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Oh fluffy today cuz it's Wednesday we are an hour later did we ever tell anyone that we were going to an hour later so some of you just might be giving a weird notification and seeing that we're going live yes we'll probably on this up for a few weeks so that you know people they're doing stuff for just you know like me just not waking up until 2:30 in the afternoon but hey we don't want to throw out that group so 3 p.m. wearing to go for like 45 minutes or something just kind of hanging out playing video games today we're playing a game called use your words and we've got a lot of them here but you'll notice that Bo's isn't here and there's something that she likes to do on Wednesdays and that is a Twitter take over nah and so since she's always here doesn't get the chance to it we are going to uh we are going to tweet her at Big Boss Bo's and here's a fun little story we found out today that she doesn't know characters from the Mario franchise um and I don't understand how you can not even be a gamer or not know just like you know grew up in the 80s 90s today or since he was great as you know 100 years 1000 oh that explains it she is 13 gotta be too young tweeter with just characters Mario your favorite characters maybe - Mario characters doing things that they shouldn't be building energy rated movie I don't know put her face on on different characters bodies oh she called a boo scary boy scary boy that's Rollins probably a better answer than boos she's putting more actual creators of Mario you no she's working on a project today which oh yeah so she won't know so again don't tell her why yes she knows what's going on just tweet your characters about Mario Tim to his channel are we ready with this game yeah we can hop on oh that's the point hey German yeah I'm so scary look ups chip leader Wayne a game called user words it's kind of like the jack box games we played before but we're gonna be filling in the blanks and sometimes it gets a little just because if you were under the age of three Penix yeah I know the password being fam X was pretty funny but I respect you for like owning the mistake and not being like yeah I meant to do feature presentation for what happens all right so now get this right what we think they're saying [Music] I don't know uh-huh I said I was gonna hold back but now I'm like yeah not me there we go oh no I can't I can't do that one I can't do it I can't do it is very much we're talking like early Disney movie like look at the meadow when you hear like the very tan can singers I've never seen Oh what oh you were missing out prove it show me okay show me the movies like no footage of wall-e just like the stream piece up to our face like they use the proper oh wow [Laughter] [Music] there is one decoy answer in here one that we did not provide so there's going to be seven answers oh that's right we can actually use one of those also point wise if you actually pick if you vote for the the house answer me that's a game of random Calvary's yep - 250 points for this round and then later on you get - 500 points yeah a little man something to the screen and just bytes yes is that Wes gotta be Damien [Applause] what is the patriarchy Lucy with a bunch of Asian comedy [Laughter] [Music] [Music] also if you're in the chat make sure you provide your own sort of headlines for this to please Rox oh man we're like watching this later because I'm probably going to go back and see what people have come up with after taking the sweet some time out this is I spelled it right Flitz you're basically like Kanye in the car listening to his own music it might be no I did I asked my Android secretary listening to my own music a lot Wow the hubris I like it you can take on California with that [Music] [Laughter] that's really the first answer is like my humor makes me happy on the inside [Applause] they will have typos and they will do us like and like inside jokes from like things over tonight [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we have again I think I think full-body mitosis is pretty hyper so I do I voted for side effects because I think that is hilarious the side effects of this medicine neighborhood side effects yeah I was on stomach medication at one point for like acid reflux stuff that like I was on it for so long that it ended up giving me stomachaches while my stomach acid issues had been fixed and so it's like you got to be careful like medicine can be important but watch out cuz side effects you can use I'm there just trying to get you well bogging mitosis I knew it because it's so like bad grammar wait David did you eat it twice oh damn yeah I did the I did the red there I'm a huge Courtney Miller fan waiting no one choose by highbrow humor what is your library looping from the Rose that I'm with the placebos oh I like that one when I picked rage boobs the magic is my last it was rage poops remember you guys don't appreciate the highbrow let's get lowbrow there's a there's a middle ground Joe there's a middle ground somewhere you be butthole we're going all-in yeah no wait too much hi guys if you're just tuning in we're playing a game called use your words where we fill in the blanks with our creative creative so mine was hood rat [ __ ] with my friends which one - thank you - has to house one so I'm sorry I don't know but if they click on her house once she gets the points she says yeah you choose to go the highe you only get 500 points