Critiquing YOUR videos! (Edgar Wright Challenge!)

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I'm still getting used to dude gave me some syrup the other day I was like hey my family makes maple syrup here you go that's what happens up here in Canada I was like oh okay Canadians don't do this but I wanted to try it on camera oh wow I really should have saved that for something to let that was that was great this was the most Canadian intro I could possibly possibly do welcome to reacting to your Edgar Wright challenge videos [Music] what's up everybody Peter MacKinnon here back with another video thanks so much for tuning in and checking out what we got going on today which is watching your challenge video so was it almost a couple months ago now I feel like I made a video called the Edgar Wright challenge which basically making b-roll that wasn't necessarily 120 or slow-motion or having to do Sol sequences to tell the story because you can kind of do that with some very fast quick cut Clips here's an example of what that but it was in case you didn't see it you've seen it when I take a drone out rent drone wars you've seen it sprinkled through this channel numerous times you've probably also seen it made popular by directors like Edgar Wright Edgar Wright is a master of this technique quick cuts sequences with the camera zooming in zooming out punching in two important things p.m. Edgar Wright challenge now the trip to speed my challenge was for you to go out and make your own little cut sequences using this kind of Edgar Wright style technique and I wanted to make a video watching what you guys came up with so going through all the ones that we liked that we wanted to feature give a little tips give some respect some shout outs just kind of have a little bit of fun with it oh by the way everyone's Instagram handle is in the bottom right of the screen you want to follow these guys give him some love I saw you on the vid it's fun for these people and it's fun for me and that's why we do this so share the love clip number one from your Edgar Wright challenge videos [Music] just getting all prepped up for homework you think it's gonna be like down a skate ramp or something and then BAM the pencil crayons come out that's great let me tell you what I've loved about it the sound effects for one and I love how you cut the music and it stopped which is the punchline to your joke which is funny because no one expected you to actually bust out homework at the end of a sequence like that that was a great job there's a great use of the technique nothing was too long there wasn't any shots that were held you know for an extended period of time that made me feel like let's go come on keep him moving except for when you stopped which is the payoff of the video so this was great you did a fantastic job thanks so much for submitting and yeah good work keep it up next video I think we should do that the Edgar Wright challenge [Music] love that tune that was great there is so much in that clip I was not bored for a second there were so many little sounds to satisfy my brain the tuning of the guitar that was fantastic love that that was amazing I've got like literally no critique because that was exactly how I would do it very good job thank you so much for submitting clip number three oh it's over uh I wanted to see bar I wanted to pay off what was the payoff maybe catching a fish or casting a line or so that was great great use of the technique for sure I think if I had to give you some feedback I would maybe say with this particular sequence there was too much of the same thing happening over and over and over so let's say you wanted to take the stuff out of your truck but your shoes on get into the water I don't think you would need 13 clips of all of that stuff happening you could just have till gate comes down stuff comes out boots go on lines hooked and it's gone to cast and you're like you're half the amount of clips and it's still really fast so a tip for that is not shooting as much as you think you need to shoot and then having some kind of a payoff at the end now I don't know where this video is going this is usually these types of clips and sequences or just put into a video to kind of help that narrative move forward it probably makes perfect sense in the context we're using it but as a standalone clip I think just shorten it a little bit and have more of a point to the ending but great job great sounds it looks like a lot of fun I want to stomp in those puddles to just thanks for submitting clip number four oh that's staple yes please that was great you hung up see beginning middle and end love that sure the beginning you show the set up you showed what you were doing at the end that's why you were doing it the sound effects great job on the sounds that was so much fun to listen to I'm gonna listen to it again just the staples in this spot right here will flourish the gun there love that the night yeah see that's just fun to watch so that was a great job yeah yeah thank you for submitting don't you just love watching everybody come together for like a hashtag challenge like this and putting themselves out there and putting their work on the internet we can all watch it this is great should be more of this kind of thing I'm really into this alright next clip I believe this is video number five that's me oh that was fun my sounds those sound effects sound like me did you use my sound pack and he missed he missed the bus bro you got to be faster loved it great job my only recommendation would be at the beginning when it was slow panning in on you you're looking left and right and then you put your bag down and unzipped it I think you could have probably done that in like two beats could have just been your face and the bag being unzip and then things going into it not the bag being unzip twice then big opening in the same top-down shot with the lenses and batteries going into it I think those frames could have been shortened done to like three different clips and the rhythm of the whole video would have flowed a little bit better but I loved that you told the story in a very short amount of time missing the bus good work thanks for submitting next clip Oh diggin that epidemic tuna at the end that was great I love that you kind of showed almost like what felt like a whole vlog in like 10 seconds the only thing I didn't like about it was the there was one sound that sounded like the ambient noise from the camera and that cut in every now and then which kind of took away from the nice sound effects who actually did use from like birds and stuff like that it was like nice sound then you had that weird white noise kind of like I don't know it sounded like what would come from an ambient clip just recording out of your camera I liked the beginning of this clip better than the end because it was more Edgar right challenge style with like you revving the bike and kicking up the stand the later half of this little clip here was more just like sightseeing it was just different landscapes and the camera was just zooming in so you've lost a little bit of that quick cut frantic telling a story in very specific beats a little bit of that fell away at the end so I would me keep an eye out for