A Historian Reacts | Deformities YOU Might Have | Sam O'Nella

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hey youtube i'm mr terry high school history teacher welcome back to another historian reacts video all right we are headed back to a channel favorite the salmonella academy and we're checking out the video for deformities that you might have all right deformities i might have is something else i don't want to be worried about with my health i guess we'll see if i have them though real quick though gotta shout out our sponsor all right fellow history nerds there's something we got to talk about there is more to life than just historical battles and great generals we need to make sure that we're taking care of our health now this also includes our hygiene then let me introduce you to quip the electric toothbrush who has been kind enough to sponsor today's video over 7 million quipped tooth brushes are currently out there right now quick tooth brushes have timed sonic vibrations that go off every 30 seconds to help you get to that two minutes that dentists recommend that you spend 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yep not every okay ged we have to praise the people that do gds otherwise people will never go get one it's basically an equivalent to a high school diploma that you get later in life maybe you had to drop out maybe you don't have school opportunities don't dis on the geds they are important to history and don't dis on bloodshot eyes because i have those notoriously every deformity is visible to the untrained eye today we're going to talk about a few physical defects that you the listener might have first is i bet i have a small versus i have a mom versus when a person is born with some or all of their organs mirrored along the vertical axis this can range from a heart that's on the right side of the left to the entire body cavity being flipped around the condition is pretty rare that problematic though one in every ten thousand people according to wikipedia plenty of people live their lives with this condition without knowing about it yeah so probably not even little kids know that their heart is supposed to be on the left i find this a little hard to believe but who knows at any rate the first doctor visit where you find all this out sure would be interesting okay so i'm guessing it's not really that problematic but it would be weird if you had if you had like an emergency surgery that didn't have like an mri or something or you know any anything to look at you internally and they cut open they're like wait your heart is over here what the heck that'd probably be problematic all right what's it like when you first hear about it whoa i uh i think your testicles are on backwards what hold on hold on maybe i'm just holding them weird let me just they're mirrored they're definitely on backwards i uh i don't follow it's not that hard a concept the left one's on the right and the right ones on the left that's all okay does that does that mean anything well i mean i i wouldn't want to be the guy with the backwards not sack that's just me what do you mean just you know kind of weird in it what is weird about it how are they different can you see it can you feel it is it dangerous look i'm a doctor not a cosmetologist all right next is bill clapper that's what sam goes to okay one out of every 125 males if you're a guy normal nut sack the nuts are okay all right sam you're giving all the examples for gen male genitalia they're backwards and now there's a scrotal problem every 125 males so in a normal nut sac the nuts are anchored to the sack in a certain way that limits their mobility protection and temperature control this anchor isn't present meaning your nads are free to swing around much more independently than normal being that we as males don't even more personal dynamics with other men most people aren't aware of their deformity first however floating testes comes with a significantly higher chance of suffering from testicular torsion which is where your sperm tube gets all twisted around as a result of rigorous exercise or other mechanical means this condition is extremely painful and oftentimes requires a visit to the hospital in order to prevent that nut from literally dying from my heart wait a minute these are backwards they're just all twisted up no fix them yeah i'm trying try harder hey everybody untangle a pair of earbuds through a plastic bag this is like that except sweatier cut me some slack all right don't get your balls in the twist more of a twist next is the accessory sam sam i'm glad you give analogies that we can comprehend right i mean i guess it's a great analogy the first world problem we have of when our earbuds get tangled up in your pocket or whatever that that's what can happen if you inform unfortunately have this this scrotal deformity um i i guess any education is is good education right okay free spleen all right what's wrong with the spleen now out of the spleen for those of you that don't know a lot about it basically it's a softball sized organ right around here that helps out your blood streams apparently one out of every ten people have not one but two spleens sadly the second spleen isn't another super spleen but rather a little enclosed ball of spleen tissue about the size of a peanut m m since it is self-enclosed it's technically considered another organ but because of its small size it's not all that beneficial to have one or anything it's just kind of not a superstar i haven't seen you around before are you new on campus oh yeah i just got here a couple days ago well hey man welcome to ucla if you want i can't explain to ucla uh what is that it's a good show oh that's toby wait what what is that and welcome to ucla if you want i can wrangle rock