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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HebrewDude 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
yeah sorry I was just outside for like 20 minutes starts snowing again it was nice and warm and then you just winter in like a day [Music] it's time oh hang on what's up everybody it's time for reacting to crazy filmmaking techniques part two number two we're gonna go through together I've never seen any of these yet we're gonna watch them for the first time let's go we got a car coming in hot Oh trip the drivers on the other side okay maybes being shot at what they just went through the window Oh been through the whole car I totally missed that hey dad did they hand it off tell me they handed it off look at them just holding on to this guy oh there was a dude dressed as the seat oh I totally missed that huh oh I love this this is so great yeah come on there was a there was a dude as a cushion nobody expected the dude to be a cushion I thought it was all this blue guy just hanging off but oh cool he's gonna pass it through then the cushion came to life Wow and then he hands it to the dude just chillin under like the mechanic that that was incredible I don't know if we can top that I don't know if that can be topped all right number two that was a good one it spikes commercial making of [Music] I thought that was all CG I'd like I didn't think that was the entire set moving I was one continuous shot there's almost no editing needed aside color grading dude I thought that was an entire straight up I remember seeing that commercial I would have assumed 100% that was like 10 15 different scenes and then just spliced together Wow look at that do the pant - dude pants just ripped straight off and he's in like a different outfit you know how crappy would that be if you just messed up the lines like midway through it's like all right reset the fireworks reset the tank of water bring all the clothing back that might be better than the first one I've either wow I love this I love this series of videos can I just say behind the scenes grand Budapest hotel [Music] how do the actors even take themselves seriously being pushed in a little fake train car down some tracks in the middle of nowhere this isn't even a train track that's just a field they're not on a train tried anyone trained they're sitting in nothing being pushed by a whole crew there's movie magic for you when you look at that scene back out you got coolers on the ground you got dudes just probably sitting on Twitter they're in there's like a guy sitting on a box look at that zoom in right there that guy is sitting on a box that guy's just hot and he's just proud of that Rick I want to be that guy I definitely like the train shot better than that second shot I did appreciate the mist but I would never never have thought that wasn't a train moving forward I'm gonna be the most critical person ever watching movies fake fake that was great movie a nod I was this is all fake okay moving on this is number here we go let's just keep these rolling what is this that guy have the camera on his head is he wearing the camera he's fully wearing the camera on his head he's just all agree oh so he did he jump does he jump backwards with the camera in his head he just walked straight off back you know you know hard it is just like track someone just filming someone on like a gimbal walking down the road - you know jumping out of the back of a plane with a camera on your head that's difficult I want a head rigged where a camera and jump out of a plane I would never actually jump out of a plane I've never been skydiving I just sight no I just can't do it alright next up we got superheroes without special effects look super silly I'm already excited for this okay here we go this is the flash it looks so much better after fun can you imagine that can we do that again one more time that's a good one that's a good one we got a Steadicam operator cameras down low was this like the first one we did this is the behind-the-scenes of the first one this is what we wanted [Music] look at that moving around take the badge all the flags I'm lighting that Steadicam operator is just there goes a shirt boom the helmet comes on dude rolls out yes oh that's fun to revisit Wow one more time hang on lighting change dude sits up Mad Men backdrop slides in lighting change getting this gotten ready pulls his gun dude likes shimmies in on the floor they're holding the backdrops beside the actors backdrops go lighting change boom gun dude on the floor there goes the bench madman exit scene lights sleep gone helmet push it tight alright alright I want to do this stuff I want to do this this is Ryan Campbell that's mimic on a helmet that's like what he sees the camera is that is so cool is he wearing earbuds he's they gonna call while he's filming something yeah I know just meet me at meet me at 3:00 yeah that'll be fine hang on cart car crash coming up one second yeah okay that'll be good cool see you later Thanks and cut Thanks great great job this dude I saw this I saw this guy just know given look at that did he make that didn't this guy make that that's hardcore I don't know if I love like the stock on it more or like those broccoli rubber bands holding them together you Matt you fuck everyone thought no one's watching the birds anymore they're just watching this dude's rig is that a weapon no I'm pretty sure it's just a camera did you see the first comment there it says so that's how stock photos are taken I love the internet thanks so much for watching guys hope you enjoyed a little more behind the scenes action on how things are done crazy Hollywood shots that are being pulled off right before our very eyes we're none the wiser thanks for hanging out thanks for watching and I will see you guys in the next video I almost got the cover I don't have my hat I'll see you guys in the next video peace Shay I get did it cover okay that chair is way heavier than I thought it would be straight-up was like oh that's a mistake hit the mic and everything like Jay went back and forth well this series is so much fun I just wanna do this for every video forever I mean I don't think people would like it forever I would what a great time great time bye
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 2,064,006
Rating: 4.9461846 out of 5
Keywords: Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon photography, Peter McKinnon Tutorials, Photography, Cinematography, Learn Cameras, Learn Photography, Learn Video, Video tutorials, Camera basics, filmmaker reacts, reating to, filmmaker reacts to hollywood, peter mckinnon reacts, reacting to crazy hollywood filmmaking, filmmaking techniques, hollywood techniques
Id: U6m0agKATUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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