that in the future trying to make sure that it's it's more controlled it was just I'm gonna stand up and I'm gonna do this in five shots I'm gonna plan it out BAM rather than getting a bunch of clips together and trying to make it work from the day but being more intentional with the stuff that you're shooting and going into it with a plan you can still grab from archive footage I've done it but I think I would grab more specific archive footage that supports a story versus just having stuff to zoom in and out of to finish the sequence thanks for submitting on to the next clip [Music] [Music] okay I love that and love that in the end string at the end I was really really good it's just like a great way to start a vlog or start a video or end a video it's kind of that exclamation point at the end the period on the sentence Wow really enjoyed that and all the different sounds you can get out of an amp and guitars very cool subject to shoot which is why we've seen a lot of that in this Edgar Wright challenge I really don't have any other feedback for you good job thanks for submitting moving on to the next clip is [Applause] this all one shot that was great the ending of that was awesome I love how that just shows the land at the end just checking out at that car whipping by I love the speed of which the whole thing was done even to the car at the end to then show a complete opposite which is just a lamb standing there I loved how it felt kind of like one camera move is almost like you did it all in a gimbal and then just ramped really fast to each different segment instead of hard cuts if that's what you did I feel like that's what I saw and if that is how you actually did it good job that was really unique different way of thinking and I'm a big fan of that good work thanks for submitting let's take a look at another that's a massive sandwich power good luck eating that I love the at the end boom they go by great job here's what I would do I wouldn't do so many of the same styles of cuts so I think if you were to zoom in a little bit less at the beginning of these clips you'll notice like the first quarter of this whole segment you were zooming on every single cut was the same thing happening I think if you read a mix that up a little bit and do less of those Clips the rhythm again and this is all about rhythm the Edgar Wright challenge is finding that flow in this fast cut sequence I think you would have had that rhythm a lot better I don't think you need to show every single aspect to making the sandwich your brain will connect that without seeing as much a knife comes out spreads on the butter something else goes on in a bite that's fine instead of the knife coming out and the drawer shutting in the jar opening it on the knife going into the jar then the jar coming out then spreading and then spread anymore and then one two three more that we get that a sandwich is being made by not having to see as much of the sandwich being made so that would be my tip for you moving forward if you're gonna continue this kind of technique shoot a little bit less and change up the camera cuts but you've got the right idea you had those sound effects on point with the with the hot sauce and all those things so good job and again good luck eating that sandwich the grand finale of the Edgar right the p.m. Edgar Wright challenge is about to begin let us watch together why don't that sound [Music] [Music] that was a nice cuddle [Music] No [Music] sir okay [Music] love love that that was I've that was great that was awesome you did a good job I loved a little personal touch at the end I need to learn how to play that that was incredible thank you so much for submitting that that one was obviously very very well done that was very well done you crushed it thank you so much for submitting and thank you to everybody for submitting their clips to the PM Edgar Wright challenge and I would encourage you to keep making them keep trying those little cut sequences and putting them into your videos it's a really fun viewing experience if we just watched a whole bunch of them and they're all fun to watch because it's different it's a different way of tying the story it's fast if these air pods out of my freaking years for this I can't even hear myself talking it's throwing me off but I implore you to continue trying this technique out again if you haven't seen the video I'll link it above I'll link it below that's it for me hit the like button if you like this video smash if that's something that you're into and let me know what the next challenge do you think should be in the comments down below that's all folks have yourself a fantastic evening morning afternoon have a great day have a great life if I never see you again you don't watch any more videos okay bye [Music] I got 15 text messages during the filming of this video you like this setup it's fun right we're using it twice because it's dope no distracting it is watching all this and Thing Thing perfect sense in the context you were using it but it but as a standalone clip that's really raining outside a people are forgetting how to drive and everything I guess that's why they ever do not disturb my hood big opening and in the same top down then the same top-down shot with the bell then the same top-down shot with funny story about this hoodie I think it's hilarious because I'm actually one credit away from having a diploma for college I think it's clear to be one one credit away than to actually have it I gotta put my ear pods in because when I react to it the audio from my phone then messes with this audio and then things get weird so I'm gonna put these little miniature toothbrushes in my ears it's not weird that look it looks fine it's kind of weird right it feels it's my hair used to cover it I'll link it above I'll link it below and I just save you having to do those sound effects you're welcome hey guys sorry that was that was Wow I gotta turn this down holy hot damn haha we out here my ears are bleeding okay what these are really weird to wear I love ear pods there's just it's a little just a little weird it's actually like a toothbrush hanging out of your ear go home tonight hold the toothbrush up to your ear and you'll have a good laughter so you're gonna do it - I know some of you are for sure you and the ones who are gonna do it are laughing right now you're laughing cuz you we've been down this road and let me know what you think the next challenge should be and let me know what you think the next challenge - ha ha Peter can't speak you know it's really too sweet to just drink a whole thing of maple syrup but damn do we make good maple syrup
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 511,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon photography, Peter McKinnon Tutorials, Photography, Cinematography, Learn Cameras, Learn Photography, Learn Video, Video tutorials, Camera basics, Edgar Wright, Edgar Wright Challenge, Reacting to, Filmmaker reacts to, Watching YOUR instagram Videos, Instagram Video Challenge, How to edit b roll, B roll sequence, King of B roll, Peter Mckinnon b roll, Watching your b roll!
Id: iGbFRqGduyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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