Filmmaker Reacts to INCREDIBLE Instagram Video Techniques!!

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what's up everybody peter mckinnon here welcome back to yet another video today we're talking about we're not talking about anything actually we are reacting to behind the scenes filmmaking techniques how movies and tv shows and clips on the internet are made and the magic that goes on behind them because you know what i like these videos these are these are fun to make they're fun to watch and i love also being able to highlight the incredible techniques that filmmakers and people use across the world when making art and it is rad i'm gonna have a toothpick first look at that single malt look at that little burn tip oh wow that's strong can i drive after this wow these are good what a great gift this would make save that for the gift guide i'm gonna put on some airpods so that the audio sync makes sense now how this works is kirk prepares all these clips ahead of time sometimes people send them in sometimes we find them we save them and they are accumulated and i watch on my phone and i have never seen any of these before starting with clip number one [Music] oh i've wanted to do that for so long oh rewind rewind and [Music] that's sick how with all the with all the milk splashing in front how would you do that should we make a video recreating this shot if you want me to attempt this let me know in the comments below i want to attempt this oh here's the explanation keep watching except there's no milk in the cup he brings the cookie up to a precise spot and let's go since this was filmed at high speed the footage of the cookie can now be brought down to its natural slow motion and rotoscoped in the foreground but in his footage sped up to real time the drop was instant only a few frames needed careful digital patching to hide the cookie but even that's not easy to pull off perfectly at least with no milk in the cup there was no splash to worry about he continued to mime the action of taking the picture and showed off a pre-made photo the money shot of the cookie actually splashing into the milk was filmed afterwards since it didn't get wet the first time it could now be carefully set up at the exact same drop point and even in the same orientation without bend there it's once again pretty easy to luma key the droplets and the earlier footage i'm pretty sure it's the dry take version of the cookie all the way in this explanation is fantastic it starts to be composited over the top of the one that really hit the milk wow that was just exceptionally thorough yeah i still want to make this i still want to try this what do we got here how many cameras are lined up there what what's happening in this yeah that does look like a long it looks like that was made legitimately in camera and they're just like rotating through i just noticed the cameras go all the way around i thought it was the front i was like but how is it rotating and then i saw the whole sphere wow that's a lot of work i don't think i'll try to recreate that one that next clip [Music] oh i like this guy this guy is awesome this guy is so awesome that's why there's so many of them [Music] he's so creative [Music] oh oh oh the merge [Music] it's just he's a genius that guy's the greatest ever have you seen where he rolls the tablecloth out and like the table appears as he rolls the tablecloth out can we find that clip that he's i would love to get him on the channel somehow ask him why he's so awesome just a huge fan sometimes i watch a lot of these clips and i just think what am i doing you know what i mean it's inspiring okay next clip they're ripping through this now we're going the other way oh that's a loop that's just kristoff benfi right there i mean who doesn't love a good loop that's great so they obviously hid the transitions like in the seams of the um did they hide it i don't even see a cut yes maybe maybe like at that point right there bam like new frame man we need to do a tutorial on how to make a perfect loop you know who's also great at making perfect loops zack king that guy will do an entire skit an entire sketch with vfx and then at the end it's looped back to the beginning and it's just ongoing it's fascinating stuff loops love that man i love making these videos there's just so much fun okay next clip is indiana jones sounds like indiana jones no it's not oh they're trying to make it sound like indiana jones it was like one note off no that's star wars what's indiana jones that guy's like 90 years old isn't he spoiler alert i i can't believe they killed han solo [Music] what what even happened what am i even looking at oh the background's a screen you would never know it looks so good like i didn't even know what i was watching i was like what okay so they pushed in on this this woman and yeah i didn't even i missed the entire fact that there's a warehouse the magic of movie making it's just better and better and better it's just so awesome oh wow i'm sorry let's start this again are we filming and acting at the same time [Music] this is the greatest rig i've ever seen the sound effects could do some work but that's so rad that's so smart the gimbal being attached to the base of the gun so that his movements dictate where the camera points bringing it in reload shows him sticking it out spins it around bringing it in shows him they just need that insta360 technology now to remove the stem [Laughter] that's great next all right clip me that wide see what's going on here [Music] [Applause] well i mean there's no way you're standing on that there's no way is she standing on it there's no way you're standing on that let's place our bets in the comments if she standing on top of the burj khalifa or is this some kind of wizardry in post place your bets pause so i'll wait a minute let's find out hi mom i'm on top of the world she's on top even filming on top of the world she's they just did it of course they did imagine how windy it would be up there oh okay so they planned it they practiced it safety probably so many carabiners wow they did it all right i mean i'm not surprised it was done just thought you know maybe they just jesse driftwood that and he didn't actually jump over the building you know to make one of the highest ads ever filmed can you imagine standing up there it's just you just moving cue cards why now i'd stand up there would you stand up there with rigorous training as indicated and many carabiners ah you know what i don't know if i would stand up there would you stand up there let me know below let me know your answer yeah next clip i wanted to shoot this anime effect in real life [Music] little diy going on here [Music] let's do this with a phone too [Music] let's go that looks good [Music] sheesh okay oh that looked awesome yo this dude with a phone i wanted to recreate this anime effect does it perfectly wow can we show that arrow again [Music] that looks insane last clip of the day here we go [Music] [Music] it's so silly but it's it's so funny [Music] [Applause] who makes this someone was like you have a great idea i have a great idea let me find these logos real quick he downloaded them and then he tracked them all right guys that's it for me if you like this video and if you want to see more filmmaker reacts you want me to bring these series back i i did have a lot of fun doing it and i'm not actually sure why i stopped making these videos i thought maybe you guys didn't want to see them anymore but i i love it and it's fun it's it's it's so much fun okay hit the subscribe button if you haven't already hit the bell do all the things and we'll see you in the next video i'm kind of thrown off that was just funny at the end my flow is gone the flow is gone thanks for watching thanks for hanging i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 886,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon photography, Peter McKinnon Tutorials, Photography, Cinematography, Learn Cameras, Learn Photography, Learn Video, Video tutorials, Camera basics, Filmmaking, reaction, filmmaker reacts, Reacting to, Peter McKinnon reacting to, photographer reacts, Reaction Video, Behind The Scenes Videos, Hollywood BTS, How commercials are made, Instagram reels, instagram, Reels
Id: Zgr88DAZI3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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