Testing POPULAR TikTok Beauty Products !! *are these products any good?* & yes my skin reacted :)

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everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video in this video we are going to be testing tic toc approved beauty products I know I just I literally can't stay away from tic toc topics tic toc topics so I'm honestly really excited for this video mainly because there are some pretty interesting products in this video that I had never heard about before I made this search on take talk to see which products which makeup products which hair products which skincare products were super bumping on the app and now I have everything laid out in front of me and honestly I feel like I wouldn't have heard about these ok well actually there's a few that I have heard about but a few that I wouldn't have heard about and I feel like might really really help me so I'm excited to give them a try I have some nail stuff as you can see I have no nails on hopefully we will fix that by the end of this give some skincare products and ice makeup tools and some hair stuff the hair is looking very boring as usual is formed with a bunch of new products that might turn into some favorites so yeah I think without further ado we will get right into this if you don't know what tick tock is it's basically like musically if you don't know what musically is it's basically like an app where it plays music in the background I originally think it was a lot of lip syncing but now it's like everything under the Sun like there's rhinos there's makeup there's outfits there's funny comedy entertaining just all of it so this is going to be dipping into the realm of beauty and skin care and hair care let us get into it the first product we're going to be dipping into also okay I just need to address if I seem a little tired it's because I a little bit tired we actually just got a new puppy definitely show you guys him but for right now he's sleeping thank goodness I don't know why he didn't sleep in the night time but he didn't so yeah I've been kind of having some broken sleeps lately just with tending to him but I'm super excited for this video I hope that it comes across that way because I am excited I am just a little bit sleepy so anyway so I basically found these on this little read that vogue did of all tick-tock approved products so here it is now the product is these impress press-on manicure and these are by the brand kiss where does it say kiss on your Oh kiss wait kiss right on top so it's pretty straightforward I actually used to use these when I was young I used to like stick on little nails and then when I was done with them I'd like stick them on my dresser and then the next day I'd stick them on so that is like the this is like the amplified version of that this is like the adult stick on nails now I actually have non-stop been getting acrylic nails for the last two years up until last month so I did a video where my mom and I did acrylic nails it actually went decent but it was just so much maintenance like it took so long in that video you guys probably saw it took us seven hours and I went to do them again and it took me about four hours again so I decided to just pull them off and give my nails a second to breathe and they had a second and now they get to get covered again so these are going to be perfect for me right now because my nails are looking pretty busted they have some actual like wall paint on them because I'm also working on a Renault video right now so this will be perfect I picked these ones they've got like kind of this glow back on these ones and then pink so let's lay them out in the video on tik-tok I think there's quite a few to choose from okay yeah so they show the front pieces but then there's also a bunch down here this is giving me such throwbacks too when I was younger and I used to stick these on all the time like I think I got these that like the dollar store and then I would just like plop them on same with like those stick on earrings you'd stick them all over the place okay but let me size my hands up so we got a thumb that's you big I don't know a perfect fit all right I have all ten nails lined up in front of me it took me a little bit longer than I expected to get that figured out it also comes with this little cute nail file it should be okay for filing though I'm just going to wipe all the oils off my nail bed I wonder how long these will actually stay on I've never used them before like these specific ones this brand should down why does that not look too bad I was worried it would look like it was like flooding my cuticle a little bit like just too big around the cuticle but like that's not too bad okay this will actually be a pretty decent test to see how these fit on here because I'm gonna be getting my nails wet quite a few times so if they lose their stickiness then that will be a good indicator that they probably would only be good for like a night out not really like wearing for days at a time from a distance I feel like they look really good but I think I might have picked like too big of sizes for certain ones they're definitely big around my cuticles there we go got all the fingers done basically a ten-minute manicure but we will see does it last 10 minutes or does it last like full days I'm not sure I'm kind of nervous because I do have to do my hair later and I'm worried that I'll end up with 10 fake nails in my hair but I guess we will see they feel like they're