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the best part of the new 20/20 iPad and the Apple pencil is not the magnets which is sick it's the feature that no one's talking about now this video is not about either of these things I just thought I'd point out this feature which lets you pretty much hide the pencil in midair it's like a magic pencil should be called magic pencil so that you can get it at any time that you need that why is no one talking about that why it's so sick [Music] what's up everybody Peter MacKinnon here welcome back to yet another filmmaker reacts to in certain title I love making these videos I love watching these clips you guys love watching these clips so I figured let's dive in and start the week off strong with one of our favorite things to make so I got a new fresh batch of clips we're gonna go through I'm gonna watch them on my iPad this time because bigger screen equals awesome here are the clips oh I should put my headphones in just to make this a little easier on the Edit you'd think this was sponsored by Apple because I just keep dropping all these nonsense references okay let's start with clip number one some motorcycles why do I not remember this how good-looking is Keanu Reaves wow that is some insane green-screen work and the dudes and tights behind come on how dope is this f-150 what nothing is real the wind machine yes please look at all these guys and their little green suits I love it I want to be one of those guys you know this is incredible the amount of work that goes into the scene when you watch it you know it's insane but watching this it's like the choreography the planning the steps they're all on like little roller carts that was magnificent that is 100% the magic of filmmaking that is so exceptional that is why I love this series this is that we can all watch and enjoy that together like can we just Keanu Reaves you are the best you're simply the best and you don't look a day over 35 why is this green screen stuff so good we thought we were good when we made that little nerf gun scene look at this in Hubert bro it's gonna say I'll shake your hand but fist-bump seems more appropriate right now the season that wasn't even a convoluted setup at all the actual set that that was recorded in was very what seemed from this basic but exceptional work on the other side Wow I don't know if this is motivating or just depressing or inspiring or all of these things mash into a milkshake that I'm not sure I enjoy but I think I do enjoy if you look how fast that guy's going on a Segway Robocop cameraman did he jump off the thing right onto the stage what also can we talk about him going in perfect circles like that shot right onto the stage are you can oh you know this camera trick this camera move is way more impressive than anything that's happening on the stage next clip I love a good fight scene here we go I've always wanted to be able to do a roundhouse just being a boss that's all that is love that next clip here we go action oh I love this already I love this already oh oh how good does that look [Music] the choreography we are this guy running around behind it incredible I feel like I'm out of breath after watching that oh wow that was great that was phenomenal [Music] this is so sick okay so the background changes as the green screen rotates around this set on a track constantly staying behind him so the frame can always be whatever they want it to be everything shot in this studio look how sick this is and I think the camera just continues to go around and around and around and around one tank set adaptive set moving nothing else it's just masterful masterful that's why I love doing these because some of these cinematographers and DPS and filmmakers out there are just operating at such a high level of creativity and problem-solving and it is just so inspiring okay next clip we plan on tracking the 10th round through the air and I've been using phantoms for a long time but I've been pretty good at panning yeah but I don't think I can track by hand around that's going you know 2,000 feet per second right Sean explain to us what we've got here for the Phantom sure we have a computer-controlled mirror with a high-speed video camera looking into the mirror we don't have to pan the camera we only have to pan the mirror and thus we can get these very fast scan speeds up to in this case around 2 or 3,000 degrees per second so we also use two of our optical trigger systems looking at the line of flight and as the bullet past those triggers we actually did an instantaneous velocity measurement so that means that you've got two cameras the first one sees it and then it measures the time it takes to get to the next one and adjusts the mirror correct so today we're gonna put the V 2512 pair it with this this tracker shoot around 28,000 500 frames a second so instead of panning the camera the camera stays perfectly still and the mirror does all the work ready yeah okay three two one fire it smells so good I look slightly scared okay now it did have to lower the frame rate to a measly 12000 frames a second what that's better now widen the Schobert whoa that's really that is so perfectly tracked that's amazing look at that directly the middle of the frame oh my word oh you can see it spinning it yeah look at that that is the right place oh yeah you can see it spinning perfectly and there's the bow wave as well you see the bow wave of the air it looks like it's taking its time yeah even though it's really going absolutely rat is going hey and off into the distance it's cool seeing is because it's pretty much the antique like I said before it does you're like that and then it straightens itself out it's very cool they sell but that's the spinning rifling in action oh wow that was incredible guys that was incredible that was I'm just in I'm awestruck I have no words that was just so fascinating I love cameras I love people that use cameras this was fantastic thanks so much for watching hit the like button if you like this video smash it if that's something that you're into 2020 style subscribe if you aren't already and and I will see you in the next video I love making these videos you guys love watching these videos no more jibber jabber I got nothing to say it just I'm drawn blanks drawing blanks imagine this because this is not a puppet show grow up Feder I'm gonna start that intro over again
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 1,351,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon photography, Peter McKinnon Tutorials, Photography, Cinematography, Learn Cameras, Learn Photography, Learn Video, Video tutorials, Camera basics, Filmmaker Reacts to, Reacting To, Hollywood Movie Magic, MOvie Magic, BTS, Behind The Scenes, Peter McKinnon Reacting, Filmmakee Reacts to hollywood, Reacting to Hollywood, BTS Hollywood, How movies are made
Id: z0SVHm6-KUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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