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as I grew up no what's up guys happy Wednesday it's your boy little boss Bo's today I got my boy NOLA from the Smosh squad in what yeah yeah Noah Noah welcome to Smosh games live well he's been here before joven hello he can actually speak today last week joven lost his voice long before the commenter like what's up with grumpy grandpa but now there's a voice to back it up yes the baby couldn't talk he's very vocal a name we're gonna have some fun I'm excited about this game and of course the Damier do that for yourself I realize midway through the sentence I'm like it's your boy little baby bows my English oh well we're going to hop into a game that we played before on board and it's super fun it's called Sheriff of Nottingham I love this game a lot because even though there's a couple of complex rules it's a bluffing game it's a who's the liar game and you guys seem to really like those so we're probably just gonna focus on that we're just gonna stand here and lie to each other all day yo what's on chat today we're gonna make sure you guys are following along in chat let us know who you think the wire is each round and if you're watching this video later on comment below who the worst liar is I love reading the comments post stream it's the best thing actually I do either comments post live streams are always really funny I read comments to fall asleep so either fills me with anger or happiness normally happiness that's a lot of people they they have other methods of falling asleep at night Jonathan likes to get so mad that he passes we're being matt is exhausting so much pressure have you ever tried to fall asleep and like noticed after like an hour of fruitless trying that your jaw is clenched in your brow is furrowed you're like oh my god if I've been mad for an hour yeah in traffic it's difficult yes six cars right yeah I am playing the hearty turn order oh wait no that's not his name no they don't have my egg you get to make up his name um yeah my name is Isaac read for you out for sale hope you want all of it oh I look real sassy I don't know who this Carrie gonna be Lila cuz she just looks sassy I look like a beautiful thief schref shrimp and Shrestha thief that's href F right no yeah mispronounced share I love it oh my goodness I'm Baby Bop supreme I was born without a neck I bought of my arms the bigger than trees my humanity is questionable much space here I too many beats oh so sorry see you in your upgrades to be that guy's friend why is this last name of version of a Taco Bell [Laughter] you know like how breathing like makes you sweat mm-hmm you sound like you're constantly growing like you never stop well we are gonna kick start this game off with joven as the inspector basically his responsibility as inspector is to check our bags which we will load up with these cars and he has to figure out if we're lying or not so we got about 60 seconds to load them up y'all and you can discard it if you want you can draw up to six cards in this turn I can drop two synopsis six cards and there is no hand limit as it has been explained to me if that is not true markrob shall be hung this is why I did more than he already is jeez I angered no no you went talked about the Wiener we can jump high brow alright everybody please sweet drove anybody in there what your cards are afterwards okay so my makeup what they are no if you make it up and he catches you then you don't get them onto you so okay you try to be truthful we can't say I got people or something oh here's the deal know you can like lie about what specifically is in the bag what the amount of cards you have to say okay yeah what do you what do you have in your cart as evil as I can get right I do not trust this man I don't either he sounds like you just sound like you do not pay okay you're paying other people's taxes we're cheese's mm-hmm both of 12 cards and four cheese's Oh move along sir what is in your car my cart is is I don't think you should look in it but if you wanted to you would only find four cards all of them are chicken cards oh you're selling cards okay move along move along thank you and you with the giant arms and the no neck most people I got five chickens in their chicken wings the guy before you said he had four chickens and my father right before he died said never trust a man without a neck what if I give you one coin not to look in only one how about five coins ends next time I come through or my guy that looks like a giant Baker comes through you don't ask him any questions fool Baby Bop supreme is an honest man why don't you just check it that's too much wait what did you say was again he's got five you did just pay its taxes boy I'm right that's round one over Damien got caught knowin I got through actually let's let's show two homies dude I don't know maybe alright drafter reveal know we just know no but you keep whatever you have so oh okay you put contraband face down here so I gotta sections I'm changing my voice for the sake of explanation what depends on what character you're playing at that precise moment I have a sheriff voice and I have I have a bigger voice oh okay I'm gonna get a sharp voice alright um well I'll do it once you guys wait do I get a pop right