stuck on there pretty good so much so that I'm like worried how do I get them off first tik-tok product is also approved by me okay so the next product we have to try is the urban skin rx three in one treatment cleanser exfoliator masks now there's actually two skin care products we're going to try out so this is the first one it's gonna be a lot for my skin here are well here is one of the tic TOCs that I saw so a lot of the ones that I'm seeing are just basically like day tests so this is day one and then they'll have like day 7 etc etc see how it does for your skin this one is really good because it's supposed to help dark spots dull complexion uneven skin tone blemish prone skin sun damage melasma I don't know what that is put it on the screen and rough texture which I actually have a fair bit of rough texture right here I don't know when this came about but it's coming in full force so this might be coming in at a very good time and as you guys know I'm prone to redness so we will see how this one works I'm very very excited even toned cleansing bar let's take a look I'm like so excited to smell this also whenever I see a skincare product being used a lot I'm just like itching to give it a good smell so here is what it looks like nice packaging and then it comes with these like pads that you can use you're supposed to wet these and they'll like fluff up and on the box it does say once you're done with these don't put it back in damp because that can like breed bacteria you just put it on the top to dry here's what it looks like like a little like jelly it's like hard weird okay you know like vicks vapor rub if that was like severely watered down to the point where you almost can't smell it completely that's what this smells like okay okay I wish I would have filmed that because that was so satisfying the way this puffed up like I wish I could just see an endless loop of that I don't know if I'm supposed to be able to scoop any out or just wipe the top I guess I'll just wipe that's something happening I can't tell my sponge not wet enough oh there we go we've got some lathering now and then it says once you've lathered it on you can leave it for three minutes so that it's kind of like a mask or you can just wipe it off I think for the sake that I have another skincare product to try I'm just going to rinse it off just so my skin doesn't have like skincare overload right now okay wash that all off my skin doesn't look too irritated and it feels so smooth and my nails are still on so that's pretty good I also feel like there's a lot of uses in this like you just keep wiping off top layers I feel like this is a pretty good product like price-wise as well I will keep you guys posted on my Instagram if that does anything bad to my skin but so far I'm loving it okay so the next product is the ordinary aah a 30% BH 2% peeling solution ten-minute exfoliating facial peach 3.6 okay this is a face product I will show you guys the tick-tock right now now I saw this all over the place like it definitely made me interested in trying it out clean face and wait for skin to dry do not use on a wet skin apply evenly across face and neck on here it stresses many times no more than 10 minutes so you can bet I won't be leaving it on for more than 10 minutes eyedrops the acid that may increase your skin sensitivity to the Sun alrighty that doesn't sound very good for me since I'm already very sensitive to the Sun I believe this was a product that was also supposed to help with acne scarring so I think my skin might be a little bit sensitive to it but I think we'll give it a go anyways I really really love the packaging it's from the ordinary another thing about this is it's super super affordable so if it works well for you then you're in business put it all over my face avoid my eyes though that looks like I'm pouring like grape juice down my face mmm it smells so good mmm it actually like really burns I feel like it's not supposed to burn like this oh my gosh okay I look so stupid first of all looks like I took like raspberries and like pushed it all over my face until it was Jam oh I do not think this is what skincare is supposed to feel like I'm very interested to see here if you guys have had this I feel like everyone's skin can react differently but I think based on how my skin is feeling I probably shouldn't be wearing this for 10 minutes for sure not no way okay my skin is looking a little bit red that was like extremely painful what was up with that feeling like my skin is probably just not the best candidate to test this to be honest because I have very very sensitive skin like very sensitive skin I'm just going to give this one of my friends who might want it maybe they'll have a better experience with it because seriously this is like super super hyped up people really really like this product so I can imagine I might be one of the few who are getting this reaction or maybe I'm just a little baby and I couldn't deal with it okay so next these are two products I've heard talked about so much it's the elf poreless putty primer universal sheer this is supposed to be amazing like I think when elf came out with this it was supposed to be like a dupe for another product I'm not sure which one it was but this was sold out for like a long long time and I'm pretty sure this is Geoffrey Star approved which caused an influx of sales obviously and then the other one that I'm very curious to try is the L'Oreal infallible foundation now apparently is supposed to make