fraggle rock what is that like the muppet show oh that's was a good show he's uh he's not lying he's my accessory do you listen to the offspring heck yeah is it talking to me legends do you listen to the offspring the kids are all right i mean i used to when i was younger not uh not so much nowadays well uh you're you're uh you're you're gonna pretty fly for a while you're gonna you're gonna go far kid yeah another good song i'm gonna go now okay i like the little mini spleen guy if my mini spleen could be that cool go ahead give me another one attach it to my major one okay all right fetal alcohol spectrum disorder okay is this the one where if your mother drinks a lot of alcohol it can harm you as a fetus spectrum disorder the only reason i'm including this one is because of something that happened in health class during my freshman year of high school our teacher was telling us all about how you should never drink during pregnancy she also said that between two and five percent of people in the united states have some form of fasd then she goes looking around the room i do see a couple people that have the distinguishing facial features not going to name names no and then she just continued on with her lesson as if she didn't just drop a huge bombshell on all of us so no way this scared the out of me because although i consider myself a little bit on the intellectual side for all i know i could have been lined up to be the next einstein and then my would-be genius brain just got jager bombed into a merely above-average one so as soon as i got no way okay i'm a teacher you know i can't imagine that being able to come out and that's not like it's slip that's not just like a little slip right you okay so you're the health teacher and you're determined about this yeah fetal alcohol syndrome um let's see it's average about 15 or five percent of people um yeah that looks about right yeah that looks about right for our class dude yeah you dropped that bomb kids wait wait what wait what are the things this is what they're saying small head epicanthal folds flat midface smooth philtrum low nasal bridge small eye opening short nose thin lip they're like wait that one what do you think it is no that one over there hey i think he has it he has it or if you look around you'd be looking around like nobody has it but i wait i have a thin lip which is actually true i'm i'm the one sam i got home i pulled up a chart that showed all the distinguishing facial features for fasd and compared it in the mirror thankfully my filter was just i really do have solidworks though so i'm in the clear i really do now statistically speaking though there's a good chance that at least a few of the moms of the people watching this video are not the angels that they make themselves out so you know food for thought there really is a curse though learning about this chart here because the features are subtle enough that those who are affected still look normal to the average person but once you're on the lookout for them next thing you know you're on facebook your friend posted pictures of her kid all the comments are like oh my god no you wouldn't perfect a little guy anyway that's all for today until next time i'm salmonella and thank you for watching all right let me tell you about this all right i think we've had enough testicular references for today thanks sam but yeah deformities i mean they happen it's part of biology we have them our bodies have changed a lot i mean historically speaking we have uh uh we've had organs that have changed in size and near function because of our ancestry our evolution responding to you know um our living conditions we have natural selection and stuff like that there's a thing you look up called vestigial organs where or vegetal body parts where we like as humans and probably i mean and any other species have things on our body that really don't have use and that's because they may not have used to us now but our ancestors may have used them um it could have again had had uh uh that in the past like you know every once in a while i hear about like a vestigial tale like somebody that might like a child or something that might grow like a part of like a tail which is something like our ancestors may have had or used but like we don't we we don't use them anymore right so they have you know kind of gone away right and that doesn't always happen with organs i mean sometimes we just you just keep ones that don't harm you especially if they don't harm you but like the stomach for example is something that has changed for us and not that i mean in geologic time not that long where we used to have these huge stomachs before we cooked our food and then once we use fire to cook our foods our smaller our stomachs became smaller which allowed developmental growth of other organs like our brains growing and that gave us increased capacity and things like that but again i'm not a biologist or a doctor but that's some of the things that historically have kind of gone down but we'll see what happens to us in the future all right and they look at us historically what deformities do we have and we get to carry on but hey it's nature right all right guys with that the original video link is down below make sure make sure you support salmonella let's get him back up there and again thanks to quip for sponsoring us check out their products they're pretty cool stuff um if you want to take part in that offer link is down below and you can participate in that and with that we'll see you guys next time bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 50,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, sam onella
Id: dIBoBSztJvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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