everyone cool and I and then I can get startup decision in vitro cool this games fun but I don't understand why you would discard yet cuz you wonder outta get repairs oh he already know the game right but you never have to discard normal gotta visualize my Sheriff are we ready to dip this card yeah that's right load them up y'all like that that's your name what do you want from Wendy's hahaha anybody want some from Wendy's maybe some Taco Bell weight and you just came up with that voice I need a sheriff boys hold on I got a channel I never find it how many can you put in the bag five or six you didn't shoot the deputy but you did shoot that it was pretty bruised oh oh she's sorry she's speaking I thought you like we're getting water or something sheriff I think we're stuck in a bit stuck in a bit oh really good that I just found out recently coffee coffee's real good okay once you learn like what works for you and what you like to drink you are golden wow I want to do bad just by listening to you I'm here to check the bag I stay come through I'm here Veronica I'm not scared of the sheriff okay okay I'm sorry I digress I was filled with power what is in your bag oh good to see my friends I've got a bunch of apples today but my three by four apples cuz you need to know the number man to my right for me I have three pieces of bread smells like bull let me have that yes you want my bag yes what I next you would like to watch some fun actually I would actually like to cut a deal with it okay I'll listen trust a man with a voice like that or lady for the next round you would be the chef now on the ground Shifu promised not to check my bags uh-huh I will make your bag - see this is my issue i-i've gotten I feel very independent I feel like I can make my own choices I don't like it when someone tries to get one over on me so you know it just checked the bag just check that bag five apples [Laughter] normally I have sympathy for poor villagers but boy this guy is really getting on my nerves I will I will also check your bag Oh give you two coin I was quite a five coins to pass it's too much I don't got much once more can you declare what's in your bag in my bag it's three pieces of bread schref has three pieces of bread magic for three I heard us rough his life Shrek phase love it appears that we have two pieces of bread and some contraband what that's bread no this is contraband no counts as three bread nobody's talking well any red card is contraband what no it's just bread okay now to be fair Noah didn't know no I didn't realize that the ones with the big red border contraband so give me five coins you should have taken me up on that deal I thought I was winning um yeah sorry sorry but I do that's cool yeah all right I'm gonna take your money though um in for you sure I don't want to pay you the five I'm gonna I'm gonna pop your phone you know now you're gonna see that five apples oh that's how you were come over give me ten wait no how much is it the penalty per each yeah but I think it's not better if you just give me five points can I have change for this one tea please yes I'll give you the two fives for the twin so fast for 2000 yeah I'm the sheriff yeah everything's coming up I really think we need to relook at the instructions no hand limit doesn't make a lot of sense no you didn't want justice card on the top of the oh I've been like that rule alright guys I'm excited to have this powerful occasion I've never been given any sort of seat of power just like on to the top I just discarded one no I okay yeah I was lying monitor once think in fourth grade I was the big guys like no it was called it that was competing the vice president like I lost the presidential race line monitor so I had to be not far draw is that what hall monitor kind of except less important I just had to be at school minimum two minutes before the bell rang so like it wasn't even that hard but I just dude that was like okay everyone line up before miss Jenkins come oh it was actually mr. rent what's the maximum no it's you to be really like did you take your job really seriously just like some would say borderline something or someone say push me to the edge Noah what uh-huh you know I'm actually gonna I'm gonna start check-in towards the the back of this of this wagon train I'm gonna start over here mister no neck with all these cards yeah what's in this I pull I don't got much buddies three types of break three types of bread three bird okay it's a three they're not disclaimer there are not types of bread in this game there's the one bread and then there's the danger red bread I have no it's three green birds I don't know much but I got three Brits you know as someone who was caught with a loaf of pumpernickel this smells a little like pumpernickle bread he's gonna try to pull a fast one on you Oh small cousin my neck uh-huh uh-huh Oh would you would you want to throw something my way if I didn't look at this bag I'll give you two coins I'll take two coins and I'll look at your bag oh thank you tell me so what do you know he knows that in that bag is contraband but I was not about to lose ten more coin how tall are you now when we started the game you were like seven feet and you don't ever stop it's so strange come to my place you're gonna