Product Photography You Can Taste

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[Music] to another level [Music] product photography is one of my all-time favorite things to do because there is so much to do in a small space and you don't have to go anywhere so today we're going shopping at an antique shop and i'm going to shoot these new products from clocks and colors and yours truly and we're going to see what it would look like going through the entire process making campaign photos and launch photos of these new items right to the website for sale and you're coming along for the whole thing so today we are shooting jewelry we're shooting a pendant and then the ring we'll be shooting is this one here that i have been fooling around with about my videos and you've been seeing it on the channel i always always start with the theme so being that the theme is the pete's pirate life brand that is rustic that is texture that is rope and things that feel like they were found on a ship they were found in an old antique shop somewhere so that's exactly where we started now all the props aside all the things you saw that we purchased from the antique shop which if you didn't clue in earlier that is my favorite place to buy props for photos to supplement whatever product that you are shooting i think they work so well they pair so nicely depending on what you get there's literally everything for anything at an antique shop found this old antique shop hadn't been to this one before which was exciting because all the pickings would be fresh and fresh they were i came away with this giant i'm going to call it a pirate chest the second i walked in the door i saw and i was like yup now the reason i bought this was twofold one it looks incredible two i can shoot inside it three i can actually shoot on top of it and use the surface as a background itself it's just kind of the gift that keeps on giving so those are the things i think about when i'm trying to find antiques and things that i can actually shoot with i lied there's actually a fourth reason i bought this trunk and it lies under the lid look at that russian newspaper or something how many times have you heard me talk about texture a ring sitting on this it's like you can taste the photos you can feel the photos lou from unbox therapy was looking through the pete's pirate life account he's like i can smell this page and that description of the of like the feed is exactly the vibe i'm going for so that just kind of solidified in my head like yes okay this is working like people are getting what i'm putting out there but beyond set dressing lighting is also the most important aspect now for this shoot i had an aperture 300d with a light dome top down that top down light gives you a nice soft umbrella now that's good but sometimes that soft umbrella just lights everything too evenly and i don't want everything lit so evenly because it makes it look flat sometimes there's no dimension there's no mood there's no character or mystery or anything like that especially with the items i bought and the ring that i was shooting it needs a bit of edge it needs a bit of mystery it's a skull and crossbones for goodness sakes well they're actually cross knives but it needs that attitude okay foam core i got a little piece of gaff tape on the back that piece of gaff tape is keeping these two things touching so the seam isn't like absolutely just complete trash again a little piece of gaff tape fold it up that just stops it's little things like that that i love look you got it on that side too it's like that saves so much time trying to keep the background from moving over and over and over all i need this to do is be nothing space so i think we start building out the set okay you're right there the beauty of this whole thing you can shift this around so many different ways and it's gonna look it's gonna look different every time but look look at that like that looks so cool already yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna bring the light down a little bit looks good it's just a bit too evenly lit right now it needs a little more attitude needs a little more drama even flat light gives me no attitude so by bringing that light forward over to the side and casting more of an angle that opens up a little bit more shadow on one side now also introducing that nand light that gives me hue saturation options so i can cast a warm glow on the scene which complements the rusty lantern the brown rope the surface everything's sitting on that color hue really adds to the entire scene so now when we have that being side lit plus a little bit of an angle on our main key light that's hanging over top that's really what's going to give you the winning recipe here i think it's important when you're doing this kind of thing too to like make sure you're getting a mix of both vertical and horizontal especially if it's product photos because you can be almost 100 sure it's going on a website which if they're having a product page or they're going to feature it on a banner the first thing they're going to say is those vertical shots are sick can you send me one in horizontal and you're going to go oh instagram ruined that for me i didn't do that while i was shooting in frame i was holding my camera several times just looking at the back screen moving the light to see where it would hit that piece of jewelry the best you can't always just set everything up textbook style and there it is a perfect photo sometimes you gotta hunt for those angles you gotta shoot through different things hang things in weird spots you build the scene then you play within the scene bam oh let's get some incense going this is my little misc goods co incense holder give it to me now by the way this video is brought to you by storyblocks so this video is brought to you by storyblocks and if you don't know what storyblocks is you should if you create things for the internet or create things at all within the realm of media storyblocks will help you make those projects easier a massive library of assets when it comes to videos and photos and after effects templates premiere pro project templates sound effects music if you need to spice up some titles if you need a little bit of extra b-roll of something that you weren't able to capture when you were traveling you need to go back and get that that's where this asset proves so valuable to creators and one of the nice things is it has unlimited downloads you're not being capped with 25 things a month it's unlimited for both personal and commercial projects you don't have to worry about getting hit on weird licensing fees because it's covered as well it's a scalable subscription so you can choose whatever plan that works for you and meets your needs as you grow as a creator so if you want to look into storyblocks as a potential tool in your creator kit i've left the link in the top line of the description below so you don't even have to scroll that's right i'm just trying to make it easy like storyblocks makes it easy it was that too that was good i mean that we should leave that in that was fun i think it's cute that's a cute line is that weird to say [Music] i build the scene it looks good i step back and i think to myself what's the spice what's the one thing i can shake on top of this meal that just makes it extra delicious and for me that was lighting the incense cone that was gonna give me a long slow burning smoke that i could just blow and have fill the space because the background was just black i didn't want it to always be black so adding a bit of that smoke into the atmosphere just gives that photo more of a fullness when you're looking at it instead of having nothing at all in the background if you're shooting a hamburger maybe the hamburger looks amazing and it's sitting on a nice platter but maybe you've got some cilantro or some sort of jalapenos or something or a trail or a sprinkle of something