I do like that though because that is perfect for like groups of families where like a really young kid might not necessarily have you might have a boy disappoint defenders oh yeah we threw this one yeah [Applause] [Music] look at him where's this from what episode of Little Rascals is this well now I have to believe mine damn it [Music] yeah I don't think like I'm waiting in line so I can't I think mine is mine I think I might take a sweep here I think I might take a sweep see why his hips to [Music] Lance beautiful sweetness only shame Brigadoon somebody's actually a man is fat I like this well done everyone again I hope you guys are adding your own in the comments below yeah oh I'm scared this one's a hot one what did I what okay I'm I'm ends up being the Nelson I'm gonna crash this iPad I like well laundromat runs out yeah man but I'm scared it's a house long oh is that the one you voted no that's when I actually went with the one I wanted to vote was the more on page 7 1 I've voted for the definitely not a house 1 okay Taco Bell ha ha ha ha ha ha there's no because you're in the future take it I don't sleep I took one I'm consistent happy Amy says he's just smear does joven look hot I'm spit see the base of my contacts it gives me anime eyes it's the 5 o'clock shadow beard and it's in the clock mustache alright twas the night before Christmas and all through the house comma blanks [Laughter] no this is not and also if you are just tuning in and you're you missed the Twitter take over we're in the beginning we are actually tweeting at Big Boss Bo's she apparently doesn't know the names of any Mario characters how is that possible you get the chance to make fun of her now by just tweeting her pictures of Mario characters no context no special treatment in it just weird pictures fill up that feed sorry it's like James novel SE dabangg to everyone what because you can hear in the background right now [Music] [Laughter] how dare you all of these Austin Franco is it just me or it Damian very funny I think they're Damian it very funny mm-hmm thank you guys very much you're our Tim here the stick to stick please [Music] Krampus you have me I'm an office fan so I don't know what no why would I pick that mari why would you pick the unpin you look different today why is it your hair it sounds funny when you say from leaving a band you're holding back let loose now don't do that let it loose name a recent Santa might skip your house on Christmas Eve nope can't write that either can I write this is it because I've been a naughty naughty boy I think if you have to ask if you can write it you definitely should yes I think you are now obligated to do whatever that was I just did it great so much munch love guys things for the munge love there's a lot of money love the munch yeah just so mangy Jumanji oh that was a good noodle toy Flitz awesome dirt makeup count though everyone next one makeup comp calculus calculus that's it it did mean oh my god I spelled that wrong yeah what among chats going crazy you never wish you were the games they're just a lot of small caps saying corny Oh use the marriage proposal from Dale right oh damn he always do dancer now this okay even though I'm gonna go to sleep okay I don't know if I can read this I probably should Oh No Damien's awesome joven love you thank you so many Trump jerks wait we're in disconnected I'm not disconnected he's got reopen there you go oh no I'm scared Oh me too I already oh wait I didn't vote okay maybe it just seems like such a Damian answer I know Damian is a computer oh we're going with all Franklin diabetic save the syrup sucker full name with the titles Robert l0 is that is real middle initial feels like J Hauser baby that's a lot of effort Corbin Bleu my favorite joke in this vein is like Tracy Morgan on 30 rock he's like perfection is my middle name unclaimed perfection baby boy I'm just trying to pick the ones that I know rode counterpart laughs who the sex was really good Saffold showers a money pit the Bible accurate when it suits him don't get very scary champagne Wow that's smart okay wait wasn't Jafar's lamp yeah no lamps jacquard does have a lamp in the return of Jafar there's a dark lamp if it is canon the original Aladdin stories by whomever in the desert that's where they got Arabian Nights Agrabah is made up in case they know where whooping up from the bottom I appreciate your appreciation let's not even ever make sense you just liked it because it's final fantasy oh it's trying to germinate ha ha what a joke oh I don't think mad at all Suey poopy no it's gonna take it come on what is puddin sex with haha good place I got dead laughs Wow Wow true fact Bose doesn't know who that characters scalable speed of Bose let's say it's over I say we go one more round and one more trap no that took us 35 minutes to do that you know we there was other stuff to get started let's start it right now huh what else are we gonna do what way to literally do foretelling I'll answer for you if you have to bounce out we control yeah what are your answers faster and of course they're saying one more dance party hello movies the wait Oh Oh No Oh God [Music] - real I'm going there I'm going there all right all right okay when you're done guys you have to say alright and then make a duck face all right okay all right okay all right all right right no okay all right all right I do like how this game doesn't cut off your answers like jackbox says I don't want to think anymore oh great