Fidget Trading Real Life vs Digital

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oh i don't have that one is that an ultra super rare one yes pop it it's just a yellow pocket it's dirty decline no it's not it's seven dollars off of amazon shut up okay so i made a poppet video last week for the first and i thought only time but a couple things have transpired since that video came out where i felt it necessary to make another one first and main reason i'm making this video when i went to look at the top free app games for this week to see what i could play and make fun of the top two ones were fidget trading app games one i had briefly played in the last video and the other one brand new and already in the top app charts and i don't know much about fidget trading so i think i'm gonna deep dive into real life fidget training versus the digital version kind of like i did last video with trying real poppets versus the digital ones the second reason why i'm making another poppet related video is to let you all know that i have heard you in the comments telling me that there's a soft side and a hard side pop the other side should we tell her there's a good and a bad side basically one side is soft and not very loud and the other is louder i was legitimately yell that in the comments because i did not know this which i mean makes sense being that the whole video was structured around the fact that i had never touched a poppet and was very confused on the hype of puppets because i didn't know much about them but here because i know it was bothering all of you so much last time i'm gonna redeem myself so this is the one i hated so much there's the louder side i think yep soft side loud side soft side loud side soft side loud side i will still say viewers that this one still feels better i don't care what you say it still feels better to me than both sides of this ready eh better okay both sides feel great on this one have we cleared that up it's not like i lost sleep or anything about all of the comments on this it's not like i hate puppets now or anything i also saw comments like this lauren's saying that simple dimples are puppets big fidget fans mad i did not know that simple dimples were not the same thing as poppets even though they have the same the same freaking thing i don't understand this fidget world i don't understand i'm sorry i'm new stop being mean to me and then the third comment i got was some people upset that i was covering poppets at all because which i knew i thought i mentioned but fidget toys i remember back when fidget spinners were big and they got banned in school people were upset because there's people with autism or anxiety mental disorders sensory disorders that use these as ways to cope and they're worried that because the hype with puppets it's gonna happen again and it's gonna affect people that actually really need them and i totally get that i was not trying to be insensitive i thought i talked about it if anything i feel like it's good that there's this hype around fidget toys because one now they're way more accessible everybody's selling them because of the hype two nobody thinks somebody's weird for playing with a fidget toy because they're cool now and three even if they got banned i can tell you as an adult that if you had an actual diagnose disorder where you needed these to concentrate in school they're not gonna tell you you can't have them so i wouldn't worry that much about it i'm sure it's going to be fine i wasn't making light of it i thought if anything it shows a positive light on fidget things makes them more accessible and makes kids and people who need to use them not feel so weird about using them because everybody is but still the biggest comment i want to address was the good and the bad side of these things okay i get it now thank you thank you i still hate the circle one i don't care what any of you say all right well moving on to the main part of the video and don't worry i still love you guys i just like to poke fun at the comments to make myself feel better not as stupid moving on to the main part of this video understanding fidget training now i saw my friend cassie aka gloom on youtube post about fidget training and fidget trading scams and i remember reading the title and being like what is this i have no idea what this sentence means fidget trading scams what's fidget trading i don't know and now because the poppet video did so well and everybody wanted to yell at me about not using puppets right i decided i should probably continue learning about the things that are popular with the youths by investigating fidget toy training because i don't i don't know anything about it except for the little bit of that one app game i played last time and what better way to learn about things like that then tick-tock these the problem with these is they move so fast this giant pop-it for clementines i just love the sound effects if you didn't understand what i was doing there i was slamming my desk like a crazy person i just love the sounds oh yeah oh yeah throw it take it it's just okay i'm now understanding what i need to do for a fidget tray just slam stuff down as hard as i possibly can see i want to do this stuff in real life but i don't have anybody to trade fidgets with bobby doesn't have any fidgets i'm the only one with fidgets my only friends i could trade with are youtube friends we'd have to like do it digitally and then ship it to one another it's way too long more more okay good fake banana versus real banana no what my brain it's just like there's too much to process what huh that was a terrible trade oh it was a scam i mean that was a terrible trade to begin with again those puppets are not that expensive airpod pros are oh my god this is getting intense how many people is this six how does this work who what i i my brain i can't okay oh i understand now the main one being traded is the one in the middle and everybody else is putting up their offers i got it see that's why i'm watching these videos so i can understand oh my god i found one with commentary it's my cousin these are my fidgets and these are my cousin's fidgets eat my mini pop-it i'll trade this putty no do you have no idea how legendary this is double-sided okay okay every pop it is double-sided goodness trading my snake i don't have one of those stressful banana oh my god there's so many words i don't know fine i'll add this white mochi okay yes i always wanted one of these my dimple fidget spinner they're so rare so i'll do my globals these are rare ew who wants to trade me super rare apparently even though i bought these on amazon for not that much money and very easily oh rare i think he lied to his cousin they're so rare so i'll do my globals what is a galabo why do i keep learning all these things i didn't know about wait guys but i kind of miss my globals so i might offer for it back get it all over for the globals again i kind of really miss it only if it's a super good deal okay two pop it's an orbeez stress ball deal yes oh my gosh i got them back i don't know the currency conversion of fidgets like what what what makes fidgets worth more money than like an iphone or another fidget what is a global it sounds like the glove glow grab gab collab okay so that's a really expensive designer bag again don't do it like i don't care that bag is like at least a thousand to two thousand dollars that designer bag you just traded it away for like 30 dollars worth of pop-its i hate it what just happened not only did they get that but they got wow that other person made a horrible deal so you could just offer