that's messy on the foreground that leads to the hamburger bacon crumbles something like that would be the spice that just makes it that much better if you're shooting pencil crayons or a pencil what are you gonna do you're gonna sharpen it and let those shavings dust all over the place because you want that extra grit you want that spice or maybe you get creative and you break the tip off the pencil you just just position it a little bit off and write a message in there or something that just takes it a little bit higher so for me it was burning that little incense cone i think that added a really nice touch just changed the little man light to give me a little hit on the front so that thing sparkles a little bit more what's cool about doing this too is you can kind of like move around the scene you have to stay in one place i think giving yourself freedom to play within that scene is what's really going to get you creative drape the pendant over the rope onto the brass key move the nand light nice and close wide it looks pretty good with some good contrast center that maybe we'll go one off center in this direction maybe boom get a vertical in there in case that's the instagram banger we're looking for bam secured maybe that looks like the lantern it's glowing that wafty now i started shooting with the 50 mil i love the 1.2 aspect because it really gives me so much forgiveness when i'm trying to blow out the background and hide that seam in the foam core for example [Music] but the 100ml macro is still my favorite product lens because it just gives you way more compression which i just think aesthetically it just looks better there's i think three versions of it now you can get the original ef non-l version you can get the ef l version and now they have the rf version available i don't think i would use any other lenses personally if i was building out a scene if i was trying to showcase a lifestyle aspect to a product then i would want to widen things out i'd want to go 2470 and play in those ranges or something like a 15 to 35 16 to 35 whatever that way i'm showing more of the environment so that i can give an idea to the customer what this product is how it's used what it looks like in real life but because this is specifically about detail and just this item alone not how it's used in real life maybe i show it on a finger it needs to be tight it needs to be close up because the detail and the handmade craftsmanship wink that's what i want to show off that's what makes this so special and unique so that's where you want to use something like 100ml oh you can see the reflection of the smoke and the ring oh yeah there needs to be b-roll of this i'm switching over to 120 for a second please hold wait for this shot are you ready for this just finding weird angles like with all these i feel like i've said textures a thousand times but with all these different unique things everywhere it looks so cool you know i used to do a lot of it on student photography dutch angle basically just holding your camera off kilter it's not straight it's not vertical it's dutch angle and you can get some really interesting stuff that way i used to do it all the time i probably don't do it enough what if i stack three of them i got two extras but i got mine it says fly the flag all the way around the ring so what if i stack them all now this ring says fly the flag fly right here it says the flag now you'll notice in the moment i realized i had three of these and there's three words there so if i was able to stack them they would all say fly the flag in order that's tinkering and i think that's what's so much fun about product photography you're not chasing a sunset you're not waking up for sunrise you're not getting rained out or the weather didn't cooperate you control the whole scene that is your personal truman show you can do whatever you want and you can take as long as you want and add and remove whatever you want it's entirely under your control oh that's the money shot right there oh hello oh please please she just love photography i love it i love it kirk i'm loving it can i get the key in there without any of the stack falling a little oh it gets better okay i have one criticism of this i do i have one these are too far back they need to be forward like an inch and a half to just give me the slightest bit of depth on the background so that not everything is sharp i just need a little bit of depth because i'm using a macro lens it doesn't have to move far how bad do you think all this incense is for me kirk just breathing it all in it can't be good for you like look it's going directly into my face directly to my face just a nice close-up detail shot tons of texture bam bam bam this little scene this little scene i'm so stoked on it wow so that is what we came up with i think they suit the grid perfectly here's what it looks like on the pirate grid it looks great very very excited the pendant looks amazing as well i will say within that photo shoot i had an easier time shooting the ring because this pendant was reflecting really hard off the light which means i probably had it a little too close to the source so it was kind of blowing out a little bit of that brass inlay there but both the pendant and the ring are available now if you go over to clocks and this is a pete's pirate life x clocks and colors thing so these will probably go pretty fast just because the pirate gang is they are strong and they move quick so if you want one of these rings i would just pause this video and go do it right now so that's it for me guys i hope you enjoyed another product photography video that was a real life situation of me having to shoot this jewelry for a launch which is happening today so again not to beat a dead horse if you like it and only if you like it or you're a pirate fan and you're part of that gang you know the website this one is launching on clocks and that is also in the description if you do pick up a piece thank you so much i appreciate you if you didn't that's cool too i hope you learned something from this video in shooting product photography and that you find it as fun as i do hit the like button subscribe do all the things have a great day that's it fantastic have a fantastic day i hope you have something good for dinner you know i hope you get home and you're stoked you're like oh that's tonight um because always just that's a good round out of the day you know you're like um good day good meal stay hydrated ts mode a little bit of that bts okay we got some tri-fold foam core tri-fold because i don't want to do that with six pieces i just want two this stuff is uh outrageously priced massive rip off so if you go to staples uh buy some because there's i don't know where else you get it but shame on you staples for charging so much money for nothing literally nothing it also took them an hour to find this they were reaching for it it fell off the other side onto a customer that's a true story i can't even say without laughing the poor customer fell from the other side from the very top it wasn't funny at all i wasn't even there ah i need a minute to compose myself that was for you vito legend has it that guy's still looking for the foam core i said it was out of stock for the website said they had 10 so get client kick i can't uh
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 546,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon photography, Peter McKinnon Tutorials, Photography, Cinematography, Learn Cameras, Learn Photography, Learn Video, Video tutorials, Camera basics, Product photography, product photography lighting, product photography at home, jewelry photography, b roll, product photography tutorial, product photography ideas, nanlite, LED Tube, RGB Tube Light, RGB Light, Macro 100MM, Canon Macro lens, 100mm Macro, RF Macro
Id: brm9psWyPes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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