find all of the bread cuz I have all of the cards I've got five bread seriously there has to be a head limit five you've got five pieces of bread in there right I'm a baker it makes sense mm-hmm okay if I were to inspect that bag when I find anything in there you'd find v right v green bread but ya know red bread I know what red means you do I do can you explain it to me if it's red it's bad Green go I I'm a green go that was very good if I'm gonna check that bag what would you want to throw a couple coins my way to make me not check it no I want you to check my bag that bag yeah okay I'm not gonna check that bag I'm not gonna check that bag but this bag this bag I'm thinking about checking it's in the bag mental what is it just cuz I asked for your bag last time doesn't mean oh I also asked you for a free pass this time fine bread buy bread did you say fiber in there very out of line now unfortunately you are the last one here and everyone else has been carrying bread and I know it's been a long day and you want to get off work so like let's let's let's go home yeah I'll take AG and gladly take a bribe I'll take a bribe do you want me to not look in the honest man just be bluffing that there's something bad in my bag when reverse psychology what will it be who knows do I really have five bread or not I got a clean bag but I'm not doing my job if I don't at least detain one person like if if I do have five breaths then you've got to pay me a lot of money check this bag it's written in stone no this does not smell like bread what's important baby boses bag hmm she's some greens uh-oh one bread - bread oh three bread turns me on it's getting a little less ready for bread wait a minute five bread rule-breaker 600 break wait six bread wait seems to have been six bread in your bag now wait a minute I remember you claiming there to only be five pieces of bread and now I would never ever stop a woman for having bread but I would stop a woman for lying to me about the amount of bread because I've had women lie to me before it did not work out well and I need to know why you're trying to get one piece of bread passed the kingdom huh well you don't think you don't want the King to know that you got this bread what's in this bread look baby that bread was for you just read all right shakedown if ever I've seen it oh my god cavity check to say cavity check and then present me with my name again now the inspector oh my god I believe it no it's a different thing if you have a different voice I gotta have a distant voice another six cards if I end I've got all the cards people oh yeah I get to keep all the things I had there's okay max of five cards in the back people I'm a ringwraith basically up to six cards up to you draw six you put five in the bag alright drop in the silly old goofy voice in fun times if fun finds any Liars around here you best believe there's gonna be heck to pay Hank there's gonna be Hank to pay H E and K Hank alright I'm changing my voice because I have bronchitis yeah you are the most schizophrenia is that Sheriff John Berman yes wait that's the ID by the way dead in Jordan no disassociate right then are you just worried stuff look me in the eyes what is in your bag what your van welcome good to see you again alright I'm like the others I'm not a bad apple I'm a good Apple that's why I've got five apples both what do you have your back what's good boss pose in my trusty sack I have three slices of bread not three loaves of bread just three little old slices realtalk are we talking about the green little disclaimer I had no idea that there was a different type of bread card in this until I was caught with contraband which I learned my lesson in what why I have five pieces no one reformed you see that again to me I have mm-hmm five pieces of Fred give me three coins okay thank you very much good Sheriff well I haven't agreed to it yet though because I can still inspect depending on what other people said what do you got you slice it three pieces three slices three birds right give me coins no no I disagree no I disagree no this is a very like bribery based game you basically give that favors later five coins I'll give you five coins to not check if I have 5 pieces of grain bread now if I'm more or I'll give you eight total so I guess the divine on top I'm getting the bag I got a pepper I got a pimp I got a pepper and I got a meat boy McCoy oh my god the camera I miss contraband where was it keeping it in my arms I'm assuming it was the same with his bleak soul give me a coins you know I'm just letting everyone know right here right now that I am about to have consultation with the ACLU because that was obviously imprisonment as you're shaking me down cannot you know I felt like all the random stuff no but he definitely you know gave me you know a sense of all clear you know I never got my rights read to me so you will be seeing me in court who's Miranda why is she so wrong give me three courts [Music] okay perfect we have so have enough time for one more round so we're gonna do one more go through of everybody be inspector and then we'll count up all the points at the end and see who won oh by the way guys chat yo who's the worst liar out of all of us so far I'm personally updated sorry Damien Oh