your skin like super super airbrushed and already from those skin cares that I tried my skin feels so smooth like weight smoother than it usually does and I know you're not supposed to touch your face like this because it's supposed to be bad to get like oils all over your face but like I can't stop touching and it just feels so nice and smooth and here is the TIG dog that talked about these ones there's a bunch this one was just like acknowledging that they were like really talked about on tik-tok as well so she wanted to try them out too and that's basically what I'm going to be doing now I've always been a big fan of elf I remember they were like one of the first makeup brands that I ever tried or like ever used quite a bit it used to be the reason that I would do my eyebrows that like little brow duo so I'm excited to see them get a like viral product on tik-tok I'm happy for them smells like nothing no I have quite a few pores on my nose so it should be interesting to see how this primer fills them up like it's supposed to like blur and erase the pores you have actually there is a little smell smells like like of a baby head lotion because it would have like minimal sense let me check out these pores oh my goodness they really do look like they got filled up I can't judge a primer too much until I've seen how it lasts with foundation but initial thoughts is it feels great and to put on this foundation I'm going to use the Beauty Blender there was a couple tick talks about how just beauty blenders should be hyped up and like I feel like they already have been hyped up a lot I mean they're like a $30 sponge and I wish if it hasn't figured out what kind of foam this is like let's make it public knowledge let's make it a household name what is this foam so that we can stop spending 30 dollars a sponge on this but yes I bought a new one there are a couple dupes too Beauty Blender sponges that I feel like are just as good like flour cosmetics has a really good one and it's a little bit less and Real Techniques has a nice one I think it like kind of soaks up the foundation a little bit more but it's still really good for the price but this is the Big Kahuna this is the one this is the real deal okay this foundation has a poly which already gets at some love in my books cuz I love a poem now a new beauty blender I feel like always applies the foundation better than my old one did the beauty blenders smelling like this or is it the foundation like it has this really really nice like floral scent to it and I don't know if it's the new sponge or the foundation I can't get enough of this smell it's so good is this the sponge no I think it's the foundation that's smelling like this yummy now it's hard to say why this is looking so good because I did use all those skin cares and I did use this primer but all together I think it's looking so nice I love how it gives like a luminous look like it's not super super matte but it also doesn't look like I've been sweating it up for like the last 30 minutes it just looks like a healthy glow I will be right back I'm just going to finish my makeup up into the products we have next then we're going to try and wash this Beauty Blender and also this dirty old one I have in a little baby washing machine so stay tuned for that so now that I have the makeup all done I want to wash both of these Beauty blenders here is the tick tock now I remember seeing this product before it was big on tick tock and I wanted to buy it but it was like I couldn't find it anywhere and anywhere I was trying to find it it was gonna ship for like 4 months so my interest would have been lost by then probably but now that it's bumping on tick tock it's easy to buy and it ships quickly so here is the one that I bought it's in here am I gonna sit need batteries Oh washing machine right on the front okay guys so got it on now what I'm supposed to do is I'm supposed to just put the beauty blender in there oh my gosh it looks so big maybe I'll try the dirty one first some of you guys may find this to be disgusting and it probably very well is but I've been using this beauty blender for probably like 6 months now I wash it here and there but it has accumulated quite a bit of dirt so well not dirt well probably some dirt honestly so we'll see how clean it will get just going to pour a bit of water in here not too much and then I'm also just going to drop some soap in close it up and start it [Music] how long do I let it go for I don't know how this would keep it very clean like it's just moving it around and water it's not even like squishing it or anything it's cute though I really like it okay I'm gonna go put it aside while it's washing oh my gosh it's so loud I literally just set it across the house and I can still hear it probably the loudest washing machine I've ever heard and that's saying something just well the Beautyblender is cleaning I'm just going to move on to the next one this is the ultimate e juice infuse lip oil now lip aisle immediately entices me apparently this is like not sticky super hydrating and looks super pouty so I got this one in tangerine I think the clear ones the most popular in tik-tok but I've seen this one too smells like a tangerine oh my gosh I literally love this I feel like is that a new concept to do a lip oil rather than a lip gloss because I'm here for it I literally like stopped wearing lip gloss because they were so sticky and this one might restart me on it like I love it it just looks like your lips are