A History Teacher Reacts | "Pre-Industrial Surgeries" by Sam O'Nella Academy

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hey youtube welcome back to another history teacher axe video of mr. Teri's I continued my search for historical knowledge here on the Internet alright today's video comes again from Salmonella the great Salmonella and today's video is pre-industrial surgery so there's a fascinating thing in the fact that the Industrial Revolution brought in the modern and aesthetics that we use today so pain aids and and things that you can use for for to make better surgeries specifically for the person being operated on and that was a big reason why as starting kind of with the Industrial Revolution we live longer lives now and are less susceptible to certain ailments that now we can have remedies for and surgeries for and stuff like that so it's one of the biggest medical breakthroughs of the modern era and obviously there were surgeries before the Industrial illusions but if you can imagine how much challenging there must have been and how awful it must have been for someone getting a surgery without a lot of the modern practices of anesthetics and just surgical procedures so I'm sure it was pretty weird and knowing Salmonella he'll probably tell us some interesting stories that way so we'll see what I can add here context wise hopefully that was a good background already for what's going on now if you like this video down below I always put the original video link so go there give them a view like subscribe I'm sure you know salmonella is but events definitely do it if you have to my channel love to have you around as well hit that sub button enable those notifications so you can hang out with us at live streams and live premieres alright let's go ahead and get started so pre industrial surgeries [Music] hey kids had a bad day well could be worse you could be living in a world without modern anesthetic today we'll be talking about some surgical procedures carried out long before the development of medicine as we know it today now once you go back a certain distance the line between operation and mutilation is pretty thin so for our purposes surgery refers to any bodily manipulation carried out with the intent of fixing some injury or illness and I think I'll common we you know surgery is today getting some kind of procedure and but think of all the things that go into that as far as prepping you for pain and just making more accurate informed decisions by surgeons themselves and just think like not even that long ago how challenging that must have really been the way we go the very first surgery the way of historical evidence for dates as far back as 6500 BC it's called trepanning which is a nice word for carving someone's freaking skull open using nothing but a rock maybe a rock on a stick if you were lucky in all seriousness though you can see that a good deal of care went into the procedure which lets us know that this isn't just the result of random injury many skulls even showed signs of healing around the holes meaning plenty of the people who underwent this whole thing just got up and went about their day after you wonder what that was what they were performing there for those surgeries your brain stick and open and then but the surgery and the fact that they sewed him up sorry I think he was the middle the joke let's go back five seconds playing around the holes meaning plenty of the people who underwent this whole thing just got up and went about their day afterwards all right hold on I mean yeah you're gonna have I think like people doing like like stitches and stuff I open wound trying to close an open but trying to open somebody up perform something and then going back that's er Stannah know like we had recorded history I guess you would just look you would you would look at the archaeology there I mean when you're looking at people and and stuff like that or the anthropology there and you can see that just see that the fragmentation or whatever in the bones I know in recorded history there's like the Egyptians were performing procedures that we actually use today so I mean the great civilizations basically all performed them in some way on you say this all sounds batch guano insane no way that was that common of a monetized well friend if you've been watching this channel long enough you should know that if you give human beings to the benefit of the doubt chances are they'll prove you wrong in fact so far over 1500 Japan skulls have been dug up all across the globe from Europe to China and even the Americas this means that between five and ten percent of all skulls that we found from the Neolithic period have had at least one man-made hole scraped into them to put it that's interesting it depends what the hole is because I know in the hunter-gatherer societies fighting conflict as a cause of death is enormous like something like a quarter or something I forgot where it was I was watching that but learning about that like a quarter of the the bodies that we find have evidence of trauma warfare was very common because in the pre-industrial days or sorry pre pre agricultural days or Earl I should say early cow culture agricultural days competition for land was so big especially really arable land that wouldn't take as much work now we can farm about anywhere but back in those days yeah there's encoding trouble so I wonder if that one if that includes if that what they're saying there with with how many people have this is human forced holes in her head it's from like a medical procedure versus warfare though this way based on that data there's a greater probability of someone born in the late Stone Age having their brain matter exposed by some shaman with a chunk of flint then someone born in the USA being a redhead to this day nobody really knows why this was such a common practice but most theories tend to revolve around the idea of releasing some kind of dark supernatural force from the patient man I'm getting real sick of all these evil entities infecting our minds and bodies yeah you can say that again I'll tell you I need these demons like I need a hole in the head no way fast forward 100 BC yeah so it's like oh man I'm filled with weird failings I've something I need to let something out I can't have gone well right all right 600 BC it's gets more will get too