guys I'm the best liar around town and I can't say that around the town I'm in here and I've been there and I've been lying the whole time oh no I was so bad I thought you were on purpose line oh yeah no I was like he's trying to write trying to double it on down you get a leg up on the flowery financier to read a bread oh no two break-ins yeah so I'm gonna discard some awesome bread so yeah you've been discarding on top of this how could you why are you discarding though you can just Park you did this I've been doing a six-card limit I didn't know that you guys no Hanlon I've been blocking people with those so they don't pick up six card limit no rules cuz that's how we played I'm gonna discard down to six cards no can you play six cards at once no you'd only play five cards at once go back in the footage we're both played six cards are one this is a lot calling it I'm calling it up one down six cards okeydoke let's rather play it honestly I'm loaded up and ready to go captain if I was ready to hold back on the guys why are we trading in the lands of the dead okay Oh what's in your card five brain sir sure good to see you yes trash ref I just got out oh my got five apples so I thought oh six cards five apples no for a total of five cards five apples I'm the cards in your current hand three okay neck Baby Bop supreme thank you I got cheese in my bag for ya listen you said and trustworthy what if I give you one corn yeah that one coin was the twenty coin no we could make a deal I can't afford it oh yes you can but I'm not gonna give away 20 coins other stuff for what I'm even saying is for cheese most positively would be a diff it was contraband it'd be close to 2000 he's opening his pockets big pop back is when pop the cards have been removed from what is the burden what did you say I got four cheese wheels no it appears it may be four cheese's sheriff he can say it I know absolutely wait I believe the sheriff Kubek no no it's on to something how do we know that cuz Dolman would tell the truth right we just picked up I don't know know who had the body camera I'm an honest man he already gave me do you think joven would give me the coins I'm saying I believe joven a lot of bread just one you did not have been why is to do that is a lot of yeast there's a lot of yeast there Victoria I would like to check your bag my fine this is actually fine friend oh well now you guys listen I'm sorry I just stressed it's like a high-five all over you want to do it one more time oh wow maybe he's not aware of what just happened no not again the other one not again oh so bad oh oh wow my back yeah you really want to track this yes look Dawg already next to this wait I did that wrong I'm sorry okay okay I can't the muscle fibers in my body all right just give me your 20 and then I'll give you five is everybody else clear yep um I would not reprise my role as a Sheriff of Nottingham oh wait we had another round we are going here that's why I'm I thought that was the last round I just carted like my boy oh no no be taking top six I guess great Oh only got six take some take these ones right here my original I feel nothing I don't know why cuz all them boys okay yeah timeis easy I had my leftovers Jynx button at the same time I'll go back in the footage no one I didn't same time challenge perishing in where are we Nottingham properties Thank You British townsperson in Nottingham I will be checking all of the bags I don't know if I should believe the second half because the first half wasn't true I will be connecting all of the bags ok ok not now lay them out bring them out bring about where the bag oh you don't want us to proclaim at all what we think we for apples I don't know much I'm a nice man I got three chickens that's funny I've got four chickens there's only one it's a little late in the game to be go flying why are chickens not worth enough well you want to be the king don't you I mean buddy you want to be the chicken king they are chicken do they have different worth are they worth different prices well I think you want to get as many of the same in the end if you emotionally you'll be the chicken Lord of the bird Lord I mean but he's going for the title of birds chicken worth yeah but I proclaim three chickens yeah I know twenty coins no no how many coins do not check your bags and you can check it I welcome it ah five points no four coins final final option oh if you're lying I don't like you I look god I look I'm gonna be really fun I'm collecting all these bags no if you don't check my bag after this round I won't check yours right now yes or no like today yeah handshake swear to God at the end of the day do you care what's in my bag dog do you honestly I do this is my you know I've had too many people lie to me yeah and people who have looked me in the eye and told me that they were my friend they've told me that they were my brother you know they I've gone through a lot of emotional like you know I'm telling you right right now like I will check your bag if you throw whatever you want in that right now right now sounds like you're lying it sounds like knocking at me I'm not gonna check your bag is that the deal no it is Ron and I give you a second you're not looking me in the eye you're not gonna check my bag right