basically like wet okay this has been going for quite some time I'm gonna go shake it off in the sink oh my goodness is this the new one ah this is the old one it's looking pretty clean okay wait oh my goodness okay so it's obviously still dirty I feel like the bottom is completely stained but when I went and squished it so much so much foundation came out and then when I filled it up with water getting squish it nothing came out and then when I poured out this water it was so dirty like I actually feel like this gave it a pretty good washing and you know what honestly like to have this on my makeup table I a hundred percent love that and maybe this will encourage me to wash my Beauty Blender more hopefully okay but we are onto the last product here is the tick tock it is the Revlon soul all one step hair dryer and volumizer so this tick tock enticed me obviously because I've never really been able to do like a good blowout in my hair until I got my Dyson hair curler and that is so expensive so if this can be an affordable option for that and just like do a good job of not angling the hair because what I've noticed with these kind of round brushes is my hair gets stuck in them a lot so I'm really really guarding against that and hoping that this one doesn't do that it's affordable and this girl's hair who did it in this tik-tok looked amazing so hopefully mine can even look half that good and I'll be happy no I here is obviously dry so I'm going to wet it you know I actually had a dream last night that I went to a hair salon and for some reason it was like a hair salon where you like didn't get to pick what they do to your hair and she ended up giving me like this crazy black with like these short bangs but it had like these light light blonde streaks in it with this like also just like red streaks to did it was so strange and I remember just being like so mad in my dream cuz I was like had no choice but for some reason I had went to this nail salon that didn't give you any choice I'm like what you want to do to your hair I don't know what that was about oh my goodness did I gonna trying out so many hair tools lately and I'm not going like look how big this tool is okay so how do I started okay so now I'm gonna give this a try I want to quickly just check how she did it because I am so bad at this [Music] my hair 100% has to be more dry I hope no idea how to do this [Music] I'm like confused how to do this I just feel like it's like basically straightening my hair but it's just pulling a lot and granted I have very tingly hair like it tangles really quick because it's so so long the bristles are just like too closely compact and like the back ones have all these like little extra ones that are just causing my hair to be pulled out into it I like the tool and I like how inexpensive it is or like I guess it's not inexpensive but like affordable it is but I just like don't understand and like the product I'm getting is just straightened hair and I'm gonna finish my hair off-camera and maybe as I go I will learn a new technique and maybe I'll like it more I don't know that is it all dry I kind of don't really understand if this is like super hyped up I mean it's a nice tool it's affordable my hair is a little bit difficult again much like my skin I'm not the perfect person to test things on because like my hair is really difficult it tangles really easily I think once it started to dry it was like a lot easier to get it to like roll up in here but then like once it was dry and I had the heat on high heat it just wasn't really making any curls like yes my hair looks very like smooth and fluffy but I was hoping that there would be like that little curl like kind of like volume and a little bit of like a curl out at the bottom cuz that's what I kind of expect these like roll brushes to do I don't really know what to say about this one I'm not like in love with this tool that being said though I'm excited to try this again and give it another shot I don't think it's a bad tool at all I just think it might not be like for me okay guys but that is all the products that I had to try that were approved by tic-tock very excited about these products in particular I've never tried them before I'm very excited to have them I could definitely see myself using them in the future completely forgot my nails I've washed my hands like seriously probably eight times since filming this because I just keep having to like wipe things off and they stayed on amazing even doing my I didn't have to worry about them at all like these are clutch for sure so yeah let me know which product was your favorite and if you've tried any of these and had a different outcome make sure to let me know if I'm doing anything wrong thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next one all right [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 1,511,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, viral, tiktok, beauty, products, testing, trying new products, trying viral tiktok products, trying viral tiktok hacks, testing life hacks, testing famous beauty products, tiktok made me buy it, tiktok haul, haul of stuff i saw on tiktok, testing new skincare, reacting to new skincare, fun makeup tools, testing strange makeup products, trying to be hip on tiktok, testing tiktok photo challenges, tiktok challenges, tiktok beauty, popular tiktok products, popular tiktok
Id: XkhcUUhAhd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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