a box a mystery box what's in the mystery box oh my god so you just this just has to be fast like you can't think about it what is that that looks like a what is that ah my brain what is with the bananas the fake bananas on iphone is it a real iphone oh my god it is it's an iphone simple nipple it's super rare what how what are you just are people just making this up are they rare how what makes it rare uh three squishies god i don't like squishies you don't like squishies this fidget ball a bunch of mochis and two what are those balls and mesh what add your three squishies in your soccer and it's a deal those are super decline no it's not it's seven dollars off of amazon shut up good for you girl this is what i've been saying offer for my fidget ball oh fine offer the simple dimple if you add no this is the most progressive trade i've ever seen no fine i don't even want that dumb fidget ball i just want to be able to do that i mean i could do that anywhere i guess but what are those i don't know ooh the turtle puppet a map who care what oh my god i oh they got scammed i love how people get scammed in this but then there's no repercussions they're like well you made the trade even under false pretenses what are all these apple products for poppets okay can somebody tell me what these are called this is too oh oh i want the oh i want the bubble dog get out of here with your blushy iphone yes whoever is trading iphones for puppets and fidgets she got scammed we've got air pods oh my gosh guys look how rich that girl is and the oni fidget i have is two pop tubescan her hi ma'am do you have an offer for one of these pop tubes so what's your offer for this yellow pop tube and keep in mind it's limited edition and this is worth like a giant poppet i swear people are just making this stuff you need to add i'll add this butterfly you're really under but sure why not this pop tube is so bad it's so hard and i'm gonna scan the girl back do you have an offer for this it's not in stores and it's limited edition and it's worth two million dollars okay it's definitely being made up now this is ridiculous all right well that was fidget trading in real life my brain has officially melted i'm gonna get yelled at in the comments again for not knowing the names of everything and the rarity and ah it's definitely made up it's that's nonsense it's all nonsense but let's see if actually playing the game version is less nonsense it's not gonna be okay so i tried fidget trading 3d last time the app game that's number one right now so this time let's try trading master 3d i think i've upgraded all right we have more options here is a used lipstick you're welcome what the heck is that is it a old donut request more okay they now gave me a popsicle are these squishies are they actual food i'd like to pretend they're actual food all right what do we have to trade this time let's do a slice of watermelon oh my god you're trying to match my slice of watermelon i see what you're doing there here's a burger that i licked oh he wants it he wants it i want more give me more oh more more one more okay oh we get to pop some this one doesn't even have sound yay i feel so fulfilled love digital puppets oh wait i forgot i could just i have one right here that looks just like it oh still not fulfilled okay i'm over it i'm over it let's see if we can get a really good trade going let's let's do all three of these stop giving me the same things i have the oh i don't have that one is that an ultra super rare one yes was worth two million dollars just like that other girl said pop pop pop pop pop pop see i'm making my own noises pop pop pop pop pop pop that's where my brain is after this video fidget's becoming popular because 2020 was so rough that everybody just needs some sort of like stress relief thing it's the one i have in real life oh that's so funny it's the same one it's the digital version of this one they just gave me an empty soda cup you think i'm trading you an empty soda cup i'm gonna trick you ooh oh my god oh my god oh my god what's happening what's happening did i cover them in gold okay i guess i tricked them by saying it was a super ultra rare holographic gold covered two million dollar pop it you have to believe me because nobody questions anything except for that one girl that one time here's a first aid kit because you're gonna get burned by me i'm gonna get the best deal bar bar bar wow that was a horrible trade for you okay i can now give them a bomb this is getting intense um a gun they want it give me more for these weapons more more more more more more don't you hear my slapping more more okay enjoy your weapons child all right i'm gonna give everything that i'm able to without nevermind oh of course you want more okay i'm gonna give everything that i'm able to give and then see what i can get from him by offering everything i have in one big pile i just really want that rainbow fidget okay i know how expensive and rare it is it's like a majestic unicorn and i must have it it's still saying that this is a really good train i don't know how but it is there's a bomb and another bomb there's a gun oh no the trade went to bad now here's a treasure map all right i think that's good let's trade it oh my god was all that work for nothing is it because i didn't get a good trade i have to do it again no oh my god we can give ak-47s now okay they're getting out of control with what we're able to trade my pretty rainbow one what the heck is that a laptop yes oh boo here's a tv oh crap didn't i i messed up oh i can purchase the ipad now or is it the phone oh it's a phone here's an iphone for a compass deny megaphone iphone all right fine apparently i wasn't supposed to do that thank you for my award here's an iphone you want more are you kidding me i'm gonna trick you it's not an iphone oh it's a gold iphone now yes and now i'm back to popping i think i think i've gotten all i can out of digital fidget trading i mean this was the other one that i played last time and uh oh at least there's sounds oh they added some new stuff to this one though no i want to give the pokeball a gold bar a nintendo switch a simple temple i watch more slap it up more slap slap more more okay you want more here's a star simple nibble gimme wow there's a new ending animation yeah like i said i'm done with digital fidget trading and unless something else comes up this will probably be my last fidget related video because i still don't understand i mean i understand better now but i don't think it's my thing except for this one i really like playing with this one at my desk but as always if you made it this far on the video make sure to leave a like before you go and if you haven't already make sure you check out my description below for my very own app game that you can play on either ios or android both links are in the description and it's totally free to download so make sure to check it out before you go and if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos there's also a subscribe button there if you'd like me to be confused by other thing that the youths are into today then make sure to subscribe before you go and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,244,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, pop it, Bubble Ouch, Fidget Trading, fidget trading app, Pop Us!, pop it apps, app games, ios, android, fidget, pop it hacks, troom troom, fidgets, oddly satisfying, fidget trading 3d, noob, scam, tiktok, tik tok, tiktoks, tik toks
Id: 77i8V_QGp5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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