look I'm gonna tell you what's gonna listen I will give you the gold after you declare the round over Oh what if you don't give me the gold I'm in it should I trust Noah I mean if she should trust no man please rate comment subscribe please subscribe to the channel don't trust Noah socially I mean well I can't gamble on what his hair's gonna be like tomorrow that's right I forgot I'm so sorry I mean I've gotta open these ok what did you declare again I said five chicken five chickens four to three um I said three chicken he said you said three oh I sit through he said four and now he said five I'm just saying I think nice afforable I think he said five and you said three because I thought those numbers from sketchy let's find out now in this episode of I was wrong is this yours yep what's in it it's one Apple haha you lied about the number five chicken yeah no you can't break down the rules sneaking in apples is bread legal we also should be honest about the number this is an Apple double coin we tax this guy snuck the other bag I will cut him a break and you don't have to pay me double you just have to pay me you do have to pay me this out 9:13 okay round is complete Oh what do I owe you uh you oh that's right it's a 12 wait no what's the pin yeah hot lord now that's six three yeah yes okay when I'm the sheriff well-said goes and in this round everyone must refer to me is mrs. sheriff blow me a nice sweet kiss and you best be giving me a coin if you don't want me to search your bag yeah whose bread King is bred King a thing bread Duke does does contraband bred count no bread Hunter bread that's right left right B a sec start I don't know what you said but I liked your voice what I got the hose like was boy so I gotta call you mrs. sheriff yeah I got four cheese's in the bag and I gonna blow you a kiss with the coin as you said oh thank you thank you much and I can take this is I'm gonna kiss it's about you establish some rules I'm assuming this is a bribe of some nature but you said to me not to check your bag I'm gonna need four more coins also you have to refer to him as mr. I did he did he did I miss I guess I kidding I'm an honest man I don't know much thank you thank you very much thank you thank you for teaching me thank you so you know no mrs. Sarah Miss Sarah thank you good to see you again mwah you know I don't I don't trust anyone who speaks that loudly oh you shouldn't but I have three roosters three roosters ask my wife hmm so that means you've only got two in the bag you remember how last round we don't have enough to spare you have you don't have one coin no coin you prefer me search that bag yes there's not a coin Oh coin okay think about it I'll wait you say it sounds like you're lying listen rustling in there Oh sounds like they're hungry okay mm-hmm all right fine lady I would love to have a coin and you can go on your merry way well we did make it deal previously but you didn't trust me and I don't really trust you so I may have just put some for breads in my bag so you don't want to pay me just a small fine if you open the bag then nothing happens so no it's planets doing the leaf mm-hmm okay because you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna check I'm gonna check this bag here check this bag that's the demo car thoroughbred Wow no it's so strange and I did I did yeah no I - open it up but it's as if it was glued shut and and I can't open it so I'm just gonna leave it you know I'm not gonna check any bag that I can't open very easily um and you sir Hey still here I think I'm gonna I think I'm gonna check your bag just cuz I mean you're either lying about you know three chickens or something accepting coins I think the price has gone up a little I think I'm gonna need a six total coins it's just funny it's the exact fine amount would would be four three chicken lies so oh he said open it open my bag I'll give you an offer of five points no I need my coins okay what'd you say it was is it glued tight it's glued pretty tight and I'm wondering if I should open it but you know what I'll gladly pay for steel with some chickens do I not get the chickens afterwards mm-hmm oh it's a chicken y'all okay oh so now Miss Ann I lost all three chickens so you hid the chicken oh I get the jiggly this is what do I owe you a coin oh yeah thanks there you go what are you hey cool am i sheriff town supreme wow no one made my turn no one made some money tonight come on baby you know what no one started out here with some lies less money than I started you know but you've got all this contrary is true that's true and I always say that crime doesn't pay but I guess we'll find out what crime pays getting caught you pay yet he ain't lyin oh my god I'm an Inquisitor I just wanted to like to check in on everybody see we're doing just got so many questions yeah that I've been really just been boggling my mind well okay well like let's see what you have in those bags now in a minute and we'll just see what those questions are going on there's just so much better I think because it's not it doesn't have that offensive twist of like obviously a child you know it's like doing those ladies not fully development well if that was your voice for like any girl I would understand what you're saying specifically