civilized or more sedentary civil civilizations D over in India there lived a guy called maharshi's who stood with that now this guy was a medical mastermind he were to treated let's look at his brain guy called Maharshi so stood with that now this parts was burning house m.d. episodes why asparagus makes your pee pee smell proper dumb prick what's the other inbred or just weird looking how to remove a hangnail without ripping your finger opened this away your heads are filled with this guy was a medical mastermind he wrote a treatise known as Sushruta Samhita which described countless different conditions treatments and yes even surgeries one of which is the first recorded instance of rhinoplasty that means nose job a hornbills a type of bird I'm here to anyway here's how it's done according to sister rota first again I'm plastered obviously second yeah I know I historically just yet the best thing for pain management was usually get somebody really really drunk that can help a little bit that but even with that it's not gonna be pleasant you're not just putting them out like you have now now you wake up and go to sleep wake up and yeah you got a new nose with some pain but hey you don't remember the actual procedure you use a leaf to measure out the part of the nose you want fixed then you use the leaf to cut off a flap of skin from the cheek or forehead of the patient this part it's important though you got to remember to leave a little piece of it still attached otherwise you just got a chunk of dirty dead face meat on your hands now wherever you're looking to stick the new flesh on you rub that part raw with a knife also you're gonna want to stick to plant stalks in their nostrils so the nose keeps its proper shape okay you'd have to wonder it here is this going to be worth it people you know have big dilemmas about getting facial surgery now but back then when you know you're gonna have to go through this and you're conscious for it you have to really really hate your nose wouldn't you slap the skin on suture it dust it with liquorice powder here's a thing too though you know bad this is going to look afterward like today you can look real great after you get the facial surgery but you're gonna look terrible like are you really gonna look better than what you had before some reason and cover it with cotton sesame oil should be regularly applied until the skin is fully healed if you're like me I already do that by default so it shouldn't be an issue finally had long last your sniffer is reborn don't worry you still look like a freak like there's eyeballs like what's over here feets in my mouth then the little ones off his face just slightly less so moving on our next story took place in 10th century Spain on Sancho the first of Leone otherwise known as Sancho the fat now normally back in the day I'd like some meat on your bones was a sign of wealth and power and all that but this guy was like TLC documentary tear to the point where he could hardly function as a human being so his constituents amazing boner - there was obesity it was that big of a problem in the tenth centuries remember the 900 the Middle Ages there how could somebody be so overweight it's easy pretty easy to become overweight these days with the food and stuff we have but back then that's that has to be like a truly glandular problem to have that sort of thing because you're not overeating of of especially of products that can just quickly make you overweight in the Middle Ages there's no way said greetings your thickness yeah you can't be king anymore on account of you keep breaking every horse we give you and nobody wants to wash between your accordion like Nick folds no more after his adipose got him deposed Sancho decided to seek medical help for his condition under the oversight of well reputed physician has died Eamon shopper dude which is an anagram for ha paintbrush aids now there's one thing the medieval man understood its practicality lap-band gastric bypass belly balloon these all exist these are so many there's so many things you know how I die I just want to prep myself here how can you do a weight loss surgery in the 900s look how difficult it is and and and potentially a deadly you know with with what they do now yeah restricting the stomach size and all that all right this should be wild just to help people who don't have the self-control to stop eating so much on their own but doctor shopper dude didn't believe in beating around the bush he said well why don't we just stop the patient from shoving food into his own greasy mall in the first place and decided to just up and Stitch the dude's lips together after the operation the only nutrients that Sancho received came through his straw in the form of a mixture known as the Ryoka which was a complex blend of several herbs fruits and seeds including opium it was basically the closest thing you could find a lien at the time and lien he became losing around half his weight before sending to the throne so litter okay this makes more sense of the only thing you could probably do back then literally close his mouth this is a king imagine that king like this right he's all sutured and all they can do is just put stuff into the tube guess whatever works I wonder if they're gonna open it up like cut it open eventually and then he'll be able to do normal stuff but do this until he loses the weight more so this is the part of the video where I pander to the desires of the audience if there's one thing I know you internet people can't get enough of its things going inside people's eyeballs let's talk about cataract surgery the art of dealing with people's clouded lenses has been around for motor Axl I know cataract surgeries are one of the oldest surgeries that are out there I've heard of that wasn't the Egyptians that were doing it I know what's come across on curriculums I've taught I forgot I want to say was Egyptian that had a cataract surgery imagine doing that because today what you do is you're the cataract right it's a clouded lens there's all kind of materials whatever in it and then what they do today though is they cut it out take off the clouded lens but then they put in a new one but I don't know what you would replace it with here so let's see believe it or not that Seuss root that guy from earlier actually talked about the most common procedure for