lightning man just like let your mind go just like write things about but that works like we use that's real fun it's like to feel potatoes I like oh sorry guys [Music] [Music] boo cake I pause watch this this better be good we want another movie and I mean we want to know their album in garrard gives us another comic book but no way no no I notice I'm saying oh we want another help well if you're new to this ish and you just paused at MC our video to watch what we're doing we're playing called use your words oh and it's like so I'm getting invoice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] sploosh is the name of the thing that they drink at the end of holes when they find that you deserve oh yeah it's okay you can't back in Beach no I was in fifth place well you beat me then Oh stray extra read all the proudest Oh guys oh my gosh oh my gosh all right freakin look sorry guys guys just on behalf of Mari I'm sorry alrighty okay last oh where is the button no it's good to control oh yeah good spreadsheet on it Frenchy bird shot there's some what the community saying Peppo learns to type does join workforce dogs are smarter than you the end is near it's true mr. Ryder is dog-tired happy dog he is typing I just liked it because in that point your face on his journey to find where the ball way Wow it's an Air Bud joke ok I trust you so much don't trust me don't trust me Sansa don't trust anyone always be thinking about birds or the other options that be harder than any given time I changed an accent at any time he changed his accents every season yeah every season this like what actually forgets what how he spoke in the last season's yes you're not supposed to know who he really what when it's a year and a half the time you start filming again or some watch an old episode yeah watch your own stuff oh I just voted for the house answer it was too long why should you what I do it's on screen and then we choose not to click on it not one of you which I was like it's wrong mark go forth link and retrieve that ancient relic [Music] joven rage many descriptions like this oh I bet you said strip driving it says the rim has reached the maximum number of users where I'm joined naughty yep no I you're gonna win over this crowd be Damian you're some people think that you're savage we're not having a boy so this is that I had said yeah I'm so Savage they can't even touch my level of humor like they can't see my jokes cuz it's so beautiful it's so specifically somewhere between high and low Brock anyway else yes thank you [Music] Wow yeah so harder than us no you can't even tell my answer is anymore did you get back in yeah click it a bunch of times oh it's just like crossing the street or getting an elevator to come you just got to click it a bunch of time so it works better it was a fake answer beats are good that was me people like that yeah I thought it was like a weird power the Master Sword yes zort it was a play on words I thought was a master sword wait doesn't mean at all this time do your backwards effects like Oh bats I heard I read back pack oh no it's backside what happened to your backside is the question unfortunately I am the sad boy refresh doesn't work words game lol I would I would get no anyone else like that that was just the worst knockoff of Winnie the Pooh yes I noticed that Adventures of Raccoon boy and sad burro your character is still in the game it would only sack a bunch of times the sad yeah okay I hope I just read that [Applause] I'm in what whenever my phone goes dark I think I voted for wes's answer what language was that Samara starts do you vote uh rocky what mr. Marcus towards that's not mine wonder if anybody in the chats can like understand probably a lot no guys you someone probably got my somebody live didn't as you buy I'll be really funny adult stuff am i right Texas yeah don't walk back to mama I give you points hey see you voted so what was my answer yeah it was Russian people say okay one of the house answers okay Shaq problem so you are still in the game just created you're like a managed wait it might have been a someone said what happened your backside Shane's novel God [Music] can anyone read a headline yet no oh my internet just one down yeah we just unki what it is oh wow how does Anki die it's back up now he died daddy cried pinkie be jianchi I wanted to [ __ ] mommy called the doctor and the donkey said oh yeah well while we're well we don't have internet but it's 3:52 and I was in the lead no we did one I don't think so I'm using clairvoyance ah yeah I was gonna win it was gonna win I've actually seen him utilize these powers before they you guys so much for tuning in to our very successful live show played use your words it's a fun game this is good they're like the jack box games you wanna see more of this let us know in the comments are what we do next week we are doing a launch team at 3 p.m. est next Wednesday next wedding Wednesday redneck Wednesday by Tuesday when 3 p.m. to 3:45 is p.m. or til our internet cuts out see you later guys [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 326,263
Rating: 4.9294286 out of 5
Keywords: use your words, use your words gameplay, use your words game, live, smosh games live, party game, mobile games, fun games, livestream, party, funny, reaction
Id: JZYVfAa4e80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 37sec (3097 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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