I've worked retail and for me that's retail boys where's like two workers will be having a conversation than someone walks it in they go Hey ladies how are you today see the sales all right I used to work at well I don't think I can probably say this one but I used to work at retail I used to work or - I don't want to be like it was good it was bad yeah company secrets smell so um onion Baker man what on earth is in your bag first off how does one become breaking oh you have the most brave yeah and you get like an additional 50 bucks sir it's on the card there a few our bread king you get like an extra well I've got three breads how much do you have oh alright so what's in the bag I had a lot more three breads in the bag and I thought I had a lot more breads is there an Apple King varies a king of every kind oh my god I'm changing prices a lot she got three breads in the bag and you're going for threatened breads but you also drew a lot of attention to the fact that you were like I don't know I am bread reigning supreme I do also three breads yes quite suspect that cheer different people have three breads that's six total breads and I like to keep the law of land if you permit the Frog guys like a sister that's in college is just very burnt out on the whole college experience I can't believe schools happening again this you like that is like exactly what I see it's definitely very funny thank you but no I think it's justified because your character is always growing right your vocal cords are just common quiz etre was different for each time like it's - playing the same what's in my back five apples five apples it's five apples a lot of apples yeah how tall you buy apples you see what you got three bread what you got 3 bread huh three bed three button five animals I don't believe that that's 11 things okay Jonathan you're okay pose give me five coins give me 12 up guys it's because I know how good friends well please golden apples and two kinds of cheese yourself cheese tres cuatro Cinco apples how tall you I'm five-eleven give me ten coins no give me second quarter no oh my god like give me five fun no are you sure you don't give me just like five like okay give you any the round is over it's not gonna matter that much no I'm coming for that throne of Apple King okay wait we need somebody to tally we have a calculator so which number do you count the balls in those count is just like the same as the coins that you have and then at the end the person who gets like the you have the most chickens you get like the golden one cuz it's the T you're the chicken cake so you get 10 you have the second most chickens you get only five it's like gold and silver place mark Upton's Channel 42 hey guys after this we will announce our points and that'll be the end of not counting the King stuff how many equal to twenty eight before all the Kings do you haven't done the announcement I thought that's where you're doing it was supposed to be like a whole thing but before the King thing that's a complete GameChanger now we have no idea now we all know you won because my black ass didn't get any we don't know that that's the kind of you need I'm sorry thirteen I'm sorry I didn't really I mean I'm just a lion one tiger forget what I said I didn't say fourteen fifty oh we have to count these two yeah that's a lot more math isn't it all right I got it what do you get Oh joven announcement 105mm a hundred and forty points what Wow 113 to 28 wait now he wants to be - points mark do you have any bonus points - it's on then five six oh it says one thing oh cool Oh Oh who's got more than ten chickens no nobody wears more than ten I do really yeah a lot of bread anybody need some bro no you're the king of Apple I'm the king of apples ha ha ha we got cheese that's 115 plus 20 that's 135 anybody do cheese oh geez do you you got any cheese but now I'm trying to build up the thing that only was a sport thank you guys for watching our live stream just want to say Damian wins again watching live this whole time we're so sorry about that technical difficulty but this live stream will be uploaded within the hour if you want to watch it again make sure you let us know in the comments who is the best liar and who's the worst I want to know I think you guys should have me back so that I can beat Damian because I think he's a dirty trick sir and do we bring back Noah do we do we actually know where you great thank you can you compliment me glasses actually actually that's it thank you when you ask for a compliment you just say glasses that's like seeing someone's play and being like oh my god the lighting Hey dinging you know what's so funny you're talking about compliments to kami I don't know if I can't
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 432,109
Rating: 4.9177017 out of 5
Keywords: sheriff of nottingham, smosh games, smosh games live, boardgame, sheriff of nottingham boardgame, tabletop, board games, sheriff of nottingham watch it played, how to play sheriff of nottingham, watch it played, smosh, damien smosh, jovenshire, boze smosh, noah grossman
Id: SZxeEDrx7do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 57sec (3117 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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