am it's just made me a like super excited to get out and compete again in the individual because no matter what happens i'm always going to be an olympic champion and that has been something i've dreamt of for such a long time now so super happy and i cannot wait to get out there and get back in the pool and dive again [Music] [Applause] just made it to the gym here and that's going to do a weight session so here goes [Music] now after that little weight session it's a new day in the work room and today's mini challenge is to go to a little tiny pool somewhere and do some basic drills so i'm really excited for myself to go sorry uh that was really stupid but i'm on my way to a diving pool that's a lot smaller it's part of a university it's only got a five meter just to do some basic skills get moving and get back in the water [Music] as you can see just finished that little warm up for the time lapse of all the things i've been doing and now we're walking to the pool and there's literally a lane as you can see here literally just for team gb people so that we stay away from the japanese public [Music] this is the pool it's cute it's got a one meter it's got a five meter and a few three meters very small but you know it's effective it's effective and look at this little welcome to the pool there's a little picture of me and a well done message how cute [Music] so i just finished my pool session and they asked me to sign the platform so i've literally just been up here how cool is that today we had a little bit of a training session in yokohama the bigger pool which you can see it's actually got a 10 meter this time so yeah it's lovely here actually nice and bright pulls nice it's a little bit chilly in the water but the outside is so warm that it's just you know it's great here are some of my dice [Music] and now back to hotel to rest we're gonna watch a bit of diving and chill out and my recovery time here is coming to an end so i'm gonna answer some of your questions in a bit so on instagram i asked you some questions i've just woken up from the last video so i didn't do it immediately after i asked you some questions on instagram and people gave some pretty good questions so right i'm gonna go for a few of them after years of training what would you say contributed to your monumental success this time and honestly i have a different mindset this time and you know it doesn't work every time it's not a guaranteed way that it's going to work but i just had a different sense of perspective coming into this and i also visualized every single day that we were going to do what we did and i think there is something very powerful about manifesting your own destiny and like visualizing it and saying it over and over again and not imagining anything else but exactly what you want to happen essentially and also being a parent has been the best thing in the world to help with that perspective i'm curious about the use of tape especially on wrists thanks so i take my wrist because we hit the walls at 35 miles an hour the amount of impact you get when you hit the water is really really intense so that's why we take my wrist but i also go around my thumb because when we grab our hands we grab like this and when you go really quickly sometimes it can go like that and then i've had bad thumb problems because of that so that's why i tape it just to give it an extra layer of protection okay how are you enjoying your stay in japan i'm loving japan i mean i'm not really able to get out of japan that much um but i did a couple of years ago now anyway i did come and do a like an amazing uh trip around japan i mean anyway here's a little bit of a flashback to when i actually did come and travel in japan do you struggle with being away from your family i mean of course i think everybody has moments where it's difficult to be away from your family but uh you know we have face time we message all the time we always send each other photos so and i've also got like a little photo frame with like photo of lance and robbie in it so you do like i don't know there's little things that i bring with me to have that you know family comforts near me were you always above average when it came to your diving no uh not by a long shot actually when i was younger i wasn't very good and my middle brother william was better than me and he was always doing he was always way faster at progressing than i was and i always used to like get upset and cry because i was scared of everything and it wasn't until he stopped diving because he wants to do football and rugby because diving wasn't his thing and i carried on and then there was like a turning point where i just was like you know what i'm just gonna do everything and uh it was weird and then all of a sudden i kind of just went on this like learning curve that was just completely like exponential um and learned everything really quickly so yeah since then i've just loved it what are the little towels for that divers bring out that's a good question so we have a chamois so mine's like a union jack tie-dye one and it has multiple purposes the functional diving purpose is that when you're spinning around you there's a lot of g4 so you want to be able to hold on as tight as possible but if you hold on to a wet leg it's slippery so we dry off to be able to have a little bit more grip but also because it keeps us warm because if you get cold in between dives while you're waiting around and you're all dripping wet it's uh it's better to just be dry because it keeps you warmer are the cardboard beds comfy to sleep on yes i mean they literally feel like any other bed that i've slept on they're actually really great actually and there's loads of room underneath them because everything's hollow why and how do you start did you start competing with matty no i think lots of people have seen this photo going around we met back in like 2000 i think is either eight or nine and i mean i don't really remember this photo being taken but i do remember matty kind of rising through the ranks and diving around 2012 2013 as a really great young diver but i was doing synchro well at that point i was doing with pete and then i moved on to james denney and then i moved on to dan goodfellow who i did synchro with in 2016. and it was after the 2017 world championships that there was like a chip or actually after the commonwealth in 2018 there's like a change in dynamic because uh chris mears who was jack's synchro partner in 2016 on springboard retired so they needed a synchro partner for jack and dan was the person that could fit the bill there so he came down as a springboard and which time mattie learned harder dives and then we kind of were able to be a pair that was matched by our performance director because basically you look for someone that has a similar diving technique um and similar spin speeds as you so that you can get the best synchronization as possible me and dan were always a little bit different heights i was taller than dan and had dan spann was spinning crazy fast and way faster than i did so with me and matty we have a more similar uh spin speeds although dan and i were good in terms of getting in vertical so yeah it's been it's been a good match so far and there we have it thank you for your questions i did a little bit of an extended q a section in this one but i will see you all next week for the final episode of daily diaries by next sunday it'll all be over my olympics 2020 but don't worry there'll be more videos to come let's just you know this particular series is coming to a conclusion [Music] you
Channel: Tom Daley
Views: 258,003
Rating: 4.9881601 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Daley, Tom, Daley, Tom Daley TV, Diver, Diving, World Champion Diver, Olympics, Food, Recipe, Recipes, Fitness, Health, Healthy food, travel, daley diary, diary, diaries, vlog, daley diaries, tom and lance, Nearing the end, Yokohama, Tokyo 2020, Tokyo, Q&A, Tom Daley knitting, Tom Daley crochet
Id: gyPfEWiz9XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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