cataracts for most of civilized history which is known as the couching method couching is done by taking a sharp object like a needle or a thorn and ever so gently stabbing their eye hole at weird angles until the lens moves out of the way no lasers no sedatives no paralytics just a rusty old pin and some Griese the way god intended that couldn't lead to blinding or infections now I've had LASIK that was fairly uncomfortable but not not too bad at all I can't even imagine this and the anxiety that would come with that but I mean if you're if it's clouded so much that you're pretty much blinded which can happen with cataracts maybe you're willing to go ahead and go go with this the majority of the time this operation didn't work usually just damaging the already blind eye irreparably shocker right and even if it's yeah if you don't have the the front part you can't see its plan do you still you know didn't have a lens in your eye so you essentially went from I can't tell if I'm dead or not - aha yes it is quite yellow out today yeah by God something moved somewhere a slightly more refined version of this operation is the suction method which dates back to at least the 10th century AD if not older this procedure is described as requiring quote a large incision in the eye okay so there's a suction process when you get LASIK today that I had There there is it sucks it's fairly cuts that's the that's the only uncomfortable part the laser parts are uncomfortable to the suction because they gotta like pull this out so they can make the incisions easier a a hollow kneel and an assistant with an extraordinary lung capacity though this reads like the setup to actually most horrifying party trick it's actually the bare minimum number of tools needed to completely extract the lens from the eye in case you didn't pick up on how here's a diagram this method generally saw a greater success rate and fewer complications than its non extracting counterpart so hopefully you can sleep well tonight knowing that the number of human beings who have sucked a piece of somebody's living eyeball through a straw is above zero anywho let's all just be thankful that we live in an era where procedures like these are a thing of the past now remember kids even though the surgeries I described here do sound pretty easy to pull off please don't try them at home but if you do please put it on the live link afterwards we know what you can do at home learn stuff about things with brilliant org brilliance elegant UI and step-by-step design makes learning seemingly complex topics very intuitive especially for visual learners like me don't think you can understand special relativity with brilliant I bet you you can I'm just some kid in a room somewhere and even I got the basics check this out relativistic laser tag don't tell me that doesn't sound fun then later when you're talking to your friends you can be like yeah I'm taking a course in special relativity right now no big deal maybe gonna hit quantum objects in a couple weeks so to support me and broaden your understanding of math and science go to brilliant org slash Salmonella and sign up for free also the first 200 people that go to that link will get 20% off the annual premium subscription anyway till next time I'm salmonella and watch you for thanking weight [ __ ] I meant alright well yeah let's let's all be grateful of what the modern industrialization and industrial evolution has done with creating and aesthetics and then being able to mass-produce them and with the mechanic the the machines and that mechanisms that we have to perform surgeries that used to be just incredibly challenging or impossible that now are in and out pretty much hundred percent safety you know safe procedures these days but like I was saying before to give you just some more context is what are the big reasons and there are multiple reasons of why lifespans are longer than they used to be was for stuff like this right things procedures that were not either possible or are very risky for most of human history they that that was again it was it wasn't didn't have very high success rate all the time and now again we have things that that and and procedures that we can do very easily right which is one of the many things that has increased our lifespan of course you know big big this big thing is mass production of food and stuff like that but medicine the way the medicine has come along and now we can not just develop them but mass-produce and that is something that all came and with the Industrial Revolution and glad they kind of same kind of used you know the the terminology and against the timeframe of pre-industrial strategy or sorry surgeries that's really when we're talking about the biggest changes surgeries have been around like I said forever I mean the ancient Egyptians were doing surgeries but you got to just say it's just expect the the success rate was not very good and a lot of just procedures we're not gonna be possible at all anyways and now again things are very routine that are often life-saving so one of the things to definitely be thankful for in this that that is that has come as a result of this and again we live longer and healthier lives than our ancestors of the past all right well good stuff oh sorry if you were squeamish there and you saw some of those things but at least it was cartoons and not in real life so I don't know what to say there but uh all right what they guys down below again is a link to the original video go check that out give them some like view all that stuff then that'd be appreciated thank you to everyone that's been supporting the stream in lots of ways thinks of those I'm giving super chats and the live live premieres patron pledgers thank you so much remember for your patron pleasure you get to vote in pulse and that starts as low as it can be at a dollar a month there to vote in polls thank you for those that are doing that but thanks just for being here and being part of our history community join our discord server if you'd like to get involved in our community as well link will be down below as well okay with that we'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 699,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history
Id: SqZunuBf6oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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